Madison Church Calendar 11:30 p. m.. Holy communion ... Christ- Christmas party, ' !• inns clay, in a. m.. Holy communion, Friday 7:30,p. m.,' Children's- Christ(JIIACE EPISCOPAL. C H U R C H ; Capmas service. . ASSTMUI-Y OF GOI> BKTHKL Saturday, 10 a. m., Christmas church ( H A P l : l . : 1:013 Rusk St.. Peter N. Gar- ilol square: John O. Patterson, rector; E. M. R i n R l a n d , assistant. I service. cia, pastor. 7:30 a. in., Holy cucharlst , , . 9:30 i 10.15 a. m . Sunday school. . . . 11 s m. Worship. . . . 6:15 p._m.. Christ a. in., Parish cucharlst and sermon j Ambassador's sr-rvicc, , . . 7:45 I*, m., . . . !):.'!(> a. m.. Church school services! Chir-tmiis p i O K i a m . G i r l s chorus w i l l and classes . . . 8:30 a. m., Nursery j school for c h i l d r e n of those parents sine. OUR SAVIOUR'S EV. LUTHERAN: 11 a. m.. Tiif-elay. 7 -IS p m.. Pi.iyrr inectliiK atlcmllnj: 9:30 service . F., Washington ave. at S. Hancock si.; Choral service and .sermon. in lh<- basement hall. A. M. Hat'stad, pastor, Daily (except Sunday), 5 p. m., Even9:30 a. m., Sunday school , . . 10:45 sonR. a, m.. Services with Holy communion December 21—Feast ol St. Thomas FIRST BAPTIST: X. Carroll and W. . . . Holy communion at 7:30 and 10 . , . 10:30'a. m., preparatory service. Daylon. sis., L. B. Mosclcy, pastor. •Christmas program o( the Madison. 9"-15 a. m.. Annual church school a. m.. Vestry dinner rfieeting, 6 p. m. . Lutheran school, Sunday at 6:30 p. m. Christmas eve—The Christ mass at Christmas procram. Bring sifts to be and 8 p. m. at the East Side English sent lo the Indian church at Wisconsin 11:15 p. m. • ' ' Christmas day. Holy communion at 1 Lutheran church. Dells. . . . 10:45 a. m.. Christmas serServices on Christmas day at 10:45 a. vice of worship in music and scripture, in a, m. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL: Re- m. in the English language and at 9:30 . . . 4 p. m.. Junior Hi-Way club meetm. in.the Norwegian language. • ing and supper, . . . 5:30 p. m.. Senior Rent st. and Roby rd.. Francis J. a. MONONA .EVANGELICAL LUTHERBloodRood. D. D., rector. Hi-Way club meeting and supper, AN CHURCH: 3117 Gordon ave.;-C. A. Wayland-BaptistYouthFel-i 7:30 a. m.. Hooly communion lowship meeting and supper. Speaker, <l;30 a, m., Family eucharist and church Rathjen, pastor. 9:15 a. m., Sunday school . . . 10:30 1! a. m.. Choral eucharist Kncchmann, "Life of Baron school Robert ard sermon. "The Second Advent," , . . a. m,, Divine service. vnn Himcl Monday, 8 p. m.,' Young Peoples Monday. 7 p. m., Joint meeting of 5:30 p. m., Children's Christmas pagChristmas- program. Army a n d , Navy Ihe board of truffles anTd the board of rant and party. benefit. St. Thomas day, Dec. 21, 9:30 a. m., dracons in Ihe church parlors. Wednesday, 8 p. m.; Adult memberFriday I I p. m.. Union Christmas Holy communion. Christmas eve, 11:30 p. m., Midnight ship class, eve services with the Christ PiosbyFriday,.7:30 p. m., Children's Christirrian church at the Christ Presbyter- i mass. mas service. inn church. Leader. Dr. E. O. Kennedy; | Saturday, 10:30 a, ,rn., Christmas day spcakrr. Rev. I. B. Mosc-ley. j nUTIIANY EVANGF.UCAJ.: Rlver- service. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN: Jenifer and Winncbngo st.; Bcrnhard and S. Ingersoll sis., F. C, Brandhorst, MADISON 1 liini.E-lT.I.^OWSHII': I Rom. pastor. ..^ . . . Devotions—WIBA 9:30 pastor. Victory Service Center,_j>H> E. Wash- |. . 9 . a.. m.. 9:50 a. m., 9 a. m., Earl service. niton' ave.. Charles K. Polley. pastor- | a . m.. Sunday school and Bible classes diT-cctor: F. P, Billincs. director of per- . . . 10:45 a. m.. Morning worship Se- Sunday school and Junior Bible classes . . 11 a. m., Second service, sermon, lections by the choir. P. L. Ersland. di.sonai work. 930 a m.. Sunday school. MaBelle i rr-etor. Sermon subject: "The Joy of the "Essential Christmas Preparation", . . . 11 a. m., Beginner and primary classes Smith. Superintendent. . . . 10:45 a. m.. Virgin Mary" . . . 7:00., The annual in t h e parish. house, . . . Christmas devotional service; Sermon, | Christmas musicale. "Sclcrtinc A Savior" . . . -1:30 D. in.. | Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.. Choir jehear- Christmas program rehearsal, Friday. 7 p.. m., Beginners program, Cospclcast over W1RU, "Christmas | sa i. . 8 p, m.. Sunday school program, Realities" . . . fi:13 p. m.. Younc P e o - j Christmas Day. 11 a. m., Christmas Christmas day, 10 a, m., Christmas pie's service. . . . 7:45 p. m., Christmas : divine worship; anthems by the choir; service. program: sermon "The Christ!' Christmas sermon by the pastor, IMMANUEL LUTHERAN: . Jenifer Wednesday. 7:45 p. m.. Prayer m e e t - j pmsT EVANGELICAL: Wisconsin ST.E. ! ave and E. Johnson st., Bernard Bar- and S. Ingersoll sts.! F. C. Brandhorst, pastor. Fridav. 8 p. m.. Bible study night jtc| D aslor. . 9 a. m.. Early service . . . 9:oO a. m,. Tuesday and Thursday, 4 p. nv Ra- | a m Sunday school, . . . 10:45 school and Junior Bible classes d:ocast= over WIBU. . l a . m., Worship with sermon, "The Sur- Sunday 10 a. m. till 11 p. m., Victors- Service , viva] of Christmas." by the pastor, . . . . . . 11 a. m.. Second service; sermon, "Essential Christmas Preparation" . . . Center open daily. 'iS:15 p. m., Christian - . . . . Endeavor, _ . - ' p. m.. Annual Christmas program by 11 a. m.. Beginner and primary classes in the parish house . . . 2 p. m.. chrlstCatholic I t h e Sunday school. nias program rehearsal. ST. RAPHAEL'S, 216 W. Main St., Friday, 7 p. -m.. Beginners program W i l l i a m Mahoney. priest. 8 p. m." Sunday school program. Regular masses at 0. 7. 8. 0. 10, 11:15 j KVANRELICAL, AND REFORMED Christmas day, 10 a. m., Christmas » -n and noon Sunday I M E M O R I A L : 1510 Madison st., C, M. scrvjce. HOLY REDEEMER. 128 '" T~1" Assembly of God 3 Gunnel son Br others, Rio, Serve in England, South Pacific RIO — The three sons of Mr, and Mrs. George .Gunnelspn, Rio, are about as far Irom home and each other as it is possible to be. Sgt. Granville E. .Gunnelson, 34, who enlisted with : the Wisconsin national guard and was trained at! C a m p Beauregard, La., has! been, in the South P a c i f i c since April, 1942. He, lought in t h e New Guinea bat- Conference Lutheran Synodical Baptist Evanqelical Bible Fellowship j \Evanqelical & Reformed MERTON and GLENN GUNNELSON tle. Presbyfer/an WESTMINSTER P R E SBYTERIAN: West Lawn ave. at.Sp'ooner st.;"Harold C, Stark, pastor. 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. Miss Anna Jenkins, superintendent. Church school Christinas program on Wednesday evening,' at 7 p. m. . . . 10:40 a. m.. Prayer and meditation period . . .10-.45 a. m., Worship, sermon by the paslor: "Good Will to Men." Special music. UNIVERSITY PRESBYTERIAN: 731 Stale st.: Cecil W. -Lower, minister; John Clayton, associate, • 9:45 a. in., Choir rcHearsal . . . 10:45 a. m., Service ot worship; Christmas service; Christmas story by Mr. Lower . , . 6:45 p. m.,.Varsity vespers; Candlelight service . . . 7 p. m., Informal-fellowship in lounge. . PARKS1DE PRESBYTERIAN: N. Few st. at 1300 E. Dayton, W. Clyde Wilson, minister. . ' . 9:30 a, m.. Church Sunday school . . . 10:45 a. m., worship in observance of the birth of Christ. Chorus choir, under direction of Mrs. Wallen Klein, will present "The Infant Holy" a cantata in eleven parts, by Louise E. Stairs. Mr, Wilson will preach on "The Last Prophecy" as his Christmas message, . . . 4:30 p. m.. Sunday school will present the a n n u a l Christmas program, . . . Young People's society will not meet this evening due to'the Sunday School program. Monday, 7 p. m., Boy Scouts, Thursday, Choir rehearsals. CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN: 124 Wisconsin ave.; Edwin O. Kennedy, minister. - • 9:30 a. m., Church school . -. . 9:30 a. m.. Adult class in the Hunt chapel . . . 10 a. m,. Choir rehearsal . . . 10:30 a. m., Church hour nursery . . . 10:45 a. in., service of worship. Sermon: "The Unconqucred light", by Dr. Kennedy . . . 4:30 p. m., Candle Light Vesper service "On Earth, Peace Goodwill Toward Men". The Christmas story with readings and song . . . 5:30 p. m., Tri-C group will meet to pack Christmas gifts, Friday. Union service with congregation of First Baptist church, at Christ church. Dr. Kennedy will conduct the service and the Rev. Mr. Moseley wtll preach. Corp Glenn E. SGT. and Pvt. Merton GUNNELSON S. Gunnelson are in England. Corp. Glenn, 23, enlisted in February, 1942, and was trained at Camp Polk, La.; Rice, CaliL, and Indiantown Gap, Pa.' He went overseas in October. Pvt. Merton, 18, enlisted in-the army air corps a year ago. He was stationed at Miami Beach, Fla., and New 'Bedford, Mass., and also went overseas in Ooctober. Angelo Caruso Wins Divorce from Wife A wife who accused .her husband of .associating with ; a 14year-old girl, herself was. arrested for disorderly conduct with'a soldier, and Thursday the husband won a divorce. The husband was Angelo Caruso, a soldier at Camp Grant, 111. He won a divorce from his-wife, Dorothy, 732 Gwinnett ct. Superior Court Clerk. Julia Kuepper, called as a witness, said that Judge Roy H. Proctor- had fined Mrs. Caruso ?50 on Nov. 26, then had suspended the balance of her sentence on Dec,-9 after payment of $25 of the fine. Caruso said she refused to keep the house clean and wash the dishes. . Married May 20, 1939, at Dubuque, la., the couple has two children, custody of which Circuit Judge Herman W. Sachtjen granted to the father. CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS: Mil D Koel7cr. priest. waukcc and Farwell sts.; Erling YlvisaRclT-.i'ar masses at 6, 7:30. 9 and 10:30 HKLTGTOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS: ker. pastor. - • m Sunday. 1 9:30 a. m.. Sunday - school . . . 11 ST. JOSEPH'S. 20 S. Park st., Julius, a, m,. Worship. Neault. priest. ' Christmas day, 11 a. m., Christmas Regular masses at 7. 8, 9 and 101 services. UNIVERSITY CHAPEL, i BETHEL FULL GOSPEL: 410 5 CALVARY LUTHERAN UNIVERBaldwin Mrs. E. ........... st., -----— F. - - Hull, ------- pastor. --------- . , S1TY: 713 State st., William C. Burhop. 72." Stale ?t _ 9:30 a. m., Sunday Bible school, . . . pastor Masses at 8. 9. 10, 11. 12 a. m.. Sun 7:30 p. m., | 10-45 i. m., Divine services, no dls10:45 a. m., worship, „,._ hour nor cost supper. Bt F^rn SACRAMENT: The Hev. ' pcrvicr. D "aorcin's O. P.. pastor: Sunday Thursday. 7:30 p. m., mid-week scrFriday, jit 7:30 p. m.. children's Christmas service ip which the Cal G. 7. 8.' 9, 10. 10:45 l l l l K h ) . and "MAWSON cosi-m, TABKIINACLE: vnrd and Mt. Olive Sunday FIRST SPIRITUALIST C H U R C H OF Sun schools will ]? noon. A I , !!Cr> W i n n c b a R o W. H. Guenther, un|le MADISON: 118 Monona nve. scrv i ce w lll be -at Calvary ST r.vriHCK'S: 410 Main St.; A. V. pastor. 8 p, m., Sunday service. The Eev. church. No services after that until G 10:45 Dec. 31. at 7:30 p. m.. when-New Year'c EdwarrJ streit of Milwaukee will lec9:30 a. m., Sunday school RcsilS?' l m« S « at 7:45-9-10-1130. a. m.. Christmas program by the Sun- Eve services hold, ture and give spirit greetings. DEERFIELD—Mr. ,and Mrs. Alday school and Christmas message .'. . fred Birkrem, Deerfield, will obFIRST CHRISTIAN: N. Hamilton at 7:45 p. m., Christmas musical program, UNITARIAN: Wisconsin ave., Ken- serve their 25th wedding 'anniverE. Johnson sts.; Ralph Bennett, romisp.m., Midweek spe-j UNIVERSITY METHODIST A N D neth L. Fatten, minister. cial Bible study. | WESLEY FOUNDATION: 1127 Univcr9:15 a. in.' to"9:30 a, m.. radio pro- sary Tuesday. No special observ*6 30 a in.. Radio devotions (WIBA) Thursday, 7:45 p. m,, Pras'er meeting. | sity ave.; Oscar M. Adam, minister, gram over WIBA, "Religion for To6 30 a m., Bible school (Chnstance is planned.. director of Wesley Foundation, day." Topic, "The Humanity ol Christ"n-.'as prosrami . . . 10:45 a. m.. Morn9:30 a. m., Service Mer.'s Christian mas,".. . . 10:45 a. m., Sunday school ins worship. "Jesus: Emmanuel! . . . l IIAU -E MISSION: Sommcrs ave. leacue; -all campus and Truax trainees and nursery school. • . . . 10:45 a, m., 3-30 p. m.. Youth open house . . . -1:30 and students are invited . . . 9:30 a. m., Services. Topic, "Gifts for Life." . R:30 p. m., ! and Division st. p. rn.. Junior Endeavor BARNEVELD — The Congrega.,„,_ 7:30 p. m.,| 10:45 a. m.. Norwegian services, the Church graded school; Prof. R. M. RobChristian Endeavor erts, superintendent; Adult Bible class. hnsimas pageant, '"The W o n d e r f u l ; Rrv, InRolf Martinnss'en. speaker, tional church Sunday school group '-o'v i 3 p. m.. Christmas festival. Lunch . . . 10:45 a. m., Kiddje Keep . . . 10:45 UNITY CENTER: 233B West Lawn will give a Christmas pageant, a. in., Worship service. Sermon hy Dr. ave. Tuesday, - p. m.. prayer circle at the j will be served after the program ' Oscar M. Adam: "An Inner Advent" "Peace On Earth," Sunday., Mrs. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., service, church. . . . 5:30 p. m.. Senior Youth FellowLatter Oov Saints Mid-week] Friday, 2:30 p. m., service, subjects, Wednesday, 7:30 ship will meet for. supper followed by "How to Demonstrate" and "The Sun- H. G. Lindgren and Marjory Louis REORGANIZED CHURCH OF .1BSUS serv.ces. are directors. lit Way." CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS: a Christmas party. Thursday. 7.30 p. m.. Choir practice. 221 Jackson St.; Floyd Griswold, pastor. FIUST FREE METHODIST: E. Mlffl:45 a. m.. Church school . . . 11 flin and N. Blair st.; C, F. Olson, minFIRST cm-KCIt OK CIWIST, SCIEN- a. m.. Worship scrvice—by Elder L. ister. H u n t of Milwaukee . . . 8 p. m.. ChristTIST- 3:3 Wisconsin nvo. 2 p. m., Sunday school and Christmas Is t h e ! mas tree and proRram. 31 a. :n . Service. Subject: program, Mrs. E, A. Vollcr, superinV inverse-. Inclu'dins Miin.' Evolved by | tendent . . . 3 p. m,, Worship and mesA;oni:c Force?" . . . !i:30 a. m., Sunday! 7 p. m.,Young sace by the pastor BETIIE I.T.UTHERAN: Wisconsin People's school. ' j i n ""IT- _ i '..'I. " . j u»CT hour , . . 7:30 p. in,. Service. Testimonial | av c. nt Gorham St.: Morris Wee and \Vrdnrsd.-iY, R p. m., Wednesday. 7:30 p. m., Prayer, meetj Rt-ubcn, pastors. . ing. Readme rc.nm. 21 W. Mitflin st.. open < 9 and 10:45 a. m.. Worship; sermon SOUTH SHORE METHODIST: 610 the Rev. Gorniu.ka: Induction of new Olin ave.; Stephen .7, Lambright, pas,.._ d a i l y .'rum 11 a. in. lo 5 p. m. except by ....... 0 a. m., Sunday school tor, Sun'ri-iyt and ho'idays. On Man- 1 members da-.'. ,-mrl Saturdays tlv roadlnc i \n East Side chapel, 2015 Rusk st, 9 a, m.. Church school: Kodachrom iv open i i n l i l R p. in. and on Wcclnes-' n a. m.. Sunday school in church fel- slides depicting the story of the birth ".30 p. in. | Inwship h a l l . .'. 2 p. m.. Sunday school of Jesus will be a special feature of C h r i s t n u i s pi-niii-am rehearsal . . . 6 p. 1he church school hour: Parents nrc inin,. Oladrl cluh supper, Members and vll.rcl 10 n. m., Worship: sermon f i l n n i k <if t h r i - l i i l i w l l l «d nut on 1hHr subject.. '"When the L l k h t s Go Oil All c u t H I M ill' ( III1IST: U.-1-ill.-U w,.111.II, M - I V l l - f H W i l l I"' I l l - I l l a n n u a l i-molllm;. liniitnwrii. M r n . - H . II. Over tho Wnrlcl" . , , Alltfc-1 nnd ynuntf In M.i- I O ( i . I- 1 , h u l l . 3dll W. M l f i ' l l n l l r r k JUKI i1r«. Cai'l K.vrrNon. people's choir will sing Christmas nnTuesday, C::t(l p. m., J u n i o r choir re- thcms. »t . I ) ,1 in. niul 7;;i(l p. in. I!AST SIDE METHODIST: N. SevWednesday, 7:30 p. m.. Senior choir enth and E. Washington, at 2500 block, PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL, rehearsal. John W. 'Birchall, minister, ' Friday. 10:30 p . ' m . . Christmas eve 240! Atwood ave.: A. L. Eddy, minister. 9:30 a. m., Church 'school, Mrs. ioiVil services. .Sermon by the Rev: Gornitz- George R.- Watson, superintendent, 9.20 a. m.. Church school T'-ich i ka. . . . 10:45 a. m., .Christmas service, t-lny. »=« a. n, .Christmas day Carols and special music by the choir', on "The Word Was Mado Flt-sh" . . . sacrament.of baptism; Christmas mes7 p. :n.. Younc pt-opk- w i l l mt-L-1 nt the sacc, . . . . . Choral service.of Christmas, Sunday n i g h t ; ' m u s i c hy choir and congregal!i-r and H r e a r l y tion, led .by the Hey, E. E. Horth, choir 15 , n-.inlsU-r. director'. chuteMonday, 7 p. m.. Boy Scouts.. Tuesday,'7:45'p, in., Methodist hosWlUl'A.RE Wftf Ml pit.i! • . •' Lf.KtUME.S OF BIRDS? Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.. Choir rehearsal. ' . . . W|(EH SJ.EEPIN4 'Thursday, 7:30. p. rn., church school OK OPtH f ' l i r l s l i n a s party. and all church Christmas proRram.. Y r r M i v iivi-inir ,'ilicl rir<x-sr I f , ; AU'retl LiNU:ue Thin-Mliiy, ":30 p. m.. Christmas tree -fa KEEP FROM FIRST MBTHOD1ST: Wisconsin ave. W. Swnii. 11. H , nilnl.-.U-r: I t l c l i u r i l u n f l rlillih'eii's progrnm. al E. Dayton St.; Robert Marenus AtU n l h c r l . «>.<.<,c-late; UMiniirrl Dcwellrr. Frklny. I I p, in., m l d n l R l l t Christmas kins, minister, r'nttrnt pnvtfii . fl:.'l(l a. m,. Choir rehearsal . . . . 10 It-lo ' NO'IT.: N'i> e l n n d i M'linol tills Sllii- ' ' s ' r . J d l l N ' s ' l . i i T I I K I l A N : K. Woshtln.v . . . lii:4S n. m.. Knrnlly Christ- h i K t u n iivi'.. niltl N. Mnncock St.; Otto a, m., Worship w i t h ncrmon by tho minister, Sermon subject: "The Christm,-i* *rivlr'-; rnrcil-: .inri special ChrKtD. D., pastor. • . inas Hope;" Baptism of infants and chilrr.a* nnilirin\; c-|ll-l^lmn'. story by Dr. .1.9Wilke. a. m., Sunday school, and Bible dren . . . 10 a. m., Junior church, . ; . Swan, " t ' h i l v t m a s Kve on the Island", classes, R. -M. Slcirmauer, supt. Nursery ;.. 11:10 a. m., Church school. 4:15 f>. m., Church school deportDr. H. B. McKcan.lgeneral superintendent. Adults, W. E, Graves, teacher; Oxford Fellowship class (Young Adults). 4 Not flexible 22. Metallic rock, A. L'. Hirst, teacher;. Dr. Glenn Eye, 5. Affirmative 23 Coin (Jap.) 1. Studded principal- p£ Wisconsin . High -School, ' 26. Seize will speak on "My Interpretation of the vote 6. Live embers Christmas Story." Young people's class, 27. Part of 6 Tennis is 11 Subside with John Wrage as the tenchcr , . . nnd e n l e r t n i n m c n t . "lobe" 12. Young owl • played on 5:30 p.|tn,, Pageant, "Christmas Come Thursday, 7 p. m., Junior choir . . . True", given by the church school and 28 Employ a ' 13. Undershot ST. F R A N C I S HOUSE: Episcopal 7:4r> p. m.. Senior choir.' the choir, with Miss Rachel Trachte, Student center. 1001 University ave.. 30, Roman water wheel 7 Possess Chrlsluins Eve. Sunday school pro- dramatic director, and Miss L l l l i e Gordon E. Giliett, chaplain. crnni .-il 7:30 p. m., mldnlfiht service nt Snlzwcdcl. general chairman money 8. Singing n.-no 14. Unbind B a. rn . Holy communion . . . 10:10 11 11. in. p. m., Family nlRlH p o l - l u c k d i n n e r , 31 A llightln voice a m.. Mniniiii; prayer . . . 10:30 a. in,. 15. U n n b l c to Services fin C h i - l M l i n n n tiny at 10 H. in. rollnwcd hy a proKi-atiT or ciirol ulr.KlnK, Siini; oiirhai 1st and icnmm. iilrcraft 0 Flower hear I . U T I I I . U MKiMOIllAI.: 11)21 Unlvt'r- lilclurr-H nnd a ChrlstmaH rcatlhiK hy Christina* services: C h r i s t m a s Kvt*. u l l v nvr., Chnrli-ii A. I ' t i l n , pintor, Yt'hlrriUy'i Aimver 33. Spccl< 1C. Cold I Her | Mln s Rachel Trnchtc. Tim Youth Frll i : i r > a. in., [''ninlly woi'Khlp service, lowshlp will RO enroling a f t e r t h e pi-o10. Let It stand 36. Full of life 43, A kind of 17 Hops kiln , . . I n MS a. in., W i i m h l p scj-vlco: »cr- Ri-nm. (print.; and vigor chop i i i i i n h.v( Ihc paslur, . . . 4 p. m., Clii'lHl18 Shoals Just 2 drops ri'ndtro Thursday, 7:30 to 0 p. m., Troop 3, mas pi' 'Ki'ani by t h e Sunclny .school. Noso Drops In each 37 Betimes 44, Stir 21 Goddess of 16. Tree Boy Scouts of America, in the assemTuesday. -1 p. m., Treble choir in n o s t r i l help you bly room of the church. 19. Fate 33. Fruit drinks 45, Mimics dawn Clirlslu.s chnpcl . . . 7 p. m., Boy Scout breathe freer nln'OBt TROUSDALE . METHODIST: 1125 I n s t a n t l y , so y o u r 39 Volcanic rock 47 Those In inecllnfi. 24. Ail correct 20. Author— Vilas ave., Stephen J. Lambricht, pashond cold cetn air. Weclnc'Stlay, 4 p. m.. Junior choir In tor. office "Wandering (molten) 25. Two-toed Only25c—2Vj times M Chrisms clwpel. . . . 7:15 p. m.. Senior 9:45 a, m,, Church school, . . . 11 a. 48 Old measure much forSOc. Cnution: Jew" 40. Birds as a sloth choir in Christus chapel. m., Worship; .sermon subject, "When! Use only (is directed. Friday, ld:45 p. in.. Christmas eve The Lights .Come on All Over the i 29 Big 21. Ovum class for wool T e n t t r o Xosc Drops services, with candle-licht procession, World," Christmas anthems by the 31 Heeds Saturday, 10 a. m., Christmas day Angel- and adult choirs, . . . 7 p. m., 32. Factor services. group will attend South Shore CENTRAL IA1THERAN, 402 E. M1I- Youth 33. Perforrn Christmas program, and later join that flin st. (AuEustana Synod). Elton An- Kroup in singing carols for aged,, sick, 34 Honey-gathderson, pastor. and shut-in people. 9:45 a..m., Sunday school and Bible ering insect FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARclass . . . 10:45 a, m.. Worship . . . 6 ENE: V. C. Mulkin, minister. 35 Incline p. m., The "Centralitcs" and the St. 9:45 a. m.. Sunday-school , . . 10:45| 38. Like a wing John's youne people meet, at the St. n, m., Christmas message , . , 7 p, in ! John's Lutheran church for cost supper Christmas program , . . Rcctlatlons and j 41 Guide's lowi ,-inrl Christmas party. Gifts will be ex- SOURS by children and Christmas can* | est note , ' chunked. tata by young people. 42, Dancing girl ,! Wednesday. 7:30 p. m.. Choir rchcarI Egypt. I sal. > Friday. 10:45 p. rn.. Annual Christmas 46 First Confedeve worship. Special music and ChrlstGLENWOOD MORAVIAN": Opposite erate , mas tncssace. Dudgeon school, Frederick Wolff, pas/.ION'S KV. LUTHERAN: Division tor. president ' st.. nt Atwood and Linden avcs., O. FOR THE i):rtO a. m.. Sunday school, , , . 10:45 48, Division of • Kiihilr., pastor, a. m., worship. Sermon; "Character a squadron • 10 a. rn,. Church service, , , . 2 p. m., and Mission at John the Baptist," , , . ; Sunday school . . . 2:30 p. m., Poynclte 7:30 p. m., Progrnm of a service of 49 Occurrence service. song and candlelight Service led by 50 A fruit 37 35 Monday, ':30 p. m., Young People's the choir. 51.A tree No catechetical Instruction on ThursWITH A (W Afr.) day. . 38 41 43 Friday.'? p. m.. Christmas eve Sun52. Units of force day school program. (C.G S ) Spiritualist Birkrems to Observe 25th Anniversary' Christian Unitarian Methodist Inner Mission Pageant in Barneveld Unity Center Christian Science SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. Scott Lutheran Church of Christ Congregational DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Episcopalian $ Catk Moravian HOLIDAYS V <JLo ~oan FROM A FRIENDLY LOAN COMPANY SEE US TO-DAY! STATE LOAN COMPANY V. I. HANSO.V. MST, 315 Tcnney Building How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly becnuse it ROCR right to the seat of the (.rouble to help loosen and expel (•erm laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe nnd heal raw, tender, Inllnmcd bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you n bottle ol Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis COO otlwr MONARCH Fo«d»—all Jutt M Cooill DOWN 1. Company 2. Musical, instrument 3. Girl's name CRYPTOQDOTE—A cryptogram quotation J O F G F 1 VV J W I F N F OB T R R W, 0 R I P V L C C ORB X R I W R J OT 0 R H — P V L E F- P N F L I F. Vcsterday's Cryptoquote: WHOEVER SEEKS FOR TRUTH SHOULD BE 'OF NO COUNTRY—VOLTAIRE. Distributed by King features Syndicate, l$c+ Wisconsin Store Journal— Saturday, December 18, 1943 's A* Jkke. A What a Beautiful Morning," "White Christmas," "I'll See You Again." 9 p. m. — Million Dollar Band (WIBA): Sonny Dunham, guest conductor. Tonight's Aces Discussion <> 6 p. m. — For This We Fiffht (WIBA): "Community 'Post-War Planning," Paul G. Hot/man, lutomobile manufacturer a n d chairman of Commission for Economic Development; Bennett 0 Knudson, president of Chamber of Commerce of Albert Lea, Minn. Dr. Alan Valentine, president -of. Rochester university and co7chairman of. post-war planning committee Rochester, ' N. Y.; and Elmer L. Lindseth, vice-chairman of post-war planning council- of Cleveland; O. . • •> O O Variety 6 p. m.—What's New (WLS): Maureen- O'SuIlivan and Don Ameche iri "Two'. Say Farewell;" Hedda Hopper, columnist; Ruth Clifton, presenting 'her plan 'for offsetting, juvenile, • delinquency; Maxie Rosenbloom, former boxing champion; Lena Hbrne, singer; Carlos Ramirez, 'South 'American concert baritone; and Jack Douglas, comedian. 7 p. m. ' — Groucho M a r ^ (WBBM) :• with -Vera Vague. • 8 p. m, —National Barn Dance (WLS): R'oy Rogers, 'cowboy, guest; "Hi. Neighbor," . "Barn Dance Polka," "Highways are Happy Ways," "Oh, Monah." 9:30 p. m. — Grand Ole OPry (WIBA): "Duke of Paducah" has shopping troubles; "Put On. Your Old Gray Bonnet," "Twelfth Street Rag," "Fisher's Hornpipe." Music Uncle Ray's Corner Y NEWlT BROADCASTS TONIGHT 5:00 WINDKMOX B;30 WCFL 5-15 WCCO WMAQ 0:00 WGNWIND5:2!) WHAWMAQ MO WLS S'.IO WBNR 9M WLS 5 -SO WCCOKMOX 10:00 WIND WGN 3-M WTMJ WJB/\]0:00 W113AWTMJ MS KMOXWLS 1(>;00 WMAQ 5-45 WMAQ 10:00 WBBM 5:45 WBBM. 10:30 WIBU WGN 5:53 WIBA 11:00 WTMJWCCO 5:55 KMOXWBBMH:00 WIBU WGN C -00 WCfr-. WIND 11 :00 WMAQ WIND 6:00 WGN 11:00 WBBM WIBA 6:30 WIBU WGN 11:55 WIBA WMAQ 7 :00 WIND WCFL 12:00 WIND 7:00 WLS 12:00 WGN WBBM 7:25 WIBU 32:55 WENE WMAQ 7:30 WIND 1:00 WIND 7 :55 KMOX WBBM 1 :30 WGN 8:25 WIND 2:00 WIND (also 3, 4 and 5) SPORTS~REVIEWS 5:15 5:45 TONIGHT KMOX WIND 5:45 WIBA WTMJ WGN S:00 WIND NEWS BROADCASTS SUNDAY 7:00 WIBA KMOX 3:00 WIND 7:00 WLS WBBM 3:55 WMAQ 8:00 KMOXWCCO 4:00 WIND'WCFL 8:00 WIBA WIND 5:110 WIND WTMJ 8:00 WMAQ WBBM 5:15 WTMJ WHA I):;i0 WTMJ 5:30 WGN WE3U B'55 WGN li:00 WCCO WBBM D-00 WLS WIND 6:00- WIND WENR 9:30 WTMJ WMAQ 6:20 WGN 9:55 WGN. • 6:30- WBBM 10:00 WCCO WIND T:00 WLS WIND 10 '00 WLS WBBM 7:45 WGN WIBU 10-15 WJJD 7:55 KMOX WBBM 10:25 WGN 8:00 WIND • 10:30 WIBA WMAQ 9:00 WIBU 10:30 WBBM 9:00 WIND WGN 10:45 W G N 9:30 WENR 11;00 WIBA WTMJ 10:00 WBBM WCFL Jl:00 WIND 10:00 WMAQ 11:55 WGN 10:00 WIBA WTMJ P. M. 10:15 WIBA 12:00 WMAQKMOX10:ir> WMAQ. WCCO )2:00 WIND WENR !0;.10 KMOX WGft 12:1,1 WIBA 11 :00 KMOX WENR I2'30 WBBM WENR 11:00 W M A Q WBBM 12:30' WCCO KMOX 1 1:00 W1BAWGN 12-45 WGN 11:30 WGN 12:55 WENR . 11:55 WMAQ WENH 1:00 WIND WCFL 11:55. WIBA WTMJ 1:30 'WCCO KMOX12:00 WBBM 1:30 WHA WBBM 12:55 WMAQ WENR 2:00 WIND WCFL 1:00 AVGN WIND 2:15 WENR WMAQ 2:00 WIND 2:15 WTMJ WIBA • MARKETS 11:55-WLS •> ]0:I5 p. m. — Nelson Olmsted (WMAQ): tells Richard Connell's story, "The Law Beaters." 10:45 p. m. — CBS Talks (WBBM): Maynard Krueger, national chairman of Socialist party, "Socialists and the 1944 Election." - » • » • » Drama i 6 p. m.—Man Behind the Gun | (WBBM): relates story of, torj pedoed gun crew spending ChristI mas adrift on tiny raft. 6:30 p. m. — EHery Queen iw,. wmmmi^mmmm^mf , J (WMAQ):'"Adventure of the UnBARBARA JO ALLEN lucky Man." (Vcra Vairuc) 7:30 p. m.—Foreign A«iminent WBBM at 7 (WIBU): roving reporter follows 4 » • • * the news to Turk-Bulgar border. (WCFL): "Symphony No. 88 in G. | 8 p. m.—Hollywood Theater Major," Haydn, and "Symphony j (WMAQ): Eric Blore in "Crichj ton Plays Cupid." in E Flat," Mozart.. 8 p: m. — Chicago Theater of j 9:15 p. in. —.Army. Service the Air (WGN): Humperdinck's j Forces present (WCFL): "Missing fairy opera, "Hansel ;and Gretel." i in Action," story of casualty 8:30 p. m. — Spotlight Bands branch of office of.adjutant genera], (WLS): Dean Hudson. 9:30 p. m. — Weird Circle 8:45 p. m. — Saturday Nicht Serenade (WBBM-): "Bombardier (WGN): Edgar Allan Foe's "The Song," " Dream of Love," "Oh, Tell-Tale Heart." WIBA TONIGHT 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 5:55 MO 6:30 7 : 00 7:30 8:00 7:15 p. m. —Boston Symphony A LITTLE SATURDAY TALK: MORE FROM PRIVATE PAUL ESTERDAY a .letter from Private Paul was printed in part. He is in. training at an Oklahoma army camp,, and he told of going, on a trip with otlicr soldiers one cveninR, After d i g g i n g slit trendies, the men put up their tents,. having trouble because ' of" the darkness and two practice gas attacks. Here is the rest of the, letter: ' "At 8 o'clock that •' night we were called t o . mess. ' I h a v e found it a job to eat 'out of a mess kit in broad daylight, but in ' the darkiness I had .to handle three pieces of. mess equipment, including a. cup that hold's about a quart. ' "We were supposed to be in enemy territory, and 1 ' couldn't talk while lining up for chow, about. 10 feet apart. We had to guess which side of us the food \yas comiiig from. I suppose the men who were handing it out were guessing where- it was going. My rifle, kept sliding off my shoulder. . "We couldn't put . our - rifles down, and we were doubtful about sitting down, since that area is covered with berry bushes. Finally I chose a place. It was on top of a thorn bush, but I was tired and felt that to sit there .was better than to stand up. I had placed my quartcup, filled .with tea, on the ground, and was thinking ot how I would enjoy it, but when I reached for i l > I upset the tea, giving it to' the thorn bush. "After the 'mess, a .war game took place and I 'had the good fortune, to -make prisoners .of- two ol the 'enemies.' At the point of my bayonet, ' I- took them to headquarters,' and along the way I talked .to. them as if they 'were 'bums,' When .we got to headquarters, I'fourid out that -one of my prisoners was- a captain and 'the other, a colonel! ' "It was all right, . thou'gh. We were haviiiR a real war game. O'ur lieutenant was tickled because those officers had been 'trying to break into ournren, and he spoke about it in cinss the next clay." ' Thank you; Private Paul, for telling about the games which -you boys play. I believe -we all agree that training for. the -army. isn't ex. actly a soft job. o Miscellaneous Russian War Relict Santa Clans News Edition Sports P.irado News Report NBC f o r This Wn Dinner Melody NBC Abie's Irish Hose NBC Truth or Consequences NBC Bill Of RlBhts (DB) OTHER 8:30 S-00 9:30 in:00 10-I!i KI-30 11:00 11-05 11 -.30 11:55 NBC Can You Top This NBC Million Dollar Band NBC Grand Ole Opry . Niclit News Edition NBC Sliort Slory NBC I Sustain the Winc« NBC News Report NBC Thomas Pcluso Orch. NBC Mr. Smith Goes to Town NBC News Report STATIONS TONIGHT 5:00 Town Tattler—WBBM 5:00 BilJIc the Brownie—WTMJ 5:00 Becker's Pet Parade—WMAQ 5:01 University Special—WIBU 5:15 Storv Land Theater—WENR 5:15 People's -Platform—WBBM 5:30 Starring Curt Massey—WMAQ 5:30 Master Radio Canaries—WGN 5:45 Leon'Henderson—WCFL 6:00 Arthur Sears Henning—WGN 6:00 What's New—WLS 6:00 American Eagle Club—WIBU . 6:00 For This We Fight—WMAQ fi:00 Man Behind the Gun—WBBM (5:15 Scnalor Wiley—WTMJ 0::iO Thanks 1f> the Yanks—WBBM 6:31)r lillcry Queen—WTM.1 WMAd (i:4. i Guest Star Theater—WGN <i:45 Confidentially 'Yours—WIBU , 7:00 Jamboree—WIBU 7:00 Confidentially Yours—WGN 7:00 Groucho Marx—WBBM WCCO 7:00 Abie's Irish Rose—WTMJ WMAQ 7:15 Good Will Hour—WGN 7:15 Your Reporter—WIBU 7:15 Boston Symphony—WCFL 7:30 Inner Sanctum—WBBM WCCO 7:30 Truth or Consequences—WMAQ 7:30 Barn Dance Party—WLS 8:00 Nntl. Barn Dance—WTMJ WLS 8:00 Hollywood Theater—WMAQ 8:00 Theater oC the Air—WGN WIBU 8:00 Hit Parade—WBBM WCCO 8:30 Basketball: Wis. vs. Marquette— WTMJ' Can You Top This?—WMAQ Spotlight Bands—WLS 8:45 9:00 !>:00 »:00 9:15 9:15 9:15 9:15 Sat, Nltc Serenade WBBM KMOX Civilian Defense—WTBU Million-Dollar Band—WMAQ Barnyard Jamboree—WLS Saturday Bond WaRon—WIBU Sanders and Boland—WGN Correction. Please—WBBM Army Air Forces—WCFL 9 .:30 Grand o"" Opry-WMAQ WTMJ . 9:30 Weird Circle—WGN 9:45 Leo Oicrne—WIBU 10:00 Barn Dance (to 12) WLS 111:15 War Correspondent—WTMJ in:!.1; Nelson OJmsJcd—WMAQ 10:30 1 sustain the Wines'—WMAQ 10:30 Hulls of MontM.uma—WIBU 10:30 lUimpus Room to-12—WTMJ 10:30 Salute to Victory—WBBM 10-45 George Olsen Orch.—WGN 10:45 CBS Talks—WBBM 11:05'Tommy Dorsey Orch.—WBBM 11:05 Jimmy Joy Orch.—WGN 11:15 Music of the New World—WMAQ 11:30 Rav Pearl Orch.—WGN Jl-30 Griff Williams Orch.—WGN 11:45 Little Night Music—WMAQ 12:00 Midnight Muslcale-^-WENR ] 2:00 Night -Watch (-to 6)—WIND )2:00 Emilc Petti Orch.—WMAQ 12:05 Nick Brodcur Oreh.—WBBM 12-05 Del'Courtney' Orch.—WGN 12:30 Johnny LOUR Orch.—WZNK 12:30 Don Reid Orch.—WGN ' 12:30 Boyd Racburo Orch.—WBBM 12:30 Pot 'Luck—WMAQ 1:00 George Olsen Orch.—WGN . WIBA SUNDAY 7:00 7:05 7:30 8:00 8:15 »:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 0:30 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 12:no ]:>:.'tn' 12:45 1:00 1:20 . MORNING NBC News Report NBC Organist .NBC Boone County Neighbors NBC' World News Roundup NBC Commando Mary First Christian Church. Spirit of the Vikings Sunday Devotion Unitarian Church Music of the Day NBC Rhapsody of the Rockies NBC News Report NBC The Carol Sisters BLUE Weekly Wnr Journal First CoiiKre'cnUnnal Church AFTERNOON NT3C Voice ot th« Dulry Former Noon NPW* j l e l l o WlKcnnsIn Accordion Pnvnd* NBC Those We Love NBC John Charles Thomas 2:00 2:14 2:30 3:00 4:00 5:00 5:30 Waves Program NBC World News Roundup NBC The Army Hour Old Fashioned RH-lvsl Hour NBC SynYphony "Qulzzln' Bee" NBC Great Gildersleev* EVENING 6:00 NBC Jack Benny 6:30'NBC Bandwagon 7-0(1 NBC Berccn and. McCarthy 7:30 NBC One Man's Family 8:00 NBC Manhattan Merry Cc Round 8:3(1 NBC Album of Familiar MUitc 9:00 NBC Hour of Charm fl-30 NHC Bob Crosby & Co. 10:nn News Edition 10:15 NBC News of 1 ho-World 10-30 S n n r i n y , Serenade l l - O i l NI1C News Report 31-05 NBC Thomns IVluno OrcllMtrr 11:30 NBC Francis CralK Orchestra 11:55 NBC News Report WHA SUNDAY 12-00 Noon Musicals 1:30 Afternoon News 1-45 Background* of Today's Events. Clark M. ElchelDeruci' 2:00 Encore: "H. Is Lnicr Than You Think." 2:311 <:linnibcr Minicnle: Quartet In V—Rnvel 3:15 University Choral Hour 3-30 University F o r u m : "Shonld Madison ' Purchase Its Gas and JHpcirlc Utility?". Aldermen smart II. Ucrker and W. A. Ha»tInCK Floyd E. ,Wh«lir. Mldlnon attorncy.'and A. C, Gsrnttt, modcr.itor 4:00-Sunday Music Hour 5:15 Afternoon News OTHER STATIONS SUNDAY —MORNING— —EVENING— Silver Theater—WBBM WCCO First NiRhtcr—WGN WIBU Catholic Hour—WMAQ Amateur Hour—WENR n-on s-oo .iffniboree—WIBU «:15 5:00 Radio Hall ot Fume-^WCJT. 0:15 ri :.'10 Upton Close.—WIBU WGN 8:30 5:30 Grcnt Glldcrslccve—WMAQ 8:30 5:30 America in the Air—WBBM 15:30 5:45 Little Show—WGN 8.-45 6:00 Jack Benny—WTMJ WMAQ 8:45 6:00 Revival Hour—WIBU S-.00 6:00 William L. Shirer—WBBM 9:00 6:00 Drew Pearson—WENR 9:00 6:15 Songs by Sinatra—WBBM 9:15 fi;15 Dorothy Thompson—WENR 5:30 6:30 Quiz kids—WENR 10:00 6:30 Stars ot Tomorrow—WGN 10:00 6:30 Bandwagon—WMAQ WTMJ 10:05 7:00 Jerry Lester—WBBM WCCO 10:30 7:00 Lutheran Hour—WIBU 10:30 7:00 Mediation Board—WGN 11:00 7:00 Bevccn and McCarthy—WMAQ 11:00 7:15 Ink Spots—WLS 11:00 7:30 Crime Doclor—WBBM Il-.OU 7:31) Keepsakes—WLS 7 ::in One Man's Family—WMAQ WTMJ 11:13 CHbrli'l Hcnilcr—WGN WIBU 11:30 11:30 8:00 Cleveland Symphony — W3BO 11:30 WGN 8:00 Walter Wlnchcll—WENR 11:30 Mcrry-Go-Round—WMAQ WTMJ B:00 —AFTERNOON— R:00 DIRCSt—WBBM WCCO KMOX 8:11 Lower B»sln St.—WENR 12:00 Church of the Air—WCCO 8:30 Familiar Music—WMAQ .WTMJ Spelling Bee—WGN 12:00 8:30 Star Theater—WBBM 12:00 Kings Jesters—WBBM Jimmy FMIer—WENR 8:45 Salute to Victory—WBBM 12:15 9:00 Gertrude Lawrence—WENR 12:15 Labor for Victory—WMAQ Hour of Charm—WMAQ 9:00 Chicago Roundtable—WMAQ 12:30 9:00 Take It or Leave It—WBBM 12:30 Victory Is Our Business—WGN Sanders and Boland—WGN 9:15 Starrine Curt Masscy—WBBM 12-45 9:30 Bob Burns—WTMJ 1:00 Those We Love—WTMJ WMAQ Thin Man—WCCO WBBM 9:30 Radio Warblers—WGN 1:00 9:30 They Gave Their Lives—WGN 1:00 Ceiling Unlimited—WBBM Bob Crosby and Co.—WMAQ 9:30 Chaplain Jim—WENR 1:00 Washington vs. New 10:00 Hockey Game—WIND 1:15 Football: 10:00 Symphonctlc—WENR York—WIND 10:00 Answer Man—WGN 1:15 Distinguished Guest—WGN Most Honored Music—WTMJ Citi/.cns of Tomorrow—WGN 3:30 ]0:30 Man Hunt—WBBM 1::«) Sunday VcsRcrs—WENR 10:30 Academy Award—WENR 1:30 ,)olm Charles Thomas—WMAQ J0:4li Hhuniba Time—WMAQ 1 :.r>5 Songs of America—WBBM 10:45 Del Courtney Orch.—WGN 2:00 N. Y. -Philharmonic—WBBM 11:00 All Nations Church—WCFL, 2:00 Sunday Matinee—WGN 11:00 Church of Deliverance—WINT3 2:00 Heroes ot the Navy—WENR ] 1:05 Don Reid Orch.—WGN 2:00 Rationing Report—WMAQ 11:05 Toddy Powell Orch.—WBBM 2:15 Hanson W. Baldwin—WENR 11 :OS Kddle Oliver Orch.—WENR 2:15 March ol Time—WIBU 11:15 Geoi-KC Olsen Orch.—WGN 2:1= Upton Close—WMAQ 11:15 Pacific Slory—WMAQ 2:30 Army Hour—WTMJ WMAQ 11:30 Lou Breese Orch.—WENR 2:30 Mot. Copy—WENR IJ :,'ll) nay Pear) Orch.—WBBM' 2:30 Lutheran Hour—WGN 11:30 Nile Watch (to 2)—WIND 3:00 Fun Valley—WENR 11:35 Griff Williams - Orch.—WGN 3:30 Young Wisconsin Artists—WTMJ 11:45 Little NiRht Music—WMAQ 3-30 Lands of Ihe Free—WMAQ Midnight Musicale—WENR ]2:00 Opera Auditions—WENR 3:30 12:00 Emile Petti Orch.—WMAQ 3:30 Young Peoples Church—WIBU 32:00 Jimmy Joy Orch.—WGN Andre Kostelanetz—WBBM 3:30 12:00 Pot Luck—WMAQ 3:30 Abe Lincoln's Story—WGN 12:05 Nick Brodeur Orch.—WBBM Symphony—WMAQ WTMJ 4:00 12:30 Johnny Lone Orch.—WENR 4:00 Flri-side Party—WGN 1^:30 Hnyd Rseburn—WBBM Nnc Symphony—WMAQ 4:110 12:30 Del Courtney Orch,—WGN 4:00 Where Do We Stand?—WENR 4:00 Family Hour—WBBM WCCO 4:30 Musical Steelmakers—WKNR 4:30 The Shadow—WGN 4:30 Irene Rich—WBBM WCCO R:on 11:00 R:(IQ Hcvivnl Hour—WLS Cathedral o£ Music—WGN Church Services—WTM.t Old Time ndllRlnn—WIBU Coast to CoaKt lln«—WCFL. Commando Mary—WMAQ Voice o/ Prophecy—WIBU Wings Over Jordan—WBBM Kadio Star parade—WMAQ .Religion in the News—WMAQ Masters, of RHythm—WTMJ Detroit Bible Class-WGN WIBU National Radio Pulpit—WMAQ Church-of the Air—WBBM WCCO Little Brown Church—WLS Radio Chapel—WIBU Rev. T. Zollei—WIBU Greeting from Your Boy—WGN Bluejacket Choir—WBBM Ev. Lutheran Church—WIBU Old Sunday. School—WLS Invlation lo LcarninR—WBBM People's Church—WJJD World Front—WMAQ Reviewing StaiiU—W1IU! WGN Billlc the Brownie—WTMJ Paul Lavalle Orch.—WMAQ Here's Mexico—W113U Transatlantic Call—WB3M Sammy Kaye Serenade—WCFI> 5:00 9:00 3:00 5 ;00 TONIGHT * WIBA—9:30 P..M. *
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