www.rfidjournalevents.com/brasil LEARN HOW TO ACHIEVE REAL BENEFITS TODAY FROM USING RFID GAIN NEW INSIGHTS FROM LEADING END USERS, INCLUDING: Marcelo Pandini Capitão Robson Teles Peixoto João Ricardo Tinoco de Campos Emerson Mattos Santangelo Brasil Air Force Instituto Data Rio para Administração Pública Grupo Valdac Samuel Bloch da Silva Washington Luis Maia de Souzedo SEE THE LATEST SOLUTIONS DESIGNED TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. PRODUCED BY BE PART OF RFID JOURNAL’S INAUGURAL EVENT IN BRAZIL REGISTER WITH PROMO CODE BEEB CORNERSTONE SPONSOR LEARN HOW COMPANIES IN SOUTH AMERICA ARE BENEFITING FROM RFID TODAY ABOUT RFID JOURNAL RFID Journal is the only independent media company devoted solely to radio frequency identification and its many business applications. RFID Journal's mission is to help companies use RFID technology to improve the way they do business, with timely news, strategic analysis, networking opportunities at events— both domestically and in Europe—and in-depth education. To learn more, visit www.rfidjournal.com. Leading companies across all industries in Brasil are deploying radio frequency identification technologies to track assets, manage inventories, improve customer service and much more. This unique event, produced by RFID Journal in partnership with Hewlett-Packard, will showcase leading end users presenting powerful real-world case studies. These presentations, offered in Portuguese, will highlight how businesses are using RFID, and where they are achieving real benefit today. The high-quality content is designed to educate leading end users interested in deploying RFID solutions. PRECONFERENCE SEMINAR • NOV. 29, 2012 RFID JOURNAL UNIVERSITY This seminar, RFID Journal’s most popular preconference offering, is open to professionals across all industries, and is designed to provide those new to radio frequency identification with the foundational knowledge necessary to begin understanding how RFID can be applied to solve specific business problems, to choose the correct option for a specific application and to select the right vendors to achieve a successful outcome. Speakers: Renata Rampim, Ph.D. Student, State University of Campinas–UNICAMP Luiz Costa, Electrical Engineer, Flextronics Institute of Technology (FIT) 9:00 AM RFID BASICS 10:00 AM THE PHYSICS BEHIND RFID Renata Rampim, Ph.D. Student Luiz Costa 10:45 AM REGULATIONS 11:00 AM BREAK 11:15 AM REAL-WORLD CONSIDERATIONS 12:00 PM LUNCH State University of Campinas - UNICAMP 1:00 PM LIVE DEMO: RFID IN THE REAL WORLD 1:30 PM BUILDING AN RFID BUSINESS CASE 2:15 PM RFID JOURNAL UNIVERSITY ENDS CORNERSTONE SPONSOR PRODUCED BY REGISTER WITH PROMO CODE BEEB www.rfidjournalevents.com/norway AGENDA • NOV. 29 LEARN FROM INDUSTRY LEADERS 8:00 AM REGISTRATION OPENS 9:00 AM RFID JOURNAL UNIVERSITY Mark Roberti 2:30 PM 2:30 PM WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION Speaker: Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal 2:45 PM LEVERAGING RFID TO RECYCLE PLASTICS In 2009, HP Brasil set up drop-off centers around the country, in which customers could return ink-jet printers for recycling. The following year, it established the SmartWaste project, to leverage the RFID infrastructure it deployed to track printers using passive ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) tags with Electronic Product Codes (EPCs). The goal was to use the tag information to manage reverse logistics for end-of-life products. From July 2011, when the company implemented the SmartWaste solution, until the end of February 2012, it collected 35 tons of plastics for reuse. Each tag’s EPC and serial numbers linked to a database containing a wealth of information regarding each printer, including its recyclable materials. Learn how HP Brasil is using an RFID-enabled solution to track e-waste, which is supporting the forecasting process by providing a clear picture of the potential of recycling sources. Speaker: Marcelo Pandini, Sr Mgr, Operations Strategy Devt. and Manufacturing Logistics, Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) Marcelo Pandini 2:45 PM Mauricio Strasburg 3:30 PM 3:30 PM HOW RFID SOLUTIONS DRIVE NEW BUSINESS BENEFITS RFID hardware has become more reliable over the past few years, enabling companies to take advantage of RFID data in new and powerful ways. Software solutions are enabling firms to reengineer processes and deliver more value. In this session, our panel of experts will explain how businesses are leveraging these new capabilities. Moderator: Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal Panelists: Mauricio Strasburg, CEO, Synergy Tecnologia; Luis Pedro Gonçalves, Regional Sales Manager, Zebra; Reinaldo Andrade, Channel Business Manager Brasil, Intermec 4:15 PM IMPROVING HEALTH CARE IN BRASIL WITH RFID The UPA (Emergency Services Unit), located in Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro, installed a system from Atrio Rio for asset control, asset cleaning and medicine control. In order to reduce the incidence of hospital infections, coats and sheets were equipped with chips. In the future, cleaning items will also be monitored, as well as medicines and syringes. The goal is to establish logistics control and monitor the use of resources allocated to the health unit. The solution involved the use of RFID-enabled equipment identification. Portals were installed at strategic points, to control the flow of resources within the health unit. The project contains mobile devices—PDAs—for conducting inventories. The chips used meet the EPC-standard Gen 2 specifications, and are integrated more efficiently in order to provide better public services for the general population. Speaker: João Ricardo Tinoco de Campos, Nursing Director-IDR, Data RIO Institute of Public Administration Synergy Tecnologia João Ricardo Tinoco de Campos 4:15 PM Instituto Data Rio para Administração Pública 5:00 PM RFID IMPROVES SUPPLY MANAGEMENT FOR ARMY A military logistics center has been equipped with EPC Gen 2 technology as part of a program to increase the efficiency, accuracy and visibility of distributing supplies to soldiers. Goods arrive at the distribution facility directly from vendors, and are then shipped to units and soldiers throughout the country. Prior to the system's installation, military personnel utilized paper and pen to manually track each shipment's location and status, and made telephone calls to provide status updates to those who shipped or received the items. Suppliers are tagging products with EPC Gen 2 ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) tags, and when tagged items are unloaded from trucks at the logistics center, the tags are read while passing through an RFID portal, thereby indicating that those goods were received. Each item has an EPC Gen 2 passive tag adhered to it, encoded with a unique ID number. Each item's tag ID number is married to the ID of the specific carton in which it is packed. Learn how the use of RFID has increased the speed and accuracy with which goods can be identified. Speaker: Luiz Antonio, Colonel, Brasil Exército 5:45 PM RECEPTION ON EXHIBIT FLOOR CORNERSTONE SPONSOR PRODUCED BY REGISTER WITH PROMO CODE BEEB www.rfidjournalevents.com/norway AGENDA • NOV. 30 LEARN FROM INDUSTRY LEADERS 8:30 AM COFFEE Emerson Mattos Santangelo 10:30 AM Grupo Valdac 9:00 AM WELCOME BACK AND INTRODUCTION Speaker: Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal 9:15 AM THE STATE OF RFID ADOPTION IN BRASIL The increasing use of radio frequency identification technology (RFID) in Brasil includes the recognition of benefits related to the control and tracking of products, thereby reducing operating costs and increasing service efficiency. Learn how several sectors are testing and deploying RFID solutions, and hear about market surveys showing increased investments in this area. Speaker: Edson Perin, Editor, RFID Journal Brasil 10:00 AM GS1 BRASIL UPDATE Speaker: Wilson José da Cruz Silva, Innovation & Strategic Alliances, GS1 Brasil Samuel Bloch da Silva 11:45 AM Flextronics Instituto de Tecnologia (FIT) 10:30 AM INCREASING SALES AND BOOSTING EFFICIENCY WITH RFID Valdac Group, a São Paulo-based fashion retailer operating more than 100 stores throughout Brasil, including the Crawford and Siberian chains, is using RFID to streamline operations, reduce employee and process costs, track and monitor inventory, and provide insight into sales trends. Last year, the firm launched a new retail brand, Memove, that featured RFID-based point-of-sale (POS) systems, enabling shoppers to quickly complete purchases without interacting with a shop assistant. Learn how the system was designed to save time, both at the DC and within each store, giving the organization the ability to help stock replenishments and keep pace with sales. Speaker: Emerson Mattos Santangelo, CIO, Grupo Valdac 11:15 AM NETWORKING BREAK ON EXHIBIT FLOOR Alexandre Rosati 2:30 PM 11:45 AM RFID AS A LEAN TOOL IN MANUFACTURING The key to employing radio frequency identification as a lean tool is the education and buy-in of operations-level IT technicians and production support-staff members. Lean manufacturing involves identifying and eliminating nonvalue-adding activities, such as waste, and focuses on the start-to-end value streams. Learn how wastes in manufacturing systems can be reduced by using RFID to move toward a lean organization. In addition, the speaker will share the benefits derived from a recent program for HP Brazil, conducted within Flextronics’ facilities. Speaker: Samuel Bloch da Silva, Senior Researcher, Flextronics Instituto de Tecnologia (FIT) 12:30 PM THE BENEFITS OF USING RFID TO ACHIEVE WORK-IN-PROCESS VISIBILITY Every manufacturer wants to know the status and location of all work-in-process (WIP). RFID can help, but companies also need the ability to identify each item and ensure that its status is updated in real time. This session will explain the infrastructure required to track WIP in real time in order to achieve just-in-time manufacturing. Learn how to employ RFID to become a lean manufacturer, thereby reducing costs and increasing profitability. 1:00 PM LUNCH ON EXHIBIT FLOOR Guillermo Ibarraran 2:30 PM 2:30 PM ACHIEVING REAL BUSINESS VALUE FROM RFID Game-changing technologies enable early adopters to gain competitive advantage and drive shareholder value. Leading companies in many industries are already gaining that advantage from RFID, and our panel of experts will focus on how other businesses can do the same. Moderator: Mark Roberti, Founder and Editor, RFID Journal Panelists: Alexandre Rosati, Development and Operations Director, Vexon IT Services Guillermo Ibarraran, Latin America Sales Manager, HID Global Marco Carbonari, Division Director, CCRR Ricardo Carneiro, Director, E mais E Tecnologia Ltda CORNERSTONE SPONSOR PRODUCED BY REGISTER WITH PROMO CODE BEEB www.rfidjournalevents.com/norway LEARN FROM INDUSTRY LEADERS Carlos Lima Dias 3:15 PM 3:15 PM PETROBRAS INTRODUCES GAS STATION OF THE FUTURE WITH RFID Petrobras, the third-largest energy company in the world, recently debuted its Gas Station of the Future in Brasil to deliver a more personalized experience at the pump. When a customer drives up to the station, his or her car is recognized by its license plate or an RFID tag. Digital signage at the pump subsequently plays personalized advertising based on consumer preferences and profiles entered in the customer rewards program. Learn how a multi-purpose interactive kiosk displays the latest items at the convenience store, provides maintenance services and allows patrons to print directions to desired destinations. Speaker: Carlos Lima Dias, Group Leader of Application Architecture Management, Petrobras 4:00 PM REFRESHMENT BREAK ON EXHIBIT FLOOR 4:30 PM WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY: VOLKSWAGEN BRASIL Speaker: Washington Luis Maia de Souzedo, IT Process Analyst, MAN Latin America, Volkswagen Brasil Washington Luis Maia de Souzedo 5:15 PM BRAZILIAN AIR FORCE INCREASES EFFICIENCY WITH RFID Speaker: Capitão Robson Teles Peixoto, Air Force Command, Subdirectorate Supply, Brasil Air Force 6:00 PM CONFERENCE CONCLUDES 4:30 PM AGENDA SUBJECT TO CHANGE, PLEASE VISIT WEB SITE FOR MOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION Capitão Robson Teles Peixoto 5:15 PM Brasil Air Force CORNERSTONE SPONSOR PRODUCED BY REGISTER WITH PROMO CODE BEEB GAIN EXPOSURE TO A TARGETED AUDIENCE DEDICATED TO USING RFID Attendee Registration Options 4CONFERENCE + PRECONFERENCE PASS — BEST VALUE! RFID Journal LIVE! Brasil is the one place where you can meet executives from leading companies across South America that are using RFID technologies to improve the way they do business. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with these decision makers in a unique and collaborative setting. Your all-access pass to the complete RFID Journal LIVE! Brasil Conference and Exhibition, including Preconference and Main Conference Benefits plus Full Exhibit Hall Access. › RFID Journal University preconference on 29 Nov. › Lunch on 29 Nov. › Keynote address and all sessions on 29-30 Nov. › Welcome cocktail reception on 29 Nov. › Exhibit hall access on 29-30 Nov. › All meals on 30 Nov. Experience technology and product demonstrations from these and other leading RFID systems providers and technology companies. Check back often for the most-up-to date list. CORNERSTONE SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR PRICING On-Site Registration after 23/11/12 R$1,699 4CONFERENCE PASS SILVER SPONSORS Attend all Main Conference sessions and visit the Exhibit Hall at any time. › Keynote address and all sessions on 29-30 Nov. › Welcome cocktail reception on 29 Nov. › Exhibit hall access on 29-30 Nov. › All meals on 30 Nov. GOLD SPONSOR PRICING On-Site Registration after 23/11/12 R$1,299 TECHNOLOGY SPONSOR SPECIAL BENEFITS YOU CAN ADD ON TO YOUR CONFERENCE PASS: RFID JOURNAL 1-YEAR PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP EXHIBITORS R$325 THAT’S A SAVINGS OF R$90 OFF THE RETAIL PRICE! BE SURE TO ADD AN RFID JOURNAL PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP TO YOUR ORDER. AS OF DISTRIBUTION DATE TO LEARN MORE, PLEASE CONTACT: Alan McIntosh SAVE WITH OUR TEAM DISCOUNTS Groups of three or more colleagues from the same company SAVE 20% off rates—call +1 (631) 249-4960 to register your team today. Customer Service: E-mail [email protected] or call +1 (631) 249-4960. DIRECTOR OF SALES +1 212-584-9400 ext. 4 [email protected] Matthew Singer DIRECTOR OF SALES +1 212-584-9400 ext. 6 [email protected] CORNERSTONE SPONSOR PRODUCED BY REGISTER WITH PROMO CODE BEEB
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