05.12 How to Read the Bible By Bishop Kallistos Ware

St. George Greek
Orthodox Church
MAY 2012
St. Paul, Minnesota
How to Read the Bible
By Bishop Kallistos Ware
This is the first of a two-part
article from Bishop Kallistos
Ware. Look for part two in the
June/July issue of Glad Tid-
Bishop Ware was born in England in 1934. After joining the
Orthodox Church in 1958, he
traveled widely in Greece. In
1966 he was ordained priest
and became a monk, receiving
the new name Kallistos. In 1982
he was consecrated titular
Bishop of Diokleia and appointed assistant bishop in the
Orthodox Archdiocese of
Thyateira and Great Britain.
Retiring in 2001, he continued
to publish and lecture on Orthodox Christianity. In 2007, the
Holy Synod of the Ecumenical
Patriarchate elevated the Diocese of Diokleia to Metropolis
and Bishop Kallistos to Titular
Metropolitan of Diokleia.
in this issue
Regi st ry
P. 3
Pari sh News P. 4-5
Holy Week Photos
P. 5
Greek I ndependence
Day Photos
P. 5
Yout h News
P. 7
We believe that the Scriptures
constitute a coherent whole.
They are at once divinely inspired and humanly expressed. They bear authoritative witness to God's revelation of Himself - in creation,
in the Incarnation of the
Word, and the whole history
of salvation. And as such they
express the word of God in
human language. We know,
receive, and interpret Scripture through the Church and
in the Church. Our approach
to the Bible is one of obedience. We may distinguish
four key qualities that mark
an Orthodox reading of Scripture, namely: obedience, ecclesial, Christ-centered and
ence, of receptivity, and listening. As we read, we wait on
the Spirit.
But, while divinely inspired,
the Bible is also humanly expressed. It is a whole library
of different books written at
varying times by distinct persons. Each book of the Bible
reflects the outlook of the age
in which it was written and
the particular viewpoint of
the author. For God does
nothing in isolation, divine
grace cooperates with human
freedom. God does not abolish our individuality but enhances it. And so it is in the
writing of inspired Scripture.
The authors were not just a passive instrument, a dictation machine recording a message. Each
writer of Scripture contributes
his particular personal gifts.
Reading the Bible with
Alongside the divine aspect,
First of all, when reading
there is also a human element
Scripture, we are to listen in a in Scripture. We are to value
spirit of obedience. The Orboth.
thodox Church believes in
Each of the four Gospels, for
divine inspiration of the Bible. example, has its own particuScripture is a "letter" from
lar approach. Matthew preGod, where Christ Himself is sents more particularly a Jewspeaking. The Scriptures are
ish understanding of Christ,
God's authoritative witness of with an emphasis on the kingHimself. They express the
dom of heaven. Mark contains
Word of God in our human
specific, picturesque details of
language. Since God Himself is Christ's ministry not given
speaking to us in the Bible, our
elsewhere. Luke expresses the
response is rightly one of obedi- universality of Christ's love,
His all-embracing compassion
that extends equally to Jew
and to Gentile. In John there is
a more inward and more mystical approach to Christ, with
an emphasis on divine light
and divine indwelling. We are
to enjoy and explore to the
full this life-giving variety
within the Bible.
Because Scripture is in this
way the word of God expressed in human language,
there is room for honest and
exacting inquiry when studying the Bible. Exploring the
human aspect of the Bible, we
are to use to the full our Godgiven human reason. The Orthodox Church does not exclude scholarly research into
the origin, dates, and authorship of books of the Bible.
Alongside this human element, however, we see always
Bishop Ware
(Continued on page 2)
(Continued from page 1)
the divine element. These are not simply
books written by individual human writers. We hear in Scripture not just human
words, marked by a greater or lesser skill
and perceptiveness, but the eternal, uncreated Word of God Himself, the divine
Word of salvation. When we come to the
Bible, then, we come not simply out of curiosity, to gain information.
We come to the Bible with a specific
question, a personal question about ourselves: "How can I be saved?"
As God's divine word of salvation in
human language, Scripture should evoke
in us a sense of wonder. Do you ever feel,
as you read or listen, that it has all become too familiar? Has the Bible grown
rather boring? Continually we need to
cleanse the doors of our perception and
to look in amazement with new eyes at
what the Lord sets before us. We are to
feel toward the Bible with a sense of wonder, and sense of expectation and surprise. There are so many rooms in Scripture that we have yet to enter. There is so
much depth and majesty for us to discover. If obedience means wonder, it also
means listening.
We are better at talking than listening.
We hear the sound of our own voice, but
often we don't pause to hear the voice of
the other person who is speaking to us.
So the first requirement, as we read Scripture,
is to stop talking and to listen - to listen with
When we enter an Orthodox Church,
decorated in the traditional manner, and
look up toward the sanctuary at the east
end, we see there, in the apse, an icon of
the Virgin Mary with her hands raised to
heaven - the ancient Scriptural manner of
praying that many still use today. This
icon symbolizes the attitude we are to
assume as we read Scripture - an attitude
page 2
of receptivity, of hands invisibly raised to
heaven. Reading the Bible, we are to
model ourselves on the Blessed Virgin
Mary, for she is supremely the one
who listens. At the Annunciation she
listens with obedience and responds to
Fourth Gospel
as Holy Scripture.
the angel, "Be it unto me according to thy
word" (Luke 1:38). She could not have
borne the Word of God in her body if she Because the Gospel of John is accepted by
had not first, listened to the Word of God the Church and in the Church.
in her heart. After the shepherds have
It is the Church that tells us what is
adored the newborn Christ, it is said of
Scripture, and it is also the Church that tells
her: "Mary kept all these things and ponus how Scripture is to be understood. Comdered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19). Again, ing upon the Ethiopian as he read the Old
when Mary finds Jesus in the temple, we Testament in his chariot, Philip the Aposare told: "His mother kept all these things in tle asked him, "Do you understand what
her heart" (Luke 2:5l). The same need for
you read?" And the Ethiopian answered,
listening is emphasized in the last words "How can I, unless some man should guide
attributed to the Mother of God in Scrip- me?" (Acts 8:30-31). We are all in the positure, at the wedding feast in Cana of Gali- tion of the Ethiopian. The words of Scriplee: "Whatever He says to you, do it" (John ture are not always self-explanatory. God
2:5), she says to the servants - and to all of speaks directly to the heart of each one of
us as we read our Bible. Scripture reading
In all this the Blessed Virgin Mary
is a personal dialogue between each one
serves as a mirror, as a living icon of the of us and Christ - but we also need guidBiblical Christian. We are to be like her as ance. And our guide is the Church. We
we hear the Word of God: pondering,
make full use of our own personal underkeeping all these things in our hearts,
standing, assisted by the Spirit, we make
doing whatever He tells us. We are to
full use of the findings of modern Biblical
listen in obedience as God speaks.
research, but always we submit private
opinion - whether our own or that of the
Understanding the Bible through the scholars - to the total experience of the
Church throughout the ages.
In the second place, we should receive
The Orthodox standpoint here is
and interpret Scripture through the
summed up in the question asked of a
Church and in the Church. Our approach convert at the reception service used by
to the Bible is not only obedient but eccle- the Russian Church: "Do you acknowlsial. It is the Church that tells us what is
edge that the Holy Scripture must be acScripture. A book is not part of Scripture cepted and interpreted in accordance
because of any particular theory about its with the belief which has been handed
dating and authorship. Even if it could be down by the Holy Fathers, and which the
proved, for example, that the Fourth Gos- Holy Orthodox Church, our Mother, has
pel was not actually written by John the
always held and still does hold?"
beloved disciple of Christ, this would not
We read the Bible personally, but not as
alter the fact that we Orthodox accept the
(Continued on page 6)
St. Paul. MN
Church Staff and Office
40-Day Churching
March 14, 2012
Heather Hangistamoulos and baby Alexa.
March 18, 2012
Niko Negron (40 days)
Church Office Hours
8:00 AM--2:15 PM
Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius
Andrews, Presbyter
(651) 222-6220
Email: [email protected]
Address Changes
Takis & Ashley Panagiotakis 113 Hidden Oaks Circle Mankato, MN 56001-5274
Robert & Teri Solesky 23121 Highway 65 NE Bethel, MN 55005-9830
Diane Anastos 916 Trenton Lane Plymouth, MN 55441
Nickolas Loudas 619 8th St SE Apt # 105 Minneapolis, MN 55414
Lori Kurtyka,
Administrative Assistant
(651) 222-6220
Email: [email protected]
Tom Lampros,
Parish Council President
(651) 644-3924
Email: [email protected]
Festal Icons Needed
Please donate a Festal Icon (11" x 14") in memory of a loved one. The cost is $75.00 per
icon. The icons are displayed in the church nave and are put out for veneration on the
Feast Day of the Saint or event they represent. To donate an icon, fill out a form (found
on the bulletin board by the kitchen) and return it to the office.
Reva Adkins,
Philoptochos President
(651) 337-1118
Email: [email protected]
Andrea Faches,
Sunday School Director
(507) 665-8053
Email: [email protected]
Stella Hofrenning,
Greek School Director
Jennifer Argeros,
Glad Tidings—Editor
Cain Slays Abel
Email: GladTidings
Christ Feeds the 5000
Sue Gnetz & Sandra Thole,
Loaves and Fishes Coordinators
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Submissions for upcoming issues
are due by the 11th of the preceding
Forgiving the Sinful
Healing the Woman
with an Issue of Blood
page 3
Festival of Nations
Please come and enjoy the dance performances of the St. George Greek School and
the Greek Dancers of Minnesota. All performances will be held in the Roy Wilkins
Auditorium at the River Center in St.
Thursday , May 3rd
Children’s dance group at 11:00 a.m.
Children’s dance group at 2:00 p.m.
Friday, May 4th
Greek Dancers of Minnesota
Greek performance at 7:00 p.m.
Cypriot performance at 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 5th
Teen dance group at 11:30 a.m.
Children’s dance group at 12:30 p.m.
Come Receive The Light Radio
Broadcast Ends
After nine years of broadcasting in the
Twin Cities on KKMS on Saturdays, Come
Receive The Light program, regretfully,
was terminated at the end of April. We
did not have sufficient funds to sustain
the program any longer.
As you know, it has been with the blessing of MEOCCA, the generosity of many
Orthodox Christians in the Twin Cities,
many of our St. George parishioners and
especially committee members, that the
program has been broadcast weekly in the
Twin Cities on KKMS 980 AM Christian
radio station since 2003. It has been a
gratifying experience and blessing having
the opportunity of broadcasting a witness
to our faith in the Twin Cities, and for that
the committee is very thankful. Perhaps,
page 4
in the future the opportunity may arise
again. We would like to extend our appreciation and thank you for your help and
support through the years. Come Receive
the Light, internet radio, music, podcasts,
and other Orthodox programs may be
enjoyed on the web at www.myocn.net/
Register Now for Summer Camp
Summer Camp Registration is currently
open. Dates for camp are June 30th to
July 6th and the cost is $450. Scholarship
assistance is available for those families
demonstrating financial need. Please
email Fr. Rick for an application. More
information is available online at
Youth Minister Needed
Want to Work with Youth? Our parish is
seeking candidates for a paid part-time
(10-15 hours per week) youth minister.
Under the supervision of the priest, the
Thank you,
youth minister primarily works with chilDimitri Dokos on behalf of the Twin Citdren (toddlers through high school ages)
ies Radio Ministry Committee
and their parents to plan, create and lead
activities throughout the year, encouragPhiloptochos Update
ing greater participation on all levels. This
There will be no May meeting for the
Philoptochos. The June meeting will be a is challenging, yet rewarding position for
a faithful, committed person with good
social event. We will meet at the Lexington on Grand for lunch at 1pm on June 5. people and organizational skills and who
loves leading kids to Christ. Contact Fr.
Decades birthdays will be celebrated.
Please let Mary Makredes know if you are Rick for more info or to apply.
celebrating a decades birthday.
Stewardship 2012 Update
91 pledge cards have been received for a
Daughters of Penelope News
total of $113,754. That is 51% of our stewThe Daughters of Penelope are on vacation from May through August. We will ardship budget and 37% of our total
reconvene Thursday, September 20 at 7:00 budget. Remember if every parishioner
gives an average of 2% ($1.50/day) or
more of gross income, we will be a selfThe Grainfield District Convention will be supporting parish. Please consider your
held at the Crowne Plaza in Bloomington, commitment for year 2012.
MN the weekend of June 22-24. Dimitri
Dokos and Kostas Tsantir are the conven- Pew Bibles
tion co-chairs. To register, contact Marina New bibles were recently donated anonymously in memory of Fr. Parry Paraschou.
Antoniou or Becka Dokos.
May his memory be eternal. Thank you to
the donor.
Church Camp Counselors Needed
Faithful, responsible, mature young
adults and parents are encouraged to ap- Junior Olympics
ply for positions as staff/counselors for the Anyone who is interested in participating
St. Mary Summer Church Camp program in the Junior Olympics in Chicago over
the weekend of May 25-27 should email
2012. It is extremely rewarding to help
kids grow in their Orthodox Faith. If inter- Ann Drivas ([email protected]) or
Georgia Panopoulos
ested contact Fr. Rick and apply online:
([email protected]) as soon as possihttp://youth.stmarysgoc.org/
ble. They will need to know the names
We will continue to support this vital Orthodox Christian Ministry on an individual basis.
St. Paul. MN
and ages of childen who may want to participate in the various sports activities including:
Track and Field
Table Tennis
With a small number of youth, we may
have difficulty fielding for the Team
Sports, but let's see who's interested before we proceed.
Loaves & Fishes
Thanks to all who volunteered
cooking, serving and clean-up at
Loaves & Fishes on Monday, April
9th. St. George served 130 adults
and children who are always so
grateful to receive a delicious
meal. We will be serving again on
June 11th and all volunteers are
greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,
Sue Gnetz & Sandy Thole,
co-chairs, Loaves & Fishes
Please join us to celebrate the high
school graduation and future plans of
Mr. Teddy Andrews,
Saturday, June 2nd
4:00-8:00 PM
Open House at Highland Picnic Pavilion,
1200 Montreal Ave., Saint Paul, MN.
Information regarding Junior Olympics
can be found on line at
Holy Week at St. George
Greek Independence Day
page 5
(Continued from page 2)
isolated individuals. We read as the members of a family, the family of the Orthodox Catholic Church. When reading
Scripture, we say not "I" but "We." We
read in communion with all the other
members of the Body of Christ, in all parts
of the world and in all generations of
time. The decisive test and criterion for
our understanding of what the Scripture
means is the mind of the Church. The Bible is the book of the Church.
To discover this "mind of the Church,"
where do we begin? Our first step is to see
how Scripture is used in worship. How, in
particular, are Biblical lessons chosen for
reading at the different feasts? We should
also consult the writings of the Church Fathers, and consider how they interpret the
Bible. Our Orthodox manner of reading
Scripture is in this way both liturgical and
patristic. And this, as we all realize, is far
from easy to do in practice, because we
have at our disposal so few Orthodox
commentaries on Scripture available in
English, and most of the Western commentaries do not employ this liturgical
and Patristic approach.
As an example of what it means to interpret Scripture in a liturgical way, guided
by the use made of it at Church feasts, let
us look at the Old Testament lessons appointed for Vespers on the Feast of the
Annunciation. They are three in number:
Genesis 28:10-17; Jacob's dream of a ladder set up from earth to heaven; Ezekiel
43:27-44:4; the prophet's vision of the Jerusalem sanctuary, with the closed gate
through which none but the Prince may
pass; Proverbs 9:1-11: one of the great
Sophianic passages in the Old Testament,
Mary indicates, are all to be understood as
prophecies concerning the Incarnation
from the Virgin. Mary is Jacob's ladder,
supplying the flesh that God incarnate
takes upon entering our human world.
Mary is the closed gate who alone among
women bore a child while still remaining
inviolate. Mary provides the house which
Christ the Wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:24)
takes as his dwelling. Exploring in this
manner the choice of lessons for the various feasts, we discover layers of Biblical
interpretation that are by no means obvious on a first reading.
Take as another example Vespers on
Holy Saturday, the first part of the ancient
Paschal Vigil. Here we have no less than
fifteen Old Testament lessons. This sequence of lessons sets before us the whole
scheme of sacred history, while at the
same time underlining the deeper meaning of Christ's Resurrection. First among
the lessons is Genesis 1:1-13, the account
of Creation: Christ's Resurrection is a new
Creation. The fourth lesson is the book of
Jonah in its entirety, with the prophet's
three days in the belly of the whale foreshadowing Christ's Resurrection after
three days in the tomb (cf. Matthew
12:40). The sixth lesson recounts the crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites
(Exodus 13:20-15:19), which anticipates
the new Passover of Pascha whereby
Christ passes over from death to life (cf. 1
Corinthians 5:7; 10:1-4). The final lesson is
the story of the three Holy Children in the
fiery furnace (Daniel 3), once more a "type"
or prophecy of Christ's rising from the
Such is the effect of reading Scripture
ecclesially, in the Church and with the
Church. Studying the Old Testament in
beginning "Wisdom has built her house."
These texts in the Old Testament, then,
this liturgical way and using the Fathers
as their selection for the feast of the Virgin to help us, everywhere we uncover sign-
page 6
posts pointing forward to the mystery of
Christ and of His Mother. Reading the
Old Testament in the light of the New,
and the New in the light of the, Old - as
the Church's calendar encourages us to do
- we discover the unity of Holy Scripture.
One of the best ways of identifying correspondences between the Old and New
Testaments is to use a good Biblical concordance. This can often tell us more
about the meaning of Scripture than any
In Bible study groups within our parishes, it is helpful to give one person the
special task of noting whenever a particular passage in the Old or New Testament
is used for a festival or a saint's day. We
can then discuss together the reasons why
each specific passage has been so chosen.
Others in the group can be assigned to do
homework among the Fathers, using for
example the Biblical homilies of Saint
John Chrysostom (which have been translated into English). Christians need to acquire a patristic mind.
Source: http://orthodoxinfo.com/
St. Paul. MN
Service Project
Our GOYA and Jr. GOYA visited Penelope
Senior Housing on Saturday, March 24th.
We met at McDonald’s for a fish sandwich
lunch and then headed over to the senior
housing for an afternoon of Bingo with the
residents. Our kids called out numbers
and played with the folks for an afternoon
of fun, laughter, games and prizes. It’s not
clear who had more fun—the residents or
the kids!
St. George
Grand Old Day
Parking & Grilling
Jr/GOYA — Don’t forget! Sunday, June 3rd
following liturgy we’ll be parking cars at St.
George to raise money for Trinity Missions.
Please let Jean Pliakas know you are going to
be there.
Source: Little Orthodox Christian Workbook on scribd.com
page 7
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage PAID
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 177
1111 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
2012 th
th and 19
t 18
Glad Tidings
May 2012
Sts. Constantine and Helen
Divine Liturgy—9:00am
Monday, May 21
Apodosis of Pascha
Holy Confession: By Appointment
Vespers: (Sept. - May) Saturday 5:00 pm
Orthros: Sunday 9:00 am
Divine Liturgy—8:00am
Sunday School: (Sept. - May)
following Communion
Divine Liturgy: Sunday 9:30 am
Wednesday, May 23
Divine Liturgy—9:00am
Thursday, May 24
May 2012
+9:00am LITURGY
Philoptochos Mtg.
+5:00pm VESPERS
+8:15am ORTHROS
+9:30am LITURGY
MN Bible Lecture
Series on Gospel
of Mark by Fr.
Aaron Warwick
@ St. Elizabeth
*5:30pm HOPE
*7:00pm Fr. Alexis
Toth Lecture by Fr.
John Jillions at St.
Mary OCA
*7:00pm Parish
+5:00pm VESPERS
Mother's Day
+8:15am ORTHROS
+9:30am LITURGY
*12:00pm YouthCake Auction
*7:00pm Bible
Study at Fr. Rick's
*12:00pm MEOCCA
+5:00pm VESPERS
*6:00pm JOY
*4:00pm Feed
Hungry at FOCUS,
+8:15am ORTHROS
+9:30am LITURGY
+8:00am ORTHROS
+9:00am LITURGY
+8:00am LITURGY
+8:00am ORTHROS
+9:00am LITURGY
Graduation Sunday
*11:30am Prison
Ministry Sunday
*4:00pm Feed
Hungry at FOCUS,
+6:00pm VESPERS
+8:15am ORTHROS
+9:30am LITURGY
+12:30pm Memorial
Prayer Service at
Roselawn Cemetary
*4:00pm Feed
Hungry at FOCUS,
- Office Closed
Coming in June...
2 Liturgy in Eau Claire
3 +Pentecost
Grand Old Day Parking
10 +All Saints
11-29 +Apostles Fast
11 Patriarch's Nameday
Loaves & Fishes
17 Fathers' Day
22-24 Ahepa Convention
24 +Nativity of Forerunner
29 +Sts. Peter & Paul
St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105
+ Rev. Father Richard Demetrius Andrews -- Phone: (651) 222-6220 -- www.stgeorgegoc.org +
JUNE 22-24, 2012
The Ahepa & Daughters of Penelope of St. Paul are planning an exciting, enjoyable and productive
convention. We are looking forward to your participation in a full entertainment program for all ages.
Greek Night Friday June 22
Social Hour 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Dinner 7:00 PM
Come and enjoy an exciting Greek Night featuring:
Rena Sarigianopoulos Anchor & Reporter for KARE-11 TV Station Minneapolis/St. Paul.
The Greek Dancers of Minnesota, traditional Greek dancing under the direction of Angela Mortari.
Enjoy the latest songs and dance to the melodies of Dino’s Band.
Embassy Suites Hotel, 7901 34th Avenue South, Bloomington, 952-854-1000, located across from the
Crowne Plaza Hotel. Shuttle buses will be available between the hotels.
Saturday June 23
Luncheon 12:00 PM
Banquet-Social Hour 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM, Dinner 7:00 PM
Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites
The St. Paul Ahepa Chapter is Honoring the Late State Senator and Past Ahepa District Governor Sam
Solon. Come and join the Honorable Lieutenant Governor of the State of Minnesota,
Yvonne Prettner Solon who will receive a plaque in memory of her late husband Sam Solon.
Sunday June 24
St. George Greek Orthodox Church 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
Farewell Lunch 12:00 PM
See back page for more details
JUNE 22-24, 2012
Headquarters & Reservations at the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites
Three Appletree Square, Bloomington, MN
By the Airport & Mall of America
AHEPA rate $95/night until June 12. 1-800-227-6963 or 952-854-9000
Friday, June 22,
3:00 - 6:00 PM
5:30 - 7:00 PM
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Embassy Suites Hotel (Across from the Crowne Plaza Hotel)
Saturday, June 23, 8:30 - 12:00 Noon Crowne Plaza Hotel
Attention: The Friday Greek Night Event will be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel,
7901 34th Avenue South, Bloomington, 952-854-1000, located across from the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Shuttle buses will be available between the hotels.
Event Pricing
After June 12
Friday Night Greek Night
Saturday Luncheon
Saturday Banquet
Sunday Farewell Lunch
Package Price (Includes all the above) $99*
Children 12 & under - special menu**
*Purchased in advance by June 12, 2012
Name of Attendees/address/phone
Registration Type
Total Cost
Please fill in this page with your check payable to AHEPA and mail it to:
Marina Antoniou
612 Brimhall Street South
St. Paul, MN 55116
See back page for more details
Phone: 651-699-0605
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Parish Council Meeting Minutes
March 8th, 2012
Attendees: Fr. Rick Andrews, President Tom Lampros, Vice President Joe Weiser, Secretary Sophronis
Mantoles, Treasurer George Kanavati, Asst. Treasurer, Diane Anastos, Alexis Bighley, Dan Simon,
Frank Nemeth, Nanette Gomez.
Absent: Steve Zeece.
Call to Order: 7:10pm
Opening Prayers: 7:12pm
Submission of minutes: The February minutes were approved pending minor changes.
Discussion on January minutes: A correction on the Roselawn Cemetery Monument update is
needed. The final cost will not exceed the approved amount. The project is on budget and on
schedule. Previous month’s minutes on the subject were misunderstood and led to an inaccurate
report that the budget had gone beyond the agreed limit.
Financial Reports
a. Treasurer’s report: Mr. Kanavati presented the financial report for January and February.
George discussed the January financial report in more detail. Discussion about the report
format also took place. February incoming funds lower than anticipated. The statement from
Morgan Stanley investments was also presented during George’s report.
b. Audit committee report: Mr. Steve Arsenault reported on the audit committee report.
Overall no major problems were found in the accounting or representation of the financial
reports. Recommendations were made reflected on the committee report. Need a succession
plan for treasurer in the future
Master planning committee report: Mr. Steve Arsenault discussed the first major initiative
which is addition of icons in the worship area. Committee to invite a consultant to come to St.
Paul to give us recommendations.
VII. Stewardship committee: Mrs. Bighley reported that Stewardship collections are up $3000.00
for the same period of last year. She also presented the stewardship committee's report.
VIII. Building and grounds report: Mr. Dan Simon reported on the progress for the water heater,
track lighting, and some additional lights and outlet covers. Dan also reported on a furnace
repair. Dan recommended switching garbage disposal services. He will research and organize a
future proposal.
Father’s Report: Father Rick reported on the following:
a. Bibles were donated in memory of Fr. Parry Paraschou. Labels are being designed and
printed to place in each one.
b. Our annual Lenten retreat will be March 9-10 with Fr. Alexander Goussetis on “World
Religions: An Orthodox Christian Perspective.”
c. Wednesday and Friday Lenten lectures are organized. Wed. theme is “Great Lent: Journey to
Pascha” and Fri. theme is “Gifts of the Spirit”.
d. The Biennial Archdiocese Clergy Laity Congress will be July 1-5 in Phoenix Arizona.
e. Please mark calendars for Holy week and Pascha and plan ahead to attend the worship
Unfinished Business
a. BBall Tournament: Tom Lampros presented the near final report.
b. Roselawn Cemetery Monument report: Frank Nemeth reported on progress. The
monument is being fabricated. Good progress was made.
c. Judgment was not appealed: We paid the judgment ($5,075.00).
d. Art Auction - Commitment: Can each of the parish council members commits to bring 3-5
new people to the auction? The parish council response was negative.
e. Parish Assembly: Scheduled for March 18th, agenda reviewed. Council approved financials
report. The final presentation will be reviewed ahead of time.
New Business
a. Social Hall Rental: A request to rent the social for a large wedding was denied due to lack
of resources. Mrs. Bighley volunteered to do research on options for social hall rental and
report in April’s meeting.
b. Carastathis / Balkanics concert donation request: No action recommended.
c. Sunday Lenten vespers & meal: For about 100 people. Nanette volunteered to plan the
d. Investment committee: Kostas Tsantir resigned from the investment committee. Jim
Theros to be appointed to lead the committee.
e. Research Parish Council Activities: Alexis Bighley to do research on activities for the
council to do as a group.
Adjournment and Closing Prayer: 9:55pm. Motion to adjourn made by Diane seconded by
Mr. Joe Weiser.
All documents and reports submitted at the meeting are on file with the original copy of the minutes at
the church.
Tom Lampros, President
_______________, 2012
Sophronis Mantoles, Secretary
_______________, 2012
Rev. Fr. Demetrius Andrews, Presbyter
_______________, 2012
Last Saved Date: Wednesday, April 05, 2012