HOW TO COMPLETE YOUR SCHENGEN VISA APPLICATION FORM BELOW IS SOME BASIC GUIDANCE ON FILLING OUT A SCHENGEN VISA APPLICATION FORM. PLEASE REMEMBER THE BELOW IS ONLY FOR INFORMATION AND SUPPORT PURPOSES AND THIS MAY CHANGE DUE TO INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY FURTHER QUESTIONS VIA EMAIL: [email protected] 1. SURNAME(S) (FAMILY NAME(S)) Surname(s)/Family name(s) of the applicant (the very last name in the passport has to be filled in (e.g. Soumitro Kumar Chatterjee, fill in Chatterjee) 2. SURNAME(S)) AT BIRTH (EARLIER FAMILY NAME(S)) If applicable write your surname before marriage, otherwise leave it blank. 3. FIRST NAMES (GIVEN NAMES) First name(s) of the applicant (all other names as mentioned in the passport) see above, (e.g. Soumitra Kumar) 4. DATE OF BIRTH (YEAR - MONTH - DAY) - Date of birth of the applicant 5 / 6. PLACE AND COUNTRY OF BIRTH - Place of birth (as mentioned in the passport; e.g. India – Delhi) 7. CURRENT NATIONALITY/IES - Current nationality/ies (should be as per passport) 8. SEX - Please choose 9. MARITAL STATUS - Please choose 10. MINORS - Please state names, address and nationality of parents / legal guardian 11. ID NUMBER - Please leave blank 12. TYPE OF PASSPORT - For ordinary passport mark “National passport”, for other please choose. 13. NUMBER OF PASSPORT - Passport Number 14. DATE OF ISSUE - Date mentioned as per passport. 15. VALID UNTIL - Date as per passport 16. ISSUED BY - For Indian citizens put “Government of India” 17. ADDRESS AND EMAIL ADDRESS - Please state your home address and email address, and telephone number 18. IF YOU RESIDE IN A COUNTRY OTHER THAN YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, HAVE YOU PERMISSION TO RETURN TO THAT COUNTRY? Mark “Yes” and put your UK visa number. You can find it in your passport. You can have Entry Clearance stamp with a red 9 - digit number in the top right corner (e.g. 987654321) or you can have Residence Permit stamp with a black 7 - digit number preceded by UK (e.g. UK1234567) 19. CURRENT OCCUPATION - If you are a student put “student” 20. EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYER’S ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER. FOR STUDENTS NAME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL. Students fill in the address of their school/university. Visit Follow us on: /UKstudyTours 21. PURPOSE OF TRAVEL - Mark “Tourism” 22. MAIN DESTINATION - Write the country of the longest stay (most number of days) 23. FIRST ENTRY - Put “Calais/France” 24. NUMBER OF ENTRIES REQUESTED - Single (one visit to the Schengen Zone before return to UK) - Two entries (2 separate visits on different occasions to the Schengen Zone) - Multiple (for more than two entries to the Schengen Zone) 25. DURATION OF STAY Fill it in depending on your length of the tour or tours. EG. 1 weekend tour is normally 2, 3 or 4 days - if doing more than 1 tour then put from start date of first tour to return date of final tour. 26. OTHER SCHENGEN VISAS (ISSUED DURING THE PAST THREE YEARS) AND THEIR PERIOD OF VALIDITY Other Schengen Visa issued in the past 3 years and their validity (in short version, e.g. F 2004 – France in 2004). 27. FINGER PRINTS COLLECTED PREVIOUSLY FOR SCHENGEN VISA - Please select yes or no 28. IN THE CASE OF TRANSIT, HAVE YOU AN ENTRY PERMIT FOR THE FINAL COUNTRY OF DESTINATION? - Leave blank. 29. DATE OF ARRIVAL - The date you arrive in the schengen zone - normally this would be the Saturday of the tour weekend. 30. DATE OF DEPARTURE Last day of your tour. Your passport has to be at least 6 months valid after the date of your return to UK. You should have at least 90 days of UK visa being valid from this day of return to UK. 31. NAME OF HOST OR HOST COMPANY IN THE SCHENGEN STATES AND CONTACT PERSON IN HOST COMPANY. IF NOT APPLICABLE, GIVE NAME OF HOTEL OR TEMPORARY ADDRESS IN THE SCHENGEN STATES. YOU NEED TO PUT THE HOTEL DETAILS THE TOUR STAYS IN: THIS WILL BE SHOWN ON THE VISA LETTER FROM UK STUDY TOURS – PLEASE REQUEST THIS TO BE DONE FOR YOU 32. INVITING COMPANY ORGANISATION - Leave blank 33. WHO IS PAYING YOUR TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENSES? Mark “Myself” if you are main applicant or “Host person/s” if dependant. If you are dependant put the relation: “Husband” or “Wife” or “Parents” etc. Means of support: Mark “Cash” and “Credit cards” IF APPLYING OF SCHENGEN VISA WITH EU DEPENDANT: (LEAVE 34/35/36 BLANK IF NOT RELEVANT TO YOU) 34. SPOUSE’S SURNAME, FIRST NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, AND NATIONALITY, PASSPORT NUMBER 35. FAMILY RERATIONSHIP WITH PERSON APPLYING - Please select as relevant. 36. PLACE AND DATE - Signature (for minors, signature of custodian/guardian) FINAL PART Read the terms and conditions and then in PLACE AND DATE sign your name and put today’s date. (If under 18 years old use the right side box for a parents/guardian signature) Visit Follow us on: /UKstudyTours
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