[ n ( l r p r n dent-Leaaer (KB.) - Cartrrot, VTC.SK fAUB Thursday, November 14, 1963 parent Code. To be Topic Of VT Panel Guest Night Sponsored By Adelines Evangelistic Miss Virginia A. Puntorno Athletic Unit Rally Listed Weds Stefano A. SarulloElects Slate ISF-LIN — The n«wly elected of ISELIN - The marriage of firers of the Iselin Athlrtir As ISKI.IN - An Evangelistic RalMiss Virginia A. Puntorno, daughsociatlon were installed at an exly has hern set for tomorrow, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Punl ] N l,\ -- St. John Vinnney ecutive meeting. Elected In of Snliirday and Sunday at the Isetnrno, 90 Grand Street, and Ste^H nl rrl Monday at 8.30 fire were: TSF.LIN-- Tfce Cloverleaf Chaplin Assembly of God Church, V fano A. Sarullo, son of Mr and (1 n,r cnfotoriiim. Prior to Hevkolcy Roulevnrd. Services I<T of Sweet Adelines, Inc., will Snl Morwio, president, Paul I 1 l "Irs. Joseph Sarullo, Rahway, II'" .',„ | , nf ;al S:45p.m. "A liny 'itart. at 7:30 P. M. hold piesl night, Monday, at St. rnes, executive vice president; as solemnized Saturday Satur- COLONIA - The Colonia chapclassroom" will be prcCerrlin's at fl.10. Guest quartets dward Siana, Pony Iz-npie vice finest speaker at tomorrow's ay afternoon at St. Cecelia's I „, the parents by the ter of ORT (Organization for Reand tho chorus and quartet of th« 'resident; William Lynns, Mnjor service, which takes the place of hurch. The Rev. John L. Gerety ,, ,„ the respective cl|isshabilitation Through Training) .eague vice president; Herb Sweet Adplinos will entertain. Retho Christ's Ambassadors youth ficiated at the double ring cereli w il| include methods, will sponsor an Oneg Shabbot to- ichmond, Minor I/WIRIIP vice. freshments will be served. group meeting, will be Niekte loncy. . M ,, lins of th* M'4 and how morrow evening in observance of •esident; Clarence Kane. F.quipThe Sweet Adelines sang SunCniz, a Spanish-speaking evangelORT Sabbath, at Temple Beth Or. wnt nnd Publicity; John Hanson, ||n,iK ran «Mst the child day in a show held for tne list and former narcotics addict The bride was given in mar,1|,1(.infnt readinR and work in Clark. irresponding secretary; Joseph i World's Fair Fund in Carterit from New York City. Rev. Cruz, age by her father. She wore a ',„, The teachers will he who is now an ordained minister, ull length gown of peau de sole Guest speaker will be Mrs. M, nchlusky, assistant correspond-, .it the St. Demetrios Community PATSY S. HTOSATO 1,1,. nt the close of the seswill speak through an interpret- 'ith beaded flowers on the left Weiner, Region Publicity Chair- ig secretary; John Cody, recordCenter, sponsored by Kay Sym-, ,„- questions. man. Hostesses will bn Mrs. secretary: Mike Negro, Irons TO TAKE COURSE; Two Isdln men have Wen sHfcfcd to er. Other former teen-age narcot- ide of the waist find threequar hik School of the Dance. er length, sleeves. Her double Herman Rappaport, Mrs. Carl irer; J. Shandolow. assistant ics addicts will be guests. attend U>ehniml training eourxrs following completion of their On Monday, the "Halos," the cll unll attendance will be OPENS OFFH'K: Dr. Rotx-rt jouffant veil was attached to a Cherensky and Mrs. Alfred Ches •easurer; Theodore (nliendo, United States Air Force basic military training here. m oach classroom. S. Mourer. 1025 firecn Street, weet Adelines quartet, sang at On Saturday and Sunday Rev. en. 1 'arliamentarian; and S. Torino! • luflln, has nnnnuncfd the open- ie Sixth District Conference of .,,1(l ,n ar*1 invited to view the They are Airman Allan R. Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson, evangelist, will be Town of pearls and crystals, ihe carried a white orchid bou- Another Oneg Shabbot will be Ways and Means. EvenioR Division of the FedMyron R. Snyder, 57 Plymouth Drive, and Airman Patsy 8. guest speaker. , ,,iir;,,y located on the second ing of \m iiflli i". fm the pracheld at the Jewish Community quet. The committee Li planning a Oct of general medlrlne. Alter- rated Women's Club at St. Sposalo, sob of Mr, and Mrs. Patsy C, Sposato, 48 W. Edward ^.',,f ihe school, Services for the week of NovemCenter in Carteret the same eveMiss Kathleen A. Agosta, lseStreet. inter baseball clinic. Hates to ations have recently been com- Mark's Episcopal Church Hall, (or Parents" wUl be tl4r ber 17 have been announced as in, was maid of honor. Bridal ning. Guest speaker for the Car- > announced. I pleted on his property to pro- larteret. „„,.,! at the meeting with a Airman Snyder will attend a course for telephone exchange follows: Sunday, Sunday School, teret observance will be Mrs. Sey Selections presented by the specialist, at Sheppard AFB, Tex. Airman Sposato will remain 9:45 A. M.; Morning Worship, 11 ittendants were the Misses Carol mour Derechin, Region Expansion Al! managers of the Pony vide for a hnme-nfflce combi ,^,l numerated by Reverend llemente, Union, and Louise CarHalos" were "Sugar Time," .eague. American League, Nil n a t l n n | ) r Maurer Is a gmreal at Lackland 4or training as an air policeman. ;,ni,,l Toomey, Diocesan DiA. M.; Junior Church, for chilChairman. Mrs. Rappaport'is in nella, Edison, and Katharine MaThe airmen are 1963 graduates of Woodbridge Senior High dren four through eleven years of 1n ,,[ r Y.O. "Dating" will be charge of the preparations in onal League and Atlantic lx>ngno practltion<>r nnd will nin a fam- Mary, A Grand Old Name," ino, Maplevraod, both cousins of School. age, 11 A. M., and Evening EvanU|', .;,„,! by Rev. Francis F. Clark; Mrs. Mark Binstein is the ire requested to attend the ncxtj , | y . t y p e p r a c t i M to help fulfill and "Down Our Way." he bride. Junior bridesmaids meeting at the Bowl-O-Mat Inni^hl the medical nerds of the growThe chorus will sing at the gelistic Services, 7 P. M. Tuesday, ,,„;, parish assistant; "dress" Carteret chairman. cere the Misses Marie and Nan8 o'clock abnret Night of the Carteret Women's Missionary Council ing community. \l,,> Mary Connolly, Last Friday evening, November (nights of Columbus Saturday Prayer Meeting, l P. M., and Fri- :y Sarullo, Rahway, nieces of the8. the chapter was host at an Oneg Dr. Mnuror and his family reIselin |fi., i night. day, Young People's Christ's Am- irldegroom. Miss Mary Rose Shabbot in cooperation with Mrs cently arrived In Iselin Irom !litl l,n|! and driving" by Jofrennan, New Brunswcik, was A standing invitation is alwayi bassadors, 7:30 P. M. Amid Beerman, at Temple B'nai Philadelphia, wherr he took his ,'h ijaiassi. Woodbridge Police her cousin's flower girl. }ut for any women who would Jacob, I/ird Street, Avenel. Mrs. The church nursery will be prr-mrdlcal and medical train„,,,,,„• ami "diversions" by W i l l i a m McCormack, Port like to join the group in singing Meyer Trabermnn, Section Edu available during Sunday mornIng. He is a Korean War veter,,'•,,, 'Donnelly parish' C.Y.O. heading, was best man. Ushers our-part harmony. No musical cation Chairman, was the guest ing worship service, under the' an with five years active duty hairman. ISELIN - The leaders of Girl uniforms for sale or donation to supervision of Mrs. Magne Lohne. wert Joseph Sarullo, Colonia, speaker. She spoke about the COLONIA - B'nai B'rilh Wolackground or training is re* I,, as a commissioned officer In rs of Class JA will be Scout Neighborhood 3 met Wedjuired. The Sweet Adelines meet please contact one of the leaders. At the recent annual business irother of the bridegroom; Rob-scope and the extent of ORT's men, Sinai Chapter held its ox the U. S. Navy. •- All parents in the par-nesday night, after regular Browjvery Monday night 8:30 in FaTentative plans were made for meeting election was held for rt Wheelan, Montclair, and Tho-activities all over the world, high ecutive board meeting last night, I invited to attend. Dr. Maurtr was born and tima Hall, St. Cecelia's Church. nie and Girl Scout Troop meet- February, International Month, secretary and treasurer and formas Palmieri, Irvington, cousin lighting the six-point program ol 'ith Mrs. Melvin Klein. fiS Drake J raised in Brooklyn, Ills wife, ings, in St. Cecelia's cafeteria. an International Fair to be held three-year trustee. Elected to rf the bride. David Ciullo, Berke- Women's American ORT and pay- lare, Colonia, as hostess, Beverly, is a native of Canr The newly initaited Scouting on "Thinking Day," with each these offices were: Mrs. George ley Heights, cousin of the bride, ing particular attention to the cri- Mrs. Yale Abrams, program .den. They have one child, a program, involving "open-cnf troop planning and operating a Maxwell, Richard Workman, and was ring bearer. sis, situation in France and thechairman, announced that a spe:iaj program will be presented at daughter, Ellen Jo, 18 months. The couple is on a wedding trip ORT program in Israel. troops, divided into Brownies, booth. Parents and other scoutsMelvin Bennett, respectively. Juniors, Cadettcs, and Seniors, will be invited. Exhibits will be Volunteers are needed at the i Nassau. When tfiey return they Reservations are still being ac- .he November 20 meeting at was discussed. Mrs. John Ross, planned. The annuul mother church for Monday, Tuesday, will reside in Elizabeth. cepted for the Pay in Lakewood Temple Beth Am, Colonia, at A*»*e neighborhood Jhaifman, asked daughter communion breakfast Thursday and Friday evenings, Mrs. Sarullo was graduated at the New Irvington Hotel, in :30 p.m. The guest speaker will ISELIN-Sheldon Rotter, Caseof the Auxiliary of Co-each leader for her reaction to will be held in March and in rom St. Mary's High School, eluding full use of a l l facilities, )e Dr. Phillip S. Green, obsteworker Supervisor of Family and all day Saturday, starting » ay the new program was be-April the group will sponsor a 8 A. M. Work is progressing nice Perth Amboy, and New York dinner, dancing and a Broadway trician and gynecologist, with ofCounciling Service in Middlesex : |fpr:nul:i|prf for a oundling Hospital School of Nurs- show. Mrs. Alex Freiberg ices in Colonia and Scotch Plains. County, will be the guest speak* ing accepted. window display. *• ly on the church addition. held today and tomorrow ing. She was on the staff at Uni-381-6584, is chairman and the dati Dr. Green is a graduate of JefISELIN — An amnesty on over er at the general meeting of ConAt the Brownie meeting pre- Volunteer leaders are needed. ferson Medical School, had his | , iw Main Street, Rahway from is Sunday, November 17. gregation Beth Sholom, Sunday, n Memorial Hospital. due books has been declared b; ceding the leader's meeting. Mrs. Anyone interested may contact I v ,1 m to 5 p.m. Her husband was graduated The midwinter Planning Con csidency at Newark City Hos- Rev. David G. Delzell, moderato: at 8:30 P . M . Arthur Bernadelli and Mrs, W. J. Mrs. Harold Cornell, LI 8-0364. and was Chief of Obstetrics -•, Kudy Grieve, president of Tom Rahway High School and isference will be held on Tuesday He will speak on the subject of of St. Cecelia's Free Catholic Li Jurusz were invested as leaders, auxiliary disclosed that a •mployed by Sarcon Construction November 26, 8:30 P.M., at theand Gynecology at Griffis Air brary, from November 17 up t 'What Is Happening to Modern and Mrs. Alexander Cuthbertson, Marriage." l.iy brunch, after the holidays. Co., Rahway. He served two Hotel Essex House, Newark. Mrs, 'orce Base Hospital. and including November 24. Al Mrs. Betty McGcehan, and Mrs. Albert Greenberg is chairman anc Dr. Green will speak on probMr. Rotter was employed at a hoen tentatively arranged COLONIA-Rev. Father Thorn- 'ears with the U. S. Army. overdue books returned during J. E. Carpenter were welcomed can be reached at 381-9350 foi lems of the middle years, highcaseworker by the American Red : Mrv Augusta Bella as chairis Dentici was the guest speaker the amnesty period will be free and introduced as new leaders reservations. Dross shortly after his graduation lighting (1) family planning, (2) i Christmas sale of pies and who had been previously invest recent meeting of the Holy from fines. Tom Columbia University, with The drawings for the Regioi common female disorders of wo|(,M• has been planned for theed into the Girl Scouts. COLONIA - The Ladies Aiur nnocents Society at St. Mary's raffle prize will be held that eve men in their 30's, and (3) modern Rev. Delzell urged members j Master's Degree in Social Work. iinj; of December, place school in Perth Amboy. His subThe schedule for the remaining j[ l i a r y_ °}c ning at the plenary session, aftei ancer diagnosis. A question and who have overdue books to re-He was the Casework Supervisor jjnrf nmc to be announced. | League of Colonia held its second ject was "Not What We Can November meetings was diswhich the delegates will adjourn answer period will be held. The turn them during this period. Al of the Jewish Chronic Disease f All delegates and alternates )o for the Retarded Child - Bui annual iashlon -ShflW- at present, approximately 300 books Hospital, i n Brooklyn, before ascussed "and ptanned. QrnNovenv to workshops. • meeting will be- restricted to wo> requested to attend the Gold fWhaCTney 'Can "Do For Us." The ISELIN ~ O.R.T. Sabbath will 17, Inman Avenue. are oufoiancling, Hindering theii suming his present position. He ""•"" The board meeting will be hel men only. e celebrated at Congregation s meeting this week at Win-her 27 the Junior and Cadette most important thing we learn circula'ion. is a member of the National Asat the home of Mrs. Clark Green troops will meet in the hall, The show this year focused on This is the last week to make jficlH fire Department. from them is now to love, he Beth Sholom for the Metwood berg, Carteret, tonight at 8:30. while the Brownie Trt^ps will fashions for head and toe. Thesaid, Chapter of O.R.T., Friday, Noreservations for the anniversary Mrs. William Daniels, chairman sociation of Social Workers and head interest was provided "by a Social dinner-dance at Wally's on Satur of the used book sale, November Academy of Certified lake Sale Scheduled 1 meet in the first an?r*third floor smart group of fall and winter With many thanks to Right Rev. vember 22, at the Temple, 90 class rooms. The Juniors and Cooper Avenue, day. Mrs. Morton Schutz will take 20 and 21, 7 to 9 p.m. at the liIWorkers. The Family Counciling Service Toifoy by Sisterhood Cadettes will be shown a film hats. Highlight of the show was Msgr. John J. Foley, the perma- The month of' November has last minute reservations at FU brary, announced the books oi a unique collection of ladies cas- nent headquarters for Holy Inno- been designated cy the Metwood sale will be of a general selectioi is a private, nonsectarian agenISFXIN - The Sisterhood of!entitled "Let's Go Camping." 1-5476. cents meetings will be St. Mary'; negation Beth Sholom will1 n was decided that the Brow ual and high fashion footwear. : Chapter of the Women's AmeriThe long awaited January 17 of interest to adults and children. cy, which is a member of the School, Perth Amboy, the fourth c a n O.R.T. as "School Buildings weekend -at the Granite Hotel is Proceeds will be used to purchas Family Service Association of nr a cake sale today, begin-nies will have a Flag ceremony Modeling the hats and shoes Monday of the month at 8:30. Project Month."1 The four-year ISELIN- The fifth grade moth coming up fast and Mrs. David ja new 20-volume "Young People' America, the national standarditOA.M. at the HiDtop Shop1 monthly, with a different troop were Mrs. Carl Lambert, Mrs. Sister Mary Regis has set up E. Machado, Mrs. Robert Jones, program was started ibis. yyear. ers of School 6 were hostesses Cohen at FU 8-4023 is taking res- jScienee Encyclopedia." The sail setting agency for the family and Supermarket, Oak Tree! c o n d u c ting it each time. marital counciling field. It nrois open to the public. ie curriculum for t b t year witli The group *'1I*c*'*'lu *'**• *« at the open house 'held at' th ervations. | Leaders of -the Iselin Neigh- Mrs. Chariot -Van Blarcum, Mrs. fimds to school in conjunction with the Nc vides a professionally qualified her group of teachers of religion John Slovik, Mrs. Stanley Steilbuild and extend schools all over Mrs. Donald Liebeskind, presi t k Board meeting, last i borhood will attend the annual Don't staff of counselors to families »wk, Mrs. Hyraan Dingott, pres leaders dinner at the Pines, No- maeh, Mrs, Daniel De Cicco andfor the retarded. They will use the world. Four new Apprentice1 vember meeting of the Home wv dent, annuonced that B'nai B'rith Gob - I am burning with lov without regard to ability to pay, the same books and follow the Centers are currently being built School Association. lent of Sisterhood announced that Mrs. G. Thompson. is selling tickets to the 1964-65 for you. charging fees worked out individDiscu6sions were held in the iname curriculum in the various in: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ahrab, Worlds Fair at a discount price. general membership meeting T e n l a t i v e plans were made for Mrs. William Olsen won a pair Gal — Oh, don't make a fuel ually on the basis of family 1! bo held Monday. November a leaders' ' at|of shoes and Mrs. Frank Varan-centers of instructions. Sr. Regis and Haifa. The school in Haifa, dividual classrooms with The gates open to the World's Christmas party means. also said the teachers will meet ready for the 1964-1965 school teachers explaining the system Fair on April 22. Mrs. Hal Blinder yourself. .11 R 30 P. M. the next Neighborhood meeting ko, a hat. Other prize winners the last Saturday of every month year, is being built in memory of marking and the classroom will have tickets available upon Tho Sisterhood if sponsoring a December S. Grab bag gifts will were Mrs. John Shoesmlth, Mrs, at St. Mary's School, Perth Am- of the late past National presi- routines. ||ala barn dance at the Synagogue, request. be exchanged. The Brownie Walter Nronseder,,,Mrs. E. Maboy. She rjvited anyone to this dent, Jeanette Orleans Jayl. Mrs. Frank Giacumbo, prcsi 1 Cooper Avenue, on Saturday, troops will have their Christmas chado and Mrs. Howard McDonmeeting who is interested in The chapter is sponsoring a dent, announced that a hot do lovember 30. Tickets may be |ough. {School 24 Arranges party December 18. eaching religion to the retarded Golden Book. Donors' names will luncheon will be held on Thuri Hirrhased from any member. A uniform exchange has been The next meeting will be NoFor 'Open House1 Miss Emelda Ruckett has start- be inscribed in one of the four day, November 21, from 11 a.m F l u . urged to Improve loan started. It was requested that vember 25 at the Civic Club, Into 1 p.m. The Class Mothers an ISELJN - Mrs. Frank C. Fyke, ed her class or religion for re-Centers In Israel. The donor may inyone having junior or cadette man Avenue. tarded children of St. Cecelia's choose the center to which he members of the executive boari president of the PTA of School will serve. Volunteers to help wil 24, announced that a meeting of parish, on Saturdays from 9 to wishes to donate. 10 a.m. at St. Cecelia's, Iselin. A Charming Child contest is the luncheon are Mrs. Armandi the Kennedy Park School PTA Magna,- Mrs. Charles Ruge, Mr; executive board will be held toFour members attended, an also being sponsored by the William Neesan, and Mrs. Johnight at 8, at the school. >pen house at the Johnstons Re-group, proceeds to be used for Manfried. Open House will be held at search, and Training Center'' in the building project. Chairman is A Christmas party has beei the Kennedy Park School MonMrs. Isadora Usdansky, HI 2-6044. Bordentown. They were Mrs. planned for December 4. day. All parents are invited to George Georgules, Edison; SisMrs. Joseph Levy's mornin visit the classrooms, where conter Mary Franciton, South Plain- Masses Announced class won the attendance awai ferences will take place at 7:30. field; Miss Emelda Ruckert, IseFor St. Cecelia's and Mrs. James Smith won th Parents will be able to view lin, and Mrs. Fred MacKenzie, exhibits of their children's work. ISELIN - Masses for Sunday, special award. Metuchen. November 17, have been set at St. Delia's Church as follows: 6:30, JVeu> Members Enroll 7:15, 8:00, 8:45, 9:45, 10:30, 11:15 In Mothers Group and 12 noon in the main church; ISELIN — Two new members 9:15, 10:00, 10:45, 11:30, and 12 were enrolled at a meeting of noon in the lower church. "Catering h Our Specialty" the Mother's Club of Boy Scout Confessions will be heard on Troop 47 Tuesday at Fellowship Saturday from 3 to 5:30 in the 15 Years Experience Catering To: THE SAME LIBERAL Hall, First Presbyterian Church. afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the evening. Welcomed were Mrs. Robert Ellis Novenas scheduled for the week and Mrsj Fred Katora. AS our regular savings accounts Plans were made to attend a will be: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. No charge for opening or closlnt Continuous Novena to St. Jude, account. performance of "IiT Abner" at the Meadowbrook Dinner Thea- Patron of Hopeless* Cases, and Beautiful Buffets at Heasonable Prices ter, Cedar Grove., December 6. Novena to Our Lady of the Mir Reservations must be made by aculous Medal; and Saturday this weekend. Members will be morning after eight o'clock Mass, asked to meet at the Presbyter- Novena to Our Lady of Fatima. ORT is Hostess Unit at Temph I Scout Troops Make for Yule Affairs Sinai Chapter To Hear Doctor ||{ummage Sale Set Tomorrow Amnesty Period Set by Library Fashion Show Is Successful Social Worker To Speak Here Ioly Innocents Reveal Plans O.R.T. Sabbath At Beth Sholom Parents Visit School 6 Room COME IN AND JOIN FIRST SAVINGS 1964 Towne 'nCountry Delicatessen HOW TO GET RICH SLOW IvieaS Untrin •wntoatt. qra2snfakfc TMM lamow plan takea the JMh.f oat of Mrinff n o w b ? m s k i n g ttMMUttc. Too jut tell your eml T W M l t him to wt uide * check e.Ch HTieUuyoiin. tho nonev t o ' w p America 1 fotcei that threaten our irM Another thine about getting rich atar with U. 8. SaTingi Bonds U that almost anybody can do i t So why not aign up for Payroll Savings baton n u t payday! V. S. Sming$ Bomb Ton get $4 for every $3 at maturity You can get y o u money anytime Your Bonds are replaced- f r o If lost, destroyed or stolen You can buy Bonds where you w a * EARN Weddings - Picnics - Tea Parties - Banquets Industrial Parties - Engagements ian Church parking lot at 6:30 on the day of the trip. is requested to contact one of Announcement was made that the members uf the club. the recent eandy dale, sponsored The next regular meeting of the by the Mother's Club, was a sue club will be January 6 in Felcess. lowship Hall where election of A uniform exchange has been officers will take place. Hostess initiated. Anyone having a Boywill be Mrs. Russell EckensScout uniform to sell or donate berger. mmti Mmositim CAR ma SELLING EXCLUSIVELY Thunianns Choice Cold Cuts Paulus Dairy Goods Thelma's Baked Goods White Rose Groceries PREPARED FOODS BY OUR CHEF (TO HKLI* THK BUSY HOUSEWIFE) Stuffed Cabbage Pastrami - Rice Pudding Beef Goulash Fruit Jello - Corned Beel Hot Sausage Bread Pudding Roast Turkey Virginia Ham Assorted Soups Bar B-Q Chicken ttnd many more . . , WASH AND WA] •M hoi* mart or kit deducted at DIVIDENDS Small sums saved weekly build up to substantial amounts IF YOU SAVE YOU % ,50 weekly * $ RECEIVE 25 plus dividends 1.00 weekly • SO plus dividends 2.00 weekly * 100 plus dividends 3.00 weekly ' ISO plus dividends 5.00 weekly • 250 plus dividend* 10.00 weekly • BOO plus dividends 20.00 weekly • 1,000 plus dividends • For 50 Weeks FIRST SAVINGS out) loan Auu<iut!un ol 7Se»th«§in»ll»»ww W u e W w yon h#rdly miw »*• TherVi a unique ..traction to »«tyr money thU way, too. b v tforjou all; another Bond into CALL NOW PERTH AMBOY LI 9-9679 HI 2-2770 339 State Street, Perth Amboy 535 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge 980 Amboy Avenue, Edison Towne n Country Delicatessen NQNfWirttNL _ • ^ 791 RAHWAY AVENUE • WOODBRIDGE I 1351 OAK TREE ROAD ISELIN HOURS: 7 Uay» a W*ek - IS A.M. - 11 fM. Ad OttlBN Oottj, I «• ii M . *m II w * WE FEATURE G. I. LOANS 8AV1NO6 IN8UEKD TO »10,000 BY U. 8. OOVT. AGENCY.
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