How to Apply GeoBase to Your Mission Headquarters U.S. Air Force

Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Integrity - Service - Excellence
How to Apply
GeoBase to Your
Mr. Stephen Luttrell
JSEM 2007
Columbus, OH
Provide an update on GeoBase
Highlight major initiatives & policies effecting AF
Information Technology and GeoBase
Facilitate a discussion on policy impacts, GeoBase
capabilities, and direction
Gather feedback from environmental professionals
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Review of GeoBase
Program Purpose
„ Organization
„ Terms & Concepts
New Drivers for GeoBase
Portfolio Management
„ Data Standardization & Mission Data Sets (MDS)
„ GeoBase Architecture development
Meeting new challenges
Information requirements
„ Consolidated Services
„ Total accounting of investments
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GeoBase Review
Implemented within the Installations and Environment
domain to eliminate redundant mapping efforts and
duplicative data
Provides a common IT framework for mapping
technologies – The GeoBase Service
„ Consolidates collection of common data elements – The
Common Installation Picture
„ Empower functionals to identify their geospatial
requirements via Mission Data Sets
Program executed via Geo Integration Offices (GIOs)
Installation GIOs collect data and provide direct mission
„ MAJCOM GIOs manage implementation and provide
„ HAF GIO develops policy and program oversight
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Terms & Concepts
Common Installation Picture (CIP)
Mission Data Sets
36 Data elements identified as the common “core” map required by
most missions
Collected and served by the GIO
Available to all USAF personnel
Based on functional requirements
Collected by various means, made available via the GeoBase service
Access to MDS based on need to know
Most MDS are standardized at the MAJCOM level
GeoBase Service
Collection of COTS and GOTS used to serve geospatial data and
MAJCOMs are now consolidating installation services at the
command level
Available via AF networks and protected behind CAC/PKI login
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GeoBase & the DoD
Defense Agencies
DoD “Enterprise”
missions (RPI, DCIP)
Federal Agencies
Regions and
Major Commands
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Time of Transition
A7C Transformation will have rippling effects on its IT
programs – ACES, GeoBase, EESOH
Congress and the AF require visibility on all IT
investments, before they happen
GeoBase is transforming from 10 MAJCOM centric
systems to a single AF system
Many new policies and processes have been published
to address these issues --- how do we adjust?
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Overview of Key Policies
2005 NDAA - Portfolio Management Policy (PfM)
Oversight by Congress, OSD, SAF/XC, A4IS
„ Components are required to track all IT investments
„ IT investments must align with mission priorities
SECAF Data Transparency Policy - Information
Management via Communities of Interest (COIs)
SECAF established USAF Information Management policy with
the goal of Data Transparency
„ The Transparency Integrated Product Team (TIPT) oversees
the implementation of the Data Transparency policy
Air Force Enterprise Architecture
Global Combat Support System – Air Force (GCSS-AF) is the
future IT backbone of the AF
„ AF Portal will serve as the entry point for all systems
„ New systems must comply with its architecture
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Information Policy Components
Data Transparency is a policy issued by the SECAF
and applicable to all AF data/information
Clearly defines all information as an AF asset
„ Sets the priorities and responsibilities of information
owners, producers, and users
„ Establishes a framework for implementation of the
Communities of Interest (COIs) are the implementing
arm of Data Transparency
Secretary Wynn chairs an oversight group called the
Transparency Integrated Product Team (TIPT)
„ A COI coordination panel facilitates the development of
COIs as required
„ COIs provide a formal process for documenting
information and establish it as an AF wide standard
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GeoBase & COIs
SECAF Transparency initiative is active and gaining
Most Air Staff directorates are now heavily involved
COIs provide visibility to high level initiatives – RP, EL
LIMS-DP is the functional COI for most I&E information
GeoBase initiated a cross functional COI with Ops and
Intel – Fall 2006
COI would serve as a coordinating body for all
geospatial information in the AF
„ Other COIs, such as the LIMS-DP would interact with the
COI for their geospatial requirements
COI Primer outlines the “vocabulary” requirements
Glossary, Semantic Model, Thesaurus, LDM, and
authoritative sources
„ The vocabulary requirements will replace current
program documentation
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COI Process – First Steps
Step 1 - Functional community
identifies a process that requires
Step 2 - Functionals and GIOs
develop list of requirements and
submit to the functional
community for review and
Step 3 - Completed list of MDS
requirements is documented
according to COI requirements
Step 4 - HAF GIO staffs the MDS
as a program requirement for
Step 5 – Push MDS to COIs for
review & adoption
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Portfolio Management (PfM)
Portfolio Management is the term used to describe the
methods by which the Department of Defense governs
and reports on its investment in Information
Technology (IT) tools, applications and systems
PfM Policy is driven by congressional oversight and
applies to all DoD personnel regardless of mission
PfM plays a large role in DoD and AF Transformation
Supports the automation of processes and decision
„ Designed to ensure no resources are expended on
redundant applications
GeoBase is now reviewing all of its investments for
compliance with PfM guidance
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GeoBase & PfM Today
Portfolio Reporting in the Enterprise IT Data Repository (EITDR)
„ EITDR is the web-based system that catalogs all AF IT
investments for review by SECAF, OSD and Congress
„ All AF personnel executing IT investment are required to enter
those investments in EITDR
„ Leadership approval is based on the data entered in the
Actions for Portfolio Management stakeholders
„ A6s at the MAJCOM and HAF level review EITDR entries and
gather reports for SAF/XC and OSD
„ Functionals must define their IT requirements and track the IT
„ Developers must build solutions that conform to AF
architecture standards and PfM policies
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GeoBase Architecture
Current program capabilities
Most MAJCOMs are a mix of installation and MAJCOM
level data services and applications
„ Small level of content available through the AF Portal
Planned capabilities
Standardize MAJCOM architecture - One look and feel
for GeoBase across the AF
„ Standardize the tools that provide functional support
Support our PfM requirements
Will require active engagement from functionals, GeoBase won’t
pick your solutions for you
Move towards a more centralized model for program execution
e.g. centralize resources, selection of Lead Commands
GCSS-AF provides the ultimate “to-be” Architecture for
nearly AF functional communities
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GeoBase Architecture
Many Orgs with
different maps
at Base level
Multiple Local &
Portal Viewers
1. Enterprise
„ No data for
Enterprise View
„ Similar but
disparate efforts
Local RP
Local Geo
Maturing Capabilities
Many Versions
- S Ten
e r v i cVersions
e - Excellence
2. Enterprise
Data Strategy
Enterprise Capability
1 AF Service
GeoBase Recap
Focus on Data Standardization
Purpose - standard data drives standard tools
„ Functional community must identify the requirements as
the first step
„ SECAF Data Transparency policy provides a standard
approach for the AF
Development of the Enterprise Architecture
Standardize MAJCOM efforts & tools
„ Develop the plan for GCSS-AF integration
„ Retire redundant applications and systems
Portfolio Management (PfM) reporting
Entry of all systems in EITDR
„ Alignment of applications with requirements
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Impact on Environmental
Identify your priorities as a functional community
Focus on the process not a specific tool that might fit
your needs
„ Use formal and transparent methods to define your
Staff Packages, working groups, A7C Monthly VTCs
Information requirements should come first
Quality data is essential avoid Garbage In, Garbage Out
„ Standard tools flow naturally from standard data
Meet the PfM Requirements and use the processes
SAF/XC policies are not a hurdle, they are legally
„ Process helps ensure the survival of your system
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Geo-Enabling – First Steps
Step 1 - Functional community
identifies a process that requires
Step 2 - Functionals and GIOs
develop list of requirements and
submit to the functional
community for review and
Step 3 - Completed list of MDS
requirements is documented
according to COI requirements
Step 4 - HAF GIO staffs the MDS
as a program requirement for
Step 5 – Push MDS to COIs for
review & adoption
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Key Takeaways
Congressional oversight and budget restrictions are
forcing rapid changes in DoD IT Policy
Environmental Managers must define AF-wide
information requirements
Pursuing local level solutions is no longer an option
Connect Air Staff information policies and procedures to
functionals needs
Communication between IT professionals and
functionals is essential to success
Without dialog divergent paths will emerge and IT
solutions won’t meet the needs of the Air Force
Integrity - Service - Excellence
„ General
Questions and Comments
„ Discussion
of community priorities
How are you currently using GIS
„ Where are the needs for Environmental?
„ What processes require GIS?
„ What is your desired “end-state”
„ Follow
Integrity - Service - Excellence
Contact Information
Lt Col Andrew Lambert
Headquarters Air Force Geo Integration Officer
[email protected]
Mr. Stephen Luttrell
GeoBase Integration & Outreach
[email protected]
Integrity - Service - Excellence