Goldman Sachs SICAV Funds How to Invest Guide Contents Opening an Account 1 General Fund Information 1 Dealing 2 Transfers 2 Confirmations and Statements 3 Bank Details and Settlement 3 Contact 6 Opening an Account In order to open a new account a fully completed application form is required. If you do not have a copy of the prospectus and application form please contact your Sales Representative or the Shareholder Services Team. The application form together with payment instructions and a list of authorized signatories in the account, must be sent to the following address: Goldman Sachs International European Shareholder Services River Court | 120 Fleet Street London EC4A 2BE United Kingdom The application form may also be faxed in advance to +44 207 774 6367 with the original sent in the post immediately. If any additional documentation is required, one of our team members will contact you. General Fund Information Domicile Luxembourg Valuation Daily Settlement T+3 Trading Cut-Off Time (GMT) 1pm* Maximum number of decimals acceptable for share trades 3 decimals *Please note that certain funds may have cut-off times prior to 1pm GMT. Please consult the Prospectus and/or relevant Prospectus Supplement. **Fund Holiday: Goldman Sachs will periodically provide a copy of an updated version of the Fund Holiday Calendar. If you do not have a copy of the latest document, please contact your Sales Representative or the Shareholder Services Team. For more information on the Goldman Sachs Mutual Funds, please go to our Public Website at the URL below: 1 Dealing Once your account has been confirmed as open, you will be allocated an account number which has to be quoted on all trades and correspondence. Please note that Subscriptions will only be processed if an Account Agreement has been completed and an account number has been provided to you. Trades can be placed via SWIFT, FTP, Fax, Fundsettle or Vestima. If you trade via Fax, an appropriate subscription form** can be used to instruct trading. However, we can also accept a free format fax. Faxes for Subscription, Redemption or Exchanges need to be sent to +352 2460 9904 (Please note this fax number must be used only for sending trade orders) before the fund cut-off time in order to obtain the same day’s price. ** If you do not have a copy of subscription form with this document please contact your Sales Representative or the Shareholder Services Team. The Fax Trading Instruction needs to state the following information: • GS Account Number • Trade type: Buy, Sell or Exchanges/Switches • Fund Identification number such as ISIN code, Sedol code etc. • Fund Name • Number of shares or currency amount to be traded. Subscription, Redemption or Switches/Exchanges can be instructed either by cash amount or number of shares. Please note that SICAV funds can only trade in the currency of the fund. If your trade is received prior to the cut-off point, your trade will be executed on that dealing day. Any trades received after the cut-off times shown will be executed on the next dealing day. Wiring instructions are detailed on the following pages. Transfers We support transfers of shares in Offshore Mutual Funds. We require a transfer request by either fax or post signed by the transferor and transferee. If we have not received all documents which we require enabling us to process the transfer or we need further information, we will contact the party who sent in their instruction and ask them to contact their counterparty in regards to missing documents and information. The transfer request needs to be on a standard transfer form or on company headed paper and has to contain the following: The transfer request needs to contain the following information: • Name of fund • ISIN, WKN or CUSIP • Number of shares • Transferor account number and name • Transferee account number and name It also needs to be signed by an authorised signatory or signatories. We do not require a specific form of a stock transfer request. We reject transfers if the transfer is the transferee’s first investment into a fund and the cash value is below the first minimum investment (see prospectus Supplement). The first minimum investment depends on the fund and the share class of the fund. If we have not received the missing documents or information after 30 days of receipt of the transfer request, we will send a cancellation fax or email to the party who requested the transfer. All transfer requests should be faxed to +352 2460 9904. 2 Confirmations and Statements After placing a trade, on T+1 you will normally receive a detailed fax confirmation advising of the opening and closing balances in your account as well as the details of the trade placed to the fax number requested in the Application form. If you trade via SWIFT or FTP, the confirmations will be sent in the same way. Important Notice: Contract Notes are generated shortly after the price of the Fund is released. Please note that some SICAV Funds release prices on trade date ('T'), while other Funds release prices on T+1. “Please note that your obligation to settle subscription proceeds in accordance with the deadlines set out herein is not dependent on your receipt of a fax confirmation of your trade. Subscription monies must be settled in accordance with the relevant deadline, regardless of any delay in the issue of a fax confirmation to you.” Statements are sent on a monthly basis by post to the mail address stated on the Application form. Furthermore, please note that our Transfer Agent has an easy to use web based application (FetaWeb) where this information is readily available. This service is free and allows statements and contract notes to be downloaded at any time for any period. Also, balance, dividend and transaction reports can be e-mailed or faxed to you by European Shareholders Service. For further Information on these services, please contact European Shareholder Services Team. Bank Details and Settlement Settlement cycle: T+3 **Payments for redemptions and subscriptions are due in the currency of the relevant share class. Important notice: In order to amend your bank account details, an original hard copy of the full instructions accompanied by the signature of somebody authorised on the account must be mailed or couriered to Goldman Sachs International, addressed to the European Shareholder Services department. These should be received at least one day prior to the settlement date of any payment to which the new instructions should apply. Instructions sent by fax, SWIFT or email to amend current bank details will not be accepted. 3 Payments by SWIFT MT103: Payments in AUD (Australian Dollars) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary Account Name For further credit to Payments in CHF (Swiss Francs) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary Account Name For further credit to Payments in EUR (Euro) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary Account Name For further credit to Payments in GBP (Sterling) Intermediary Bank Intermediary Bank SWIFT Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary Account Name For further credit to Payments in HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary Account Name For further credit to Payments in JPY (Japanese Yen) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary Account Name For further credit to Payments in SEK (Swedish Krona) Intermediary Bank Intermediary Bank SWIFT Beneficiary Bank Final Beneficiary SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary Account name For further credit to Payments in USD (US Dollars) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Beneficiary Bank ABA Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary Account Name For further credit to 4 57A 57A 59 59 70 Bank of America, Sydney BOFAAUSX 520114551012 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 59 59 70 Bank of America London re Switzerland BOFAGB3SSWI CH60 0872 6000 0304 7901 1 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 59 59 70 Bank of America, Dublin BOFAIE3X IE37 BOFA 9900 6153 8640 17 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 56A 56A 57A 57A 59 59 70 Bank of America, London BOFAGB22 Bank of America, Dublin BOFAIE3X IE68 BOFA 9900 6153 8640 41 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 59 59 70 Bank of America N.A., Hong Kong BOFAHKHX 83627014 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 59 59 70 Bank of America, Tokyo BOFAJPJX 21669019 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 56A 56A 57A 57A 59 59 72 Handelsbanken AB Stockholm HANDSESS Bank of America, London BOFAGB22 GB57 BOFA 1650 5047 1960 44 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A / D 57A 57D 59 59 70 Bank of America, New York BOFAUS3N 026009593 6550367834 Goldman Sachs Funds SICAV Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction Payments by SWIFT MT202: Payments in AUD (Australian Dollars) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to Payments in CHF (Swiss Francs) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to Payments in EUR (Euro) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to Payments in GBP (Sterling) Intermediary Bank Intermediary Bank SWIFT Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to Payments in HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to Payments in JPY (Japanese Yen) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to Payments in SEK (Swedish Krona) Intermediary Bank Intermediary Bank SWIFT Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary SWIFT Final Beneficiary IBAN Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to Payments in USD (US Dollars) Beneficiary Bank Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Beneficiary Bank ABA Final Beneficiary Account Number Final Beneficiary SWIFT For further credit to 57A 57A 58A 58A 72 Bank of America, Sydney BOFAAUSX 520114551012 GSAMGB2X Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 58A 58A 72 Bank of America London re Switzerland BOFAGB3SSWI CH60 0872 6000 0304 7901 1 GSAMGB2X Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 58A 58A 72 Bank of America, Dublin BOFAIE3X IE37 BOFA 9900 6153 8640 17 GSAMGB2X Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 56A 56A 57A 57A 58A 58A 72 Bank of America, London BOFAGB22 Bank of America, Dublin BOFAIE3X IE68 BOFA 9900 6153 8640 41 GSAMGB2X Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 58A 58A 72 Bank of America N.A., Hong Kong BOFAHKHX 83627014 GSAMGB2X Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A 57A 58A 58A 72 Bank of America, Tokyo BOFAJPJX 21669019 GSAMGB2X Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 56A 56A 57A 57A 58A 58A 72 Handelsbanken AB Stockholm HANDSESS Bank of America, London BOFAGB22 GB57 BOFA 1650 5047 1960 44 GSAMGB2X Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 57A / D 57A 57D 58A 58A 72 Bank of America, New York BOFAUS3N 026009593 6550367834 GSAMUS33 Please include relevant Portfolio name on each payment instruction 5 Contact Goldman Sachs International European Shareholder Services River Court | 120 Fleet Street London EC4A 2BE United Kingdom German speaker line: + 49 6975324204 Italian speaker line: +39 02 8022 2009 Spanish speaker line: +34 917006067 French Speaker line : + 33 1 42 12 12 00 E-mail address: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)20 7774 6366 Fax: +44 (0)207 7774 6367 This material is provided at your request for informational purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation in any jurisdiction in which such a solicitation is unlawful or to any person to whom it is unlawful. Moreover, it neither constitutes an offer to enter into an investment agreement with the recipient of this document nor an invitation to respond to it by making an offer to enter into an investment agreement.References to indices, benchmarks or other measures of relative market performance over a specified period of time are provided for your information only and do not imply that the portfolio will achieve similar results. The index composition may not reflect the manner in which a portfolio is constructed. While an adviser seeks to design a portfolio which reflects appropriate risk and return features, portfolio characteristics may deviate from those of the benchmark.Shares of the Goldman Sachs Funds are issued solely on the basis of information set out in the current Offering Circular of Goldman Sachs Funds, SICAV, which is available free of charge at the Fund’s registered office. Prospective investors should review the Offering Circular carefully and consult their financial adviser before investing to determine that an investment in the Fund would be suitable for them. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and the value of investments and the income derived from them can go down as well as up. Future returns are not guaranteed and a loss of principal may occur. Investing in the Funds involves risks, including those arising from stock and bond markets, and currency exchange rate and interest rate volatility. Because the return and principal value of an investment in the Funds will fluctuate with changes in market conditions, an investor’s Shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investors may also incur a sales charge when purchasing Shares, as a result of which, in the absence of investment returns, investors will not get back the amount invested. If the Funds are denominated in a currency other than that in which the majority of the investor’s assets are held, the investor should be aware that changes in rates of exchange may affect the value of their investment independently of the value of the Funds’ underlying assets. Shares of the Funds have not been registered under the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Act”), or any state securities laws. Consequently, Shares of the Funds may not be offered or sold to or for the benefit of any United States person. Further, if you have requested information regarding the Funds while you are in the United States, you represent that (1) you are either a “Qualified Institutional Buyer” (as defined in Rule 144A under the Act) or (2) an “Accredited Investor” (as defined in Rule 501(a) under the Act). Furthermore, you agree that you will not transfer Shares of the Funds except in compliance with applicable securities laws, including the Act, and in compliance with the applicable restrictions in the Fund’s governing documents. The Goldman Sachs Funds, domiciled in Luxembourg, are collective investment schemes recognized under section 264 of the United Kingdom Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Pursuant to this recognition, the Funds may be promoted to the public in the United Kingdom by persons authorized to conduct investment business. This document has been communicated outside of the United States by Goldman Sachs International, Peterborough Court, 133 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2BB, authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, and is approved for use in the United States by Goldman Sachs & Co. Opinions expressed are current opinions as of the date appearing in this material only. The strategy may include the use of derivatives. Derivatives often involve a high degree of financial risk because a relatively small movement in the price of the underlying security or benchmark may result in a disproportionately large movement in the price of the derivative and are not suitable for all investors. No representation regarding the suitability of these instruments and strategies for a particular investor is made. High-yield, lower-rated securities involve greater price volatility and present greater credit risks than higher-rated fixed income securities. Emerging markets securities may be less liquid and more volatile and are subject to a number of additional risks, including but not limited to currency fluctuations and political instability. CORESM is a registered service mark of Goldman, Sachs & Co. Indices are unmanaged. The figures for the index reflect the reinvestment of dividends but do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses which would reduce returns. Investors cannot invest directly in indices. This material has been prepared by GSAM and is not a product of the Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research (GIR) Department. The views and opinions expressed may differ from the views and opinions expressed by the GIR Department or other departments or divisions of Goldman Sachs and its affiliates. Investors are urged to consult with their financial advisors before buying or selling any securities. This information should not be relied upon in making an investment decision. GSAM has no obligation to provide any updates or changes. Holdings may change by the time you receive this report. The securities discussed do not represent all of the portfolio's holdings and may represent only a small percentage of the strategy’s portfolio holdings. A complete list of holdings is available upon request. Future portfolio holdings may not be profitable. The information should not be deemed representative of future characteristics for the strategy. The portfolio risk management process includes an effort to monitor and manage risk, but does not imply low risk. Tracking Error (TE) is one possible measurement of the dispersion of a portfolio’s returns from its stated benchmark. More specifically, it is the standard deviation of such excess returns. TE figures are representations of statistical expectations falling within “normal” distributions of return patterns. Normal statistical distributions of returns suggests that approximately two thirds of the time the annual gross returns of the accounts will lie in a range equal to the benchmark return plus or minus the TE if the market behaves in a manner suggested by historical returns. Targeted TE therefore applies statistical probabilities (and the language of uncertainty) and so cannot be predictive of actual results. In addition, past tracking error is not indicative of future TE and there can be no assurance that the TE actually reflected in your accounts will be at levels either specified in the investment objectives or suggested by our forecasts. No part of this material may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form, by any means, or (ii) distributed to any person that is not an employee, officer, director, or authorized agent of the recipient, without GSAM’s prior written consent. Copyright © 2010, Goldman, Sachs & Co. All rights reserved. 1 As at March 2007. 2 Although the Goldman Sachs SICAV Funds seek to preserve a stable NAV per Share, this is not guaranteed and it is possible to lose money by investing in the Funds. 3 Please format all references as follows: FETA-REC, relevant fund code followed by dealer code. Eg. FETA-REC-498X01. 4 For listings pertaining to other share classes, please contact your Goldman Sachs International representative. 5 Available as Distribution shares only. 6 While this figure is current, it is not expected that this figure will exceed 20bps. The cap may in theory be raised to 35bps without having to obtain the approval of investors.
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