ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) ERC Advanced Grant How to Approach and optimize your application WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Stage 1 Understand the ERC WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) What is the ERC What is the European Research Council (ERC)? •New pan-European funding organisation •Supports the best in Europe -scientists, engineers and scholars •Funding of €7.51 billion (2007-13) What are the aims of the ERC? •Encourage highest quality research in Europe •Excellence is the sole criterion •Competitive, flexible funding •Retain, repatriate and recruit (career support) What are the ERC Grant Schemes? •Currently -Starting Grants and Advanced Grants •Support for a PI and (if necessary) team members •Investigator-initiated frontier research across all fields of research, on the basis of scientific excellence •New (pilot) scheme –2012 Work Programme in Spring 2011? •The ERC also has calls for tender for studies on the ERC itself WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) WRG Europe Ltd ERC Spending Profile Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Advanced Investigator Grants The ERC Advanced Investigator Grants Encourage substantial advances at the frontier of knowledge by supporting •excellent, Leading advanced investigators •to pursue ground breaking, high-risk/high gain research •Now 50% of Annual ERC Call Budget •Annual calls: open late spring and close in autumn •Grants of up to €3.5 million over 5 yrs (but normally €2.5 million) CallDate Deadlines ERC-2011-Adv 02 November 2010 PE: 09 February 2011 LS: 10 March 2011 SH: 06 April 2010 Call Value €M 661 Result late Spring/Summer 2011 WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Eligibility •Normally 10 publications as senior author (or in those fields where alphabetic order of authorship is the norm, joint author) in major international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journals, and/or in the leading international peer-reviewed journals and peerreviewed conferences proceedings of their respective field. •Normally 3 major research monographs, of which at least one is translated into another language. This benchmark is relevant to research fields where publication of monographs is the norm (e.g. humanities and social sciences). Other alternative benchmarks that may be considered (individually or in combination) as indicative of an exceptional record and recognition in the last 10 years: • Normally 5 granted patents • Normally 10 invited presentations in well-established internationally organised conferences and advanced schools • Normally 3 research expeditions led by the applicant • Normally 3 well-established international conferences or congresses where the applicant was involved in their organisation as a member of the steering and/or organising committee • International recognition through scientific prizes/awards or membership in well regarded Academies WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Funding Funding Levels and Duration of Grant Normally •Up to €2.5 million over 5 years ERC contribution (or pro-rata for shorter projects) Can be higher, but only to cover: •eligible “start-up” costsfor PIs moving from a third country to the EU or an Associated Country •the purchase of major equipment. If so, up to €2.5 million over 5 yrs ERC contribution (or pro-rata)Limit includes direct and indirect cost WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Team Concept Individual Team‟ Concept-Team MembersTeam Members (if needed) •Constitution of individual research team is flexible, commonly includes: •other researchers from the PI‟s research group or institution (senior researchers, post docs, graduate and PhD students…) •non-academic staffsuch as technicians/support staff can also be funded •Normally, the PI's host institution will be the only institution •But could have team members from other institutions in the same or different countries –If in EU/AC -can be funded –If outside EU/AC –GFA says ERC only fund if they do “not dispose of sufficient own financial resources to finance the participation in the ERC project” (new, but not part of the evaluation –looked at afterwards if you are successful) •Also, if separate legal entities are involved their participation (and funding) will –be assessed during peer review –“is their participation fully justified by the scientific added value they bring to the project?” •Team (including any team members at other institutions) led by, and centred around, the PI so NOT a traditional network or research consortium •PI has freedom to choose appropriate team members •Team members can be of any age, nationality & country of residence (not just EU/AC) •Team members do not need to be independent •Smaller role in application forms and review than the PI •Named v‟s un-named? •Resubmission rules do not apply to team members •Institution (s) where team based sign up to Grant Agreement WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Assessment Criteria 1. Principal Investigator Intellectual capacity and creativity: To what extent is the Principal Investigator's (and any Co-Investigator if applicable) record of research, collaborations, project conception, supervision of students and publications ground-breaking and demonstrative of independent creative thinking and the capacity to go significantly beyond the state of the art? Commitment: Is the Principal Investigator strongly committed to the project and willing to devote a significant amount of time to it (they will be expected to devote at least 30% of their working time to the ERC-funded project and spend at least 50% of their total working time in an EU Member State or associated country)? 2. Research project Ground-breaking nature and potential impact of the research: To what extent does the proposed research address important challenges at the frontiers of the field(s) addressed? To what extent does it have suitably ambitious objectives, which go substantially beyond the current state of the art (e.g. including inter- and trans-disciplinary developments and novel or unconventional concepts and/or approaches)? Methodology: To what extent does the possibility of a major breakthrough with an impact beyond a specific research domain/discipline justify any highly novel and/or unconventional methodologies ("high-gain/high-risk balance")? To what extent is the outlined scientific approach feasible? (assessed at step 1) To what extent is the proposed research methodology (including the proposed timescales and resources) appropriate to achieve the goals of the project? To what extent are the resources requested necessary and properly justified? (assessed at step 2) If it is proposed that team members engaged by another host institution participate in the project is their participation fully justified by the scientific added value they bring to the project? (assessed at step 2) WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Stage 2 Understand Grantmanship WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) General Introduction Your Objectives – Research --------------------Career & Livelihood Funding Objectives - --------------------Research Strategic Aims & Objectives It is important to remember that although you are structuring the project from a primary research/technical interest the funding programme will be as interested (maybe more interested) in the rationale supporting the project, its need and resultant benefits. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 11 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) General Introduction Each funding authority has a STRATEGIC remit Primary Message Answer the REMIT question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An Application is more than a research proposal – It is a document providing arguments for the justification of the Grant and the benefits arising. A sound science base is obviously essential but the emphasis throughout the document must be justification for the need for the project and associated excellence, Against the Strategic Aims of the Funding Authority Answer All the Questions WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Will support • •Excellent, innovative and investigator-initiated research projects • •Flexible projects to promote substantial advances in „frontier research‟ such as: knowledge pursuit of questions at or beyond the frontiers of knowledge • •any field of research • •interdisciplinary proposals crossing the boundaries between different research fields • •pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research • •proposals introducing unconventional, innovative approaches and scientific inventions • •but must have a significant impact on science, scholarship or engineering • •reviewers understand the high-risk/high-gain profile • •should aim to broaden scientific and technological knowledge WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Conclusions Grant Writing Primary Conclusion …………NEVER set out to Write and Application Grant Applications must be BUILT Block by Block………Brick on Brick Argument by Argument……..Justification on Justification Explain everything -- Attack the call remit -- Don’t let the Assessors have to think !!!! SELL YOURSELF and your PROJECT But Remember – Different Calls have Different Buyers WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) How to Optimise Your proposal Explain all Arguments – Assessors are Human Too !!! When presenting you arguments in each section don’t assume that the assessors are highly familiar or directly experienced in your area (they are more likely not going to be) --- and remember that for European projects English is almost certainly not going to be their first language. Assessors will not want to think about what you are saying or implying, nor will they have the time, so if it is not stated it is not counted – no matter how obvious to you. If anything is implied it will not be counted – therefore you have to qualify every statement – effectively with “what, how and why (and/or benefit)” WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) How to Optimise Your proposal You are not writing a research description or proposal !! An Application is effectively a sales document aimed at convincing the assessors to fund your application rather than any other. Generally proposers do not sell themselves that well and fail to maximise their arguments. Don’t undersell yourselves – words like probably, maybe, we seek, possibly, intend, etc. etc. should all be replaced by definitive statements, - normally “will”. You must give the impression that you know exactly in detail what you are doing and why Inspire Confidence WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) How to Optimise Your proposal Point 1. An Obvious but often forgotten point is to make it easy to read as layout on the page is very important because large blocks of text are intimidating and difficult for the assessor to extract points of information from so that it is necessary to use separate paragraphs for each point you are making and wherever possible bullet the key aspects in simplistic terms before justification. Point 1. Obvious -- but often Forgotten Make it easy to read ¾ Layout on the page is very important (large blocks of text are intimidating and difficult for the assessor to extract points of information from). ¾ Use separate paragraphs for each point you are making and wherever possible bullet the key aspects in simplistic terms before justification. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Project Structure Phase 1 – Justifying the Project. MOST PROJECTS FAIL NOT BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY SAY -- BUT -BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY FAIL TO SAY Arguments and Justifications required. ¾Concept ¾Rationale ¾Current position, problems, - ie. State of the art ¾Objectives ¾Deliverables ¾Progress beyond state of the art. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Arguments and Justifications required. ¾Concept ¾ Why??, What?? How ?? ¾Rationale ¾ Therefore….. !!! This is Why !! ¾Current position, problems, - ie. State of the art ¾Because…… !!! ¾Objectives ¾Therefore….. !!! This is what !! ¾Deliverables ¾Which will…... !!! This is How !! ¾Progress beyond state of the art. ¾ Achievements !!! Primary Justification WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Project Structure Phase 2 – Methodology and Workprogramme. Key Messages ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ This is what I am going to do. This is how I am going to do it This is why I am doing it this way It is the best/optimised way ¾ There is a clear defined plan ¾ Objectives and target deliverables are set and identified ¾ Risk is analysed, understood and accounted for in the planning ¾ Management activities and support structure are appropriate ¾(Suggest a separate section) ¾ Dissemination and exploitation routes are identified and planned WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ Arguments and Justifications This what we are going to do. This is how we are going to do it This is why we are doing it this way It is the best/optimised way Don’t launch straight into the research programme – always explain the above first. -- Reiterate/ refer to key aspects from 1st phase ¾ There is a clear defined plan ¾ Objectives and target deliverables are set and identified ¾ Risk is analysed, understood and accounted for in the planning Break workprogramme into distinct tasks – against a timeframe Each task with objectives Research/Technical Objectives Maybe also Other objectives – Training, KTA, Funding Remit !!!!!!!! WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Arguments and Justifications Tasks Describe each task with a justification, (ie WHY) a description (ie What/How) an outcome (ie Achievement) and purpose (ie Where will this task have lead) together with interrelationships with other tasks. Bullet specific deliverables and milestones – remember that both of these must be verifiable, and wherever possible quantifiable. (A task must have deliverables – but does not always need a milestone if it is relatively straight forward.) Concluding remarks should confirm why this is the optimum approach, the innovation, technological risk and fall back positions if required so that some degree of success can be achieved WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Definitions Task: Task Output: Deliverable Milestone Arguments and Justifications Design new Widget and build into SuperWodget 3 new SuperWodgets Performance data of new SuperWodgets(deliverable can thus still be met even if Widgets don’t work) Mid section of task – colour of SuperWodget?? Interrelationships Task output – Deliverable Milestone - to next task for build into UltraWodget performance data for dissemination and exploitation activities Critical path point to enable widgets to be available on time for next task of build into UltraWodget A simple Gannt chart giving timescales, deliverable & milestone points, as well as any interrelationships is also extremely useful WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Arguments and Justifications Deliverables Report Scientific paper Conference proceedings Monologue Book Technical Data, Performance Data, Validation Data etc. etc Analysis of xxxx with respect to yyyyy Best practice guidelines and protocols Supporting data sets Roadmaps for future activities Deliverables MUST be tangible and concrete (and related to Remit) It is These Deliverables that the Funding Authority is Purchasing Their Return on Investment WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Arguments and Justifications The Research Environment Your excellence, the excellence of your lab/group, school/department, Research Centre/University will need explaining (exploiting) with respect to the benefit to your project. It is important to give a clear and concise description of your envisaged team, including named individuals if possible. The role of each team member must be specified, including any additional training requirements (Highly likely if interdisciplinary in your approach) Although not always essential, networking and liaison with other research centres across Europe will be a major plus to your proposal. (Indeed the ability to enable you do this can be one of the major justifications for your grant) If you don’t state it – it doesn’t exist. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Project Structure Phase 3 – Impact and benefit. Often neglected – BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT Grant Applications are a Competition To Win – you must be the best and DELIVER THE BEST Identify ALL Benefits and Impact – Imperative with respect to Call Remit - - Other aspects for additional marks Technical Progress, Financial benefit, Environmental benefit, Citizenship and Quality of Life, Health and Health Care, Best Practice, Policy Development, Governance, etc.etc Quantify and Explain as much as possible -- Quote Papers and Stats -- Extrapolate where necessary WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Impact & Benefit. This project will remove 50% of all back pain problems. xx% of population suffer from back pain -- yy hundred Million in Europe xx working days lost per person per annum. Each day lost cost industry xx Euro in lost production -- yy cost to Europe per annnum Immediate project benefit y euro per annum to European Industry. Health care costs per back pain person per annum -- xx Euro 50% saving -- x Euro health care costs per annum. No Work – no pay for back pain sufferers. Family problems, social problems, etc. All removed. Astrophysics Understanding theory of quantum mechanics in Black holes will….?? Increase/Improve our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of the Universe -important in potential development of new quantum structures; such as single electron memory devices which will revolutionize the computer industry. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Project Structure The Cycle of Arguments and Justifications This is the Problem Will Resolve Benefits/impact Project Achievements Deliverable/Outputs Method Detail WRG Europe Ltd State of the Art NEED Rationale for the Project Return on Investment Fit to REMIT Progress beyond S of A Objectives Methodology Research Approach Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Stage 3 Understand the Approach WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Addressing ERC Aims Aims to: •to promote substantial advances in the frontiers of knowledge, •to encourage new productive lines of enquiry and new methods and techniques, •Including unconventional approaches and investigations at the interface between established disciplines Research proposals of a multi- and inter-disciplinary nature are strongly encouraged throughout the ERC's schemes. ERC is particularly keen to encourage excellent proposals which involve the establishment of a new research activity in the EU or the associated Countries by a Principal Investigator who is moving from a third country into the EU or the associated countries. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Key Messages Assessors are established international Scientists of high repute. Thus - Key Messages in respect of ERC “AIMS” First essential Message -- EASY to Defend I am an Excellent researcher But I am aware of my limitations – “Humility” Which this ERC Grant will enable me to overcome AND I HAVE BETTER IDEAS THAN YOU, or anyone else !!!!! – “Ambition” - “Excitement” Second essential Message – Difficult to Argue and Defend OK -- I’m an excellent researcher!! BUT.... I am Better suited/able to carry out the work than you !! And will likely make a bigger impact in the field than you have !! WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Project Justification Will support •Excellent, innovative and investigator-initiated research projects •Explain in B1(a,c) and B2 how and why your career to date has enabled these groundbreaking insights (Thus no one else is in a similar position – You are special) Will support •Flexible projects to promote substantial advances in „frontier research‟ such as: knowledge pursuit of questions at or beyond the frontiers of knowledge •This is not a research project. •It is the first stage of a programme of research that will provide the basis for this new future Research programme – or consolidation thereof. Will support any field of research. •Multi/Inter disciplinarity almost essential ......This Programme will Develop new platforms of Knowledge and Understanding that will enable............. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Project Justification Will support •interdisciplinary proposals crossing the boundaries between different research fields • Very effective approach but Networking and Team structure crucial to avoid criticism. Will support •pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research • Definitely !!!!! •proposals introducing unconventional, innovative approaches and scientific inventions •Difficult to get through !!!! (Reviewers are Human and at committee stage – Safest Wins – so needs absolute justification and defence) Will support •but must have a significant impact on science, scholarship or engineering •Essential – The research will be high impact and potentially lead to changes/additions; to undergraduate texts!! •reviewers understand the high-risk/high-gain profile •Not in MY Experience – Defence of approach essential !! •should aim to broaden scientific and technological knowledge •MUST ............ WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Approach 1. Build your application – don’t write it. a) Justifications b) Arguments c) Defences 2. Start with B2 – all else is directed at, supports and reinforces this 3. Include additional sections a) Management b) Risk c) Impact & Benefit d) Dissemination and Exploitation 4. Give a return on Investment a) You and the importance of your career to the ERA b) The impact of the science/subject in your research area to:i. Other scientists ii. End users and Beneficiaries (Industry) iii. Europe 5. Show how all this will be achieved with the team, partners, and network you will establish. WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Support at The University WRG Europe Ltd Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) Assistance and Support ¾ All necessary information in one single support pack ¾ Guidelines to Project Strategy and Proposal writing for each instrument within each Call. ¾ Costing help and advice available – Consortium Building ¾ Specific (and confidential) advice available on application as it progresses via:- • • • • WRG Europe Ltd Initial one to one surgery sessions Email and telephone discussions – 24 Hour 7 day/week Direct review, tuning advice and writing support during preparation and prior to submission. Help with editing and specific text’s where appropriate Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190 Support and Information ERC Advanced Grants (Adv) For Further information please contact ¾Dr. Martin Pickard ¾ Tel: ¾ E-mail 07779 475 190 [email protected] GrantCraft Proposal Preparation, Training & Management Support Services. DR. MARTIN PICKARD Whitton Cottage Nicholashayne Wellington Somerset,TA21 9QY United Kingdom WRG Europe Ltd Tel: +44 (0) 1884 841 682 e-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +44 (0) 7779 475 190 Dr. Martin Pickard – 07779 475 190
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