23 PRICE CENTS fe^^s^ ^I^xJames ^^^^? * ^a ' Sport"' AMEnicAN -1, Harry 21 \farren street. Braid ! YARDok i;....,"' Publishing New YorK "iieil jr""Mj"a''^ Co. AJGt.SPALDmd MAINTAIN ...^ I; :/'"' THEIR ^^ COMPLETE Athletic A,., ^^PiIe , " IN HOUSES DISTRIBUTINa rOR THE FOLLOWING ikos: " OWN THE LINE OF '";" %^ .^\ Goods CITIES . isiMLLDINGTRADE-MARK liiroiJNDAriON OF THE SPALDING ";^_^':" IS'f HEiS;--!!^ PlJSINESSii| Size, 5%x8 Binding is in Blue Cover Cloth with Including Design Stamped in Gold PRICE $2.00 600 115 Full NET inches; Pages Page Plat-s a Series of Cartoons by Horner C Davenport Americans National Game By A, G. SPALDING Price, $2.00 Net book A with of 600 100 over pages, full page forceful Davenport, the famous sixteen No to man write on profuselyillustrated engravings, and cartoons by Homer American having C. artist. in America is better equipped tional allthe varied phasesof the Na- Game than is A. G. Spalding. His observationand experiencebegan when the He gained fame as a was game young. pitcher forty years ago, winning a record as playerthat has never yet been equalled. of He was associatedwith the management the pastime throughtryingyears of struggle evils. He opposedthe againstprevailing gamblers; he foughtto eradicate drunkenness he urged and introduced and higheridealsfor new the sport ; he was quickto see thaj ball playing and the businessmanagement of clubs, time at the same and by the same were ticable impracmen, ; he knew that ball players ; mightbe quitecompetent the as magnates, but not while playing he was in the forefront of the fight cating againstsyndiBase Ball and making of a Nation's pastimea sordid the pioneer to lead competing American Trust; he was Base Ball teams land ; he took two champion to a foreign teams to Great Britainin 1 874, and two others on a tour of the world in 1888-9 ; he was present at the birth of the National League, and has done as much as any living American to upholdand prolong the lifeof thisgreat pioneer Base Ball organization. When A. G. Spaldingtalks about America's National Game he speaksby authority of that he does know, because game ; Ke has been in the councilsof the management there have been times of whenever endeavor to purge it from abuses and keep it clean for the peopleof America and old young In thiswork Mr. Spalding, after explaining the causes that led him into the undertaking, beginswith the inception of the sport ; shows how it developed, by natural stages bats and bases; from a boy with a ballto eighteen ball, men, of system to application givescreditfor the firstscientific the playing of the game to Abner Doubleday,of CoopersBase Ball club ; shows how town, N. Y.; treats of the first rowdyismterrorizedthe sport in itsearlydays; how gambling and drunkenness brought the pastime into disfavor with the masses, and how earlyorganizations unable were He then to control the evils that insidiously crept in. draws a series of very forcefulpictures of the struggle to eradicategambling, drunkenness and kindred evils, and shows the salvationof how the effortsof strong men accomplished the great American game and placeditin the position itoccupies to-day the most popularoutdoor pastimein the world. this interesting book are reminiscences Interspersed throughout of Mr. Spalding's observationsand own personal in the game and magnate, as experiences player, manager Some of these stories coveringa periodof many years. deal with events of great import to Base Ball,and others have to do with personal of players acts and characteristics prominentin the game in earlierdays old time favorites likeHarry and George Wright,A. C. Anson, Mike Kelly, Billy Sunday and others. This book should be in the library of every father in the land, for itshows how his boy may be builtup physically and morallythrougha high-class pastime. It should be in the hands of every lad in America, for it demonstrates the strenuous " " " of eminent to American to heights possibilities youthof rising material success througha determined adherence to things that make for the upbuilding of characterin organizations as well as of men. of priceby Mailed postpaid on receipt (seeliston insidefront cover), or American Sports by the Publishing 21 Warren Spaldingstore publishers, any Company Street, New York SPALDING Givingthe CL ^ ATHLETIC Titles of all Spalding Athletic LibraryBooks in print, grouped for ready reference c" SPALDING No I OFFICIAL Official Official Official Official Spalding': Spalding': Spalding'! Spalding': Spalding'! Spalding'! Spalding'! Spalding'! Spalding'! Spalding'! Spalding'! Spalding'! lA IC 2 2A 4 6 7 7A 8 9 2A Official Official Official Official Official Official Base Ball Base Ball College Spalding's Official Base ^-"^ -^ Guide Record Base Ball Annual Ball Guide Soccer Ball Guide Foot Annual Tennis Lawn Guide Ice Hockey Guide Ball Basket Women's Basket Ball Guid" Foot Guide Ball Ball Base Indoor Athletic BALL FOOT No, Guide Rules Base Ball 1 now ANNUALS Lacrosse Official Official Group No. LIBRARY AUXILIARY Official Rugby 351 Foot Ball Guide Guide. No. lA Official Base No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. ic College Base 202 223 232 230 229 225 226 227 228 224 How How How How How How How How How How How No. to Play Ball Ball Base Record. Annual. Ball. to Bat. to Run No. to Catch. Play First Base. Base. Play Second to Play Third Base. to Play Shortstop. to Play the Outfield. r Ball to Organize a Base [Club. League. How to Organize Base Ball a How Base to Manage Ball a to ^ No. 219 How Ball Team to Train a Base How to Captain Base Ball a How to Umpire [Team a Game. Technical Ball Terms. Base of Base Ball Ready Reckoner Hochey Group VI. Spalding's OfficialIce Hockey No. No. No. No. Guide. How to Play Ice Field Hockey. 304 154 Hockey. Hockey. 188 ""Parlor Hockey. (Lawn No. (Garden Hockey. 350 BASE No. No. 355 356 No. 340 How No. No. AUXILIARIES Base Ball Guide League Minor Official Book National League of Prof. Base Ball Clubs. Official Handbook National Ball Assn. Playground Group II. Foot Ball No.2 Spalding's OfficialFoot Ball Guide No. 344 A Digest of the Foot Ball Rules No. 324 How to Play Foot Ball. No. 2a Spalding's OfficialSoccer Foot Ball Guide. How No. 286 to Play Soccer. How to Play Rugby. No. 335 ANY OF THE ABOVE Guide. Ball No. Official Basket Spalding's 7 Official Women's Ball Guide. Ball. to Play Basket Spalding's 7a Basket to Score. BALL Dasher Ball Group VII. Percentages. 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Athletic College 27 182 156 87 Athletic No. No. No. No. No. No. [Thrower. Running. No. How Become to Weight a Official Sporting Rules. No. for SchoolAthletic Training No. Marathon Running. [boys. Schoolyard Athletics. and Competition. Walking for Health 259 55 246 317 331 342 No. AUXILIARIES ATHLETIC Official HandNo. 357 Intercollegiate Girls' Athletics. No. 314 [book. No. 302 Y. M. C. A. Official Handbook. Public Schools Athletic No.313 Official Handbook. League No. 308 Official Handbook New York A. A. Interscholastic Official Handbook No. 347 P. S. A. L. of San Francisco. XIII. croup Yiii No. No. 177 296 128 209 178 No. No. 282 No. No, No. How Speed How How How ANY Accompilsnments to Swim. Roller OF THE 236 ( By Breck.) Fencing. Boxing. ( By Senac.) Fencing. Wrestling. 191 289 How to Wrestle. Ground Tumbling JiuJitsu. How Indian to Swing Clubs. Dumb Bell Exercises. Clubs Indian and Dumb Bells. Medicine Ball Exercises. Exercises. Pulley Weight How the Bag. to Punch for Amateurs. Tumbling 326 Professional 102 233 166 200 143 262 29 Wrestling. 104 Gymnastics Grading of Gymnastic cises. ExerBell Drills. Cali Graded 214 ics st hen and 254 Barnjum Bar Bell Drill. [Games 158 Indoor and Outdoor Gymnastic 124 How to Become a Gymnast. 287 Bell and MarchFancy Dumb ing Drills. 327 Pyramid Building Without 328 329 Apparatus. Exercises on the Parallel Bars. Pyramid with Building Wands, Chairs and Ladders. GYMNASTIC 345 AUXILIARY Official Handbook I. C. A. of America. Gymnasts A. Group XVI. culture Physical No. 161 Exercise No. 149 No. No. No. No. No. No. 185 213 238 234 261 285 10 Minutes' Men. Scientific and Care Physical of the for Busy Training Body. and Physical Education HyHints Health. on [giene. 285 Health Answers. Muscle Building. School Tacticsand Maze RunTensing Exercises. [ning. Health by Muscular nastics. Gym- Swimming. Row. to No. 288 Become a Skater. for Bicycling. to Train to Canoeing. 23 140 No. 208 Atnietlc rpnnn 18 162 165 [Dumb to Sprint. How 100 Yards. 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"i^^"*' Ja,uies .Braid,_Opeii Chauipion. ."^'^ \ ANNOUNCEMENT In the 1908 and Great Braid's 1910. Britain and on Braid, Open book the ^golf,says " the than will find in nine much the be the Guide of Champion Continent, and How and 1906, 1905, sale enormous an is admitted out throughbe to by published. ever publication on the straightforwardlywritten, Champion and more a had leading British contains at Ltd., of of game : Simply you has of its kind golf experts the best book "Golfing," publish with we England, their copyrighted book, "Golf Play Golf," by James to Library, Sports Publishing Company, British of the consent London, Spalding's Athletic of this issue solid useful and out information of ten Braid higher price. Though first to man disclaim any treatises the to of himself literarystylefor golf played by the is a a suggestion of literary frills,and plain and lucid book photographs and of man who inch square would his little effort, wrote to the it. "'^ * with some point, * Sports CI.A311)035 Publishing It without capital diagrams." America'N' out probably practicalinstructions,penned illustrated book golf brought on style is there, nevertheless, direct,honest, and like the game Braid's Co. '^\ CONTENTS I. II. III. IV. V. Beginners' of Tuition Method . Upward VII. The Top VIII. The Downward The Swing . Slicing XII. Playing in XIII. Brassey Play XV. Play Cleek . Ball Long and XIV. Driving Stroke the Pulling XI. in Driving Swing of the Finishing in Swing The X. . Address and VI. IX. Club the Grip to Stance Clubs the Choosing How Ideas Wrong a . Wind . Clubs Iron with . Shots . XVI. The Iron . XVII. The XVIII. The Mashie The Niblick XIX. . . . S"..:; Running-up . XX. XXI. Putting Playing . the 100 Round . Spalding's Library, Athletic 1. When of game outset, with driver abandon it his all and it is thought an in the demands is game in meet with surely is in that favour look club fact a upwards some proper the their which the most side of of the in man in learn to swing back and their game a the before lifetime there them. hardest, how played more reverse there more larly regu- The things and to striking the without throughout careful golf, and count properly the No the skill of game. well possesses generally are years the who man golf of degrees the ficiency, pro- adaptable of In that almost that and and just punishment. small hole years not Hi play to of are must game. and than ball a he result accuracy that players go through method, the very driving long thing, athletic scientific shots ten the to near most as scientific which easiest takes the of thing easy difficult acquired of more in game no quite painstaking practice study game no be strike capable exponent a of to the about the being shots case out cases notions exceedingly to and and nine from short is onl\^ patient most In watches one even persons, far so placing time, every life. the to at the unlearn to attempted never preconceived that when seems has he himself devote generally something his in realise balls has though even a must he golf will he that first decides man a IDEAS. WRONG BEGINNERS' suffers it times some- raise his ball" in acquiring the accordingly. Spalding^s Athletic If the beginner difficultyof the about be can that him tell then he that practice the will follow not the all that few lessons that it game is so it will as and the worth well back as him, to the golfer the as does as to how " he not part to make he first thinks it, and exercise and of skill, and be himself that satisfied. he it make while can he a be he will do nothing will has be spondingly corre- acquired as he as comes added it to air that every one soon is be who his have that if he for his he when attitude life he But that and will the gets done, more stantly con- manner wants. has golfing won a put it,and him yearning he such be that before throughout men all in may himself to in which would that indifferent be may them he golf up say as ambitious keenly games play himself," take will other can and He game. plays may never The of fresh he other long he the find will He little bit a constantly so no will speedily find, spite of fool a towards will so first his forgotten everything he with will persistence. badly or has that skill himself player he dull game that he before, always does, his finds well takes as of reward The it as that, because months the when elated and ; be after difficulties and that in learned The after-years. days seems it does will much as of thousands the that. may painstaking studentship from many some of and almost playing on it because had he that in do One inevitably endure, his far disappointments its intensely aggravated right of him fascinate and him interest must be will It uninteresting. and he period necessity of taking drudgery undergo, truth simple great deal. to that 5 this the a the all have of gained despite disappointments severe have reahse to and game, will seriously,he it most brought Library. he championships in more ever still as the beginner hit the to and weaknesses their realise who ball when all at for long finds even Library, Athletic Spaldmg's 6 skill more be it to taking matter a full a just swing much as of difficulty at it with a driver. under of .advice his career will have that it would the game do to this on the rather be alone people, and with ball they go little very out little with far satisfaction less of kind some again very these when progress is annoying more his about ignorant though as he match who one golf in he would has in the in his all matched admit and and way with In and life, will his makes a he matters, man who will it his boast come to but who goes sort of the wish game, that, avoid he a palpably far so such haphazard that have nothing is of care and who golfer some this probably them, ; takes after-life they course is well he and now opponents takes with making even principles for and were with thorough it ; and such over future. himself way elementary most not matches hit the about due In directed Un- and they as themselves, play, that to same for their if confined right be to are careful a the control taught lesson the of to in than have teacher, flounder properly. to the in game it, than in pride shot engagements their and learn to try address conscious were players learned links, he and better. clubs to improvement or a other challenge how themselves to made they the to to know to few a him competent ought about notion outset understand to come for an\^ they buy on months by who the at game will dangerous too himself brought gained something, He wa\'s. choice their have unaided and grown-up in two the towards will links has wlio man attitiKle it in done many the just said, have I As a player, had that he only had Spalding'sAthletic nad These regrets with populated in play the proper he he elementary way, in of the tries way make to the at made player the for the is a for the For it the this will If and no it is the a will put in the ball at in the over- commenced to their the This is is stroke more travel. But and clear will the of driving strokes, is in the he habits the to it is of now one of such put the case are the ciples prin- to the mind farther general principle a in being into right the call struck accurate is to considerably. can is which of goes him the way, of very drive, the seldom if farther players in respect, every attempted, great proficiencyit which more details keep fancies help ball that in is cultivates before that that except he he before that understanding nearly and that rid get absolutely time drudgery Therefore ever. preconceived drive of most possible. as games power right style harder the case will as in smallest the bad, game coaching Nothing the of or the rejection not links. for other that the if not A the particular shots good to and amount generally other for begin to any of it is well most years' experience that of plain, simple the had advice and correct do in doubt, the is world respect practice that and variety it travel. golf. complete for has mind stage, whether case tion. founda- sound a golf they content round first time. example, is be not complete involved on The much as will will good as beginner hnks he take importance be There who long afterwards, utmost should it will beginning, this at man practising swings a very wish wise and than important who y way. and get, can game inevitable. are the plays his built had persons Consequently before he that and more Library. of then, it is will many happens complicated, are made accurately, so "press" to with has capacities after until for the that the that it harder will the travel beginner realise strength, and asWe he of disposal hard it of in and hundred he own golf, content with is In very wait as the for it will that do ; but if it comparatively his m ever not with comes, gentle game which, safety to high player his to game, of come meanwhile which is application young one be stood under- the the driving will be not without and enough it covets one the at Often and " fectly per- long a if strength length of must his practical force the course I all driving, obtained be stroke longest necessary to all course, this saying for better. the down the apply the much pay physical strength can with of proficiency gentler well as the let display great the quite fact, in in and that made was farther not find pay probably useful must accord, " that considerable a will reliable. mean of will distance Therefore acquired to happen the be the in times some- it will for game that and right will line. a mous enor- an desired was cases shorter the has the these beheve even from it to desired he he " hit of is not that ball the undoubtedly honours this player infinitelymore to the one it will get in timed the match will will the as purposes is after and made either ball that even hope in or ball. golf a or deal to especially which is it is direction in and Sometimes left, and it has and ball, a had not suspect gerous dan- most at thing different a has who would them, in strength wayward a aimed ball. the to of was one's Nobody nobody going stroke the despatch that it is the not are all what experience one which called. imagine can one they with hard it is as when and hit to thing It Library, Spalding's Athletic 8 its being is so sure. driver the the utmost and accurate of the the the finish the the In it of simply But in the the what character fairly run be The most of the ball to happened. is hit not the the into and accurately will so air judged, points. that so is a gained it the whole matters minor is it final art something and in which desired to drops lift it science the the ball will not in he each is resting-place when and important clubs mashie, when shots, still various the is, then, of but little very There classes stroke whether show* club. its therefore it as not, the it when that have a with play far the clubs iron two with play employed these through go had term left the between example, far to after that nothing the or has ball the beginner appreciates the between up if so made differences high very excepting and, after generally tool allowed the with play other For class. as of the difference are sense a properly was great there of hit, happens this be anywhere gets away. case a stroke should understanding swept distinctly in stroke, general is is the club the ball, proper regulation importance utmost the of club the before the by done course into brought is is this but ; swing is it and it the of parts ball, striking with ol it, and at it that taken be to contact other near has care aimed carefully is brassey or Library. Athletic Spalding's 10 can itself. properly ; Spalding's Athletic Library. n II. taught in is the from the no tuition the intricate are force than has got in the he first put begins in scratch player. player must championships golt baU In the until case are proficiency it does begin early have they is tutor able been were in won his order this the way is by to by players approaching a who middle before then a that man style,and attaining in being follow means play unaided life ever indicated any boy best his to rather must in is of thing out the later prospects and young a he do forced seeing school left will Boys way get it different, and which not best If to who it. them has he in imitate them. and game, of in need really the the make I opportunity style artificial and more But be general a remote of a of it is on when of hands more hall-mark the the play to will he But him. play the him course. the possible with therefore in golf himself natural own that played are think should experience mind, soon very particular system any any to their into they I being properly my the have they links way. ordinary begins a same fall them let is the in the on if and to that shots the of character to difficulties the all, despite all at players good boys, who, young adaptive, very play of case m}^ only exception the and beginning, of players greatest possible importance the attach I other all like that is evident It TUITION. OF METHOD fine that for game, never age. a saw In a any Spalding's Athletic 12 whether case, that add might One necessarily indicate be a the sure pull of cricketer he than is that applies worst cricketer and which of any faults to makes get of. out it is struck. in or makes it to football who plays necessarily walked that he movements has made in the two the of drive that the stead on a a extent. matches the best part be full somewhere swinging of it be his ten a If he himself the of one the hardest player the to precise his He of like which is if he in in mind. gan-e holes miles in exercise a that couple clubs. bear to borne eighteen about game appreciation violent a physique, of the putting greens. not of on superior training of beginner Let the billiard according the man's but is is good a first- a find of one such And may will the to come moment. in and number other any he has for the have to is he when tennis, it is nevertheless on considerable any man or demands many things though golf first is that cricket other two good very To point; golf little ball a upon cricket to Hnks, he golf. large a certain at finds often One effects him are the on not people that nothing stroke at what that hand in golfer, because in which There The cases does games Most a mind knows cricket seen ever his to methods cricket the different stands eye most adaptable ought imagined is has he his good a manner a no things of the in success has. it is up So up to trouble, and in it. make has of and he that it other at surprising in it is show to for training links ; but fails athletic is cricket, and from class who others he skill great bright prospects man over cases ^olf and game, everything. is that the life, players derive in late or from equal enjoyment almost an they begin early Library plays in a day doi'/g so, hun-Jred will that i.nnd n )t be has and body able to this do he unless the in takes condition last piece before himself lot. Golf and unless he thinks at it, and be most play useful of. his is of there. to book will little instruction points of have the the on at from it study that such may as be not intentional years as when am before the quite sufficiently occupied in preventing spoil his game. outset which he that this in very the into beginner time and can require his intentional time will the not last he at are links him and which the and slicing, puUing, the golf on tell going am should I advanced slicing I who man such and correct boy the on will as off is for instruction, of book he is, it get volume a sound when just I not happened as stage one. is a that simple any game, for everything do but ; things and arrived forth, because him to Short himself bring teacher who of more will he lucidity and simplicity player method principles main the: is The little a thought, what his better this think to of for that so principle progress. the the every a use reflecting was that from great doing much as think I is and exactly much beginner a amount reason himself containing with lessons be and he as down for it little a ascertain make the to make is to is the never game it is when capable will the will give enormous an what fit and himself keep to play to always can and he out set take requiring himself to nerve. clubs early days faults them remedying his 13 pleasure to have I with out player his and body advice game a the for reason of his in is of him sending with of amount greatest ordir^ary precautions best The he the with Library Athletic Spalding'*s is will fine so ready find pulling threaten to Spalding^s Athletic 14 Lih-ary, III. THE CHOOSING first v%7ord My the most the game, you know it is that who and are the if they will be very so with people the The arrival with are, however, clubs First what for I would featherweight thing, and in to join even a idea is of the club will be very soon adapted different players that clubs. the there sufficient a thrust to upon him to use even must this It in to all a the set way. of clubs, is course ready size to his up is as made, fitted out and his for A very any which class golf-club,after supply There requirements. I of and man, general principles governing say best links. most some the intending player buy first visit they not with and instructor stores have little the deals golf who that what v^ill be best very feel you other or business But golf that the at be he do, before the about understand game charge, their whom to professional will him of will as mistaken of harmful. prove mistake their on not careful many that until really the in some golfers tools possible under all,except something professional responsibilityof beginner great at at know you it, and The ; but out competent the a about clubs no as first lessons your fit you of sense you few as buying. are buy advice, until great dea.l a very is to buy to you to advice competent gives man of CLUBS. may player and selection down set I do all,is not lightest players, the a those not very who here. favour heavy have Spaidtng^sAthletic Library. the physical strength least club tolerably heavy a of but players ; I it does other than To are. time reliable and steady time this drivers. In length, they I think and shafted at in with what for in more safer club than accuracy will I the long or be can ones. ago, fishing-rod clever they However, in only that say in are, these for side, because short of of all classes hands in the from little while how on changes called accuracy. a clubs little,if anything, very and so long shafts, and a were not heavier clubs very matter no fancy, on should particular attention clubs the the th3 of shaft the preparing on above it which I the as his ground, the shall making case point of the blade, be of the make to the with gained players, the is held will be. in stroke due that course the the the long- all " of or it is club the to the the angle he club be laid up one for is lie raised except essential should angle when its heel cases called club, makes player sole its toe in Now the according by is is meant of sole what to this that either with may out the evident club paid By or stroke, so or be chosen. are It will shaft. evenly that bottom which proper clubs advocate much world golf lighter are as is man have thev player I conditions a must exaggerated stage very went I rather he better, short for depends far the lie of with the in and because rule a Mind, tools. Most which of something lose it is very ensures hands inevitable, is must part own my general opinion they gain it much that a is the craze a my and matters a players some that is reached fancy when to which as there Sometimes the that swinging effect. of all sorts urging opinion extent some to in for follow As men. deal clubs not of quite capable good a merely am physically slender clubs with advocating reallyheavy not am be must 15 " the thus 1 evenly the on ground is question The nearer angle, or whether at which he in and feels which for chosen lie that the in out the say clubs in different often a The and should from each constantly his not be the of lies a tall his and the latter When himself position according do to confidence he will so (a to each accuracy be playing of of course and his to of a " his formed men, on to is very lies proper the the called, are is of different should not is the case, as so the player has clubs and various when procedure clubs we nearer referred that very little they them, his fmd what angles lies,as match, will club with Short all necessary to who his the with their stroke, will sharper clubs clubs have man, clubs angle just club distance hold others. proper of kind inexperienced players, either accommodate of his shots this have flat the it is above other. at will rather with distance particular a should he want of case which have with necessary spoil all many to shafts selection set happens change in he at the to and which clubs want great importance, clubs the in will more stands making things he the and clubs wider. much is than will hand, is to of right comfortable stands in to the feels Generally far very order soles " other turf. club only he time, himself move latter is the regard he consequently right angles that the on upright lies,that between when he when the at that natural and position hands so lean to upright, call him that find ball, having in his evenly want not the has he soles working from distance will stroke. to suit the clubs The the with his get different have comfortable. player better a to taken be not must player as so will wrong go the ball must most Every course. the from he to sure whether to as farther or is ball the if it is not ; something and properly, to Library. Spaldi7ig^sAthletic 6 a way all it should which play), or in be else will for that does Position of Hands and Fingers See Chapter for the IV. Overlapping Grip. Athletic Lih-a?y. s Spalding'' tg IV. HOW first The his club properly who do it of is has In close each other. each stroke since, as that the to the of one to hand, goes hand should that is when to a his apportion and when the gets chief the amount the the two which in the business of is not it is the hands are held to never done by work time will is responsibilityto shared the the right that sometimes as is grip player to properly necessary say fingers hands the of this be to time and apart is there two game controlling factor, and lower the properly from work brought top of the work and overlapping are is that of on new attained that one, it use the is the on difficulties Sometimes wrong. be he left large extent, very they a have hands which ride of and years who two one, amount proper When one. chief few call they can first experience manner, last this exceedingly popular, the right who the the grip the at appear right to stroke, and a players club is how considerable itself former those For as hand, properly the the advantages, doubt together find fingers of of the actually partly overlaps many any it may the the of that that is what It hold making During of most learn to to in making honours. taking the of the b}^ together two, some of clubs CLUB. have golfers many been used now grip. the matter their has grip championship so preparatory suffering accordingly. kind THE will beginner are grip not GRIP simple There glance. are the thing quite the is not TO in the the left, ordinary I lil I AnoMier view of the Hands and See Fingers Chapter IV. in the Overlapping Grip. Spalding's Athletic of Most grip. obviated are has one and become Those who perhaps later the the which are follyand mere sometimes in than usual will sometime the results will keep to to length. still adhere it is not abused not be and with far in any if there is no to for system intToducing to fact most game that they absolutely strong little above strength good it overlapping grip, and to and which of many are satisfactory the best objections when no way. on reason with it be in very a medium there which are probably comfortable more this adopt the overlapping grip, and recommended grip holding worse it is " often the hope this the of in much What one every it would it it. fingers of old-fashioned players But With be from bear it, and vain a time same achieved time same the the of about given case a change much way with now, should suit cultivate to playing have so this whose because should at be cannot at the time a been of persevering great benefits are in average trying making not not advantages all the player fingers,which has time consequence, reap the essential to in and them, to it will players and and easy one, heard is that me of have appeals players some sees diligent manner it the are of when and very other the they of seems waste is affairs of state Taylor, Harry Vardon, desirous are because that as it use with golf idea it its trouble. careers, and mind, this grip. in their on club, there one of 2t overlapping grip, to started Excellent enough. the have in warning a kind because thing the gives any overlapping grip it and one of case never this use arising from accustomed and I all to the in comfortable difficulties the Library. the all score he why the desires possible confidence, reader he may be player to do and referred so, by should it may way to of the n. Position of Hands and Fingers See for Chapter the IV. Ordinai-y two " V " Grip. I Aihletic s Spalding'' of photographs what it is and It will be of My thumb rests that in the here the the against maintain swing got hand shafts ; but I have found hand the club The in first The whole player be must muscles of is to be the more The very less or other is kind of firm completely, club the in Having case. the apply of of this rests on such the to be do top to of of the pressed to make ensure ; tight,so in of but the that the are gripping. the them a they as up hands much fatal is as stiffened the first club, the the respect it too by right right hand. every are the during left thumb and employed it would work so in taut as unworkable. of grip, which easily explained. possible manner, the well- people some joint one stituting con- other effectingthe coupling ball have the hold little forearm which club, and well complete the in I more it, this by the begin with, lies is control be to against making and pressure muscles these swinging wrist taken better a the very the over cautioned the unusual when be must by of over remaik thumb almost, if not hand, thus shaft command complete of fingers. might fancy, and opposite to I well the all top grips thumbs latter is the of fingers grip grip of the grip the left the side idea club the also matter little,and the When against the the that very finger of a the shaft, and the from they keep first two hands. two on position so finger does third than their by keeping left clear very firmly with hand largely the finger. is It is it right shaft the of to the of top my a grips of the side the of case hand grips slight difference that the on it against the players. him give left my shaft, and side a known that noticed top will 2.-? it is made. how the It it, which Library. the The left hand is the club above one is most gripped the generally in in right,and the when use, simplest this is Spalding's Athletic Library. 24 and there is not which would, instinct that and this way would come of top thumb with the the shaft. the called two-V In the this I of am of it the of if the grip cases effects sooner the as for of club, with the club and cannot right are remedy at off their for the happens or later brin^gtrouble it finger centre of way of proper is often the One employ the side. the middle bottom, the not it with and go faults that they ; but on the amount same get the the same groping temporarily it is the of proper effect players sometimes as game that one before as is the about does ; but to as find you shaft in possible fancies cases them as great improvement a for nearly end. it sometimes top of place each they a best first described in different the on the to in to meet the to the grip. a on the of nails finger- such with different have players at is made it when directions the handle projecting balance make grip the on them, that opinion Make leather of of 22. be, and should both page wield, to round thus as same quite wrong, turned guide method See be join first His sets directly over the being different again thumbs otlier,or or this grip. case the where of old-fashioned gripping, the by is almost case both be one being applied hand more should formed in each Because much brought arch the that so only wanted quite impossible that so in the club would This left hand the he that so top. be be shaft, and the it were, as would should right hand The the that of each it were, as on up swing proper a handle, the to sideways the else generallyconsist would of hold anything seize is possibly go wrong. can to take be doubt, no there them, between space novice the would he way of together close brought quite are fraction a particularin and hands both done about commit. a very altogether wrong player. I would in In low and all such grip will earnestly ^^ 6 "6 V 2 7 STANCES Showing with each side the comparatively clubs. different represent the indicated follows as STROKES. different The positions figures of positions corresponding are FOR on left the positions of the of left of foot, and the foot. right : " drive. I Ordinary 2, 2 Playing for a pull with driver. 3, 3 Playing for a shie with driven 4 Full cleek 5, 5 Full iron 6 Full mashie 6, 7, 7 Putting. shot. shot. shot. the those 1, 4, each foot for vertical on The the play line right strokes Spaldiiig'sAthletic STANCE The which kind of taken said the round be is most it is as the the the fine from each other and varies with tlie stance desired the on shot which which in just with or The length. gone quite sweetly off and grain that has It been long driving made out great efforts while that a as player he every is to to remaining of of that is To that stroke order in the such to not in need the as ball ounce by the try to as ball. make it has make any has to reply everything, and that one accomplish of not it on every to and dead a pull taken accuracy playing of when statement certainly the pleasure importance players sacrifice in much so is in golf, when quarters some he respects many along were has teeing ground knows and ball ball much sent the different of so tance dis- played whole suspicion stroke in is not it. never is club, the into long driving capable a be, and attain should such fashion the become that out put ball his the golfer the is the player the In the golfer always has he the gives from in each a that round. way from hit to first shot it is needed and ball, and When preparing The it. his make. to is fascinating drive, its help are holes none straight line, to to and drive, most is a stands it is stance DRIVING. golfer addressing of at there that his up feet IN 27 a stance, and shot to which his called are ADDRESS AND in way Library. the and steadiness it, still it makes hole easier and en 0) m Athletic Spalding^s certain, and more that and now that while while short there is no that ] As I likely to the as have to has clean a this of have a level with as one possible other good thing to The tee constant a place in affect just place Care where cigarette stump, with no the is often should also everything a piece of about paper, he sand be or it is permitted and is fore, thererounding sur- teeing take his tage advan- feet feet will be is have nearly inclination have match tee it is done after the and stalk a behind. left slippery to be always not others as will will as slight smooth a usuallv the the they taken it strength is allowed on where It place rough of most hanging lie, as stroke. the the should A a same by and it is work, club-head, ball ground. the driver. obstructions he place cause really little anywhere the of rubber- simple. toe, where to to as indicated that use. in tee as ball where so materially you, heel patch called, will before His a again, tiny eminence, a tee that a consequently it. his the tee teeing selecting from level a the the and on the other, and on or in and pure recognised limits, and hold each at make latitude secure way is called can the ball by exertion from favour, them accuracy reasonable drive do become this say and fairly long a of effort his sweep He within his events pages a his place to it. ground in sand, which of made makes not rarely great muscular things him to all with of player most at therefore I helped can through come result the When man opening combined perfect timing than is the in suggested more he should much so a saved. great things, they are think unless great player done why they is 29 necessarily happen must stroke have reason balls, still I cored whole a drivers especially now it consequently again Library. such ball even. might B in A be Spalding's 30 sufficient quite tee thing to place that the the the Then shall he is the inch or have upon find sorry his to game do before links. When is and get back to better in has he had has to inclined it, and his he even to try should of the own subs''- different laid all not them he right he sorts in to because is be he to sure for be lengthy experience very when down, slight extent some the will peculiarities, way, any an theoretically be can defy to found it, largely general principles golfer attempts stick should certain are much inas- feet the is stance to while greatest pains for individual vary player and and best rule for players there he it he hard-and-fast the the the take this that sure of hit is him suits stance margin if the ball should player leading can the high. variation a other or too depends effect one ment. impedi- importance, stroke is as any stroke vast the an of which be Still and for stroke The very the he the it. some respect. thinks on is all obeyed, in should there almost way No what position exactly what out justifiable. this the the strokes, and and surprising in of failure is of matter a or flight of quent is low exactly his for a afforded as teeing how to as getting ready success it two is This it. making it, and on he be of such is without ball mistake the great question when stand as to the comes the good nothing except should tee taking make players Many The turf. club the with consistent bare the and tee includes be a in which vision ball not Tee teeing-box. the on would it is reason of swing stroke the same the a'ownward the that field it is lixed when eye the narrow very when eye to near very up Library. result For certainlyspoiled. almost to the with made, being was the distract to Athletic is of give stance each temporarily dodges up for his in stance off order for Spalding's Athletic another it is Now how in far ball, the and height it would I far so which is his left knee it. laid against the when freely himself overreach to as distinct the player from the of there from the for it the end has the just the he distance the of with hand one shaft be the just able to of the player face of reaches of to bend a make to not accuracy, or him the suspicion will and when was variations slight that ball in two who players are his ball when wrong case the on feet a be the six am to as from stand general rule, however, a relative The systems. the called eight nine or system the of inches it will be ball, and to so passage, the way. of the other positions stance, stance. open placed considerably The reach best. his having himself cramp on other. Then some of on are would in I tell to feet it the instruction should As me my having largely depend must for comfortably and definite reach. latter this at Standing stroke out this As far so and is for doing player even length just stand club to the far and away, and the the any use how permissible. are should to little seven stature same in give addressing it, because am stand is be feet five he his of is what that length 31 gravest consideration, inches and obvious is height only to impossible feet it as that himself quite satisfied the after until one Library. best stance that seen With is even as the club it is and stance, which players,very more to fine and the the than than is them, that. perhaps this By brought on following through, the left is very powerful the is well popular with foot play old-fashioned,but is foot right left" being two are of one adopted more quite clear, this is rather or is ball the when afterwards speak, this to nearer, feet, there the according When nearer of is possible. is still played Athletic Spalding's 32 in believed thoroughly Library. by and and professional players, particularly those Scottish old on the stroke is rather more am not in my toes of for left. the beginner the this with stance made, being of error Moreover, off in the would with with motion to the club not so and wooden an at the inch, ball,as the straight line^it suddenly other, off the wheels that but ; as one, when After the eye the faults or even is to the club. of to It the the may impart to after the is is sliced contact. which, results stroke stroke A right really quite of trying round that fall into to result of foot, good front of the with it is the liable to the be that or it is ; I may left other most result it is experience clubs. but with conclusion moment the to be seems my in body that stance work other the and his ball of the is player. say get quite as the the greater part square each with will small photographs. play to it. very of the each the imperceptibly " sixteenth with just partiallysquare a to He player is is the to behind we to of other. slicing with two result level commonest across a learn the drawn curious to of is a come hands club-head only have his the when " and a getting one beginner he as as follow-through to easy the the level either toes the accompanying and I for therefore stance own the style weight With of dead to the and amateur either a general opinion easier almost slightlybehind one The My pupils, with is to say be right foot. consideration, easier feel the reference hundreds as right foot, seem may the is toe inches some to best belonging right even the agreement. are or one stance is the stance by much off the case everything open on many difference means the on open seen is this this the playing the for it of case of the man left but matter; In the uninitiated the To In with level a schools. the of with a starting right,and Spalding^sAthletic Lih'ary. 34 is comfortably this at does his the is may left feet. An be a little the the plenty him from is constituted for prevent against any these to rid the this any sHpping. comfort of. The head the while arrangements have ball, the of sole the lie flat upon Everything the two about player in has the stroke now direction what exactly to be to made, club, well that have having shoes guard well be Both difficult throughout up as to attitude very stances circum- as dipped little a it is not let down When all these club-head the of should are the remarked his that progress. and I as and up There fall down. may taken in is head to drive on or player kept shoulder boots fact the held be all is laid the to already indicated, must turf. prepares the necessary is right care the be make than it may his the be heel of balls heels. precaution cases, should The been some should body permit. in the on the he weight will on the to let his or not right power, stoop serious point, but more to is of soles Despite and very stroke, and the If something the and passing In neglect in are will at address. never tendency faults get the player quite impossible the on is movement weight weight hobnails good heels it is and the unless should player of respect, more of case his the power. that care imperceptible this accurately take on of there that are should almost in flexibilityand chances down well or in that the easily and fall general feeling of one He now difference well be it possess body of should somewhere. wrong the sides, and should They subsequently. the to stage not his them of required do, and in readiness hit to of the the it is that to make for ball. hole he a to making He takes the his satisfyhimself wants to final mental do, and note stroke, last and look or thoroughly what of the it is par- Spalding's ticular be may avoided. in indulge to his arms have all feel quite rule in safe such and is intended This brings maxim celebrated is no other it is quite the moment sent certain the chances no good generally ruined. into the to wander, and the think the and now way is that result why. ball,and It seems yet such it is not he best he way should never is no enjoined But can. have to it is should which settled it down itself. to repetition of a Keep your do keep not your in of of your of ball." until its of it has of the strokes easy quite so easy they wrong thing as stroke, and and siderable con- over-confidence, that go been foozled being temporarily allowing unconscious it fiom on long experience result There because eye come justly most necessary, swing can favour the and the the on eye valuable so an grows there be only fancy would Obviously can of to as their which others which system own whatever are all kinds distance again though they deliberate, make of players the players skill,sometimes, Different in greatly Even backwards point is half commence are and that see eyes '' you tee slow desire to rate, the " if you that ball. they the club-head the ball,and that feel any ball golf which rule from the and in will how at naturally me shot, and waggle the the looking steadily at to the 35 club, just the player in that despatch to the stroke. a the last regard to he practice a comfortable ceased have this his to attempting matters, tee again adheres that, during the better some others without in himself make each and this of over waggles, But him, of doing twice energetic, and with is Library. order, waving or of kinds movements. up he working once and quick front preliminary waggle a in are in are While forwards and that dangers Athletic to they one's it looks. eyes doing are and keep their get The so, cannot eye on time Spalding^ 36 when is it down coming is likely that the the which stroke. of the it is and this take always been has happened, and ball has started through, it the where spot business and will of conscious that the ball the point be the that is and that not you club before ball Like rather the mean only should gaze the on is top to of hit. other one be it, that And now is to you is still say the on when following directed would be things, this first to to not injunction on such instantaneous other fastened in moment at it what see fixed he troublesome after eyes an shall they rule is many trouble to club although guarded bad the the gaze good a at and his teed, If just journey, that There the some was up a keeping player was be look is necessary. its ball means any to that the the of constant rule a where direction one in they by not good a fact. while. a place anticipate carefully very themselves the noticed may be rather become natural be to the in has a mistake seems they up is club it, work and themselves on fact what is to find than on the which after of the look see it involves longer is taken photograph have is although when body, impulse who this time through to eager the the The consequently see by rather spot really habit to struck circumstances, and forced care has arms will have matter nerves the players when expensive. and such as just is the just optic travel, to Some against. the ball Consequently extent, in the than is it most the and mind, flight the prove quickly more in to it, and to on off taken frequently most Library. Athletic s the becomes to make, side of at you must look begin the swing Spalding's Athletic Library 37 VI. UPWARD THE If in I asked were whole the This brassey. of player, a that make to and it with the club. the Even the they constantly neglect down-swing is the the up-swing is events until up-swing played and be to The to perfect, and practising. has made way or it is been of immeasurable an exercise anything hit. the ball the the young pains that On have they have only he to should the it if theoretically wrong go hand, for at if the will be badly refuse to travel stroke will the in that say other the has whatever is to will and practicallyimpossible therefore another first business take that hit is much as and told up-swing it is This mechanically it is right,and one a unlikely badly be in ball the is in properly. made the up-swing be. to sure if or inasmuch two be to seem ball, and the the of is almost it is Although struck, the is latter is style movement not statement, the moral. the movement manner, down-swing must the of hitting of the down-swing proper the that important more all with do to truth do players the to ball the the or of this backward on old many driver beginner which in way the it when swing great deal a generally surprises the sufficientlygrasped nothing either with journey depends its on upward swing comprises to as the movement important most say shot full a upward everything despatched should golf, I DRIVING. IN is the what to say of is intended SWING golfer,therefore, make never his be up-swing tired of ii Athletic Spaldi?ig''s Three important begin with, to first place, "slow back" the head in fact, be do and the quickly in swing rather the either the movement, the fact they the course made, but whole of this the can be body has human do the shoulders they belief find that speed one no rhythm to turn from machinery or while the seems and the the of player work his lose club. stroke. the up-swing hips alone, to instead perceptible any accuracy ball. backward of command of the ball the to make quicker hit the in to on the to to suddenly very able guilty are to going are that be the will possible. manner it,to swing back of go impulse, particularly will body this backwards they and is will club what that, tends still ; attention accuracy easiest natural a forward besides or it should the will movements head and and backwards and it is behind unconscious harder the bring about do to it off the his there be may partly takes of until kept quite movement uniformity is to possible ; as strictest whole the In moderately " swaying the smoothest going are increasing it,and, all control at of object fatal. quite rigid be or down set golf. Secondly, be must the like of it must Unless be motionless as also be slowly rules movements points there is done matter body fairly confident feel they a the in the " how thing purposes generally " beginners they and anything The kept 39 may will very golden be must these and point the concerned. of horizontal and Of is them conducted sideways as each certain when If far gear, With of Thirdly, impossible. about As intents up-swing of any of player all to to of out be must the forwards given break to the about is another of is, so or a and it motionless. that rules Library. so upon is being that an the axis point. Bearing these things in mind, you begin the swing. The Spalding's Athletic Library. 40 movement irst must which one makes of head the latter the so rule to move, the left itself to mistakes who by players instead of seen their letting completely which still have will inconvenient and will ness the in been it will the were to it to the Many and almost knee at firmly planted so move, and consequently this is meant until over on is to in towards only the the balance being taken the right, and the this heel ball of so it rests well. the at the The same the ball fortable, uncom- one as that allow and slightly, the is not When left club must on this the ground left is raised I think off right toe. the on but sweeps. and stage you the toe, but the preserve weight that at from feet It is the made. was long inconvenient least address entirely turns or of sweep when is to say, of sure- long drive, good couple wrong a committed at all in those a the not the about when players pivot begins feet the keep turns does of wrists, and power backward a this shoulder. it at is sometimes of believe of and started, that impossible, pivot. By foot is well fault of the for begin deal great making I don't matter a a outward the to do, will to the manner the arrangement, This wide very swing become wants a case. taken to they that the work wasted. is necessary When has been belief is not such their whole position, and have club the the disturbs of swings, the in right from the to arms work the begin their of commencement wrists both indicated, swing away This the breaking is the links as slightly One movement'. one soon as* to bend begins the the on at elbow left ball, the club, while, the start they alone, the from to pressure accommodate commonest back moving and They, gentle begins to as club the first the giving initiative. the left it is the wrists, and the from come this ground. so safe, pivoting and transferred moment the leg right leg then left stiffens Spalding'sAthletic 42 Library. VII. When the and directed, work in the point do it is so of toe seriouslywrong and The be it set as play strong it arises also very by not any and of the find If there work we not something it is and " as it does is what out take is to employed. always swings It is the much it advisable with if he quite matter, the in to of powers powerful advantage, the down in longer the the will style A take may weaker man inconvenience long swing. a swing" be when thinks a the player. wrists, will longer remembered prolong should the than man exactness he laid swing peculiarities of the attempts that than more be built stiffly gain be backward can the on excess" must rule it with the certainly some this physical follow means there I think wrist far strict very considerably it is carried do to how as wrists, and when are should flexiblybuilt, and man, himself that farthest swing ground. sign the largely depends and slender with at the the of their do to that top the facing certain player No longer swing, with is found the or allowed have I way right. prolonged. of a the question matter, club the generally " that necessary swing, the in been be it will absolutely an have wrists manner, backward back brought been the proper it,the call when the of has club SWING. THE OF TOP THE the It that the he does. is, drive, shorter that does and swings player nearly swing beyond In no that case point Spalding^s when the best is the fullest the for be and of cut the swing elbow is it is not directed, the at the far taken has player If is lost this the on the in Besides, player whole nothing same to ; but upwaord the one the during top of the at that " letting not body be, that the as The is to say, the making not swing in a ceased, sudden been had the jerk poised back should there than and upward should from be in the begun be a very at this sense of the result movement. There top point. movement and the and enormous an stop here, of make to deliberate conscious full a value club from downward has to all the in his accuracy slowly,as already tendency any feels he of both sake made more never if the of be beginner, swing, when nature the for guard against are thing begun in the the with should back must top point. just the about said away is consistent swing practicallyto destroy pause. be strong tendency a been six inches regularly comes responsibility, the wasted. should or great importance the turning-point of swing That lavished was from away found, than efforts,which conscious the it. manner. that power It is taken gravest consequence always already than more away it is of While is the it. the been not must over which care over which at swing have has be it will free-and-easy pause point there too get further inch and the will what in mind swing, upward a of control club be not ball. right an the long swings very Bearing the most movements preliminary the and the control of 43 it should losing that " absolute top Library. and is that than the at he matter most a feared, case the back instant an may in rule farther inch an horizontal, becomes player feels that if the far so club Athletic no the air and should be top of the as soon as perceptible Spalding's Athletic 44 Library. VIII. So now we makes that of nature downward is the chief The of case golf differs from the the club ball a it is stops the be the very small the object. and be of and and control the is so is that the Mi carried in in which sense it is not a "hit," and very that, moreover, over the to ordinary ball result in drive The game the the obtained, amount club. In afterwards, the will tee sharp impact, When done. and attempt no in every stroke that be must the the say to be. brassey of is, so latter might there from the little there direction of ball. it is,of shall be taken While ball a other sudden a soon length comparatively will is properly very the rapid swing every implying word, when "hit" of and the One going is that mind simply swept and almost is than care what one in the which one down-swing, the of thing in driver be even propulsion the bear to must in the forward first half stroke, the and to be. certain whole the the with play ball, which the of thing effort for scope almost reallythe is settles what that less already pointed out, as swing up-swing half affords swing, since, upward the things of its features go, is in many ball the of the really active part it is the in that important it is all- which, though down-swing, the begin may SWING. DOWNWARD THE right manner, course, in in the exactly the this will have highest degree right place to be done on by necessary the the club proper that the and in regula- Library. Athletic Spa/di?ig's tion of all the club the reached the toe heel or attended the of it,the under two about are to the the swayed, movement of the according to the by tee of the it properly saying" the before, but after the the On of when he with the whole all was the taking utmost only assert swing and after the itself and of ball club the and only be, his action upwards. thought get the ball enable the and will more gone the largely to one has only incident an down ment, move- he it that what of truth been have by made has what taken course hits finishes and I the from by the hit. player care is due emphasise merely doing not them laid ball the the and to swing properly is not drive been details the the makes the it is also ball has top point, there off the of success while see signifiesthe this and is swing may or move, the of despatching particularto that he as merely this to body just player, in making The so is the more up wrong have in as and the to been I as remarks downward the in better stance, too found just ball by gets through have may the to be allowed directions that is not the the been arms club way with have these of place be not for" club and business. well, gone best whole ball wrists in being is taken ball the is ball if the to on whole wrong standard driver must the may object in the again head the The down. be may club the swing or faults for these the the as If the topped, effort to direct any just success. is or and swing, contact, but into come point. Something have club, remedy regulation of exact by directing of dehberate more the particular manner a be cannot much a to it in on parts of other 45 and thing as away that the in to less attention to scious con- than down-swing Having brought that club the detail to do, and the to is to finish It is rapidly as possible. consciousness player be, far must will give thought begin to the to fully manner Spalding^ s 46 finishing. of whole In from thing, when and time, start Athletic Library. the is man finish, should to be his on to the game, certain a extent mechanical. The the and wrist, is then from feet tightening though wrists is of one this at the face of and the that his was who it is shall at feet club left the knee addressing out position of just which he it before the theory as he will of that was different him the with the on their be laid their part the the to began the at from player the moment addressed most driving of the ever of Just when the to turn position, firm one that see the ball, which and he Any will so both on when did impact power it down. swing. himself the course begins he as am drive. if the quite upward for and pivoting is I the stroke, body ball, just swing the the its and by of part, ball, the little a done work making in some opinions, cannot the be naturally, it he when afford about of been gripped in quickly directly be an couple should will come with have largely and striking intended obviously be in comes faces take to a naturally come approaching moment and thinks is power about begin wrists the will club that do to of Directions experience. when it player beUeve lot a assertion an the to has the expressed who is about there point probably have those point merely comes will and left the by taken rapidly will movement and wrists, is club-head this at authorities some certainly the This tightly. more the but of up far So movement, the until club forward brought pace ball. the arm an of the down bringing club acceleration even It in initiative player is the accuracy. Spalding's Athletic Library. 47 IX. FINISHING The that second begin to turn right knee, the so as properly the whole fault with such cases word A hand. the handle the The The The right will club to the downward There stroke the club, right left hand open a is only ruined. not hand hand should should Httle at if the hold hold the it should of this the of common very and soon, the grip one the swing each squeezing afraid were little a in graphs. photo- with be club firmly all top a just should tightlyas so the in too the is done foot, and Examine of until whole it is body get pressure left but has one point one feels been done performance of the tendency the on The the more through. way to of allow automatically tighten the itself in swing. to which everything the always varying easily,but move let this left the to of round come When timing, because to is address of the it. loosely. about the In losing stroke to ball. on little bend a slightlyforward. careful the the thrown be thrown players some to allow flightof of very and right shoulder the will weight needs movement right toe, Hne be hit,but not before, the player should is to allow the will body ball his on faces body the STROKE. THE rest part of in now that one properly is almost some the regard to should direct up to this inevitable. players to twitch finishingof the attention, for point But the there in their if accurate is arms a great and 1^ Finish of a Full See Drive Chapter or Brassey IX. Shot. Another View showing J5ody is of the the Position brought of Finish round of to the the Full Hands Face Drive and the Hole. or Arms, See Brassey Shot, and how Chapter the IX. Spalding^ finisued this the pleasant length and place the side, and the as of ball how badly with that As of a of final time to should the position it should looking between to and be over the and in of turns found the head the from that le^^t and gone, the If the at waist, with the shoulder the top which bail. body and of as the will importance the be ward down- all glued its to in the a this on original remains swing the during eye head be are. head the keeps the would during the soon realised often only and the to compares the not but motionless ball. quite urge steady has they they again emphasised, perfectly the would ball body they than club, it their manner habit their proceeding a proper perfectly already until such the one body as of the out get if Perhaps somewhat a dropping bending both you dropping and grip of injunction, be back feet stiuck. finisH a swing, swing the appearance the keeping upward their of way of his take for those its run to driven, generally retaining well opponent your the from been the anxious more hand has into of pretty already players, get moving has Si habit has for he Some one ball come if disposition, releasing or has or, on. the the into get until time tee, moving excitable properly, position the on be to stroke Library, Athletic s still, eyes direct are line DRIVES GOOD The A ball straight ball that Slightly 4- More Sliced 6. Bad a palled pull and Slice with begins generally ; " fine the a best. little pull traveller. fairly trouble len.^th the usually RAD AND long. likely. lost. worst ball See of all. Chapter X. and comes round again- Athletic s Spalding'' Library. 53 X. THE be will It in realitya when lit into to least deviation one of and ruin know. he will he has and practised he indeed driving has to commenced The the one must hit long balls. themselves, "pressing," I do force and in a gain In a and is not swings the any are say to that have when the of distance, second half because of the of gear young until time the " actua] and the he has in due course, too much left to by force, disastrous results. and upward application proceeding it is evident perfect more be must the the any driving him g^i them to of any until become they perfectly executed in of against striving attempt the only golfers in ball and drive measure certain to the out is unconsciously. is made novice large almost mean will and considerable worry naturally and longer warn results to very which ca'''^ it is expect good a the thing some ceased extent it half the movements this drive naturallythe swing more to really good hardly large do to and of will in whole much too all of nicety, easily ruined diligently for most a is achieve utmost the a capable player, it a movements, the throw how It of look may correctness to stroke, and experience that absolute drive by set with other each is sufficient the the although being performed from them player BALL. fairlycomplicated have of that seen simple thing LONG that of will many to come by or By ward down- strength not result players the until drive ought it the ball as the line without very surely length may be he watches under and with this for the and can't others the to be seems there driver in in own change have this I i was was respect, only not to a I men not explain to to suddenly any in driver, and constantly outdriven, one so my that the else. In matches was of that and be a for long holding my and the that manner a least my it, and suggests case, in but to business to with I do the the always that seems rather generally capable was ball considered am secret think I they try, about sary neces- the can experience own about or Some mysterious am this able myself short My too came been never quite it. and days, most that. long very much however though because these satisfaction of end gift. will never the driving natural a something is explanation, of effort, combined that it than with do to more art of less or more that rest, the the For is absolutely strength, for not has skill do to apparent say If them possible is what would balls of many perfect strength I that such that say but strength. of humanly any Certainly is limb to of amount ball of looseness be inclined purpose. long it is as without conditions moderate a far proper reallylong effort find will he hit to gradually very that extra apparent practically as that the just at itself,and of come any is therefore find will he should straight along it and and style properly, send to his beginner swings slice or great players present one of the balls drive will without got pull this does hit, and be to his make to either he If height. object sole his it make The settled. the force to and experienced very quite become safe it is not but way, is player have method^ this in balls long their get I Library. Spalding's Athletic 54 degree younger with always my of days friends having to Spalding's Athletic this in hard fighi when all outdrive back shall I the for will a be and this when can depend to trying spoiled how to direction like get hits fair a they a far more prove a ball of fair of career, not and of for the proportion and of and who is them shots are all in the time. every than pays straightness, and length of of concentrate straighter Nothing they instead their researches " occasions majority profitable study if their of future instead should timing reliabilitythat the say regularity, proper that as it game great strength majority successful. reliabilityand of the farther, long ball, even should absolute always this the How length, on getting straighter on never was the at degree swing point far so endeavour, find will that to fair application of and that result the in certainly reasonable a a any them to farther drive efforts They got driving upon the do, with their have with accuracy recommend would golfing good any drive to without done they and in more since, my It to players against pressing be to are them perfect by simply " all young eighty yards, be can few a ever of it. solve to they for necessary hundred but If ball. long began forty yards perhaps greatest mystery able drive to I any short-drivingexperiences. strongly advise I Therefore the without began on retained of it. did that strength old my and outdriven with in prospects I actually put have I be never bemg faihng my my methods, forty yards, to is about came and I those company, having gone this I to warning my of instead and any 5^ that seemed me of any opponents. my them keep to without of and fortnight, and to fatal suddenly, length, great It game. be alteration conscious X short would respect success, a the Library. that the in 'atter driving who man always of on the stance for See Drive Chapter with XI. Pull. stance for Drive See Chapter with XI, Slice. Spaldi?tg'sAthletic work the by to put pulled in their necessity of going ball high a so and expert as to would he expert to be very the in the would only sliced the He hint that ball is advanced and heel than in the to get the while and the between to obtain, and case most ball pulled ball should be the feet. especially the more The to is with stroke right foot towards pulled ball control, than this kind to a should the a who he of the sliced the wins. I obtaining right with the about ball. left back drawn more foot club, wooden right, or always can play straight be is is and that your with until man for line a the player club find direction in more a frequently most stance ordinary an generally elementary your the of is from circumstances varying straightest take to that so sphere is the the matches win who all feel to hand, his generally be instruction Besides, game. will far of on to as of other over length. comes club need tricks any the ball sure to way hole. and the on his in mastery of practically to the and game, complete be not attempt strokes ordinary straight a to this got very have of player will and, ; the mean instruction any over really shots time the to often devoid giving the them might as obstacle an command he will ill advised himself adapt he these do which in deliberately, putting consequently was kind and obtained drive can to how has professional round without course much so this beginner's stage, a thing, by one of hole things get them diftidence have to ambitions any much For points. the which one feel I will it, over these ball to way and However, these the ask before, do to sliced or is which wish players a As 59 right. you Sometimes when hand. right Library. way mid- difficult "lQi o ^ 1 S O 10/) Athletic Spalding's 6i Library. XII. PLAYING should I a wind this In little of experience his play involves no the on wind is not quite will he also the is usual. and When that playing against bore better its way swing swing has been of advantage In the of to attempt is comprised through give what case is is the in cross-winds the little ball while more time the I would not to player his swing the I than both cases. to seems when wind the and to me than rise wind slower in slowly with tendency The down rather always hit the of Moreover, and be shorten to shortens advantageous it when ball a the In point conlidence. up and the slow get the blowing. greater any if he should the wind always both playing quickly made, to seems the is extra effect what blowing strongly. swings the thing from very easilydone, good usual, and some it is a countered. en- adaptation some methods. very of player ordinary There is as when a the for when game constantly attempt matter no wind downward find I the that upward to from it is day, achieve probably recommend all events, long circumstance permitted comfortable so at blowing. when to unsteadiness a that windy a is deviation say the playing prevaihng conditions, I would the compass be great very swing matter, may the to place, hrst which blowing, WIND. A about something say is IN very deviation simple from process advise their of players young usual making game a than certain IM Braid A "letting characteristic out at it" in finish by the his Drive, Champion. the for allowance when this anything. When and the the to hold ball, his is with of lot a getting distance front. In the object is to get the course, it is a and or more the a mind in the player the behind get the hold of the ball that may ball, proceeding, utmost caution, fault dangerous difficulty in ball the driving a " when getting his allow and his beginners, of. this a right which dropping since out of the and go little right one a of if case, usual, long the to droop a they little with is shoulder way, right, conducted which wind than very to be wind the this more shoulder the the higher kind must from that so In little of forgetting, not along. a stance however, in teed trifles small take be may it help ball, chance down " " cedure pro- low a strongly well as The of only playing pains stroke. any up high it is front take course stands are into and it coming fairly power it for you up the for in and hit, against more usual it, that is wind case, the down, in the reverse to low power when shot tee bearing driving fairly get may ball the keep to from variations little throughout up front forward, more is sufficient be the a ball the to from stand to as well slight ought blowing rather weight shoulder right these of result his keep far so 63 which in it is wind go may direction done properly the he player of is the in wind Library. Athletic Spalding's often have 64 5 "Spalding^ Athletic Library. XIII. BRASSEY To without each is to case of the is employed in his favour will play he must in If the shot tee with provided was a good a ball lying nicely to face in the thing wrong least not good, for the the lie be. So be, and it might second the nor went many second stance be played quite were beginners take to them that question when they a long should come as if he to the be as he has that be that any if But was time matter one, more will direction found a bad. or he the they might the take stance. or when be liking, shot, if the or brassey they second of lie what that unlucky drive, his to good are where place follows are it would their that that his matter shot, if it ought to be suggest the to the they for is that given everything exactly himself the is in club wooden difference chances likelyhappen very shot with type of choose shot the one direction whether them, difficulties the themselves finds in the ball brassey count material to he the possible player the up may to timely of case tee in the driving object and pick shot tee a The material the simply brassey. similar only to to as a he deserves the and as far as is about said the shot tee is allowed the been with The of the case from circumstances ball times. and he has this in view with both in the the drive and hole, whereas all that applies to play pages brassey shot a purposes tee, and the foregoing for and all intents PLAY. came neither desired of to course it may be frequently ask ball whether the it then more loft to be filed trouble from the that but ever, between the has bottom, extremely the last year being should be driver used to do as my by they must to so, the same and as the when driving The brassey might driver. Care that from of add must the the be be own my taken driver, the face and up to club a from any the club of the I put an grassy the the the the brassey the shorter of stroke why is the the it neglect He the length of as the length same of same opposed seems same the the than in are brassey understand that is they risk that suggestion about that see I cannot play against brasseys during on " and wise other- or rather am increase inch ball the at gQi recommend but tee should that ball I don't about is to as first the in player a lie is very been people object bad as compatability no the to the ; little a driver, particularly at extent player is still of get room some Some by the for club, materially damaged that makers. many the all it is desired hands it to have " I matches that with come generally happen is however, that say, faces the case up, professional is A less in I must failure. a have on of slightly generally reason. driver. that two or they happens requires short and necessary, stroke it trifle thick. the there into loft after that ball ask before that club. put less obstruction encounters a to than that so their it often Then shorter is rather that got enough not lie. ordinary in mind unlikely very which borne and it does suffered they of wrong shop only which experience particularly the get something Not loft, so powers to club-maker's to it. limited a brassey, and thing brassey, and and length instance way the with driving they be it must get length is there on with their hard very it to the take they a that conclusion the and to them seems Library. players some with difficulty find they whenever when but is necessary, all that to Athletic Spalding's 66 the this as brassey rather Athletic Spalding^s obvious cliat point choose players. They select the taking ever of lies,which be adopted player in brassey his driver, if results, The he driver As matter. final a rather When in he has attempting when way as ball he immediatel}^ the in a the that tow^ards he frequently the scoop good must the be not in is getting the work the will be This that up do when ever to ball well it made realise up, and done do from its low This driving. his right is very out of that such into if he takes without any it the grass ball very it, which considerable idea results that very trying and anything attempts. is of the at that club same something, shoulder seldom his " the hitting the something lie player the on likely to get must driver. side mind his execute the the his of out to eyes ensure is very ball his in this usually have it in at same altogether. the play to keep get with to the hands looking should must and of his the with game upon of in is to adopted it should called only to dipping up, brought for to his ball shot has angles perfect duplicates club instead himself player had of without stance fail to sure club, they accustomed demanded ever shot He little idea getting is,that a it. right place. beginning is behind be the recommended be of is not become is almost kind right driving, but may has should is brassey a he it is sometimes than the same quite different a about as work rougher he brassey word fairly stiff shaft, a the anything approximating not, the want kind same young then they have precaution play to which does and this to upon is to obtain if he or If of and them, both if the have case. that that see should called from his to suit just what is 67 difficulties the to think they each be may driver trouble they of many a which brassey a causes Library. The to Hke player specially designed cleanly further and properly assistance. o PLAY devoted I have clubs because them has majority the laid of WITH will then he the the principles the special requirements brassey the object generally other of is taken into within and it is view a stages of In word, distance a the short Broadly speaking which each of with which a brassey, a and is there good is to a player which as he be five are to a easy uses the and generally taken. stroke different to to there get pretty nearly when It more usually it as be sible pos- making the possible. as accuracy. classes First be to to near certain and one is com.para- will or but which that club as to needs the than hole get main wooden sacrificed either the possible ; as distance The special use. can driver generally required game there the saving now the is when ball. of and is less irons, adapted clubs either with desired now perhaps final that the of get be to far as instruments it is way placing reach, with iron with get to shot full also this in is to required a account the in by various the tively short exact it is distance achieved be may or the only the in his Still,in different plays one and with well pretty have the wooden the game, treatment. and of good a on with play play fairlyreliably with to get same, When situation. the when are the of different although they require of learns foundations 69 CLUBS. to space who man the cases IRON much so Lih-ary. Athletic Spalding^s as the of irons, for is the far cleek, as distance with is Spalding'sAthletic 70 rather under of brassey a mashie driving as a rule same the driving kind than the with many with has and thirty or it has ball is it and the the turf, short the deep club more than a hundred to pitch clear dead aU the on approach had which low and is to the shot not would of as there this much a not blade used for ball the at high up the hole without any character loft result on have outside, so but a lot on and ball of run is on it fairly club a deal of its drop would way mounted, sur- be it will it. when when shots played and great a will run were it the that shots much is short for are mashie, which very most this resting-place can there and the that In so cleek moderately green run which on and air. the favourite hundred a it, so on the and is the guarding green so does yards the into up used fairlylong loft its final only bunkers it ball Next This is is player that so loft. purpose lifts high and blade blade cleek of one to up is that the the is It hundred considerable some accurately gauged. a Its is carried. a of After which pla}'- one great a but some deeper masters latter. are is It are iron, and with and and each, difference The shorter a the from between to comes that say struck obstructions with for well on other. who the forty yards. and the those clubs length, get for purpose, slightly heavier. comes useful cannot special cleek a uses same approach for both have the generally is mashie medium the shot mashie driving deep, they golfers, but generally of that of cleek, for calls carry and bags, great preference a the their low long, a which but players employed are find the Some in they who players have direction. in accuracy for or practically brassey distance, of a that Library, of rarely special not only it almost If short a with a be kept it, so club that too it Spalding's Athletic would the be difficult very pulling ball the simple, and really well, use Of the the of one it is with play difficult most in one it are is very clubs all of which to regard to play good for employed bad play which or quite uses for bad the lighter and useless. the short stopped quite is ball- into the and dead the which must all. There are not made them are aluminium clubs special the of have I ones, be of club for can be fifth iron ball the The used play at putters, putt to hole each and delicate most and exact of some in patterns being all, favourite a the found and are that to remark full The iron with a swing in due at the any of absolutely clubs consequently with say here shot it render cleek. and stance little a would circumstances wooden the in the kinds at of details taking favour w^ith it will iron it finer much implies, is stroke would clubs effective green. name be of scores shall I perhaps last obviously speaking generally, not for wood. or Concerning these its as the hole" the and placed it, and very a generally the have with as reaching its on one be it to very either iron delicate approaches, lofted has golfer more find putter, which, the the a bunkers which into players, however, Some niblick, and making club of luck the kinds all is is sand from ball of which it, and on the obstructions cases be loft delivering rough coarse, much with niblick, which is the there clubs remaining tool heavy do of that hole the to guarantee to as exceedingly. pays of is mashie proximity close 7i exactly so principles the Although desired. that in up it play to Library. more are outset three-quarter swing that I unless them except necessary, under but, course, heavier of each with than the control, and they will be Diagram measured as The black patch mistake See the showing page is ofl 49. angles of loft on a represents standard the on set. correct the faces See place of different Chapter for club?, III. taking turf. The sJSijIeiiw ..^i Address See with the Cleek. Chapter XV. Spalding's Athletic irons the A.^ the lies with of that I the of his irons for in a is object he always it is the not in their of the appreciable no obtained, make the It will operations to have to cultivate take with turf from the ball the introduction with the club any we each the in ball flies certainty it, as it. class pass of the to It when on iron it were, will this to the club. be is most but found calls cases the driving be found the is do With of come well then and piece a the that consideration delicate will taking done. behind they first only players, these they piece influence far when ball not Many too But that little a perform and most steadying turf the that better. there clubs their just hitting of will ball success, over through steady of the accurately. time some at possible, and turf great taking the outset with in through the a the In as it cuts more of them practice may but power, sure to irons stroke. the of not am stance the cleanly club hold taking command underneath is very of mistake the complete driving shots the and however, ball. loss the from I is that remarks as little farther a at of is driver. irons, and the sole it is when ball gets with if the turf club the his playing the work, was stance procedure play with the of when hit to same case of he own but ; of kind case when foot ball upright more than right the same preliminary turf little the in feature these interference less did and my better the maintains 75 Also course do perhaps general takes one my this as mention I have say, recommend will ball brassey. addressing He Another is is to events, if he all and shafts his to left when would beginner. closer driver ; that open in front his shorter generally stands player playing more have Library. of flight of this the brief special Library. Spa/di/ig^sAthletic 76 XV. SHOTS. CLEEK For some club it that all,and with not that be and I the outset of for not the got with the his having as and the object is to than it is a the I do of command other no with he its club, already suggested would of and this the as near get be get one to the the yards with or abouts there- it is regularly is pin with good and shot that Many it. seventy club, be long ball, a got hundred two for where to always may is to at use have cleek the work pretty very from be to seems not hundred ball results cleek, and persevere possible distance of mashie quite proficient it got which distance the after does the that holes place I with generally one-shot to if he so. straight as when be can good very amount variety beginner done recognised for A as a certain regularly as playing cleeks, but is the it get in they use driving a himself consider a much not may it bags, consoling with believer obtained career, it is They with their well as firm a the players constantly get used quite cleek little shorter brassey, and their that occasion. the when object a in can plays strongly advise perhaps it man has from can sorry carry am he for club proper I any until game it, and over to do can latter,but think at the perseverance difficult most a of straight-faced iron. a the from they cleek years reflection the with the after refuse and up themselves or and find players many play with, to give reason a as full one possible. hie fie spa /ding's At I should explain passing, in inexperienced very which is meant at which reached player ought little luck a in it may case that reader, be to the with or in A 2. hole in 3 out such at 4 necessary shot one hole 77 be one-shot a with to Library. means (allowing hole a any a hole tee, and the from to putts), two bad represents play. cleek The than the shorter club, that are you have but I do this kind. the In when the a without be the shorter extent. body club is to large effect and For in way more even as its on or left when full cleek with foot they shot but not the As I little, a of well and and do club so he or that the should be very left to should quite not find will Httle cut It goes knee swing to not kind. the as important as careful a the slowly, up eyes this of observed axis, be ball, and pivots do foot be just body, clubs driving, shot. them, the must the the slice feel variations own that from generally swing, go it is player away restricted a forth, and The the should the begin turn feel you with with directions so this hands. both wrists your by right begin better do with playing the that the advance to Take of kind same quite still,and cut and confidence, the induce to is necessitated addressing should far too it. are same ball. the to with you can in, and kept result same the Let the saying the tends as I hrmly right elbow the swing they length playing players young find in shorter two or ball much play inch an the and do swing upward on when club the should riveted has own they that ever head that my driving. the keep as If Grip good. as to advise not to comfort able said, in in similarity that of than more similarity nearer so amount same in much just so stance of amount not this driver, and certain a be should bends is rather the be same taken Finish of Swing See for a Full Chapter XV. Cleek Shot. s Spalding'' far so the back of top the higher than will a be the of If loss impact of where the of is to it rests. this of it,which which the ball is the the club the hands and The finish will backward arms be the full shot this while of adaptation ball than than the of the the the the instead a its must stab out so as according to When control After impact long so way avoid to jerk or of sort own if it warning suffer. no at more from obtained. in same swept a players be there natural of making can that Httle be time many be right,and the of upward than the the much, and so that when the the hands are being club as cutting. the length of the the three-quarter, right same I very considerably nearer held the on slightlyforward, an when useful with more is there play case is rather are way be to this foot is more a to left in the foot front club the wrists playing the of left is at farther made the found In hands there in out weight swing in cleek have I wind. The turn was hit rather in the a will there the carried which it left. head stiffcr wrists and well down at say be than which hit short or stance, placing the open shot kept with be may playing against In long the is to should Come finish to are farther same cannot allowed that swing. Besides and its lie distance be may from from jerked it, and over fault any be the At given against overdoing a cleek tighten be is the control. ball 79 horizontal, proceeding a " Library it goes driver, but that place shaft blade hands. the is remembered the the considerable time the swing the with as way make to as Athletic with other elbow the away and top shots. is of kept the the from either forearms the are The body driver former rather swing or kept rather do straighter,so it is found than the not when cleek. that a full Less is bend is held continues it and forearms hands both slightly wrists and this to the turf of the ball. or It is is I refinements the is by find extremely and it. then following of of generally only recommend all shots. useful they may the At to in them take when an early in flight form one and emergencies. they mastered have they this these leave to time advanced fairly beginners same of professionals, in until close as line many played alone severely game through leading useful made what, some- over the the impact, be can which shot a of time club wrists address, turns exactly the extremely is the carry most hand usual, The they as body than er the the at right variation my elementary be to stiff the the and in as stiff as the made possible, would of more going, that shot a is and, blade the impact played they and will is This which golf, the as another one effort ; being After an club On stroke. the nearly not cases. more, is of finish of front forearms moment. and in itself attitude the the down bring are to so other in as whole The be to toe is there and knee, stiffens knee right rigidly. more and at the hand, other left the on left the to pivoting much so allowed also Library. Athletic Spalding's 8o is have opportunity which one got of fairly tising prac- 1 Top of Swing See for a Chapter Full XVI. Iron Shot. 1 Finish of See a Full Chapter Iron XVI. Shot. Library. Spaldt?2g^s Athletic 84 he with recommended be may When has he the necessary to stand shot this it is with play this, the line feet of the same not to a long one. is that the After very the that this been movement swing is much better as has club hit be and the to be entirely in the case so that round to done. in Vv-ay on of his most it is the the It freely now far. much leg other facing the to care of all shots this than clubs, the to on the in swing a and ball so sharp impact. with the hands well it is not that finish it the the of myself, right foot shots, his body the from the make full the for the with is to in nearer iron other shows I than reliable back, though At which In down stroke that cleek, taking more with as merely made. left too prepared I finish gone upward the is of case Apart the coming and the ball ball with and stroke, when turned should round a stiffened are cleanly should is remembered ball according shot in the be usually described. make upward wrists the full will no similar very stance, the to that so the be to placed it open been already the stroke more nearer tightly, and with as The and come club short this and, heel. prolong kind be should manner play have will a ball, and the a little a have right the Grip foot that take to in shorter is to nearer better right club the little a shots the of case the of he it is used iron, for the shaft also the to study shots cleek his play to particular difficultywith As careful therefore and outset, discussion. learned manner. the at give to under club the half-swings with try experiments hole. up essential stroke the the on should has stroke, player its toe, have Athletic Spalding's Library. 85 XVII. THE The is also iron different of courses anything is the green, the approaching with previous these mashie that is the executed a by far better the mashie, skill,so fewer that bunkers for this it hole and it is the lofted knows what is in front running-up of is far he doing, better much which in them gives these so days as to is give with ; but laying pitching for is to the a likelyto give of when scope players work kind chance than of preferable and, club is the that belief this of running-up shot tendency a Many it But that or approach of to do fair amount a the to kind less when a still left accustomed any bunker, a possible shortly. is reached. pin is thing proper no circumstances There the the to do a who man has it but so in with results. to near got use shot is either before only thing still they there just cleared have running-up ball that the described be will as that shot only golfer is becomes bunker the shot, and most bunker the and case range The lofted a On formidable less is the this running-up sixty yards. or short from covered days when mashie, has to be ground in shot more a short a say entirely and another for fifty or to up is happens sometimes to is consideration. the is that and circumstances in the this for matter used usually hole SHOT. frequently stroke, there guarding serious very of kind approach RUNNING-UP any make more amount holes the with of with opportunities Spalding's Athletic 86 the The object of ground until the let it to is obvious the club other a they may of the TIt^ player fairly open must stance, than since very little will the try be be must get his almost he that force found that to necessary the and, this being so, the and the left little,the stroke the right hand should heel knee out the should should turn along a what in over close which method m be off the a run to the ground of swing swing to to and give always and the it will way it will elbow right be not high stiff and In of regulating general than and ball the exactly instead more the the traversed, up and kept fairlystiff, and affair, short be time ground. slightlywhile with to make kept very towards line recommended In club firm length each stroke. should bend be to club a a very to be only of the a practice what fairly long blade body should be distance need scarcely coming wrists sweep a The in in order distance into using take and exactly by-swinging for even swing the with same puts will Exactly left to find the by more is necessary distance. distance able are cleek. a rather swing particularshot, and to even straight up ball The naturally vary by swinging the the propulsion and any simple. very with short a player for each to stand usual. heel such is very results while than so It the on straight-faced iron, a or then that better, so the pin. is needed accuracy as to the up generally more better bags, run it the on of nearl}^,and or little loft more such their stroke right give in carry making travel much with shot straighter blade, with is perhaps " little a very players get many " the gauge used often is iron reached, clear ball the Hft to with there less the indeed and club, finish and this purpose for that is putting green there drop just is stroke Library steady, but a very finishing the after head finish impact of ; the low the club down Spalding^s pointing turf is to accurately eye the game shot cleek will struck ball is is a as miniature already has to to the ball be insisted played, being the itself assert In of described. many the ; shot a should ball and Library. for course The possible, broken. commonly Of taken. actually on short be that has hole. as tendency he the to Athletic look in fact, upon because respects three-quarter this of be player 87 hit must the guard about than more it the rule is this then and against hole a before the keeping that the when ever delicate forcing no cleanly as towards up character it is most running-up shot with the Addi ess [or Apiatj.ich See Chapter Stroke XVIII. willi Alashie. Athletic Spaldmg^s go and shot, distance shorter with less run and this all " the into front with next the ball when the and strokes The while the ball feet. For my low down the heel stand tightly. a being at is club taken the is essential ball, and upward doing should away same to that required of means it, the and it as the of he very is slightly the club club the to should player stroke that so " toe grip this throughout hands arms the should advanced, the help time same always between the the to seems the well the and that very should he grip. the making In the firm procedure the of should It holding turf the is hit. ball midway stretch the on At to about forty slightly from iron. in full the consequently line a better. essential is is length which the about the in hole, the between differs believe I is of ball very foot in part club close It right placed course the very of case from at in employed difference say with shot practicallythe the This under the own of the in to force be may straight distance little very the and " lifted frequently much is mashie the is at " raised. the a former most that " just is a down comes club the to ball it eighty yards is not degree and open, very that in taken was have usually comes for stance which get about in due The it. on run that carried is ball the so again down come consequently and the which reality there In higher, up being mostly in no that in is somewhere except swing be to to latter fifty. or air it goes short-pitching shot, up from differs only Library, is be time good the pitch to this from it has swing to the of mashie very ball. is be up, very straight The preserving play, ball down come carried to best that to way in borne and as mind of one straight on when up of doing to it is this, semi-rigidity which allow the wrists and Spalding^s Athietic forearms bend the to slackness The left there .way the which length should be ought there in in ruins the shot. round with iron turn in was the with In taken after it that impact so the should backward The to and much not be to right finish swing. It evident the carry which hug to is very completely the body other with knee about he upward not which as does than the allow to player of care it but mashie hole, and not the it and make, club the fault a does consequently club the players quite a will take " this In so. the repetition of ground, distance to when of must right necessarily depend and a direction hole The in He finishing one clubs, and much. is made. the do using more about some the towards so time. just evidence turn it in him towards much as say through well club rather is little to being the required when ment move- much, to for must perpendicular, swing little the very As of being pivoting. allowed it is necessary this turn kept amount very from of nature this which asking is knees is raised better. downward player by the to it do. the shot the to be be back, seldom probably and one, the is usual As taken the stroke to not the elbow fair a be allowed slightly towards allowed should is be3^ond he so be held the the in be generally are right should scarcely not is of very much go it very nothing it club the the on be that rigidly in bend will body while the begin with, there is arms should to legs should should important more or may heel the and feet knee toe, but legs considerably, either in is bend to the in play The there 91 this and ; and elbows, While body. and allowed the work method. proper slightly from in well the the all nearly be to recognised to do to Library. shots does as is of to high great not up im- Finish of Approach See Shot Chapter with XVIII. the Mashie. Athletic Spalding^s thoroughly acquainted with order make to club the ball is player is in There order alights They them. him for at least to a should and not are his try or year always without, in the this taken. but the right place. with It turf is must be quite of sort all they mashie shots be at so. chiefly in enough he a to the has not are it attempt time impossible taken it when not when Besides to next thing so stroke usual better up not shots, mashie had will practice. that be it and at two's beginner is make to than and ball play the dead bv the approach to more the easy, skill applied direction stroke contrive of kinds the jerk mashie players stop but green, Remember wanted. well ball itself the get when the to manner down will this the manner. and in sary neces- laid face making In is its not obey required on club when many cut the purpose, the other two the the on but little a any trouble. or make to for peculiar all, loft not here as in up the about be one which in pitch is except club the assist to after are ball some to sure difficult very the hands endeavouring there swinging sufficiently his wriggling for particular is who it that play in 93 golfer young mashie properly trying gets the anything swung quite up that do to instruction simple If upon him for in impress to portance Library. little play right had often turf them tims stance and for Address See Bunker Chapter Stroke XIX. with Nibhck. Spalding^s Athletic Library. 95 XIX. NIBLICK. THE This for is the special which the player out bad of is in the much so when opportunities of with it, for well and which with of thought getting be never to is the it task in or even be forgotten one in one which hand. has The than ball while pointing after into player all a to then out the bunker therefore is not quite players niblick quite many good is is in good a iron an this or possibility, first thing is to make a in bunker, get with possible lying quite low a has niblick Some than of he the miss the golfer when their face and stroke, and the only quite easy now got the recoveries be that it is about they the from might his presented. that the get to which taking better to use to club that bunkers However, when taken of habit distance is himself asking that mashie, out of situation far The circumstances. other in fair to never the quickly very places rule a occasionally happens a a as any making mashie. driving of at difficult and in the rise front. in whether circumstances shot it is it ball back laid much frequently applied other him, into mechanically the making point, however, bunker possible get and taken a a most practicable make into got is and face deep a immediately bunkers have that should is niblick shots club of purpose obstruction some over with club heavy a club certain to be sure should is equal 1^ "\ '. M ; See Chapter i.h . XIX, ilic Xiblick. Finish of See Approach Chapter with Niblick. XI:N , Athletic Spalding^s 100 well them of out in these when shot one Library. misfortunes occur him. to the Although are other for considerable ball For many than of the is very the niblick ordinary cut with as heavy well an nibhcks played For unusually for some large all purposes. is is the and in in this time face, the niblick got way past which of of out fulfils I turf. with hands I a the stop to the be can apply to down of one to necessary of there and desired comes head work shot mashie. it suited, marvellous niblick the respects a loft soon the perfectly some functions as work of of amount players using kind this large indeed, dead shots, it it them, of bunker when and thinks which to loft of amount very besides approaches short seldom so niblick the for uses is them player average have find its some it. all In the been better Spalding's Athletic Library. lO] XX. PUTTING. the often time, and not, neither as there is of order the get trying order in himself, bad great and putt It is putters putters are astonishing results It is part ;Much have their the into as be may have been many experience than the and the of same heads other born to tell this and not by on, the the putt for endeavour find must he as what to out for by can practice, constant ones most is most man a putter good may continually which one into obtained people a by done golf,inasmuch last, is the He good later give in the at hole. turned been words to be green impossible into probably quite possible that of ball the any experience knows, hole the into himself make practice. constant and to putting imaginable, task constantly disappointing. do the on in and of everybody as ball white Httle and difficult but, final strokes of the making ; is he when putting. to make swing complicated no to under simplest thing is the time from than would upon, to regard respect putting one getting out to is in of offer can tendered advice the as department anxiety some player closely acted if as, one experienced is other any This do. to he when nor results successful In I golfer the cause more such instruction ought will that game concerning that happens, unfortunately, It really but ; made, and veriest beginners. better they some in the may early think it r Braid's Stance and See Address Chapter when XX. Putting. Athletic Library. s Spalding'' easier there than is it ball while into the be would like nothing However, hole unwise does from and in which he principles which disastrous to first the calls for the be the would This being Therefore the also motionless quite body fine wrists only, and calculation putting be the and possibly here.- it must right hand is the and direction and body done moves necessarily the by to one in impossibility. an be In operation, must made him to kept absolutely still,and Generally - for general if the deHcate be must that it department mentioned strength a certain delicate it is obvious so, of the really of also natural are be may gauging this in dangerous very extremely an while and most comes which is careful and be and most whole off comfortable, there disobey, exactly to putt particular stance any best is which way is most it the least upset, and that take to man and confidence, how player a given distance, him the place, putting stroke. in the that of plenty putting. tell any direct in in cannot to things have confidence one putting, believing who thus really is,and 103 head the hands putt with, the I other merely that necessary be must holding the and club. in steadiness utmost very the steadying constantly displayed. It is palpably the swinging shaky, wobbly Nervous, club taps are useless. Also, the so as any stroke other stroke against getting mistake common strength brought and on be must in into ; the but direction to the smooth the game, habit of when is ball follow-through properly. be a As easy and the stabbing it is nice a in even other regulated precisely according to one, his the The strokes is regulation must a of be it should swing should and distance guard This club the much as must ball. sweep, the just player made difficult. most in and to which it. o % o5 oT o u 00 ^ CO io6 Spalding's Athletic Library, XXI. PLAYING in thus have We the all be be playing by the of kind any a and game, with made done, his rounds two points ball from the business won the first things will find and when of imagines much to into making the as certain But itself which to spoil himself the he is in time to will them and should they he ought will be to a his he is habits. easy as will come him as he forming him Let can risks take which be will he himself way, he doing and himself content he never shots of get with and being be. the whether quite likely for comfortable and when to because powers, one take to attempt never it to which should beginner hole find one is when career the and the simple a time, and the or play will learn, and to his To such player all one are here. properly The have there quite never head should an them is make to properly, whole a done mere style shots about them mention be his with beyond the as opponent. he say bad thinks hole The very acutely to through to. be may wise he all use is be an that not risks, that round if it is to play to necessary strokes how to as make a the to with halved knowledge leading is able player against opponents, it may tee the all golfer. it looks as or be that the cannot playing to regard of study time he if constantly improving In short complete even ROUND. THE to he question shall fail,in the will attempt hope of present a shot gaining Athletic Spalding^s if it great advantage some it is simply of question a careful make a more profitable policy. is the -hot obvious three with ^t^oke nothing. stroke should various haphazard They with of them ; him pull accepting .but they will out much, ; and he others got far take of and a lesson faults give experience very good but have watching very from which him some will be practice be learned it than the his player new very go is hint timely out and of he no of Heedless, but whenever golfers his match so many win and good, be he fine very from who will perhaps his in valuable. occasionally with learn may probably through he Until time often of better game way. will chary much not should which if case observant, for dropping, two or any should other any risk consideration not are a every than arrange lot He original tutor, he to in odd In may a very down must game to who play to the arrange, really good advanced into game will. always play from his else from to He players should players more do nothing as advice himself than himself. than players he the game. strive should play possible. the thing is two nearly full are in on it is with more. a that easy player young better an two the desperate case man safer a must whole, very played without get it to has or made never find not the odd contingencies players may possible be ever three with a risks naturally play the If it. take a in that ; for go opponent party playing the all will to up that player the is, on match must if his himself the he is two Again, he more, if he the save circumstances the loss, and happen may 107 these In which to as player play, to but ; were of the duty profit and It to one off. comes calculation only Library. has time to him cure unconsciously, then He state will only one find of it club, that one will discover being himself in it in match ordinary Finally, let he that so be golfer a of guilty and he turf down turf the the with this which in made and him behoves with player's ball going If into the may it would be his the would do came to its in turn of marks be heel life otherwise. If on. penalised or on the he most into its in his others, many ways visited does cruelly or rake and showing of ! it is heels place often too bunker a his the club, sand other not, some and unfairly by marks. club does with has carefully up going player a the carefully, and are alas of back. laid pleasure which the give to consists There playing, object properly and sand fill them but first throvv' to The back patted game. when the in if fault his of act cut. never worst it is merely do etiquette, and the performed in and done, the in golf simply the its that was convenience of is the obtain to of gash made, be golfer always find it therefore example, to those will he be out it will good before club his the For large he former learn again, as the the enough not thoroughly for of soon where etiquette may undone. left it for therefore and breaking and game is cut up and The regard proper He of player young the will cover grow properly foot. it latter, which the from spot should operation The a to trouble. way than when ignorance it is that to of which turf the is not in He the on the way club the of realise must chance a be commit. can replacing turf the rules breach replace to duty the of never a this recommend me may in of lot a play. knowledge fullest has more in hour one he do can by simply using month a he that into which with one Library. Athletic Spalding^s io8 to others links very as he much would be done pleasanter by than SSe THE SPALDING QUALITY SPALDING GOLD MEDAL WOOD CLUBS Are manufactured from the finestdogwood and persimmon, and all are guaranteed. The models are cates dupliof those used of the best by some in golfers the world; the finish is the verybest; the shafts are all second growth splithickory,and particularattention isgiventothespring and balanceof club. No. GMl. Gold Medal Drivers or Brassies. Models 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,9, 11 14, and Brassie and SpoonModels6and 13. Best grips.Each, $2.50 Model No. 5 and Brassle river Order by Brassie 13 Model No. S and View PROMPTAHENTION GIVENTOI ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDHESSEOTO US Prices in effect January 5, Model Numbers Spoon has Spoon Front calf wax Model slightly than 1912. 6, is made without fiber face. A. G.SPALDING STORES less Model IN ALL Subjectto change without " LARGE notice. Model BROS. CITIES For Canadian No. 14 Driver and BrassTe, FORCOMPUTE LISTOF STORES SEEINSIDEFRONTCOVER OF THISBOOK price*tee fpetialCanadian Catalogue M"iitMiia^^iM; SPALDING WOOD MODEL R, RIGDEN PATENT Patented Dec. 7, SPOON ^" ^ CLUBS GOLF 1909 ^w^^^mi "^, above comprise what we golf clubs manufactured. Patent) weighted principle. The wood claim is the They are line of only completeand practical all made on the popular (Rigden In these clubs the head is of finest dogwood and persirnmon, specially weighted with brass, the weight being securelyfastened exactlybehind point of impact with of second growth splithickory. Grips of best quality ball. Shafts are all made and golf professional of national club maker Invented calf. by a practical wax Clubs. Wood Each, $3.00 R, Rigden Patent) reputation. Spalding (Model . Set comprises Driver, Brassie, Spoon, Mid Prices in effectJanuary 5, 1912. . Baffy. Lofting Baffy, Putting Baffy, Putter. Subjectto change yrithoutnotice. For Canadian price*see specialCanadian Catalogue THE SPALDING SstItu?e TRADEMARK "^Kf SPALDING Gold Medal Irons Gold SPALDING Irons Medal are hand forged from the finestrnild steel. We have taken the playing of clubs of some the best golfersin the world and duplicated them, and they represent our regularstock. however, If, prefer you other model, we some it exactly, will copy and the price to you will be the same. No. GMI. Spalding Medal Gold Irons, scored d iamond plain, faces as dotted or in cuts. Best shown v^axcalf leather quality grips. . . Each, $2.00 Spalding Irons in Order by Model DrivingIron No. 2 PROMPT AHENTIONGIVENTO ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADORESSEDTO US Dnving Maihie made are Rights and Lefts. Numbers. No. 1 A. G.SPALDING STORES Prices in effect January 5, 1912. IN Subjectto change ALL without " LARGE notice. BROS. CITIES For Canadian pricessee LIST OFSTORES FORCOMPLETE SEEINSIDEFRONTCOVER Of THISBOOK specialCanadian Catalogue ACCEPT NO isiaayjiiikM^i SUBSTITUTE MEDAL GOLD SPALDING CLUBS Irons "Gold Medal" Best qualitywax No. GMI. calf leather grips. Made in Rights and Lefts. Ea.,$2.00 i"Gold Medal" Wood Putters Of wood, heavily weighted with lead. Scored brass face. behind Shaft placeddirectly point of impact, ensuring perfectbalance. Best quality calf grip. Each, $3.00 wax H" Steel Putters "Model No. H. Same model as used by Mr. Hilton v/hen he won Championship the Amateur of 191 I,his wonderful putting contributing in to a great ure meas- Best quality his success. calfgrips. Ea.,$2.50 wax Putters Aluminum The merits of aluminum need ters put- well known too are to tion. lengthy explanacludes Spalding line in- any The and up-to-date most fectly popular models. Are perlegalfor use here and, be used except No. HH, may abroad. Best calfgrips. wax Patent "Youd" Putters ' (PatentApplied For) Aluminum,* with No. YL. serted. specialpattern lead face inThey created tive posiduring Each, $3,00 the past a abroad sensation season. "International"Putters No. Face Aluminum. 4. Made in laid back. slightly and medium three lies flat, Each, $2.50 upright. " . . "Hammer-Headed" Putters Aluminum Putters No. HH. used by of this pattern are of the most prominent many playersin matches in United States, but the style is not "Hammer-Headed" Putter No. Hl| legalin England. Ea.,$2.50 SPALDING " ' ;' ^ ^--^ -^ "JUVENILE" GOLF is of 1.00 Putters Cleeks,Lofters, PROMPTHmNTION GIVENTO ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSEDTO US A. Prire, in effect January 5. 1912. ". BROS. G.SPALDING STORES Subject IN to ALL change without CLUBS proportionatesize,making perfect old. clubs for use of boys and girls up to 14 years Each, $1.00 Drivers and Brassies Every part ZZ3 LARGE notice. CITIES For Canadian price,see FORCOMPLETELISTOP STORES FRONTCOYER SEEINSIDE OF THISBOM specialCanadian Catalogue St E THE SPALDING C^D aioimi! For HEAVY" distance, use and of and ditions, con- generally, w^ both Sinks in r of tremes ex- greens S WITCH U. S. PAT. OFF. Moderatelyheavy weight. BRAMBLE PAT. Heavy water. also furnish any weight. Floats in S. water. PAT. DIMPLE OFF. Very lightweight. Per dozen, $9.00 Rubber Cored Golf IN Subjectto change ALL without Balls made under the Patent. A. G. SPALDING' Prices in effect January 5, 1912. DOMINO U. lEG. Haskell STORES Per dozen, $9.00 . SPALDING OFF. Per dozen, $8.00 GIVENTOI PROMPTATTENTION ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSEDTO US short or holes. DOMINO U. curate ac- "holding" water. REG. the holes, and REG. can e to SPALDING We t a for the in sizes. Sinks in hitters light the advantages SPALDING ladies LIGHT-For long playerwho wishes combine Gol in wind, hard turf fairly "^"a^v^ QUALITY TRADEMARK ", BROS. LARGE notice. CITIES For Canadian prices see LIST OFSTORES FORCOMPLETE FRONTCOVER SEEINSIDE OFTHISBOOK special Canadian Catalogue SPALDINGlJiDTRADEMARK QUALITY THE C^,D Golf SpaMinig Balls "Dimple" marking controlled by A. G. Spalding " Bros.,under patent dated February 4, 1908 soft turf conditions,water holes. For moderate LIGHT hitters, hard and ness in wind, steadidistance For roll, turf, use long players HEAVY " " on greens. ^^^^"^^'^^ REG. S. U. PAT. OFF. REG. Lightweight. Dozen, $6.00 Floats. DOMINO SPALDING DOT RED SPALDING ^^^---^^-^ S. U. PAT. DIMPLE OFF. Sinks. Heavy Weight. Dozen, $9.00 '\ O G SPALDING U. Red, White Floats. BRAMBLE GLORY REG. S. PAT. and SPALDING OFF. Blue dot. STORES " 5, I9I2. IN ALL Subjectto change without S. PAT. and DIMPLE OFF. Blue dot. Floats. LightWeight. Dozen, $9.00 ", BROS. A. G.SPALDING ADDRESSEDTO US U. Red, White Lightweight. Dozen. $8.00 PROMPTATTENTIONGIVENTO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS GLORY rEG. LARGE notice. CITIES For Canadian prices see LISTOFST08ES FOR COMPLETE SEEINSIDEFRONTCOVER I OF THIS BOOK specialCanadian Catalogi aayE THE SPALDING GolfingGloves Best qualitysoft white No. Gl. Spalding"Simplex" chamois, open perforatedback knuckles, Per pair,$2.00 No. G2. Fine soft tanned chamois, open knuckles,perforated back Per pair,$1.75 No. 200. Best quality brown leather palms and tips; backs of lislethread Per pair,$2.00 No. G2L. Quality as No. G2, for left hand only, with reinforced palm Each, $1.00 No. G3. Fingerless, palms reinforced,perforated backs. Per pair,$1.00 NoC G4. Fingerless, for lefthand. Each, 50c. . ..... Sure Will soil the hands and not Seccomb No. S. Grip of rubber Grip firm grip.Per box,25c. insures a Grip Winder fabric. Can be regular put over Per grip, 15c grip Rubber No. 6. and Grips Corrugated grip,of Para rubber. perfectgrip Rubber No. 9. Discs for Golf and Qijicklyattached slipping to shoe any Provides a (Patented Golf States and Ball Marker Britain) Great No. 1. but does not Impresses initials, injure the ball. Marking being below surface it will not wear off,and will retciin pencil, ink or other coloring.Burnished brass. Each, $2.00 Price includes player's initials. Speciallettersor be obtained promptly at reasonable additional may Prices on application. Glossy Golf Used exclusivelyon makers in the United '/iPint can % Pint can. designs charge. Paint the best golf balls by the leadi: mg States and Great Britain. Each, 50c. 25c ... " Golf White No. 8. Dries instantly.Will Furnished in white or red chip,crack not or wear off. Per bottle,15c firm Spalding Golf Ball Holder Each, 50c Outing Shoes and in United For absolutelyprevent Each, 7c Painting Balls No. S. Spring v*fire, with points that grip the ball while it is being painted 15c ." Each, i . . . Way's Golf Studs Highly tempered steel. Screwed always insure a firm footing. to sole and Ball Cleaners heel. Will No. 30. Rubber Pouch, with sponge. Each, 35c. No. 27. Rubber and brush. 50c. Pouch, with sponge No. 50. Double pouch of rubber, with specialfeltinside, to be saturated Each, 50c . No. 11. No. lis. Hob Stud with Set of 12 No. W. No. MK. Nails Each, 10c Complete, 75c Dozen, 15c. screw Aluminum. Iron. . . " .... 10c Club No. G. "^-inchhead. Box of 50, complete ^4-incR screw, with wrench for attaching ^50c. Dozen calks without wrench. 15c. No. OO. 5-16-inch screw, 5.32-inch head. Box of 50, complete with wrench for attaching 50c Dozen calks without wrench 15c. "^ oz. Makes With Tees extra Rubber No. 3. Good 5^ inch high. Weight, Each. 50c. No. 5. Can only move about nine inches '.lOMPT ATTENTION GIVENTO ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSEDTO US Be (Cannot Lost) the lengthof the string,which is Each, 15c STORES Subject bett :r and Eac h, 10c Each, 20c. Large, match L. and medal IN ALL to change without play. " LARGE BROS. CITIES Each, 15c Counters Each, $1.50 Ladies',Genuine Pigskin Ladies',Black Seal Gram Gents', Black Seal Grain Gents', Genuine Pigskin Renewable Fillers. No. 2. No. 15. No. 26. No. 25. A. G. SPALDING Prices in effect January 5, 1912. . Book of- 15 sheets Emery Cloth for cleaningClubs No. E. LibertyGolf Golf Tee Golf Tee . Score Sheets quality.Regulationstyle.Red rubber. Ea.,5c Anchor clubs . Emery Cloth Cleaner . ^g. Yz and spring Polisher Will clean^and polish iron quicker than anythingyet introduced. No. 1040. Adjustable Tee Mold No. W, . " Golf Calks . . " 1.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 .15 FOfi COMPLEIELISTOFSTORES SEEINSIDl FRONTCOVER OF THIS BOOK special Canadian Catalogs '"Z^f sSbsSTHESRALDING(ii))TRADE-MARK '"J'" yt-i^ No"25 _ "^~ '^^^"^-^.J^" No 13 i-N^' p SpaldingMarking Discs The and 1 to 18, to numbered Metal Discs, painted red and white of liole. The iron shaft is strongly fsistened designate the number about four feet long. to disc and No. No. No. No. Each, Heart shape Oblong shape Pear shape,hollow Windmill, four flanges 3. 4. 5. 6. Rim (Patented) For liningholes in putting green. The of hole. to bottom prevents ball from falling " Spalding Hole Marking Flags White, No. 6. other Each, 40c. Numbered Spalding 40c. No. 1. same " Rim cross-piece Each, 40c. Setter levelingedges around For settingthe hole rim and any or Flagsonly,oblong shape shape Flagsonly,triangle No. 9. No. 11. Hole Spalding Iron Hole Rims and Red and While, Blue of colors. combination Red, White, Golf Solid iron casting,one piece. Prevents the hole being racked- by the weight of the hole disc or flag which is kept always in an uprightposition.Each, No. 20. " Spalding Direction and Colors: Midlothian No. 25. from Each, $1.25 , With Metal Badges for Caddies safetypin on back to fasten to cap or breast. Each, SpaldingMarking Flags Red out, numbered from 1 to White 9, from in,numbered ordered. as Flagsonly,numbered Spear head-staffs,7 feet. No. 2. No. 5. . 10 to 16. Each, 50c. . " (patent Golf Ball Washer Takes everythingoff but the paint. Should be at Now used on the more of a well appointedcourse. tee every nent promi- Each, $6.00 courses Round Golf Ball Racks Spalding PuttingDisc No. 1. Used practice. train eye '. to . . in No. 2. No. 3. To To hold 48 balls hold 72 balls " 12.00 " 15.00 Prices in effect STORES 1912. Subjectto up almost pocketsin * No. 1. limited The far count, and IN all golf strokes in a ing parachuteprevents, the ball from travelComplete, 75c. . ALL . of Golfette The object is to loft ball into center the other nets counting less. Use ". BROS. LARGE for highest regularclub net Each. ball change without notice. Each, $7.50 Golf Ball practising,driving,and For area. No. 13. 3.00 Driving Net approach shots. ent anywhere. Complete,with differetc. uprights, net, necessary Parachute A. G.SPALDING January 5, " cover canvas practising,especiallyiron For colored Golf Spalding Game Each, $6.00 ADDRESSEDTO US complete in Eureka May be put be adjusted to cut patches of turf Complete with specialshaped sod PROMPTATTENTION GIVENTO ANT COMMUNICATIONS 25c. Golf a Portable set, very lifter .. Set,$5.00 No. 3. Special Knife Turf Cutter Knives may XX. of different sizes. Each, - The figures game. circle from 20 to 24 feet in diameter, size that the lawn will admit. or any No. 1. With raised figures, black, on white teeing plates. Set, Will not injure lawn No. 2. Plain cut-out figures, paintedwhite, not on plates. arranged in are No. X. Spalding Steel Hole Cutters The earth is ejectedwhen No. 10. withdrawn from hole, in cut. a" shown Simple and efficientand made of best qualitysteel Each, $3.50 No. 85. For removing patchesof weed by takingout circular sod, and replacing with good turf. Largerin diameter than No. 10,but does not cut quite as deep. Elach, No for indoor putting. Good For practicein putting nothing excels this much With this rack each frequentedcourses. playeror one playerin a party drops his ball in the rack he arrives, his relative position being determined when by the position of the ball in the rack. Substantially made of iron,heavilyjapanned No 1. To hold 36 balls Each, $10.00 on White Pair,$1.00 plateto lieflush with ground.-Pair, metal Clock Useful top. most Spalding Teeing Plates No. 8. for) applied composition golf ball prominent courses. No. RB. Made with enameled. Used on 50c. ..... Spalding "Cherokee" 35c. SpaldingTeeing Disc CITIES For Canadian price*see FORCOMPUTE LISTOFSTORES SEEINSIDEFRONTCOVER OF THIS BOOK Canadian special Catalogue Sf^LDINGjgjfRADE^MARK ^Slv SaUHE SPFri4r SEHEU OFFSET lEATHER BOTTOM USED ON All SPALDING CADDY BAGS. EXCEPT NOS. C2. C3 AND 10. MORE THAN TRIPIINC ORDINARY LIFE OF BAG. J^o L5H We in use we use and our canvas and solid leather, are guaranteednot No. L3 No,WI bags the heaviest and best grade of duck suitable for the thin stripsglued together.All our handles are made not In conform purpose. to All the bottoms are studded and double sewn to break at the bend. Stiffleather bags put up in individual pasteboardboxes. machines. Spalding All Leather Caddy Bags SpaldingCanvas No. PG. Genuine pigskinbag, hfeavy brass ha buckle on shoulder strap, brass studs and trimmings, leather bottom Each, $10.00 " . . on our to a our leather bags man's grip patented own Caddy Bags No. AH. eter, Heavy tan or white canvas bag, 6 inches diamcomplete with hood; white leather lacingand leather trimmings;reinforced stripsrunning lengthwise; sole leather bottom,ball pocket and sling. Each, $6.00 No. Al. Similar to No. AH, but without hood. 5.00 ball pocket and Stiffleather,best quality, slingto match, brass trimmings,leather bottom. Rehood for covering clubs while traveling; No. A2. Similar to No. A I but without the white leather movable lacing. Each, $4.00 fittedwith lock. Will be accepted by railroads as No. ex. Good quality either white or brown, Each, $10.00 baggage canvas, leather bottom, largeball pocket; slingto match. Furnished ming, No. L4. Imported leather bag, white leather lace trimin either 5 or 6 inches diameter. Studs on brass fittings, leather bottom. This is one of bottom. Each, $3.50 the most durable bags made. Each, $7.00 No. C3. Brown white canvas, leather trimmings, or Small stiff No. L6. tan leatherbag, snap slingand brass handle and sling, reinforced canvas bottom, ball pocket throughout.Long ball pocketopening top trimriiings Size 6 inches diameter. to match. Each, $2.00 and bottom Each, $6.00 No. C2. Brown or white canvas bottom.;ball ; canvas mings No. h3'/2- Grain leather bag,good qualitybrass trimpocket and leather handle and sling. Size 5 inches and leather bottom. Each, $6.00 diameter Each, $1.50 No. L5H. " , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . SpaldingCanvas Caddy Bags Large Size " Leather Caddy Bag for Women White or brown duck bag, either 7 or 8 inches No. WL3.^2. Grain leather bag, good quality, brass "diameter,leather trimmings and white leather lacing, trimmings and leather bottom. Elach,$5.50 leather covered ; solid leather steelstrips, reinforcing shoulder strap and handle. Patent heavy buckle lock Sunday Caddy Bag and special offsetstitchedleather bottom. Waterproof No. 11. AJl canvas bag, white, with ball pocket and clubs. Each $9.00 hood to fasten inside over heavy web shoulder strap Each, $1.00 Similar to WS, but with reeds instead of steel No. WR. and diderent stylebuckle locL E,ach,$7.50 Caddy Bag for Children strips, No. WS. . . . . Similar to WS, but without reinforcing No. WB. strips No. 10. Brown and sling, and without the white leather lacing. ELach,$7.00 canvas . PROMPTATTENTION GIVENTO ANT COMMUNICATIONS TO US ADORESSEO A.G.SPALDING Price* in effectJanuary 5, 1912, STOFIES Subjectto IN leather trimmings, ball packet covered wood bottom. Each, $1.00 canvas, ", BROS. ALL changewithout LARGE notice. CITIES For Canaoian FORCOMPLETE LIST OFSTORES SEEINSIDE FRONTCOVER OF THISBOOK price**ee tpecialCanadian Catalogue SPALDING SKUHE SHOES GOLF SPALDING calf, Fine russet No. 88. hand made low cut; ber throughout. Splicedrubsole (new idea), full studded leather and and Most up-to-date best golfshoe made. Per pair,$8.00 heel toe. High No. 8. russet cut, calf;Englishswing last,box toe, white oak soles. Heavy enough to rubber or attach hob nails discs. Pr.,$6.00 No. 6. Low calf; cut, russet English swing last,box oak white enough to rubber or toe, soles. Heavyattach hob nails discs. Pr.,$5.00 ther, Indian tanned leaNo. 3. Oxford; whole vamp reinforced instep across calf. Plain toe, with brown and Easiest fitting no cap. comfortable golfshoe most X made. Per pair,$5.00 . Low No. 7. russet cut, oak white leather sole and heel fitted with specialmetal blunt Per pair,$5.00 spikes. leather, heavy ^ ^ . for basket Made suitable also for golf.High cut, with suction rubber soles. Light drab calf.Laced very low. $5.00 No. AB. ball, but t-* HOB An NAILS f No. MK. I No. W. application found GIVENTO I PROMPTATTENTION ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSEDTO US PcLce? in effect Ja . of couple every very Iron. Aluminum. beneficial to Dc For 15c. weeks leather of soles SPALDING of Golf A. G.SPALDING STORES 19J2. Subject IN ALL to DISCS RUBBER 10c. . change without golfshoes. WATERPROOF Shoes. Per ". BROS. LARGE noti" . CITIES For Canadian prices see . OIL can, 25 Each, will 7c. be cents. FORCOMPLETELISTOF STORES SEEINSIDEFRONTCOVER OF THIS BOOK specialCanadian * Catalogue mMHESRALDING Spalding Front Reversible Collar Button in stretch for inches four U"e allow accordingly. It is suggested,however, two inches larger tha7i coat measurement Sweaters all our szveaters, and that for very heavy be ordered to insure sizes men a marked size about comfortable fit. are a lacrosse,foot ball,base lawn tennis, golf, FOR ball,automobiling,trainingpurposes, reducing weight,tramping during cold weather, shooting, High collar may tobogganing, snowshoeing. down be turned quickly,changing into neatest of form front button in stock in Carried inches. of colors See listbelow Sizes, 28 sweater. Gray and 44 only. specialorders. suppliedon Highest qualityspecialheavy weight No. WJP. worsted, w^ith pockets. Each, $8.00 * Same No. WJ. No. WDJ. Same to White Fine pockets WJP, but without pockets. Each, $7.50 * $S1.00 Doz. as styleas . . $90.00 Doz. qualitystandard weight worsted. WJ, but lighterweight, without Each, $6.00 * $63.00 Doz. . /H^ Spalding Combined and Chest Knitted Muffler Protector No. W. Fancy knit; good weight; special quality Stock colors.White or Gray. Each, $1.50 worsted. Specialweight ; highestqualityworsted. Stock Each, $1.00 or Gray No. M. Front Back View ORDERS SPECIAL charge, extra on " " We stock colors without mentioned, we supply these sweaters in stock, in any of the following colors: carried not NAVY COLUMBIA SCARLET CARDINAL DARK SEAL BLUE GREEN BROWN called RED. sometimes which They are three shades order we supply Cardinal. is specified on RED Where extra. than the above, to order only, 50c. each garment colors, other NOTICE" Solid color SPECIAL collar and cuffs furnished in any The to only, designate Cardinal, Maroon. Plain In addition special orders BLACK MAROON N. B. colors. White View sweaters of the Prices in effect with if vill be quoted only on allowed items NOT marked on A. G.SPALDING STORES January5, 1912. IN Sc"U-Iet, with one color body and another color (not striped) colors noted, on special order, at no extra charge, prices printed in italics opposite items marked Quantity prices NOT or more. half dozen PROMPT ATTENTIONGIVENTOI ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSEOTOUS zwe ALL Subjectto change without ". BROS LARGE notice. CITIES For Canadian orders with for if one- FORCOMPLETELISTOf STORES SEEINSIDE COVER nw OF THISBOOK Canadian Catalogue pricessee special 1912 JUL 11 Policy Standard be inseparably linked to a Standard Policy. A Standard Qyality must Mercantile definite and Standard Without Policy, it is impossible for a a Manufacturer Qyality. a Standard to long maintain his goods through a jobber, a manufacturer provide a To market must these conditions profitfor the jobber as well as for the retail dealer. To meet is obliged to set a proportionatelyhigh list of Dual Profits, the manufacturer price on his goods to the consumer. enable To the glib salesman, when booking his orders, to figure out these high list prices are attractive profits to both the jobber and retailer, served when the v^rillhave been absolutely essential ; but their real purpose has secured his order from the jobber, and the jobber has secured manufacturer his order from the retailer. w^ho air to the consumer, However, these deceptive high list prices are not is not ever does not, and, in reality, expected to pay these fancy listprices. for the sale of such goods, with their misleading the season When opens and but alluring high listprices, the retailer begins to realize his responsibilities, by offering "special discounts," grapples with the situation as best he can, with local trade conditions. which vary of merchandising, the profitsto both the manufacturer this system Under in the prices and the jobber are assured ; but as there is no stabilitymaintained the local dealers invariably the keen competition amongst the consumer, to the profitsof the retailer are leads to a demoralized cutting of prices by which practicallyeliminated. The Tfiis demoralization jobber insists always reacts on the manufacturer. this lower, and still lower, prices. The manufacturer, in his turn, meets on to him, viz. : the cheapdemand for the lowering of prices by the only way ening open and degrading of the qualityof his product. intolerable that,13 years in 1899, The so foregoing conditions became ago, in the Athletic A. G. Spalding " Bros, determined to rectifythis demoralization "The Spalding known Goods as Trade, aid inaugurated what has since become Policy." far as Spalding The so "Spalding Policy" eliminates the jobber entirely, the supply of Spalding Goods concerned, and the retail dealer secures are the manufacturer the retail dealer is direct from by which Athletic Goods assured a fair, legitimateand certain profiton all Spalding Athletic Goods, and is assured a Standard the consumer Qyality and is protected from imposition. The "Spalding Policy" is decidedly for the interest and protection of the of Athletic Goods, and acts in two ways : users is assured The user First. and the same " prices to of genuine Official Standard Athletic Goods everybody. w^ith confidence in materials required of our various of their goods, well ahead in the manufacture and this enables us to provide the necesssary respective seasons, the Spalding Standard of Quality. quantity and absolutelymaintain Seco7id. " As purchasing can manufacturers, w^e time, the at the proper proceed best very rawr are requested to supply All retail dealers handling Spalding Athletic Goods le"s thesame regular printed catalogue prices neithermore nor at our prices that similar goods are sold for in our Nev^r York, Chicago and other stores. of Spalding Athletic Goods, are treated All Spalding dealers, as well as users exactly alike and no special rebates or discriminations are allowed to anyone. This briefly is the "Spalding Policy," which has already been in successful and w^illbe indefinitely continued. operation for the past 13 years, " " consumers In other words, " The Spalding Policy A. G. " is " a square SPALDING By deal " " for everybody. BROS. Quality standard conceded be the criterion,to which to because currency, it As thereon. Genuine protection a extent count::rfeit products " Opinion to is " expended gold, Stamp against counterfeitingand in maintaining similar devices to Service Secret a depend must themselves protect Detectives" the aid of "Government without unit pure by the Government guaranteed law, citizen manufacturers and of specific proportion a similar a States is the Standard of this currency users the Trade-Marks upon is money of Elxperts. Under Bureau "^eat the to tricks,considerable other legallycontain must fact of its being the and compared are thereby is all other things of Dollar of tlie United instance, the Gold For nature. of the appellation "Standard" article that is universally given An or to a stgainst "Public assist them. the "Consumer's Consequently "inferior quality" and against misrepresentation integrity and responsibilityof the Protection" the entirely upon rests "Manufacturer." " A. G. Spalding " Bros, have, by their rigorous attention caused their Guarantee of thirty-four years, the world a as Trade-Mark Qyality become to throughout known dependable as Quality." for to in field their the as U. S. Currency is in its field. The the maintaining is the as Thus necessity of the Government when and Goods to he assist in us our this manufacturer guarantee a of cheap depends We for. Therefore, urge we to from in quality " is low and fostered prices are Standard idea of and which maintaining emphasized the main Goods, with a reputation higher prices than basis of a of makers by consideration. a claim for Standard to uphold turer manufac- Quality the eloquence of the salesman. experience and Excellence, by all athletic goods best efforts towards our necessa.ily have must goods, whose of Athletic our Articles invariably suffer the reputation of being of recognized protect, on of users fraudulent substitution will be ineffectual. sentiment whom all Standard maintaining the Spalding be plainly stamped principallyupon know a preventing inferior goods,!' with and only insuring himself but also protecting other his Tradein upholding Rehable Manufacturer of Standard high-priced, and a ous obvi- Currency. Standard not without this precaution Qyality and Manufacturers A maintaining Trade-Mark they buy, because " assists all that it stands insistingthat Standard is consumer in and as is.therefore, Qyality of their Athletic Goods, Standard each consumers Mark of the Spalding Trade-Mark necessity of upholding the Guarantee we avoid that there is no this quicksand quicksand by Standard more unstable than Quality. .^4/:^U" v^^";^^^^."^*^^ TTTTr'^^Kgairi, ATnTFTTr A book separaite and each cents Spalding ATHLETIC sT.Loms,i904 NEW wholesale /n CHICAGO YORK WASHINGTON toROOKLYM operated CHICAGO BOSTON by A.C.$ SAN paldlno " FRANCISC" f HIIAPIXPHIA B and ros .^ CANAT CANADA TORONTO, AUSTRALIA and ORLEANS NEW MONTREAL, SCOTLAND EDINBURGH, |VEW"ORK LOUISVILLE ENGLAND SYDNEY. DENyEI DALLAS ATLANTA ENGLAND MANCHESTER, PAUL ST. PITTSBURG ENGLAND owr":d MINNEAPOLI INDIANAPOLIS BALTIMORE Fartnries SEATTLE COLUMBUS SYRACUSE BIRMINGHAM. ANGELl LOS CLEVELAND BUFFALO LONDON, FRANCISCI SAN CINCINNATI NEWARK CITIES; CITY KAN3AS DETROIT PHILADELPHIA FOLLOWING the LOUIS ST. MILWAUKEE BOSTON Bros. " STORES RETAIL WORLD THE OF and 1900 GOODS Spalding A.G 'maintain paris,i9oo PARIS, QTANDARD THE ARE PRIX GRAND PRIZE GRAND Sport Standard and 10 Price Athletic every covers Official is w here . CTOCOPEE, JLONPON. ell of Spatd,n_p. BIASS- ENGw LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0 006 010 933 3 ^
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