AV-ELUL-TISHRI 5767-5768 Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God. August/Sept 2007 HOW TO REBOOT INNER SPIRIT In our modern world that relies so much on technology, many of us have faced the ubiquitous phone call with a customer service technician when we are seeking aid to repair a device without which we cannot fully function. After initial small talk the tech, no matter where he or she may be in the world, gives us one or two directions: Make sure the ____________ (your device) is plugged into the outlet… AND Turn off the____________ (your device) and then turn it back on. Duh! If I needed help with such simple things, would I have been waiting for what seems like hours on hold?! And yet, so often I am embarrassed that I did not try these two initial steps of any technologically related repair procedure - and because either the plug was not properly in the outlet or the simple reboot magically healed my suffering system. Oh, if only the emotional, relational and even the physical malfunctions we face in our lives could so magically function with a simple reboot of our systems! While this reality does not exist on the superficial level of our lives, the metaphor does speak some truth to us as we consider our spiritual systems. Just as the computer, or phone or PDA has default setting upon which the system runs most effectively, so do we. Our sages tell a story of how each infant born into the world has complete awareness of the universe and all within it. As they Presidential Pen................................................ page 2 leave the womb, an Board View ....................................................... page 3 angel comes and Do Justly .......................................................... page 5 touches each of us on the skin above High Holy Days Gourmet Dinner Reservation Form ................................................................. page 5 our lips and that Religious School Info & Childcare Reservation touch causes us to Form ................................................................. page 7 forget it all – and Many Thanks ................................................... page 9 we spend our lives Monthly Calendars ................................. pages 10–11 trying to relearn what we have lost. High Holy Days ............................................. page 12 In some sense, this Yahrzeits ......................................................... page 16 complete awareness About Micah .................................................. page 17 is our default set- ting and somehow wired into our hardware. Just as the computer or phone or PDA gets bogged down in viruses or other programs that impede its efficient processing, so do we. Demands of living life are real, necessary and crucial to our survival, yet sometimes draw us away from those default settings that define and guide us. Then there are elements that tease and tantalize us, things not so essential, but attractive and that nonetheless alienate us from our basic truths. Our ancestors march through the wilderness in a story that tells of how hunger, fear and idols of all sorts stand between us and our default settings. Just as the computer or phone or PDA has protocols to run to try to recapture those default settings, so do we. As human beings we turn toward wisdom we find in nature, in knowledge and within religious traditions. In our tradition it is known as Teshuvah – Repentance. Truly, this word points toward more than the English ‘repentance’ suggests. This Jewish protocol originates in the Hebrew root of this word, ‘Return.’ We return to those default settings that define and guide us. We name those default settings with many terms: ethics, morality, spirituality, Divinity. Each year our tradition provides us the chance to ‘reboot’ our souls and ‘return’ to our default settings. Beginning in the month of Elul (which begins in mid-August) the process of running this protocol begins with just a few moments daily of listening for the call of the Shofar (which hopefully begins to awaken to a true Shofar within). This month of listening and loosening up our ‘muscles of return’ culminates in the Days of Awe: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We set aside these times to engage in the essential work of Teshuvah – returning to the default settings that guide us. I look forward to completing this vital task with you this New Year… as together we create a sacred setting where we engage in the work of Teshuvah and embrace the Divinity that oozes through our hearts and souls. – Rabbi Adam M. Morris Temple Micah 2600 Leyden Street • Denver, Colorado 80207 • 303.388.4239 THIRD YEAR'S A CHARM... EURO SINGER RETURNS FOR ENCORE Welcome back to Janet Pape! Returning for a third round of High Holy Days, she’ll travel from Paris, France, to stir the Micah community with her musicality. Please greet again this accomplished soloist, as she rejoins the Micah community to chant the season’s most enchanting, rending melodies. Born in Philadelphia, Janet graduated from the University of Michigan in voice and early music performance and earned an MSW degree there. She has sung for synagogues in Ann Arbor, Brighton and Flint, MI; and Vero Beach and Orlando, FL. Singing in the States for High Holy Days has become her custom. She and her husband have two sons. Janet Pape 2 Presidential Pen ALL TOGETHER NOW? Since the late 1990s when my family joined Temple Micah, I have been hearing that Micah was unique because everyone knew one another. We were different than other synagogues because out of necessity brought on by our relatively small membership, everyone needed to be involved, and this involvement bred friendships. Micah was warm and accepting of new members and it did not take long for someone to feel at home. At Micah all different types of family units mixed and this diversity made us strong and vibrant and a treasure in the heart of Denver. All of this may have been true when we were 50 families. However, today we are over 150 “dues-paying units” and we have regretfully experienced quite a bit of turnover. Moreover, with religious school in a different place from the temple and having expanded our programming to include more worshipping opportunities, we have morphed into at least four distinct groups: 1. families with children in religious school, who also attend monthly potlucks and children’s services; 2. Friday night Shabbat attendees; 3. Saturday morning devotees; and 4. minimalists who come for High Holy Days and other special occasions. This segregation of the Micah community has robbed us of some of our familiarity. Furthermore, the willingness to chip in that has always been a trademark of Micah has not kept up proportionately with our growth. I firmly believe that Micah congregants coming together as a community is the most important objective we can achieve in the next few years. This is because if Micah truly comes together as a community living up to its reputation, we’ll be able to achieve other objectives such as increased programming, a balanced budget and our own building. As a means for us to get to know one another better, on Saturday, Aug. 25 the Roberts, who live next door to me, and my family will host a “New Member – Prospective Member Picnic” at 5:00 p.m. with a fundraising component. For those who have been members of Temple Micah in excess of a year, the suggested donation is $30 per family or $10 per person. Louis Wolfe, whose barbeque restaurant across from the Capitol at 333 E. Colfax Ave. has been a fixture of good eats for many years, has once again stepped up for the temple and agreed to donate the main course. The Fundraising Committee and the Bruno and Roberts families will supply the rest. Activities for the kids will range from volleyball to a jumping castle at the Brunos’ home. If refuge from younger members is needed, adults will find sanctuary of a different kind at the Roberts’ home. Consistent with my twin goals of getting to know one another better and balancing the Micah budget, any attendees who do not bring a picture with their names on the back or agree to be photographed in a compromising manner, will be assessed a $5 fine. In fact, anyone who does not attend and does not send me a picture with name(s) on the back, after appropriate consultation with the bylaws, will be fined $5. These pictures will be used for display purposes at temple to help us all remember names and faces. I would appreciate it if you would RSVP by Monday, Aug. 20 either directly to my family at [email protected] – or at the temple’s website, http://www.micahdenver.org (click on RSVP Backyard BBQ). However, if your plans change at the last minute and you can make it when you thought you could not, please reply late or just come on by 1700 and 1720 Hudson St. B’shalom, – Hal Bruno, Temple Micah president Board View FORESEEING PROGRESS! The Micah board of trustees met for a combined board meeting and retreat on Saturday, June 30. The meeting was attended by Hal Bruno, Howard Pitler, Josh Deixler, Betsy Kaufman, Dave Coren, Brenda Morrison, Alan Bieber, Lori Goldman and Rabbi Adam Morris. During the meeting, the board discussed the progress and status of the work of the Dues Committee and discussed a possible means for dealing with members whose dues payments are seriously in arrears. Lori Goldman presented plans for fundraising events during the coming year – we are in for some wonderful new activities! Hal Bruno discussed the status of our facilities payments to Park Hill Congregational Church and our overpayment of our rent. He also reported on resignations and new member applications. The board as a whole discussed the rabbi’s pension payments and adopted a proposal for making his pension payments on a timely basis. Hal reported that Holly Greenfield has resigned from the board, so a vacancy now exists which will need to be filled. [Rebecca Ritter has resigned since, too, as board secretary.] Rabbi Morris presented a D’var Torah on the story of Balaam and focused on the idea that we on the board need to encourage a sense of ownership, empowerment and intimacy within the congregation. Board members introduced themselves to their fellow members and briefly summarized their backgrounds, reasons for wanting to be on the board and goals as board members. Yael Nyholm and Sarah Klahn presented a progress report on the activities of the Strategic Planning Task Force, summaries of information collected from other congregations similar to Micah and a draft of the task force’s goals statement. Based on this, the board is eagerly anticipating the final report from this very ambitious and hard-working group. The meeting concluded with a detailed discussion of a revised committee structure for the congregation. Under the new structure, each committee will be chaired by a congregant, with a board member serving as a liaison and mentor. The committees and board members will be Ritual – Howard Pitler, Social Action – Brenda Morrison, Adult Education – Alan Bieber, Fundraising – Lori Goldman, Membership – Betsy Kaufman, Chesed – Howard Belon, Ways & Means – Hal Bruno, Youth – Rabbi Morris and Religious School – board rep to be determined. The names of chairs will be announced once they have been confirmed with the candidates. The next board meeting will be held at the temple at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7. – Alan Bieber, Board of Trustees Member BAR MITZVAH BRIGHTENS SMILES My name is Joseph Barber. I am in the 7th grade and am studying for my bar mitzvah at Temple Micah. For my bar mitzvah community service project, I am collecting toothbrushes for children in need. I am working with a charity called KIND, Kids In Need of Dentistry. KIND provides free or low cost dental care for children who cannot afford it. Denver dentists volunteer their time to help at clinics. KIND always needs toothbrushes for their patients who can’t afford to buy them. There is a collection box at temple Micah. Would you please bring a new child’s toothbrush next time you come to services at the temple? 3 Funding Our Functions SEE YOU AT THE BACKYARD BBQ! For New, Prospective & Enduring Micah Members Saturday, Aug. 25 5:00 p.m. Lawns of Bruno & Roberts families 1700 & 1720 Hudson St. RSVP: www.micahdenver.org 303-388-4239 [email protected] $30 per family $10 per person free for new or prospective members ANNOUNCING A FUNDRAISING SAMPLER Upcoming fundraising activities of Temple Micah offer something for everyone. We plan a combination of fun, socializing and fundraising for the temple. We’ve put together a series of events for adults only, kids and families – and everyone. The 2007-2008 fundraising cycle officially kicks off on Saturday, Aug. 25 at a New and Prospective Members BBQ Party at the Bruno and Roberts homes (see related president’s column). Descriptions follow for other new events. Note that “Micah Paints and Parties,” a fundraising event of previous years, will happen again in Spring 2008, headed by Steve Zeiden and Linda Roe. To help with any of these events or for more info, contact Lori Goldman via the temple office, 303-388-4239, [email protected]. All hands are needed! Four Seasons of Gourmet Dinners On Saturday, Nov. 10 the first in a series titled Four Seasons of Gourmet Dinners takes place at the home of Steve Zeiden and David Castle. Each season a Micah family will host a small, intimate dinner at home for approximately 10-20 attendees (this is an adults-only event; singles and couples are welcome). Each host will focus on a different type of cooking. The ticket price will be higher than most Micah events, and will be an intimate, gourmet affair. Hosts provide the meal and the setting as their donation to the event, and 100% of the ticket price goes to the temple. We hope to have Rabbi Adam and Renee Morris at each dinner as well. This is an excellent opportunity to spend time with the Morrises and your fellow diners, enjoy a gourmet meal in a Micah member’s home, and help the temple. Here are the host families for each season: Fall: Steve Zeiden and David Castle Spring: Sharon and John Thorson Winter: Liz and Larry Feldman Summer: Becky Snell Labson and Victor Labson 4 These families will announce a date, menu and price well in advance of their events. Prices will be set by each host family and a limited amount of tickets will be for sale. The Deixler family and the French Flat, a Parisian boutique and floral shop in northwest Denver, have generously offered to donate a beautiful floral arrangement for each of the gourmet dinners. This is sure to enhance the ambience of what promise to be memorable evenings. Chanukah Is “Cooooking Goooood” On Saturday, Dec. 1 Temple Micah will host its first Latke Cook-Off – a version of the popular TV series, “The Iron Chef,” with its Jewish cousin, “The Iron Latke Chef.” We invite all potential Iron Latke Chefs to don their cooking whites and dazzle our palettes at our first-ever Temple Micah Iron Latke Chef competition. Iron Latke Chefs young and old, with recipes for traditional, nouvelle, eclectic and unusual latkes are encouraged to enter and compete for the coveted title of Iron Latke Chef! All attendees will taste and vote for their favorite latkes and toppings in several different categories, including Best Traditional Latke, Best Nouvelle Latke, Best Vegetable Latke, Most Innovative Latke and Best Junior Iron Latke Chef. Prizes will be awarded in each category. Besides these culinary delights, we also will hold a silent auction of hanukiyot from Julia Neumann’s extensive collection and will offer other handmade surprises for sale. Rumor has it our Renaissance man, Alan Bieber, is hard at work creating Judaica specifically for this event! To enter your latkes in the cook-off, contact Lori Goldman through the temple office by Nov. 15. – Lori Goldman, chairperson, Fundraising Committee Do Justly... SALE, BLOOD DRIVE & HOME BUILD DRAW INTERFAITH SUPPORT “Buy for good,” give something from the heart or apply your muscles to help raise a new home for a family in need… Here’s how the Micah community does it with a little nudge from the Social Action committee. A Garage Sale for Social Action, cohosted by Temple Micah and Park Hill Congregational Church, sprawled on the lawn at 2600 Leyden St., Denver, between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 and Sunday, Aug. 5. Temple Micah and PHCC also jointly sponsored a Blood Drive on the same weekend and at the same location as the garage sale. Moreover, a Habitat House Build has begun! According to Josh Deixler, a member of the Social Action Committee, Micah is part of Habitat Interfaith Alliance (HIA), which made a call for volunteers to help during the 14-week build that started recently. This year’s build will be at 3511 Williams St. Note: Habitat for Humanity Jewish Singles Build Day is set for Friday, Aug. 10. From top to bottom, clockwise: Dan Meyers, garage sale volunteer, was caught reading the merchandise. Howard Belon, vice-president and social action organizer, kept making sales while also keeping the sun at bay. Alison Rabinoff, a neighbor and member of Temple Micah, helped pack up remnants. By the end of the weekend, Temple Micah and PHCC had raised $1250 for social action, and 13 volunteers had donated blood! The online calendar can be accessed at the following web site: http://hia.volunteerhub.com/ For more information on the build, please refer to the following web site: http://www.hiadenver.org/index. php?option=com_content&task=view&id= 15&Itemid=35” Thank you so much for any way that you are helping! RECENT CAUSES FOR MAZEL TOVS! Audrey’s Arrival!… Audrey Paige Rimland, born on July 19, 2007, is so far a super sleeper (and cute too), and Grady is adjusting well to being her big brother. She is the daughter of Allison & Dan Rimland. They’ve Commenced!… Irit Lockhart, bachelor’s degree in international relations, Tufts University, and entering law school at the University of San Diego; daughter of Sheri Lockhart & Fritz Lockhart, granddaughter of Shirley & Jack Kamin Zachary Bencan, magna cum laude with bachelor’s degree in psychology from Duke University, will work for Teach America in Philadelphia and later will attend Temple University; grandson of Erich Callmann Zachariah Seiden, Hebrew High Class of 2007-2008, grandson of Othniel Seiden & nephew of Eric Seiden And the Winner Is!… Cassandra Callmann, granddaughter of Erich Callmann, won first prize among 11th graders at her school in Kutztown, PA, for a history project on Eleanor Roosevelt. Cassie’s project then placed fourth of 104 national entries. The project earned her a $1,000 award and was displayed at the White House Visitors Center. 5 HOW TO REQUEST HEALING PRAYERS In the coming year instead of reading a list for the misheberach healing prayer, Rabbi Adam Morris plans to mention names from the pulpit and asks that congregants themselves mention additional names if they wish. If you can’t attend a service, please inform the Temple Micah office, 303-3884239 a day or more in advance with any name that you wish to be mentioned. Thank you for your cooperation! Shabbat Lunching with Little Ones normally attend these lunches, and take turns hosting the playgroup lunch. Most families are not affiliated with any synagogue, with the exception of several families that belong to Temple Micah. Playtime with the lunch bunch: (clockwise) Rachel Pliner, Kate Pliner, Hannah Deixler and Jane Goldman A new lunch club in northwest Denver’s Highlands neighborhood is serving up playgroup/lunches one Saturday per month. The Shabbat lunches were started by the Pliner family of Temple Micah and through the Highlands Mommies Yahoo group in an effort to mutually connect Jewish families with young children. Five to eight families The enthusiasm for these lunches is so large that when winter comes, the families most likely will meet at venues such as the Children’s Museum. A High Holy Days dinner with these and other families will debut either at Temple Micah or at another accommodating venue. Other families who would like to participate in these get-togethers can contact Louise Pliner through the Temple Micah office, 303-388-4239, [email protected]. – Keri and Josh Deixler, Shabbat lunch clubbers Prayers for Mending Across the Miles Daniel Lewis, son of Jeanne Dise-Lewis and Hal Lewis and brother of Katie and Peter, suffered serious injuries on July 7 while on a cross-country bicycle tour to benefit Habitat for Humanity. While traversing Kansas, Dan’s bike was struck by a vehicle and he has been hospitalized since then in Wichita. The family appreciates thoughts and prayers from the Micah community. Cards or notes may be sent to this address: Ronald McDonald House – Midtown House 1110 N. Emporia St., Room 6, Lewis family Wichita, KS 67214 6 Sc hool Days School OPENING DAY Hooray for Religious School! Students continuing in Temple Micah’s religious school already should have received registration packets for the 2007-2008 session. Registration materials for new students, age 4 and older, are available on request or at http://www.micahdenver.org. Membership in the temple is recommended for religious school families, but children of nonmembers may enroll in the school. Parents can cheer on the learning process in a zillion ways…. Serve as a room parent, convene a gathering for families of your child’s classmates, host a Shabbat potluck supper, attend school-wide mitzvah days, provide childcare for High Holy Days, organize school fundraising or convey thanks to teachers. Questions? Pitch them to Carla Klein, educator, 303-388-4239, x2; [email protected]. Sunday, Sept. 9 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. Denver Campus of Jewish Education, 2450 S. Wabash St. Catch the joy and excitement of Jewish learning with Temple Micah! Alyssa, Jeff, Benjamin and Karen Roberts relaxed with David Fine at a religious school picnic last spring. Now the Roberts are preparing for another Micah picnic on Aug. 25 in their backyard! Will You Know Where Your Children Are? Volunteer-supervised childcare by adults and teens is provided by Temple Micah during some services on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Parents are asked to indicate their family’s needs in advance. Dates and times are as follows: • Rosh Hashanah Day, Thursday, Sept. 13 – 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. • Yom Kippur Day, Saturday, Sept. 22 – 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Both sessions will offer educational components with stories, activities and songs appropriate for all ages. Parents may take their children back and forth from childcare to services and vice-versa, as desired, signing in and out of childcare. To accept this offer, send in the attached form with a childcare donation to cover costs for snacks and materials. For more details or if you have out-of-the-ordinary needs, leave a message for Julie Lewis, chair of the Religious School Committee, at the temple office, 303-388-4239. Or e-mail her at [email protected]. TIME TO JOIN OUR TEMPLE? Temple Micah welcomes new members yearround. If you’d like more information about the congregation, ask Elaine Lee, 303-388-4239, office@micahdenver. org. Pick up a membership application and dues pledge form at the temple or religious school – or download the forms on Temple Micah’s website at http:// www.micahdenver.org. If you prefer, the temple would be glad to mail membership material. We invite inquiries, encourage visits and would like to tell you more about the Micah community. CHILDCARE RESERVATION FORM FOR HIGH HOLY DAYS Your Name _______________________________________________________________________ Child’s (Children’s) Name(s), Age(s) _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Email Address____________________________________ HOLIDAYS ATTENDING: Rosh Hashanah ___Yom Kippur ___Childcare Donation: $ ___ 7 f This Take Note o of SIGN UP FOR NO CALL LISTS Here’s an anti-fraud message from the Denver District Attorney’s Office: One easy step for preventing investment scams is to sign up for the Colorado No Call List, www.coloradonocall. com, 1-800-309-7041, and the National No Call List, www.ftc.gov/ donotcall or 1-888-3821222. Report suspicious activity the Denver DA’s Fraud Line, 720-9139179. Or call Colorado Attorney General/AARP ElderWatch Hotline, 1-800-222-4444. 8 EI ALL ANSH CALLING , PEOPLE OF THE MITZVAH DMENTS nsive COMMAN sted in pursuing inte or- lts intere ave an opp Micah adu udies will h eople of the st c ai d Ju d ,p Hebrew an ei Mitzvah ay ecome Ansh d and fourth Saturd n tunity to b co se d n o an , ts en year commandm month over the next r b’nai ch fo ea g gs in in ar p rn mo teens pre ld u o grownup sh a y e h If you ar a half. W ? n fu e th l ave al alternative, mitzvah h , ei Mitzvah sh n A e th 88-4239 x1 interested in Adam Morris, 303-3 bi contact Rab icahdenver.org. m @ o im rabb S TO AIDS WALK ADD YOUR LEofGColorado welcomes anyone ce Jewish Family Servi Colorado th the 20 AIDS Walk for m to join its tea memory in The team will walk on Sunday, Sept. 9. his birth m fro IV o contracted H also will of Aaron Weiss, wh ers alk W . 21 e ently at ag maker me mother and died rec Ho ds the Hearts and Han le op secure pledges for pe to es vic homemaker ser Program, supplying and AIDS. afflicted with HIV or visit , 303-597-500 x315 illy Re n t An ac nt al Co Sp l BULB SAL e.org. Rafae iritu je ishfamilyservic ES GLOW 0 p.m. www.jew 5:0 at on ati Temple Mic ING STRO ll hold its dedic wi er ah Social Act nt Ce ng ali He Dr NG io sale of com S. Tamarac ive. pact fluoresc n Committee’s ongoin pt. 6 at JFS, 3201 Se ay, sd ur Th g ent light bu energy effici lbs ency while advancing en promotes tal awarenes vironmens. If that’s n ot enough to patronage, ea spark your ch bulb ord ered adds $ temple’s fin 1 to the ances! For an order form, literature ta stop by the ble at the te mple or go micahdenve to http://w r.org. A rem ww. inder to tho orders last sp se who place ring or early d this summer be picked u : Bulbs may p in the sm all hallway Questions? at the temp Ask socialac le. tion@micah or leave a m denver.org essage for H STUDY RESULTS DUE ow 4239. ard Belon at SOON 303-388Interviews of 1400 people have occurred in the 2007 Metro Denver/Boul der Jewish Community Study, under auspices of Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado. Among rese O DESIGN arch topics are how the KIDS INVITED T Jewish community can eng age adults in their S D R mid-20s and 30s, baby boo NEW YEAR'S Cll Aconduct a free Rosh mers and residents of wi geographic areas not typical Risa Towbin Aqua ly served by Jewish proand Contest for p ho ks or W ing ak gramming. Data is being Sunday, Hashanah Card M . p.m com 0 piled on how people 4:0 02:0 1-6, from connect to Judaism in spe children in grades l Center ize cifi M c programs and inforof dio Stu t etz Ar mally. Results of the survey Sept. 9 at the Grein One child’s St. a hli wil Da l be shared this fall. S. 0 35 for Arts & Culture, sign for the annual de e th as ed ect sel work may be card. Join Foundation greeting Rose Community ls, watch bo holiday and its sym Risa to review the have fun en th d an tercolor ways her demonstrate wa ed nd , as istration is recomme creating art. Pre-reg ll 303-316-6360. space is limited. Ca Many T hanks Thanks ...from the Micah Community! to those who made financial donations to Temple Micah from June 1 – July 31, 2007: GENERAL FUND: Erich Callmann Jeffrey & Roni Cruz – thank you Rabbi Mo & Temple Micah for making us feel welcome! Rosalie & Joseph Donnelly – for misheberach healing prayer on behalf of Rosalie Richard and Juli Gordon – to honor the members of the congregation (through The Leonard & Selma Gordon Family Foundation) Lillian, Ernest & Warren Paul – in memory of dear friend Elias Gurian Nancy Litwack-Strong & Peter & Steven Strong – in honor of Rabbi Sandra Cohen’s 40th birthday Supplemental Contributions: Mike & Robin Aubrey & family Howard Belon & Donna Morganstern & family Kimberly & A.J. Cohen III & family Jane & Joe Crystal & family Stephen Dreskin & June Inuzuka & family Holly Greenfield & family Mark & Lola Farber Grueskin & family Brenda Morrison & Brian Shaw & family Rebecca Ritter & family FACILITY FUND: Mike & Robin Aubrey & family Ann Cohen – in memory of Sylvia Cohen RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Laura Thor & Bob Bram & family Dr. Allan & Francine Krumholz – in honor of our granddaughter Clara Elaine Cartwright & Irv Levy – in honor of their children & grandchildren Andy & Louise Pliner – in honor of the giving of Hebrew names for Kate & Rachel Pliner Correction: In the last issue of the “Micah Mailbox,” a gift by Ann Cohen was listed for the General Fund, which was intended for the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund. YOUR DONATION IS APPRECIATED HERE! Temple Micah welcomes EVERY DONATION. Please send yours with the form below to: Temple Micah, 2600 Leyden St., Denver, CO 80207. Thank you for your generosity. ENCLOSED IS MY DONATION FOR: __ THE GENERAL OPERATING FUND This fund can be used for any and all Temple Micah activities including ritual, pulpit, music, Torah repair, prayer books, religious education for children and adults and administrative expenses. __ RESTRICTED FUNDS __ Temple Micah Facility Fund MORE THANKS... • to Holly Greenfield & Rebecca Ritter, who both served loyally and resigned recently from Temple Micah’s board of trustees. Their efforts on the board were much appreciated. • to Gloria Pitler & the Calling Committee, who become extra busy at this time of year, keeping the congregation informed of Micah happenings! Callers include Kim & A.J. Cohen III, Albert & Flo Weltman, Amy Anderson, Ana Krumholz, Becky Labson,, Deanna Gusman, Dena Sorokin, Helen Spiegel, Hope Kligerman, Jane Crystal, Joan Ogner, Lynn Klyde-Silverstein, Meghan Kelly Thorson, Marilyn Welsh, Michele DeRosa and Susan Kaplan. • to Debby Furman & Karen Hagler, ever-helpful administrative volunteers. • to Gary McIntosh & Carol Molnia, steady-at-the-ready website managers. • to all who donated or helped with the GARAGE SALE for SOCIAL ACTION and BLOOD DRIVE. __ Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund __ Jerome Gersten Religious Arts Fund __ Arden Pearl Yahrzeits Fund If applicable, please circle one: In HONOR of: In MEMORY of: _________________________________________________________________ Your Name _____________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________ 9 hedule Spiritual Scchedule ANNOUNCING AUGUST Sunday Monday Tuesday Weekly Sabbath Readings Wednesday Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. GARAGE SALE for SOCIAL ACTION! Saturday 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT-in-the-PARK, with musician Hal Aqua August Birthday Blessing; bring a picnic to Stapleton! Emporia Street/Court Triangle Park (take MLK East, left on Elmira, left on E. 31st; the park is on the right) 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. GARAGE SALE for SOCIAL ACTION! co-hosted by Temple Micah & Park Hill Congregational Church 1 2 3 Aug. 4 – Ekev Aug. 11 – Re’eh Aug. 18 – Shofetim Aug. 25 – Ki Tetze 5 Friday 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 7:00 p.m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Congregants are welcome. 4 11 No Adult Study or Shabbat Service 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. BLOOD DRIVE Co-hosted by Park Hill Congregational Church & Temple Micah 12 6:00 p.m. KABBALAT SHABBAT 18 with musician Hal Aqua Bluff Lake Nature Center, 7350 E. 29th Ave. 19 20 RSVPs due for BACKYARD BBQ PARTY: [email protected] or http://www.micahdenver. 21 22 23 24 25 9:00 a.m. CHEVRA TORAH Discussion of Weekly Torah Portion 10:00 a.m. SHABBAT SERVICE 5:00 p.m. BACKYARD BBQ PARTY, org lawns of Brunos & Roberts, 1700 & 1720 Hudson St. All Micah members & prospectives are invited! 26 10 27 28 29 30 31 hedule Spiritual Scchedule SEPTEMBER FOR STARTERS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Weekly Sabbath Readings 9:00 a.m. CHEVRA TORAH: Discussion of Weekly Torah Portion Sept 1 – Ki Tavo Sept 8 – Nitzavim-Vayelech Sept 15 – Ha’azinu Sept 22 – Deut. 29:9-14, 30:11-20, Lev. 19:1-4, 9-18, 32-37 Sept 29 - Exodus 33:12-34:26 2 10:00 a.m. SHABBAT SERVICE & bar mitzvah of Jesse Coren, music with Hanalei Laner & Sheldon Sands All congregants are invited to the service at temple & kiddush luncheon at the Molkery at Montclair, 6820 E. 12th Ave. 3 LABOR DAY (temple office closed) 4 7:00 p.m. BOARD of TRUSTEES MEETING 5 6 10 11 12 7:30 p.m. EREV ROSH HASHANAH SERVICE 9:00 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL OPENING DAY! – DCJE Board of Trustees Reception 6:00 p.m. SHABBAT SERVICE, 13 9:00 a.m. ROSH HASHANAH FAMILY SERVICE 10:30 a.m. ROSH HASHANAH MORNING SERVICE 14 NO Shabbat Potluck or Service Renee Morris & family (directions to be provided) 5:30 p.m. TASHLICH: Cast away sins at Westerly with musician Hal Aqua, potluck dessert Creek (short walk from rabbi's home) 17 9:00 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL, DCJE 18 DEADLINE FOR HIGH HOLY DAYS DINNER reservations & payment 19 20 21 5:30 p.m. HIGH HOLY DAYS DINNER benefiting Temple Micah 7:30 p.m. KOL NIDRE SERVICE NO Religious School 24 25 26 27 Save This Date! 30 9:00 a.m. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL, DCJE 15 9:00 a.m. ME’AT ROSH HASHANAH 3:30 p.m. OPEN HOUSE: Rabbi Adam & 8:00 p.m. SELICHOT SERVICE 23 8 for little ones & their families “Roll of Remembrance” deadline for submission of names! (lunch break) Contact: Carla Klein, educator, 303-388-4239 x2. 16 7 music with Hal Aqua Congregants are welcome. 9 Saturday Wednesday Oct. 3 7:00 p.m. SIMCHAT TORAH SERVICE with musicians Hal Aqua & David Ross 28 22 all day YOM KIPPUR observances at Temple Micah (temple office closed) 29 9:00 a.m. ME’AT SHABBAT– SUKKAH RAISING & DECORATING (with children’s art activity) 11 HIGH HOLY DAYS SCHEDULE All the best from Temple Micah to you & your loved ones for a meaningful year, 5768! Sunday, Sept. 9 8:00 p.m. Friday, Sept. 12 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15 9:00 a.m. Friday, Sept. 21 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:45 p.m. SELICHOT SERVICE, Potluck Dessert EREV ROSH HASHANAH SERVICE, Board Reception FAMILY SERVICE ROSH HASHANAH SERVICE OPEN HOUSE, Rabbi Adam & Renee Morris TASHLICH at Westerly Creek, near Morris home ME’AT ROSH HASHANAH, little ones & their families HIGH HOLY DAYS DINNER, Reservations by Sept. 18 KOL NIDRE SERVICE FAMILY SERVICE YOM KIPPUR MORNING SERVICE OPTIONS FOR BODY & SOUL, Yoga or Study SHEMA KOLEYNU–HEAR OUR VOICES! YOM KIPPUR AFTERNOON SERVICE, Enduring Wisdom & Songs YIZKOR–MEMORIAL SERVICE, Names by Sept. 13 NE’ILAH–CLOSING SERVICE, Break-the-Fast BRING BABIES & SHOFARS The end of Yom Kippur, known as Ne’ilah, beckons one and all at 5:45 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22 – and especially babies. At this time we’ll bless families who have added life to their homes since last Yom Kippur. Also, everyone with a shofar is invited to join in our concluding spontaneous ram’s horn chorus. AND MORE HOLIDAYS... Saturday, Sept. 29 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3 7:00 p.m. Me’at Shabbat Sukkah Raising & Decorating Simchat Torah Service TICKET RESERVATION FORM FOR NON-MEMBERS I am not a member of Temple Micah but would like to attend your services for High Holy Days. To help support Temple Micah, I have enclosed a check for the following number of tickets. (Each ticket is good for a whole HOUSEHOLD!) ______Family ticket for all HHD services (suggested donation $300) ______Individual ticket for all HHD services (suggested donation $200) ______1 or 2 Family Services ONLY (suggested donation $100) If the suggested figure isn’t feasible, please simply offer what you can! ______Total $ enclosed NAME(S) Phone Mailing address E-mail address City, State, Zip Please return this form to Temple Micah, 2600 Leyden St., Denver, CO 80207. If you have questions, call the temple office, 303-388-4239. 12 HEARING VOICES IS OK! Join us at 2:15 p.m. on Yom Kippur, Sept. 23 for Shema Koleynu, “Hear OUR Voices.” This service promises unique perspectives from several Micah members, as they confide thoughts and anecdotes about their spiritual quests. It’s one way to get better acquainted with a few congregants. REJEW, REIMBUE YOUR ID HERE! Fast forward for hints of the holidays... Who needs drippy honey and apples or the blaring resonance of a shofar? You do! But also you’ll be uplifted by many other fine qualities of the Micah community! Rabbi Adam Morris stands at the helm with Parisian soloist Janet Pape throughout High Holy Days observances – plus musician Hal Aqua for Selichot and songster David Ross at Family Services especially attuned to children. To help you soar into High Holy Days with fresh Jewish insights, identification and friendly feelings all around, find these handy tools in the newsletter: Listen, Shofar Blowers! • TICKET RESERVATIONS – form for non-members requesting seating for High Holy Days. (Micah members will receive tickets by mail for themselves & extras for their guests.) • CHILDCARE – reservation form to accommodate youngsters during adult-oriented services. •“ROLL of REMEMBRANCE” – list deceased loved ones for keepsake booklet by Sept. 13. •PRAYER BOOK INSCRIPTION – form for tributes in honor or memory of special people •PRE-KOL NIDRE GOURMET DINNER - return the dinner reservation form by Sept. 18. Family Services will engage young-ish temple-goers with their elders on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings, directly before regular services more geared for grownups. For non-members who wish to attend ONLY the holiday Family Services, a discounted donation of $100 is suggested. But we also urge parents to use the convenient childcare down the hall, so that everyone in the family feels comfortably served by the range of holiday options at Temple Micah. Temple Micah’s invitation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is meant as a hearty welcome! Guests are greeted, included, appreciated and graciously absorbed by our midsized, unassuming Reform community. Newcomers, unaffiliated Jews, interfaith couples and Jews by choice are all wanted here. Not surprisingly, Temple Micah draws people from far and near to this friendly domain. If you’re not a Micah member, please consider joining! Your immediate generous support – and more enduring commitment – are urgently needed to sustain the congregation and to allow it to prosper. Temple Micah relies on you and has much to give you in return! We charge no fee for High Holy Days services, but suggest reservations for non-members – and donations to enable the temple to accommodate all wanting to attend. As Temple Micah continues to grow, we are resolved to remain approachable and hospitable. To do so, we need your substantive backing. Please give the maximum that you can. 13 Members automatically receive a ticket for their household by mail and other tickets to pass along to acquaintances. Non-members may use the ticket reservation form enclosed, or reserve tickets online at http://www.micahdenver.org. If you’re up to the challenge, let Rabbi Adam Morris know at 303-388-4239 x1, [email protected], that you’ll make sounds to fill the sanctuary! Reaching Out to Families Flex the Mind or the Flesh “Options for Body and Soul” will vie for your attention in concurrent sessions at 1:00 p.m., right after Yom Kippur morning services. Cultivate physical self-awareness in a yoga session facilitated by Linda Roe, a former Micah president. Or spur your thinking in a discussion with Rabbi Adam Morris. Sustenance for Our Season Get an empty grocery sack at Rosh Hashanah services and return it full on Yom Kippur. Your donation of non-perishable food will alleviate someone’s hunger. On Wednesday, Sept. 12 after the 7:30 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashanah Service, enjoy a reception hosted by Temple Micah’s board of trustees. Also, plan to partake of the 10th anniversary High Holy Days Gourmet Dinner to be presented by Chef Warren Paul, at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, just before the 7:30 p.m. Kol Nidre Service. Dinner reservations with payment by Tuesday, Sept. 18 are a must, and proceeds benefit the congregation. When Yom Kippur services conclude on Saturday, Sept. 22, break the fast with a light repast provided by the temple. t 10 h A r rsa e v i nn y! A Delicious Way to Fortify Yourself & Temple Micah Dine in Best Company with Micah Community!... Join us for the 10th Anniversary Pre-Kol Nidre Buffet Dinner Catered by Chef Warren Paul! 5:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21 Temple Micah 2600 Leyden St. MENU ah Round Chall ❖ Salad Mixed Green ❖ to Chicken Cilantro Pes ❖ te Salmon Citrus Anchio ❖ oes Roasted Potat ❖ c and Basil ns with Garli ea B en re G Fresh ❖ Fresh Fruit Sorbet with TIMELESS WISDOM & FOLK REFRAINS Something new in our Yom Kippur lineup… Sing or hum along with Hal Aqua as he strums through a generation or so of Jewish themes during the Afternoon Service at 3:15 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22. Dine in good company at 5:30 p.m. HIGH HOLY DAYS DINNER RESERVATION FORMFriday, Sept. 21 at Temple Micah! DINNER RESERVATIONS & PAYMENT ARE REQUIRED BY TUESDAY, SEPT. 18. Dinner reservations & payment can be made online at http://www.micahdenver.org. Or complete this form and make your check payable to Temple Micah, with a notation for “High Holy Days Dinner”; mail to Temple Micah, 2600 Leyden St., Denver, CO 80207. Thank you! If you have questions, call the temple office, 303-388-4239, [email protected]. Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address ________________________________________________________________ Zip _______________ Phone _____________________________________ E-mail address_____________________________________________ COST FOR MICAH MEMBERS: $25 Adult, $18 Youth ages 4-12 Free for Child under 4 COST FOR NON-MEMBERS: $30 Adult, $20 Youth ages 4-12 Free for Child under 4 NUMBER OF PEOPLE ATTENDING: Members: Adults _____ Youth ages 4-12 _____ Non-members: Adults _____ Youth ages 4-12 _____ Children under 4 _____ Children under 4 _____ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_______ The value of the dinner is $20. The balance is a deductible charitable contribution. Thank you! PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU CAN HELP WITH COOKING OR SET-UP (circle which!). 14 A YIZKOR KEEPSAKE Temple Micah will compile a printed “Roll of Remembrance,” dedicated to the memory of departed loved ones. Names distributed at the Yizkor Service on Yom Kippur will appear in a specially designed booklet for you to use here and then take home. If you can’t attend the memorial service on Saturday, Sept. 22, you are welcome to receive a mailed booklet. Please note that all Micah members who wish to have names in this booklet MUST SUBMIT A REQUEST including, if applicable, any desired revisions from last year’s entry. (Yizkor names will not be carried over from the previous year without a member’s specific request.) Non-members also may submit requests. Please complete and return this form with your donation in any amount to Temple Micah, Attn: Gloria Pitler, 2600 Leyden St., Denver, CO 80207 – by Thursday, Sept. 13, before the end of our Rosh Hashanah services! All requests must be received by then for inclusion in the booklet. Thank you for your cooperation. These names won’t be read aloud at the temple, as the list may be lengthy. The booklet is meant to provide a more lasting, tangible tribute. Those unable to pick up a booklet at the service can request a copy to be mailed afterward. For many, the booklet provides a fitting way of expressing feelings and serves effectively as a caring gesture in memory of those held dear. Your donation, covering all names submitted by you, helps defray the cost of providing the booklet and operating expenses of the temple. Please make your check payable to Temple Micah and put “Roll of Remembrance” at bottom of the check. Every donation is sincerely appreciated and helps Temple Micah to serve you effectively. Thank you. 15 “ROLL OF REMEMBRANCE” BOOKLET FORM (use extra paper for more names) If you wish to list any death(s) that occurred since last Yom Kippur, please list them FIRST –including Yahrzeit months, date and year on the American calendar, if you know. In memory of______________________________________Month, Date, Year________ In memory of______________________________________ In memory of______________________________________ ____ $36 Suggested Donation Your name______________________________________Phone____________________ Mailing address___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________Zip code__________________ E-mail___________________________________Please MAIL booklet: (circle YES or NO) INSCRIBE A PRAYER BOOK Temple Micah uses Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayer Book for the Days of Awe. If you would like to have a High Holy Days prayer book inscribed in memory or in honor of a loved one, please fill in the form below and return it with your payment to Temple Micah, 2600 Leyden St., Denver, CO 80207. Questions? Call 303-388-4239. Please circle one: In HONOR of: In MEMORY of: _______________________________________________________________________ Please circle one: In HONOR of: In MEMORY of: _______________________________________________________________________ Please circle one: In HONOR of: In MEMORY of: _______________________________________________________________________ ____ Enclosed is $54 for each of the temple’s prayer books to be inscribed. Presented by_____________________________________Phone___________________ Mailing Address __________________________________City, State, Zip ___________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________ Sp Special Focus August Yahrzeits 08 03 08 03 08 03 08 03 08 03 08 04 08 06 08 07 08 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 08 09 08 10 08 10 08 11 08 12 08 13 Lester Friedman Gerald Johnson Elisabeth Kasik Sol Stine Kate Weltman Salli Sanders Libby Gould Raizen Gladys Bartlett Belle Price Lilllian Binsky Dorothy Labson Lillian Ray Samuel Kaplan Libeth Less Elbert Cohen Carlo T. Hill Joseph Weinberg Margie Lou Office Rose Appel 08 13 08 13 08 15 08 15 08 16 08 16 08 17 08 17 08 18 08 18 08 19 08 19 08 19 08 19 08 20 08 21 08 21 08 22 08 23 Lawrence Jay Kalan Moe Stravitz Lou Jake Litvak Rosa Schoen Charles Lee Clayton Louise Nusbaum Sophie Levy Florence Schlesinger Harriet Schalit Harry Shubart Gene Boyer Joseph Grinspan Joseph Karger Douglas Paul Shwayder Anna Roth Stephen Cohen Mose Meyer Sarah Belzer Turkin Tallulah Bruno 08 23 08 23 08 24 08 24 08 25 08 26 08 26 08 27 08 27 08 28 08 29 08 29 08 30 08 31 08 31 08 31 08 31 Lowell Gluck Irving “Bud” Shwayder Helene Pearl Sarah Radetsky Stanley Samuel Palmer Ralph Lewin Felix Weil Carolyn Johnson Alexander Wartell Sidney Roth Rosalie Merzbach Melvin S. Strassner Annette Readler Florence Brodie Ruth May (Lent) Cooper Jean Lent Esther Tarr September Yahrzeits 09 ?? 09 01 09 01 09 01 09 02 09 02 09 03 09 04 09 04 09 05 09 06 09 07 09 07 09 09 09 09 09 10 09 11 Rose Boardman Molly Rosman Murray Scharf Anna Vaynshteyn Herzl Friedman Henrietta Raizen Rebecca Fox Robert C. Carpenter Arthur Sweet Gary Boyle James F. Hill Serene Mazor Harry I. Rothman Susan Breiss Sheryl Hoffer E. W. Brake Irving Pearl 09 12 09 13 09 13 09 16 09 16 09 17 09 19 09 19 09 19 09 20 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 21 09 22 09 22 09 23 Molly Dreskin Arthur Rothenberg Aaltje van de Vosse James R. Gates Esther Sobel Martin Mazor Ruth Ann Richman Lee Sobelman Sylvan Steinberg Robert Allen Laiken Kenneth W. Bergren Ruth Hiller Irving Cohn Minnie Haber Patricia Bergstrom Stanley Shubart Esther Sobel 09 23 09 24 09 25 09 26 09 26 09 26 09 27 09 27 09 28 09 28 09 28 09 28 09 28 09 28 09 29 09 30 09 30 L. Nissim Schapiro Gussie Steinberg John Kalstein Esther Finkel Saul Litwack Lee Charles Schloss Dr. Georg Callmann Ethel Zack Samuel Gordon Sidonie Lederer Josephe Neyman Toni Scharf Julia Seiden Joshua Dov Ben Yehuda Irwin B. Abrams Herman Lindner Benedict Shubart MICAH CALENDAR CLUE When the first weekend of a month contains a Saturday but not a Friday, that Saturday is not counted in scheduling Shabbat services. Instead, the following weekend is considered to include the first Friday and “first” Saturday of that month, and services are scheduled accordingly. Pick up a complimentary new Jewish calendar from literature tables at Temple Micah or religious school. 16 TEMPLE MICAH Rabbi Adam Morris, 303-388-4239 x1 [email protected] TEMPLE MICAH OFFICE 2600 Leyden St. Denver, CO 80207 phone 303-388-4239 fax 303-377-4816 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Temple Micah Web Site: http://www.micahdenver.org Educator: Carla Klein 303-388-4239 x2 Public Relations Coordinator /Office Manager: Elaine Lee, 303-388-4239 Bookkeeper: Mona Goodrich To reach Hal Bruno, president, or other board members, call 303-3884239 x3 or send e-mail to president@micahdenver. org. Also, keep these e-mail addresses handy… Treasurer: David Coren [email protected] Religious School Committee: Julie Lewis, chair religious_school @micahdenver.org Social Action Committee: Howard Belon, chair socialaction @micahdenver.org Potluck/Oneg Coordinators: Holly Greenfield, Sarah Klahn, Jill Young – [email protected] 17 h About Mica Micah ARE YOU LOOKING FOR US? Join the Micah community year-round for Friday night or Saturday morning Shabbat services, adult learning programs including Anshei Mitzvah (for those who didn’t become b’nai mitzvah but wish to become People of the Commandments), lifecycle events, pastoral guidance, teen times, children’s education, Me’at Shabbat activities for tykes, cultural & social gatherings, volunteer opportunities, festive celebrations – and the ever-exuding warmth at all Micah gatherings. Temple Micah events are at 2600 Leyden St., unless noted otherwise. Newcomers and visitors are cordially invited to try out the temple, and friends of the congregation are always welcome. There are lots of opportunities to get acquainted; staff members are happy to talk or to meet with you during office hours or by appointment. The temple office is usually open from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; ring the buzzer at upper right of the Leyden entrance. Our religious school, Adult Hebrew and some other adult classes meet Sunday mornings, September-April, at the Denver Campus for Jewish Education, 2450 S. Wabash St. If you’re a prospective member, check Temple Micah’s website and download an application and a pledge form at http://www.micahdenver. org. More questions? Ask Rabbi Adam Morris or Elaine Lee, 303-388-4239. We want to hear from you — and would love to help you explore Temple Micah and find your niche in the Micah community! You can receive e-mail notes nudging you to read each issue of our newsletter at http:// www.micahdenver.org/newsletter/newsletter.htm. Be sure that the Temple Micah office, [email protected], has your household’s e-mail address – or knows that you’re a member who would like a mailed printed copy. Copies also are on literature tables at the temple and religious school. If you’d like to get the rabbi’s “Schmooze & News” e-mail messages about once a week, please let him know your e-mail address. His is [email protected]. A TIP ABOUT DUES PAYMENTS Electronic transfers to Temple Micah may be arranged individually by congregants at various banks in the metro Denver area. Ask yours for details. Also, online payments are possible at the temple’s website, http://www.micahdenver.org. TO PLACE AN ARTICLE OR AD IN THE NEWSLETTER Deadline for submissions for the October issue of the Micah Mailbox is Friday, Sept. 7. Articles and ideas from readers are welcome, but publication is not guaranteed. For information about advertising or sponsorship, please check with the Temple Micah office: 303-388-4239, [email protected]. ~ Elaine Lee, editor
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