Laser Targeted That Spits Out $10,000.00 or More Every Month!

How To Build a Laser Targeted Subscriber List
That Spits Out $10,000.00 or More Every Month!
Congratulations for buying this report. You've taken the first step to building your 10,000+
subscriber list. For that, I congratulate you. The information in the report is the critical must
know information, tips and tricks that I've used over the past 4 years to build a 464,253+
subscriber list.
Now It took me several years to build that many subscribers but that amounts to over $10
Million a year in revenue. Please don't get hung up on the big numbers. You will get there too
after you put your time in.
I do want you to understand building a list is the most important part of any business. I don't
care if you have retail store, a pizza shop, or don't even have a website yet. You need to have a
list so you can communicate with your prospects and customers on a regular basis.
I'm always dumbfounded when I go to a store and they don't collect my any of my contact
information. This means they will not be able to contact me to make me any special offers and
they won't have a way to get more to come back to the store.
Getting Ready to Build Your List: Squeezepage Setup
Same goes for your online business. you must collect at least your visitors email address at a
minimum. The best way to do this is with a "Squeezepage." If you are not familiar with a
squeezepage, it's a simple webpage without any navigational links that's primary purpose is to
collect your visitors squeezepage so you can automatically follow up with them with an
Autoresponders Are Critical
An autoresponder is an automated follow up machine that sends your prospects an email once a
day for as many days as you want.
You want to make sure your autoresponder is cost effective and has good deliverability (ie:
emails go to the inbox, not the spam folder). The best autoresponder software I have found is
GVO. I've got over 400,000 subscribers on my list now and still my favorite way to send email
blasts and autoresponders is from GVO. GVO is great for beginners and advanced marketers.
You can get a Free $1 trial at:
Your autoresponder is integrated with your Squeezpage. When someone fills out their email
address on your squeezepage and hits submit, they are automatically added to your list in your
GVO account. You'll want to load follow up messages into your GVO campaign so your new
subscribers are sent follow up messages to your self-liquidating funnel.
A Self Liquidating Funnel is our secret weapon on how we get all of our paid traffic paid for. This
allows us to buy as much paid traffic as we want for free. If you don't have your own SelfLiquidating Funnel, you can use the Freedom Alliance Network ICI funnel so you can get as
much paid traffic as you want for free. Paid traffic is the fastest and best way to build your list.
With the self liquating funnel, you'll be able to get your paid traffic for free. More on this
This is what a simple Squeezepage looks like:
You see there is only 1 action for the visitor to do: Enter their email address to get to the
promised information in the headline. This adds them to your email list so you can build your
list and follow up with them.
If you are have your own products, offers and sales funnels, there are times when you will want
to skip the squeezepage and go direct to the sales video. Skipping the squeezepage is a more
advanced method so if you are just getting started, you should make it a practice to
The 3 Steps to Fast List Building
1. Setup Squeezepage
2. Plugin Autoresponder and Autoresponder Sequence to Self Liquidating Offer
3. Drive Traffic
Ok Now let's dive deeper into the 3 steps
1. Setup Squeezepage
The first thing you do before you start generating leads and building your list is you need to
setup your squeezepage. If you have your own site like wordpress or something like that, you
can setup a squeezpeage on your site.
Shorter squeezepages usually convert the best. Simple squeezepages with 1 headline and an
optin box convert anywhere from 40%-60% depending on your traffic source.
Your squeezepage should not have any links on it. Your visitors should not be able to navigate
to any other pages on your site. The only thing they should be able to do is enter their email
address and click submit or next or whatever you label your button as.
A simple squeezepage like above converts very strong.
If you don't have a website, you can take the shortcut and use the automated squeezepage
generator inside the Freedom Alliance Network portal. The squeezepage generator builds and
hosts your squeezepage for you and integrates with your autoresponder so you don't even
need your own website to start building your list.
2. Plugin Autoresponder and Self Liquidating Offer
Couple things here. You need to copy the webform code from your autoresponder form and
add it to your own squeezpeage on your site or plug it in to the squeezepage generator. The
success page (thank you page) should be set as your self-liquidating offer or your affiliate link to
our FAN self-liquidating offer.
Your Self liquidating offer should be a high converting offer that pays for your marketing and
traffic costs to add people to your list for free.
The first 3-5 days of emails in your autoresponder should follow up with your prospects to show
them the benefits of your self-liquidating offer. If they didn't buy the 1st time they saw the
sales video or message, it may be because they didn't have time to finish watching the video or
the checkout process. Maybe they got distracted so your follow up emails should give them
another chance to see it and sign up.
If you don't have your own self-liquidating offer, you can use the Instant Cash Infusion selfliquidating offer if you are an active member of the Freedom Alliance Network.
Note: If you don't know how to write emails yet or just don't want to, we have a program called
"Copy Paste Email Campaigns" where we write 30 days of autoresponder emails for you. If
you're interested in adding these to your Freedom Alliance Network Account, see the link in the
resources section at the end of this report.
3. Drive Traffic
Now that you have your squeezepage and self liquidating offer setup, you are ready to start
driving traffic!
Solo Ads (Guarantees Clicks, Not Subscribers)
The easiest and fastest way to grow your list is with solo ads. You can get started with solo ads
very quickly even if you are starting with ZERO subscribers.
All you need is a squeezpage, a little bit of cash (or credit card or paypal), and email swipe (see
end of this report for the 3 promised bonus "high click" email swipes) and you are ready for
solo ads. Many solo ads are priced per click.
This is a very good thing because you are guaranteed the number of clicks you pay for. There
are other solo ads that do not guarantee clicks. They are priced based on CPM (how many
emails the publisher sends to their list for you). CPM email solos are more advanced and I
would suggest staying away from CPM emails until you are have significant experience.
The bottom line is solo ads do guarantee clicks but they do not guarantee subscribers on your
list. If you are interested in a very cost effective service that DOES guarantee subscribers, you
should check out the guaranteed Leads Program.
You can find solo ad sellers on here:
These are for small solo mailings.
We also have a full list of solo ad vendors that I have worked with before inside the Freedom
Alliance Network. This is just another privilege of membership.
Guaranteed Leads Program (Guarantees Subscribers)
If you don't want to worry about reaching out to Solo ad vendors and missing subscriber signup,
you should turn to the Guaranteed Leads Program. It's the only program that guarantees to put
subscribers on your list. We do the copywriting and cut the squeezepage out of the process for
you and drop your leads right into your GVO list.
We guarantee to add subscribers to your list or you don't pay. There are several plans to choose
from to meet your budget.
Basically we do all the work for you and hold your hand during the process so you don't make
costly mistakes during your list building adventure.
Remember it only takes 10,000 subscribers to be making $10,000+ every month. It up to you
how fast you want to grow that 10,000 person list. We could do it for you in 1 month if you
wanted. Talk to us about what you want and I'm sure we can come up with a plan to make it
Each lead is only $2 each and they are great for Business Opportunities, Internet Marketing,
MLM, Home Business, and General Offers.
To sign up for the Guaranteed Leads Program, Go Here and select the plan of your chose.
Ad Swaps
Ad Swaps are a great way to multiply your list after you have started to grow your list with solo
ads and the guaranteed leads program.
The great thing about ad swaps is you can get people to send out a solo for you for free when
you send out a solo for them. That why it's called a swap. And This is why you need to first build
your list with solos and the done for you leads program so you have a list to swap with. is a software program that organizes and manages your ad swaps for you.
I'd suggest building your list up to at least 2000-3000 subscribers before you start doing ad
swaps. Then you can start doing 1 swap a day in addition to the solos and done for you leads.
This will multiply your list building efforts helping you to build your list even faster.
Additional Resources
If you are not a member of the Freedom Alliance Network and want to signup to get access to
Automated Squeezepage Generator
Access to 2 Self Liquidating Funnels that payout 50% commission and 10% 2nd tier
Detailed Video Training Program
Weekly Pitch Free Training Webinars
Visit Here
Guaranteed Leads Program:
Copy Paste Email Campaigns
Appendix: Bonus Swipe Emails
Make sure you replace [Link] with your affiliate or tracking link and your name
Bonus Email #1
SUBJECT: NO websites = $547 per DAY
Do yourself a favour and click this link
This is the amazing system in beta I told
you about yesterday that is earning some
people up to $547 per day!
Look - I don't have time to mess around...
(And neither do you because it could close
at *any* second)
Click and get started now
Bonus Email # 2
Subject: $100/hr job opportunity
Subject: Opportunity in [CITY]
Subject: Are you IN or are you OUT?
Subject: NEW Opportunity new video posted
If you'd like to be able to earn up to $100/hr
in your spare time, check out this new video
that was just posted:
=> [LINK]
This guy's going to show you how to launch
5 new income streams in the next 7days.
Just let me know... Are you IN or are you OUT?
Bonus Email #3
Subject: Re: send me the link!
That's what people are screaming
at me.. so I had to share it with you:
>> [LINK]
[slots will be full in an hour]
Please don't share!
Extra Bonus #4
This Month's Earnings
Each month I get really excited to check my
monthly earnings - do you?
=> [LINK]
I remember the fear and dread I would experience
looking at my pay stub and wondering where all
the money went, and if I would ever get ahead.
Never again. I found my solution, isn't it your turn?
= > [LINK]
This is a proven, step-by-step system.
Take it for a test drive, and see the results
you achieve.
Best Regards,