How to buildup your first Java Card

How to buildup your first Java Card
Applet by IBM JCOP Toolset
(SUN Java Card SDK Wallet sample)
Andy Hua.
OCT 2005
1. new a project for JCOP
2. insert the project name and select JCOP card API type.(This Project is OPWallet)
3. New a package to your project.(This sample is com.sun.javacard.samples.wallet)
4. Import your source code into the project. (This file should be Wallet)
5. edit package and applet AID, install data is default PIN for applet.
6. Eclipse will auto-complier the Java card applet, check applet information in 【CAP file
properties】 sub-window.
7. setup Run environment the applet, and press 【Run】
8. see the JCOP shell sub-window is downloading the applet into card【this sample is JCOP20 card
simulator】, the AID 『A00000006203010C0B01』is selectable.
9. RUN the 【testsc.jcsh】 script file, and start to run this script.
10. you will see the APDU command result in JCOP shell window like as follow
11. you can stop this run, and set breakpoints to debug your applet code
Set breakpoint
12. Good luck!!