هتاكربو الله ةمحرو مكيلع ملاسلا ------------------ HOW TO WIN ALLAHs MERCY

‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬
Sayedna AYESHA always heard RASOOL ALLAH say ....Nobody
can enter jannah not even me without ALLAHs MERCY . No amal
in duniya is a price to enter jannah. Prophet MUSA asked ALLAH
SWT ....when a person does HAJJ and askes you to forgive them
...what do you say ??? ALLAH SWT said ....I say LABBAIK .
Prophet MUSA asked when a person does qayamul lail & askes
you for something ...then what do you say , ALLAH SWT said i
say LABBAIK . He asked if a person does salad , hajj , zakat ,
does everything good then what ? ALLAH SWT said i say
LABBAIK . MUSA asked if a person disobeys you andaskes for
forgiveness then ?? ALLAH SWT said then i say ....LABBAIK
LABBAIK LABBAIK . Prophet MUSA said ALLAH you said
LABBAIK one time to a person who obeys you & three times to a
disobedient person . ALLAH SWT said the one who does not
obey me came to me because of my RAHMA , he askes me from
his heart because i am GHAFOOR & RAHEEM . LABBAIK means
i am here for you ..SUBHAN ALLAH . Here are the ways we can
get ALLAHs RAHMA.....
1- If you want ALLAH SWT to be merciful towards you then be
merciful to the people around you HUQ ALLAH is less than HUQ
EBAD .He created you & gave you more huq in the duniya . Every
naima he has given you is for others , like your money , health .
An alim took his students to the beach & was teaching them
quran there , when a group of people came there who were
dancing & were wearing inappropriate clothes , the students were
uncomfortable with this & got angry . The alim told them do dua
for these people that like they are happy in duniya may ALLAH
SWT make them happy on the day of judgement . He told his
students when you do this dua for them then ALLAH SWT will
give them a chance to do tauba in duniya & the only way you can
be happy on the day of judgement is if you did tauba in the world
!!! RASOOL ALLAH said ALLAH SWT loves a merciful , soft heart
& you cannot be a momin till you have mercy in your heart .
RASOOL ALLAH would do dua for certain people for ALLAH SWT
to include them in his mercy & his dua was always accepted
....who are these people
1- If they speak it is always a speech of KHAIR or good & kind
words & if they don't like something they are silent. If your heart is
clean then your tongue will be clean as tongue always says what
is in the heart .
2- If he buys or sells something he gives the people their huq .
The buyer & seller have to be satisfied with the price .
3- Pray before ASR four rakat sunnah but don't do four together
do 2 and then 2 again before you do asr salah .
4-Pray two sunnah before MAGRIB salah
5- MUTAKHALLEELEEN..... Those who during WUDU put water
between their fingers & toes ...and for men on their beard .
6-Who earn money in a halal way & spend it in a halal way .
7- AL MUBALLEGEEN .....When they hear a lecture or something
good they tell others about it .
8- Parents who help their kids become SADAQA E JAREEYAH
for them & make it easy for them to earn good deeds .
9- Those who cry only because they are afraid of ALLAH SWT
Angels were discussing about what ALLAH SWT does when
someone cries for ALLAH & they asked ALLAH SWT .....ALLAH
SWT said when they cry because they are afraid of me .... I
forgive them , I erase all their mistakes , I increase their level in
jannah , and they will see my face on the day of judgement
10- People who have hurt someone & they ask them for
forgiveness....even if the other person does not accept their
apology ....they will be under ALLAHs mercy .
These were the kinds of people RASOOL ALLAH prayed for
Other kinds of people who ALLAH SWT will be merciful to are...
1-Avoid RIBA
2-Who have a relationship with the QURAN & understand it
3- If they make a mistake they rush to do tauba & astagfar
4- They are PATIENT when tested .
5- TAWAKAL ALLAH ....have 100% trust in ALLAH SWT
So these were some things that we must try and do in our life now
as we do not know how much time is left . All of us will go one day
but the winner is one who understands it sooner than later as is
said in SURAH FAJAR ....man will say YA ALLAH give me
another chance ....but we all know that cannot happen !!!!!! MAY
‫جزاكم هللا خيرا‬