Your Social Care Records and How To See Them Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care
Your Social Care
Records and How To
See Them
How we use and store your personal
information and how to see your social care
Your Social Care Records
When you work with Adult Social Care Services we will ask
you to tell us about yourself and your situation so that we
can understand your support needs and offer the most
appropriate help.
We have a duty to keep full and accurate records of the
information you provide, the discussions we have with you
and details of any care and support services agreed with
you. This is your Social Care Record.
You have the right to see the records we hold about you.
Fair Processing Notice
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 we are required to
keep your records confidential and to process your
information fairly. This means being clear about:
ƒ The information we hold about you
ƒ How we use your information
ƒ How we keep your records secure and maintain your
ƒ Who we may share your information
with and why
This leaflet provides a summary of
how we process your information
fairly and how you can see the
records we hold about you.
You can find more detailed Fair
Processing Notices on the Council’s
The information we hold about you
Depending on your needs and situation your Social Care
Record could include all or some of the following:
ƒ Your personal details (like name, address, previous
address, date of birth, marital status, ethnicity) and
similar details for other household members
ƒ Details of family relationships in and outside your
immediate household and contact information for your
close relatives and/or carers
ƒ Information about your accommodation and how well it
suits your needs (type, layout, alarms, accessibility
ƒ Details about your care and/or support needs (such as
personal care, eating and drinking, practical tasks, your
physical and emotional well being, social contact), and
how you would like things to improve (your goals)
ƒ Things that must be taken into consideration by people
working with or providing services to you (like your
communication needs or any cultural, spiritual or
religious traditions that must be respected)
ƒ Information about the support you receive (from unpaid
carers and other service providers)
ƒ Information about any risks to your health or well being
and how these are being managed/minimised
ƒ Information about you and your situation given to us by
your family and/or carers and organisations who work
with you (like health and care and support services) to
allow us to understand your situation and coordinate
your care services more effectively, including notes of
phone conversations
ƒ Any relevant reports or documents we receive relating
to your situation and/or care
ƒ Details of your personal financial situation (if we need
to assess your eligibility for funding from the Council
and your entitlement to welfare benefits).
Your Social Care Worker should give you copies of letters
and other documents they write about you.
How we use your information
We use the information in your Social Care Record to:
ƒ Understand your situation so we can offer appropriate
support – this could be information and advice,
Reablement, simple services (such as alarms or meals)
and/or ongoing care and support
ƒ Ensure other people involved in your care and or
support (like other Council staff, and staff from local
health, care and support services) have the information
needed about you and your situation so they can provide
the help/support you need without you having to
provide the same details over and over. We will only
share your information with others if you give us
ƒ Work out how much you need to contribute, if anything
towards the cost of your care and support and help you
apply for any benefits and credits you may be entitled
ƒ Investigate complaints.
We also collate non-personal data from all social records
ƒ Understand the changing needs of Reading residents to
make sure we plan
appropriate services to meet
those needs in the future
ƒ Prepare Government returns
and compare our services
with others to ensure we are
meeting targets and providing
value for money
ƒ Keep track of spending on
care and support services
ƒ Check the quality of care
Keeping your records secure and maintaining
your confidentiality
To meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act to
ensure your Social Care Records are kept secure and
confidential we:
ƒ store electronic files on a secure computer system
which is password protected and can only be accessed
by authorised staff
ƒ restrict access to your records – staff can only see the
parts of your records they need to do their jobs. No one
else can access your records
ƒ store any paper files we keep in locked filing cabinets
which can only be accessed by authorised staff
ƒ Use encryption to protect information which is
temporarily stored on mobile devices (like laptops) or
shared by email.
ƒ Require all social care staff to sign an undertaking to
respect your confidentiality.
Sharing your information with others
Although Adult Social Care Services provides some help
directly, most support/advice services are provided by
other Council teams or outside organisations (like NHS
health care services, private care agencies, Department of
Work & Pensions and voluntary organisations (like Age UK)
When we first start working with you we will ask you to sign
consent forms giving us permission to share relevant parts
of your records with appropriate staff and service providers
so they can offer you the best support/advice possible.
These service providers are also required by law to respect
your confidentiality and store your personal details
Your Social Care Worker should tell you when they share
your information and who they share it with.
If you don’t want to give us permission we will still help you
but it will limit the help we can offer.
Exceptional Circumstances
We have a legal duty to share information about you
without your permission:
ƒ If we believe a serious crime has been committed or to
prevent one being committed
ƒ If we believe there is a serious risk to the public, our
staff or other professionals or
ƒ To protect adults who we believe are at risk because
they are frail, confused or cannot understand what is
happening to them.
If we need to share information without your permission we
will let you know and explain why as
soon as it is safe to do so.
If you are unable to make the
decision about sharing your
information on your own then the
person who has the legal right to
manage your affairs can make this decision for you or help
you make it.
If no one has this legal right the care professionals working
with you will make the decision about sharing your
information based on what is in your best interests. They
will take the views of your family/friends into account.
Viewing your Social Care Records
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to
see the Social Care Records we hold about you. This
includes information held on computer, in paper files or any
other format. You are the only person allowed to see your
However, you DON’T have the right to see:
ƒ anyone else’s records
ƒ any information about other people (like members of
your family or your carer) that is included on your
ƒ information about you given to us by another person or
agency (like a family member, doctor or other
professional) UNLESS they give their permission for us
to share their comments with you
ƒ information we believe would cause harm to you or
someone else if it is disclosed
How to see your records
If you would like to see the information we hold about you
can either write to the Head of Adult Social Care, Reading
Borough Council, FREEPOST (Licence No RG30), PO Box 17,
Reading RG1 7ZY or use the "Access to Social Care Records
Request From" at the end of this leaflet.
When we receive your request
We will confirm that we have received your request, in
writing, within five working days.
We will then:
ƒ gather your information
ƒ check the files and
ƒ request permission from
other people who have
contributed to your
record to share their
comments with you
This can take up to 40 days - we will let you know if it is
going to take longer.
Once everything is in place we will contact you to arrange a
time for you to come to our offices to see your records.
When you come to the office
You will need to bring proof of your identity (passport,
pension book or official letters like benefit letters).
A Social Care Worker will sit with you while you look at the
file to give you any help you need and answer your
questions. If you need more time to look at your
information please ask the Social Care Worker to arrange
another visit.
You can bring a friend or relative with you if you wish.
You can’t take your file(s) away but you can have copies of
information we hold if you want – we may make a small
charge for this.
If you think your records are wrong
Your record contains two kinds of information - facts and
ƒ FACTS are things like your name, date of birth, the help
you need and the services you receive. If any of the
factual information we hold about you is wrong please
let us know so we can put it right.
ƒ OPINIONS are other people’s views about your situation.
You can’t change recorded opinions even if you don’t
agree with them.
If you don’t like what someone has said about you
please discuss it with the Social Care Worker – they will
add a note to your file explaining that you disagree with
that opinion. If you are not satisfied with this, the
Social Care Worker will tell you what action you can
take to resolve the matter.
If you think information is missing
We aim to show you all the information we can. If you think
information is missing please talk to the person who is
helping you look at your records.
Contact Us
Older people & adults with physical or learning
disabilities or long-term illness:
Reading Adult Contact Team (ReACT)
0118 937 3747
Adults with mental health issues:
Community Mental Health Team
0118 960 5612
Complaints about Adult Social Care Services:
Housing & Community Care Complaints Team
0118 937 2905
July 2012
This information can be made available in alternative
formats (such as Braille, audiotape or large print) on
request. Please ask your Social Care Worker.
Access to Social Care Records Request Form
Daytime Tel:
Date of Birth:
Date of your last contact with us:
Name of the staff member who normally deals with you:
If your name and/or address have changed since your last contact
with Social Services please give details of your previous name and
I declare that the information on this form is correct and that:
‰I am the person named on this form
‰I am the agent of the person named on this form
Please return your completed form to:
Head of Adult Social Care, Reading Borough Council, FREEPOST
(Licence No RG30), PO Box 17, Reading RG1 7ZY
Request received by:
Acknowledgement sent by: