Fmurm@cD_kmsq MspEsgbcrmJmmiglerfcN_pr*Nj_wglerfcNpcqq*_lb@camkgle_R_`jmgbDgvrspc Fmurmemdpmklm`mbwrmlmrmpgmsqÍdpmkrfcs`gosgrmsq_lbamlrpmtcpqg_jqr_pqmdrfc `geecqrpc_jgrwqfmumla_`jc, Ufcl Qnclacp Np_rr qucnr qcpgcq am+qr_p Fcgbg Kmlr_e mdd fcp dccr ml rfc pqr qc_qml md rfcgp fsecjw qsaacqqdsj pc_jgrw qfmu*rfcamsnjcu_qrcblmrgkcgldsqglerfcgpgbclrgrgcq*hsqr jgicacjc`sjrp_+bsmqÎRmki_rÏ_lbÎ@p_lecjgl_,ÏQglacrfcl* ÎQncgbgÏ f_q amlqgqrclrjw qcptcb sn dmbbcp dmp rfc r_`jmgbq _lb emqqgn `jmeqÍcjmngle rm Kcvgam* j_slafgle _ ajmrfgle jglc* tgqgrgle rfc rpmmnqÍrfc jgqr emcq ml _lb ml Qm ufcrfcp wmsÑpc mlc md rfc k_lw kgjjgmlq ufm jmtcq lo ilsbp ql e^qb Fcgbg _lb Qnclacp* wmsÑtc emr rm _bkgr8 rfcwÑpc _ ns`jgagrw k_afglcLmu*rfcwpctc_jrfcgpmsrp_ecmsq*fgefjwcddcargtc qcapcrqrmqsaacqq*ufgjcnmigledsl_rrfckqcjtcq_jmlerfc u_w,Glt_js_`jc_lbfgj_pgmsqjcqqmlqglajsbc8 ¢RfcN_n_p_xxg?pcWmspDpgclbq ¢QnclacpÑqEsgbcrmNj_wglerfcTgjj_gl ¢FmurmQ_w*ÎGF_rcWms*ÏUgrfmsrMnclgle WmspKmsrf ¢Rfc@clc rqmdNj_qrgaQspecpw ¢QcjjgleWmspUcbbgleNfmrmq ¢?lbksaf*ksafkmpc Take a look at these impressive Speidi Stats!: ͎͐͏˭͇˭͍͋͋˭͈͌͌͌͐˭͈͊̐͂͐˫͐͐̔˪͉͂͋˫͐͐̕ ͈͉͐̐͌φ͏ω̭̐̐˪ L L L Heidi Montag is #9 on the list of Forbes’ Top 10 Celebrities on Tabloid Covers of 2008. US Weekly’s December 19, 2007 issue with Heidi cover story, “Why I Called Off My Wedding,” is the only US Weekly issue to ever outsell People! One year later, the December 8th, 2008 US Weekly issue, which broke the news on Heidi and Spencer’s elopement, sold 30% above its average market share. L In January 2008 alone, the couple appeared (as themselves) on the hit CBS show How I Met Your Mother and were mentioned on hit ABC show Ugly Betty. L HOW TO BE FAMOUS will appeal to the same audience who loved Tori Spelling’s Stori Telling (Simon & Schuster, 2008, 250,000 hardcover copies sold) and Paris Hilton’s Confessions of An Heiress (Simon & Schuster, 2004, 150,000 combined copies sold). MARKETING ADVERTISING ̐ People PUBLICITY ̐ ̐ WEB MARKETING ̐ ˭˨˨ ˨ ėĆĎĘĊċĔėĕĊĎĉĎ˪ “Into the breach between supply and demand have stepped Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, the villainous couple from [cable’s most popular] docu-soap....Creatures of the game in every way, they have mastered the new realities of celebrity —Los Angeles Times culture.” FCGBGKMLR?E_lbQNCLACPNP?RRjgtcglJmq?lecjcq, GRAND CENTRAL PUBLISHING HARDCOVER NOVEMBER 30 30 8 E J EM I K E C 7 ; < > > E @ B F F C F K < ; @ # L J > J < I I L G F #GC8P@E>K?< LI< K?<G8IK>8K89CF@;=@OK E @ D F : < 8E;9 ?<@;@DFEK8> and JG<E:<IGI8KK E\nPfib E P b 9 fjkfe k P ou couldn’t help it, could you? It’s okay. Don’t feel guilty. We get it. You probably walked by this in the bookstore and said, “Wait, those #$@%^$# have a BOOK now?” But here you are reading it. Don’t hate yourself. We thought about starting the first page with something like, “Hi, we’re Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt from blah blah blah . . .” or something lame like that. But the point is, you already KNOW that. If you don’t know who we are, we can guarantee that your kid does. And that’s the point of this book. We’re SUPER famous—and for what? We’re on FHEBE=K; 4>EMJE8;<7CEKI M@ a reality show . . . on cable for that matter . . . and we’re not even allowed to acknowledge on the show that our real jobs are, well, being on a reality show! But why should you listen to us? We’re just lucky, right? Just a couple of blond bimbos who like to cause trouble. Well, take a look at this list: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Heath Ledger, Jamie Lynn Spears, Nicole Richie, Jessica Simpson, Suri Cruise, Shiloh Jolie Pitt, Owen Wilson, and Heidi Montag. That’s a Forbes top ten list of celebrities who have appeared on the most magazine covers in 2008. Everyone else on that list is a long-term A-list star. We’re talking Oscar winners, Grammy winners, children of the most famous people on the planet . . . and Heidi. Do you think that happened by accident? Admit it, you’re intrigued. And it’s only natural. Because the truth is that whether you love us, hate us, or love to hate us, there IS a recipe for infiltrating Hollywood, and we’ve got it. Sure, it’s not rocket science, but it IS a science. Our expert technique comes from years of careful study of fame and its essential elements, painstaking analysis of its masters, an exhaustive process of trial and error, and, finally, the formulation of the perfect strategy for capturing the attention of the masses. Does that sound serious and articulate to you? Good. Because as airbrushed and airheaded as you may think we are, we’re every bit as savvy. But because we’re such thoughtful, giving people, we’re willing to share. You’re welcome. What you are about to read is our no-fail, no-nonsense (well, some would say it’s ALL-nonsense) insider’s guide to take you from nobody to notorious. Take it from us, you cannot buy this kind of information. Well, at least you couldn’t until now. So go on. What are you waiting for? Hold your head high, march up to that register and shell out the measly $19.99 (aka roughly five Us Weeklys.) Next, book your ticket to LA and make sure to tuck this in your carry-on. If you follow our advice, it might just be the last time you ever fly commercial. 4>EMJE8;<7CEKI ) ( OEKHFE?DJ E<;DJHO N e realize this may all seem a bit daunting. We’re sure you’re sitting there thinking, How can I possibly get famous? Who am I? Don’t sweat it. Like any problem, there’s always a solution. You just need to break it down into steps. You don’t just roll out of bed one day and become Madonna or Angelina Jolie. But you’ll get there. The first step on your journey is to do something exactly opposite to what you’ll be doing once you succeed. Think about other people before yourself. Yes, we know this sounds crazy. Please forgive us for such an outrageous statement. But allow us to explain. k e O [ j W > ? o W I Z h e e j M >em kjIWo_d]W e ^ j _ M by Heidi Montag Step 1 <o_Xc\[\\gcp#[ifg pflij_flc[\iXe[ cffbjkiX`^_k[fne% K_`jZfem\pjk_\`[\X k_XkpflËm\aljk_X[X Ôkf]iX^\#YlkpflËm\ ZfekX`e\[`k#Yi\Xk_\[ `kflk#Xe[Zfekifcc\[ pflij\c]%@kËjXcjfX ^i\Xkj\klg]fin_Xk `jkfZfd\% 4>EMJE8;<7CEKI )) Step 2 Kliepfli_\X[jc`^_kcp kffe\j`[\#[Xikpfli \p\jfm\ikfk_\jXd\ j`[\Xe[^\ekcpj\gXiXk\ pflic`gj%K_`jk\ccjpfli kXi^\kk_XkpflËi\jf [`j^ljk\[Ypk_\d#pfl ZXeËk\m\ejkXe[kfcffb Xkk_\d%9pdfm`e^pfli _\X[Xe[\p\jpflËm\ ^fkk_\`iXkk\ek`fe#Ylk YpefkdXb`e^\p\Zfe$ kXZkn`k_k_\dpflËi\ ^`m`e^k_\dk_\Z_`ccp i\Z\gk`fek_\p[\j\im\% 9pfg\e`e^pflidflk_ \m\ijfjc`^_kcp#pfl^`m\ k_\`dgi\jj`fek_Xkpfl D@>?KjXpjfd\k_`e^ k_XkX^X`en`cc_Xm\ k_\dfek_\\[^\f] k_\`igXk_\k`Zj\Xk% 4)* >;?:?ÊI=K?:;JEFB7O?D=J>;8EC8I>;BB J;7HI0MMC:MecWdÊi M[Wfedie\CWii:[ijhkYj_ed Now you may be worried about coming across too hard if you’re always the bad girl, but as a woman you can soften yourself at any time. Of course, one distinct advantage you have going for you more than anything else is the fact that you can always cry. A crying woman trumps all things. C’mon, ladies, you’ve tried it at home, you know. I’m not saying it’s actually possible, but let’s pretend for one second that you MIGHT be wrong in an argument one day. Just go to the waterworks and all is forgiven, isn’t it? It’s biological. Men and women alike respond to a crying woman with extreme sympathy. Even the most hardened villainess can break people down with puppydog eyes and a few tears. 4>EMJE8;<7CEKI )/ 4)0 9>7FJ;H Bei[j^[I^WZ[i Yes, we know how cool you are. The sun shines on you twenty-four hours a day. We get it. But you’re three times more likely to get your picture into a magazine if your eyes aren’t covered up. Remember, you’re not a Secret Service agent hiding in the bushes. You want you—and as much of you as possible—to be seen at all times. A quick word on lighting, if we may. When a star appears in a movie or on a television show, or even in an interview on a talk show, a great deal of effort goes into them being lit properly to look their absolute best. The same goes for photo shoots, of course. There are people whose JOB it is in all of those settings to check on the lighting. But when you’re having your impromptu photo shoot, courtesy of the paps, you have only yourself to take care of these things. That being said, learn about the sun. There are certain times of day when you just don’t want your picture taken. The first is high noon, when the sun is its brightest. You’re guaranteed to be squinting (as we’ve already established that you should NOT be wearing sunglasses), and since the light is that bright, you just look pale. The other time, for the most part, is at night. Now we know what you’re saying: you have to go out at night in order to be seen, right? Sure, showing up at clubs helps. But when your picture is taken at night, they’re going to use flashes—and 4+* J>;F7FI7H;OEKH<H?;D:I F7F7H7PP?'&'"F7HJ:;KN paps aren’t dealing in the high-end, flattering strobes that you see at photo shoots. It’s going to be very harsh lighting, and there’s almost no way you can look good that way. That’s why we almost never go out at night. d ('X /Xd TOO BRIGHT! Harsh Lighting = Bad Pictures s BeYWj_ed"BeYWj_ed"BeYWj_ed MAGIC HOUR! -gd Nice light, but are you really getting up this early? )g d s s s d +g -Xd EFFE s s If you’ve been following closely so far, you should be somewhat famous by now. After a while, the same old pictures of you shopping at Kitson or eating lunch will all start to blend together in the eyes of magazine editors and their readers. It’s up to you to kick it up a notch. The last thing you want to be is boring, right? There are many ways of upping the ante, and the paps will love to come along for the ride with you. You want to go for what we call magic hour: either early in the morning or during the couple of hours before the sun sets. Take our word for it, this is when EVERYONE looks their best. There’s a reason we always look so good in our beach shots. Obviously it helps if you go to beaches like Santa Monica where the paps are always hanging around, but keep in mind that they’re there all day. Only go when you’ll look your best. You’re the celebrity. They’re on your clock! 4>EMJE8;<7CEKI ++ The key to real estate and pap pictures is location. You’re going to need to travel in order to make the pictures of you more interesting. Obviously, this isn’t something that will work before you’re famous, as the paps won’t make the effort to follow you out of town until they’ve been able to sell your pictures once or twice. But now that you’ve established yourself, it’s time to branch out. A quick note: if a celebrity goes on vacation, but there are no paps there to photograph it, did they really go? In your case, you might as well not have. If you’ve followed our advice, you’ve realized that the paps are your friends, and you’ve probably established a rapport with them. This is a good thing in every way. They’ll give you your space when 4+, J>;F7FI7H;OEKH<H?;D:I
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