Unit E.2 – Subsidiarity Network / Europe 2020 Monitoring Platform / Covenant of Mayors / EGTC The EGTC in the OPEN DAYS 2012 Selection of activities & how to get through This document contains a selection of seminars of the OPEN DAYS 2012 directly related to the European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation or interesting for the members of the EGTC Platform. Where can I find the information? The website of the OPEN DAYS is http://www.opendays.europa.eu Just use the search engine of the OPEN DAYS and introduce your key words (e.g. 'EGTC') or the code of the workshop if you know it: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/od2012/reg_frame.cfm See the programme of the OPEN DAYS: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/od2012/theme.cfm Website of the EGTC Platform: http://www.cor.europa.eu/egtc The EGTC Platform is active in the social networks: Facebook: EGTC Platform Twitter: @EGTCplatform #EGTCconference The EU Assembly of Local and Regional Authorities Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 101 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË — Tel. +32 22822122 — Fax +32 22822330 EN -2- EGTCs and Euroregions 09B10 Workshop of the EGTC Platform: New Groupings, better performances This workshop intends to raise awareness about the new opportunities open to the EGTCs in 2014-2020; to identify the main questions about the EGTC in the new cohesion and neighbourhood policy, and to pave the way to build new partnerships, and therefore to set up new Groupings. As it was said during the Inter-institutional conference on EGTC last 29 March, there are great expectations about the EGTCs as instrument of management of programmes and as beneficiaries and intermediate bodies in actions of European Territorial Cooperation. Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 14:30-17:00. CoR JDE 52 Networking session: Atrium 5 09C04 From today's practice to tomorrow's policy: Euroregions delivering results for the benefit of regional cohesion and innovation after 2013. High level political representatives of the Euroregion Pyrénées-Méditerranée (EGTC), Piedmont, Małopolska, PACA, Midi-Pyrénées, Aosta, Balearic Islands, Rhône-Alpes. Including Mr Bernard Soulage, Member of the CoR. Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 9:00-13:00. Euroregion Alps-Mediterranean R. du Trône 62 09A15 Building cross-border territories by using tools for integrated local development. Organized by the MOT. The panel includes Mr Zoltan Bara, director of the EGTC 'Pons Danubii'. Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 14:30-17:00. Committee of the Regions, JDE 62 Networking session: Atrium 5 09B06 From Euroregion to EGTC: A long path to territorial cooperation. High level meeting among representatives of the EGTC Galicia-Norte de Portugal and the regions of Carinthia, Istria, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Including Mr Jesús Gamallo, alternate member of the CoR. Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 14:30-17:00. Fundación Galicia-Europa, Rue de la Loi 38 .../... -3- 10B04 Use of the EGTC under EU programmes outside cohesion policy This workshop is organized by DG Regio, intending to mainstream the EGTC in other EU policies as it was decided in the Inter-institutional conference on EGTC last 29 March. This workshop will be an opportunity to debate with DG Research on the Horizon Programme and with DG Education and Culture on youth policy. Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 9:00-10:45. Borschette 1A 10C07 Integrated territorial instruments for regional management and cooperation, in ETC and not only (ITI, CAP, CLLD, Art 87.2, financial engineering) Organized by INTERACT, The workshop will present summaries, scenarios and possible guidelines for the four types of activities/tools that can be implemented in the next programming period and how EGTCs can be fitted into them. Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 11:15-13:00. Borschette 1A 10E02 A legislative package for Cohesion Policy after 2013 Joint meeting of the Commission of Territorial Cohesion of the Committee of the Regions and the Committee on Regional Development of the European Parliament. The rapporteurs on the EGTC in the CoR and in the EP, Mr Michel Delebarre, Mayor of Dunkerque, and Mr Joachim Zeller Member of the EP, will intervene. Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 11:15-13:00. European Parliament, JAN 2Q2 Territorial cooperation 09A07 Cross-border cooperation boosts innovation Organized by DG Regio. In the panel, experts of Interreg, representatives of the industrial sector (Austria) and of the Iberian Centre of Nano-technologies in Braga (operating in the Euroregion Galicia-Norte de Portugal). Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 9:00-10:45. Borschette 0C 09C03 Policy, practice and evidence. Delivering results in urban mobility through interregional cooperation. Organized by DG Regio with Interact, Interreg IVC, ESPON, URBACT. Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 9:00-10:45. Borschette 0D .../... -409B04 How to ensure the coordination and synergy effects between cross-border cooperation and other programmes? Organized by DG Regio, with participation of the Director of Territorial Cooperation, Mr José Palma Andrés. In the panel, among others Mr Iuliu Bara, Government of Romania, Head of the Joint Management Authority of the programme Black Sea and member of the EGTC Platform. Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 11:15-13:00. Borschette 0C 09B09 INTERREG IVC capitalisation initiative: How EU regions can benefit? Organized by INTERREG IVC with the support of the Committee of the Regions. This is the first workshop related to 12 key issues which will deal on lessons learnt and innovative approeaches implemented via the different Interreg projects. Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 14:30-16:15. Committee of the Regions JDE 51 Networking session: Related to environment and risk prevention. Atrium 5 09B08 Cross-border labour market: A challenge that makes a difference Organized by the AEBR and chaired by the Region of Extremadura. The panel includes the regions of Extremadura (Spain), Opolskie (Poland), Alentejo (Portugal), Värmland (Sweden), East Border Region (Ireland/Northern Ireland), Öresund Region (Denmark/Sweden) and Olomouc (Czech Republic), the city of Varna (Bulgaria), Hedmark County (Norway). Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 14:30-17:00. PR of Portugal, Av Cortenbergh 12 10B01 Transnational cooperation: A key tool for community-led local development (CLLD) Organized by DG AGRI, the workshop will focus on the element of co-operation in the former LEADER initiative and the future CLLD. Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 9:00-10:45. Committee of the Regions, JDE 52 Networking session: Atrium 5 11C03 Citizens at the heart of territorial cooperation: Exchange of best practices on the creation and implementation of tools. High level panel composed by political representatives of border regions from Germany, Belgium and Poland. Time and venue: Thursday 11, 9:00-13:00. Rep. of Baden-Würtenberg, Belliard 60-62 .../... -5- Cooperation in specific regions 09A13 Innovation Union for the European outermost regions Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 11:15-13:00. Borschette 1D 09B07 Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA): The heart of European East-West crossborder cooperation Time and venue: Tuesday 9, 14:30-17:30. East Finland EU Office Rond point Schuman 6 10B02 Eastern Partnership Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 9:00-10:45. Borschette 0B 10B05 Putting the Atlantic Strategy into action: which tools? Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 9:00-13:00. Borschette 1B 10B06 Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion: Transnational, cross-border cooperation actions paving the way ahead and interregional Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 9:00-13:00. Monte Paschi, Av Auderghem 22-28 10B14 European experience of cross-border cooperation: A source of inspiration for Latin American and African countries? Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 14:30-17:00. Borschette 0B 11B01 Eastern Partnership territorial cooperation: An asset for Europe The workshop should explore the ways in which the CoR (through CORLEAP) and EP (through EURONEST) could provide value added in terms of supporting dialog and beneficial interaction across the borders. Time and venue: Thursday 11, 9:00-10:45. Committee of the Regions JDE 52 Networking session: Atrium 5 11B02 IPA cross-border cooperation – added value to EU integration of accession Time and venue: Thursday 11, 9:00-10:45. Charlemagne, room Jenkins .../... -6- Selected side events In parallel to the OPEN DAYS official programme, a number of related events are taking place in Brussels Their content, registration process, access and location are the responsibility of the respective event organiser What role for macro-regions in the next financial period? Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 14:30-17:00. Fundación Galicia-Europa, R. Loi 38 Organiser: Fundación Galicia Europa and Xunta de Galicia http://whatroleformacroregionsinthenextfinancialperiod.eventbrite.com Personal stories on territorial cooperation in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine Time and venue: Wednesday 10, 19:30-20:30. Huis van de Nederlandse Provincies (HNP), Rue de Trèves 59-61 Organiser: VIA2018 in cooperation with Social Beta Foundation http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/od2012/side_events.cfm
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