LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 1 of 21 How to use LeakyDuct™ In the following worked example, air density is 1.2 kg/m3 unless otherwise noted. • Find the fan parabola constants for the auxiliary fan provided in the figure at the end of this document (SDS GAL14 2*90 kW). What is the correlation coefficient? What does it mean? Preview the curve. Answer Find the P and Q values for the maximum and minimum flows for this curve. These can be either FSP or FTP values, but you must be consistent. Select two additional points between these extremes at points of maximum deflection on the curve. These points would be suitable. FTP, Pa Q, m3/s 5400 26.5 5000 31.5 4000 37.5 750 48.3 Entering this data into the FTP input boxes of the FanCurveCalculator sheet within LeakyDuct™ gives fan constants of a = -7.95844, b = 382.02719, c = 864.44534 for a correlation coefficient, r2, of exactly 1.0000. Note that correlation coefficients above 0.9995 are acceptable. Note that you must also enter the correct fan outlet diameter and the correct fan curve air density. You should end up with the following: Figure 1 Fan Curve Fitting Calculator. Copyright MVA 2000-2004. All rights reserved. Note: Pressures in Pa, volumes in m3/s. Enter the data from the curve supplied by the manufacturer, including the air density and the fan outlet diameter. You should normally use a standard density of 1.2 kg/m3. However, if the manufacturer's plot you are using is at a different density, then still enter the points directly from the curve, along with the air density of the plot. The calculated A, B and C values will be at STANDARD DENSITY. Select four points from fan curve. These MUST include the lowest and highest acceptable Q on the curve ('PtQmin' and 'PtQmax'), and then pick two points in between these at points where the curve is changing slope (i.e. for best results, do NOT pick equi-distant points along the curve). Enter data in BLUE only. PtQmin should be at the surge (peak P) or stall point; PtQmax should be at the choke point (or runaway condition, if no choke point). "Simulator" will not allow the fan to go outside these values of Q so choose them carefully. The fan curve is given by P = A x Q2 + B x Q + C. The regression coefficient (r2 value) for the 'goodness of fit' of the curve is shown in PURPLE. A perfect fit is 1.0000. You should aim for better than 0.999 (preferably better than 0.9995). Curve fitting accuracy depends largely on how accurately you read the P and Q values from the supplied curve. You should ensure curves are CERTIFIED, are TO SCALE, and are LARGE ENOUGH for P and Q values to be read to within 1% of the maximum P and Q values. If you still cannot get a correlation better than 0.999, then you may need to use a 3rd order polynomial for curve fitting. However, this is unlikely and for most mine applications, a 2nd order (quadratic) polynomial is satisfactory. You should then PLOT the curve (see below) and make sure it is correct by comparing it directly with the manufacturer's curve. To find the A, B and C constants for two (or more) fans in series, or two (or more) fans in parallel, or series-parallel, put the correct number of fans in the marked cells (for one fan only, leave '1' in series cell and '1' in parallel celll, for 2 fans in series put '2' in series cell and leave '1' in parallel cell', for 2 pairs of fans in parallel (4 fans), put '2' in series cell and put '2' in parallel cell etc. HINT: If you multiply the no of fans in series x no of fans in parallel, you should get the no of fans in the installation. Hence a 1 fan installation will have 1 in each box (1 x 1 = 1). Two fans in parallel, will have 2 in the parallel box and 1 in the series box (2 x 1 = 2), etc. You can then put the new A, B and C constants (for the fan combination) into the Main_Database as a new "FanName" by pressing the adjacent button. To find the fan curve for dissimilar fans, use the "FanCurveCombiner". For your own records, you should permanently store the P and Q values used to create your fan constants, along with the air density, in the Sheet called "P&Qpts". This can be done by pressing the relevant button. It is the A, B and C constants in RED (the FTP values, NOT FSP values) that are put into the database, or used directly in the Simulator worksheet as "manual data" fan type. To view a plot of the fan curve, press the correct "Plot Chart" button. Both FSP and FTP can be plotted. To print or preview a chart, click "Print or Preview Chart" button (after pressing "Plot chart"). If an error message comes up when you input your P and Q values, then it means you have misread the data. ParamPtQmin eter Use these rows if reading points from a Fan Total Pressure Curve Store P & Q points in database Plot chart Store fan constants in database Use these rows if reading points from a Fan Static Pressure Curve Store P & Q points in database Plot chart Store fan constants in database • Pt 2 Pt 3 PtQmax FSP 5 222 4 749 3 644 159 FVP 178 251 356 591 Q1.2 26.5 31.5 37.5 48.3 Q 2 Special data 1.400 m, fan outlet dia A1.2 -8.21164 B1.2 C1.2 382.02719 2 1.20 kg/m3 density Correlation coefficient, r -7.95844 382.02719 864.44534 1.0000 864.44534 702 992 1 406 2 333 No of fans in series 1 FTP 5 400 5 000 4 000 750 No of fans in parallel 1 FSP 3 600 2 900 1 900 940 FVP 187 276 385 490 Q1.2 27.2 33.0 39.0 44.0 740 1 089 1 521 1 936 No of fans in series 1 3 787 3 176 2 285 1 430 No of fans in parallel 1 Q 2 FTP 1.400 m, fan outlet dia -3.17266 66.90161 4132.46838 2 1.20 kg/m3 density Correlation coefficient, r -2.91946 0.9998 66.90161 4132.46838 View the Chart by selecting the “Plot chart” button relevant to the input values you have chosen (either the top button for FTP input values, or the bottom button for FSP input values). When the dialog box comes up, choose whether you want the chart to show FTP or FSP. You can plot FTP values even when you used FSP inputs and vice versa. 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 2 of 21 Once the chart is displayed, you make enlarge it to full screen by pressing the “Print or Preview Chart” button to obtain the following: You can now check the curve against the manufacturer’s curve. To quit this window, pressure the “Close” button and to get rid of the chart completely, press the “Clear Chart” button. • Once you are happy with your choice of points, save the P and Q points you used to create these constants in the database by pressing the “Store P and Q points in database” button. You should obtain the following dialog box: 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 3 of 21 Enter a suitable UNIQUE name for the fan and press OK. You will be given a message box and then taken to the database to view the stored data. You can manually alter values in this database at any time. Return to the FanCurveCalculator sheet by clicking on the sheet tab. • Save the fan constants and other critical data in the database by clicking on the “Store fan constants in database” button. You should obtain the following dialog box: Enter a suitable UNIQUE name for the fan (usually the same name as for the P/Q points dialog box above) and press OK. You will be given a message box and then taken to the database to view the stored data. You can manually alter values in this database at any time. • Find suitable duct diameters (Protan or equiv duct) for a two fan two duct (one fan per duct) forcing-only installation to achieve the necessary airflow at the face (250 kW) and in the truck compartment (360 kW plus 250 kW) for both 1000 m of duct and 1600 m of duct. Use the SDS fan you have entered above. Find the approximate re-entry time if the drive is 6 m high * 5 m wide, the face advance is 3.7 m, the rock s.g. is 2.65 and the powder factor is 1.6 kg/m3? Is this fan/duct a good combination for this job? Answer The 250 kW truck will require a minimum of 12.5 m3/s (at 0.05 m3/s per kW of engine power) at the face and the truck will require 18.0 m3/s where it is working. If both are working together, they would require 30.5 m3/s. For two ducts, this would mean 15.25 m3/s at the face per duct. Using Protan duct for this long heading, with “typical” k factor and leakage factors of 0.003 Ns2/m4 and 48 respectively, then the following table can be constructed using Simulator. 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 4 of 21 Table 1 1000 m duct (1100 m with shock losses) Fan airflow, m3/s 1.02 m duct (2 off) 1600 m duct (1760 m with shock losses) Face airflow, m3/s Re-entry time, mins Not possible Not possible Fan airflow, m3/s Face airflow, m3/s Re-entry time, mins Not possible Not possible 1.2 m duct 26.8 * 2 (2 off) 19.9 * 2 27 mins Not possible Not possible 1.4 m duct 34.9 * 2 (2 off) 27.5 * 2 20 mins 32.7 * 2 21.4 * 2 35 mins The solutions for the 1000 m duct (1.02 m φ and 1.2 m φ) are shown below: Figure 2 LeakySimTM Copyright MVA 2000-2006. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. NOTE: RED values indicate warnings or bad data or invalid/poor results 1. Assumes forcing or exhausting fan or fan combination at end of duct. Fan can be a series, parallel or "Y" combination (fan feeding twin ducts). 2. Assumes air density is constant (compressibility ignored), leakage is influenced by static pressure across duct wall only, duct is of uniform diameter and quality (K and leakage factors are constant along duct [although friction losses and leakage itself are NOT constant]), and velocity pressure at duct outlet (forcing fans) or duct inlet (exhausting fans) is small compared to fan total pressure. 3. When leakage exceeds 85% of fan airflow, result is unreliable. 4. Whilst very unlikely in most circumstances, the pressure loss to push the air back out of the heading may be significant on rare occasions and should be checked. 5. Note that a more powerful fan or lower leakage factor may not improve a solution, e.g. a lower leakage factor will increase the fan pressure perhaps to a point beyond the fan's pressure capability (i.e. goes into stall), and a more powerful fan may have its surge point (min flow value) at a flow that is too high for the duct (i.e. it also goes into stall), etc. In both cases, the 'commonsense' solutions to improve the fan or duct performance may result in p 6. To find the airflow returning from the face at any point in the auxiliary compartment, use the "Predicted return air flow outside duct". This is helpful in determining how far diesels can go in a heading. 7. It is strongly recommended that you use real fan data and real duct friction, leakage and shock loss factors for any simulation. Also you should consider a range of values (i.e. look at the sensitivity of the solution to different fan and duct characteristics) before making a final selection. INPUTS OUTPUTS (per duct) DUCT INPUT DATA Duct Length Length with shock losses Air density Duct (NOT fan) diameter) K factor of duct at 1.2 kg/m3 m m 3 kg/m m Large diameter, 100 m lengths vent bag (Protan or equiv) - 0.00300 2 Ns /m Duct leakage factor OR manual entry Calculate 4 Protan or equiv duct, 100 m lengths, typical - 48 2 2 mm leakage area per m area (including effects of duct joins, etc) FAN INPUT DATA GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW Type of fan Electrical power cost $/(kW.hr) Approx fan efficiency % based on FSP, assumed constant OR (instead of providing known fan type, provide fan curve constants) Parabola A constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola B constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola C constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Maximum Q on curve, cms, (optional) Minimum Q on curve, cms (optional) Fan Total Pressure Pa 5 182 1 000 Fan Static Pressure (FSP) Pa 4 884 1 100 Fan Airflow per duct 18.2 m3/s 1.200 14.7 Fan Resistance at 1.2 kg/m3 Ns2/m8 12.6 1.02 Airflow out of/into duct m3/s 0.00300 Leakage/fan Q % 31% 3 Leakage per duct 5.6 0.0040 m /s 48 Leakage/Face flow % 45% 100 Duct velocity pressure Pa @ %FTP 142 @ 3% Maximum FSP this fan Pa 5 101 3 Fan free-delivery flow per duct 48.3 m /s Fan Q as % of Qmax % 38% $ 0.08 FSP as % of FSPmax % 96% 70% Approx elec cost $/day/duct $/day/duct 117.97 3 3 -16.99 0.39 Approx cost/(m /s) cents/(m /s) Predicted return air flow outside duct 749.75 Distance from fan m 992.76 50 3 Nett return this point/duct 38.5 17.7 m /s Duct static pressure this pt Pa 4,408 22.5 ERROR: Fan flow too low. Fan will be in stall zone (fan pressures not valid) Note that an error message at the bottom of this screen will occur under several circumstances: 1. The duct resistance is too high for this fan and the fan effectively goes into stall. 2. The duct leakage is too high 3. The fan constants (a, b, c) you have calculated or entered manually do not describe a valid fan curve 4. The solution is outside the range of valid flows and/or pressures for this fan 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 5 of 21 Figure 3 LeakySimTM Copyright MVA 2000-2006. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. NOTE: RED values indicate warnings or bad data or invalid/poor results 1. Assumes forcing or exhausting fan or fan combination at end of duct. Fan can be a series, parallel or "Y" combination (fan feeding twin ducts). 2. Assumes air density is constant (compressibility ignored), leakage is influenced by static pressure across duct wall only, duct is of uniform diameter and quality (K and leakage factors are constant along duct [although friction losses and leakage itself are NOT constant]), and velocity pressure at duct outlet (forcing fans) or duct inlet (exhausting fans) is small compared to fan total pressure. 3. When leakage exceeds 85% of fan airflow, result is unreliable. 4. Whilst very unlikely in most circumstances, the pressure loss to push the air back out of the heading may be significant on rare occasions and should be checked. 5. Note that a more powerful fan or lower leakage factor may not improve a solution, e.g. a lower leakage factor will increase the fan pressure perhaps to a point beyond the fan's pressure capability (i.e. goes into stall), and a more powerful fan may have its surge point (min flow value) at a flow that is too high for the duct (i.e. it also goes into stall), etc. In both cases, the 'commonsense' solutions to improve the fan or duct performance may result in p 6. To find the airflow returning from the face at any point in the auxiliary compartment, use the "Predicted return air flow outside duct". This is helpful in determining how far diesels can go in a heading. 7. It is strongly recommended that you use real fan data and real duct friction, leakage and shock loss factors for any simulation. Also you should consider a range of values (i.e. look at the sensitivity of the solution to different fan and duct characteristics) before making a final selection. INPUTS OUTPUTS (per duct) DUCT INPUT DATA Duct Length Length with shock losses Air density Duct (NOT fan) diameter) K factor of duct at 1.2 kg/m3 m m kg/m3 m Calculate Large diameter, 100 m lengths vent bag (Protan or equiv) - 0.00300 Ns2/m4 Duct leakage factor OR manual entry Protan or equiv duct, 100 m lengths, typical - 48 mm2 leakage area per m2 area (including effects of duct joins, etc) FAN INPUT DATA GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW Type of fan Electrical power cost $/(kW.hr) Approx fan efficiency % based on FSP, assumed constant OR (instead of providing known fan type, provide fan curve constants) Parabola A constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola B constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola C constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Maximum Q on curve, cms, (optional) Minimum Q on curve, cms (optional) Fan Total Pressure Pa 5 387 1 000 Fan Static Pressure (FSP) Pa 5 050 1 100 Fan Airflow per duct 26.8 m3/s 1.200 7.0 Ns2/m8 Fan Resistance at 1.2 kg/m3 19.9 1.20 Airflow out of/into duct m3/s 0.00300 Leakage/fan Q % 26% 6.9 0.0040 Leakage per duct m3/s 48 Leakage/Face flow % 34% Duct velocity pressure Pa @ %FTP 186 @ 3% 100 Maximum FSP this fan Pa 5 063 3 Fan free-delivery flow per duct 48.3 m /s Fan Q as % of Qmax % 55% $ 0.08 FSP as % of FSPmax 70% % 100% Approx elec cost $/day/duct $/day/duct 193.22 3 3 0.40 -16.99 cents/(m /s) Approx cost/(m /s) Predicted return air flow outside duct 749.75 992.76 Distance from fan m 50 26.1 38.5 Nett return this point/duct m3/s 22.5 Duct static pressure this pt Pa 4,558 Re-entry times are found using the Re-entry sheet as shown below for 1000 m and 21.5 m3/s to the face: Figure 4 Re-Entry Times after Blasting Enter data in blue only. 1. This program assumes main explosive in ANFO. All ppm are by volume. See "comments" in each cell for Env Eng in S.A. mines values. 2. Program calculates time after vent re-established, NOT time after blast. If vent duct is leaky, then re-entry times will be somewhat less than these for forcing duct, and somewhat more than these for exhausting system. 3. If forcing configuration, assumes vent duct is reasonably close to face, so that effective mixing occurs between blasting fumes and fresh air exiting the duct. 4. If exhausting configuration or overlap, assumes exhaust airflow exceeds forcing airflow. 5. Factors that increase production of noxious gases include: inadequate priming, insufficient water resistance, lack of confinement, inadequate burden, reaction of explosion with rock (e.g. with sulphides to produce H2S), overcharging and incomplete detonation. This program is for guidance and design purposes only and must be confirmed on site using proper gas detection equipment. Note: The author and the supplier have no liability to the licensee or any other person or entity for any damage or loss, including special, incidential or consequential damages caused by this product directly or indirectly. This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Warranties of merchantability or of fitness for any purpose are specifically excluded. INPUTS OUTPUTS Fume throw-back (approximate figure only) m Minimum possible re-entry time assuming plug flow mins Re-entry time based on most critical gas mins NO2 CO2 NH3 INDIVIDUAL GAS VALUES NO DEVELOPMENT HEADING Distance flow-thru to face Height Width m m m 3 m /s Face airflow Type of ventilation Forcing only, fan at devt entry, duct outlet near face Distance of duct outlet from face m 1000 6.0 5.0 21.5 15.0 BLASTING Advance per round incl butts Rock density Explosive powder factor Maximum limit this mine for NO2 Maximum limit this mine for NO Maximum limit this mine for NH3 m tonnes per cubic meter 3 kg/m rock blasted ppm ppm ppm 3.70 2.65 1.60 3 25 25 Maximum limit this mine for CO2 Maximum limit this mine for CO NO2 produced per t ANFO NO produced per t ANFO NH3 produced per t ANFO CO2 produced per t ANFO CO produced per t ANFO ppm ppm kg kg kg kg kg 5000 50 3.9 2.5 6.0 180.0 5.0 Re-entry time, min Conc after blast in fume throw-back, ppm Conc when fume reaches flow-past Conc on reentry, ppm Current ACGIH TLV, ppm 55 152 13 3 3 21 149 12 3 25 38 631 52 12 25 21 7310 604 145 5000 83 23 55 CO 21 319 26 6 50 IMPORTANT: Immediately after a blast, most nitrous fumes appear as NO. This is then slowly oxidised to NO2, with about 50% converted after 2 hours. If re-entry time is short, then use the NO re-entry time in the above table; if it is long, use the NO2 re-entry time Using the NO2 values will always give the most pessimistic times (compared to NO). Also note that about half the total gases remain in the muckpile until bogging starts. The "minimum re-entry time assuming plug flow" is if the entire blasting fumes moved out as a plug. Warning: Uncalculated data! 2.12 2.08 8.81 102.09 4.46 Calculate outputs Clearly the 1.02 m duct is not sufficient for either the 1000 m or 1600 m lengths. The 1.2 m duct is satisfactory for 1000 m but will not be sufficient to see the job out to 1600 m. However, 1.4 m duct (the next off-the-shelf size available) could be argued as being too big as it requires 66 m3/s at the fan and puts 42 m3/s to the job, when only 30 m3/s is required. However, twin ducts are best for long headings, as if one duct needs repair, or a fan is not operational, at least some air can be sent to the face. In addition, 25 mins is a good upper limit for a re-entry time, especially if this is a priority face or a single heading. It might be better to look a smaller fan, e.g. the single GAL12.5 2*55 kW; however, it is probably better to take the shorter re-entry time and wear the 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 6 of 21 cost of more fan power. The actual decision will depend on what management is trying to achieve on this heading • Construct the fan curve for two of these 180 kW fans in series. Now find the minimum duct diameter that will deliver the face volume flow using only one duct. Find the approximate reentry time. Answer Using FanCurveCombiner and putting two GAL14 2*90 kW fans in series and calculating the combined FTP curve gives constants of a = -15.9169, b = 764.0544 and c = 1728.8907 (see below). Note that the “Calculate values and chart” button must be pressed after entering new data. Figure 5 Fan curve combiner Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. 1. Select "Fan combination type required". 2. Select Curve type required: FTP means output constants are for fan total pressure, FSP means ouput constants are for fan static pressure 3. Select fan(s). Note "manual entry" of fan constants etc is not possible on this sheet. Fan must already exist in database. 4. To create multiple combinations of fans, add the first combination, then store the resulting fan constants in the database, then add this as a new fan to another set, etc. 5. To print or preview the chart, select the button. Series 1 Fan combination type MaxQ1 48.3 1341 160 1341 S 1 Fan TOTAL Pressure Series Calculate Curve type required? 1st qtrcurve: FTP 42.9 3087 2157 3087 FTP Fan Fan Series configuration. Density = 1.20 kg/m3. 3 Air density for inputs, kg/m Fan and STATIC 2nd qtr 37.4 4374 3666 4374 Parallel 1.20 Values 3 Air density for chart plot, kg/m Y (feeding twin ducts) Chart 3rd 12000 qtr 32.0 5205 4688 5205 1.20 55 MinQ1 L 14, 2 x 90 10000 MaxQ2 1st qtr Print or Store 2nd qtr Preview Combo fan 8000 Chart in d'base 3rd qtr P-Q curve for c MinQ2 1 L 14, 2 x6000 90 kW MaxQ3 Warning: Uncalculated data! 1st qtr4000 Pa Fan 1 at input air density Fan name GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW a1 constant -7.9584 b1 constant 382.0272 c1 constant 864.4453 Max Q1 48.3 Min Q1 26.5 P at Max Q1 750 P at Min Q1 5399 Fan diameter, m 1.40 Fan 2 at input air density GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW Fan name a2 constant -7.9584 b2 constant 382.0272 c2 constant 864.4453 Max Q2 48.3 Min Q2 26.5 P at Max Q2 1643 P at Min Q2 10771 Fan diameter, m 1.40 55 2nd qtr 3rd qtr 2000 MinQ3 26.5 0.0 48.3 42.9 37.4 32.0 26.5 5577 5222 5577 1341 3087 4374 5205 5577 160 2157 3666 4688 5222 1341 3087 4374 5205 5577 48.3 42.9 2091 5708 910 4778 2091 5708 FVP 591 465 37.4 32.0 26.5 8395 10151 10977 7686 9634 10621 8395 10151 10977 354 258 178 Fan combination at input density a combined -15.9169 b combined 764.0544 Fan curve: F 0 0 c combined 1728.8907 0 0 10 Max Q combined 48.3 Min Q combined 26.5 0 P at Max Q combined 1500 GAL 14, 2 x 90 0 kW P at Min Q combined 10799 20 30 40 50 GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW P-Q curve for combination This combined curve can now be plotted using the “Print or Preview Chart” button using a similar procedure to above. Once you are satisfied with the curve, press the “Store combo fan in d’base” button to store this combination as a new fan type. You will need to enter a new fan name. This new fan is now available from the Simulator sheet. Click on the Simulator sheet tab to go to the sheet. The solution for the new fan at 1600 m using 1.4 m φ duct is shown below: For a 1.4 m duct 1600 m long (1760 m with shock losses), the air delivered to the face is 27 m3/s (for a fan flow of 40 m3/s), see below. This does not meet the requirement of 30.5 m3/s, but would still meet the requirement of 0.04 m3/s per kW (if this was in operation). Therefore this “solution” would probably be acceptable. However, it suffers from the problems of single vent 17 August 2006 60 m3/s LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 7 of 21 lines with long headings, i.e. no redundancy. If a 1.5 m duct is used, the face flow is still only 29 m3/s, but at 1.6 m φ, this increases to 31.4 m3/s. LeakySimTM Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. NOTE: RED values indicate warnings or bad data or invalid/poor results 1. Assumes forcing or exhausting fan or fan combination at end of duct. Fan can be a series, parallel or "Y" combination (fan feeding twin ducts). 2. Assumes air density is constant (compressibility ignored), leakage is influenced by static pressure across duct wall only, duct is of uniform diameter and quality (K and leakage factors are constant along duct [although friction losses and leakage itself are NOT constant]), and velocity pressure at duct outlet (forcing fans) or duct inlet (exhausting fans) is small compared to fan total pressure. 3. When leakage exceeds 85% of fan airflow, result is unreliable. 4. Whilst very unlikely in most circumstances, the pressure loss to push the air back out of the heading may be significant on rare occasions and should be checked. 5. Note that a more powerful fan or lower leakage factor may not improve a solution, e.g. a lower leakage factor will increase the fan pressure perhaps to a point beyond the fan's pressure capability (i.e. goes into stall), and a more powerful fan may have its surge point (min flow value) at a flow that is too high for the duct (i.e. it also goes into stall), etc. In both cases, the 'commonsense' solutions to improve the fan or duct performance may result in p 6. To find the airflow returning from the face at any point in the auxiliary compartment, use the "Predicted return air flow outside duct". This is helpful in determining how far diesels can go in a heading. 7. It is strongly recommended that you use real fan data and real duct friction, leakage and shock loss factors for any simulation. Also you should consider a range of values (i.e. look at the sensitivity of the solution to different fan and duct characteristics) before making a final selection. INPUTS OUTPUTS (per duct) DUCT INPUT DATA Duct Length Length with shock losses Air density Duct (NOT fan) diameter) K factor of duct at 1.2 kg/m3 m m 3 kg/m m Large diameter, 100 m lengths vent bag (Protan or equiv) - 0.00300 2 Ns /m Duct leakage factor OR manual entry 4 Protan or equiv duct, 100 m lengths, typical - 48 2 2 mm leakage area per m area (including effects of duct joins, etc) FAN INPUT DATA Two GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW in series Type of fan Electrical power cost $/(kW.hr) Approx fan efficiency % based on FSP, assumed constant OR (instead of providing known fan type, provide fan curve constants) Parabola A constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola B constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola C constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Maximum Q on curve, cms, (optional) Minimum Q on curve, cms (optional) Fan Total Pressure Pa 6 946 1 600 Fan Static Pressure (FSP) Pa 6 546 3 39.8 1 760 Fan Airflow per duct m /s 3 2 8 1.200 4.1 Ns /m Fan Resistance at 1.2 kg/m 3 26.7 1.40 Airflow out of/into duct m /s 0.00300 Leakage/fan Q % 33% 3 0.0020 Leakage per duct 13.1 m /s 48 Leakage/Face flow % 49% 7 Duct velocity pressure Pa, %FTP 180, 3% Maximum FSP this fan Pa 10 898 3 50.2 Fan free-delivery flow per duct m /s Fan Q as % of Qmax % 79% $ 0.08 FSP as % of FSPmax % 60% 70% Approx elec cost $/day/duct $/day/duct 335.14 3 3 0.52 -16.99 Approx cost/(m /s) cents/(m /s) Predicted return air flow outside duct 749.75 992.76 Distance from fan m 500 3 32.9 38.5 Nett return this point/duct m /s 22.5 Duct static pressure this pt Pa 3,094 Using the 1.4 m duct (27 m3/s to the face) and the Re-entry sheet, gives a re-entry time of 43 minutes at 1000 m and 57 minutes at 1600 m (shown below). These re-entry times may be excessive, depending on the application. Enter data in blue only. Re-Entry Times after Blasting 1. This program assumes main explosive in ANFO. All ppm are by volume. See "comments" in each cell for Env Eng in S.A. mines values. 2. Program calculates time after vent re-established, NOT time after blast. If vent duct is leaky, then re-entry times will be somewhat less than these for forcing duct, and somewhat more than these for exhausting system. 3. If forcing configuration, assumes vent duct is reasonably close to face, so that effective mixing occurs between blasting fumes and fresh air exiting the duct. 4. If exhausting configuration or overlap, assumes exhaust airflow exceeds forcing airflow. 5. Factors that increase production of noxious gases include: inadequate priming, insufficient water resistance, lack of confinement, inadequate burden, reaction of explosion with rock (e.g. with sulphides to produce H2S), overcharging and incomplete detonation. This program is for guidance and design purposes only and must be confirmed on site using proper gas detection equipment. Note: The author and the supplier have no liability to the licensee or any other person or entity for any damage or loss, including special, incidential or consequential damages caused by this product directly or indirectly. This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Warranties of merchantability or of fitness for any purpose are specifically excluded. INPUTS OUTPUTS Fume throw-back (approximate figure only) m Minimum possible re-entry time assuming plug flow mins Re-entry time based on most critical gas mins NH3 NO2 CO2 NO INDIVIDUAL GAS VALUES DEVELOPMENT HEADING Distance flow-thru to face Height Width m m m 3 m /s Face airflow Type of ventilation Forcing only, fan at devt entry, duct outlet near face Distance of duct outlet from face m 1600 6.0 5.0 27.0 15.0 BLASTING • Advance per round incl butts Rock density Explosive powder factor Maximum limit this mine for NO2 Maximum limit this mine for NO Maximum limit this mine for NH3 m tonnes per cubic meter 3 kg/m rock blasted ppm ppm ppm 3.70 2.65 1.60 3 25 25 Maximum limit this mine for CO2 Maximum limit this mine for CO NO2 produced per t ANFO NO produced per t ANFO NH3 produced per t ANFO CO2 produced per t ANFO CO produced per t ANFO ppm ppm kg kg kg kg kg 5000 50 3.9 2.5 6.0 180.0 5.0 Re-entry time, min Conc after blast in fume throw-back, ppm Conc when fume reaches flow-past Conc on reentry, ppm Current ACGIH TLV, ppm 57 152 8 3 3 28 149 8 3 25 36 631 33 12 25 28 7310 378 145 5000 57 CO 28 319 16 6 50 IMPORTANT: Immediately after a blast, most nitrous fumes appear as NO. This is then slowly oxidised to NO2, with about 50% converted after 2 hours. If re-entry time is short, then use the NO re-entry time in the above table; if it is long, use the NO2 re-entry time Using the NO2 values will always give the most pessimistic times (compared to NO). Also note that about half the total gases remain in the muckpile until bogging starts. The "minimum re-entry time assuming plug flow" is if the entire blasting fumes moved out as a plug. Warning: Uncalculated data! 2.12 2.08 8.81 102.09 4.46 Calculate outputs Assuming a single GAL14 2*90 kW fan, find the fan curve if this fan installation is used to feed twin ducts to the face. What is the minimum duct size to achieve the required face flow? Answer Using FanCurveCombiner and putting a single GAL14 2*90 kW fans in a “Y” configuration and calculating the combined FTP curve gives constants of a = -33.550, b = 825.205 and c = 341.529 (see below). 17 August 2006 83 30 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 8 of 21 Pa Fan curve combiner Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. 1. Select "Fan combination type required". 2. Select Curve type required: FTP means output constants are for fan total pressure, FSP means ouput constants are for fan static pressure 3. Select fan(s). Note "manual entry" of fan constants etc is not possible on this sheet. Fan must already exist in database. 4. To create multiple combinations of fans, add the first combination, then store the resulting fan constants in the database, then add this as a new fan to another set, etc. 5. To print or preview the chart, select the button. Y (feeding twinYducts) 3 Fan combination type MaxQ1 48.3 1341 160 1341 1 Fan TOTAL Pressure Series Calculate Curve type required? FTP 1st qtrcurve: FTP 42.9 2157 fan curves 3087 shown Fan Fan - Single fan 3087 with two ducts, 3 Air density for inputs, kg/m Fan and STATIC 2nd qtr 1.20 Parallel 37.4 4374 = 1 20 3666 Values for one duct Density kg/m3 4374 3 Air density for chart plot, kg/m 1.20 Y (feeding twin ducts) Chart 3rd 6000 qtr 32.0 5205 4688 5205 55 MinQ1 26.5 5577 5222 5577 Fan 1 at input air density Fan name GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW L 14, 2 x 90 0.0 5000 a1 constant MaxQ2 40.0 -118029 -118839 -118029 -7.9584 b1 constant 382.0272 1st qtr 37.5 -102283 -102995 -102283 Print or Store c1 constant 2nd 4000 qtr 35.0 -87603 -88224 -87603 864.4453 Preview Combo fan Chart in d'base Max Q1 48.3 3rd qtr 32.5 -73991 -74526 -73991 Min Q1 P-Q curve for e MinQ2 30.0 -61446 -61902 -61446 26.5 3000 P at Max Q1 1 FVP 750 P at Min Q1 5399 MaxQ3 24.2 898 603 898 148 Warning: Uncalculated data! Fan diameter, m 1st qtr 21.4 2738 2505 2738 116 1.40 2000 0 2nd qtr 18.7 4109 3932 4109 89 Fan 2 at input air density Fan name 3rd qtr 16.0 5011 4882 5011 65 1000 a2 constant MinQ3 13.3 5444 5355 5444 44 Fan combination at input density -85.6168 b2 constant 317.1250 a combined -31.8338 c2 constant b combined 764.0544 Fan curve: F 0 5867.7000 0 Max Q2 c combined 864.4453 0 40.0 0 10 20 30 40 Min Q2 30.0 Max Q combined 24.2 P at Max Q2 Min Q combined 13.3 0 1643 m3/s P at Min Q2 10771 P at Max Q combined 750 0 2 x 90 kW GAL 14, P-Q curve for each duct Fan diameter, m P at Min Q combined 5399 1.40 For two 1.4 m ducts each 1600 m long (1760 m with shock losses), the air delivered to the face is 14.9 * 2 = 30 m3/s (see below). Therefore this “solution” would probably be acceptable. An alternative solution would be to use two such fans in series, then in Y configuration. With 1.4 m duct, this would deliver 2 * 15.8 (32) m3/s to the face. As the addition of the extra 180 kW of fan power only delivers an additional 2 m3/s to the face, this arrangement is probably not warranted LeakySimTM Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. NOTE: RED values indicate warnings or bad data or invalid/poor results 1. Assumes forcing or exhausting fan or fan combination at end of duct. Fan can be a series, parallel or "Y" combination (fan feeding twin ducts). 2. Assumes air density is constant (compressibility ignored), leakage is influenced by static pressure across duct wall only, duct is of uniform diameter and quality (K and leakage factors are constant along duct [although friction losses and leakage itself are NOT constant]), and velocity pressure at duct outlet (forcing fans) or duct inlet (exhausting fans) is small compared to fan total pressure. 3. When leakage exceeds 85% of fan airflow, result is unreliable. 4. Whilst very unlikely in most circumstances, the pressure loss to push the air back out of the heading may be significant on rare occasions and should be checked. 5. Note that a more powerful fan or lower leakage factor may not improve a solution, e.g. a lower leakage factor will increase the fan pressure perhaps to a point beyond the fan's pressure capability (i.e. goes into stall), and a more powerful fan may have its surge point (min flow value) at a flow that is too high for the duct (i.e. it also goes into stall), etc. In both cases, the 'commonsense' solutions to improve the fan or duct performance may result in p 6. To find the airflow returning from the face at any point in the auxiliary compartment, use the "Predicted return air flow outside duct". This is helpful in determining how far diesels can go in a heading. 7. It is strongly recommended that you use real fan data and real duct friction, leakage and shock loss factors for any simulation. Also you should consider a range of values (i.e. look at the sensitivity of the solution to different fan and duct characteristics) before making a final selection. INPUTS OUTPUTS (per duct) DUCT INPUT DATA Duct Length Length with shock losses Air density Duct (NOT fan) diameter) K factor of duct at 1.2 kg/m3 m m 3 kg/m m Large diameter, 100 m lengths vent bag (Protan or equiv) - 0.00300 2 Ns /m Duct leakage factor OR manual entry 4 Protan or equiv duct, 100 m lengths, typical - 48 2 2 mm leakage area per m area (including effects of duct joins, etc) FAN INPUT DATA GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW feeding twin ducts, per duct Type of fan Electrical power cost $/(kW.hr) Approx fan efficiency % based on FSP, assumed constant OR (instead of providing known fan type, provide fan curve constants) Parabola A constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola B constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola C constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) • Fan Total Pressure Pa 2 159 1 600 Fan Static Pressure (FSP) Pa 2 035 3 22.2 1 760 Fan Airflow per duct m /s 3 2 8 1.200 4.1 Ns /m Fan Resistance at 1.2 kg/m 3 14.9 1.40 Airflow out of/into duct m /s 0.00300 Leakage/fan Q % 33% 3 0.0020 Leakage per duct 7.3 m /s 48 Leakage/Face flow % 49% Duct velocity pressure Pa, %FTP 56, 3% 7 Maximum FSP this fan Pa 5 449 3 Fan free-delivery flow per duct 25.1 m /s Fan Q as % of Qmax % 88% $ 0.08 FSP as % of FSPmax % 37% 70% Approx elec cost $/day/duct $/day/duct 58.08 3 3 0.16 -16.99 Approx cost/(m /s) cents/(m /s) Predicted return air flow outside duct 749.75 992.76 Distance from fan m 500 Find the solution using two separate 2 * 90 kW fans and using an overlap system (see below for example of overlap system). Find the approximate re-entry time. What is the % recirculation in the system? 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 9 of 21 One possible overlap system of the many variations that can be designed (Plan view) ← to RAR Walls of drive Flexible duct Rigid Face → ← to RAR Flexible duct Not to scale Twin Howden 2 * 90 kW Face → Answer Assuming a 60 m overlap at the mid point between the entry to the heading and the face, the fan at the mid point delivering to the face has to deliver 30.5 m3/s over a distance of 1600 / 2 m + 30 m = 830 m (913 m as equivalent length). A single GAL14 2*90 kW fan feeding a 1.4 m duct would deliver 31.8 m3/s to the face and take in 37.1 m3/s at the fan. Assuming 30% overlap volume, the return fan [the fan at the mid point delivering air back to the development entry) (also 830 m) would need to pick up 130% * 37.1 = 48 m3/s at the fan. This clearly couldn’t be done using the same fan/duct combination as the face fan, but iterations produce the following combinations: • Single GAL14 2*90 kW fan feeding twin 1.4 m ducts through Y-piece: 46 m3/s (fan) and 39 m3/s (return) • Twin GAL14 2*90 kW fans in series feeding twin 1.4 m ducts through Y-piece: 48 m3/s (fan) and 41 m3/s (return) Twin GAL14 2*90 kW fans each feeding a 1.4 m duct: 74 m3/s (fans) and 64 m3/s (returns) It is likely that if there is room to fit twin ducts in the return leg, then it would be better to put two 2 * 90 kW fans each with its own duct (74 m3/s at the fan) rather than bolting them in series and then feeding twin ducts (48 m3/s). Re-entry time would be the time for the face fan to rid the face compartment of fumes (as the return fan then picks up the fumes and puts them into a return airway). This would take 31 minutes (down from 57 minutes) and is another reason why the overlap system is sometimes preferred to the forcing only system. • • See if the same vent duct you have selected for the “return” section of the drive can also be used for the initial drive development up until the overlap system is installed? How far could development proceed using this fan/duct combination? Answer Consider a single GAL14 2*90 kW feeding twin 1.4 m ducts through a Y-piece. For the initial development (before the overlap system is installed), 30.5 m3/s is required at the face (15.25 m3/s per duct). This can be achieved up to a distance of 1500 m (see below), which is almost the full requirement of 1600 m. This could potentially result in a design change! 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 LeakySimTM Page 10 of 21 Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. NOTE: RED values indicate warnings or bad data or invalid/poor results 1. Assumes forcing or exhausting fan or fan combination at end of duct. Fan can be a series, parallel or "Y" combination (fan feeding twin ducts). 2. Assumes air density is constant (compressibility ignored), leakage is influenced by static pressure across duct wall only, duct is of uniform diameter and quality (K and leakage factors are constant along duct [although friction losses and leakage itself are NOT constant]), and velocity pressure at duct outlet (forcing fans) or duct inlet (exhausting fans) is small compared to fan total pressure. 3. When leakage exceeds 85% of fan airflow, result is unreliable. 4. Whilst very unlikely in most circumstances, the pressure loss to push the air back out of the heading may be significant on rare occasions and should be checked. 5. Note that a more powerful fan or lower leakage factor may not improve a solution, e.g. a lower leakage factor will increase the fan pressure perhaps to a point beyond the fan's pressure capability (i.e. goes into stall), and a more powerful fan may have its surge point (min flow value) at a flow that is too high for the duct (i.e. it also goes into stall), etc. In both cases, the 'commonsense' solutions to improve the fan or duct performance may result in p 6. To find the airflow returning from the face at any point in the auxiliary compartment, use the "Predicted return air flow outside duct". This is helpful in determining how far diesels can go in a heading. 7. It is strongly recommended that you use real fan data and real duct friction, leakage and shock loss factors for any simulation. Also you should consider a range of values (i.e. look at the sensitivity of the solution to different fan and duct characteristics) before making a final selection. INPUTS OUTPUTS (per duct) DUCT INPUT DATA Duct Length Length with shock losses Air density Duct (NOT fan) diameter) K factor of duct at 1.2 kg/m3 m m 3 kg/m m Large diameter, 100 m lengths vent bag (Protan or equiv) - 0.00300 2 Ns /m Duct leakage factor OR manual entry 4 Protan or equiv duct, 100 m lengths, typical - 48 2 2 mm leakage area per m area (including effects of duct joins, etc) FAN INPUT DATA GAL 14, 2 x 90 kW feeding twin ducts, per duct Type of fan Electrical power cost $/(kW.hr) Approx fan efficiency % based on FSP, assumed constant OR (instead of providing known fan type, provide fan curve constants) Parabola A constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola B constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola C constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Maximum Q on curve, cms, (optional) Minimum Q on curve, cms (optional) • In the overlap region, four ducts cannot fit across the back. If the overlap is to be 60 m long, find the diameter of steel duct that is equivalent to twin 1.4 m Protan ducts for each fan installation? How much higher must the back be stripped in this region? Answer Using DuctEquiv, for a single 60 m length of steel duct (k = 0.0025 Ns2/m4) to be equivalent to twin 1.4 m Protan ducts (k = 0.003 Ns2/m4), the steel duct would have to be 1.78 m diameter (see below). This would require the back to be stripped an additional 0.4 m in this region, which would be expensive and probably operationally difficult. If the overlap was reduced in length to 40 m, then the equivalent steel duct diameter would be 1.64 m, which would still require almost 250 mm to be stripped from the back. There appears to be little alternative to this. Actual duct installation • Fan Total Pressure Pa 2 110 1 500 Fan Static Pressure (FSP) Pa 1 984 22.2 1 650 Fan Airflow per duct m3/s 3 2 8 1.200 4.0 Fan Resistance at 1.2 kg/m Ns /m 3 15.4 1.40 Airflow out of/into duct m /s 0.00300 Leakage/fan Q % 31% 3 0.0020 Leakage per duct 6.8 m /s 48 Leakage/Face flow % 44% 7 Duct velocity pressure Pa, %FTP 60, 3% Maximum FSP this fan Pa 5 449 3 25.1 Fan free-delivery flow per duct m /s Fan Q as % of Qmax % 89% $ 0.08 FSP as % of FSPmax % 36% 70% Approx elec cost $/day/duct $/day/duct 58.73 3 3 0.16 -16.99 cents/(m /s) Approx cost/(m /s) Predicted return air flow outside duct 749.75 992.76 Distance from fan m 500 3 18.5 38.5 Nett return this point/duct m /s 22.5 Duct static pressure this pt Pa 882 Equivalent duct installation Ducts in parallel number 2.0 1.0 Ducts in series number 1.0 1.0 K factor N.s /m 0.00300 0.00250 Diameter m 1.40 1.78 Length (per duct) m 60.0 60.0 Circumference m 4.398 5.596 Area (x-sectional) m 1.539 2.492 Resistance N.s /m 0.05426 0.05426 Flow (Q) m /s 50.0 50.0 Pressure drop, Pd Pa 135.6 135.6 2 4 2 2 3 8 Select value to be found Calculate the fan/duct performance if a GAL 14 2*90 kW fan has 1000 m of 1.2 φ Protan duct in typical condition on its discharge and a steel induction tube 100 m long and 1.2 φ on its inlet. Answer 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 11 of 21 Using DuctEquiv, the length of 1.2 m φ Protan duct equivalent to 100 m of 1.2 m φ steel tube is 78 m (see below). Therefore the true equivalent length of Protan is 1000 m + 78 m (+ shock losses if any) and the problem can then be solved simply using Simulator. Equivalent duct calculator Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. 1. Input data in blue only. 2. Check the button next to the value that you want to allow to change. You need to do this FIRST. 3. To find an equivalent SINGLE duct installation to a SINGLE duct installation, put '1' as the number of ducts in parallel and '1' as the number of ducts in series. To find an equivalent DOUBLE (parallel) duct installation to a single duct, put '2' as the number of ducts in parallel and '1' as the number of ducts in series', etc. It would be rare to use anything other than '1' as the number of ducts in series . For further instructions on parallel/series combinations, refer to instructions on sheet "FanCurveCalculator". 4. Fill in blue data for actual (existing or known) duct installation. 'Q' (flow) is optional; if provided, the pressure drop along the duct as calculated is correct. If not provided, then the duct resistances will be the same, but the pressure drops (whilst identical) will be unknown. 5. Fill in blue data for equivalent (proposed or unknown) duct installation. The value next to the check button is the one that will be varied so as to ensure the ducts have equivalent resistance (and hence pass the same airflow and have the same pressure drop, the actual airflow is irreleva Note: Program assumes no leakage in any duct; hence is not correct where leakage is significant. To compare leaky ducts, use "DuctCalculato Actual duct installation • Equivalent duct installation Ducts in parallel number 1.0 1.0 Ducts in series number 1.0 1.0 K factor N.s /m 0.00275 0.00350 Diameter m 1.20 1.20 Length (per duct) m 100.0 78.6 Circumference m 3.770 3.770 1.131 1.131 0.71665 0.71665 50.0 50.0 1791.6 1791.6 2 4 2 Area (x-sectional) m Resistance N.s /m Flow (Q) m /s Pressure drop, Pd Pa 2 8 3 Select value to be found ERROR: All cells in blue for actual duct installation (except Q) must have data If the measured asperity height on a ventilation tube is 2 mm for a 600 mm diameter tube, what is the e/D ratio and k factor at 1.3 kg/m3 for the 600 mm tube and for a 1.2 m and 1.5 m tube constructed in the same way using the same material? What is the k factor at standard density for the same duct? Comment on the change in k factor with diameter. Answer The KfactorCalc sheet is used for this exercise. The area and perimeter of the duct are calculated as 0.2827 m2 and 1.885 m respectively. The e/D ratio is therefore 0.0033. The k factor at a density of 1.3 kg/m3 is 0.00438 Ns2/m4 and at standard density of 1.2 kg/m3 is 0.00404 Ns2/m4. The k factors for the other duct sizes are calculated as follows: Duct dia e/D k1.2 k1.3 600 mm 0.0033 0.00404 0.00438 1.2 m 0.0017 0.00335 0.00363 1.5 m 0.0013 0.00317 0.00343 It is clear that the k factor has changed from 0.00438 to 0.00343 (i.e. 22%) when the duct diameter has changed. The point is that care needs to be taken in using old k factors in larger diameter ducts (or vice-versa), as the asperity height is probably the thing that changes least; therefore the k factor will not always be constant as the duct diameter changes • A 1.2 m diameter fan force feeds a 500 m long 1.2 m diameter duct with 100 m of additional shock losses. The static pressure in the duct at the fan discharge is 1800 Pa and the airflow at the fan and the duct discharge are 22 m3/s and 13 m3/s respectively. Air density is 1.2 kg/m3. Find the duct k factor and leakage factor? 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 12 of 21 Answer This problem is solved using kFactorCalc. Entering the data, and selecting the first option (to calculate k and leakage) and using a blowing fan calculates that the k1.2 factor is 0.0042 Ns2/m4 and the leakage factor is 267. See below. Duct resistance and leakage calculator Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Key assumptions: Air density along duct is constant; leakage is not influenced by velocity pressure; ducting is of uniform diameter and quality, FVP is small compared to FTP. All pressures and flows are treated (and entered) as positive numbers, whether blowing or exhausting. This program calculates true K factors, etc using the data you provide at the density you provide. It does NOT correct these to std density. Instructions: 1. Select calculation option (check mark) and fan type option (check mark). 2. Change values in BLUE only. Values in BLACK are outputs. 3. Click "Calculate" button. Sometimes, program may indicate no solution is possible. Press "Calculate" again or try different seed values. 3 kg/m Air density (assumed constant along duct) Duct diameter m Fan diameter (optional) m Duct static pressure at fan (Point 1) Pa Duct static pressure downstream (Point 2) Pa m True duct length between measuring points on duct m Equivalent length between measuring points on duct 3 m /s Volume flow (higher value) 3 m /s Volume flow (lower value) Fan Static Pressure Pa Fan Velocity Pressure Pa Fan Total Pressure Pa t m Pressure Increase Ratio, PIR dimensionless Volume Increase Ratio, VIR dimensionless Leakage in duct % of air through fan 2 8 Ns /m per 100 m Duct resistance per 100 m 2 8 Ns /m per 100 m Leakage resistance per 100 m - per formula A 2 8 Ns /m per 100 m Leakage resistance per 100 m - per formula B 2 8 Ns /m per 100 m Leakage resistance per 100 m - per formula C Asperity height (roughness) of walls ('e' as in 'e/D' ratio) mm 2 4 3 Ns /m , or kg/m Friction 'K' factor for duct @ 1.20 kg/m3 2 2 mm /m Leakage factor (use this value in worksheet 'Simulator') 2 4 3 Ns /m , or kg/m Friction 'K' factor for duct @ 1.20 kg/m3 2 2 mm /m Specific leakage area, As, at Ko of 0.6 2 2 mm /m Leakage factor (use this value in "Simulator") • 1.20 1.200 1.200 1 800 0 500 600 22.0 13.0 1 800 227 2 027 1.490 1.646 1.692 41% 1.09 247 158 165 0.0045 0.0030 48 0.0042 211.1 Point 1 Point 2 Point 1 Point 2 Note: These values are provided for comparison purposes only, and backward compatability. Partyka & Ivarsson, 2001, eqn 4 267.0 A second installation using the same duct (different fan) is subsequently measured as follows. The duct is 800 m long with 150 m of shock losses and has 22 m3/s entering the duct and 15 m3/s leaving the duct. What is the leakage factor on this duct installation? What is the maximum bursting pressure required by the duct for this application? Answer The same DuctCalculator sheet is used. However, the option selected is to calculate the leakage factor knowing air volumes in and out and the k factor (third button). Enter the k factor as 0.0042 Ns2/m4. After calculation, the program states the leakage factor is 91 and the static pressure in the duct at its start is 3.3 kPa. 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 13 of 21 Select Type of Calculation Duct resistance and leakage calculator Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Key assumptions: Air density along duct is constant; leakage is not influenced by velocity pressure; ducting is of uniform diameter and quality, FVP is small compared to FTP. All pressures and flows are treated (and entered) as positive numbers, whether blowing or exhausting. This program calculates true K factors, etc using the data you provide at the density you provide. It does NOT correct these to std density. Instructions: 1. Select calculation option (check mark) and fan type option (check mark). 2. Change values in BLUE only. Values in BLACK are outputs. 3. Click "Calculate" button. Sometimes, program may indicate no solution is possible. Press "Calculate" again or try different seed values. 3 kg/m Air density (assumed constant along duct) Duct diameter m Fan diameter (optional) m Duct static pressure at fan (Point 1) Pa Duct static pressure downstream (Point 2) Pa m True duct length between measuring points on duct m Equivalent length between measuring points on duct m 3/s Volume flow (higher value) m 3/s Volume flow (lower value) Fan Static Pressure Pa Fan Velocity Pressure Pa Fan Total Pressure Pa t m Pressure Increase Ratio, PIR dimensionless Volume Increase Ratio, VIR dimensionless Leakage in duct % of air through fan Ns2/m8 per 100 m Duct resistance per 100 m Ns2/m8 per 100 m Leakage resistance per 100 m - per formula A Ns2/m8 per 100 m Leakage resistance per 100 m - per formula B 2 8 Ns /m per 100 m Leakage resistance per 100 m - per formula C Asperity height (roughness) of walls ('e' as in 'e/D' ratio) mm Ns2/m4, or kg/m3 Friction 'K' factor for duct @ 1.20 kg/m3 2 2 mm /m Leakage factor (use this value in worksheet 'Simulator') Ns2/m4, or kg/m3 Friction 'K' factor for duct @ 1.20 kg/m3 mm 2/m2 Specific leakage area, As, at Ko of 0.6 2 2 mm /m Leakage factor (use this value in "Simulator") • 1.20 1.200 1.200 3 294 0 800 950 22.0 15.0 3 294 227 3 522 1.166 1.422 1.467 32% 1.09 1 912 1 311 1 415 0.0046 0.0042 48 0.0042 72.0 Find duct K and leakage factors, by measuring static pressure in duct at fan outlet (blowing) or fan inlet (exhausting), and volume flow entering and leaving duct Find duct K and leakage factors, by measuring static pressure and flow rate at two positions in duct (leakage between positions should be less than 15% and pressure ratio should be > 2.5) Find duct leakage factor, by measuring air entering and leaving the duct and knowing the K factor Point 1 Point 2 Point 1 Point 2 Find the fan total and static pressure required to provide a given amount of air at the end of a duct of known K and leakage factors Select Fan Type Blowing (forcing) Fan Exhausting Fan WARNING: Duct exit velocity pressure (106 Pa) too high (>5% fan pressure). Calculations may be inaccurate. Calculate Note: These values are provided for comparison purposes only, and backward compatability. Warning: Uncalculated data! Partyka & Ivarsson, 2001, eqn 4 91.1 You have been asked to quickly examine the practicality of developing a 2.4 km decline to a new orebody using a forcing-only system. You need 30 m3/s of air at the end of the duct and can fit two ducts in the heading. What fan pressure and duct diameters would be required to do this, assuming a low-leakage duct (k factor of 0.003 N.s2/m4 and leakage of 48 mm2/m2)? Assume an average air density of 1.25 kg/m3 and allow for 5% shock losses. Assume the duct construction is rated to 7.5 kPa. Try at least two different duct diameters? Could the job be done with a single duct? What diameter would it need to be? Find the approximate re-entry time if the drive has the same parameters as (d) above. Answer Again, we can use DuctCalculator sheet to quickly look at the required fan pressures. These are as follows (per duct). Duct dia FSP, kPa Q (each) at face, m3/s Q (each) at fan, m3/s 1.2 m 9487 15 32.4 1.3 m 5834 15 30.1 1.4 m 3756 15 28.2 1.6 m 6988 30 51.7 1.5 m 10041 30 53.6 Clearly, the 1.3 and 1.4 m ducts (twin) would be acceptable. If only one duct was possible, then it would need to be 1.6 m as the pressures for 1.5 m are unacceptable. Assuming 30 m3/s at the face, the re-entry time would be 102 minutes. Again, this reinforces the need for airflow in these long headings that exceeds the diesel requirement and/or the use of an overlap system. • You are faced with an urgent auxiliary ventilation job needing two GAL 12 2*37 kW fans in series (150 kW total) feeding a 1200 mm ordinary vent bag. However, you have one a GAL 12 55 kW and one GAL 12.5 55 kW fan (110 kW total). Create a fan curve for this fan combination (in series) and duct combination and calculate how far you could use this set-up to 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 14 of 21 ventilate a 250 kW loader requiring 0.05 m3/s per kW. Is this a particular suitable fan solution for this problem? Answer The loader requires 12.5 m3/s at the face. We use FanCurveCombiner to first produce the combined fan curve for two GAL 12 2*37 kW in series (see below). The duct can be up to 1200 m long (with an additional 10% shock losses) before the combination fan goes into stall. At this length, it is still producing 15.8 m3/s at the face. The fan curve for the GAL 12 55 kW and GAL 12.5 55 kW in series is now produced (see below). With ordinary 1220 mm vent bag, the distance that could be gone (assuming no shock losses and a density of 1.2 kg/m3) is 320 m. At this point, the fan combination is taking 30.4 m3/s of air and delivering 29.3 m3/s. This flow is well in excess of requirements; however, increasing the duct length puts the weaker fan (the GAL 12) into stall. This is not a suitable fan selection as the range of overlap flows at which both fans (when in series) are operating correctly. This can be seen by the wide range of blue flows in the diagram below but the narrow range of purple flows (the combined fan curve). LeakySimTM Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. NOTE: RED values indicate warnings or bad data or invalid/poor results 1. Assumes forcing or exhausting fan or fan combination at end of duct. Fan can be a series, parallel or "Y" combination (fan feeding twin ducts). 2. Assumes air density is constant (compressibility ignored), leakage is influenced by static pressure across duct wall only, duct is of uniform diameter and quality (K and leakage factors are constant along duct [although friction losses and leakage itself are NOT constant]), and velocity pressure at duct outlet (forcing fans) or duct inlet (exhausting fans) is small compared to fan total pressure. 3. When leakage exceeds 85% of fan airflow, result is unreliable. 4. Whilst very unlikely in most circumstances, the pressure loss to push the air back out of the heading may be significant on rare occasions and should be checked. 5. Note that a more powerful fan or lower leakage factor may not improve a solution, e.g. a lower leakage factor will increase the fan pressure perhaps to a point beyond the fan's pressure capability (i.e. goes into stall), and a more powerful fan may have its surge point (min flow value) at a flow that is too high for the duct (i.e. it also goes into stall), etc. In both cases, the 'commonsense' solutions to improve the fan or duct performance may result in p 6. To find the airflow returning from the face at any point in the auxiliary compartment, use the "Predicted return air flow outside duct". This is helpful in determining how far diesels can go in a heading. 7. It is strongly recommended that you use real fan data and real duct friction, leakage and shock loss factors for any simulation. Also you should consider a range of values (i.e. look at the sensitivity of the solution to different fan and duct characteristics) before making a final selection. INPUTS OUTPUTS (per duct) DUCT INPUT DATA Duct Length Length with shock losses Air density Duct (NOT fan) diameter) K factor of duct at 1.2 kg/m3 m m 3 kg/m m Large diameter, 100 m lengths vent bag (Protan or equiv) - 0.00300 2 Ns /m Duct leakage factor OR manual entry 4 Protan or equiv duct, 100 m lengths, typical - 48 2 2 mm leakage area per m area (including effects of duct joins, etc) FAN INPUT DATA GAL 12, 2 x 37 kW, 2 fans in series (150 kW) Type of fan Electrical power cost $/(kW.hr) Approx fan efficiency % based on FSP, assumed constant OR (instead of providing known fan type, provide fan curve constants) Parabola A constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola B constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Parabola C constant (from FTP curve, NOT FSP curve constants) Maximum Q on curve, cms, (optional) Minimum Q on curve, cms (optional) 17 August 2006 Fan Total Pressure Pa 3 708 1 200 Fan Static Pressure (FSP) Pa 3 480 22.0 1 320 Fan Airflow per duct m3/s 1.200 7.2 Ns2/m8 Fan Resistance at 1.2 kg/m3 15.8 1.20 Airflow out of/into duct m3/s 0.00300 Leakage/fan Q % 28% 3 6.3 0.0020 Leakage per duct m /s 48 Leakage/Face flow % 40% 7 Duct velocity pressure Pa, %FTP 117, 3% Maximum FSP this fan Pa 7 773 3 Fan free-delivery flow per duct 25.8 m /s Fan Q as % of Qmax % 86% $ 0.08 FSP as % of FSPmax % 45% 70% Approx elec cost $/day/duct $/day/duct 105.44 3 3 0.28 -16.99 cents/(m /s) Approx cost/(m /s) Predicted return air flow outside duct 749.75 992.76 Distance from fan m 500 3 17.9 38.5 Nett return this point/duct m /s 22.5 Duct static pressure this pt Pa 1,184 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 15 of 21 Pa Fan curve combiner Copyright MVA 2000. All rights reserved. Enter data in blue only. 1. Select "Fan combination type required". 2. Select Curve type required: FTP means output constants are for fan total pressure, FSP means ouput constants are for fan static pressure 3. Select fan(s). Note "manual entry" of fan constants etc is not possible on this sheet. Fan must already exist in database. 4. To create multiple combinations of fans, add the first combination, then store the resulting fan constants in the database, then add this as a new fan to another set, etc. 5. To print or preview the chart, select the button. Series 1 Fan combination type MaxQ1 40.0 845 -657 845 S 1 Fan TOTAL Pressure Series Calculate Curve type required? FTP 1st qtr 31.8 1393 447 Fan Fan curve: FTP - Series configuration. Density = 1393 1.20 kg/m3. 3 Air density for inputs, kg/m Fan and STATIC 2nd qtr 1.20 Parallel 23.5 1834 1316 1834 Values 3 Air density for chart plot, kg/m 1.20 Y (feeding twin ducts) Chart 3rd 3500 qtr 15.3 2168 1949 2168 18 MinQ1 7.0 2394 2348 2394 Fan 1 at input air density Fan name Korfmann AL 12 550 5 d, 55 kW, single 12 550 5 d, 0.0 3000 a1 constant MaxQ2 43.8 1635 110 1635 -1.2591 b1 constant -9.8110 1st qtr 40.3 1838 543 1838 Print or Store 2500 c1 constant 2nd qtr 36.9 1994 910 1994 2501.0000 Preview Combo fan Chart in d'base Max Q1 40.0 3rd qtr 33.4 2105 1214 2105 2000 Min Q1 P-Q curve for c MinQ2 30.0 2170 1453 2170 7.0 FVP P at Max Q1 1 AL-12.5 55 kW (single) 94 P at Min Q1 2371 MaxQ3 40.0 1948 673 1948 637 1500 Warning: Uncalculated data! Fan diameter, m 1st qtr 37.5 2331 1211 2331 560 1.20 19 2nd qtr 35.0 2675 1699 2675 488 Fan 2 at input air density 1000 Korfmann AL-12.5 55 kW (single) Fan name 3rd qtr 32.5 2979 2138 2979 421 a2 constant MinQ3 30.0 3243 2526 3243 359 Fan combination at input density -2.3315 500 b2 constant 103.7096 a combined -3.5906 c2 constant b combined 93.8986 Fan curve: F 0 798.1506 0 Max Q2 c combined 3299.1506 0 43.8 Min Q2 30.0 Max Q combined 40.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 P at Max Q2 Min Q combined 30.0 1643 Korfmann AL 12 55005 d, 55 kW, single Korfmann AL-12.5 55 kW (single) m3/s P at Min Q2 10771 P at Max Q combined 1310 0 P-Q curve for combination Fan diameter, m P at Min Q combined 2885 1.25 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 16 of 21 The following screen (Figure 6) should be shown when first selecting the “BranchingDucts” tab. 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 17 of 21 Figure 6 Press the “Remove errors” button. You should obtain the following screen (Figure 7). Figure 7 Change the end condition of the first branch to “Tee” rather than blank by selecting “Tee” from the drop down menu on the L19 cell (Figure 8). After a delay of 20 to 30 seconds, you should see the following screen (Figure 9). Note that the message box should change to “Valid solution”. Note that the “branch discharge” condition can be selected from: “Blank” (blanked or tied off), “Discharge” (open to atmosphere), “N/a”, “Inline” (allows two ducts of different diameters or other parameters to be joined), “Tee” (a branch), “Offtake” (a branch) and “Y” (a branch). At present, selecting “Tee”, “Offtake” and “Y” are identical, although this may be changed in future versions to reflect the different shock losses that may be applicable for these types of connections. 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 17 August 2006 Page 18 of 21 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 19 of 21 Now change any of the “branch data” values (data in blue) and the “branch end” conditions (the drop down menu at the end of each branch) to create the system of branches and discharges that you want. You can also select a different type of fan from the fan drop-down menu at the top of the screen. If you want a fan that is not in the list, enter a new fan curve using the “Fan curve calculator” or “Fan curve combiner” worksheets. If an error develops at any point, press the “Remove errors” tab. This is usually due to either the fan not being suitable for the system you have installed (or vice-versa). Pressing “Remove errors” basically blanks off the first branch but leaves all the other data alone. With the errors removed, you can then select a different type of fan and/or change the duct parameters. Then just “open up” the branch end for the first duct again and wait for the calculation to end. If you do not get a valid solution, then press “Remove errors” and try another combination. If at any time the program stops calculating, press “Force calculation”. If the calculation time is too long, look at the “Calculation” settings in Tools>Options (Figure 11) and set the “maximum change” to 0.001. Making this number smaller (e.g. 0.000001) will force the program to iterate until the errors are much smaller, but this will take much longer. Figure 11 Example: Find the flows for the following system: A fan has 8 branches feeding each of 8 drawpoints (1 to 8) in a sub-level cave. The fan is a GAL 12.5 (2 x 55 kW). Ducts A and B are 80 m long each with A being 960 mm Φ and B being 1085 mm Φ. Ducts C and D are joined at point E with a change in size (only). Duct C is 1.22 m Φ and duct D is 1.085 m Φ. All ducts have a k factor of 0.004 Ns2/m4 and a leakage factor of 451. The drawpoints are 15 m apart and the fan is 10 m from the first drawpoint. What is the flow through the system if ducts 3 and 8 are open and all other ducts are tied off. 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Page 20 of 21 Figure 12 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 B B B B A A A A D E C The network can be redrawn as follows. Note that the distance between the fan and the first Tee (#3) is now 40 m, from that Tee to the change in size (from 1.4 to 1.22 Φ) is 15 m and it is then a further 60 m of 1.22 m Φ duct to meet drawpoint #8. Figure 13 8 3 B A D E C The solution is shown in Figure 14. The fan draws 34 m3/s at 1570 Pa FSP with 19 m3/s exiting the first open duct (drawpoint #3) and 11 m3/s exiting the last drawpoint (#8). 17 August 2006 LeakyDuct Worked Example, © MVA 1999-2006 Figure 14 17 August 2006 Page 21 of 21
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