i Morning News • Sunday, May 16, 1997 — 7f AROUNDTOWN w Morning News welcomes Information from local artists about their exhibits. It to the responsibility of the artlat or the gflfary where the works are being shown to submit the InformetJon H writing to this newspaper. A date when the exhibition will run MUST be Included. ARTS M*M ACT UD. will conduct an exhibition of rare original Russian theater art and pastels from 11 am-9 pm May 30, 31 and June 1 at the Hyatt Regency Savannah, ballroom A on River Street. Admission Is free and art Is available for purchase. There will be pastels by Michael Nlkiporenko available at the exhibition. more Morrnatlon, cad 232-7731. RB> Him ART OAtUERY announoed Its upcornlngexhWtlon titled ''George Plant* (19144986) —Memorial Retrospective and Exhibition.11 The exNMt is open to the public through. June. For mail information, call Nancy L Chamberlain or Jack Lane at (803) 785-2318 at Hilton Heed Island. GeJtery Hours: 11 ajir-5 p.m. MondaySaturday. STUDENT ART EXMBff — An exhibit of Armstrong Atlantic State University's student artwork wfll be held through June 6 at the Fine Arts Auditorium at AASU. The exhibit Is free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Campus Union Board. 927-5325. THE VUAOE CRAFTSMAN, 223 W. River St. A cooperative of original arts and THE CITY OF SAMNNMfS DEPARTMENT crafts from low country artisans of OF CULTURAL APFAWS/IEISURE SERSavannah and surrounding areas. Now VK» BUREAU will Implement the featuring stainedglass art by Georgia Council for the Art's Savannah College of Art and Design Grassroots Arts Program for Chatham student Andrea O'Brian; decorative, County. functional, and wearable fabric crafts Nonprofit social, cultural, educational or by Hanrta Collins; and hand made health-related organizations are quilts by Betty Kaiser. Open 10 a.m.-6 encouraged to apply for GAP funolng. pm dally. 236-7280. Applicable funds will support arts proRMERWORKS CRAFT OAUERY, 106 E. gramming scheduled between Aug. 4, River St. — May feature: Gardens & 1997, and June 30,1998. Flowers are depicted by a variety of Grant guidelines and applications are availartists. Giana Eden is showing her able and may be picked up at the Garden Angels along with birdhouses Department of Cultural Affairs, 2 E. from Countryside and Betsy Ratsch Is Bay St., or by calling 651-6417. The also featured. Grassroots Arts Program application The exhibit is open Saturday from 10 amdeadline is June 13,1997. 6 pm and Sunday from noon-5 pm IOT BANK ART QAUJERY, 3600 Fredenca 236-2012. Road, Suite 12. St. Simons Island. MOONSHELL ART OA11ERY, Hilton Head Through May 31: Art International Island, presents "Out of the Woods," Tllandsia Exhibit showcasing the an exhibit of new pastel paintings .by "Salon des Beaux Arts" collection of Carol Rothrock, May 18-June 20. Her fine original paintings and sculpture _. workJeatures impressions of travels In from around the world. Hours: 10 amthe West and impressions of spring in the Low country. Rothrock demon5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. (912) 6383017. (800) 336-9469. strates her past techniques at 6 p.m. May 27 at the gallery. A reception for PMTERSON ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW will be presented May 22-25 at The the artist will be held from 5S pm. Mall at Shelter Cove, Hilton Head May 18 as part of the reopening celeIsland. Hours: 10 am-9 p.m. Thursdaybration of Moonsheil Art Gallery in its new location, 37 New Orleans Road, Saturday and 12:30-5:30 p.m. Sunday. For more information and to reserve Suite M, upstairs. Hilton Head Island. space, call Jackie Patterson at (205) • The public is invited to attend all opening events. For more information, call Ann 452-1490. HARBOUR LIGHTS SWMNQ EVENT will be Light at (803) 341-3339. Gallery hours. are 11 a.m.-5 pjn Tuesday-Friday and held from 4-6 p.m. May 25 at Sanders 1-5 p.m. Saturday. . Country Store. U.S. 80, Wilmington LIGHT WWES OAUERY wW host an exhiIsland. Bill YbUnger, founder of Harbour bition of recent works by members Lights, will sign two pieces per cusStacy Gibbon), Rachel Green, Elsie tomer. For more information, call 897Teiiaterro Hill, John Mitchell, Karen 4861. Nangte and Joseph Shields. Exhibition OAULERY 209: Peggy Burnett and Randee continues through June. Call 236Powell are the featured artists during 1080. May. Gallery 209 is on East River SOUTHERN IMAGES GALLERY, 132 E. Street and open from 10:30 a.m.-5:30 Oglethorpe Ave., presents "INTERIp.m. Monday-Saturday and from noorv ORS" photographs by Jack Leigh, 5:30 p.m. Sunday. For more informathrough July 12. Gallery hours are from tion, call Hank Weisman at 2364583 10 am-5 pm Monday-Saturday, 10 or 238-5777. am-2 pm Sunday. Call 2346449 for BRUCE ORULKE will have an achitect exhibit through May 31 at FountainNew Library, BrewtorvParker College. Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 8 am-4 p.m. Friday; and 1:3O5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Presented by BrewtonParker College. The exhibit is free. For more information, call (912) 583-3235. THE WAY EXMBfnON at The Art Center at City Market features the mixed medte paintings of Stacie Jean Alberto. The paintings, many of which were inspired by a recent crosscountry auto trip, Include figurative and landscape subjects. The work Is presented on canvas, luan board, free-standing screens and recycled bottles and includes a self-portrait titled "Bathing Nude" and a three-panel screen call • . "Bonaventure." Atoano graduated from Savannah Cortege . of Art and Design and recently held a .;. solo exhibition In the Bistro Savannah series of Juried exhibits. Her Art Center exhibition will be in her studio/gallery on the upper level of the Franklin Ward South complex. Hours: noon-4 pm Monday-Friday and weekends by appointment. Studto/gallery: 2320591. MORMNQ mil OAUERY (formerly BuN Street Gallery) has relocated to 8 E. Liberty St. end I* now featuring wood, sculpture work by George EdenfleW. He hee recently began combining his cobpersmtthing technique along with his wood sculpture, making beautiful fountains to enhance any setting and add the soothing sound of running water. Mark McKlm opens his resident glass studk> MondayJ/rtdey. Gallery hours: 10 am-6 pm Monday, Saturday. 2334307. THE LMHTHOUSt GALLERY, at the foot of . the Tybee lighthouse, announces new . works and new hours. There are new works In May by Tybee Arts Association members, featuring fine photography, paintings, pottery ' and sculpture, poetry, stained glees, Jewelry end printmaklng. Hour* 10 am-6 pm 9*urday-Sundey, noon-4 .' pm Monday- Friday (ctoeed „ , Tuesdays.) 7864920. • tfMNB MEMBER* BHOW wHI be held . from 11 em-6 pm weekdays and 1-6 • pm weekends through Jury Oat Trustee Gardens, 10 Bishops Court. •• The show Is presented by Savannah '" Art Association, The show l» free. For i^h^t . .y. «M I n n 11 in* 1 1 idl K)n. ' THE SIGNATURE GALLERY OF SAVANNAH •f CITY MARKET is featuring the etchings and water colors of Kathy Miller. Miller has created a new series of • etchings of endangered spec ies t hat have been chosen by the American Museum of Natural History In New York to be exhibited and sold in the museum. Miller works at the gallery every Saturday and is happy to answer all questions about her work. The Signature Gallery is open every day from 10 am.-5 pm and on Sundays from noon-5 p.m. BROUBHTON STREET FWE ART GALLERY, 511 E. Broughton St. Featuring Jeff Crowell, photography, and Walter Schlck, pastels. Other artists with works on exhibit Include Kathy Binder, Beryl Brooks, Laura DiNeflo, Greg Guenther. Chuck Hamilton, Jon 0. Holloway, H.P. Sateeby end Mark Uzmann. Hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday or by appointment, 232-6633. TNI BfACH MSTfTUn AfKJGAN AMENCAN CULTURAL CENTER wHI have a (oca) artists exhibition of photographs by professor Ketth Cardwell and photography students of Savannah College of Art and Design. CLASSES ft READINGS rM opening* In computer application classes at Windsor Forest Golden Age Center beginning May 19. CaH Gary Garrett at 921-2108. —• TtON wlH be held from 10 am-2 pm May 24 at SkkJeway Island State Park. Featuring: pot making demonstrations; handon projects; and primitive Kim demonstration. For more information, call Karia Taylor at 598-2301. The event Is free. iORSffS STUDIO at 200-f Montgomery Crossroads to offering the following classes In May: Banes of Art Rubber Stamping cmDoeemg Stamping on Fabric Introduction to the Techniques of . Stamping and HandpeJntlnf on ceramic and terra cottatlto* Painted Furniture Birdhouses Handetarnped end hendpemted eft . Cw^UhAAlMtf How to get stuff in Calendar The Sevsrnsft Mowing Newt and CsroNne Munlnf News welcome Information for our Calendar Hstktts. MgW CKi>e, Muate, Theater and Audttion listings appear In Friday Dtoretona. Saturday and Sunday's Accent sections contain a Hat of area tourist efteeartnortentertaav merit events. And Arts, Attractions and Cteaes/Tefrs/Readlngs are Hated In Sunday's Arts and Travel section. Information must" be submitted IN WRITING by 5 pjn. one week prior to publication. Items without information such as date, time, place, sponsor* cost or phone number may not be used. The Calendar listings are free. The newspaper reserves the right to reject Items at the editor's discretion. Unsolicited Information or photographs cannot be returned. EVENT:. TIME ...... LOCATION: •„ PRESENTED BY: „ , Saturdays, through June 7, at the Artist Studto on Wilmington Island. The fas I* $150 tor a six-weak course. Call Rebecca WUU* at 897-1689, AMBWCAN RB> CROSS offers Lrteguard Training Courses: Claw 2 — 8 am-7 pm May 17-18 — Betheada Home for Boy*.* Class 3 — 9 am-4:30 pjn. June 943 rDetheeda Home for Boy*. da** 4 — 6-10 pm June 26-27 at Bethesda Home tor Boy*. And 8 am-7 pjn. June 28/29 — Bethesda Home for Boya. To participate in the course, students must be abte to perform the following •kill* during the first pool cession: 500yard swim including 100 yards crawl; 100 yards breast stroke; 100 yards side stroke; and 200 yards winner's choice with no stopping or walking. Also, two-minute tread water using legs only and drve to a depth of 9 feet to retrieve a 10 pound brick. Student* must be age 15 by the end of the course In order to receive certification. All classes require pre*agistration. The cost of the course, including instructional materials, is $125.6515323. nand Tybee Island ,towhere, In 1B62, defense strategy changed worldwide, ., whan rifled cannon Drat Srtt overcame '' a maaonry fortilteatlon. Museum exhibits, auolovtauaj program, bookstore. nature trail*, boat launching ramp and a picnic area are available. Open 8:30 am-6:15 pjn. dally. AdmMon: $2, under 17 free. 7865787. eJMOtMHDMM HOUSE. Madteon Square, was Gen. William T. Sfterman'f headquarters during the Union occupev tlon of Savannah and is the pariah house of St. John's Epiacopal Church. ' Open 10 am-4 pjn. Tuesday-Saturday. $4 for adults, $2 for students. 2333845. U.S. 80 East HAMSJON-TURNERMUSaJM.330 Abercom St., across from Lafayette Square. It Is where the character "Mandy" from "Midnight In the Garden FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL. and Good and Evil" lives. Tours daily , OTHER: 10 am-5 pjn. Cost: $5 adults, $2.50 children. Walking tours start at the , house and goes throughout historic downtown Savannah. Cost: $10 adults. $5 children. Make reservations. Ghost Cut out this form and send Information to: CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS TOBe tours are offered every Friday and Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. Cost: $ld 1AUQHT M MICHAEL'S CLASSROOM, Community News Desk adults. $5 children. 2334800. 8102 Abercom St. For more informaSavannah Morning News/Carolina Morning News MSTORIC RAJUKMD SHOPS on Martin tion and times, call 927-4766. P.O. BoxlOSS. Luther King Jr. Boulevard. These anteWatercolor — Jerry Kimbatl. Alt skill levels bellum shops, a National Historic can succeed in creating a painting of Savannah, Ga. 31402 Landmark, recently designated as the fruit, flower or lighthouse. New sesOr fax information to 912-234-6522 official State of Georgia railroad musesions start: May 20, 22. 27, 29. um, make up the oldest and most comBob Ross — method of oil painting — plete railroad repair and manufacturing Martene Cessna. Learn easy techlecture will be held at 12:15 pm May scarves facilities remaining in the United niques for creating an oil painting. 21 at Ashmore Auditorium at Paper Making — learn this ancient art States. Operating HO model railroad From noor>4:30 pm May 25. Armstrong Atlantic State University. and use It to recycle materials found at layout, volunteer activities. Open daily Wilton Cake Decorating — All levels The Dragon Gathers Her Children: China's home, turning them into stationary, 10 a.m.-* pjn. for setfgulded tours. taught, four parts to each series. New Recovery of Hong Kong — A lecture by collages and other projects. Fee: $2.50 adults; $2 seniors, stubasics begins: from 10-8:30 a.m. May AASU Professor George Pruden examChildren's Art Classes dents and military. 651-6823. 19 and from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Level II ining China's movement to reclaim its Adult Art Classes KUH MUSEUM, 505 W. 36th St., has begins: from 6:3T>8:30 p.m.. former territory. The lecture will be Wato color Classes African carvings and other artifacts. Kids Club — Natalie — from 10 am.-noon held at 12:15 p.m. May 22 at Ashmore Classes are scheduled based on individual Open 11 am.-5 pm and 7-9 p.m. May 17 (Sand Art) and May 24 (Face Auditorium at Armstrong Atlantic State or group need. Call 927-8500 for more Tuesdays and Thursdays by appoint- , Painting). University. information. ment only. No admission charge. 236Memory Book Workshop — Katharine SAANNAH SPEECH AND HEAJUNO CENNEW CONNECTIONS TO WORK AT SAVAN8544. Hemphill — from 1-3 p.m. May 24. TER offers Sign Language Classes NAH TECH: UPCOMMQ WORKSHOPS: ANDREW LOW HOUSE, 329 Abercom St., Theme: "Family Tree." from 5:30-7 p.m. on Thursdays, For more information call, Lynn Player at facing Lafayette Square. Open 10:30 Free Class Preview — from 1-4 p.m. May through June 12. Classes for begin(912) 351-4497 or (800) 769*362, am-4 p.m. weekdays; noon-4 p.m. 31. In front of store see the instructors ners, intermediate, advance and conext, 4497. Sundays; closed Thursdays and nationdemonstrate what will be taught in versation practice class. Prenregistra- • Interviewing For Jobs — 6$ p.m. May 22, al holidays. Last tour at 3:30 p.m. their classes. tton Is required. For more information, Breakout Room 8., Main Campus, Donation: $6 for adults; $3 for children Calligraphy — from 4:306 pm May 24 call 3554601. Savannah Tech. No cost. 6-12; including Girt Scouts ant) Scout and 31. Learn the art of old script writ8&F RMM.Y ARTS CENTER, HSJON Choosing A Training Program — 9 am-l leaders, children under 6 free. 233ing with speclaffcns. HEAD BLAND: p.m. May 19,_Breakout Room B., Main 6854. . Turn a mistake into art — Maxine Helmey Juggling Workshops — Steve Dahm — Campus, Savannah Tech. No cost. JUUETTE OORDON LOW QML SCOUT CEN— from 10 a.nvnoon May 29. Weave May 26, or June 9, for beginners; and Searching Foi A Job — 6-9 pjn. May 20. TER, 142 Bull Si., is open from 10 . a discarded watercokx painting into May 19, June 2 or June 16, for Interat Breakout Room B, Main Campus, a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays except another art form or jewelry. All materimediate. Age 10-15, from 5:30-7 p.m.; Savannah Tech. No cost. Wednesday, 10 am.-4 p.m. Saturday als provided. and 16-adults. 7-9 p.m. Cost: $15 per Completing Job Application — 6-9 pm and 12:304:30 pm Sunday. $5for, workshop. May 21, Break out Room B, Main adults, $4 for children 6-18 and stuPuppetmaking — .Ybstle — May 24: Campus, Savannah Tech. No cost. dents. Free for children 5 and under. Summer Sandy Castles with Rod Managing Family Finances — 9 am.-noon Discount for Girt Scouts. 233-4501. MONTY 8TH AIR FORCE HERTM0E Puppets; June 7: Castles and May 27, Breakout Room B, Main OJRL SCOUT NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, MUSEUM honors the more than one Fairytales; June 28: Animal Tails; and ' Campus, Savannah Tech. No cost. 330 Drayton St., is open 10 a.m.-5 million men and women who have July 12: Bugs and Buzzzz. Each Writing Resumes — 6-9 pjn. May 29, p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. served in the 8th Air Force since It Saturday, from 2-4 p.m. Age: 5-12 Breakout Room B, Main Campus, Features historic Girl Scout memorabilwas created in Savannah In 1942, and years. Cost: $10 (includes materials). Savannah Tech. No cost. ia, gift shop and merchandise, and is now open to the public from 10 a.m.Furniture Painting — Joyce Ryals — from THE GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, activity center for troops. Free. Troops 6 p.m. seven days a week. It features 9 a.m-4 p.m. May 30 or May 31. one1997 Summer Lecture SeriesiEthnlc should call ahead to register for activi' a 100,000 volume capacity library, day workshops. Adults. Cost: $75. Influences in Early Georgia ties. 232-8200. archives, memorial gardens, an art Landscape in the Medium of Your Choice • "Why Savannah Jews are Southern" — 7 MASSC HERTTAOE CENTER of the gallery, meeting and study rooms, a — Joyce Nagel — from 1-4 p.m. June p.m. June 5, at Hodgson Hall, 501 Savannah-Chatham Public Schools, gift shop and a snack bar as well as a 2-6. Teens and adults. Cost: $75. Whltaker St. (Parking available in the 207 E. Gordon St., has exhibits on large exhibit area. The 90,000-squareOil Painting — Julia Haywood — from 10 lot at the comer of Barnard and Savannah's unique city plan; Egyptian, foot museum is located at the intera.m.-2:30 p.m. June 9-13. oneweek Gaston streets.) Mark Greenberg, hisGreek, Roman and Victorian architecsection of Interstate 95 and U.S. 80 workshop. Teens and adults. Cost: torian, Museum of the Southern Jewish ture; and a 19th century schoolroom. (Exit 18) in Pooler. Admission is by $90. Experience, Jackson, Miss. Co-sponOpen 9 am.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. membership card or by purchasing Watercotor — Prtnclne Tighe — from 6:30sored by the Savannah Jewish Admission: $2. 651-7022. tickets at $7.50 for adults, $6.50 for 8:30 pm June 10.17,24 and Jury 1, Federation. OATLAND ISLAND EDUCATION CENIBR, children ages 6-12. Children under six four-week session. Teens and adults. "William Bertram aid the Darten Scots" 711 Sandtown Road, has a trail sysare admitted free. Group rates are Cost: $60. — 7 p.m. July 10. at Hodgson Hall, tem, plant and animal exhibits, and a available at $5.50 per person for Arts & Science Camp — Painting, 501 Whltaker St. Edward Cashin, •> historic cabin site. Open 8:30 am-6 groups of 20 people or more. Drawing, Science, Movement & Augusta State University. Co-sponp.m. Monday-Friday and 11 am-5 pm RALPH MARK OftBERT CML RIGHT* Creative Writing — from 9-2 pjn. July sored by the St. Andrew's Society of the second Saturday of each month. MUSEUM showcases Savarmah;s 7-25, Monday-Friday. Ages: 66,9-10, Savannah. Admission Is a cash donation. 897dynamic role in one of the nation's 11-13. (Bring a bagged lunch). Cost: The programs are free and open to the 3773. most significant and critical eras: the $90 per week. Sign up for one week public. (912) 651-2125. CM) Rights Movement. Located at 460 OWENS-THOMAS HOUSE, 124 Abercom. and ad three. BASKETRY WORKSHOP will be conducted featuring the nation's finest example of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the by Kim Keats from 6:308:30 pm May Oneway Acting Workshops—Elizabeth Regency Architecture, will remain museum Is open 9 am-5 p.m. Monday Austin Goodwin — from 10 am.-2:30 27 at the Serf Family Arts Center, open during the 1996-97 Preservation through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. pm June 14,21.28 or July 5 Hilton Head. Presented by the Disney Project, with both regular tours and Cost: $4 adults, $3 seniors, $2 stu(Dumagan's Alley). Ages: 1047 year*. Vacation Club Studo. For more Inforspecial preservation tour*. Hour*: 10 dents. 231-8900. (Bring a bagged lunch). Cost: $30 par mation, call Keats at (803) 686-3945. „ ATTRACTIONS ext. 308. PROGRAM — -^ArCH THE WIND" — Savannah Sailing Center presents weektong sessions at Lake Mayer from June 9 through the week of Aug. 11 tor Juniors (8 and above) end every other Saturday for adults. Times: Juniors, morning session from 8:30 aJtv-noon and afternoon session from 1-6 PJTU; and adults, 0 am.-l pjn. The cost Is $76 per seeeton for Juniors and $20 per eetston for adults (one SaturdayK >• For more information, cell 231-0996 or fax to 2314699. sentad by the Clinical Social Work Association of Savannah win be held May 29 and 30 at Rivers End Restaurant In Trwiderbctt. Coat: CSWA members, $90 tor two day*. $80 tar oouptee workshop and $60 for ethtos; end for noftrMrnbara, $100 for two days, $90 for couples workshop and $60 for ethics. CaN 3624264 or 36466ft'for more Wbrmetton. A4HNETHONB ATLANTIC Wlfl UMVINSt Pedro Luis Gchavema, Venezuela's ambaasador to the UnRad States, wM apeak at the Inaugural lecturer for the AASU Ambassador Series on Peace. Economic Development end Trade. The day. Sign up for Just one or all four. Summer Theatre Camp — Don Gruel and Noel Holland — from 9 am-4 pm July 7-25, Monday-Friday (Durwagan1* Alley). Focus Areas: July 7-11, Baric Acting Shins: Ady 14-18. Stage Combat Fights; and July 21-26, Musical Theatre. Ages: 10-13 and 1417. (Brine • bagged lunch). Cost: $90 par weak. Summer Theatre Class — Sarah Thigpen and/or Matt Rankln — from 830-10 am for age* 7-12; from 10:15-11*6 am for ages 134B. June 10-26, Tuesday* and Tnurtdey* (Dunnagsn'* Alley). Cost: $60 for three week a» •km or $16 par class for dropJn students. Student* must register In advance. AH classes require advenoe figuration. Classes have a minimum and maulmum enrollment raqufreineni so register early. Registration may be mads In person or by phone: (803) 6863846, . ext. 234; or fax: (803) 842-7877. A $16 cancellation fte wHI be ataaiiBd. Registration forma Be available from the administrative offices and will be mailed on request. The Self Family Art* Canter I* at 14-Snettar Cove Lane. wW be held from 9 am-l pm on MUSEUM OF COASW MSTORY and St. Simons Lighthouse is open seven day* a week. Hours: 10 e nx-5 pm. Monday-Saturday and 1:30- 5 pm Sunday. Closed on hoiidey*. Admission price* 12 and over $3, children 6-11 $1, and under ate free. TOURS OF HHTOMO URST B*f*N IA*. TVT CHURCH are available 10 amrnon on Wednesday* by appointment. 2326626 or 233J366. MMNPORT HOUSE AN»MUHUM, 324 E. State St., I* open 10 am-4:30 pm dally. Walking tour* on the hour and naJfhoun last tour at^ pm each day. $4 general adrntsaion. $3 tor age* 618, free for chHdran under 6^2368097. •H«SIIA»loaiAl.MUSSMyi, Pine and Early attest* m Springfield, I* open 10 am- 2 pm Saturday and 2-6 pm qojt; Free, but donation* are accepted. WRTMCAUJS1W8W1HWTORIO PARK, nine mne* eatt of Richmond HHI, I* an en ample of a CortMirrta earthwork fortification. It ha* a rnuasum, historical movie, tours by reservation, and camping. Open 9am-6 pjn. Tueedey-Saturdey, and 26:30 pm Sunday. Closed Monday. $1.60 for aduRa, 76 cent* tor children age* 512.727-2339, am-5 pjn., Tue»Set; and 2 pm ; Sunday. Admission: $6 for adults, $3 for student* $2 for children 6-12, $6 for senior*, and free for children under 6. Call 2334743. PIANNERY O'CONNOR. CISUPHOOO HOME, 207 E. Chariton St., teeture* restored and refurbished parior-lavei room* a* well a* pictures and menwv to* of O'Connor. Open Saturday* and Sunday* 1-4 pm Admission free, donation* accepted. 2336014. COASTAL ItPIIAt* SOOSm/OU> PORT JAOKSON MSTORIC STO, 1 Fort Jackson Road, I* open 9 am-6 pm MondaySaturday. noon6 pjn. on _ Sunday. Special program* era offered at 1 pm. 2 pm, 3:30 pm and 430 p.m. dally. Pennanent exhMt* relating to miHtary and cMHan Nfi during the CM! War, artifact* from the CSS Georgla and an active calendar of event*. Coat Is $2.60 for adults and $2tor*tud*nt»,*rrr^*erv«ce*menv bar* and senior cKlan*. PraeshooHEa cNKJren admitted free. 232-3946. MEMtt* MUSSUM, U.S. 17, In Midway feature* furntaNnf• and artltot* from the 1752-1669 period. Hours are 10 am-4 pm, Tuesday through Saturday, and 24 pm Sunday. Admterion to $3 adult*. $1 »tud*fit*. Group rates aval , (912) 8846837.
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