How to go to Taipei Station from Taoyuan International Airport

How to go to Taipei Station
and Chientan Overseas Youth Activity Center
from Taoyuan International Airport
by Bus and Train
Terminal 1 第一航廈
CI 中華航空公司(兩航廈均有航班) China Airlines FE 遠東航空公司 Far Eastern Air Transport
MH 馬來西亞航空公司 Malaysia Airlines
PR 菲律賓航空公司 Philippine Airlines
VN 越南航空公司 Vietnam Airlines
KE 大韓航空公司 Korean Air
3K 捷星亞洲航空公司 Jetstar
GA 印尼航空公司 Garuda Indonesia Airways
AE 華信航空公司 Mandarin Airlines
P7 帛琉航空公司 Palau Airways
FM 上海航空公司 Shanghai Airlines
K9 通里薩航空公司 TonleSap Airlines
GE 復興航空公司(兩航廈均有航班) TransAsia Airways
TG 泰國航空公司 Thai Airways
5J 宿霧太平洋航空公司 Cebu Pacic Air
TR 欣丰虎航空公司 Tiger Airways
Z2 飛龍航空公司 Zest Air LJ Jin Air
LJ 真航空 Jin Air
3U 四川航空公司 Sichuan Airlines
CX 國泰航空公司 Cathay Pacic
KA 港龍航空公司 Dragon Airlines
NX 澳門航空公司 Air Macau
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The floor plan of Terminal 1 / 1F
The floor plan of Terminal 1 / B1
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Terminal 1 Step by Step 第一航廈搭車步驟
1. After completing the immigration procedure, please take the escalator in
the Arrival Hall to floor B1 for shuttle bus transportation.
1. 完成入關後,在入境大廳搭手扶電梯到B1樓層。
2. Look for the U-Bus service counter on floor B1 and buy the bus ticket.
Take the shuttle bus No. 705 to the High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station.
2. 在B1巴士站櫃檯的統聯巴士U-Bus,購買705巴士車票到桃園高鐵站。
3. It will take about 25 minutes from the airport to the High Speed Rail
Taoyuan Station (HSR Taoyuan Station) by shuttle bus.
3. 搭上705巴士後,大約25分鐘即抵達高鐵桃園站。
4. Take the High Speed Rail (HSR) to Taipei. You can buy the discount ticket
(at half price) for the disabled at the ticket service counter. You need to
show your disability handbook.
4. 請至高鐵愛心售票櫃台購買到台北的優待票。(請出示殘障手冊證明)
5. It will take about 20 minutes from HSR Taoyuan Station to HSR Taipei
5. 搭上高鐵後,大約20分鐘即可抵達台北車站。
6. Please take MRT red line to Jiantan Station at Taipei Station. (It is a little
complicated from HSR station to the MRT station. If you cannot find the
MRT station, please ask the staff or people for help.)
6. 請在台北車站換捷運紅線到劍潭站。
7. The Jiantan Station is the fifth stop from Taipei Station.
7. 從捷運台北車站之後的第五站就是劍潭站。
8. After arriving at the MRT Jiantan Station, please take Exit 2 to go out of
station. The Chientan Overseas Youth Activity Center is within 5 minutes
of walking distance.
8. 從捷運劍潭站二號出口步行約5分鐘,即可抵達劍潭活動中心。
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Terminal 2 第二航廈
CI 中華航空公司 China Airlines
JL 日本航空公司 Japan Airlines
CA 中國國際航空公司 Air China
CZ 中國南方航空公司 China Southern
MU 中國東方航空公司 China Eastern Airlines
SC 山東航空公司 Shandong Airlines
MF 廈門航空公司 Xiamen Airlines
HU 海南航空公司 Hainan Airlines
ZH 深圳航空公司 Shenzhen Airlines
SQ 新加坡航空公司 Singapore Airlines
KL 荷蘭航空公司 Royal Dutch Airlines
DL 達美航空公司 Delta Air Lines
AE 華信航空公司 Mandarin Airlines
BR 長榮航空公司 Eva Airways
NH 全日本空輸公司 All Nippon Airways
OZ 韓亞航空公司 Asiana Airlines
B7 立榮航空公司 Uni Air
TZ 酷航 Scoot
MM 樂桃航空公司 Peach Aviation
D7 全亞洲航空公司 AirAsia X
AK 馬亞洲航空公司 Air Asia Berhad
BX 釜山航空公司 Air Busan
HX 香港航空公司 Hong Kong Airlines
UA 聯合航空公司 United Airlines
GE 復興航空公司 TransAsia Airways
The floor plan of Terminal 2 / 1F
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Terminal 2 Step by Step 第二航廈搭車步驟
1. After completing the immigration and entering the Arrival Hall, please
turn right and go straight to the shuttle bus transportation.
1. 完成入關後,入境大廳右轉走到巴士站。
2. Look for the U-Bus service counter and buy the bus ticket. Take the
shuttle bus No. 705 to the High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station.
2. 到巴士站櫃檯的U-Bus,購買705號接駁巴士車票到桃園高鐵站。
3. It will take about 25 minutes from the airport to the High Speed Rail
Taoyuan Station (HSR Taoyuan Station) by shuttle bus.
3. 搭上705巴士後,大約25分鐘即抵達高鐵桃園站。
4. Take the High Speed Rail (HSR) to Taipei. You can buy the discount ticket
(at half price) for the disabled at the ticket service counter. You need to
show your disability handbook.
4. 請至高鐵愛心售票櫃台購買到台北的優待票。(請出示殘障手冊證明)
5. It will take about 20 minutes from HSR Taoyuan Station to HSR Taipei
5. 搭上高鐵後,大約20分鐘即可抵達台北車站。
6. Please take MRT red line to Jiantan Station at Taipei Station. (It is a little
complicated from HSR station to the MRT station. If you cannot find the
MRT station, please ask the staff or people for help.)
6. 請在台北車站換捷運紅線到劍潭站。從高鐵站到捷運站有一點點複雜,如果
7. The Jiantan Station is the fifth stop from Taipei Station.
7. 從捷運台北車站之後的第五站就是劍潭站。
8. After arriving at the MRT Jiantan Station, please take Exit 2 to go out of
station. The Chientan Overseas Youth Activity Center is within 5 minutes
of walking distance.
8. 從捷運劍潭站二號出口步行約5分鐘,即可抵達劍潭活動中心。
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Taipei MRT 台北捷運圖
Overseas Youth
Activity Center
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Note 備註
1. Physically and mentally disabled are eligible to purchase disabled
tickets at half price of adult tickets, provided that they produce the
disability handbook.
1. 身心障礙者有可以購買愛心半價票,但必須出示殘障手冊。
2. Shuttle bus to High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station
Taoyuan International Airport a complete HSR shuttle bus routes
network connecting the airport, Novotel Hotel, and THSR station,
providing comfortable, convenient,low-cost and practical
transportation option for travelers.
2. 搭乘接駁巴士到高鐵桃園站
3. Shuttle information
Ticket price: full fare NT$30, half fare NT$15.
Tickets must be purchased ahead of time for each journey.
Tickets are sold at Taoyuan Airport: UBUS service counters.
3. 到高鐵桃園站接駁巴士資訊
票價:全票 新台幣30元、愛心半價 新台幣15元。
4. High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station
Operation Hours:06:20 ~ 23:45
There are two shifts for one hour to Taipei in HSR Taoyuan Station.
4. 高鐵桃園站
營業時間:06:20 ~ 23:45
5. MRT Taipei Station
Operation Hours:06:00 ~ 00:35
From Taipei Station to Jiantan Station only need 9 minutes.
5. 捷運台北站
營業時間:06:00 ~ 00:35
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Ask for help with Chinese
I am a foreign deaf, do not understand Chinese.
Please take me to take the 705 U-bus to the High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station.
Thank you.
I am a foreign deaf, do not understand Chinese.
I want to buy the disabled tickets of High Speed Rail to Taipei, Thank you.
I am a foreign deaf, do not understand Chinese.
Please take me to the MRT Taipei Station, Thank you.
I am a foreign deaf, do not understand Chinese.
I want to go to Jiantan Station by MRT red line, Thank you.
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