2010국제회의-프로그램:2010국제회의-프로그램 09. 12. 22 오? ? 4:27 페이지 1 www.kapee.org ◈ How to Come to the Conference Venue ◈ Primary ELT: 일반버스 이용 안내 일반버스 : 144, 552, 4423, 363, 3402번 좌석버스 이용 안내 서울교육대학교 전경 좌석버스: 144, 552, 4423, 363, 3402번 지하철 이용 안내 지하철: 2, 3호선 교대역에서 하차후, 13번 출구 남부터미널 방향으로 약 200m 지점 Date: January 16 (Saturday) Venue: Seoul National University of Education, Seoul, Korea 137-742 1650 Seocho-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul Dept, of English Education, Seoul Nat’l University of Education ☎ 02-3475-2553, [email protected] www.kapee.org The Korea Association of Primary English Education 2010국제회의-프로그램:2010국제회의-프로그램 09. 12. 22 오? ? 4:27 페이지 3 2010 KAPEE International Conference Program Conference Schedule Welcome to KAPEE 2010! Time Presentation 09:20~ 09:50 Registration [Lobby] 09:50~ 10:30 Moderator : Hae-Ri Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) Opening Address : Young-Hyun Kim (Conference Chair, KAPEE) Welcoming Address : Wonkey Lee (President, KAPEE) Welcoming Speech: Kwang Yong Song (President, Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) Congratulatory Address : Roland Davies (Director, British Council Korea) Opening Ceremony [Grand Hall] Plenary I: Jayne Moon (University of Leeds, Former) [Grand Hall] 10:30 ~ 11:20 Role of the TEYL Teacher in Developing Children’s Oral Skills Moderator : Kil-Joo Woo (Busan Nat’l Univ. of Education) Workshops Won-Key Lee, President 11:30 ~ 12:10 (Seoul National University of Education) Dear Fellow KAPEE Members, Friends and Colleagues! You are cordially invited to the 2010 KAPEE international conference. It is going to be held on January 16, 2010 (Saturday) in Seoul Marilyn Plumlee Anna Stevens Paul Kavanagh Julie Sormark (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies) (British Council Korea) (British Council Korea) (Teacher Trainer) Integrating Small Scale Drama Activities into Everyday Primary English Moderator : Miae Park (Chuncheon Nat’l Univ. of Education) Classroom and Behaviour Management for Primary Teachers Moderator : Yoosin Park (Seoul Chapter) Pronunciation Rhythm Control Method for Primary English Teachers Moderator : Kyu-Nam Shim (Incheon Chapter) [Room 1107] [Room 1108] Supporting Classroom Teachers as English Language Models : What Works and Why? Moderator: Sun-Ho Hong (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) [Grand Hall] Lunch / Book Exhibition 12:10~ 13:10 National University of Education. The theme of our conference is ‘Primary ELT: How to optimize language exposure and use.’ In this conference, we are offering a variety of ways of optimizing exposure and use opportunity inside Korea. For this conference, many world-famous scholars and researchers come from abroad and at home: Concurrent Sessions 13:10~ 13:40 13:50~ 14:20 Methodology I Methodology II Methodology III 14:30~ 15:00 [Room 1104] [Room 1106] [Room 1107] 15:20~ 16:00 •Professor Beverly Derewianka from Australia •Dr. Mike Lockett from the USA In addition, many other scholars and teachers will come to challenge and stimulate your thinking with Program Management II [Room 1215] Teacher Education I [Room 1216] Teacher Education II [Room 1217] Featured Presentation I: Mike Lockett Featured Presentation II: Itje Chodidjah (The Normal Storyteller) Storytelling for Primary School Teachers Moderator : Heywon Lee (KICE) (ELT Consultant, Indonesia) English in Primary Classroom : How Simple is Simple Moderator: Yeonhwa Kim (Chungnam Chapter) [Grand Hall] [Room 1106] Plenary II: Beverly Derewianka (University of Wollongong, Australia) [Grand Hall] 16:10~ 17:00 interesting presentations. 17:00~ 17:30 Please come and gain something from this conference. KAPEE is yours. Thank you very much. Program Management I [Room 1108] Coffee Break / Book Exhibition 15:00~ 15:20 •Professor Janye Moon from the UK •Dr. Itje Chodidjah from Indonesia [Room 1106] More Than Fun and Games : Teaching Content through Language to Young Children Moderator : Yeo-Bom Yoon (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) Closing Ceremony / General Meeting [Grand Hall] Moderator : Hae-Ri Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) www.kapee.org 2010국제회의-프로그램:2010국제회의-프로그램 09. 12. 22 오? ? 4:27 페이지 5 2010 KAPEE International Conference Program 2010 KAPEE International Conference Program Session 4 ▶ Program Management I [Room 1108] Time PRESENTATION (English) Chair : Jaekeun Lee (Korea Nat’l Univ. of Education) Keum Sun Kim & Sun Mih Park (Chung-Ang University) Concurrent Sessions 13:10~ 13:40 Promoting Self-Access Learning at English Center Discussant : Eunjeong Jun (Dongsuwon Elementary School) 13:40~ 14:10 Early Study-Abroad and Bilingual Development Discussant : Kyungsun Hong (Cheju Nat’l University) Jinkyu Park (Kyunghee University) Jong-Won Kim (Korea University) 14:10~ 14:40 Analyzing Korean Elementary School Students’ Problems in Pronunciation Accuracy and Comprehensibility through Implicit Exposure to a Teaching Assistant Robot :Segments and Suprasegmental Approaches Discussant : Eunhee Kwon (Jeonnam Chapter) Session 5 ▶ Program Management II [Room 1215] Time Session 1 ▶ Methodology I [Room 1104] Time PRESENTATION (English) Chair : Wonkee Kim (Gyunggi Chapter) Young Learners’ Literacy & Oracy Development in the Print-Rich Classrooms Discussant : Kyungsook Cho (Busan Nat’l Univ. of Education) Seonhaeng Lee (Busan Yeongdo Elementary School) Improving Literacy through School English Library in English Learning Zone Discussant : Namje Kim (Busan Chapter) 13:40~ 14:10 Implementation of an English Immersion Program for an Advanced Social Studies Class in Elementary School Discussant : Sung Moon Kim (Daegu Chapter) 14:10~ 14:40 Supporting public english education : The role of Busan English Library Discussant : Tug Shin Kang (Busan Moonhyun Elementary School) Hyunju Ji (Pori Elementary School), Seon-Ho Park (Gyeongin National University of Education) Daryle Jones (JY Books) 13:40~ 14:10 Picture Walk and Read Aloud Discussant : Kyungsoon Boo (Gyungin Nat’l Univ. of Education) In-Hyung Park (Busan English Library) Warren Johnson (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education) 14:10~ 14:40 How Do We Prepare Students for English Language Instruction for the 21st Century? Discussant : Kyungsun Hong (Cheju Nat’l University) Time Session 6 ▶ Teacher Education I [Room 1216] Time Session 2 ▶ Methodology II [Room 1106] PRESENTATION (Korean) Chair : Changyoung Hwang (Kwangju Chapter) Guiding Primary English Creative Writing As Postreading Activities of Reading Children’s Literature Discussant : Joongsun Sohn (Daegu Nat’l Univ. of Education) Sunhee Choi (JeonJu University) 13:40~ 14:10 Lesson Analysis for English Classes Discussant : Bok-Hyun Kim (Kwangju Chapter) Anne Shipman (Chungnam Institute of Foreign Language Education) Integrated Teaching of Reading-Writing in Primary English Through the Use of Content-Based Literature Discussant : Jaeyoung Lee (Gyunggi Chapter) So Jong Kim (Seoul Mia Elementary School) 14:10~ 14:40 Time PRESENTATION (English) 14:10~ 14:40 Time 13:40~ 14:10 How to Teach English Using Story Books Discussant : Eunmi Namgung (Gangwon Chapter) 14:10~ 14:40 Motivating Learners - Seeing Something New! Discussant : Hay-Reon Kim (Gyengin Nat’l Univ. of Education) PRESENTATION(English) [Room 1217] Chair : Young-Sook Kim (Daegu Nat’l Univ. of Education) Jiyoung Jo (Onyangoncheon Elementary School) & Sangdo Woo (Gongju Nat’l Univ. of Education) 13:10~ 13:40 Using Online Media to Enhance English Instruction in Elementary Schools Discussant : Hee Jung Ihm (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) Yoosung Kim (JY Books) “Does the English-only Class Benefit All Learners?”: Korean Elementary School Teachers’ Perceptions about Language Use in the English Class Discussant : Gyung-Hee No (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) Session 7 ▶ Teacher Education II Chair : Changho Kim (Busan Univ. of Foreign Studies) Linda Warfel (Scholastic) 13:10~ 13:40 Jeong-Ah Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) A Study of English Writing Through Double-Entry Journals Using Literary Text in Elementary Schools Discussant : Sung-Kook Jung (Busan Dongwon Elementary School) Session 3 ▶ Methodology III [Room 1107] Chair : Jiyeon Kim (Seoul Chapter) Pre-service Elementary School Teachers’ Efficacy Beliefs Towards Teaching English Discussant : Sang-Yoon Sim (Busan Sungnam Elementary School) Jung Yoon Yi (Seoul Mullae Elementary School) 13:40~ 14:10 PRESENTATION (English) 13:10~ 13:40 MiKyung Kim (Seoul Dongja Elementary School) 13:10~ 13:40 Chair : Seung Sang Moon (Jeonnam Chapter) 13:10~ 13:40 Yoon Lee (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) 13:10~ 13:40 PRESENTATION (Korean) Teachers’ Beliefs on English Team Teaching in Korean Elementary Schools Discussant : Jung Sook Kim (Jinju Nat’l Univ. of Education) Maria Oh (Jeonju National University of Education) 13:40~ 14:10 Maria Karen Norton (British Council, Korea) Some Pre-service Primary School Teachers’ Classroom English Practice to Prepare for the National Teaching Qualification Test Discussant : Yoonhee Kweon (Seoul Chapter) YoungOk Kang (Yeon-Ga Elementary School) 14:10~ 14:40 A study of Reading-Writing Connection in Primary School Through English Poetry for Children Discussant : Jeomok Kim (Seoul Chapter) 2010국제회의-프로그램:2010국제회의-프로그램 09. 12. 22 오? ? 4:27 페이지 7 For Your Information •Homepage : www.kapee.org •Conference Chair : Young Hyun Kim ([email protected]) •Proeceeding Chair : Jinsuk Kim ([email protected]) •Secretary General : Hae-Ri Kim ([email protected]) Conference Venue: www.snue.ac.kr KAPEE Executive Board President Wonkey Lee (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) Vice Presidents Yeo Bom Yoon (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Jeomok Kim (Seoul Chapter) Young Hyun Kim (Kwangju Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Namje Kim (Busan Chapter) Kyungsoon Boo (Gyungin Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Yeonhwa Kim (Chungnam Chapter) Wankee Kim (Gyungi Chapter) / Sungmoon Kim (Taegu Chapter) Sungsang Moon (Cheonnam Chapter) / Changnyung Hwang (Kwangjoo Chapter) Secretary Generals Hae-Ri Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Jisook Kyung (Gyunggi Chapter) Hanjun Park (Seoul Chapter) Treasurers Sunho Hong (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Yoonhee Kweon (Seoul Chapter) Editors Jaekeun Lee (Korea Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Yoon Lee (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies) Miae Park (Chuncheon Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Kyunam Shim (Incheon Chapter) Bokhyun Kim (Kwangju Chapter) / Jiyeon Kim (Seoul Chapter) Research & Development Officers Jinsuk Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Sungkook Jung (Busan Chapter) Gilju Woo (Busan Nat’l Univ. of Education) / Jaekwan Lee (Seoul City Office of Education) Public Relations Officers Heywon Lee (KICE) / Yousin Park (Seoul Chapter) Changho Kim (Busan Univ. of Foreign Studies) / Jongyeon Park (JY Books) Information Officers Jaeyoung Lee (Gyunggi Chapter) / Hyunsuk Ji (Woongjin Thinkbig) 2010 KAPEE International Conference Committee President : Wonkey Lee Conference Chair : Young Hyun Kim Proceeding & Program : Jinsuk Kim, Hae-Ri Kim Site Coordinators : Hae-Ri Kim, Jisook Kyung, Kyunam Shim, Jiyeon Kim International Relations : Kyungsoon Boo, Hyewon Lee, Yooshin Park Public Relations : Yeonhwa Kim, Jongyeon Park, Jaeyoung Lee Treasurers : Sun-Ho Hong, Yoonhee Choi Webmasters : Hanjun Park 초대합니다 회원여러분, 안녕하십니까? 한국초등영어교육학회에서는 2010 국제학술대회를 다음과 같이 개최합니다. 꼭 참석하시어 개인의 발전과 초등영어교육 발전에 기여해 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. •행사명: 2010 KAPEE International Conference (2010 한국초등영어교육학회 국제학술대회) •주제: Primary ELT: How to Optimize Language Exposure and Use (초등영어교육: 노출과 사용 기회 증대 방안) •일시: 2010년 1월 16일 (토) 9:00AM-6:00PM •장소: 서울교육대학교 종합문화관 및 대학본부 2009년 12월 한국초등영어교육학회장 한국초등영어교육학회 국제학술대회장 이완기 김영현 드림
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