09.12 St. George Greek Orthodox Church VOLUME 18, ISSUE 8 SEPTEMBER 2012 St. Paul, Minnesota What is the Eucharist? By Father Tom Avramis D Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Happy Ecclesiastical New Year! We leave the summer season with memories of another wonderful Greek Festival. We look forward to several activities and ministries starting up again including Sunday School, Catechism Classes and our Church/Parish picnic. As we continue our series on the Top Ten Basics of Orthodox Christianity, we take a closer look at the Holy Eucharist/Communion. We are enhancing our preparations by reciting together the PreCommunion Prayers. I encourage you to read the articles and try to incorporate these teachings into your hearts and minds with the goal of deepening your understanding and faith. + Father Rick in this issue Regi st ry P. 3 Pari sh News P. 4-5 Yout h P. 7 uring the Divine Liturgy we pray and ask God to change what the bread and wine are by nature, into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. So great is this mystery that we are left without any possible response which would express what God has done. Therefore we offer the only answer we can: Thank you! The Bible tells us in Matthew 26:26-28 that Jesus, at the Last Supper, took bread, blessed it, distributed it, and then said, “Take eat; this is My Body.” Our Lord went on to the Cup saying, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My Blood…” This is not mere symbolism even though Jesus equates Himself with other things (Door in John 10:9; Vine in John 10:14, Good Shepherd in ?). Only in the Eucharist do we see a material element as being referred to as something other than it appears to be. Prior to the blessing and the giving of thanks the elements were ordinary bread and wine. It was only after Jesus consecrated them that the two elements became in reality the body and blood of our Lord. To this day, at every Divine Liturgy, the wine and bread are not considered to be the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ until the blessing and thanksgiving have been completed. Jesus tells that He is the bread (manna) from Heaven (John 6:35, 38). He also said to eat of this “new bread” meant never seeing death (vv.49-50). He says “…unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” (v.53) And, as if to settle completely the issue, Jesus (Continued on page 2) How to Prepare for the Eucharist by Father John Matusiak T he Eucharist is not something that should be approached lightly or casually. When we receive the Eucharist, we are given a taste of "the life of the world to come," here and now. The Holy Fathers teach us that the frequent reception of the Body and Blood of Christ brings us into a joyful union with God. At the same time, the Eucharist can condemn us if we approach it with anything less than a sense of faith and hope in the Lord's love. Our preparation for the reception of the Eucharist should involve several elements which not only emphasize its importance in our spiritual lives, but its necessity in bringing about those changes which will restore the image of God within us. Recognize the Need to Change Fr. John Matusiak Jesus Christ offers us His Body and Blood "unto life everlasting." At the same time, He of- for the reception of the Euchafers us "the forgiveness of our rist begins with our recogni(Continued on page 2) sins." Hence, our preparation (Continued from page 1) His authority as God? In this age of ra- proach the Eucharist in proper fashion. adds, “for my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed” (v.55). Those who heard these words under- tionalism it is not popular to exhibit a be- And, as St. Paul reminds us (1Co. 11:27- lief in anything that cannot be compre- 30), a proper approach is necessary in re- hended by the mind. What so many ceiving the Eucharist. The way we ap- stood completely what Jesus meant. Christians have forgotten is that our crite- proach this awesome mystery determines “Many of his disciples, when they heard it rion for believing anything as true follow- whether our participation will be a bless- said, ‘This is a hard saying; who can listen to ers of Christ is the authority of our Lord— ing in our it?’” Furthermore, so much did this teach- not our capability to comprehend what lives, or ing shock the hearers that we are told that He has done or said. whether we from that time many of Jesus’ disciples no In fact, St. Paul refers to the Eucharist as are conlonger followed Him (v.66). The fact of the the Body and Blood of Christ and goes so matter is that to this day there are still far to suggest that an improper undermany who find this a difficult teaching to standing of the Eucharist can harm our comprehend and refuse to accept it. health and could even lead to death Is our criterion for acceptance of Jesus’ demning ourselves. (1Corinthians 11:27-30). teaching based on our ability to compre- Therefore, if receiving the Eucharist is hend what He tells us or on our faith in receiving Jesus, we must take care to ap- (Continued from page 1) tion of the need to repent, to change our lives, and to seek forgiveness for the sins and offenses we have committed against The Sacrament of Confession Our Lord promises to forgive us whenever we sincerely and genuinely desire to be forgiven. Approach the Sacrament of make an attempt to overcome those things that separate us from others, for these only serve to separate us from God: "If we say that we love God and hate our broth- God and others. Spiritual growth is impossible without a desire to change our lives. Just as we cannot overcome a physical illness without first desiring to be healed, it is impossible to grow in our re- Confession without fear or embarrassment. It is an opportunity to be reunited with God and others and the means by which we might be relieved of our deepest fears, hurts, and burdens. Ask God's ers, we are liars, for if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses [1 John 4.20; Matthew 6:14]. Hence, before we can receive God's forgiveness, we must be lationship with God without the healing of our spiritual afflictions. Before receiving Holy Communion, take the time to: • reflect on your life and determine the areas in need of change and healing; forgiveness. Seek and accept the advice and guidance offered by your Spiritual Father, your pastor, whose love for you and concern for your salvation is a tangible sign of Our Lord's loving presence. willing to forgive others, as we pray in the Lord's Prayer: "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."Ask forgiveness of those against whom you have sinned. Forgive those Fr. Tom Avramis • examine your past thoughts and deeds, measuring them against the example set by Jesus Christ; • ask God to forgive you, to guide you, and to reveal His will for your life; and Be at Peace with Others On this point, Our Lord is clear. In Matthew 5:23 Christ tells us that if a wall has been built between us and someone else, • make a firm commitment to change, with God's help, those areas of your life which are inconsistent with your calling as an Orthodox Christian. we must make an attempt to be reconciled Pray and Meditate with the other person before we can offer Prayer is more than a means of communiour gift at the altar and be united to God cating with God. The ultimate goal of (Continued on page 6) and His People in the Eucharist. We must page 2 who have sinned against you. Make every attempt to heal the hurts you have caused others and to be healed of the hurts others have caused you. St. Paul. MN Registry Church Staff and Office Hours Births June 19, 2012 Alexander, son of Angie & Adam McMahon. Grandparents are Panayiotis & Aristea Kontenakis. June 18, 2012 Marika, daughter of Fr. George & Pres. Christa Dokos. Grandparents are Dimitri & Becka Dokos. Baptisms July 22, 2012 July 28, 2012 Church Office Hours (Monday-Friday) 8:00 AM--2:15 PM Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews, Presbyter (651) 222-6220 Email: [email protected] Lori Kurtyka, Administrative Assistant Evangeline & Elizabeth, daughters of Peter & Susanne Johnson. Godparents are Nick Halatsis & Scott Hoffhines. (651) 222-6220 Email: [email protected] Eleanor Sophia, Jack Iakovos & Elias, children of Wendy Petropoulos & Amil Petrin. Godparents are Mari Afendoulis, Georgia Panopoulos-Bruer & Kelly Barbes. Address Changes Haidi Fotopoulos 2801 Calloway Rd. Apt. #209 Tyler, TX 75707-1556 Evangelia Assimacopoulos 933 W. Elm St. Betty Assimacopoulos 4808 S. Sertoma Ave. Sioux Falls, SD 57106-4800 Peter & Sonia Vellis 10 Millstone Terrace Bedford, NH 03110-4236 Dinos Constantine 315 E. New England Ave. Unit #16 Winter Park, FL 32789-4477 Evanthia Thomaidis 2259 Rockwood Ave. Apt. #607 Tom Lampros, Parish Council President (651) 644-3924 Email: [email protected] Reva Adkins, Philoptochos President (651) 337-1118 Email: [email protected] Litchfield Park, AZ 85340-5095 St. Paul, MN 55116-3125 Festal Icons Needed Andrea Faches, Sunday School Director (507) 665-8053 Email: [email protected] Stella Hofrenning, Greek School Director 651-917-2668 Jennifer Argeros, Glad Tidings—Editor Please donate a Festal Icon (11" x 14") in memory of a loved one. The cost is $75.00 per icon. The icons are displayed in the church nave and are put out for veneration on the Feast Day of the Saint or event they represent. To donate an icon, fill out a form (found on the bulletin board by the kitchen) and return it to the office. Email: GladTidings @stgeorgegoc.org Sue Gnetz & Sandra Thole, Loaves and Fishes Coordinators Email: [email protected], [email protected] Submissions for upcoming issues are due by the 11th of the preceding month. Patriarch Isaac Patriarch Jacob page 3 Parish News Church Picnic Save the Date! Our annual parish picnic will take place on Sunday, September 16th immediately following the Divine Liturgy right here on our 1111 Summit property. As always we will have good food, fantastic fellowship and games for the kids. Stay tuned for more details. No Parking on Summit Avenue On Sunday September 9th from 8am12pm, the westbound lanes will be used for the Saint Paul Classic Bike Tour and no parking will be allowed on the north side of Summit Avenue. Signs will be posted and please plan accordingly. Fall Catechism Classes Starting Classes start Tuesday, September 11th and run for 12 weeks. The classes are an Introduction to Orthodox Christianity and are required if one is preparing for conversion through Baptism and Chrismation. The class is also open to anyone seeking more information about Orthodoxy without obligation to convert. For more information, consult the parish website or ask Fr Rick. Youth Minister Still Needed Our parish is seeking candidates for a paid part-time (10-15 hours per week) youth minister. Under the supervision of the priest, the youth minister primarily works with children (toddlers through Fall Family Camp Set for October 12-14, Dr. Harry Boosalis high school ages) and their parents to will speak on the theme: Praxis Makes plan, create and lead activities throughout Perfect- the Practice of Love and Prayer. the year, encouraging greater participaRegister early, space is limited. Question on all levels. This is challenging, yet tions? Contact Cindy Karos at rewarding position for a faithful, [email protected] or at 952-929-6371. $89/ ted person with good people and organadult, $68/kids ages 12-18, $55/kids ages 3 izational skills and who loves leading kids -11, free for kids ages 0-2. to Christ. Contact Fr. Rick for more info or to apply. Loaves & Fishes Update Thanks to all who helped cook, serve and Maids of Athena & Sons of Pericles clean-up at Loaves & Fishes Monday, Au- The Minneapolis chapters of Ahepa and gust 13th. We served over 100 hungry the Daughters of Penelope are restarting adults and children and your help is truly their youth chapters. The age is 14 and appreciated. Without our volunteers this older. These organizations supplement outreach program could not be done. We the church youth program with philanare still looking for a chair person or cothropic, educational, and mission activichair persons to take over this program. If ties. Anyone interested may contact is Anyou have any questions please feel free to gie Speliopoulos 612-481-9292. call Sandy Thole or Sue Gnetz. Philoptochos Update Please note the following schedule: Trinity Mission The food drive for Trinity Mission contin- Sun. 9/1: Special tray collection for HC/ ues throughout the year. Some people HC scholarships have much more than they need and then Sat./Sun. 11/17-18: Bake Sale there is the growing population of poor Sat. 12/1: Philoptochos/Daughters of that need so much; including basic human Penelope Christmas Luncheon necessities like food, clothing and shelter. Tues. 9/11, 10/2, 11/6: meeting at 1:30pm Please remember those who cannot afford December & January on vacation. food while you are grocery shopping, and Daughters of Penelope News purchase one or more extra items for Please note the upcoming schedule: them. Trinity Mission accepts donations Thurs. 9/20 & 10/18: meeting at 7pm of any non-perishable food. A list of the items needed is posted in the lower level November—January: on vacation Sat. 12/1: Christmas luncheon of St. George, by the red bins labeled "Trinity Mission". Thank you! Congratulations to Tessa Pliakas, one of If you have any questions and/or you would like to assist in this rewarding ministry please contact Andrea Faches, 507665-8053 or [email protected]. Focus on FOCUS The food shelf is extremely low at the FOCUS center this summer; demand is running high. Please bring canned or nonperishing items to the church and they will be delivered to FOCUS. Thank you in advance. Summer Reception a Success Thank you to Alexis & John Bighley for Back to Sunday School hosting a summer reception at their home The Sunday School year begins on Sepon July 19th. Forty-nine people attended tember 9th, 2012. Please register your and engaged in lots of conversations. We child(ren) online at http://www.nickslook forward to the next gathering spontrip.org/meocca/SundaySchoolForm.html. sored by stewardship committee. page 4 the 2012 District Scholarship recipients. Elaine Koutsoukos of Antigone Chepter 35 is the 2012-13 District Governor. Congratulations to her. May the memory of Mrs. Mary Boosalis, our beloved sister n Theta Pi, be eternal. St. Paul. MN Taste of Greece Festival St. Mary’s GOC will have their festival on Friday September 7th through Sunday September 9th. Tickets are available on line at www.mplsgreekfest.org or by calling 612-825-9595. Thank you! To all our volunteers, especially our co-chairs, Jean Pliakas & Penny Davidson and their committee, who worked preparing beforehand and during our Greek Festival! Fall Harvest Dinner Holy Trinity Orthodox Church will host a Fall Harvest Dinner on Sunday, September 16th at 11:30am. Adults $10, Children 5-12 $5. The church is located at 523 First St., Clayton, Wisconsin. St Mary’s OCA Taste of Northeast Festival Join St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral in NE Minneapolis, Saturday, September 29th from 11am-8pm for their 2nd annual event. Please see flyer in the social hall or contact the church office for details. Greek Festival 2012 Job well done! page 5 (Continued from page 2) Fast reminded to "lay aside all earthly cares" in prayer is to consciously experience the When we fast, we refrain from unneces- order to "receive the King of All." The re- very presence of God in our lives at all sary foods and entertainments which ception of Holy Communion fulfills and times. Before receiving Holy Communion, serve to complicate or control our lives. completes all that precedes it. Be present thoughtfully pray at least the prayers con- The general practice among all Orthodox at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. In tained in this booklet, which place us in fact, arrive a little early and allow yourself Christians is to fast at least from the night God's presence and enable us to approach before the reception of the Eucharist. time to settle in to your surroundings, to the Eucharist with the proper spiritual place yourself in God's presence, and to Hence, you should refrain from eating, attitude. You will find other prayers in the drinking, smoking, or any other activities achieve a sense of internal peace and many prayer books that are readily avail- or things which would distract you from calm. Before the Liturgy, refrain from un- able. Spend some time in silence, striving reflecting on the meaning of the Eucharist necessary conversation. [Coffee hour is to hear the voice of Our Lord and to dis- and the changes you hope to accomplish the proper place for fellowship.] Reflect cern His presence. Read and meditate on in your life. [Some Orthodox Christians on the psalms being chanted during the Scriptural passages. The Old Testament observe a custom by which they fast one, Hours. During the Liturgy sing the hymns books of Proverbs and Psalms contain a two, or three days.] Common sense, of and focus your attention on their meaning great deal of wisdom, as do the New Tes- course, should be employed, especially in in your own life. Worship with an aware- tament epistles, especially those of Saint the case of children, the elderly, those on ness of those around you, accepting them John. The writings of the Holy Fathers medication, those on special medical di- as "fellow ministers" rather than distrac- and the lives of the saints also provide ets, and so forth. When in doubt as to the tions. Approach the chalice with a spirit, deep inspiration and food for thought. meaning or extent of fasting as a prepara- of humility, thanking Our Lord for mak- tion for the Eucharist, consult your Spiri- ing us worthy to receive His heavenly tual Father. gifts. It is highly improper to approach the Participate in the Vespers and Orthros Saturday Vespers and Sunday Orthros/ chalice if you willfully arrive late for the Matins prepare us liturgically for the cele- Participate in the Entire Divine Liturgy Divine Liturgy, especially after the Scrip- bration of the Eucharist. After attending If you were invited to a dinner at the ture readings. However; common sense these services, refrain from boisterous en- White House, you would never think of should be used when you arrive late tertainments and other things which hin- arriving late. The Divine Liturgy, the through no fault of your own [that is, if der a prayerful, reflective mood. It is im- Heavenly Banquet at which the host is you had car trouble or if you encountered proper to receive the Eucharist the morn- none other than God Himself, is an even unexpected traffic delays]. ing after a party which ran until the wee more important event. Every part of the hours of the morning. If you must tend to Liturgy prepares us for the reception of a social obligation the night before the the Eucharist. The Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy, graciously curtail your activities which centers around the reading of at a reasonable hour to allow yourself Scripture, challenges us to approach God time to prepare for the reception of the and one another in the proper spirit. Saint Eucharist. Cyril of Jerusalem tells us that hearing the Word of God is, in fact, the first sacrament we receive during the Divine Liturgy. As we begin the Eucharistic Liturgy, we are page 6 St. Paul. MN Back-to-School Time! The Sunday School year begins September 9th, 2012. Please register your child(ren) for class so that we can make our attendance roles and prepare for another year of youth religious education. Register online at http:// www.nicks-trip.org/meocca/SundaySchoolForm.html. St. George Youth Remember, we encourage strong student participation and recognize all students who attend 75% of this year`s classes. Please help your student to meet this goal. Thanks to all who have participated in making our Sunday School such a success. If you have any questions and/or you would like to assist in this rewarding ministry please contact Andrea Faches, 507-665-8053 or [email protected]. Children are the lambs of the flock. Christ said to the church, “Feed my lambs.” The lambs belong to the sheep and the sheep to the Shepherd. Rev. J. J. Barnhardt. Summer Camp 2012 Sixteen youth from St. George participated in the St. Mary Church Camp program from June 30—July 6 at Camp Wapogasset in Amery, Wisconsin. page 7 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 177 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 1111 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 Phone Fax 651.222.6220 651.225.9276 www.stgeorgegoc.org Glad Tidings September 2012 WEEKDAY WORSHIP SCHE SCHEDULE DULE Elevation of the Cross Vespers—Thursday, September 12, 6:00pm Orthros—Friday, September 14, 8:00am Divine Liturgy—Friday, September 14, 9:00am REGULAR WEEKLY SERVICES Holy Confession: By Appointment Vespers: (Sept. - May) Saturday 5:00 pm Orthros: Sunday 9:00 am St. Sophia Divine Liturgy—Monday, September 17, 9:00am St. Euphrosyne Divine Liturgy—Tuesday, September 25, 9:00am Sunday School: (Sept. - May) following Communion Divine Liturgy: Sunday 9:30 am September 2012 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Coming in October... +ECCLESIASTICAL NEW YEAR 8 Columbus Day Holiday 12-14 Family Camp- Amery, Wisc. 12-14 Metropolis Choir Conf., Chicago IL 14 St. Paraskeva Petka of Romania 23 St. Iakovos- Brother of the Lord 26 St. Demetrios the Great Martyr 27 Liturgy in Eau Claire, Wisconsin 28 Holy Protection Feast & Oxi Day 2 +13TH SUN. MATTHEW 3 LABOR DAY Office Closed 4 +PROPHET MOSES 5 6 +FAST DAY 7 +FAST DAY 8 +NATIVITY OF THEOTOKOS +8:15am ORTHROS +9:30am LITURGY +8:00am ORTHROS +9:00am LITURGY 9 10 11 +SUNDAY B4 CROSS 12 13 +FAST DAY +8:15am ORTHROS +9:30am LITURGY *11:30am Sunday School Classes Begin *12:00pm Acolyte Training 14 15 +ELEVATION OF CROSS - STRICT FAST DAY +6:00pm VESPERS *7:00pm Catechism Class w/ Fr. Rick +8:00am ORTHROS +9:00am LITURGY *7:00pm Parish Council *4:00pm Feed the Hungry at FOCUS, MN 16 +SUNDAY AFT. CROSS +ST. EUPHEMIA +8:15am ORTHROS +9:30am LITURGY 17 18 +ST. SOPHIA 20 +ST. EUSTATHIOS 21 22 28 29 +FAST DAY +9:00am LITURGY *12:00pm Church Picnic on parish grounds *7:00pm Bible Study at Fr. Rick's Home *4:00pm Feed the Hungry at FOCUS, MN *7:00pm Catechism Class 23 +1ST SUN. LUKE +CONCEPTION OF FORERUNNER +8:15am ORTHROS +9:30am LITURGY 19 +FAST DAY 24 +MARTYRS ST. THEKLA & ST. JUVENAL OF ALASKA 25 +ST. EUPHROSYNE +9:00am LITURGY 26 +FAST DAY +DORMITION OF ST. JOHN THEOLOGIAN 27 +FAST DAY +9:30am Divine Liturgy in Eau Claire, WI *1:00pm Missions & Benevolence *7:00pm Catechism Meeting Class *4:00pm Feed the Hungry at FOCUS, MN 30 +2ND SUN. LUKE +8:15am ORTHROS +9:30am LITURGY St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105 + Rev. Father Richard Demetrius Andrews -- Phone: (651) 222-6220 -- www.stgeorgegoc.org + Minnesota Eastern Orthodox Christian Clergy Association www.meocca.org Rev. Fr. Richard Andrews, Catechism Coordinator C/O St. George Greek Orthodox Church 1111 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Phone 651-222-6220 Fax 651-225-9276 INTRODUCTION TO ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY FALL 2012 Tuesdays 7:00-9:00PM DATE September 11 September 18 September 25 October 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30 November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27 December 4 TOPIC Introduction God- Holy Trinity Mankind- Creation, the Fall, Messiah Christ I- Incarnation, Theotokos & Saints Christ II- His Work & Teachings Church I- Birth, Mission, Structure Church II- Councils, Creeds, Bible, Tradition Sacraments I- Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, Unction Sacraments II- Eucharist, Liturgy, Worship, Prayer Sacraments III- Marriage & Monasticism NO CLASS – THANKSGIVING WEEK HOLIDAY The Goal- Second Coming & Living the Christian Life Conclusion- Orthodoxy in America, Jurisdictions, Q&A INSTRUCTOR Fr. Richard Andrews Dcn. Paul Gavrilyuk Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik Fr. Thomas Begley Fr. Paul Wesche Fr. Jonathan Proctor Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik Fr. Thomas Begley Fr. Paul Wesche Fr. Andrew Morbey Fr. Richard Andrews Fr. Andrew Morbey Texts: Introducing the Orthodox Church by Anthony Coniaris, The Orthodox Church by Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Way by Ware, The Faith by Clark Carlton. Cost: FREE (Sponsored by Clergy Association) Location: St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105, 651-222-6220, www.stgeorgegoc.org REGISTRATION FORM NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: ARE YOU ORTHODOX: YES NO (circle one) IF NO, WHAT RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: PARISH: WHAT BEST DESCRIBES WHY YOU ARE ATTENDING THIS CLASS: 1. Just interested in learning more about the Orthodox Faith. 2. Seeking to prepare to join the Orthodox Christian Faith. 3. Not sure yet. REGISTRATION FEE: FREE PREFERRED BOOK: 1 Instructors Fr. Richard Andrews is pastor of St. George Greek Orthodox Christian Church in St. Paul, MN and a volunteer chaplain with the St. Paul Police Department. He is a graduate of University of Minnesota (BS 1988) Minneapolis, MN and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MDiv 1994) Boston, MA. Fr. Thomas Begley is priest/pastor of St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in West St. Paul, MN and Dean of the Midwest Deanery of the Diocese of Toledo, of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese. He is a graduate of Hope College in Holland, MI, (BA 1974) and Oral Robets Seminary, (MDiv. 1984). He attended St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary, Crestwood, NY (1983-84). Deacon Paul Gavrilyuk serves at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church (OCA) in St Paul. He holds a Ph.D. in the History of Christianity from Southern Methodist University (2001) and a B. S. in Theoretical Physics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1993). He is Associate Professor of Historical Theology at the University of St Thomas specializing in Early Church History and Modern Russian Theology. His books include The Suffering of the Impassible God: The Dialectics of Patristic Thought (Oxford, 2004) and A History of the Catechumenate in the Early Church (Cerf, 2008; in French; Russian edn. 2001). Fr Andrew Morbey is Dean of St Mary's Orthodox Cathedral in northeast Minneapolis. His degrees are in English (BA, MA, and PhD course work; Carleton University and University of Ottawa) and Theology (MDiv, ThM, and PhD course work; St Vladimir's Seminary, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, and at the University of Birmingham, UK). He taught various subjects in Theology at the University of St Paul in Ottawa, Canada 1998 - 2003 prior to moving to Minneapolis. Fr. Jonathan Proctor is priest/pastor of Holy Trinity Orthodox Christian Church in Saint Paul. He is a graduate of the University of the Witwatersrand (BA) and St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary (MDiv 1990), New York, NY, and studied theology at the University of Athens, Greece. Fr. Paul Wesche is priest/pastor of St. Herman’s Orthodox Christian Church in South Minneapolis. He is a graduate of Nazarene Theological Seminary (Masters of Divinity), Kansas City, MO and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary (Masters of Theology), Crestwood, NY, and Fordham University (Ph.D in Patristics 1986), New York, NY. Fr. Thaddeus Wojcik is a retired priest who serves at various parishes including Holy Assumption Orthodox Church in Lublin, WI, St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Stanley, WI., and St. Mary's Orthodox Church in Cornucopia, WI. He is Dean Emeritus of the Minneapolis Deanery in the Midwest Diocese of the Orthodox Church of America. Currently, an Adjunct Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN (since 2005). He is a graduate of University of Minnesota (BA, 1964) and St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary (M.Div. 1968). 2 St George Greek Orthodox Church 2012-2013 Starting Date: Sept. 9, 2012 Student Registration Form For Online Registration: http://www.nickstrip.org/meocca/SundaySchoolForm.html Parent Information Name(s): _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________Emergency Contact/Cell Number: ___________________ Student Information Name/DOB/Grade in Fall/Email: ______________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall/Email: ______________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall/Email: ______________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall/Email: ______________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall/Email: ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Contributions: I am interested in helping in the following way: Teacher Substitute Teacher Arts/Craft Program Assistant Teacher Class Room Assistant Administration Music Program Policy Development Other____________________________ _ See Back for IMPORTANT information 2012 – 2013 St. George Greek Orthodox Church SUNDAY SCHOOL CALENDAR CLASSES TO BE HELD UNLESS NOTED Sept. 9 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sunday School Begins/Church Picnic Elevation of the Cross OCF Sunday Oct. 12 Oct. 28 FAMILY CAMP OXI DAY – Greek School Program Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 4 15 18 25 NO SS Classes Philoptochos & Patriarchate Sunday (Nativity Fast Begins Nov. 15) IOCC Sunday; Philoptochos Bake Sale Thanksgiving Weekend Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 No SS Classes Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 6 13 20 27 No SS Classes No SS Classes Christmas Break Vasilopita Sunday Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 3 10 17 24 St. George Oratorical Fest.–Godparent/Godchild/Newcomer Day GOYAL Western Region Tournament – Milwaukee, WI Mar. 3 March 10 March 17 Mar. 24 No SS Classes Mar. 31 April April April April Program rehearsal Program rehearsal Program Rehearsal Program Break Meatfare Sunday Cheesefare & Forgiveness Sunday Great Lent begins March 18 Sunday of Orthodoxy – Procession of Icons 7 14 21 28 No SS Classes Sunday of the Holy Cross – Procession with crosses No SS Classes Palm Sunday May 5 May 12 May 19 No SS Classes Holy Pascha/Festival of Nations Mother’s Day – Last Regular Class Graduation Sunday Graduation Proposed Calendar – 5/2012 1 e k s a P M e s r i fe x c a r t The Practice of Love : P and Prayer Join us this October as welcome as our featured speaker our own Dr. Harry Boosalis, Th.D, professor of dogmatic theology at St. Tikhon’s Seminary and nationally renowned parish and clergy retreat leader. Dr. Boosalis will lead us as we explore the theme, “Praxis Makes Perfect: The Practice of Love and Prayer.” The weekend will include presentation, Q & A, and practical application for all! Family Camp is a great opportunity to share a weekend of fun and spiritual growth with your family and other Twin Cities Orthodox friends at a beautiful retreat center only 1½ hours away! Families will eat, worship, learn, and play together! Age appropriate activities and sessions are planned for children and teens while parents attend the presentation/discussion groups. Each family has a private sleeping area with a bathroom. What a wonderful way to introduce a new camper to their summer camping destination! Registration: Space is Limited! Register early and spread the word to your family and friends. Registration fees include two nights lodging, five meals, all programming and tons of fun! Over 18………….$89.00 Age 12-18……….$68.00 Age 3-11……….$55.00 Age 0-2………...Free Maximum Family Fee is $350 Non Refundable after October 1, 2012. Questions? Contact Paul or Cindy Karos at [email protected] or at (952) 929-6371. Registration forms available at all Orthodox Churches or at www.stmarysgoc.org. St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church 3450 Irving Avenue South • Minneapolis, MN 55408 (612) 825-2525 Family Camp 2012 October 12-14 Camp Wapogasset, in Amery, Wisconsin the beautiful home of St. Mary’s Summer Camp St. Mary’s Family Camp Registration 2012 Name: ________________________ Phone: _____________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: _____________________ E-Mail _____________ State: _____ Zip Code: _____ Home Parish: _____________________ Parent(s)_______________________________amount:__________ Parent(s)____________________________amount:_________ Children age: grade: amount: _____________________________________ ______ ______ _____________________________________ ______ ______ _____________________________________ ______ ______ _____________________________________ ______ ______ Total amount due for the family: ___________________________ Rooms sleep eight people. Is there someone (family, friends) with whom you would be willing to share a room? Yes__ No__ Who?_________________________ Arrival will begin on Friday at 4 pm. We plan to have dinner at 6 pm Friday night. The weekend will conclude Sunday following Liturgy and brunch. What time do you anticipate arriving at camp? ___________ Check in will be held at Crossfire Hall where room assignments will be available. We have the opportunity to hire qualified staff for the high ropes course. For a small additional fee, how many from your family (13 years +) would be interested? ___ (informational only—commitments will be made later) Register Early! Limited Space! Adults over 18 ... ……$89.00 Age 3-11. ............ $55.00 Age 12-17………………$68.00 Age 0-2 .............. FREE Maximum family fee is $350. NON-REFUNDABLE AFTER OCTOBER 1ST Send completed forms and payment to: St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church, 3450 Irving Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55408. Attn: Family Camp. Registration is first come, first served upon receipt of payment. Please contact your parish priest for financial assistance.
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