THE LeGaCy: May THe OLD beCOMe NeW aND THe NeW beCOMe

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F e b r ua ry
F R O M C a nto r K e nt
Legacy: May the old
become new and
the new become
Rav Kook, the first chief rabbi of Israel stated, “May
the old be renewed and the new become holy.”
Throughout my years at Temple Isaiah, this has been
an axiom that has guided my approach to music
in the synagogue and my understanding of liturgy
and how it functions in our lives and this, I hope, will be my legacy. Kook’s
statement makes me aware, especially when approaching our sacred liturgical
texts and the music that surrounds and transmits the text of the siddur, that
I acknowledge the importance of tradition, but it is not static or fossilized.
A great example of this is a new arrangement of the beloved Shabbat melody
“Ein Keloheinu” originally written in the early 20th century (to listen to sound
clips of these musical selections go to and scroll
down to “additional songs”). An old favorite is updated with a new harmony,
a contemporary instrumental arrangement, some melodic alteration and the
insertion of English-language text. However, the essence of the original hymn
is still evident. The result is that a melody almost 100 years old is renewed and
“an appreciation of the old, an awareness of the
modern and the understanding that all can become
instruments of holiness in our lives.”
Jewish Music Season Continues….
Friday, February 3, 6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Shirah
Celebrate Jewish music as HaSharim, guest vocalists and
instrumentalists share the story of the Exodus through
song and story.
Wednesday, March 7, 6:00 p.m.
Purim Shpiel: The Megillah
According to the Beach Boys
This year we tell the Purim accompanied by the music
of the Beach Boys. Grab a surfboard, your tank top,
some sun screen and join in song as we boo Haman and
cheer Esther. Many thanks to synagogue member Gloria
Greengard for helping write this year’s script.
Friday, March 16, 6:15 p.m.
SoulAviv Joins us for Shabbat
SoulAviv is a five voice Jewish musical ensemble from
Santa Barbara whose tight harmonies and contemporary
rhythms present a stirring accompaniment to our
Kabbalat Shabbat celebration. 
Likewise, Kook’s statement implies that even new approaches to music,
liturgy and Jewish worship have the opportunity to be sanctified. In my
tenure at Temple Isaiah I have certainly seen this to be true. New melodies
for certain prayers when first introduced seemed strange and unfamiliar. But
over time, they have become part of our worship tradition. Until recently,
most of us knew only one melody (at the most maybe two melodies) for
the song “Am Yisrael Chai.” But Rabbi Noam Katz created a new setting
of the words that has indeed presented this familiar text with a new level of
appreciation and holiness. Michael Ochs’ presentation of V’shamru does the
same: here Biblical text receives a jazz treatment that displays the essence of
Shabbat rest.
Not only do individual musical settings exemplify Rav Kook’s words but
also entire rituals embody his statement. Think of our creative and novel
approaches to such ancient rituals as tashlich on Rosh HaShanah, Selichot
and even our recitation on Friday evenings of the Mishebeirach.
Rav Kook’s words have informed my view of music and liturgy, but it is the
congregation of Temple Isaiah that has permitted me to put these words
into action. This is the legacy I leave behind: an appreciation of the old,
an awareness of the modern and the understanding that all can become
instruments of holiness in our lives. 
F e b r u a r y AT I S A I A H
Back cover
F R O M R a b b i K l e in
All the world is waves. Sound is transmitted through
waves. Music agitates the air, thrums through our
bloodstream, and leaves us vibrating in its wake.
According to Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato the
planets are moved by musical waves. These are his
words: All those things above are carried out by music
and all the luminaries, when they go out from their
source, are motivated by music.
All the world is waves. Clouds ride waves of the wind. The rabbis say that King
David slept with a harp dangling over his bed, and every night a breeze would
enter his room exactly at midnight, strumming the strings of the harp. David
would wake and play psalms.
Standing beside Cantor Kent in prayer countless times over the twelve years I
have served at Temple Isaiah, I have often felt those taut heartstrings suddenly
brought to life, in the same way David’s harp came to life at midnight rousing
him to sing praises to God. During High Holy Days there are moments when
the sacred music feels to me like a great bow drawn across the sky, stirring up
all the waves of color, light and sound so that everything shivers with radiance.
There is a story about Rabbi Zalman of Laida, who gave a masterful sermon
one Shabbat morning in services. He could see that there was one man in the
congregation who did not understand a single word. Afterwards, the rebbe
went up to the man and said, “I see that you did not understand my sermon…
perhaps this would help.” The rebbe began to sing a melody. He sang the same
melody over and over, and the man finally said, “Ah yes, now I understand!”
“celebrating music and legacy
and Isaiah’s great fortune to be
led for so long by Cantor Kent.”
All the world is waves. Color is transmitted through waves. Everything
around us vibrates with shimmering disturbances, and our eyes
translate rippling electrons into fuchsia, turquoise, soft fawn and neon
green. Light travels in waves, bending through space and time. The
ocean tide blends into dunes that surge toward mountains, the land
and sea undulating like a seismic graph. Our lives, too, scroll over time
as we ride emotions and events, gliding and cresting.
We are excited for the year and a half to come, celebrating music and
legacy and Isaiah’s great fortune to be led for so long by Cantor Kent.
Cantor’s aliyah to Israel is a longtime dream at last fulfilled, and I will
always be awed, stirred and lifted by the waves and vibrations that
emanate from the heart of Jerusalem, and from the heart of a friend.
It is a melody we will sing again and again, each time understanding
ourselves and each other ever more. 
leadership…we cannot expect that our tradition will be passed onto the next generation.”
How are you actively engaging in the spiritual practice of teaching and learning? This
month, how might you see yourself (with more clarity and conviction) as a critical link
in an ancient chain of community and responsibility? 
L’Dor Va-Dor
– From One
Generation to
the Next
As Jews, we are taught to pass on our
sacred stories, faith and traditions
from one generation to the next. We
do so through study and action. We
watch our parents, and we model behavior for our children. It
may seem intuitive, and yet my friend Rabbi Joshua LevineGrater once wrote an article titled ‘L’Dor Va-Dor is Not
Inevitable.’ “…without active engagement, participation and
“How are you actively engaging in the spiritual
practice of teaching and learning?”
CSA (Community Supported
Agriculture) Spring Season:
Farm Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
March 6 - May 29
Starts Tuesday, March 6
$455 or $227.50 (½ share)
Online sign ups now available on our website at For questions or for more information, call Gail at (310) 277-2772. 
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
Richard Birnholz, VP of Development,
Temple Isaiah Board
Over 60 years ago, the founding families of Temple Isaiah
created an extraordinary and enduring community. For
all of the many decades since, the Temple has been
our home for worship, education, life cycle events,
community service, social interaction and so much
more. Temple Isaiah has inspired, nourished, served
and enriched us.
One of the best ways to honor the past and secure a strong future is by making a
legacy gift to Temple Isaiah. This can be done by pledging now to make a financial
commitment to the Temple in the future, either through a bequest in a will or trust
or by designating the Temple as a partial or full beneficiary to a retirement
account or life insurance product. As pledges to make a future gift,
there is no cost today, but they will make a huge difference to the
Temple in the future.
Temple Isaiah has a Legacy Circle which is designed to
recognize and thank all of our members who have made legacy
gifts. We will have special events and opportunities to bring
together like-minded members who share this commitment to
our future.
As current members, we are mindful of the aweinspiring work of all those who came before us. We
owe them a tremendous debt for creating the Temple
that has been so important in our lives. We share
their determination to make Temple Isaiah strong for the
generations to follow.
A legacy gift is a loving, meaningful and wonderful way to
support Temple Isaiah. If you have already made such a gift or you
would like to discuss what is involved in making a legacy gift, please
do not hesitate to contact me at (310) 277-1010 or [email protected].
Please join us in creating your own legacy at Temple Isaiah. 
wander a museum’s galleries.
Even now when my sister
and I head to the Ahmanson,
I think of those Boston
Beth Braen
This fading, grainy photo of me with
my grandmothers Mollie (left) and
Pearl (right) provides a glimpse into
what I feel when I think of the notion
of legacy.
First and foremost is family. My Nana Mollie loved to entertain and her
full house always included my Grandma Pearl who she treated as a sister.
Like them, nothing makes me happier than a house filled with laughter,
friends, family and food.
But when I walk into the
temple, no matter if it is
for Shabbat services or for
a meeting, that is when I
feel closest to them. They
both loved being part of
a community. Whether
Hadassah or the local golf
club, working on a sisterhood
fundraiser or helping cook for a friend in need, they showed me not only how
important it is but how much joy one can get from giving back.
While neither attended college, both were well-read, thoughtful women
who loved the arts. It was thrilling to travel by subway to see a play or
As I begin to think about my own legacy, I figure I will be doing pretty well if I
just follow in their footsteps. 
Sadly both of them passed away more
than 25 years ago but they instilled in
me three principles that I hold dearer
as I age.
hat aspect of you
do you want your
children to take
with them? What will be your
legacy? As parents, we want
our children to be happier,
more content and better off
than we are. How do we
accomplish this so that it stays
Tamar Andrews
with our children after we are
Early Childhood Program Director
gone? What is it that we want
to leave for our children? I would offer that we simply try to make the world a better place.
Help people more often than walking away. Offer compliments more often than criticism. Pick
up trash more often than making more of it. Speak softly more often than yell. Laugh more
often than cry. Hug more often than hit. Volunteer more often than look for help. And, finally,
be a giver more often than a taker.
I would like to also temper the paragraph before with
what many consider to be the eleventh commandment:
“thou shalt not let thyself be taken advantage of.” It is
important that we teach our children to be both givers
and takers- the goal being to be more of a giver than a
taker because we all have both sides to us. Yet, we do not
want to be so much of a giver that we become resentful
of always giving and never getting. Help your children
by modeling appropriate giving and appropriate taking,
always trying to do more giving. You will get lots back
in return.
Here at Isaiah, there are so many opportunities to be a
giver. I do not mean just money either. Give a parent
a compliment as you walk into the building. Help keep
the door open for a parent with a stroller. Read a story
aloud in your child’s classroom. And when the phone
rings, say “Hineni,” I am here for you. 
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Take a minute to read the well-known Talmudic
story on the right column... this story illustrates the
value placed on establishing a legacy and nurturing
opportunities of which we may not personally
benefit. It is no accident that the story focuses on
planting a tree. Trees hold deep meaning in our
tradition – the Torah is called a ‘Tree of Life’ (etz
hayim), we offer blessings over the first fruits of
the season, and there is even a saying, “If you are
planting a tree and you hear the messiah has arrived, finish planting the tree,
then go and greet the messiah.” The act of building a legacy, of planting
roots that can offer sustenance over an extended period of time, is extremely
valuable in our tradition.
The connection between legacy and the natural world is highlighted this
month with the celebration of Tu B’shevat, a holiday that has become the
modern Jewish Earth Day, linking traditional celebration (usually in the form
of a special seder) with our growing sense of environmental responsibility. I
urge you to take some time this month to think about the value of planting
and sustaining roots; of taking steps to ensure continuity and stability for
ourselves, our family and our community. 
lanting Seeds.
Here in Los Angeles, we know that
there are no small roles, just small
actors. The anonymous horticulturist
makes the most of his second (and final) line, one
of the most oft-quoted in the entire Talmud:
ne day, Honi the Circle Maker was walking
on the road and saw a man planting a
carob tree. Honi asked the man, “How
long will it take for this tree to bear fruit?” The
man replied, “Seventy years.”
Honi then asked the man, “And do you think you
will live another seventy years and eat the fruit of
this tree?”
The man answered, “Perhaps not. However, when I
was born into this world, I found many carob trees
planted by my father and grandfather. Just as they
planted trees for me, I am planting trees for
my children and grandchildren so they
will be able to eat the fruit of these
Talmud (Ta’anit 23a) 
“I found the world with carob trees. Just as my
parents planted for me, I too am planting for my
The message is so resonant that I don’t need to
wax philosophical on its deeper meaning. As inheritors
of our heritage, we’re blessed with the gifts built and
passed on by those who came before us. Those gifts
come with the responsibility to serve as links in a chain
– the rabbis called it shalshelet ha-kabbalah – adding our
own contributions and passing all of it on to the
generations that come after us.
Joshua Mason-Barkin
Director of
their own seeds. Our job isn’t just to be concerned with
passing on a tradition to the next generation. We must ask
ourselves: What are the values, ideals, and traditions that I
want my children to pass on to theirs?
That’s what it means, from a Jewish perspective, to be part
of a legacy. 
With Tu B’shevat approaching, it’s seems
appropriate to quote one of the many Jewish
texts that compare our tradition or ourselves to
trees: the Torah is a “tree of life,” we learn from
one another the same way sparks from small
trees ignite larger blazes, the palm branch is
like a person’s spine…
There’s one way, however, in which we’re not
like trees.
Trees set down roots and grow and then their
seeds spread to sprout new trees. But here’s
the problem: Trees are only “concerned”
(evolutionarily speaking) with spreading
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
Tu B’Shevat
Tuesday, February 7
7:15-8:15 p.m.
Celebrate the
birthday of the
trees with an
RSVP from
the link in
the weekly
bulletin. Space
is limited.
(This program is part of our Tuesday Night Teen School.)
Temple Isaiah Presents
A family Passover seder with
Rabbi Joel and Tamar
Saturday April 7, 5:00 p.m.
Second night of Passover
Join us for an exciting journey through the story of Passover as we read the
tales, eat the foods and drink our way from bondage to freedom. This 2nd
night seder is appropriate for all ages. A scrumptious meal of Kosher for
Passover food, prepared in our own kitchen, will be served.
Cost: $45 adult and $20 child (12 and under) for members and their
families. Sign up on the Temple website. RSVP required as space is limited.
No drop-ins will be allowed as we need to prepare food in advance! 
Lines from the Library
By Ellen G. Cole, Librarian
How does a big, ugly desk hold mystical sway over so
many Jewish lives? Despite its myriad drawers, there
is not one scrap of paper to solve any mystery weaving
through this intense six-degrees-of-separation novel.
In a tour-de-force work, author Nicole Krauss engages
us through five different voices in three countries who
reveal secrets in Great House.
An American author receives a desk from a Chilean
poet. An Israeli girl claims this desk for her father.
An Oxford professor wonders why his refugee wife
precipitously parts with it. All have dark pasts which
drive their futures and our plot.
The novel’s structure is key. An individual narrates in the first person, but that person
changes in each chapter; the point of view of what matters changes; your reading of the
plot changes. You are hooked. You determine to trace the trail
of this weird furniture with its effect on poets, writers, lovers,
lawyers and antique collectors. The answer surfaces after a
non-linear chase.
To add to the desk’s strange fascination, the characters using
it are unlovable. Yet you care what happens and to whom- so
skillful is the writing. The empathetic Israeli father is the most
compelling; you bond with him. The title of the book and its
symbolism have biblical roots. No one, however, is a saint.
The story weighs memory: burden or gift? Everyone uses
memory to assuage secret loss; every chapter testifies to the
power of memory to give meaning to life. Remind yourself to
read Great House; you can find it in the Library. 
Library Hours
Tuesday: 2:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
Thursday: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
Green Team News by Steve Fox
Legacy- who thinks about legacy?
Most of us are totally absorbed in
what happens while we are still here,
and even then we ignore confronting
our downstream problems like longterm care. Thinking about what
happens after we are gone is a whole
other thing. A respected friend
once startled me while we were
talking about our children facing the
looming prospect of ever decreasing
oil supplies. “Well, at least I won’t be
around to face it” were the words I
heard. It was a gut response, a kneejerk reaction, a thought similar to
what we all might sheepishly admit
has crossed our minds.
Temple Isaiah’s founding Rabbi
Albert Lewis l”z taught us that
Judaism provides the world with
a system for living, and, if we
follow its teachings, we can live
contented lives as individuals and
as a community. That is our legacy.
It is one we must pass to future
generations because it can develop
within us a set of autonomic gut
responses which obligate us to each
other and to future generations.
We need to permeate our beings
with the stories of our heritage and
become passionate about them.
We must instinctively feel the
frustration and the sense of outrage
of our prophets.
The Green Team’s dream is that
our legacy of caring, of respect, of
lifting up the fallen, of protecting
those who have no voice—that this
informs and transforms how seven
billion people share our beautiful
planet’s food, water, clean air, forests,
energy and other limited resources,
not just for our generation but for all
time. 
The Temple Isaiah
Want to leave more of the planet to your children? Need
knowledge and motivation to do the right thing?
7:00-8:30 p.m. Monday 2/6, 2/13, 2/27,
3/6, 3/13 and 3/20
To find out more and sign up go here:
*funded by LADWP from a US Department of Energy grant
invites you to join us for any or all of our events in February.
Wednesday, February 1, 7:00 p.m.
Isaiah Women Board meeting
At the home of Helene Korn.
sunday, February 5, 2:30 P.M.
Skirball Cultural Center
“Women Hold Up the Sky”
Join us in viewing this powerful exhibit as a representative of Jewish World Watch
(JWW) provides a firsthand account of the work JWW does to help improve
the conditions for women in the Sudan and Congo. Listen to their stories, ask
questions and learn how you can make a difference. This exhibit is free with the
price of admission to the Skirball. RSVP to Ellen Canter at [email protected].
Tuesday, February 7, 10:30 a.m.
ICE (Isaiah Continuing Enrichment)
Join us for our ICE Day. The featured speaker is Charles Lynn Battan discussing
“Creationism vs. Intelligent Design.” There will also be “Spine Tingles” with Ellen
Cole, ballroom dancing, knitting and games.
Friday, February 10, 12:00 p.m.
Lunch Bunch.
Lunch at Versailles on Venice and Motor. RSVP to Fran Wenger at
[email protected].
Sunday, February 12, 12:30 p.m.
Intergenerational Lunch
and Mitzvah Project
Isaiah Women, Jewish World Watch and several members of
the B’nai Mitzvah class and their parents will be holding an
intergenerational lunch, mitzvah project and teach-in on solar
cookers and how they are saving lives. Please join us in making
potholders for the women and girls to use when cooking on the
solar cookers. This event is free. Contact Ellen Canter for more
information at [email protected].
Thursday, February 23, 7:00 p.m.
rosh hodesh
An evening for welcoming the new month with Rabbi Klein.
Isaiah Women
Rosh Hodesh at
Ginny Solomon’s
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue
Got old computers,
cell phones, and
taking up room
at your house?
Come to a FREE Electronics
Recycling Day at Temple Isaiah.
Sunday, February 12, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Drop off on Kerwood Ave.
(Next to Temple Isaiah 10345 W. Pico Blvd)
Desktop and Laptop Computers, Cell Phones, LCD
Monitors and TVs, Games Systems, Digital Cameras,
MP3 Players, Camcorders, Printers, Scanners, Faxes,
Keyboards and Mice, GPS Systems,
Assorted Wire and Power Cords.
Batteries , CRT Televisions and Monitors
(Those old heavy things. Sorry - but Goodwill will take them!)
Sunday, February 5, 2:30 p.m.
Skirball Museum:
Jewish World Watch (JWW) and Isaiah Women
join forces for a special JWW docent-led
tour of the Skirball’s current exhibit “Women
Hold Up Half the Sky” with expert insights.
The admission cost is $7 for non-museum
members. Our docent will provide first-hand
accounts of the work JWW is doing to improve conditions for
women in Sudan and Congo and how YOU can help. We welcome
all attendees!
Sunday, February 12, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Temple Isaiah Social Hall:
Join JWW, Isaiah Women and members of our B’nai Mitzvah class
(youngsters) and their families for an intergenerational mitzvah
project. We will lunch, learn about how solar cookers are saving
girls’ and women’s lives among Sudanese refugees and make pretty
pot holders to protect their fingers from being hurt in doing so.
For most refugees who fled with nothing, the attractive potholders
are among the nicest possessions they own. You do NOT have to
be artsy to help and learn. This event is free. Let us know if you
are coming so we have adequate lunch and art supplies; RSVP to
[email protected].
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Annual March to End Genocide
location to be announced soon:
Electronics will be collected by ISIDORE ELECTRONICS
RECYCLING, a social enterprise that is building a world in which
our resources – both human and natural – are valued, not wasted.
Please calendar this important date for which you will hear more
details later!
We welcome your participation and support. Contact Gail Solo,
Chair at [email protected] for further information. 
For more info, visit
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
Adult Education Events for February
ICE (Isaiah Continuing Enrichment) Day
(generously sponsored by Isaiah Women)
Tuesday, february 7, 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Bring your own lunch; we will provide a nosh and drinks!
10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. “Spine Tingles” with Ellen Cole
“Facebook 101” by David Viner
Featured Speaker “Creationism vs. Intelligent Design”
by Charles Lynn Batten
Brown Bag Lunch
Ballroom Dancing, Knitting and Games
*Next ICE Day is Tuesday, March 6
ICE (Isaiah Continuing Enrichment) Evening
Wednesday, february 15, 5:30 p.m.
ICE is a dynamic program of lifelong learning and enrichment.
5:30 p.m. • “How to Cook Jewish Persian Food”
• “The Five Pillars of Islam: An Introduction to Islam and its Relationship to Judaism” (Part 1 of 2) by Reuven Firestone
6:00 p.m. V’taheir Libeinu: Exploring the Life Journey
with Cantor Kent and Jean Abarbanel
6:30 p.m. • “Wrestling with Our Relationship to Israel:
Personal and Collective Implications”
by Rabbi Joel Nickerson
• “Holding On and Letting Go” by Jewish Family Services
7:30 p.m. Dinner
8:00 p.m. Featured Speaker: “How Can I Get My Life Off Hold?
When Will My Life Really Begin?” by Rabbi Naomi Levy
*Next ICE Evening is Wednesday, March 21
Join us IN february for:
Israel Over Breakfast Wednesday, February 1
Art and Spirituality Workshop Saturday, February 11
Zumba Class Thursday, February 16
*For a full listing of events and classes look in the ICE Brochure or the Temple Website.
Sherrie Berlin’s
Brisket Recipe
For a 4-5 lb brisket:
1 C. ketchup
1 C. water
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 tsp. salt
1 T. minced onion
2 T. wine vinegar
1 T. prepared mustard (may be omitted at Passover if you omit kitniot)
1 T. horseradish (prepared or fresh -- if fresh, grate or finely dice)
Combine all ingredients. Pour a little into the roasting pan to coat the bottom. Place brisket in pan and pour remaining sauce over the meat. Cover and
refrigerate overnight (or several hours). Bake in a slow oven (300 degrees) approximately 3 hours, until tender. You can add a few quartered potatoes to
the pan to cook with the roast. Cool, slice and refrigerate overnight. Skim fat and reheat. Good the first night; better the second night; best by the third
night if there is any left. You can add water if the sauce cooks down too much. There should be some juice left to pour over the meat and/or potatoes.
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
A big thank you to those who have contributed to the various Temple funds. Your
contributions allow us to do so much and give back to the community. A true mitzvah!
Clergy Discretionary Fund
General Fund
In Appreciation of
Officiating at Jane Rothstein’s Bat Mitzvah
by Emily and Richard Rothstein
In Appreciation of
Temple Isaiah by Chuck and Geraldine Panama
In Honor of
Chanukah by Dr. Andrei Doran
Rabbi Joel’s Installation by Ellen Cole
Rabbi Joel’s Installation by Gloria and Eddie Ilan
Rabbi Joel’s Installation by Suzanne and Marty Solig
In Memory of
Cecelia Angel Berman by Maryann and Michael Sanders
Dorothy Diamond by Elaine and Michael Diamond
Lillian Douglas by Judith Zimberoff
Sadie Elman by Anne Elman
Irving Fisher by Eve Fisher
Mildred Kern by Shirley Kern
Anna “MEGA” Kessler by Harriet Balter
Richard Kessler by Nancy and Harry Field
Helen Kutler by Emily Kaye
Harry Lax by Rosalie and Sheldon Sacks
Bernice Naiman by Suzanne, Nicki, Erica and Marty Solig
Ed Sanders by Maryann and Michael Sanders
Arthur Schwartz by Margie Schwartz
Leo Schwartz by Margie Schwartz
Morris Schwartz by Leon Schwartz
Clara Skrande by Stuart W. Levine
Lamont Wiesner by Rosalie and Sheldon Sacks
Caring Community Fund
In Memory of
Esther Schechter by Dena and Irv Schechter
Florence Roth Solomon by Sheri and Sumner Feldman
Donna Gross Memorial Fund
In Honor of
Bev and Sandy’s anniversary by Karen, Harriet,
Mel, Adelle, Armin and Bob
Ellen Goldberg Religious School
and Camp Scholarship Fund
In Honor of
Rabbi Joel’s Installation
by Dr. and Mrs. Steven Tulkin (Kapchan)
The birth of our grandson, Jacob Raichlan
by Sheri and Sumner Feldman
In Memory of
Robert John Boatwright by Cheri and Manuel Katz
Lenny Cohen by Ellen and Michael Goldberg
Gertie Mintz by Ellen and Michael Goldberg
Gail Solo Youth Opportunity Fund
In Appreciation of
Susan Bartholomew by Gail Solo
Gail Solo’s generous gift for Abigail
by Emily and Richard Rothstein
Neiditch Family Memorial
Scholarship Fund
In Memory of
Max Neiditch by Robert Neiditch
Ginnie Fox Memorial Fund
In Memory of
Ginnie Sutton Fox by Lisa and Jeff Wolfe
Mamie Grass by Geri and Gary Rosenberg
Jack Horowitz by Lisa and Jeff Wolfe
Mimi Martin by Lisa and Jeff Wolfe
Florence Solomon by Geri and Gary Rosenberg
Rubin Tater by Geri and Gary Rosenberg
Green Team Fund
In Memory of
Dr. Jim Bercey by Kim Perry and Larry Zucker
Jeffrey Marmelzat by Anne Elman
Roni Rosengarten by Renee and Chuck Hurewitz
Bernie Salit by Sherrie and Jack Berlin
Selmar Thalmessinger by Anne Elman
HaSharim Fund
In Memory of
Louis Usher Shlachter by Dorothy Lank
Hurewitz Family Memorial Fund
In Memory of
Jack Horowitz by Eva Vollmer
Jack Horowitz by Ellen Cole
Israel Action Fund
In Memory of
George Scholnick, M.D. by Faye Scholnick
Levine Library Fund
In Appreciation of
Temple Isaiah by Chuck and Geraldine Panama
In Memory of
Joseph Elman by Anne Elman
Ray Elman by Anne Elman
Harold Gilbert by Ellen Gilbert Cole
Memorial Fund
Rabbi Emeritus Robert T. Gan
In Memory of
Herman B. Leibman by Marcia Oshman
Pauline Levin Wisefeld by Marcia Oshman
Rabbi Norman Mirsky
Adult Education Fund
In Appreciation of
Torah Study by Christine Safer
Religious School
Scholarship Fund
In Memory of
Mollie Beierfeld by Roberta and Joe Gillerman
Jack Horowitz by Sheri and Sumner Feldman
Jack Horowitz by Gail and Terry Feigenbaum
Jack Horowitz by Adele Habibi
Jack Horowitz by Sandra Radoff-Bernstein
Jack Horowitz by Sherrie and Jack Berlin
Jack Horowitz by Karen Weinstein
Jack Horowitz by Anne Weinman
Jack Horowitz by Gloria and Eddie Ilan
Florence Solomon by Carla Kopf and Josh Mason-Barkin
Florence Solomon by Gloria and Eddie Ilan
Rishonim Fund
In Memory of
Jack Horowitz by Sandra Radoff Bernstein
Esther Rosner by The Rosner Family
Rosalie Lipman
Preschool Fund
In Memory of
Jack Horowitz by Donald Lipman
Social Action Fund
In Memory of
Louis Hakimi by Carol and Kevin Gelbard
Rebecca Zacharius by Sherrie Zacharius and David Levine
In Memory of
Rhoda Breitman by Jill and Rodney Sabel
Burton Clamage by Margaret Clamage
William Eilfort by Claire Tucker
Joseph S. Fields by Stuart Freeman
Mary Hockenberg by Diane Weinstein
Lillian Marmer by Leslie and Jonathan Davidson
Ruth Pearson by Charles Pearson
Liebe Shwayder Clamage by Margaret Clamage
Martin Zacharius by David Levine and Sherri Zacharius
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
New Members
Talmud says, “Welcoming guests is
greater than receiving the face of the
divine presence.” We welcome those
who have become part of our Temple
family. Our goal at Temple Isaiah is to
encourage your involvement as both
members and volunteers.
Saturday, February 18
Son of Patricia and Lawrence Miller
Saturday, February 11
Daughter of Bonnie Gutierrez
and Steven Lerman
Saturday, February 18
Son of Julie and William Payne
Saturday, February 25
Son of Naomi Sachs-Amrami
and Ori Amrami
Tamara Babaeva and Fikrat Khalilov
Rene and Danny Farahmandian
Imbar and Stuart Lebowitz
Parnaz and Parham Mansouri
Samantha and Michael Nussbaum
Hillary and Gabor Vari
February Memorial Plaques
February 3
Michelle Agasi
Bertha Arnold
Carol Bernice Ascheim
Nocen Baritan
Bernard Estes
Abraham Frazin
Betty Gaynor
I. Morris Buddy Harris
Herbert Joseph
Paul Kodimer
Bess Levine
Nettie R. Mendelsohn
Henry Monosson
Thomas S. Pearl
Ina Person
Janet Petkoff
Minnie Stoll
Joseph Subotnick
Manuel Walter
Hymen Weger
February 10
Samuel Curtis Adler
Blanche Dauber
Sidney Geilman
Etta Barbara Globenfelt
Hyman Gordon
Sam Green
Abraham Harmell
Milton Katz
Mildred Fendell Kessler
Irene S. Kimmelstiel
Morris Lapidus
David Lavine
Deborah Leemon
Abraham Levine
Florence Lewis
Sylvia Stern Marx
Rita Melcher
Anna Miller
Dorothy Prager
Irene Riave
Morton Rokaw
Henrietta Rynveld
Robert Shane
Manford Susman
William Wax
Sam Weisbart
February 17
Lillian Banoff
Emil Goldstein
Sallie D. Harris
Ellen Leff
James Levich
Martha R. Madoff
Osias Nacht
Gilbert Leonard Park
Anna Plotkin
Hyman Solomon
Nat Spector
Ethel Yavitch
February 24
Eugene Levine
Pearl Lieberman
Eva Marx
Florence Mindlin
Isaac Ramberg
Isaac Shachory
Rose Sherman
Betty Stack
Lena Weiss
Alexander Young
Mac Altkorn
Jane Carter
Annie Fink
Sara Freeman
Minnie Grodin
Dorothy Kares
Muriel Ann Krom
MILESTONES: Mazel Tov to Stacey and Eric Adler on the birth of their daughter, Madison; Robert and Caroline Altman on the birth of their grandson,
Conner Mays Kosach; Denise and Hooman Farahmand on the birth of their son, Jacob; Lisa and Brian Joyce on the birth of their son, Zachary Jonathan;
Tracy and Sidney Mathalon on the birth of their son, Jonah Maurice.
SYMPATHY: We would like to express our sympathy to the following Temple members and their families on the recent loss of their loved ones:
Brenner family on the loss of their mother, Dorothy Brenner; Jasmine Danielpour on the loss of her father, Amir Joseph; Steven Epstein on the loss of his
father, Elliott Epstein; Rabbi Donald Goor on the loss of his father, Rabbi Joel Goor; David Klein on the loss of his father, Paul Klein; William Raymond on the
loss of his mother, Linda Raymond; Ron Rosenberg on the loss of his mother, Anne R. Rosenberg; Norman Solomon on the loss of his mother, Florence Ruth
Solomon; Mojgan Sabeti on the loss of her mother, Houri Keywanfar; Vince Waldman on the loss of his mother, Nancy Bellin Waldman.
SPEEDY RECOVERY: The following Temple members or their loved ones have been ill and we want to wish them well: Gail Solo, Gladys Tarnove,
Michelle Werier.
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2 C a l e nd a r
Fridays, February 3*, 10# and 17
Center for the Widowed
Every Monday
5:45 p.m. Pre-Oneg
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Services
7:30 p.m.Oneg
Daughters of Torah ~
Learning Circle
Every Wednesday | 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service Schedule
*February 3 – Shabbat Shirah Services with
Birthday/Anniversary Blessings
February 10 – Jazz Shabbat Services
Fourth Friday - February 24
5:30 p.m.
Family Shabbat Service
6:00 p.m.
Family Shabbat Dinner
5:45 p.m.Pre-Oneg
6:15 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Cantor Kent Meditation Circle
Every Wednesday in February | 6:15 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Shabbat Torah Study
Every Saturday | 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Study with Rabbi Zoë Klein every Shabbat morning,
exploring Torah verse by verse
Temple Closure: February 20
Israel Roundtable
Wednesday, February 1 I 8:30 A.M.
ICE (Isaiah Continuing Enrichment)
Wednesday, February 15 I 5:30 P.M.
Join us for an Israel Roundtable and breakfast.
Look at the ICE brochure for further info
Green Team Sustainable Workshop
Monday, February 6 I 7:00 P.M.
This workshop meets the following Monday’s in February:
6, 13 and 27.
ICE (Isaiah Continuing Enrichment) day
Tuesday, February 7 I 10:30 a.M.
Look at the ICE brochure or the Temple website for further info.
Tu B’shevat Religious School and
Community Seder
Tuesday, February 7 I 7:15 p.m.
Zumba Class
thursday, February 16 I 9:15 A.M.
Green Team Meeting
thursday, February 16 I 7:00 P.M.
Tot Shabbat
saturday, February 18 I 9:00 A.M.
Join us for our monthly Tot Shabbat.
T.I.N.G. Meeting
Tuesday, February 21 I 8:00 A.M.
You must RSVP for this event.
Board Meeting
wednesday, February 8 I 7:30 p.m.
Hearts & Minds: A Torah Roundtable
Saturday, February 11 I 9:00 a.m.
Art Workshop with Flori Hendron
Saturday, February 11 I 10:00 a.m.
Chai Club Dinner
Saturday, February 11 I 6:00 P.m.
“Solar Cooker Art Project”
Saturday, February 11 I 12:30 p.m.
This is open to all Temple members and those who want to build their
business through referrals.
For questions, call Ivy Rappaport at 323-782-3032.
Purim Silent Auction Begins
Sunday, February 26 I 9:30 A.M.
During the week
•North side of Pico: - Available 1:30- 4:30 p.m. and after 7:00 p.m. M-F
- 30 minute parking only 7:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. M-F
- No parking 4:30-7:00 p.m. M-F
•South side of Pico:
- Available 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., and after 6:00 p.m. M-F
- No parking 7:00-10:00 a.m. or 4:00-6:00 p.m. M-F
Weekends: Parking is available on Pico Boulevard, with no
restrictions, all day and evening, Saturday and Sunday
F e b r ua ry 2 0 1 2
10345 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Mark Your Calendar!
CLUB 456 (grades 4, 5, 6):
Sunday, February 19 Big Bear Day Trip
Sunday, February 26 Camp Isaiah Reunion and Open House
Sunday, March 18
Club 456 and
Jr. ITY cooked
delicious meals
and served
the residents
of Upward
Bound House in
Jr. ITY (grades 7-8):
February 3-5
San Francisco Retreat!
Sunday, February 19 Big Bear Day Trip
Sunday, March 18
Whale Watching
ITY (grades 9-12):
February 8 - 12
Sunday, February 19
Tuesday, February 28
March 2 - 4
Contact Lisa Greengard,
310.277.2772 ext. 23 or
[email protected].
New Orleans Service-Learning Trip
Big Bear Day Trip
Tuesday Take-Over
NFTY Social Justice Kallah
ITY represented at
Fall Kallah with 18
members having fun
on the NFTY retreat