B2 QUESMa CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, September 3, 2006 QUESHEl CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday) Septembers, 2006 Bl THE Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com HOW TO PUCE A CLASSIHED AD Phone 992-2121 3 Announcements ViSA at 7:00 p.m. accepted ...125 MEBCHANDISE150-249 Antiques : ^ 155 Appliances............... ;....:....160 Alts & Crafts. ..;..;......165 Auctions ....;.......170 Building Materials ...........175 DomputerS'f ............180 Consignments 185 Firearms...... 190 Firewood... 195 Free g i v e - a w a y . . . . 2 0 0 Fumiture 205 Garage Sales... .........210 Garden Equipment ..215 Miscellaneous ..........220 Music... ...............225 Sporting Goods................... 230 Tools..... .....„.....,.235 Trade or Swap.... 240 Eimamoiim-^as Business Opportunltios...............2S4 Careers,....'...... ..............258 Daycare.: i.... ....262 Education ...........,......;.266 Help Wanted..;........:.....i.....:....270 Proteulonai..... .;.274 SIdiiedltades. .....;.278 Tutoring......... ***.t«>282'. Voiuntssrt..... ....;;.288Work Wanted...... ...;...290 SEnVIC6S 390-399 \ ' .;..„...,.:.:.302 t* ff •••••••(***tal(*4a**(«Bi*a3Q4 Services..... i^imst ft»lw«lr».v cmidcsn..' Weaning I Construction ,.>.. Oiyimll.. ...........308 , .......;....308 310 312 314 3tB .318 ..320 ..322 ig... ..324 ..........328. ^IKtDMa/Mortgagi ..........828 "ttantfyman 330 Homa Improvement 382 „..-.334 Homt Support .;..3SB House Sitting ..........338 'Inveslmenl .Janiloilat.i.. ;..;......340 landscaplng/Oirdenlng.. ...342 .........844 ;MachlneAlrald)ttg I Mfscallaneous Services.. ,;:.i.;.;,34B ..:,i....348 Music Lessons ,....i...350 ' Piinting .;,......352 Paving.. 354 Ptiologriipliy ;;..;.358 , Plumbing.... Anyone interested in serving on our Board of Directors or becoming di SocietyMembens invited toattend this meeting. Pools/Spas.......... ....;..........358 Hoofing ..................360 Snowplowing......;....................362 Travel ...........U.......................364 ThicWng .....368 Yard & Carden...i..:„.................368 RENTAL 400-499 . Apartments ..404 Baclielor$uite.....;....:,....;.........4D8 Basement Suite; .................412 Cahlns/Cottages.,....;............;.;..4lB Commercial.....;.....;.......... i;420 Condot 424 Duples/Fourplex .......428 For Renl or Sale..... ..........432 Halli/Anditorluins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 8 Houses ,..„........;.......... .440 Miscellaneous;......,..... ....;..,444 Mobile Homes.............i........,...44S Modular H o m e s . . . . 4 5 2 Rooms.........,;.. ...............458 Room & Board..,.'. 460 Seniors/Retirement Accom.. ....464 Shared A c c o m m o d a t i o n . . . . 4 6 8 Storage..; .....472 Suites.,. ....„„..„,.j,.;.....476 TourlstAccommodallon,,.;. ...480 Townhouses,.,.,,,,,. .....484 Wanted to Rent........ .:...;.,.488 Warehouses „, 492 GOLD PAN HOME EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOCIETY 543 Front Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 2K7 Telephone: 992-1002 Fax: 992-1031 . ANNUAL GENERAL MECTiNG Liennox All new/former members pisass come support this worthy cause. Membership fees are $2.00/per person , -: ^ PETS/FAnM 600-649 Boarding ......;.....608 Farm Equipment ;.........,........;„.612 Feed 4 Seed........,......;.., .818 Fnilt/Produca/Meat. ;..,.,.,.624 Horses...........................;...,.,,e30 Livestock ;........„.,„.,.....,;.:...;i.636 Pets,...,, „„..„„•;... ...042 Trailers .....;..... ..848 IHDUMDIfiSMSS Equipment ....;.........,...,.„ 860 logglng/nmbet.........;......;..;,...870 Machinery..............,..........;.....880 Mining ; ...890 , RECREATIOHAl 700-748 Alrcratl .;.....,....;.....,.,.............70S. AlVls............... ...710 Boatsflflarine ............718 Houseboats..,..;. ....720 Motorcycles....,....;.......:.... .728 . RV»......;.;.........,.....;..;....i.....730 Rentals ;.'..;..*;;......:;;.';........j.;;. 739 Snowmobiles ;...,.;..,.,..,;;;.„;...„740 trade/Swap,....; .....;......;..,..745 AlffiHWQTlVE 780-799 • Canopies ...;.....;....,....;;..;........750 Car* .;..762 Ciasslct!.....;. ...;788 Parts.....;,;.., ...;774 8UV'»&4x4^ .;..7ao Thicla... Vans/BttSei... ...,788 ...;702 HDnCES/TENDEBS800-M9 Legal Notices;.,. .......;,....81S Tenders..... .'.i...».......;..,....830 ^rmce THE Q U E S N E L CARIBOO OBSERVER Permanent carriers are required forthe following: ; (Funn, Gemini, North Fraser Drive) (Ferguson, Sing, Weldon & Wong) (Front Street) (Agate & Marble) (Hilbom) // (Bariow, Callanan, Grey & Vaughan) (Marsh R d & Kupferschmid) FOUND: SET OF KEYS FOR iGMC. H O U S E K E Y S A N D F U E L K E Y IDENTIFY @ T H E Q U E S NEL C A R I B O O O B S E R V E R . qSarah Wemyss C D available at K M A X Videos $12.00 www.qsarah.com and Atourof local merchants that you can visit m F o u n d : O l d Blueheeler dog. c a n t hear. Brown and white with big scar on neck. River Park Rd area. 992-1279 H M H www.cpntractingbc.coin FLOOD, FIRE, SMOKE DAMAGE Found on Grosz Rd in Southhills. Set of keys for Ford, Other keys on ring. Come to Cariboo Observer to identify. M • •' _ www.iiougia$lakeequipmentcom DOUGLAS LAKE EQUIPMENT Set of keys at 10 Mile Lake, Aug. 26th. If found please call 747-0928 g www.quesnelobseiver.coni QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER M 70 Personals S e x y brunette seeking generous gents. Quality & discretion assured, 991-6256 I To join the Website Directory, call Trina at 992-2121. 24 Enj5agement/VVedclinj» 9 Births August If, Z006 in Kelowna Ger\eral Hospital Parents Richelle Ernst and Justin Mdnture and bis; brother 5randin a Grand Parents are Ojndie and I I' I L6s clarke & Peter Ernst, Kerri^ and MarleneMcIntt^re/andKobferta I 1216CliewAva,Quesnel • www.flresidelieatlng.com Ph. 747-3243 i KrystaL'Gray are Jmed witkjoyto CO BIESGSOd B[SQ!!S E1E1EIE3 OEiQEI QBSQ!] BSHSS BSStaca EQHGS SSEKS lo make music exciting we otter lessons In Classical, Jazz, Rock, Country and other styles as well. LU QiniSl CSISIS WSm S Q S S QQEIQEI PI A N N U A L GENERAL son Kyan David Anthory on August 24.2006, Kyan was bom at GH 30 In Memoriam "Balcer at 10:12 pm wei^in^ 6 lbs 10 oz and In Loving Memory of measuring 22 Inches. Biyan "Shorty" Wheeler A very special thank r J ceo FRIENDS OF BARKERVILLE Cariboo Goldfields Historical Society announce the blrthi •SBIQ H S E S HBSJE3 BBQBI BBS mggs iSiisi iSSS WMSSB youtoDrStalsfor everything over the past ^ months. Kyan is welcomed by his grandparents Dorothy Gray and Gary IReilander; Tony and Shirley Protopiuk. and David and Emma Gray TjgecM/oods watch out MEETING -your competition has a r r i ^ l ! ! S E P T E M B E R 7, 2 0 0 6 - 6 : 0 0 pm Tower Inn, Q u e s n e l , B C n/i 1 I I - I - _ . . Members and new members welcome Formore info c a l l 747-0112 18 Coming Kvcnls s a n d O j r & ^ r B i s s G i ' t i € ^ r B & ^ O o y o u h a v o a n Mj^oomiriQ ovont? U s o this s | 3 a o o t o p r o m o t o a n d infornn thio Q u o s n o l roacfiers- ^entrai(Regl^ratlbnH^Qiiesnel'1Win^Arenas)\ Sept'Sth - 6-8pm J Please drop off equipment at Minor Hockey Room lUesday, Sept Sth - noon-3pm \Mtf\W^ Vtlsed has bBdn eponsotodl^: West Cenlxial'IPip©^;:?^^^^^ BC High Tech Forestry Tours discover adventure In the bushI The tour Is a great way to entertain your visitors, a unique family reunion event or club outing, or an awesome team-building day for staff. Call 992-1221, or visit www.forestrytours.ca S5 Travel/Tours/ Vaeation Bed & Breakfast Seminar Online. Leam at home, starts October 1 Sth. Taught by authors of book. T o B&B or Not To B&B. $600,877-883-6579. [email protected]. www. bbsemlnarsonllne.com SECOND HAND SMOKE... Second-hand smoke has up to 400 chemicals in it. Cigarette smoke contains Vinyl Chloride (makes PVC), DDT (Insecticide), Acetone (Paint Stripper) and Hydrogen Cyanide (Poison used In gas chambers). OuudUa SocUM Thefightagainst cancer has many faces. CuKXT onuulicatM Society dtt ouM«r Tobacco r^qction is just one of them. June 6,1961-Sept 2,2001 Your talent for bringing spedai meaning to life was great, Fpr the years we were together was pure faith. You helped me to grow and to realize The fullness and the beauty In our lives. Everyday I counted my blessings. Then God called, and you went away Out of this world to a brighter day. Suddenly my life of gladness Himed to utter sadness. My grief wears me down. I shed so many tears. As I recall your love and devotion through the years. Our daugjiter which you have never met, Helps me make It through the days. She Is so much like you. In so many ways. She helps me to reach out, to fill the hours with useful ways, To comfort, to cheer and have no more empty days. , I try to console myself - It was God's greater plan. So I must accept it. If I can. You moved away to his spledid home above, If there Is life after death. I know you will be waiting there for me, Wlthtove. Lovingly missed by Debbie & Riley m ^ I M A. OBSERVER 30 In Memoriam In loving memory of our dad Bryan Ray Wheeler, it has been 5 years since you left us to the worid above. We all miss you very much, and not a day passes when we all don't think about you. You could always make people smile and laugh. Bad Carter Porrest Mclntyre "^ $550'"' flEAlESTATE-5gg-599 Acreage/Lots „;,...,,...506 Cabins/Cottages .,.„......,i,;5l2 Commercial Business.;...............516 Commercial Property... 624 Condos .,...,,......530 Duples/Fourplex . . . . . . , . ; , 5 3 8 Farms/Rapches ; „ , . . ...542 ForSaloorRant 548 Houses 554 lakeshora ;..560 Mohlios........ ...................568 ModularHomes. ^.,.„,.,..„,„5t2 Open House.... „ : ,,,.........578 Out ot Town...;;............; ...584 RV sites ........590 Townhouses........ ...........^....SOfi \ U G Now! And save up to Sejitember 19" 2005 • 7:00>^ at GR Baker Memorial Hospital ^ P L U 65 Lost & Found A n y o n e interested in these routes please call J a i c e y at 992-2121. Don't get caught with flu old gas guzzling fumace this winter. Purchaisea hi-efpcient will be held on Thursday, September 7 , 2 0 0 6 HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday Wanted & #13 - 665 Front Street I OIHECTl IPAYMENTI WANTEP100-149 \ UGI ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING or drop into our office at . 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BG Announcemenis .3 AnnivBrsarles.... 6 BIrfhj .: 9 Birthdays 12 Cliureh 15 GomiAg Events ....18 Congratulations................. 21 Engagement/Wedding.;...............24 Fnnaral DlrBcloiy........;...........;.27 In Mamoriam ......31) Obituaries.... .......33 Tliante 36 PERSPWAt. 60:99 Business peisonats. ..55 HSSiUl/pSaUf/ ....,.6D Lost 4 F o u n d . . . . . 6 5 JPsrsonsIs 70 75 Ptyctiin.;..:.. 80 Singlet 85 Tirni Tours/Vacation Pit QUESNEL CHILD & YOUTH SUPPORT SOCIETY'S 3 Announcements\ www.quesnelobserver.com By Maliory Wheeler Dad...so many images come to mind whenever we speak you name. It seems without you in our liy^s things have never been the same. ;• . '. / What happened to those days when we were Just children, When our lives were consumed In you in your love, and in your smile. What happened to all those times when we always looked at you, No matter what happened in our lives you could make our gray skies blue. Dad, some days we hear your voice and tum to see your face. Yet in our turning...it seems the sound has been erased. Oh, Dad, if we could tum back time arid once more hear your voice. We would tell you that out of all the dads you would still be our choice. Please always know we love you and no one can take your place, Years may come and go but your memory will never be erased. Today, Dad, as you are listening in your home above, we want you to know we give you all our love. Love Raymond, Maliory, and Brandon Wheeler In Loving Memory of Bryan (Shorty) Wheeler June 6/61-Sept 2/01 A beautiful life that came to an end He died as he lived, everyone's friend In our hearts a memory will always be kept Of one we k)ved, and will never forget Love you and miss you always Thofamlly 125 Wanted Free pieces of B a m Wood from late 1800's to eariy 1900's any speciesi Wanted for woodcrafts. Planks, beams (square or log), flooring etc. N o rot pleasel! 250-992-9107 please leave mes-sage.' •; • 160 Appliances 2 door cominercial cooler 6.5 ft high X 4.5 ft wide x 2.5 ft deep $200 obo. 2 2 cu, ft. upright freiezer $100. Also otherf ridges, washiers&dryi r s and one range. 9 9 2 - 9 5 3 7 ^ ^ Very good electric s^ve, pick it up for $75: C a l l J a c k @ 7471653 175 lUiikliii^ Materials Flooring Distributor Now Selling Directl 8 & 12mlLamlhate, 200 choices from....... .....$.49sq/ft 7" unfin or pre fin Rr.....$.99sq/ft 31/4" Exotic pre fin and Oak pre fin, many choices,$1,99sq/ft Oak, Maple, A s h engineered,..,, „,.....„,$2,99sq/ft TONSMOREI 1-800-631-3342 200 Free Give Away Free packing boxes, various sizes, 747-1677 205 Furniture For sale matching chesterfield & chair, good condition. $130 992-5292 210 (laraj^e Sales 2020 Gamache Rd., Saturday September 9th •• 8am-2pm. 220 Miscellaneous VANCOUVER TICKET SERVICE Located in the Hampton Inn Hotel. Concerts, Sports. Elton John, Red Hot Chill Peppers, Mariah Carey, Killers, Paul Simon, G o o Goo Dolls, Bonnie Raitt, Roger Hodgson, S e ahawks, Canucks. Hotel accom available 1-800-920-0887. B4 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, September 3, 2006 QUESNEl CARIBOO OBSERVER . Sunday, September 3, 2006 ' BS emces Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! vvww.bcclassified.com I • 33 Obituaries Ask us for our Most Competitive Rates on House Insurance. To p l a c e a n o b i t u a r y t r i b u t e please call 9 S 2 - 2 1 2 i . O B S B R V K R O b i t u a r y t r i b u t e s a r e $ 4 5 / s l n e l e s p o t . $ 7 5 / c l o u b l e Sfiot a n d * a . 0 . 4 / t r i p l 6 s p o t a n d Includes archiving d n o u r Internet s i t e . kVi JUMSTONMBBI INSURANCE 36 Thanks across from ftie Post Office 333 Reid St. - 9 9 2 - 6 6 1 1 A very big THANK YOU to the following sponsors: Red Bluff Countty Pub i. ^Lookingfora great place to lunch 7U?/t\wW» Wends or business associates? Save-On-Foods Big Country Printers Hitehln' Post Pub • Sandwiches • S o u p s Wraps • ChlU • Q u i c h e and of oouise oofiiB^tea or )iist plain wateri Maple Paric Shopping Centre 747-2787 If Yout HoM A "Mouw^HffliiMr Billy Barker Casino & Hotel Murphy's Pub & Liquor Store City of Quesnel Dunkley Lumber Westside Liquor Store JD Meats Vincor Cathy McDonald, Prince George, BC Province of British Columbia Quesnel Downtown Association Cheryl i;^wrence, Liquor Agency, Williams Lake, BC nRB# FLOOD & MOULD Quesnel Tourist Bureau AUCTION SALE SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH • 11:30AM START VIEWING STARTS 7:00AM 2587 Blackwater Road •Quesnel, BC Partial List Includes Logging Supplies: 99 channel bush radio, fuel tank, gas compressor, chokers, flat deck trailer, wrenches, sockets, fire tools, clean up kits, buck off saw, power saw & supplies. NovenietSLIrigttlBinc, Right across from Joe's Prodnce! 105 McLean St. 992-2888 225 Music GUITAR C O L L E C T O R - Will Pay top dollar for old Fender (Stratocaster), Gibson, Martin or any USA made guitars/basses. Any Condition. Honest, Reliable. Call Steve 517-242-4866 Piano Teacher: good with children, will teach at your home. For rtiore info - Danielle 249-0118 254 Business Opportunities Eagle Building Supplies Aroma Foods 170 Auctions 2391 Hydraulic Rd:l^747-2951:w^ Sony DVD/CDA^Ideo C D player $15. Teac stereo cassette deck $10. RCACD.radio, 2 tape combo 2 speakers. $10. 991-0178 Safeway Your help made it possible for us to put on a very professional event for the BCSeriibrs'Men's Golf Championship, August 7 to 9, Remediation Eiectric 3 - wheel scooter, hardly used. Excellent condition. $1,800 obo. 747-3190 Quesnel Golf Course From the volunteers, arid host/club chair, Ron Campbell Help is only a phone call away. Carpentry: Industrial table saw, drills, saw, air tools, cement mixer Household: Solid oak grandfather clock, couch & love seat. Chairs, coffee table, end tables, futon & armoire Miscellaneous: Siding barn for shop, snowmobiles, Seadoo, complete holiday trailer for dismantling. Bring Lawn Cliairs Terms: Casti, larger amounts can be deposited on. All items to be picked up by Sept 12 / 06. LUNCH AVAILABLE •Vertrcle Blinds • Hbrfzo'ntal Blinds • WO(^d Blinds . • and many more, 220 Miscellaneous NEED A PHONE - FREE in home connection. September Special! Call: 1-(866)444-3815 NO CREDIT C H E C K - N O O N E REFUSED! We offer a separate glass policy with no deductible! INSURANCE www.quesnelobserverxom For Complete List Call B.C. Auctions at (250) 992-2459 or Cell (250) 983-5267 3 web: http:www.5dollarhomepage.com/fersterauction' Established Panago Franchise Resale Opportunity now available in SmitherSi B C . Join a Proveiii Market Leader with C a nada's Premiere Take Out & Home Delivery Pizza Franchise. Gall 250-847-5392/Debbie. Weii Established Industrial Supply, Located in Quesnel B.C. Land, Buildings, inventory and Equipment. Many Protected Unes. Apply to Box J c/o Quesner Cariboo Observer, 188_ Carson Ave., Quesnel, B C V 2 J 2A8. NET UP to $2800 per month Safe. Secure - no selling. Proven cash flow^ Turn-key setup. Minimum investment $16,800. Free Info 1-800-321-6126. Advertise your Business Opportunity Nationally to approximately 9 million households in North America's best suburbs by placing your classified ad in over 800 suburban newspapers just like this one. Call the Suburban Classified Advertising Network at 888-486-2466 www.suburban-news.org/scan Sign Business. Must sell. 2 vinyl cutters, computer, and programs, stock, good will, Bucket truck, Ltd. Co., and more Phone: 250-992-6848 Specialty Ski & Outdoor retail business. Established over thirty years. This is a Share Sale. All inventories and fixed assets included. Quesnel Ski & Sports Ltd. Quesnel, B.C. [email protected] Quesnel area part time. Profitable Weston's Franchise, Bread Business for sale. $45,000 Call Mike (250) 398-0221 or (250) 392-5691 180 Computers For A L L y o u r C O M P U T E R & E L E C T R I C NEEDS Come In & talk....our staff wouldb^^^^^^ 1055 Hwy. 97 992-2875 James Suits The Right Prpducts The Right People "THE RIGHT CHOICE" Ph: 992-2121 254 Business Opportunities TEST DRIVE Steve or Andre (800)663-0099 262 Daycare Kids Kare Centre, Registering now for September Daycare. Family Rates aviailable. Call 992-1000 Busy Beez Daycare in North Quesnel, has 2 full time spaces September 1st/06.Gne spaces for 3-5 years, and one space for 6 years and o v e r , after school care, pick up from all elementary school buses. 992-5883 266 Education Excavator Operator Training Programs. 5. and 6 week Programs. Advanced Class One Driver Training. Taylor Pro Training Ltd. 250-860-7624 or Toll free 1-877-860-7627. Log scaling course in Prince George by instmctor with 18 years instruction, staring Sept. 18/06. Endorsement Course on Oct. 10/06. Phone: 250-5622291 270 Help Wanted Journeyman Automotive Technician. Barts Minute Muffler, Salrnon A m i . Mon-Fridays. Up to date on computerized engine controls/diagnostics. Wages based on experience. Fax resume: 1-250-832-0564. Email: [email protected] www.quesnelobserver.com Ol vou want a H e a l t h Care C a r e e r ? IjJjB^y^^alfedoniJaiNbfes^ ^->^.i!!gliigj^f fOf jfw fr»!gMgiU>-^ 272 Juniper Rd. Quesnei South SEVEN BAYS BRIGHT & CLEAN We offer Certificate training programs; MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST (Work from home, flexible hours) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN RESIDENT CARE AIDE Financial Aid and lub Referral Assistance MOTHERLODE 266 Education 258 Careers Do Unique opportunity to own and operate a 2008 Peto Witt) zero down. You must have a minimum ONE YEAR flat ded« highway experience able and willing to run CANADA / USA and possess good references. .. See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com • Spot-Free Rinse • \ 1-877-840-0888 Publisher: The Vernon Morning Star Black Press South has an opening for the position of Publisher of the Vemon Moming Star me Vemon Moming Star, one of North /America's leading community newspapers, is published every Sunday, Wedne'sday, and Friday, with a drculation of 32,000, covers one ot the fastest growing areas in Canada. Black Press is seeking a proven leader with the entrepreneurial skills to continue and furtnier enhance the strong growth this paper has experienced over the past decade. Ideally, you should have a good understanding of all facets of newspaper operations with emphasis on sales, marketing, and financial management In addition, our new publisher should be well suited to working with community qroups and clients as well as developing sponsorship opportunities tor tne newspaper. /Vs publisher of the Vemon Morning Star, reporting to the president of Black Press South, you will nelp develop strategy for the newspaper as it continues to serve a rapidjy expanding and diverse marketplace. College classes at the North Cariboo Community Campus begin Tuesday, September Sth! AUTOMATIC CAR WASH The new campus is an exciting place to be these days as students make plans to enter nursing courses, work toward credits that transfer to university, take business and general upgrading courees to prepare for certificate programs. 747-0051 The College of New Caledonia-Quesnel offers entry level trades training and ELTT-electrical starts September 11. Upon completion 16 students will have completed their first year theory. Thanks to School District 28 we have temporary use of Maple Drive Sr. Secondary for carpentry, electrical and plumbing and welding programs. Instructor, Fon-est Beckman returns home to Quesnel after wori<ing the past 5 years in Calgary. From his experience gained in Calgary Forrest will introduce new technical advances in fiber-optics. B C Hydro presented CNC-Quesnel w/ith a $20,000 endowment for the pre-apprenticeship electrical program and one of the electrical students will receive a $1,000 scholarship after completing the specific criteria of this award. Detailing •call for appointmei)t * *r'iJ's.S,if« '-i-i^'J^-^ P't^", >iLV I "711)0 Sbaipesi Deals Around' N O R TiM SAW REPAIR complete Bandsan & Round San Sales & Service & Sharpening "We Sharpen EVERYTHING" • Carpentry Saws & Tools • Household Saws & Tools • Carbide Service • Knife Grinding • Mill Supplies • Lubricants Employment opportunities abound. Plan your future; call us 991-7500 visit our website www.cnc.bc.ca clicli "Quesnel". ' 2680 Campbell Cres. imclustrial park - end of road) 992-9119 The Vemon Morning Star is part of Black Press, Canada^ largest private, iildependent newspaper company with over 100 community, daily, and urban newspapers located in BC, Alberta, Washington State, and Hawaii. If you have the ability to innovate, are customer driven, success oriented, and want to live in one of the rnost beautiful and livable dties in BC; then we want to hear from you. We offer a generous compensation and benefits package as wellas the opportunity for career advancement. Please send your resume by September 8,2006 to: CMC-- Quissnel's Conmi^Jly 100£ampus''Way College t99lL-r750b : • wv>yw^cnc!bclca/quesne^Lal|gyiay ' Don Moores, President , Black Press South 1365 B Dalhbusie Drive, Kamloops BCV2C 5P6 Email: [email protected] Phone: (250)374-3343 Free Estimates Vinyl&WoodFramed Windows Made to Order W E DO WINDSHIELDS FREE: Pickup & Delivery / Wash & Vac We will do ALL the paperwork! ' '1 PIPELINE MECHANICAL INC. Seeking Journeyman Plumbers, as well as 3rd arid 4th year apprentices willing to work in Merritt, Kamloops and the Coast. Competitive wages. Excellent benefit package. Positions available immediately. Fax resume to 250-378-1377. A Southern Interior Logging Company requires one operator with experience operating both a D4 Track Skidder and a 322 Cat Excavator with bucket & clam. Duties to include hoe chucking, fonwarding bunches, loading trucks, and constructing and rehabbing trails & landings. Must have steep ground experience. Benefit pkg. References required with resume. Fax to 250-378-4991. ^1! Black Press www.blackpress.ca iwu^ VOCATIONAL COACH Mxwttonof Servfcej WCG Intemational HR Solutions is a globally-recognized, proven leader in workforce and human resources solutions and currently the Best Company to work for in BC. TViumph Vocational Services, a division of WCG, offers a fuir range of vocational rehabilitation services, from Personal Pizza & Soft Drink $G00 The commencement of the course will depend on when the capacity of participants is reached. planning. We support people to identify their goals - and achieve their goals, on their own terms. We invite you to Darcey Horn join us in creating a better world - one person, one job and Take it Personally This course is limited to 8 people who demonstrate a professional image and are willing to devote their time and energy through the entire course. Bring a resume to the Casino marked "Dealer Course" and you will be contacted. disability management and life skills training to career Certified iVIechanic needed immediately in Sicamous. Salary negotiable. Uniform supplied and medical benefits available. Please fax to: 250-836-2352. [email protected] The Billy Barker Casino will be holding a free instructional course to train new Card Game Dealers, with the intention of hiring the participants that successfully complete the course, subject to job availability. QUESNEL 263 Barlow Ave, 310-0001 Human Resources Director one community at a time. Rare Opportunity. Walthers G M has an opening for a Sales and Lease Representative to Join their award winning Sales Team in Vernon, B C . Excellent compensation plan plus benefits, Apply to Dennis Beaton, 3500-27th Street, Vernon, B C V1T9P1. Triumph is currently seeking a dedicated Vocational Coach Wanted: Senior electrician and 3rd Year Apprentice F/T. Benefits. Must have commercial maintenance, service, trouble shooting. Competitive wages. 5925 Cassino, Duncan. B C V9L 4G5. [email protected] A full Job description is available at www.wcginternatlonal. PROBLEM GAMBLING SERVICES in Prince George for an 8-month contract opportunity. This position requires a dynamic rehabilitation professional to take a lead role in providing vocational rehabilitation support to the individuals we serve. If you are innovative, self-motivated and solutions focused, Triumph has a progressive opportunity for you! com/careers/careers.html Interested applicants are invited to submit applications to [email protected] by September 8, 2006 quoting competition number PG0608 in the subject line. 270 Help VVanled PHONE DISCONNECTED? L O W E S T HOOK U P RATES. NO R E F U S A L S . E V E R Y O N E APPROVED. C A L L TODAY TOLL F R E E 1-877-852-1122 PROTEL RECONNECT Experienced commercial & industrial lire man wanted for busy Port Coquitlam shop. Will pay top dollar to qualified Individuals. Please fax.resumes to: (604)468-4301. JUMP START your truck with exceptional revenue, great benefits and a $3000. Signing Bonus! A s . fair as we know, we pay Class 1- longhaul flatdeck operators the highest rates in the business running C a nada & 48 US statesi Call Steve or Andre 1-800-663-0099. 1 or 2 RELIABLE sitters requlred In my home, for 2 eariy mornings and 2 afternoons. Beginning Sept 11 th. 992-9442 We offer F R E E confidential counselling for problem gamblers and their families. #223-543 Front Street G R Baker Hospital Funded by Ministry ot Public Safety & Solicitor Gonoral (250)992-8021 or (250) 155-0083 (cell) GR BAKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 992-8021
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