How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship Employee Self Service (ESS): Employee Self Service is an online module within PeopleSoft where employees have access to view and update their personal information, including their Health Benefits elections. You can use the Qualifying Event/Hardship Form to request changes to your health coverage that do not meet the requirements of other Job and Life Events. Supporting Documentation will be required for all Qualifying Events/Hardships. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 2-4: LOGGING INTO EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE PAGE 5: NAVIGATING TO THE QUALIFYING EVENT/HARDSHIP FORM PAGE 5-8: QUALIFYING EVENT/HARDSHIP FORM PAGES 9-11: COMMUNICATION WITH HRSS/HHC CORPORATE BENEFITS PAGES 12-16: USING THE SCANNER AT THE ESS WORKSTATION HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 1 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship LOGGING INTO EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE – PEOPLESOFT After successfully logging into the Workstation, the Internet Explorer browser displays with the Employee Self Service (ESS) Website (http://ESS.NYCHHC.ORG) opened on one tab, and the GroupWise e-mail system opened on another tab. This website is your one-stop shop for all things regarding ESS! Click on the Employee Self Service blue and white computer icon on the top right corner, as shown below. You will then be required to log in using your User ID and Password. Enter your login information in the correct fields, as shown below. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 2 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship LOGGING INTO EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE – PEOPLESOFT (Con’t) NOTE: Your User name/User ID can be found on your paystubs. If you do not have a Password, or do not remember your Password, please call the Enterprise Service Desk at 1-877-934-8442 to get one. After entering your log-in information, click the Sign In button, or press Enter on the keyboard as shown below, to continue. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 3 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship LOGGING INTO EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE – PEOPLESOFT (Con’t) If this is your first time logging into PeopleSoft, you will be asked to Authenticate your identity using the last four digits of your Social Security Number. Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number in the correct field and click Submit to continue. Due to the sensitive nature of the information available, this is required for all employees. If you failed to authenticate or cannot log in, please call the Help Desk at 1-877-9348442. After successfully authenticating and logging into PeopleSoft, your Home page displays as shown below. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 4 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship NAVIGATING TO THE QUALIFYING EVENT/HARDSHIP FORM Click on the following links as seen below: Main Menu Self Service Benefits Qualifying Event/Hardship Form QUALIFYING EVENT/HARDSHIP FORM Select the tab to Add a New Value. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 5 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship QUALIFYING EVENT/HARDSHIP FORM (Con’t) This will take you to the Instructions tab. This tab will explain which supporting documents are acceptable. After you have read the instructions, select the Attachments tab. Click the Open links to view and/or print the different blank forms. Complete these form(s) with the appropriate information, if applicable. Then scan any supporting documents and attach the electronic documents by clicking the Attach button. You can add additional attachments by selecting the + button and delete them by selecting the – button. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 6 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship QUALIFYING EVENT/HARDSHIP FORM (Con’t) After you have attached all files, go to the Form tab. Answer the questions on this page and add any additional information in the More Information box. Click the Save button at the bottom. After you have saved, a Submit button will appear at the bottom of the page. You must click Submit in order for your Form(s) to be sent to HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits for review. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 7 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship QUALIFYING EVENT/HARDSHIP FORM (Con’t) The following screen will appear that shows the status as Pending. Click the OK button at the bottom. Your documentation will now be reviewed by HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits. You will receive an email notifying you of any updates to the status of your supporting documentation. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 8 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship COMMUNICATIONS WITH HRSS/HHC CORPORATE BENEFITS Whenever adding or modifying a dependent, it is required to submit necessary supporting documentation to HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits. If supporting documentation is not received within 10 days by HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits then your elections will be denied. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits will send all communication via GroupWise email. To access your GroupWise email, go to Click Go. Read the usage policy and select the I Agree button. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 9 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship COMMUNICATIONS WITH HRSS/HHC CORPORATE BENEFITS (Con’t) Enter your Username and Password to login into your Groupwise Account. Click the New button to compose a new email. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 10 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship COMMUNICATIONS WITH HRSS/HHC CORPORATE BENEFITS (Con’t) Your email should contain the following: 1. To: HHCBENEFITS 2. Subject: Benefits Issue 3. Summary: Explain your issue and what you are attempting to do When you have finished click the Send button. To read an email, simply double-click on the Subject of the email you would like to open. If you have any questions or issues with using the computer or email client, please contact the Help Desk at (877) 934 – 8442. If you have any questions or issues within PeopleSoft, please contact HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits at [email protected] or (646) 458 – 5634. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 11 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship USING THE SCANNER AT THE ESS WORKSTATION Requirement: the scanner looks like the one below. 1. Click on the Windows Fax and Scan icon found on the Desktop as shown below. You may have to minimize your Internet browser window(s) to view the Desktop. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 12 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship USING THE SCANNER AT THE ESS WORKSTATION (Con’t) 2. The Windows Fax and Scan screen will open up. Click on New Scan as shown below. 3. The New Scan screen options display with the default settings. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 13 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship USING THE SCANNER AT THE ESS WORKSTATION (Con’t) 4. Select Documents from the Profile dropdown menu. 5. Select either Flatbed or Feeder from the Source dropdown menu depending on where you placed the document you want scanned. See the Appendix at the end of this guide for more information. 6. Select Letter 8.5 x 11 inches from the Paper size dropdown menu. 7. After all options have been set, click on the Scan button to scan the document. 8. After the scanning is complete, the scanned document will appear in the viewing pane of the Windows Fax and Scan screen. Click on Save as… HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 14 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship USING THE SCANNER AT THE ESS WORKSTATION (Con’t) 9. The Save As dialog box appears. Type in a name for the scanned document in the File name field as shown below. After entering a file name, click Save. 10. The scanned documents are located in the Scanned Documents folder via Library > My Documents > Scanned Documents. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 15 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX How to Enroll into Health Benefits via Employee Self Service: Qualifying Event/Hardship A. The top of the scanner contains the Feeder. Put the document(s) here. B. Opening the top portion of the scanner exposes the Flatbed. Put documents such as a Social Security card on the Flatbed for scanning. HRSS/HHC Corporate Benefits Page 16 of 16 BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS
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