Purpose IRS HUB Verifications

IRS HUB Verifications
Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
The purpose of this Job Aid is to provide step by step instructions on how to verify income in the
Ohio Integrated Eligibility system using the Federal Data Services Hub (HUB) Verification
How to Verify Income
First, confirm that Income and Tax records exist and have a Pending verification:
1. From the Case Summary Page, click on the Eligibility tab in the Global navigation bar.
2. Click the Customer Information tab in the Local navigation bar.
3. Click the Income link, under the Financial menu in the left Task navigation bar.
The Income List page displays.
4. Click the Name link for the income record that you are attempting to verify.
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Note: As of March 2014 the system will generate a Verification Field titled “No Income
Reported” on the Verification List page if no income has been entered for the resident.
Caseworkers may use this field to ping the HUB to verify the resident does not have
5. Click the Amount link.
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
6. Confirm that Income has a Pending verification.
7. Click on the Tax link, under the Financial menu, in the left Task navigation bar.
8. Click the Name link for the tax record that you are attempting to verify.
Note: Clients who are not filing taxes are considered non-filers and do not need to have
a tax record. Non-filers’ income cannot be verified using the HUB service.
9. Confirm that Tax has a Pending verification.
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IRS HUB Verifications
Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Request Verification of Income from the HUB:
1. Click the Verifications link in the left Task navigation bar.
2. Check the checkbox next to the Income record verification item.
3. Click the Request Verification button.
By clicking the Requesting Verification button, the Ohio Integrated Eligibility system is
sending the client’s self-attested income to the IRS HUB, the State’s Wage Information
Collection Agency (SWICA) and Unemployment Compensation Bureau (UCB) for
verification. For a more detailed description of the Ohio Integrated Eligibility system
verification process, please refer to the HUB Verifications Process Job Aid.
4. The Source column for the Income will change to Pending.
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Confirm Verified Records:
After a response is received from the Federal HUB, follow the steps below to confirm that
the record has been updated with a Verified status.
1. On the Verifications List page, select Verified from the Status drop down.
2. Click the View button.
3. Click the Income link.
4. Confirm that the Income has been verified with a description SUCCESS on the
Verification Detail Screen.
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
How to Troubleshoot a Pending Verification
When an Ohio Integrated Eligibility system user has requested income verification using the
HUB, and the requested item is not verified, the user may take the following steps to
troubleshoot the situation:
1. On the Verifications List page, click Income.
2. On the Verification Detail page, view the Description field:
a. If text is displayed in the Description field, see the Appendix to determine the
appropriate course of action
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Appendix 1
The figure below identifies the possible responses the user will see on the Verification List
page after pinging the Federal HUB. Note: The Source field will always be blank until the user
pings the Federal HUB.
The Source field can have the following values:
Source Value
Blank (no value)
The application fell out of No Touch processing, and no
attempt was made to verify the application information via
the HUB. A worker should manually request HUB verification
(follow steps above).
The application was manually entered into the Ohio
Integrated Eligibility system by a user. Workers must
manually request a HUB verification for all manually entered
applications (unless the application information was verified
via other means).
A request has already been made to verify the information
via the HUB (either automatically through the No Touch
process, or manually by a Worker).
The status will remain Pending until a response is received
from the HUB.
If the HUB verification process failed (e.g., didn’t run
properly due to a technical issue), the status will remain
Pending. In this situation, the Worker should attempt to
manually request a HUB verification.
Note: The status of every verification will be Pending, except when
an application “falls out.” When an application “falls out,” the status
field will be Pending, and the Source field will be blank because the
user must now manually request verification.
The information has been verified by a Worker, and the
Worker manually updated the Verification Status in the Ohio
Integrated Eligibility system.
A response was received from the HUB, and the response
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Source Value
was provided from a Federal source.
Note that the information may or not be verified – Automatic
simply indicates that a response has been received.
The Worker should review the Verification Details page to
confirm if the information was verified by the HUB.
A response was received from the HUB, and the response
was provided from a State source.
Note that the information may or not be verified – State
simply indicates that a response has been received.
The Worker should review the Verification Details page to
confirm if the information was verified by the HUB through a
State information source.
Appendix 2
Verifications Detail Results Summary
The table below outlines the results a user will see on the Verifications Details screen after
pinging the Federal HUB.
If the Description Field Says
Nothing (e.g., blank)
Status Field will be:
User should do this:
Error description (e.g., No
Try pinging the hub
again…and if it continues to
not work, report as an incident
Follow manual process for
Appendix 3
The table below outlines the response messages that a user may see on the Verification Detail
screen or in the Journal Entry. For each response message, the recommended case worker
action is described.
Response Description
Case Worker Action
No Action Required.
Annual Income Verified
No Action Required.
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Response Description
Case Worker Action
Trusted Data Source Unreachable
Eligibility worker can re-request at a later time
when the HUB is available.
Eligibility worker can re-request at a later time
when the HUB is available.
Unexpected Exception Occurred at Trusted
Data Source
Unexpected System Exception
Invalid or missing input parameter
Eligibility worker can re-request at a later time
when the HUB is available.
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error submitting Initial Verification
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error submitting Secondary Request
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error retrieving the next pending case
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error retrieving a Secondary Resolution
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error deleting next pending case
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error closing case number
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error retrieving details for case number
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
System error setting password
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Unexpected System Response Code
Eligibility worker can re-request at a later time
when the HUB is available.
Neither Alien Number nor I-94 Number exists
for the person. One of these must be added
removed to re-request. The Alien Number can
be updated on the Individual Demographics
page. The I-94 Number can be updated on the
Non-Citizenship page in the INS Document ID
field (when the INS Document Type is set to I94). If necessary, the Eligibility worker may
perform a manual verification.
A Number or I-94 Number must exist.
Cannot have both an A Number and an I-94
Both an Alien Number and I-94 Number exist
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Response Description
Case Worker Action
for the person. One of these must be removed
to re-request. The Alien Number can be
entered on the Individual Demographics page.
The I-94 Number can be entered on the NonCitizenship page in the INS Document ID field
(when the INS Document Type is set to I-94).
If necessary, the eligibility worker may perform
a manual verification.
Required input field (BenefitCode) is null
Report this error to your system administrator.
If necessary, the eligibility worker may perform
a manual verification.
Required input field (A Number) is null
Alien Number is missing and must be entered
to re-request. The Alien Number can be
entered on the Individual Demographics page.
If necessary, the Eligibility worker may perform
a manual verification.
Required input field (I94 Number) is null
I-94 Number is missing and must be entered to
re-request. The I-94 Number can be entered
on the Non-Citizenship page in the INS
Document ID field (when the INS Document
Type is set to I-94). If necessary, the Eligibility
worker may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (Case Number) is null
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (DocType) is null
Document Type is missing and must be
entered to re-request. Document Type can be
updated on the Non-Citizenship page in the
INS Document field. If necessary, the Eligibility
worker may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (DocOtherDesc) is null
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (DocExpDate) is null
Document Expiration Date is missing and must
be entered to re-request. If necessary, the
Eligibility worker may perform a manual
Required input field (DocLastName) is null
Last Name is missing and must be entered to
re-request. If necessary, the Eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (DocFirstName) is null
First Name is missing and must be entered to
re-request. If necessary, the Eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (DocBirthDate) is null
DOB is missing and must be entered to rerequest. If necessary, the Eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Response Description
Case Worker Action
Required input field (BirthDate) is null
DOB is missing and must be entered to rerequest. If necessary, the Eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (HireDate) is null
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (ReferralDate) is null
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Required input field (CloseStatus) is null
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field format, length/format (A
Alien Number has an invalid format and must
be updated to re-request. Alien Number must
be 9 characters long and can be updated on
the Individual Demographics page. If
necessary, the Eligibility worker may perform a
manual verification.
Invalid input field format, length/format (I94
I-94 Number has an invalid format and must be
updated to re-request. I-94 Number must be
11 characters long and can be updated on the
Non-Citizenship page in the INS Document ID
field (when the INS Document Type is set to I94). If necessary, the Eligibility worker may
perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field format, length/format (Case
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field format, length/format
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field format, length/format
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field format, length/format
Last Name has an invalid format and must be
updated to re-request. Last Name can be up to
40 characters long and can be updated on the
Individual Demographics page. If necessary,
the Eligibility worker may perform a manual
Invalid input field format, length/format
First Name has an invalid format and must be
updated to re-request. First Name can be up
to 25 characters long and can be updated on
the Individual Demographics page. If
necessary, the Eligibility worker may perform a
manual verification.
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IRS HUB Verifications
Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Response Description
Case Worker Action
Invalid Benefit Code for user
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid DocType. Invalid document type value
The HUB does not recognize the Document
Type on the request. Report this error to the
Help Desk as an incident. If necessary, the
eligibility worker may perform a manual
Invalid Document Expiration Date
INS Document Expiration Date has an invalid
format and must be updated to re-request.
This field can be updated on the NonCitizenship page. If necessary, the Eligibility
worker may perform a manual verification.
Invalid Document Birth Date
DOB has an invalid format and must be
updated to re-request. This field can be
updated on the Individual Demographics page.
If necessary, the Eligibility worker may perform
a manual verification.
Invalid input field length (ClientSftwrVer)
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field length (UserField)
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field length (AKA)
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field length (DocComment)
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
No permissions to access this case
The case worker may perform a manual
Doc Other Description cannot have a value for
selected Doc Type.
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
The called method is not authorized for use by
this agency.
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Case does not exist or you do not have the
correct privileges to access case
The Eligibility worker may perform a manual
Invalid input field format, length/format
(Card/Receipt Number)
Card Number has an invalid format and must
be updated to re-request. The Card Number
can be updated on the Non-Citizenship page in
the INS Document ID field. Card Number must
be 3 alphabetic characters [A-Z] followed by 10
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Version {1.0}
Date: {04/14/2014}
Response Description
Case Worker Action
digits [0-9]. If necessary, the Eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Invalid input field format, length/format
(Naturalization Number)
The Naturalization Number has an invalid
format and must be updated to re-request. The
Naturalization Number can be updated on the
Citizenship page in the INS Document ID field.
Naturalization Number must be between 7 and
12 digits. Commas are not allowed.
Invalid input field format, length/format
(Citizenship Number)
The Citizenship Number has an invalid format
and must be updated to re-request. The
Citizenship Number can be updated on the
Citizenship page in the INS Document ID field.
Citizenship Number must be between 7 and 12
digits. Commas are not allowed.
Invalid closure code
Report this error to the Help Desk as an
incident. If necessary, the eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
Name Mismatch
Name must be updated to re-request. If
necessary, the Eligibility worker may perform a
manual verification.
DOB Mismatch
DOB must be updated to re-request. If
necessary, the Eligibility worker may perform a
manual verification.
Record Not Found
No record has been found. The case worker
must confirm Name, DOB, and citizenship
documentation details. If any errors are found,
the case worker may re-request the verification
from the HUB. Otherwise, the Eligibility worker
may perform a manual verification.
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