"i Honore Mercier. '"" ""." o ovv ^-y " ." 1 :V-THE- WEALTHOFCANADA '4^ -" edoration. m BY " "0""^P^S"oQ"^-^ To a T. E. EWEN, " M.A. Patriot the interestsofhis countryare supreme," -# ^t./ PRINTED AT THE " " DAILY ONTARIO BELLEVILLE, 1893. STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, "v i INTRODUCTION. Only indisputablefacts, conjoinetlwith arguments, could of "A United conclusive most the to chauo-c politicalpropower clivities of the Canadian pioneers, who fought States in 1S12, and Rebels tlie Canadian in 1837-8. expatriationof The kindred first caused to dare to me my writer received sudden summons a years ago the of his favorite uncle, the last of his genthe funeral eration. think. Ten f^ to the the descendant a against the in have attend He left widow a smd six stalwart Tliese sons. sons American from Florida t') citizens, scattered prosperous Montana. I stood at his grave, the only male representativeof our born in Canada. numerous Standing there I determined race, were ^;' to ascertain my utmost Rare the of the expatriation of cause apply the remedy. opportunitiesfor investigation were travelled from city and. Many almost of thousands me years The " of I believe study, the fellow-citi;cens; men convinced having dozens such ; summary but doubtless been written of volumes a.s followed of my tenacious of and my would farms Canada. unwillingly arrived by Continentdl logicalsequence. at cau.setl embodies in words intimidate. or it spared leave to dravv- our the spoken un- and unobtrusive cautious, })atient of oltl ideas; slow to move, but once wish in time it is,kindly extend a as only in of langua^'e observations some I me. I travelled assisted love is countrymen impossible to change partial is small many The conclusion this little treatise thoughts of forests, and I know tongue. afforded West, visitingevery their wealth. me lakes. m-eat our exile of my The remedy Isolation. a do to Dominion. our to lumber our North our in revealed in all on to hamlet every mines our mother a After was: Newfoun"lIand of miles inor in seines is to kin, and my to were from the it your and This treaties conclusions. smaller; business : is It disjointed, incomplete, subject unexhausted ; but and consideration. perusal T. E. EWEN. Belleville, To Jan., 1898. all Canadian Patriotf",and especvdly to the descendants Pioneers, I dedicate this little ivork. r" ' our of i THE Canadians Many mourn," the luioe of Carlyie have the with dernes.s man's no a " nrost them. from them with couijige. dangers Our commercial of We hopefully. ouj" only by ourselves. of our justice are of of one the and ours, to are us if we of we its hallowed and Anglo-Saxon and iSo contains it is morally object the of his kin right to politicalpolicy j)ro8perity upon For, in the be that our words of Vmt to is " " by tinental con- l)onie the the That the is interests homes. Home, of word other any Home." " to our the race. If the chief labors, then is good whose to more means our solely and welfare man of mentsGovern- our Canada incentive will confer homes we have we supporting homes, our great Burke, our met they are by legislators elected cf courts our judges, hence t'ie resources developing are Therefore us. equivalent desires, and our but nada. Cafore- lawsbecau.se our and man, benefit a inherited few, been great, and wil- made descendants, and our than the out They toiling to support our endeuring associations, are of first and patriots, her importance. f)aramount language to men we Canadian are Individually with gifts hands privations,caused We government^ our the enacted creation. fairest -not try coun- privations and n)emorv cheerfully obey own every our stalwart endured have many having been We appoint making, own been a of These Canada. their We, and frozen has from direct solitudes, their Our is"jlation, have them of This search in she pioneers land their To allegiance. our owe the Universe. out their.s. was the homes, which of kindly made " Canada Canada land who considered then cheerfully courage, their homes ; hewed be workers. trans-Atlantic Canada, the will believe forefathers, their but of the and energetic of parentage forefathers, a Aichitect danger isolatio!! has Our proud. their rugged Great faced in to lamenting manly utterenerfjetically Canada. our to live to made was heads, work," to race from farewell ocean received of homes inherited bid be was Man " : andsliakin^ Others prefer made essentially a Canada to the hands motto political policy they the to wilderness of " are ftu'tune, crossed reason : ever Canadians (juality we Man " which beneficial of t'oKled existing;depression. advocate most their iis I CANADA. OF adopt sit with un"l over HOMES happiness an"l inanfully advocate. is morally right cannot greatest one which to politicallywrong." Christmas witnesses re-united familie.s, but in Canada at many Christmas a in exile (linnoj* the have Ids! and had one IJniim, by distributing tinental industries manufacturing and will recall of the many great joy the Can I this to him the (Jon- mercuntiio this daufjhters if policy family/ overall and sons around attracting great etpially absent would steppei I in this an " eye.s would have ejiis[)ed clusteievl have unexpectedly ahsunt Was mother's hand fathtiv's would give hoil.se the (h.^ar old the tlic would which l"e wrong how th(; chiUlren iiow tlie absent How hind. foreign bright";ned I a of Hon Continent. of Can ida an"l This would creased intheir cause departure in the future. it be homes must not hence, happiness in our only ; "luty to thoroughly investigate this polic}',using right, but our love f(jotthe of our houjes as a lump to lijjhteuand guide our prevent steps. PROSPERITY. FINANCIAL Which prosperity be to Canadian our upon reader The will reprehended confer will politicalpolicy of account on in bear please the hoTues greatest financial ? thwt iinnd the facts following is not writer the in being istence; ex- " Britain consistent and cheese beef States United the regards exports, a the or own beef, of of United containing discriminate in of fore nor will, financially There forty favor British odd of even her benefit us on our our is exports to dare much neither has, As Europe. the question. is not from that Britain, cheaply with will that more us policy provide us money, will, like England, buy in the cheapest markets, or we American the facture the goods ourselves, free of duty on '."""-"'"-",,. "'";vr /".:;":".*,. Canada, will pait a and the Therefore, on furnish our us as British export with mo 'o allegiance is Britain, money any from as England, producers, buying Show mand, com- not, and Britain Great tlie transatlantic Empire. foofl own will Therefoi-e, millions, does allegianceto our But Russia, from Canada whether the or Britain. always fj-om as Wheat, more. markets. obtain we States less for British financiallyimmaterial not, curs. always money and have, generously as Great to (juality same the and nothing " exports the in prices the workshop clnef our amount it is interests Canada same Russia, of are and cheese wheat, her Canada, towards honestly acts with manu' tinent. Con- : of no money value political connection our exports elsewhere to that is ' -7" ut' the States, chief The produce. a of financial Union Continental therefrom, dcsin^ which to sent the policy the financial .' r.v, {":'. '" """ " most that it is the conse(|uently increase the \- ;''.v'.^ elsewhere exports the oC inurkets fish, himher for the will prosperity money that will one to provide for us of Farm most beneficial be^t Unite.l and the lus is th("reforo standpoint, is ohtain will wealth oir to the minerals, are which policy thjj.'^esources he, from money if wo of Our homes. our principiilly of pio.hicts consiHt .from heiu-flt to tinmu'ijil inoro to our Canada. the most advocate homes. 8- " L" i^' rnineral except every less phospliorus than contains Canada iron containing ore, duction, is the out-pUt is $50,000,000, of sixth best to has its centres of Canadian on minerals. some on and The of our beincr that apart the causes American and ont-piit only ratio 75 are cents its too one- is as limited, of cost portation trans- American ex^jort duty iron on ton, a the ore th" are, duties pri)States' United the proposed Canadian the lignitecoal contained co}:"|f)er bituminous far Other American the besides market, Canadiin The tin. yet the that Canadian ore, ; Canadian the reason population so the profits. exceeds duty .continent and One is,that the 1 300 the on million. a MINERALS. and and ore ^ cent per Capitalists, whether of the Canadian, British, American are or thorough citizens not world, and would long be capitalistsif they did not regard business matters e, solely from their financial standpoints. Hen mines in preference to they wisely refuse to operate Canadian lb. the on countries ent be subject either the when American, -?v-''^ ; and the to in mines and the ore. markets would in be difi'dr- investments would heavy immovable poverty, cupidity, caprice o.r anatgonisui of their government. Sudbury and Lake Superior districts nickel other mine in the are only one science for utilized world, known to, and cial commerby, modern Look wealth. T!ie at our undeveloped mineral purposes. miles In of da, Canaat ridges Sudbury are actually long. copper is one Lake mountain only four miles from Superior there In nickel and unrivalled. nugget of pure situated only would be copper is all not worth region utterly States does for Let what is the years F us mines outside form of an line. cf but know idea Let side they have paid of what of of amount situated the reason. can load where the Newfoundland. inside ring they never i", it does equally The copper visible it Britain at were States,, United their ring ily unnecessar- ought to be in Canada, from vicinity,but unfortunately the profits of just two ascertain mines, last 30 the Lake Superior. During the us if it United the material. raw American that in The dollars. of thick, which south, it, for they have want applies feet vessels ocean transpiring in the across on and nations, go We copper ot n the is incalculable, it, for her austible to fifteen million valueless. want thousand one copper few miles in that unexh of a copper, There is immediate to their owners an annual profitabove all N -9" of expenses of coasklombly be imliistry would by Coutiiiental of ours, and capital immensity of ; and the ly permeate direct Union and to certainly is both is sacredly entruste"i practical criterion welfare n The civilization role The ? and cruel ! country my and Tantalus, of part needed would that happiness life-sustaininjj ilrauijht heroic, ^^^ and is prise, enterthe can, our ple peo- consetjUentcontinue why unattain- the wise neither unjust hives ies treasur- if you result to would that Canada, the enact wliat luineral estimate, then beneiits homes. our all those supplyin;; And prosperity PI:!ture $1,03 ),03D. around markets. the self-imposed, Able above creabel nor whose those to to care. your the mechanical of and yidvancement politicians,but yearly crop of iron of The amount capita orj. consumption /"3r its identical the of is with its ternal innot mines necessarily out-put of iron The nation whose consumption. per capita use is the greatest in the world United is the states. Although it contains only 5 per cent, of the earth's sumes popu'ation, yet it conof nation a is not of its *' Mfe. its annual " "W' '- annually two-tifths right per in his The into exports of iron mines the and necessary to invvi for as a state been admitted of the American requisites of iron, coal, extra soon rival, if not The youth The St. factories out of lake by flux of of Tuines als minerun- are 7 million 1889, worth at delivery $35,000,000, I Andrews, of Mass., that now the with the Nova Scotia, having proximity, would, in thi which the Eastern to form welcome States them as the operatives. In congenial employment, without the find co-patriots would expatriated. As a free American quantities of coal ship immense our adverse the States, in 80 minerals freights. Governor Union, and of took of get Bruce out point In of New England, aljacent markets ir)n industries. in excel, Pennsylvania great of banks of the our Quebec are fleein.^from stricken. Lawrence if its shores as were plague advantages biautiful the at globe. under to United takea were $25,O00,()U0, and has duty thsight,inthe ores copper pay this plenty Hei\ce, the markets. Therefore, !if5,000,000, of foreign mines a per, cop- tin. States United the duties, about capitalist,having liaving paid S10,000,oOO It its on only were work almost of market not does American while worked; "8 it is also the one-half mineral American country, own laws, when tue mineral notwithstanding cent. to best iron, steel,lead,and world's the of its coal, and is the total our which, 'i door next 1892 one-third of best of state, Nova from her Scotia would inexhaustable terial ma- future being also mines "" ." . """" . *'- "10" ;.-,:" * to bordorinf; New the coal. Nova In writer Scotia, ei^ht which States are hun(h-e(l I'eet under liours (10 cents. for destitute of ground, tlie would Miners work. for men's niciu's wages North the staitlin"f fact is a ;In :" receive Here territories West bituminous deposits of lignite and Union Continental and are only England, larger than and market, furnish, as an abundant a.ssuredlypermanent and Cohimhia British the all cojil will the whole Wisconsin Canada, and of million a -equal to we mineral will in ten miners, and in iron miners, million a have years another and employed copper population of nejirlytwo Continental under all Canada will of yearl}'increased the Wisconsin, we If $25,000,000. at least one- tories" manufacmillions. of increase the onl}^equal and Michigan Union, Uniim that fact ad"litional for exports of the states of one-fourth additional men an that supj)Ose well-known the Uni(m, million a coast. upon Michigan employ Continental of one-fourth Pacific calculations our with eighth American of the Basing If seven work mines saw then FiHgland will add our of 2 out-put have this to a out-put 00 of S?80,0l'0,( total a annually. present exports, it will g ve of is ty. nonentiOur an !!r5,000,000 comparatively present export No gigniiicance of us freely,fully and in the market Two and in minerals, exports isolation. is Union nearest and contract to our in- the solely caused Continental perpetually,the will by give mineral best woild. wdl men modities is richer mineral present our Continental suicidal our world countrj- in the we unless not into enter considers each a he is receiving in exchange com return goods - of . equal basis Conunercial value. "-ontracts of treaties of no the favor. If our every of their country. when the commercial treaty to the. the membered re- patriotic be M'ill make Con.sequeutly,they Canada advantage is altogether in our Our iron being free from phosphorus is far superior to for the manufacture of the higher grades of iron and steel. minerals free of duty, the were permanently admitttd with would operations,and be are mutual their desire who men advantage consequences transferred would nations also exchange advantage, on giving and receiving equal benetitfi ; otherwise be will not be satisfactoryor permanent. It must Government of that the American is composed treaty theirs treaties to business to between derive be that of thousands to from Canada. our of many men In minerals and their millions fact, almost or mines from would cease would of money dollar we every their manufactures Would Htloll.'U'taken be minerals, it wo\ild regards our tolly on the part ofc' the ti'eaty with connnercial of their extend the injury not advantages Auiericans, l"enetit to niost to solely assuredly, their within their into to most a the will Uinon who countiy, an mate consum- enter he would tiiey {)ossess desi/'e not States which The tlie of act an United Canada, country. do who aliens, l"e Therefore, States. United frotii the do to not maintaining its laws, and whose otdy This its is not at object is selfish aggrandizement expense. whose Hrst and li-kelyto be the course pursued by a nation only welfare its tiie of interests own are people. Consecjuently, the which Canada method can ^obtain an by e(|ua1 share only assist in Avith is the by it up building or of the States complete wealth of unity be derived interests. This to from her "A* ! minerals Continental means Union. Our food present beef, would and for minerals our would the feed to the of opening give of Britain, Great sufficient that inhabitants to exports be not wlieat, cheese million two American the ditional ad- markets us. ' II." . The of Fisheries Sea in important most the Value the Lakes Great of which, Unitetl in is 1801, the soil, in order exemplified liy the Erie catch of $^^,500,000, 3500,000. will convenient the to forever fishermen the cause and homes of shores the is fishermen therefore, in total of locat their which duty at are Erie Union to be the Can.adian along both would all probability they equal quantities of fish, which would be $1 that erally genUnion when hive present than homes fish on Political Lake This Lake annual Continental duties liomes duty. less captured only policy the American shores. of total vessels These distributed ; the shores. the the their free permantly fishing grounds, American permanently American catch on the of out Canadian abolish fish their enter have and to Canadians. by caught flag Union best the nearer surpassed, Here again, duty, liowever, being their possible unfurled Canadian fishermen the and Fislieries 1'he wherever that richest Water ^20,000,000. American Continental induce would fact be to market. to the among tiie Fresh about was best fisheunen, to arc while nowhei'e i.s our States American Canada world, are ^ cent per lb, the flails and hastened on of the FISHERIES. the would equally and both ''),000 each. :',! ffWt,*-' "12- Thi.s would hounds V'-"- Union increase the it would besides Canada, largestand catch of of the cntch catch the to catch increase fish of all cau"jht hy thousands our Canada having timber ship building, wo for American be would Clyde the American on the one per La'ces Great side 50 Canadian In Canadian of the in the navigation ports. is in requisition the in Canada. But built were hiving tonnage during th"re 18^2 side,ordy steamers two shipping total Canal tonnage of each, 8,000 tons of 200 Only tons. Great Lakes is that pa.ssedthrough one njillion,a gieat less than was tonnage in all Canada. buildingon were to the o."i a built the Cleveland, it is at than world that naturally expect of 2,000 Welland ^6,000,000. Liverpool being almo^j and M'ould the have coast, has .sea steel steamers the 1892 the to we FREIGHTS. inland of which of the first-class cent, Canadian of wealth miles of vessels where, in 1891, new which 17,000 more 71,000, was On province, one LAKE AND Atlantic fish of all Canada our illustrated as and to important system hy Port Arthur most from e(iuidistant wide of the bc^netit BUILDING III." SHIP the Erie tin's rule annual probably hnancial annual an world, the will increase that extent the present Lake apply we nada shoi-es and sailinf^ vessels Imilt in Calivingon Canadian in oider tht. be certain be within to to If, by $0,000,000. of reasonable al probability,we only assert tliat Continent- those still the If iinherinen. Oiitaiio, it would ! 7 times he three Canaflijin and part'of which was Ameiican through freightfrom Duluth Lake Ontario the freight Chicago to American ports. Whereas Marie that passed through the American Sault Ste Canal was 25 million and that which I'etroit ten over was tons, passed by million tons, only one of carried in cent, dian Canawhich was per bottoms. The follows No do Canada United our allow not American one permit to the of a p("rt large Unsted North West takes its line,so do states nt)t this raih'oad leave ' " .v deplorable condition are as " freightsfrom from necessary. are for this : The doties comments principalreasons as cheaper lake is means that good proceed caie to routes. trade fiom The another. in The States. by vessels Canadian to of the Port Continental carry heavy freights from only piesent outlet Canadian freights no to American Pacific; and entrusted Arthur, by Union is thi the to it, wise other- only policy IS- vvlii( It ill fil ("]i^li ot* tliCRe serious one cvory t(" tlio iiiuriitf inteiosts of (jinuda. vrtut.'ifros w Tl).' come experienced c"me Ameiiean niitte"i U) ;iO sail in CVvuadian a The Ameiicaji froju annual than to Anuirican and ('(tntment, the has isolation, shores Canal "lia,the similar expense, they do because to tlm at to Lakes hand. i^akes foolish our of Sault the nation, Lawience lower River, Ste and its In- to ha* Kepublic tlie the wealthy their Me"literfaneau of navigation and enlarged but the St. Though prosperity con.stiucti"ai leason the belong ours. have They the upon the outlet of the the America. of of Ainericiin The part any " of sl"i["less. ()r"'at The is jtceonnt on accoi-d C(jntine.it this g)'oat expense, possess Union and all (wv traffic would of would has united, were that .so Chicttgo luKKi of improv"?d (lovernment dchtinies make her not, at lakes is outlet the ocean. American ";anals the in Canal. not of CJi'eat yet, us, than tli"; Britain credit that Continental our of the burden. 8uez receiving enable possesses watei' it is (libi-altar hand letlects gi cut the lakes exceetls eoinmerce " navigable fact 8ld(^ of upper it tu) felt Republic ^45,000, by will Canada comparative!}- are gone tie on this When Union in with Ameiiean enterpri.sehave Marie in freight and conspicuous of outlet hivish l"een the cjinals an"l ocean our On to sailed if he Lakes' 00. is I'olitical Osdy n"iles Metliterranean natun 20 ol" it more area, $45,000,' poition of Eastern inliabited ing us, ofl'icer frovn receive able An and Creat the (-r-iuula out, share just the to to V/ages. an perdo interest better would of al"ont S.'i,0( 10,000. td."tain lu^r The cent, he value ship-building now 000 is ajuiuall}'paid its J{5 per than their are Vessel. total The far pa}' to citizens It is to vessels. 25 American only Americans is less beeouHe ^'*'~ '^("J^VI^^^'^y IkStafi^and as United the to move hi^liersalaiy ceiit (Jnnadians, youu^' seainci', the oldain.s per our citizens this, because seaman of uiMJoj ity disad- unjust niu] the Port hugest an"l even river vessels be innnenst*, Orrat Lake? ports, for i" much couKl of teality, oee"n the Koil i!i the in unsm fronj direct LiverptA)!. 'Jhis and in sail would port.s. the world 'I'htj neighborfor passed is unecjualled;and the mineral wealth the prairies of of bushels. west their jjo'den giain in ndlliiius poui' out and of the earth Hteix'antilo centres ;^reut iniiMufu4L;turing our the conteruplation that, if widen all the deepen ami the}' would ocean shores, for our in now t(" London Arthur lake tiansform ty:; fertilithe far The would "14" ha iilorior our would ranoun ami inliitnl wate^, he.small in the f"f the coimiierco with coinpari.son of that Me"Htoj'CJreut our Lakes. IV." The aiiuujtjt of tiinher LUMBER. in Canada annuallycut is immense. This 1m^ realized from the ^io-antic fact may H^furesnecessary to o jf that of when the productionof onr use speakin"T even ]"art forests which we the Exports were export. In 1K90, amojj^ L500,000;'0*" f(;etof sawed .5,500,000 cubic feet of square lorrs, timber, and 1,000,'00 railroad ties. exporte"limmense Besides these there of har"l-w"X)d (piantities were lumber, cord-woo"l, etc. tan-bjirk,shin"xles, pulp-W(X)d, teletj^raph poles, fM;"sts, The United States,having less timber per c"(pl.tathAn even The duty,however, varies from Germany, is our fjreatmarket Sl.OO to $2.50 pnr LOOO feet. This duty caused the Canadians to contribute to the of revenue the Republicbetween (ireat 1S65 and 1890 $20,000,000 in onler ^hat access hepiined mi",d"t for our luml)er to the markets of tl's continent. The result, from- the American duty and the ^vant cost to send the lumber into other country, is that it only renmnerates to saw us for export the choicest, logsout of "^aeh tree that is cub of inferior C "nse [uently,nd lions of dollars worth to any lumber down. have eyes rot in ourtimlier annually left to lo^sare limits,as the writer's seen. and Basingour calculations upon the above giant figures, that of our present re.$23,(i83,(i7o only rememV)ering annually, exports that partof the felled timber which is renmnerative under existing circumstances, we cannot place the unnecessary nually. yearlywaste of our inferior lumber at less than S2,000,000 anContinental Union is the only policy that will permanently give Canada all the adjacentmarkets of this Continent will enable lier to obtain remunerative free of duty. This for of inferior her prices pine and hartl-wood lumber grades and exporting. "MiH tinjber, not worth paying the duty on now This wjiste and annual (jur loss would savingof now forests, at least allowed then cease, to rot from free admission them and $2,000,000 worth to on the account would we of the markets near effectan of the productsof duty debarring af the Unite*! States. A perusalof the the tra"le and veals navigationreport ftxr 1892, re- facts,well worthy followiufif inhabitants of the Province of Ontario of : " the attention of tho -18fir They it Hvod have i forcMt of part capitalof the upon The iucoine. lef^itiiuate grout au"l not Proviuct^ our of Hourco thoir Upon iticoirie,th*' h(; and what tlion ? CH})italwill hoou fro\u\ in thr ilt:Hci(nu:y npproachirif^ an rcvci^ufj, to piovincial loi^^i.'ihitures by "'Ur (luph(!at"; \v(vilth. by nu3an!^ mineral of I'oyal' ou'upon our " Foreseeinf:fthis attempt m.uU' was forest thjir utethod in nipped '/e w" th with export duties, ties and bud, the of it of the existence cojn;nii'. investments dar^.'rio taxable The consequence an}' large amount under in the lumber our business United States obtain all the nead allow they but they put of there of but is that the at hewer $1.00 of wood, The United the and this, the Spanish River prove of unsawn logs to the United that logs hist sawed were StateH district States year sent These the to United rough boards by thousands States freight cheaper is and less if there were duties no all the the result lumVjer of this carefully estimated by union would also is be true ai" between tinished and in of for lumber Ottawa one-half. of many sawn the What our United lndk 'J'hc ous numer- ly, Consequent- An"eriean king, that, towns of has ami da. Canabeen when his l"^ true nmrkin lalx)r, it would and Ld"oi' more finislied population other the finished. our and demand now it is workmen. and sawn and us l)e would Where crudi; duty i)\ the rough boar"ls, and these lowest possible duty. are powers fort'. is work. situated the Bay at of into is of mills Canada. from water our consummated, increase immediately three extensive free planed ti Tt quarters the lumber the and conveniently more As when in Canada, ets, almost then are is linish. 14(",000,(K)0 feet the at Canada and and of American thousands upon Union all this. would chancje Continental is far States on that lumbei* furtiished : at all " )"awn ail Ijoards plane saw, duty, roughly is, that to quently, Conse- of free feet The desire citizcnn. country result City and Saginaw, Michigan, were impossible to export it altogether in Cana"hi shape of logs,it is sawn are ti Io.sh ^reat time sanje their 1,000 highly finished. more ing investOntario isolation. on duty per boards, and a higher duty of S2.50 per 1,000 on are plained and groved, and still a higher duty a in in is another continental their enter to ni fii po.ssiblefor logs e (Joverrnrjent. timber, account employment idc ni tht; re-sultaut in timber, our facts, i.nd capitalistfeels safe mines Working no our on tries indus- in Ontario. money Provincial of inl'mt tfiese Wf;r(3thu.s capitali.rits above of waste aU the is,that existing our Besides rrsult, that ; ami city tinental con- will of Ottawn. hamlets. "T rtror" . -" ,'1 /, :)"'"" X would 'I'hifi ^Mcatly incrousc tliouHaiuls tinploynientto t(" leave }"cllu(i their Caumliati siiantvinri) ami river-di"ivoi"H all extensive rtud also pro-^jK-'i-it}', our many travellers to be who Ixvst .u; occupations. These fearless sons |:;enial eniploynientin our numerous ciipple"lby accident, rlieumatism will induce union finished lumber, and Canada to who " thus w will do H,dvocate in Canada, home at ishod policy that a products the ami of i V" Remember Britain's is not men. old or their Only political duty ott" the a^e. take to fjictories v.heii the of wealth source sister. .". : :""" . dignity of C-ina^llan state;^is it better this [)roblem. Whether to will furnisii employment for Canadians the natioris Or to pay I'emain as material, the hewers us vvc for are the '."^ lin- ly mere- " of wood ". for eign for- ? countne.s she lost her their at . liavc other raw wm-ld and mills be lab(U" 't our of [turveyors coui- skilliu! acknowlodiit^J 1"\- in the nion reliufjuishthis ^reat to asjiire well to solve luirilyand of toil 'vijuld fclien ol)t!i.incon- Stat(!S then mid Politicians,who hien, United nhe Our univcrsallv are ' uunuully now ^rt.' honitJH. fuinish t.he fate of vig(i-, and emigrants injurious to EXILES. CANADIAN arc iier. fron\ Spain a Our families, therefore emigrants ".; of hei' young fell to a power I Drained Hrst-class chieflyin ^ ai"(; :: blood, third. emigration / ' ]U!ncii)ally young nation intellectuallyoi- physically,no can replace. A nation, whose policyannually'expatriates' 'JMiese men, cfjualor must vigorous young eventually deterioi'ate both men, because the tlu powerful leave, and physically, mentally of its population renmin. weaker The effects of a policy elements oi this nature detrimental to a country than a are more ence pestiland the weak or famine, for these carry off princi["ally a tlie aged. This being the ca.se, it is the solemn duty of every li'jrmost and patriotto put a aside all mhior friendlyspirit with strides of and his, brother ba.ser motives and consult Canadians, how best in the injuriousto his country than pestilence stopped. This e.vodus of our 3'outh is a fatal nuiy blow at the vit^ility remember of o\ir nation; therefore, we must .that sometimes desperate diseases require desperate remedies, and that any efficacious remedy is bet tei* than the couHequences of a fatal disease. Let us be patriots to our beloved Cmiada, and look atthe facts squarely and imflinchingly, innnediaand tella us will be the ino"t telyapply the remedy that our reason or famine, an evil, more be '' ''"*"*"" ^',!i''"'"'""'"tir^'Tf -18- permane:it. It i" of politics ci)heineral certain and both allow tho hour, distant the of the Those in Canada, been always If they difficulties, even they would next ten prefer eifieminfwyis not pirovethis, our on an "when average Florida emigrants and cold of parts their as like and of tho homes California Southern would houies, achieve; If equal, were with the convinced United Canadian on action. To countrymen. our where success to be their go to States then was Converse meet, you in settle the sons fortune, Canadian incentive and characteristic a the are determined Canada. in reside to youth as they only an are ed, till- is true and men, of their are the to This what to young north in Canada success CaTiuda. come there "'"'^itas are men young of homes Our miles Success go. Canmlian to that home at success hope brightest prospects of tho dangers, of chances wultarc coldei- Middle emigration to Our the of 200 were would the as of Britain little seeing continent 8("on wilderness. frozen favors. fortune the population from sires, in search These exodus, "ay prcMont extent. climate a forefathers, there di'ift of limited milder considered this cause a only the most hardy sires. left the against tliu pro-*ont recognize the dui)reHHion existing of the that as ; and be a reflux of tliere will to to climates milder of wish not the as or Canada. do wiio militate pist.to and honiCH our has tho or foolish for us to preJndiccHconcerning and wronpf States ; and that further that are this,too, welcome them as Dakota. readily as %lichigan or to the The emigration from Canada hundred daily- This includes both those in foreign countries. The population of the three counties in which cent, three the during of a the the last ten years. his on time same million ; Ohio Chicago, during is situated, home bordering states during ters writer's the as and same Then born is about three Canada and in adjoining the county have decreased contrast this have provin"e follows: States Michigan fact: increased New " 12 half time, increased " per The in tion populaYork, threo-"juai*million a moie each. in wealth nadians Camore population than all Canada, and to-day contains than city in the Dominion, west of Montreal, with any Detroit has a popn latiou the singleexception perhaps of Toronto. of 260,000. Windsor, with equal shipping facilities,andwith four railroads enteringit, has only 10,000. Seventeen years ago and Manitoba and to-day Dakota Dakota contains started more even, with people than 14,000 the whites Douiinion each can ; /"'""" "19' l"o"ist of Ix'twoon of countifH Dakota is, Htrannror from r iho Jest Ottawa Isolate any of thi.s what of one of part the of States Continent, did will similar ho from of that to a come you Union American the many asks naturally one Canada its fate and In Ocean. Pacific tlio tlie fir-Nt (|uostion that Well, " and Cana"la. by distrihuting tlu; attrjictingfactories this Continent, opening enterprises e(juallyover of tishermen, niiruis,and ^ivin^ us our rightful nun"V"er up our the population of Canada ship-lniildersand sailors, will increase Continental and Union, morcjuitile several We millions. thousand many would retain who more the annually to the least at HO,00()n)en leave south. assist to us A of the out Vmild- in on country "j[reat averafje ing up of his country into the revenue $1,000 during his life-time pays indirect ta.xation. in diject and Caujulians tain reThirty thousand man an hereafter, at $1,000 capita, is $30,0o0,0()0 year per If of attention to the an)ount enue revour annually. w;e confine the Unitsd of taxes obtains States alone, from by means each these Canadians, 30,000 United State?5 yearly a wonder Canada United States when she rapi"llypay off has their at four capitalizethis $30,000,000 per e"piivalent to a capital of $750,000,000. wished of money to depo.sita sum thereof, value four at of this per annual Cinaila that ^ft, eijuivalent is poor to declares it cent, per e.\o"lus, she been national cent, per In other so that would No $30,000,00). to thus would annum, the makes aiding; the If debt. words, the we it annum, is nada if Can;terest equivalent to the re"iuire to deposit be $750,000,000. VI" IMMIGRATION. ^ + dissatisified enr'^rant from Europe is generally " man nde desirous of kingly becoming again ; consequently, i'40t of her most Gracious to he suhjtct, even Majesty, but wishes The with a the of monarch 18')0, the of himself. United States Even got of 80 the per total British emiofration cent. that the Being a part of an Empire, is the principalreason from the Continent of avoids CiinjwJa. Boemigrant Europe all kingdoms ami empires, Britain included, for their own cause, j-^alousinterests, have mutually enacted, that taking the oath wf allegiatico free any does from to a foreitjn potentate, not man military servitude to the laud of his nativity. The German w:'Tl*f;'" "T-f'-f/t"*? f'-T, './*"' --"0- nu"l !^('!Mi(]iMa\liui uImmi l"'nviii;j )ilsliomc mH"! fatluM'nniii'rant., hut In; fit-sires t") \"o laml. ]u\H a iinn intention to rc\isit tlionit, alile Ui rtitnrtj from Aincricn, without tlw^ IV-urof li"'ii)"" jminto a KmopoHn nr-iny. Me knows tlmt th" foi*(M'f"n )"i"*ss"mI is ulniost the ttnly i)ovnAincviran "'iti;'(;n who valk om ninn, th"i Mtn-titM of his iinti\*'Euiopcan town witho"it the dread of ( Jons""(|iu!ntly, the Kijio])can to ("()tiscription. wisely"Mnij,M*at('S ami not h" a part of the l^.ritish ICtn"the AiiH'iiratiKrpnhlio, plro. I'herd i.yalso on tlu* Coiitiru-nt ("f Kurope,anuaifj the mi.' Scamlinavians,tlu-saMw "lennans jculousMvcrsiorj against Cajwulians have all thingsICn";li,sli, that some thf ag;uinst AniericaiiK. Canada has onlyretained 10,000 r.nt of th("MOO.OOO iinnnthe hust t"Mi ^Tantsthat she has importedfrom Knrope dnrif)ic of and cosf h.-tween at to Ikm-, a S,'i,O0(),0("") 84,000,000. years, The )irnni;^rards have, noceptedthe ussist^'dpassa^^es ofllerod l"y(^laiiadato nid them to reaeh the (Jnited States. Hence, retaineil Cd^t hei" nearly$200 i-aeh immi;,ri';viit that (Vnada of them were than some whieli was worth to ^l!)!).9f) uiorff jjjst " * ,. ;"'*' f any country. The [Tnited States iinnii";;iatiou was, at the close of the the last few years American 7:;0,0()0annually.Duiiu;^' war, the K(;j)ul)lie has rejt.'Cte I tlie undesirahle applicants for ndniission to her country tht^immi^rmtionto ,andthus j-estricted 500,000 mental a y".'ar. Unlike Canada, it did not desij'e to inipoit moral an"] })liysical contaminations from the slums of the cities of Britiiinor tln^Continent,even if theypaidtheir own ages. passThe States have now of tii'st-class onlya small "|uani,ity '.land to ofFer to settlors whicli does not re(|uiro expensive , .,;V - ' 'H:': i;v; ".. irrieation. Canada f t^vv ' poHRpRes ^roat undevelopedminenil and therefore,under wealth of fertile laud ; areas larj^e of the n(!W confederacy (Continental Unioji, she will be the pai-t that will he specially of the present inhabitl"oomed. M my ants of the Unite"l States will then immigrate to Kastern Canada, an"l develop in new our nianundnes.and find *!mploymeiit industries. There will also be a lar^e influx from the faeturi.ipi' Western States to the ^nuierous paviirios of our North West. In addition,(^anada wdll obtain a great part,if not the ^reat"'r temds from north immigrationthat naturally pait,of the large is Union the onlypoweiAmerica. Continental to vvn Europe thatwiJ] cause the eH'ectiveAmerican itnmigration agencj'tobooin fill t o to North rcaliise tho di'ouuiof 20 Cainula, West, up our unoccupiedand t'MimfAsimii^miii: -21- millions in 40,000 yet If nil. tlunii limit wo an moans employtncnt of streiitn luldition each of to it normanH, Slio !?1,G()0 "lu"rapo indirect taxation. nv( nn on r " vi*Mltli. Cunajln's to tliwn f innni^mtion and Miitons, ScamliimviariH enorn)("u" fron" tloiive fiiui Incnvtivn to tin's tinnunl AmcricunH, mon, would l)onlers, "uul our of (lii(-:ct and Ity nuuns \u^ his life-time iunni^'rmitHyearly at Sl.Oi'Oeach in 340,000,000 Forty thousand annually. The (l("veri"mentfl must Canadi.m consider immigration to le this uiillions of dollars upon desiralde, for they httveH\)entmnny of Continental llrdon have tion immigraan ((hjeet. The advocates of Canada, toHuliuwt the the to of the voters approval j^ ^liey of the most ') is one an"l jwlvantaijeous ^if^anticthat lifts fnc IX Nvorld. If population offered un present our France of the to tieUis with of any country induce the could ^overnmt-nt settle to in the consideration Canaila, in thean, tiny would their all brin^ and entire population or If the territory,equal the ad\antaffes offered hy this policy induced the whole jj^overnniont aKso population of Norway, and and Holland Sweden, brin^j Delginm to endgrate to Canada sunny all thoii- mountains and fertile yet counterbalance. not If in neither, vales with all them, would these in pelled comdespair, our government and Greece, Portugal, Turkey-in-Europe territories to C'unand populations, to also move Switzerland, all their with millions ada, these to glaring sinnlar to to inimediate Canada is number can nay the arc botli in read the Europe, and and write nujjoiity of each other. our the pros- the than them any (U" not live Theii- of foreigners, but will United offer States and to generations lar a simi- Canada more cousumep luxuries of morp possetjses trans-Atlantic nati"'n. in Canada nearer pe"'ple Canada. are also This than more /^cr life, than Republic live own our Many continent. own offers Union Contine"ital Europe necessities the!",e 65,000,0('0 tc assimilate to assimilate even that of not in before away, puHs of of country home at immigrantfi. population of the The capita imndgration (J5,OGO,"100, already will cannot we able be never a bo Canada. of The biethren would we now offers innnigration would possess not would The j)opulatiou defect. millions, for population nationalities, would i.-any Union that Continental supposed and own, diverse these this ""reparable our to population But Canada. and ejit the equal oidy belonging the any who men But somo is true, but Provinces similar to the reside in the Canadians who distant of the populations York New and the also and Dakota are purta of Canada than to Ontario State is nearer peopleare similar. more are Prince aach other. *'" ward Island, toba inhabitants ""FMani- The identical,and almost Provinces,than th" contiornons onlya i:^ road 8e})aratfcS British Columbia'and far asunder in Quebec are tory. the characteristics of their people, as they are di.stantin terriit irf better to accept our Carefuliyconsider whether them; But " know relatives the United States of Britons, about whojn we the best and the worst ; or to take 65 million imnii^'rants from Europe to bosom, about our whom we know and that little little, often in their disfavor ? VII" DUTIES. We pay $6,000,000annuallyin (iutiesto the United States in order to get our productsto their markets. tal Only Continenand permanently remove this barrier to Union will entirely and commerce, payment of tribute without States any VIII-CUSTOM to the of the United revenues benetit to Canada. correspond ingf AND HOUSES DOMINION MENT. GOVERN- The great extent of the dividingline between Canada and the United States, a patrolof 4,000 miles,and the ample facilities necessitates both governments thus afforded for smuggling, of custom officials. It ia stated by the an maintaining army Government of the United States, regardingher custom houses Canada, on lx)rdering the amount with any is collected, other Union belongingto of cost collection,compared in large, disproportionately part of her Continental now that the This revenue. will dismiss the Canadian the custom to comparison is also true majorityof houses in Canada. tke officers bordering the United States,and allow them to add by useful labor to the wealth of their respective provinces. The internal government of our provinceswill not be perceptibly on changed by Continental will their now almost remain they presentlegislation, done at Ottawa. ornamental and salaried members The Union. unchanged,and, will Dominion Provincial ernments govin addition to perform a great part of Government, expensive adjuncts,now and The that with its useful, numbers either employed officials, over or 3.50 lounging -Si- hi Canada. population lack of tellof loss shores lack of markets a The oxisbingcircumstances. productshere urjiicultural in the claims continental isolation. Tiiese in the depreciation are sliip. undui' heavy freights for of comparison and mines and unworked Ouv for States adjoining pro-* the chief causes of the values of real estate, too quotations keenlyfolt to re- comment. (juire the population, Continental Union, by incrcAfliug volume and Held id from will wealth forest, of trade, a mine, sea, cause the ralue of real estate to advanci'^ at least 25 percent, throughout This will effect a gain to Canada of $800, the Dciminion. During the boom you would 000,000 in rCcd estate values- doubtless unload choice few a XI- lots. corner AGRICULTURE. Last,but greatestof all industry of agricul- the cr"raes of our ttirg. Out populationof 4,829,411 56 derive their livingfrom our farms. This 2,704,470, half over considerably reportsof the market a our A deplorablefact,that priceobtained and can Ameri- farmers our the American by of givesCanada comparisonof the .situated Canadian similarly markets, reveals the receive two-thirds of the ers, million farmers, cent, per " only farv for the two-thirds of our products,for wl I a^icultural continent is the natural, and consequently the best marke./^ pencilsand Farmers, take your for figureeach himself the of beingdeprivedof your you lose each year on swcount rightfulshare of the markets of this continent. Recollect amount you same We only lose not what on send to the States,but also on the sell them in Canada, you classes erfyour productswhen you saie in statingthat ^2.03 per acra are moderate acres figureat which actual cultivation is on under Canadian farmer, making "lossof $2.00 per acre means 000,000 Union farmer deserve total a a an each average of 25 50 each a number very of to each acres million loss to Canada is year loss. The acres. year A" of $50,- products of agriculture.Only Continental permanently prevemt this.loss. Is not a Canadian the on will as this to average much of " man equalremuneration as an ? """O- American ? Do not his labors* Tt li!ivin;j been proved that Continental Union willincrease and prosperity of our the Ixappiness tiian an}homes,more other political let Canadians, by all constitutionaland policy, means, promoteits adoption peaceful ; hut onlyupon equaland lionorah'eterms, and with the consent of Great Britain. Let and persistently. us advocate it kind y but firndy SUCCESS IS INEVITABLE. -"itr^ "1..:.,^''..;"" ,''V' ". " ''"" '"l"-f 'v :''"" .'t. ,;,l/^: Union, Continental -o- realer, Canadian ""ben BRITISH thi^ C9nsiderln"r influenced is parainouuUy PATRIOTISM by of one subject tiiree ; HATRED THE OF UNITED STATE-?, CANADIAN ' Please mind your sentiments: or PATRIOTISM. carefully classifyyourself before proceeding. -o- A ZOLLVEREIN A BritiKh Of the van love ")f the of THK BRmSH History to Unity and NaTIOXS be DECLARED 18 BY Inkvitable. Freedom is elianicteristic of the race. all the of trod, united united OP freedom. with kingdom races nations the of the world Eiiglanc?has Scotland, wh(/"e heath England, Ireland of Great islo8 and Britain prospered and as no a never conqueror in forming tho Wales Irelan"l. other aTwij's leil in On the European union nation ^27-. The Ims. ever tjiin their them bid farewell and fiiitain,kind t))e latid cdu1"1 until people tnultiplied, millions, their to not coh" the restless and daring among homes and crossed tiie Atlantic, then the h"ve of the forgot for a moment transAtlantic her rigorous with The well the t'l-eedoni colonies, as offspring. loving us parent, oft'the restrwining hand. threw Tlie spirit of Unity still guiding unite in one colonies to our race pi*on)pttd the thirteen the United of Britons. thca Since the rapidit}' States people of their pmsperity world. The and has the vastness amazed motherland has not since the ties liberto attempted infringe upon i' rncc generoup, frceflo'n, and V Whs " of children. her Britain, had on whom the their also so when even of Britons colonies Six wide, transplanted world tained reprevailed, that they have colonies other spiritof unity allegiance to her their to the dotted of coast jury. in- financial the continent them, and they arc Australia;the spiritof unity breathed upon into one Commonwealth" consolidating themselves a name larly singuisolated smal' scat* provinces were appropriate. Seven of [(Id along 4,000 tered call they Suxon What one do all these itself. We are well as in as past consolidated The have the clans in Ixwly,of of dawn of same is race been old Remember declare? descendants tluxse weak our history they have a mule Anglo* Dominion. our unions the of seen from the to answer history peats re- of characteristics the who men tribes hostile and the into a in times great tion, na- It is therefore Europe trembled. unless of history, that prevented, a apparent to the student ed, of the Anglo-Saxons of the world will be formgreat Zollvei-ein with in the center Britain, the old motherland clustering ; whose at BY ^rica ; in A across Dominir- of upon nund miles We amalgamations. occasion possible every history to the uiiion of lecord m. became warlike array " around the her earth, be will " the her children, greatest of " free the which British will of nations North United be Auierica. heed race patriot, in the interests of our of the liave been cause unity, promptings and dominan' family has only prosperity. This Now, he power in er ho on on divisions Britons. the the British spiritof who.se ; Britain The colonies, ana connecting link is Canada. with her the United Upon our two States Canada of rests discord them constant or responsibility of creating between dis* constajit circumstances Under existing perpetual peace. is declared cord History is given by history to be inevitable. '"T' -28" and for entertainmont, in-^truction, US In all its aofOH and making man be One one. the two for wnrniTipf. espociully ail its lanmianfesit roitcrate.s the rlanijorof nations out of what tho Ahnighty created to nation slionld include groat natural same houndries speak the "no language,have laws and are oF the one blootj. all those wlio live witliin who of mountains or oceans, the same the same faith,obey Canada and the United States and quisites are formerlyone people, yet identical in all the rebe to again one nation ; even their laws are upon the basis of the English laws; hence, in remaining apart common bly Penalties are invariaof nature's laws. one they are la'eaking and wiselyattached to the infraction of any of His great laws of natuie. of this The penaltyattached to the lirea'ting law is jealousywith all its resultant evds. is proverlby This were divitled nation in ^ivery age. Let us confine ourselves to and watch the effects. The history of the clans race of Scotland and the heptarchyof England is written in bloofl. Unions into internal On their consolidation brought peace. every our own no separatekingdoms,Englanrt wage"l war sooner on the tinent con- than Scotland crossed tlie boi'ders. Pillage and bloodshed pointedout tlie track of her raiders. Tiien, EngUiml returning of Scotland. in her might devastated the lowlands Union conferred peace, good fellowshipand prosperity.The ot war 1812 Jiritain was model againat vainlyattemptedto e war the former historyof Europe,and United I upon in w)"est Canada from the her. our race. States To-day jealousy between the divided nation in America, a war of taritt's, bloodthe next to bloodshed, and oft:;n culminating in shed. ever Union will confer peace and plentyas in the past. Whoresorts f: was to war " aids in maintai lintror fosterinifthe jealousiesbetv^een Canatla and our relatives to the South, is guiltyof attempting to injurebotli Canada and Britain ; therefoie he is not a patriot either to Canada, Old England, or his race, but a traitor to them all. This union of the Anglo-Saxon,fir.it of America, and with because it is in acconhmco then, of th(iworld is inevitable, the noblest characteristicsof our of fulfilment and one a race, of His laws of nature. Canada will soon and attain her majority, the guardianship of England,but become nation. This will cause her to attain more of of a Our she separatenation, whereas now will in the meantime prosperity the union will be upon Jess not an remain der un- independent the distinctions condition. is in a plastic be retarded,consequently advantageousterms anti Larder "onofe/lferc/e -29" of Tliu union will not then furnish refisons toxvard Biituirj on the part of either nation. frrat'tude Whereas he if the Canada will feel grateful union etfeeted, now, to the UiOther who, to benefit lier daughter, sanctioned hei' union with her prosperous United States will relative. The also feel grateful foi-the further giftof Caato the motherland shores ada. The friendship whose lietween the Anglo-Saxons, until time is no laved by the Atlantic, will then endure are Irunt. accomplish for more. British the patriots, and your rankft, a"lvocates of Continental Union are in no policythat will not beneHt at race large. The consideration of will a"lvocate England,Canada, and our this policywill be laid at the foot of the British Our throne. it. httr wise beloved Queen and councillors will deside upon of it receives their sanction and that of the parliaments When Canada and ihitain and the Congressof America, then ifcmust be loyalto adopt it. That it will be sanctioned is certain,for 5 all the events of the past pointin this direction. Why else did britain in 1815 cede to the United States domain enough for from ocean America miles wide 800 nn across a empire, strip financial to ocean her in her aid ? else than child to Why trouble did she giveslier$] 5,o00,0(.0 American the close of the at war? Why has she in every treatyfavored the United States, " " the prosperous Republic as her that her she, is enand in trusting first-born, benefiting the of the hands of wise to the a heritage guardian in America, includiuir that of (iiuada ? except that,she considers well-beloved I'iice FINANCIAL BENEFITS TO BRITAIN. The majorityof our families are more Canadian nearly allied to the iidiabitants of the United States than to those of Great Britain, yet Britain is the land we love best after Canada, of the only bond we though pay nothing to her revenues, British from the unitybeingandty and trade. Our purchases " Islands are so'^e ^40,00"',000annually, with a profit to Britons, unknov^n to us, of $4,000,000,just a fe7t cent jnece personally British to each one of Britain's 40,000,000 inhabitants. profit dreamer of in tliis be and patriot, piactical practical, not a age devoid of anj' pecuniarj^ that are utterly antiquatedphantasies, value. Realize that only in propoition enriches as a political policy her creased inCanada, will it be in the power uf Canada by trade to benefit England. Canadians tii.aitcially arc rin".ftSit""'',*"*'" -.10- by increasing ua numbers our increase of The solely from Britain. This benefits the from derived only be cm legitimate trade, flowing; channels. Utiion, Cimtinentfil Only money. and purehrtiinj( power, can their financiallybenefit to are with nip^ards never in natural, motherland the profits whe done from realizes on by an forced, in not obtains enable Cana"la purchases our her. We without Britain But, some buy from money. send and she does for not cheese England example, Hay, we pay This is in but manufactured in us nonsense. goods. money, of cheese knows cheese that the president a er buyfactory Every I will not unless cheese never buy your yet said : you take dress check the No, he gave him on goods in pay.' a cannot " " Bank. But to sells; in other sale the of will that will also experts trade our cause total of the words, her increti.se of the to Britain the receive her to obtain her exports her for larger which British regards as of this continent the Britain, advocate politicalunion for than United this States, policy will, more population our with more Bntain's and with money which MILITARY Canada, will of by abolish friction the and fact alarm, the battle In affairs Atlantic that and ADVANTAGES her uniting small, but many that these in the hare event any furnish with and in the of I th an j all of them uixnut'astures. United the States, irritatingcauses* It is America. past often Canada war, sequently, Con- Canada none-tho-lews Britain between war of BRITAIN. TO destiny half market. British purchase to enable othar, increase and customers, mone\ fit financiallybene- to of she that best desire the upon from money is the really patriot,ifyou Britain's it will ; and u which and of amount exports amount and Canada leave the f ro of money exports, will Union from adopting apolicy upon population, our tran.s-Atlantic far a of she Therefore, the amount American number before, as for depends 'vhat receives she America. increased an from money of cash and and Continental her amount Britain obtain European increase footing will derives from with to us our customers. bame ; Canada resume would an disputabl in- serious caused be again in naval ground. the and and event of powerful Pacific Union, Continental on coasts the for sea, will naval Britain, wise retain stations. an To island this on the America. of the verliorakions foi'e these men While which purse, in the army, deserved of glory, by in treasured Uniied presented of the the will but this Union, is the forming race Britain'.^ the this is you British policy a America propose to Come, be you vapid injuring of your has also and own, well as Europe and alliance Union the free tions na- financial a out for, with- ; dii.iinish increased of military power patriots,from guarantee and only practicable world-wide, will terest in- as divisions great in defensive the it of not OF in more Canadian or the causes of perpetuity redound prosperity palid dwarfs, but of great, and money, our practicalin who enemy. favor of How your merely if by tell than homes away you But, For, diverting hatred. Union Continental else Canadian entices against him, AMERICANS. patriot. Spoliation. benefit hate, and curses two Continental by Canada's mother, are and men will t^f the statesman- their duty moral to war, HATER II" either tle man- filial nations. and the and whose advantages, fratricidal and jx"wer. Perhaps a ones profound and great British Therefore, glory, as prosperous we first globe, perpetual peace probability of her in world, Britain offensive an of the Britons. Britain's a fate, and population statistics,and Britain is, even to-day, Great " America. guarantee lessening and the world the It is your the military standpoint, advocate and to of and lift! of generosity of feeling of of unity in towards of live loved This warriors family, Britain dominant will their of Aniericn. in the Continental advance, ; and you compare the Gi eater that realize proujote Greater nation will Anglo-Saxon tiio oi will they soldier's a they meet foe, they will bo wrapped the refill not treatment it. Europe, to liberal If them, to made knows you in of that ing overflow- an Kiiropo wouUl in sure bo-, away Thoy know, wi"ih disbanded, adiniring Fellow-citizens not bu luxury. unparalleled in the history niost the deepest policy and it has world will When homes, act in whip, for then hastoiiing they an States, been tlioy will be army lifetime ol' labor a f?ices to their pussod Imve not tlioStuto.s. gratefulpeople. a fall with will cnnnon to he promotion. atnid ease the the outering upon firKt will it not loudly, by wresiing them to ? from Canwda do % If you sons, your irritate forming thau a have and a you bor neighmutter yourself, without partnership with ^ "-as" hull, you sell liiin Htones, can his boitts jiniuopiiiite ik'htN, retiiin your him iimke would you causu bjiujfit would III." for ov"5 the 1m8 rclieF at 'r yo l)i"(prices; un"l hoinostoad," old hef)Hrtno)".ship, the our to a True you. oarn our bread part; lovo for wo form actions ; and and ,t;'i turn whioli in ' cxpensu. wo l"odieH tlieroin sheltered those and homes \niy lots ; cniHljinMf I'ATRIOTISM. laud whicli of land tho thu for atriotiHrn, is loVe i: to withy""ur at ADIAN CAN foi* cfO/l inonf^y you. vveUroiiio yourself patriot, with Canadian coru(;r iutermi!(]"lle to not to him ^ot ; sell hiu" Motis; H"^roe fish pruvinciul t'jirm;you the ' iind viluloss will that ; our ensure future, happiness, peace let solely hy tiiese motives, plenty. half mediate imwith with the full, no only he satisKed measures, us offered and advantages by Continental permanent let us of our conyioti|ons, speak out Union. Having thi' courage to of homCvS our present, Canadians, und the actuated manfully. tho are patriots, you physically,of the old Gallic heroes, minds our decen"lants, Canadian and Arlglo-Saxons of / the odds aie be many off-shoots on trembling the salvation Canadian your and of your homes pioneer heroes should not Individually, } her you fall be must you I lusiness slaves the but tho they to in your business heavy the truth the to will that of line the The may. lie the of your Like boldly. love rectitude off-shoots of cowartlice. hard the policy out hew off-spring right,faced sanctions, and will you where are conduct not speak to to succeed a of Reason governed by Only spade. a spade nation. prosperity to a rightfulpositiorj among and call will cowardice, the are olden the, that Knowing you permit yourselves to will intrepidly utter battle-fields. in favor Canada. chips the let of urges forefathers You couj'age. in who Vikings, heroes, you slaves Celts, indomitable invincible times, defending the fought of convictions honest your later hard the of atti'ibute in who n)en, fearless the deified times Norse and mentally private business, practical common same sense, action of course you will ercise ex- and sure en- desire If you country to take your of this Continent, the free nations of your nation on a thoroughly striving against the inevitable, but seizing quickly passing advantfiges. with Chieftain if our were us, he Many believe that the seize the politicalhorizon, would right moshrc.dly scan basis, not " " -.14- to the iuevitiiMo, bowing; ;"T"irr;fully rnent, and, with flyinj?colors intoi)i"; uiii""n Continentui towunis Hrit4iin ful t(i the her her in the exist-ed the out Then stretching Qjai'cli forwiU'd in relative. of van p'ate- the tlie peace this alMavH has the of in Anglo-Saxons in Australia, those to and ing feel- ing Britain, hold- (Ireater to her whole the perniente left hand the out the And (yana(la,and in friendship Mvmi^u IMPERIAL will aniity fe"l will dau^Miter, .sanctioned _xist America, i)f fcnliii^of (/aniuia proHperoUH States, hand for her always JSouthern ri'^ht Kiirope, and and will natV'tyniul plenty. our nconiplislMMl, henoHt to hi^ Confederacy. (jreat will who, with uniity,which of hnn^ bt? incieawcd, will mother union of Imrhor his floefc convoy civilisation, fi;dhration PAllLIAMENT AND POLICY. FOREKiN ITS r ' ''," " . )i '"; ;" .' , ..' Imperial Britain and Canada separate treaties. too the rulers the power allowing the now nation, In into she one co#l"l The gain people expensively governed. and the and of province to over its internal the funiis Federation proportion to according power to be add would is to affairs, and tf) receivu its by to increa.se from population the in the to centralize of instead and tive Execu- and expend The inhabitants. centrnlizution. universal the liberty or compliain of now Federation a foreign make power Canada The variation to cliftracteristiC of new no contributed would the of .-;. and tendency now higher governments, full Legislative exercise expen.ses. in the money ach empire. Great oV military con.solidation right every untrammeled possesaes except the Therefore, powers bulk of tendency i" the Colonies federation. through being Federation her :'l, bw-is Imperial of presentation, re- Farlia- -35- ihe ^verninent would he w) niftnl, from their are oli^;irehius "|UontlyuiiMutisfjict"ry and more or All oli;""ircljy. less "\u unjust, corisevory coiistrtiotioti in the transient. The mn-joritv " hlacks,the ratio hpin;"ah )ut six olacks to All men, hoth lilackand white, have equalpolitical That this is true h"ts heen demonstrated beyon"lall rightH. United In the million States ic however, one cost, c")ntroverHy. lives and nine thousand ini'lions of money to provy it. Canada }\as no desire to invest in this prohlein.Conse(juently, either britiHh are FCmpire white. otie the fundamental of Imperial federation principle i.sunjust,or numbered six to one, will be the political Free Canada doe.s not wish to be affiliated the whites, beingout wlavea of the blacks. empire the great majorityof which are blacks, and of this crmtinent,either in the hiatorj' retroga"le consequently or ens by politically being enslaved by them. aving black.s, Neither has Canada any interest in Britain's foreignpolicy. with Wo an have than t^^rritory more desire to ac"|uire more, Britain with men and we can utilize and in no conseciuently in her wars, money blacks have need no will event or aid purpose of for the we into the Empire. territory, gloryupon Canada, and be of no One citizen of the neighfinancial benefit to her. boring appreciable absorbing more These would wars shed buys republic V their and no than more a dozen Asiatics and Africans. wish to denl,there are If it be whites with whom in more we the United States than in all the British Empire. Considering the relative to a blacks and you, my part of an means, reader,the child of pire in the British Em- Empire a white mother, prefer ing beIf you do, then b^' black ? empire,essentially advocate ImperialFederation. The wars whites States,the ratio is 40 blacks in the black in the vStates. one Do uU of populations the United and ImperialFederalists propose of Britain and the support,in that the men and expenses money, of the of the British army and navy be borne pro rata by all -the nations of the Confederation. They propose to minimize the repre.sentation of the blacks in the imperial Parliament. Consequently; the of the representatives British declare Englaml. Canada whenever be able to war would her share of Britain's As Canada would have Isles,being the would majority, it suited the sole interests of the silent privilege of paying war foreign expenses. demur this the against Canadian offer as a compensationto her the commercial of their policy, which however, are, in reality, only alists Feder- advantages a greatin- mn.'"NaniMM"" '4 jury both to Tho "Jeclaie"l i"een Canadian FederaliKts policy of the ol' impiacticahle Viy the Federalists is not sanctioned them, Howev hy he to and Australia, will investigate Canada. and Britain connnorciiil and Imperial duty no m^ Britain tho at 5 5!.:. the of sea the " "."'"'" ;('" v;, "s. " , I- world's hying and the her trader an"l he store the of ai)il the se, ships have world. the she tluty.Consequently tli " of carriage the her and trade, for l"oth market universal free her oi cf"mmoi'ce of free of mistress being in strike would policy consists England enter This which gr2atnesH, outsiders. this. to afjroe pire Em- the Is goo greatness vanishes. The H not of part component one be there that propose aijainst all selling,and her globe. CircumscriV"e " i: duties goods is the of but carrier 'J'he world's in^s of Canada from .i^oino- could root we BRITAIN. TO Federal goods on another, to ,,!. jr, it. RESULTS The has Britain of her the ! Bread present he, knows and are the population, hold the she ot' the of cost food would 'I'his would meet in more than j'ather charge the than more not England, balance the an"l in power Bi-itain. million st"irvation. the of from poor Revolution, wealthy this arouse the from Fre!"ch their per hands Bread is a tt" she though of cry 2.'] employing of virtually govern manufacturing. nieals deniand powerful dare Unions, iheir and jtancK, Britain, few a constant the increase policy would suttoring among this great only now Roman day. factories know cause been full well The the Britain ! has of time of food who poor, Brearl the people tlieir of price despair. cent, of her and, through of constituent Therefore of cost increasing tho of nmnufacturing. in the keen luis to injure Britain competition she of the world. markets would This injure Britain her cohmies^ benetit her. The people of England, cause an agree to for their incii-ase pay more goods, in for would tlie their let cost tVxxl the Ite and colonies obliged go. to They the colonies in order retain to they will not pamper their allegiance. the past, this commercial Judging the future from policy will never be a(lo]jted. The CORN-LaWS were passed onco and for all time in the history of Britain. She cannot retrograde. dare disciimiiaate not in her now England has not since, and taritls in favor her own food of even much khs iu producei-s, now state " -37- favor of oura. RESULTS CANADA. TO if the proposedpolicy of the Even Canadian Imperial Fodeialistp were carried into effect,it would not result in any. the exports to Britain appreciable advantageto Canadians on food ex]f the duties were of Canadian favor in ports so arranged that woith 000 realized we of food Just 000,000. send to we on Britain, it would the $20,000,- amount $2,- to increased profitof fiftycents a pieceto famine tiiinted half-dollar would be blood money, desire to with would it. What Canadian an Canadians.This carryinga advance of 10 per cent an cur"e from the hunger of the half-dollar,wrung solitary of the poor in Britain ? The policy of the Canadian ImperialFederalist,instead of C)V)tainhis children financial benefit to beinga Granted that would advance c. be would Canada, obtain 10 p. we on serions a to pa}'^10 per cent, advance Britain,we of our Englishinjports.On account of the extra it would have the to on price priceof food ' fc: the English be necessary themselves,to charge 10 recoup As British injury"^ exports our manufacturers,in order to percent,advance on formerprices. Canada.Engli.sh pay no duties on entering and would chargeus within a trifleof the cost laid down pricethat other foreigngoods,which paid(\uty, goodswould manufactuiers could in Ciinada, and yet be able to retain our British goods would cost us in our stores afi Therefore, custom. nearlythe same prices before Federation. The loss will presentduties now appear. furnishes Federation the duties The large a money part of from obtained our the Under revenue. be cut off. An increased revenue, in the event of Federation, would requireto be raised,for in addition to our present expenditure,there would be oui' proportionof the expenditure of the Empire. Hen' e, other we would from Great be Britain,in order So revenue. importswould raise compelled to than largeramount a moans, British on loss our to make this by our by direct taxation or piesent duty on imports good this deticiencj^'nthe policywould be an amount equalto the present duty on British imports,plusour proportion of the Imperialexpenditure.All Uie present numerous custom would would houses exceed be retained, a;Ri The consequences astrous Canada * as to Great free of enforce of many policywould be as dis British goods to enter Allo\vir"g increase snnigglingall alongthe 4,border '^ne. The bitterest of feelings to Canada duty would requireany Canadian would expanses of this Britain. 000 n)ik-s of the American would ensue between the Canadian Tlie United States,possessing the not the the duties collected. a double Govern mentis. and American of pioducts every elinie,docfi The piotUicts. American tarifi" prthibitory i.MpmieiM.." both (HintrtT' ouri-f Government importand . ex- port. Canada R's. have great R. These rate the United of 300 The few any terms. ourselves to Annexation policythat no C madians upor^ surrender., injure oifchori with-; mpncy will We of hungry kin our Eurdpe. relatives and they will inside surpass have Mentally, union while Canadians, Let Union, but markets, to ance gain as is equal superiors. of and brain select their em-, which of the great nations Therefore, advantage now in the of for tivj upon Continental by are only market is the and if not their stands commerce of America, fre"" yet solvent, proposei free other any greati be fact i country ours. by Kur-, continent will pre we proven the lose those America her. this their Their will not Canada We never the onco our on employers they do not if with equal terms American Confederacy. same footing in Europe upon us the states with Let laurels. Ask we to nations Physically Wesi.3rn in accordance ployees to Europe and interchange with free their "f them. A fair field America. ring of enduring. more in the muscle the tied free in North to look the best had not favore. no l^een have have we nations, our handed fair field and a hands Our that 80 is ask we had. ope, in r!;!i All have ^ Canadit nation. any the will make can to in daily.. 1000 a at us than Federation. Imperial coinplitnents it,by extracting it from make increa"o unconditional an under being not desire Britain. Great or exact two soil. deserts in Cauada supplicate for policy as a We of it. none out such with would would would be dearer Onr American on populationnow would exodus remained Rancor Away wants The boycotted. feet and Our Food daily. States. who head amputated. be would the their both be would miles along 4,000 European import* more of many our proi* ducts. for to ch"x"8e between Canada being necessary it left bebarred from and Were America, or Europe soie; totally If it ly her to of favor al were interests monetary having America as to ploy our present exports will never the as If ever. caused love United Continental Under Britain to a the father son lakes, would Britain. Canada come. with union with But does not remaining at home, in blood to be poor he to the Cana"la Union, less,because intend without States for enter consent where him he eiur than more this decision into political of Britain. will stillbe and allowed would consume was loyal to as no ance, assist- pocket,would the to in addition* the States time the be would verdict free market, the United a mines, forests and our the because populationthat free trade in decide, son jwjceptaremun-^ his relatives ? position with erative, healthful and honorable Canadians, in the interests of Britain, of Camifla, and of our -.-X!", advocate CoDtineotal the policythat Union. injures none and benefits all-7 rtJi.VSi'.W, iiMW-VJiB} |!^.'^^f*t"'T*' -r-40" elect councillors township in your oF the ratepayers 1 Ivivor woul wlic to wisest c mr.se townships ? If this is the adopt in townsliip affurs, it is also in national ati'iir.s. Gjutiiifarmer Cana"lian will give the ental Union e"ia il alvatitagjs be the duty of the ratopayers of It would with the American. would benefit a poMtical policy which township to advocate a bjnofit all the If the same their township alone. policy would of benefits its thous iiidthousand are a a townships country, the of fold. Therefore, the duty patriotsof that country, to the similar tim^s greater than this policy,isa thousand advocate singletownship, obligationresting upon the ratepayers, of a benefited local would be which policy. by a this union Cantwiian The r loser the 18 duty can to pursue at which his his the contains nearest is raised. produce of the Then, in that locality. Let and will he that know freight he ought to duty by continental ivor continental for Now, of our by a or has paid he but na only freight logical place place sarn^ class there, that American then fararjr prices, compare and duty. The defrauded been has of the the from newspaper by th3 the method the iie where faiuier Canadian The of out tlie selfish politicians. permanent remedy and isohition. hard some reliable following facts, regarding statistics are the from taken prolu3ts the Statistical and books of Canada for 18S ), 18)0 1831, published year of Agriculture,and the Department printed by the Gjv*- Printing ernment highept and Parliaments 'at Ottawa. Bureau official documents Dominion, our tha he Amari- find out isolation, perpetuateilby is the The farms. he pay, Union Continental get obtained are the States, that of the States. him his residence to prices that Let " the enters amount the to goes follows: as produce States in the be just the to that produce would his satisfacbiori to prove may of, and account on on farmer they ' : are of statistics Tliese that books the are published by are especiallyintend -^d for the our guidance of -.""".^.""^^"S-'-X :"^ BARLEY. ,,, Exported United $ 6,454,603 1890 4,582,563 1891 2,849,269 Statistics prove with of Ontario. sorrow, Canada to Britain. States 1889 product from $ 3,838 12,017 = that The the greater part of farmers of this that the difference, between 75,225 . . this the barley was will observe province the total amounts for "41- and 18S0, was $3,50'),00^. This exports of barley in 1891 caused Bill, which less barley chiefly owinn; to the MeKinley and far lower to be sown, be obtained for it. to a price Therefore, takiurjoft the duty entirely, would ley barcause more to be raised, and the price to be far hifjjher. Belleville is the principal aarket for barley, in the Bay of in 1SS9, 75 cents Qainte district. The averii,fe price there, was in 1892, 4:) cents. But in a few hours a sailing vessel would the lake to the in 1892, 75 cross Oswego, where price was the was " ^ cents. Therefore, fanner from labor " the United knows Tliis all is true is at consider men equal to It they remuneration close tiie 30 us pay malster the business more similar bushel a of stockman or is devoid of Canadian When farmers their barley, and that they prove they are to the do could not are 30 get the use " for Dear loyal more loved to bushel obtain and more it,does it in Britain, strangers vvi'Jhintheir sheltered ones a own ? Neither British themselves enslaved :--::". " Anjerican nor be to would by prejudice and ':"."":"'"., . farmers )":,-,-'", thus robbed low al- by politicians. ' ^ . "WHEAT. ^.";;a,. Exported . by Canada to ^ United " 1889 u,ooJ 1890 Britain ,. ";"."",. , In . " 3/9,893 " '. the comparing yield Territories, were for the all of tlie wheat exported in the North of the years West. that of wheat recollect previous yeiar, an"l acres of virgin prairie must we grown wheat . .$ 439,863 "';"."""^". . 613,390 1891 y States. 20,591 in that 1891 This sown from remark succt^ed 1891. 969,134 1891, with in this Manitoba fii'sttime in for year, and with Canada also that of any thous- many the North-west wheat. to -"I Almost Britain appliea M old sentiment, cents to means .-If detestable unspeakably cents " free are for "-""""* ceived re- tht" on the " friendships. no homes to that seems that proves yet willing barley, than England." than entitled are States. is Canadian not strange barley, which this is the American 1891, notwithstanding duty of 30 cents bushel, the greater poi-tionof our barley was bought by Yankee" for for that barle}',that ? In the Y. State Canadian the prevents for his price century, when equal, and and Is it not nineteenth isolation same in N. farmer inferior. average of the on obtaining the the by continental to was the m 42 ' "".sV .":(;":00r..(" The " An and with marketb; their chase and of be sent the at the by rail Europe question load at Port as this. tlie St. Lawrence. But ancf the ports of the derived be Lawrence lakes great from When ,: St. the the this cause north the water not own wealthy continent of the transform great the all a"iVi*tt^geato ? " ..c ", the that other no the and this Th" porta. tion immigra- the ,and highways thus water could up it does of ' ain. to Brit- great half and heard farmer the direct witii the to should steamers bulk to open incalculable. are ocean water ocean wheat wheat it, when the river into Ontario do the furnishes machinery will confederacy for the sake of all to develop to the fullest extent, cent per navagation,and afford not union 50 present high The Maiiitoba cannot wil Republic to Manitoba breaking furnish Canada ])urthe the the prices of freight and the the lakes of that so will iroji at America send head up, sail without Union ()olicy lighway and as opene^l Arthur,and do North only be 25 on far lower will reduction possiblefreiglitrates." Continental and from are town^; to of manufactures to the and also desire They lowest should highways How : is road"and tliem, better schools, churches more other " tion large immigra- a present generation to means machinery which States prices*paid in the cheaper. They especiallywish a of The freight on wheat. map solution the taxation. reduced a . to obtain all population increased all this after not bridges;larger home and desire Manitoba of immediataly, dead. "" '. farmers f = ; -; ;" v "; ~ Bill McKinley . would lower the price of his l)arley, he would wheat, believing that Britain more and so enable But in this with a he million 1890 This unless price that at the run! she had Ontario nous iy a have greater part Western could low of duty ly by exiles from was prices. this This was a Ontario wheat Province cattle on of own of and Quebec, two- United thirds of bushels his Americans, wheat, continent. with consumed who was consequence to the ground was States, the continental because bushel its farm. observed tunate by the unforgrown jibsolutelyrefused to and hog feed, at the barley. The obliged to sell it cents Eastern 1891 his markets in the the 25 to and wheat, his be million one had it for the to access of for payed in wheat Britain purchase farmer wheat which wheat were about means it will of only $6,000, they farmer, she For exports principallythe was imposed it could the dollars, which Ontario same while his from ever as mistaken. barley purchase much as woefully was in were wheat. buy, to realize surprise,that States of him less sowed were tion isolabefore The American the"iB,chiefnow oper- f* ' "v " "43" / '-. . in the at\ves us how ed States, factories inseparable are and how difficulty,when has of the misled Lot us our "** i.",* the ascerttifn now of amount compensate add pencil ^nd wheat UnitedStates. Then of in 1891 Subtract total this of bill how this that 000 -ti" add together all wheat in the the much would they their a gain barley soft that of it could be never if off its door your that the to ed export- was tario. of On- wheat and 1889 over farmers on cau.sed hy between passes estimate then you the exports receipts from Union Continental broke hinges, and Would rehung. wheat Will total the on wheat, and excluding commerce through tipfhter. little creased in- the 18*9 which*trade door States, in barlej'' money the was from 1891 farmers 1889, and M'hich money States, which t"S- Take This loss to the Ontario j'^ou. of S*%000,000 and wheat barley was their and of of exported was wheat their barley. a .''^uiiiiti"j"i' , and from of Britain thoy expected the on . Ontario barley money which of the receive loss all the total closing? the Canada would . - barie} on to . L'.nt- out of is before $"^,000,000 the the loss """ s^ovrv the us markets ii"T !."""." nicollect the money United the to for seperately p")rtionof the thiit 189l,ind You ton^ether j"ortionof the v total they money them extricate iu the Bill caused tbat thfi McKinley {^[ether, 1891 compared with 1889. would faith """".!.%"* wifib connections cousins unfounded This States. England American our our us. New business . , .. it not be it up, least at took so $5,000,- annually? Get Parliament, and correct.: .^V''-! ' year-book from for yourself that Canadian a v*" .see '""kJa.:;^ f^-' Dominion member of your these startlingfiguresare '^"";:i-^' " :".;" ."! j.i:.;;- """"'.,;Jiii , WHEAT United B-JJ'^'H States . British India! OF CROP . . "/V^^ii'V. /:\ , 1891. U;'^;612 ^ri^ million ntm bushels . "["""'-"", .V'i'7i'V;^),'l;^^\'i^'/C.'VV^.V;'i'^265- .'"j^i"':!. :'V.1,'-.\ I'T' ; Canada, WORLD, THE ?'' .'"!'i";*!o/"u. itovii '^*.. ."iv'i''';^'*'''''W* . Ai-gentine i^'i-^S^^ ..W-otjW"J("vj^," RepubHc^U'^'Tl'.V/V.^t^^i^ ..:....: Australia x^)\xti I'j'^fe^'-^i^ofci .':.'' -;'\ i^.'J^'Ji " . But, compare, fh"mif." Unit'Kl Rnvm'ft. British '. .it Great . surprise Britain " :" bought ' ' ''" in 1891 -^ """"' V^^''' "* " f' tVl^.V. .''.'i-i iiv'bi"')r{ fin 'jd^ ''"'"^' Miff M,.l':l\'U Ihdi"^kV.'Al'i^vh'}^. 'Sfii'::W'^ "'^'"'* 'Ti)lr""if3 v.*ij*" from ;'iV,Vv;'iV'.*iy.'i.62| miliiott States, """' with . ^.. bu.shel)i '' " * f-.**- "- -u-d muii i"^^ "^"::?V.t' "44" Australia 6 Argentine Republic 5 Canada 4J Germany Austria Did u as think yon Canada Romania sold Britain " " 4 " " 3A " " twice wheat much ma ? CHEESE. if the But some say, for Canada's wheat the cheese, while Canadian average Here is the is sent best, are chee"e to cheese to Britain South Eastern it because the United than numerous Only the Americans the British. the of not account over a on even an and in annually. to imagine average recompense. favorable astonishment, of cheese. In people of States, fall cheese her on markets cheese, her of tinent. con- their cheese, on United States, is on the Canada that each costs tories fac- and in the heavily farmers to .sellthem of America, not remains of the share Canadian the pound Tlie pricesfor choice looses Canada able ilollars best iKitter fact, continuing Europe, in being million In are summer South'.a*n it ? eat " year the wealthy enough to eat the proportion of the American ; the of her the to to small far pay Thus, loss to the The each a nation, .sells her a and a ocean through being deprived as sent never sent afford not are across because Canada, can clieese. is sent is cheese children States l)ulk of their cheese ; their States the True fall cheese, which The Western States. her lbs.,and 1 5th Sept. of ibs, American. Republic, and only t!ie spring and England. Besides, the majority of of the some the after made States. 87 million to of bushels 14 million 106 in the sent are cheese United Britain sells Britain only peW her is superior No : of the eaten in one, cheese reason out Canada States sell Americans is Canadian part of yearly a farmer $300,00. His He gains nothing, absolutely nothi.f^-, allegianceto Britain does not gain for him When consideration. he realizes that he visits Britain, to Americiin an citizen is his more there than A Canadian Canadian. a sider liighlyesteemed they conis only a colonist,living in a dependent colony that holds England's apron. onto of one be thus of the be the seme American an of the President day of equal of the Queen of Europe the respect for A wealthy on American, may the yet. Whereas greatest nations is of the that they great Republic and know England herself. an American citizen free a world, and On citizen registeringat a the is hotel tinent con- greater in Ger- -45" as many landlord olwecjuious the of I. Kin^,of John " addressefl by Chica^, ^^. S. A.," was " as Your Majesty,John the First,Kin^ Chicago." CATTLE. The farmers in Canada, east of stock and markets fat on cattle, of the account Toronto, lose of not neighboringSuites. having Beef on free and both thei'' toth" access stock cattle "v^ in ihe eastern always higlier part of New York Stiite than in of the Eastern Provinces Ontario. Quel"ec and adjiicent parts lose largely their cattle by being excluded from the on of the dense manufacturing district,s adjacentNew England the States. Therefore,the eastern from exclusion the markets connection political on our suffers serious continental isolation.Tins by continent,results from our Brilaiu. with liorse dealers Cattle,sheepand is of of Canada part financial injuryin the cattle trade the rise, Britain the market try to ship when being distant,the pricethere has in which to fall before the stock arrives. Consequently, few Cana^lian dealers,who continuously shippedto England, very realized much, if anything,from their business. have eventually time Wherea"? the dealers place their can market8,innearly as many hours as stock the American upon it takes the markets there are ; consequently, the shippers to the States have accumulated daj^sto go to and more wealth. of markets. He surer, land Engof farmer has the choice American can either the millions 65 to at home without paying duty, or sell, to the 40 millions in Britain a total of about 105 millions. The lions Canadian farmer has his 5 millions in Canada and the 40 milin Britain total millions. 45 of about a Therefore,the farmer is not half as large, market of the Canadian that of as An " " the farmer The in the States. lives in Canadian hopesof havinga- larger population in Canada This generation to supply. will never 65 millions see in Canada. Why not accept the immediate opportunity, living of supplyingthe For ? many 65 millions at iiomc productsthe American the British,because with other an next an American, will pay article, a when door, market ent continour is better than on he is thoroughly ed satisfi- higher pricethan a of any man nationality. To come to facta, farmer likes to sellwhere he a sensible sell His the best. can own prosperity is of more importance of the day ; to him, than either or both of the political parties in or out of his pocket,whether and it does not put any money man in the the or country, is' called the president, " the head ^ iii*"".'HW"*'"W""*w"..' """46 Oovernor-Geneml, und "' that is about iy between the Canadian all the real "1ifferencethere Oovorninanta. and American SHEEP. In 1802, the United States benightfrom Canada, 290,000 Britain purchasedonly 32,000 from "heep and lambsi,whereas The American us. duty on sheep i" l$1.50,and on lambs 75 cents each. Figurtfor yourself,how many more sheep and lambs Canada money would forever the would raise, and how much more receive for them, if political union took down American tariff sheep barriers. Canada has immense of areas she unoccupied land, specially Near and profitable would mancelis these hills be with to covered tended by experienccause flocks, ed shepherds. Sheep nusing would develop into one of our adapted for greatand annual sheep culture. most , would count our ve industries,and profitable and but by thousands not latnbs, sheep by export of millions. The than slip3p is more finelyflavored ton, mutis Canadian true same as regards with the American. Our Ai"erican neighbors of the English. The mutton the when Scottish compared than any European nation, spend more money and willingly for a a good price savory dish,to tempt their pay will always mutton tastes. Canadian the Therefore, epicurean command ready sales at highly remunerative prices, in the and earn United and States. grindto Canadians,it will powder, the Atneric*n j'^ouwell to take down pay tariff walls and sheep barriers. HORSES. Since Confedenition,Canada has exported340,000 horses, adian the United States botight 325,000. The Can- of that number farmers made the wealthy for the privilege in duties, of 000 the above Republica presentof S7,000,these horses,in what selling figuresconclusivelyprove to be our best and most No matter what the politicians natural horse market. may say, horse the farmer doesjiot relish the duty of $30 on a common that that is imposed by the McKinley Bill. For matter, he relish any his own observing does not farmer farm can duty on a.iy actions in common-sense learn how producereduced, by productof an to avoid American his farm. his By merely stable, any having the priceof tariff telligent inhis When he ceives perget out of of his horses is about to kick, if he cannot he simply springs the reach of injuryaltogether, so close to the will union result. Cfontinental horse that no illeffects can one bringthe Canadian farmer so close to the United States that it I -4"- low the CanaJian duty. United StatcH British allegiance does British mat'kots Japan as way, the markets not not charge by American pay l)est. and then you way to each upon as froi States of ^'ood will of her ns farm and of tho luce ! pro singlefavor a open of hens egg in the favorable as to will had get twice get this breed of your la^'ed hens hens, for your TIim eggs. is by advising your money money, of Canada union eggs American The lars dol- Bill did priceof pocket the million one McKinley the change much as extra for to vote the the on States. better allegiance co."t 1892 for dozen a United in the and hens.wlien our Dritisli them. money, even half short stopped of rescue IH91 5 cents Ladies.you I^ritain the in lx"th their on duty a that frightened hawk year husbands the lialf upon are fully to come of Canada women dy ; her w bestow not United the for market a st"itisticH show McKinley the oi for egg did and into come Canada. to The t") es^^ dependent CaiUMJa How and the States. HAY. Exported by ' United Canada to ri,. , Britain. States, , '. S822,381 1889 : . . . . 'Ji .$ 84,010 /^ :. . ........ . . . . .......... 1890 922,797 109,034 1891 375,813 598.567 150,297 1892 When 167,00i promised and all was take ai"l of tho to come faithfully politicians Canaila, ""'" Never to 3,000 miles cheap our and able be of the expanse of Britain. and Canada and to farm bulky realize a ducts pro- ative remuner- freightscut.the Canadian heavy ocean Canadians Therefore, preferedto nothing. bulk American the of their and "luty, ship the se statistics. dollar one been rarely ever hay at Lew much. ship to markets tvdjftcent -1" above often Whereas between ilmost ^eseive hay our "*'Mh markets, prir*^ t all impossible price f' pay " intervene thf to the would the States. into Atlmtic It is hay. our will Canada the Britain that the passed was mind the Americans," they said, good prices." This hay and pay us impossible" any school boy could give the reason. Alor"g half of throw stone front line,he could our a boundary buy "Britain one Bill McKinley the The a $5.00 ton higher less than York The for and of continent, our freight pressed hay, on the higher. Liverpool do Canada and American $3.00 freightfrom our across to the is proven by ages grt^t lakes averas price of hay side of the lakes, has and prices for Canadian not generally differ very Liverpool is stated, by the The 1 7;:T3*"':''i,'r**'--'': -49- Wookly Mail hay. Wlulo uf Fob. 2w\, 1833, i,o be $1:^.50 per t'i.i for pronmA aritl Quebec to New York Ontario it in froiii %\ to SI a toil. Ou;- Quebec farmers receive about $1.00 a ton ft"r tlie lif"y that is sent to Eti;{lathl. This pays tliem h"\v wages from for their w.jrk. ami fur iiotliiM;; HoUtul it may Stran^eiM timothy Imy is not the hay jseijuently the tiiere being Canada in evon En"(lau(l. Wst our Their climate, varietyof seed are all different,con* article ditferent,they appreciatetheir own full fur our Whereas, prices hay. pay in ditFerence appreciable no liay. Canadians, and will not most, and favorite a iiietho I of cultivation their to between the hay in grown tiie Northern and hay, when of gootl(|uality, commands City. good Fifty car loads of pressed hay, bought at $6.00 a ton, were vshipped during Nov. and Dec, 1892, from Napanoe station to the pricewa.s then from $17.00 to $20.00, NeA' Vork city,where The to duty wa.s $1.00, the freightwas $3.50 Hccording quality. the dealer of from $koO to to $t).50 a a ton, protit giving per Htates, our pricesin New York Uiuier ton. 1 the Union Continental farnierfl wouhl the have ceive re- present price$6.00 plus the "luty$1.00, which to Hell a ton $10.00, and it pays no farmer il're necessitycompilled tlie industrious Hccept $6.00 for hay that wonh was at of for hay Napanee lea.st $10.00 equals less. Only farmers to to them to I t'ciidup pays their on $10.00 farms. instead Agriculturists,tulvocate for farm of $6.00 COMMON-SENSE American depeyd upon that Britain prtj^lucts elsewhere, Canada cheaply of to Britain. with UMENTS. Seeming for the sale of th"3"o market need, not has interests,and selHsh her or been never buy Ciin under more pliments com- any compliments invariablycoincided if her interests had dictated, so been ada. readily to Madagascar as to Cangranted as Anything and everythingof equal value sentfi-om lluHsia, would have Canada in does our policythat produce. AUG the We the the the or British United States, command exactly the Continental markets. would Union prices same leave our footing as before,and exactly the same would and fully permanently the American up freely, open of our tnaikets, which are by far the best for some agricultural products. exports to The States hay that to up"m Canadians tell the politicians not are JeeoUoct Britain as well otf union political that coinpaie in order as those will not to make parts of each that the in Canada farmers benefit Canadians. fair country, comparisons that are in the ; therefore,they We need it is necessary equal in date to " f m fajV'-f. -I'^f^il.v;*- ",:'""" "'"t.A'^-.i. ~50" of settlors,and settlement, character ticians do this,but do not poH- quality of soil. The some compare Western new State foreign settlers, with an old part of Canada; peopled with raw pioneei"salso had to struggle up purposely forgettingthat our Canadians from the Vx)ttom of the ladder! are generally better tbe in and soil the inhabited than Yankees, workers parts of that in the States, is 20 per cent Canada more pro"Iuctivethan far richer be than State to America, but we m so we ought any have their States off national mortgThe not. neu.rlypaid are age is growing yearly. Goisequently I'icher we ; ours appear national When debt has than our wo reallyare; they poorer. will the heaviest that time to be paid, and s(X)n part of come, Union enable will would union by would have only we The since the The average price of cent cheaper in the of the is the to Canada of it.instead of the $300,- the ordinary States debt the the of Canada pjirt four-fold in the same nece.ssities of life are in Canada. than March since of amount four lokl increased has in in wealth United just States community States United which for debts confederacy, and new United the resiile increased you payment, Provincial and fourteenth one al Continent- Only this in debt. of Has of the pay now wealth 1860. which to evade to heavj' Dominion whole the are them our cause be assumed 000,000 ths farmers. will.as usual, fall upon burden the 25 per reduction The 188J), is $259 Canadian the in time? lions, mil- Dominion debt. for Now Government some prosperityof the States that which the stiitistics, compare of Britain, France and Canada States .$62,610 millions with : " Total wealth of the United Britain '" Yeai'lyoutputof United all ti.e factoriesof 48,036 5,500 States Britain.. production American liritish of the " world's " " 4,500 iron, 1892 " " 33 28 " . Eainingr K Bank the people,1887 American " " British " " " " French " " circulation per family " $ . , . S. all Canada Total agriculturalexports all rail-road " mileage " 1891 United States. " $ 50.00 125,00 $794 1892 1892 one per 700 in Canada just cent, cent. 770 millions 50 of all Canada "' per 1,060 millions . U. " 14,000 State (Illinois) 14,000 i "-hi- Canadian which labor you No and fanners, the remeily for the man win common in his sense private un"1er (Hsadvantafjfes apply not or exercise and local farmers iu the of mana"(oment the tit. see you shrevv(lness as more affairs agriculturist. This is shown by his free when of market a even "leprived of his farm an"l the decided by produce, half by is in your haivls to be more dilisfent or than the adian Can- comparative for perity, prosAmerican the al)ilitydisplayed business of county our noted of our ent, continmen great majority of the including all the ablest pi-esidentsof colleges,railroads, and the sons of the great Republic, have been of farmers. of (Janada The are majority of the voters engaged in agricultural This the the of the being memmajority pursuits. case, bei-s of our who would men parlianients ought to be farmers" in the interests exyrcise the same common-sense diligence ami councils. The of aofriculturo in the do in local and and Provincial affairs. Halls Domi-d"tn Canada that thev has her to-day among private who farmers, patriotic men are intelligent, well informed, and possessed of great practicable ability. Farmers possessing these the men who ferred conqualities have, in all ages of the world, been their countries. greatest betketiis upon of the English Hampden, great champion Who the John ablest of his man words the said : " protection of of business to was first the nation our The authority, and have us have Those then nation words of great general, then has produced,and then a like those dence superintenthe were the to country the these the manage glib speakers send we ? have life sent not were agriculture. " who farmers well as callings in of Canada industry British of Canada fanners their farmer, a not halls legislative the from hoi}'keeping." Would farmer. a of his nation, dearest our those His statesman greatest Hgain to who Wa.shington, the God,and Almighty them, of of interests the liberty, the H^ar intelligentfarmer. English extraction, !vho, an farmer, tilso of I commend " was position of Commander-in-chief the resigning when He ? age of another was become the in to men sympathy These Parliament with have men rulers,instead of the the who great usurped of serv^^nts that have tissif;ted in us policiesupon country, and forced the time not producing the present financial depression. Htm oiir come men when to citizens, Farmers, imndj!(,' the Parliament but the to farmers" who the of back-bone will^not attempt faithfully represent them destiny of Canada, for weal Canadarule to an"i or -will their send fellow their interests woe, is in your / Some object to of Many morality. lived if they had tiniun a tliese in the with the States have ol)jectoi*s States valid of* ground the on t"ecanse reasons, they would have account of boo"lling an"l heen, before now, imprisoned on who jGjencralrascality. Othei-s, are really f^ocx]people, shuttin^j their eyes to the crimes committed in Canada, point with horror the States, and committed This t") those m object to the union. made class have never a study of States riglitlaw, for if they know wftuld that each State its own al criminha"l, they legislators laws, commands marriage and r"bedience wouhl them. This of eac' pn)vince W' uld cease of the place greater power would Canada, the to power criminals who than interests dumping ground a in tlie executive punish to further to be to Britain, and a and them to instead of for in ever violate hands the Canada morality. immoral the force en of refuse migrants imthrifty and moral of Britain and Northern Europe. Morality is greatly Canada will gards question of clinjatf*,therefore always be, as rethe Britain of America. and Scandinavia momlity, The of a"lnn*t that ContinentCanada al must respected clergy would the cause of reUnion to ligion. give an immense impetus The wealthier taxation of churches, our that policy in comparatively is of of the weaker abler the with strength by of voters of order preaches present time to to best in caused in fore, There- Canada, ed increas- State8,mean8 We union this the oppose half the theological profound in Canada. a common the this need tians Chris- of the million practicallyoutside to by political denominations and direct in- them States. the be and this and eneniy, Canada in churches. grounded lawful, of blood, new in needs brilliant United religion enrich be advanced tinental against Conarguments can of the Union. ain Britconsent It is not disloyal ; l"ecause be Canada. first be obtained will it before adopted by well will use now "it the No Only of continent, infidelity,who are of cause infusion this of the the also Canada The are of these in stronger will heavy chiefly causing would which portions and to this wealth, who denominations, complete union, the union, all these Chri.stian our direct the mas^jes. rapidly lose their grasp upon colleges,the ablest teacliers, and the most thinkers, of one every This Christianity l"ecause, it is the wealth, of Republic. churches. Canadian the attract portion the is in denominati"ms the naturally its advocates Canada Parliament majority in and con.stitutional our when who to peaceful the influence convinced favor Parliaments, it. Canada of means Canadian will will The voters. its l)enefit8, will When made be its advr"cate8 request the elect are bers mem- in the Queon and
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