DATE: 21/01/2009
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eCo Plus
Ethernet MSIL
How to use eCo Plus to order Ethernet MSIL
Step 1 Log in
Step 2 Place Order
Step 3 Select Account
Step 4 Select Product (Ethernet MSIL)
Step 5 Select Site
Step 6 Associate existing site & service point
Step 7 Manage Assurance Contracts
Step 8 Create New Site
Step 9 Create New Service Point
Step 10 Service Availability Check
Step 11 Reference & CRD
Step 12 Select Billing Account
Step 13 Order details complete
Step 14 Order Detail Questions
Step 15 Configure Order Summary
Step 16 Configuration Validation
Step 17 Close Quote or Continue
Step 18 Add to Project, choose update method & contact name
Step 19 Order Confirmation
Order Tracking
Step 1 Access Track Order Area
Step 2 Find your Order
Step 3 Select Order
Step 4 View Configuration Details
Step 5 View Components
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Amend Order
Step 1 Search Order
Step 2 Select AMEND/CANCEL
Step 3 Select Amend
Step 4 Amend Order
Step 5 Check Availability
Step 6 e-Configurator
Step 7 Verify Configuration
Step 8 Confirm Order Details
Cancel Order
Step 1 Search Order
Step 2 Select AMEND/CANCEL
Step 3 Select Amend
Step 4 Cancel Order
Step 5 Verify Configuration
Step 6 Confirm Order Details
Step 1 Customer Zone
Step 2 View Inventory
Step 3 Select Account
Step 4 Inventory Details
Cease Service
Step 1 Customer Zone
Step 2 View Inventory
Step 3 Select Account
Step 4 Inventory Details
Step 5 Cease information
Step 6 My Basket
Step 7 Confirm Order Details
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Favourites functionality on eCo Plus
Step 1 Save As Favourite Functionality
Step 2 Save As Favourite
Step 3 Saved As Favourite Screen
Step 4 Customer Zone
Step 5 Open Favourites
Step 6 Add Selected Favourite to Order
Ungroup functionality on eCo Plus
Step 1 Select Quantity and Ungroup
Step 2 Configure Ungrouped Orders
How to use eCo Plus to report a Fault
Additional Information
How to access eCo Plus
eCo Plus Gold User Profile Updates
Contact Administration
PEW and MSO contact Admin (ADD a Role to Existing Contact)
Hints and Tips
Mini Shopping Cart
Document History
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This guide is designed to provide training and enable customers to use the new eCo
Plus application via to order Ethernet MSIL (Ethernet MultiService Interconnect Link (Ethernet MSIL)).
This document provides you with a step by step guide that takes you through the
process of how to order Ethernet MSIL using eCo Plus. Please note that screen shots
have been provided to accompany each step of the process. To help guide you when
a step is referring to a certain screen the title of the screen will be written in orange.
When referring to an icon or button you need to click this will be written in plum.
eCo Plus
eCo Plus is an online application that enables you to enquire, place orders and faults,
as well as track orders and faults for BT Wholesale products within a secure
Ethernet MSIL
Ethernet Multi-Service Interconnect Link (Ethernet MSIL) is a BT Wholesale product to
interconnect BT’s 21CN with other Communication Providers’ equivalent network. It
supports services such as, Next Generation Network Call Conveyance (NGN CC) and
Wholesale Broadband Connects (WBC). The current handover options are, Access
Port Handover (APH), In-building Handover (IBH), and In-span Handover (ISH).
In order to use eCo plus You will need to ensure the following is in place :
be a registered user on
have access to eCo Plus
have valid site and service point which will be required to pass the availability
check to enable you to order Ethernet MSIL against that site
valid 21CN billing account
CP signed Terms and Conditions enabling you to place orders on eCo Plus
If you do not have a valid 21CN billing account, you will need to contact your Service/
Account manager who will engage with the Billing team in BT Wholesale to set one up
for you.
It is not possible to set up a billing account during the user journey of ordering
Ethernet MSIL.
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eCo Plus is still in development and as a result, there may be functionality or buttons
that do not currently apply when ordering Ethernet MSIL.
Any prices shown on the screen shots within this training guide are taken for test
purposes only and do not represent a cost model for this product.
This information is provided for training purposes only and is subject to change
by BT.
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2 How to use eCo Plus to order EMSIL:
Please read the following instructions below that provides you with a step by step
guide of how to use eCo Plus to order Ethernet MSIL. Please note that screen shots
have been provided to accompany each step of the process.
Step 1. Log In
Once logged into ‘click’ the ‘Eco Plus’ link located under the
Applications heading within Customer Zone.
Step 2. Place Order
To place an order, ‘click’ ‘Add new services’
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Step 3. Select Account
To select a ‘Customer Account.’ Click on drop box to view available accounts then
choose one from the list.
Once you have selected your account, please wait for the page to refresh before
moving onto the next step.
If you require a new or additional account added to your profile, please contact the BT
Wholesale support team on 0800 7835639.
Step 4. Select Product (Ethernet MSIL)
To select a product scroll down the page and click ‘add & configure’ against the
Ethernet MSIL (Standard Lead Time 60 working days subject to survey).
This will add order to basket and useful if customer requires to order more than one product, or a
quantity of more than one
Will allow the user to add single order to a basket and configure at the same time.
Once you have selected ‘add & configure’ your Quote and Order Details will be
Please note where a red * is displayed all fields are mandatory.
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Step 5. Select Site
To select a site for installation, click on the arrow icon as circled in the screen shot
The “Select site screen” is now displayed in a new window. The page displays a list of
all existing sites against a customer. To search, select an option from the ‘Find’ field and
fill in the free text box called ‘Starting with’ (e.g. Find = postcode/ Starting with = RH6
0PA) and then click ’go’. The ‘Find’ field is defaulted to Account. However, the Post
Code option is the most suitable search parameter.
If no details are returned, a new site will need to be created. Please go straight to Step
8 to create a new site.
If only one site for installation is on the database the details will be populated on the
Quote and Order screen. Please now move straight to Step 8 to select a service point.
Step 6 Associate an Existing site and Service Point
To associate an existing site, change ‘Find’ field to postcode and add postcode in
‘Starting with’ field and click ’GO’. Select required site and click ’ok’.
The Quote and Order screen will be displayed and the site for installation will now be
populated with the postcode.
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Step 7 Manage Assurance Contacts
The Manage Assurance Contacts button enables you to keep your onsite contacts up to
date should a fault occur at this site, so the right person can be contacted easily.
By clicking on the ’Manage Assurance’ button, a further window will be displayed as
shown in screen shot below.
By clicking on the ’add’ button, a further window will open containing a list of available
contacts at that site. Pick the relevant name using the tick box at the left of the name
and click ’OK’. This person will now appear as a contact for this site. To confirm your
choice, please click ’OK’.
Please note that this is not a mandatory requirement as part of the order placement
journey for MSIL.
The next step is to associate a Service Point to the site. Click on the Service point icon.
Select the service point required and click OK.
The Quote and Order screen will be displayed and the service point field will be
populated. Please go straight to Step 9 to complete the rest of the mandatory fields on
this page.
Please note, that if the service point you wish to use for that site is not listed, you will
need to create a new service point. In this instance, please go to the beginning of Step
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Step 8 Create New Site
To create a new site Click on the Create New Site button.
The Create a new site screen will now be displayed. Do not fill in the postcode at this
stage, instead click on arrow icon as shown below.
On the Create a new site screen. Enter postcode and if applicable the street number
and click ‘GO’. The Address search results will be displayed on the screen and details
all known addresses details currently on the database. Select the site required by
clicking on the radio button to the left of the required site as shown below and confirm
the selection by clicking ‘Search UK DATABASE’.
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You will then be returned to the Create site screen the postcode is now populated.
Click ‘OK’ to create the site and continue.
The Select site screen will be displayed with the new site pre-selected. Click on ‘’OK’
to continue.
Step 9 Create New Service Point
The Quote and Order screen should now be displayed again and the site for
installation will now be populated with postcode. The next step is to associate a new
Service Point to the site. To do this Click on the Service point arrow icon.
The Pick service Point applet screen should now be displayed. As this is a new site
there are no existing service points. To create a new service point click on Add New
The Create new service Point screen is displayed. Populate mandatory fields; room/
floor/ and location details and enter any hazard notes if applicable. Once details are
entered, click OK.
Please do not use the ampersand symbol (&) as this will corrupt the order. Please use
words only.
The Quote and Order screen will be displayed again and the service point field will be
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Step 10 Service Availability check
eCo Plus will then complete a MTA (“Manage Technical Availability”) check to
determine if the service is available at the specified site. This may take a few minutes to
An automated response will be generated from BT’s systems. A message will be
displayed if the service is available at the site. If available the resilience options will also
be displayed. If the service is not available, you will be unable to progress the MSIL
order on that site at this time.
Step 11 Reference and CRD
At your discretion please populate ‘Your product reference’ (this field is circled in the
picture below under step 12). Please note; this field can be used to search for an order
within the Track order option. Please note this is a free text field.
The CRD (“Customer Required Date”) is defaulted to the standard lead time for this
product and therefore pre-populated to 60 working days. You can change the CRD date
by clicking the date icon. Please note that the time displayed within the CRD is not
relevant to the MSIL product and therefore not a guarantee.
Step 12 Select Billing Account
To select a billing account click on the arrow icon highlighted below.
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The Select billing account screen is displayed. Click on radio button as shown on
screen shot below to select the billing account you require and then click Done. (Please
note that there is also a search facility where you select from the Find field, populate the
‘Starting With’ free text field then click Go. )
If you do not have a valid 21CN billing account, you will need to contact your
Service/ Account manager who will engage with the relevant people to set one up for
you. It is not possible to set up a billing account during the user journey of ordering
Ethernet MSIL.
Step 13 Order details complete
All details in the Quote and Order Details screen will now be populated. Click Next to
If you have asked for a CRD of earlier than the standard lead time then a warning
message will appear. Any CRD less than the standard lead time is not guaranteed.
Please click Next to continue.
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Step 14 Order Detail Questions
When you click NEXT the e-Configurator screen is launched, scroll down the page to
complete the questions and then click on DONE. Currently only a limited amount of
options are available so only certain choices may be selected at this time, please also
Note; the options available in the drop down boxes are directly affected by the
Bandwidth you select.
The table that follows the screen shot shows the full list of questions however not all
may be relevant to your order. Where there is more than one option displayed please
only choose options that are in bold and not those greyed out as they are not currently
Please refer to table below which details the questions you need to answer.
Drop down answers
Please select Bandwidth
1 Gbits/s
10 Gbits/s
Maintenance Category 11
Please select Resilience Required
Please select maintenance category you
Please Select the Point of Handover
Please Enter BT PoP ID
(Please choose the BT Exchange where you would
like your service connected to).
Please Select Interface Type
Maintenance Category 3
Click pick icon - a new window will open choose PoP ID and click OK.
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Please Select CSH Termination Point
Please Select Terminate on Patch Panel
Not Applicable
Yes/ No/ Not Applicable
(If applicable, this is where you would choose to
use a new or additional patch panel for your
Do you require a new Patch Panel
Please Select Connector Type
Yes/ No/ Not Applicable
SC/APC / Not Applicable
(This is the connector type you require at the
customer handover point).
Please Select Cable Location Within
Please enter the grid reference of your
Footway Box Details
Optical Fibre Frame
Cable Chamber
Footway Box
Not Applicable
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
(This is the location where we will hand the service
over to you).
Do you require new space in the Patch
Panel ?
Please enter cable reference or Patch
Panel ID
Yes/ No/ Not Applicable
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
(This is to provide the reference of the cable you
want BT to connect your service to).
Please specify the 1st fibre ID/Port to be
Please specify the 2nd fibre ID/Port to be
Please enter the TRS area code of the
patch panel
Please enter the floor location of the patch
Please enter the suite location of the patch
Please enter the rack ID of the patch panel
Please enter the shelf ID of the patch
Please specify the number of fibres you
require to be connected through
Not Applicable/ [1 – 48]
Please specify the colour coding of your
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Not Applicable/ [1 – 48]
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Not Applicable/ [1 – 24]
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(e.g. 1 = Red/ Blue. 2 = Red/ Green.
3 = Yellow/ Blue).
Please enter the contacts details of the
Cable Support Team
Is the landlord’s consent necessary ?
Has the Landlord’s consent granted ?
When will the landlord’s consent be
granted ?
Who is the landlord for this building ?
What is the landlord’s number ?
Do you currently occupy these premises ?
(This applies to you or your 3rd party customer
occupying the premises).
When will occupancy commence ?
Is the termination area ready ?
When will the termination site be ready ?
Who do you want us to contact before an
engineers visit?
Who do you want us to contact before site
visits? (This is the name of the on site contact – it
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Not Applicable or date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Not Applicable or date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Not Applicable or date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Free text box
Free Text Field/ Not Applicable
Yes or No
Not Applicable or date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Yes or No
Not Applicable or date (dd/mm/yyyy)
No Contact
Site Contact
Free Text Field
is very important that you fill this in so as not to
delay the order)
What is the site contacts telephone/ mobile Free Text Field
(please enter the phone number the contact can be
reached on – it is very important that you fill this in
so as not to delay the order)
What is your preferred day of the week for
engineer’s visit ?
Weekdays only
Weekends only
Is there a 13amp socket within 1m of the
No preference
Yes or No
(This is not a relevant question for IBH; therefore
please always answer ‘Yes’ as a default for IBH).
When will a 13amp socket be available?
Are you willing to accept timescale
charges if applicable ?
Not Applicable/ dd/mm/yyyy)
Yes/ No
(these are charges that may apply if you request
out of hours working for example)
What amount of Excess Construction
Charges do you accept without
confirmation (£) ?
Enter whole number only (e.g. 100)
(These are additional charges regarding physical
work at your site, By adding a value, you are
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agreeing to pay with notification but without waiting
for further agreement; this will enable a smooth
transition of the process without unnecessary
Step 15 Configure Order Summary
The Basket screen is now displayed showing your order summary. To confirm your
order configuration, please Click on the VERIFY CONFIGURATION button.
All quotes are subject to survey and could change through the provision process.
The price quoted on screen is indicative and could change in accordance with other line
entry charges. You will be charged for rental once the circuit is delivered.
Please note that the amount chargeable for the circuit may change in accordance to the
CPL (“Customer Price List”).
Step 16 Configuration validation
A validation results screen will now be displayed confirming your configuration was
successful, now Click CLOSE.
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Step 17 Close Quote or Continue with order
The validation results response above will close and a new screen asking you to either
close the quote or continue with the order will be displayed. Click CONTINUE.
Step 18 Add to Project, choose update method & contact name
You are now on the Confirm Order Details page. Please note that your ‘Order
Reference’ and ‘Order Description’ will be auto generated by the application. However
you can overwrite this with the reference and description of your choice.
The Select Project field circled in the screen shot below, enables you to choose an
existing group of orders (project) to add your order to. A grouped order allows BT to coordinate your multiple orders so that they can be delivered together.
At this stage please chose your preferred method for tracking and receiving updates for
your order. Options are: Order tracking where all updates will be on eCo plus, or email,
or no acknowledgement. Please note that if email or no acknowledgement is chosen
updates will still be available to view on eCo plus.
Please also choose your contact if a suitable one is not already shown, please click on
the arrow circled in the picture, the Select Contact screen will then be displayed.
Please note that if you wish to select an alternative contact for this order, the contact
details can also be modified at this point. The alternative contacts listed are registered users associated with the account.
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On the Select Contact screen If contact is required to be changed, select new contact
using the radio button and click USE THIS CONTACT. If contact is not listed, click
Step 19 Order Confirmation
Please ensure that you have reviewed the pricing of your order in the Summary Box
as this may have changed during the course of your order. Please scroll down to the
bottom of the screen for the summary.
Please put a tick in the box confirming that you have the correct delegated authority to
progress the order on behalf of the Communications Provider. The reference to the
terms and conditions in the screen shot below confirms that there is a signed
contract with BT which authorises you to use and submit orders on eCo Plus.
A copy of the Terms and Conditions of this product can be obtained by your Account
Manager if required.
Please click the ’Submit’ button only once, while we progress your order.
The order is then passed through BT’s systems for progression. This should not take
longer than 5 minutes.
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The order placement journey is now complete and your order has been submitted. You
will now see the Order Confirmation screen. The order details are displayed showing a
BT order reference, as circled on screen shot below. Note; you can use this reference to
view service ID and check milestones on the Order Tracking page.
Click on the ‘Go to Customer Zone’ to go back to the main page.
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Order Tracking
This section covers the ‘Order Tracking’ functionality and provides a step by step
guide demonstrating how to use eCo Plus to search for an order, and subsequently
drill down into the order to view the asset configuration previously selected. How to
look at the components that make up the order (rental charge, connection charge etc)
is also detailed.
‘Order Tracking’ also gives you the ability to check the status of the order line items.
The ‘Order Tracking’ functionality allows you to do the following:
Track progress of your order
search for both order line items and order headers
view components that make up the order (rental charge, connection charge etc)
view updates against each order.
Accept or Reject excess construction charges / CPD proposals / service
initiate the Amend or Cancel of orders
Step 1. Access Track Order Area
Log onto eCo Plus via as shown in Section 2, Step 1. login as
detailed on page 8.
Then once you are in the ‘Customer Zone’ within eCo Plus, click ’Track orders’ to
track an order.
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Step 2. Find your Order
You can use the BT reference from the order placement journey to find and/ or track
your order.
There are various other search criteria is available for you to search your order. You
can search for part of a service reference by using an asterisk (*) as a wild card (e.g.
Service reference ‘MSIL00001*) will search all instances where the Service reference
begins with ‘MSIL00001’).
You can also search orders against an account by clicking on the radio button to the
left of the account name.
From the first screen of the Track Order area shown below, select the correct account
by using the radio button and then click on the arrows of the date received header as
circled below. This will bring your most recent order to the top of the list.
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Alternatively you can use the search function to find your order. The step below
depicts the search for an order line item with a Service Reference (e.g. MSIL*). Once
you have inputted your search criteria, click ’search’.
Step 3. Select Order
The orders that you have searched for in the selected account and criteria will be
listed. In the Service Reference field, the Service ID will be displayed. If you have
more than one service on an order, only the first reference will be displayed. Click on
hyperlink of order you want to view.
Note: For a new search on a different account, please choose the account you want to
search against and click ‘New Search’. If no records are found please click ‘Refine
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Step 4. View Configuration Details
The Order Details screen is now displayed containing details of your order. From this
page you can view both the configuration details and components of your services.
To view the configuration of your selected service, click ‘VIEW CONFIGURATION
The Product configuration page will be displayed detailing your selections from the
order journey, such as Bandwidth and Connector Type.
To return to Order Details page, click the Order Details link from the breadcrumbs
trial at the top of the screen, as shown in the screen shot below.
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Step 5. View Components
The Order Details screen is now displayed containing details of your order.
To view the configuration of your selected service, click ‘VIEW COMPONENTS’.
The Product Components screen is now displayed containing component details of
your order.
On this section you can see your Billing Account details, CRD, Charges and other
relevant details pertaining to your order.
On this screen in the Component Milestones section, you can track the progress of
your order and see what stage it has progressed too, such as ‘Order Acknowledged’.
The MCO Requests section will display actions for you to accept or reject Access
Charges, Early deliveries, or Service Handovers, if applicable.
To return to Order Details page, click the Order Details link from the breadcrumbs
trial at the top of the screen.
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Amend Order
You can ‘Amend’ your order from either the Track Orders section or the Order Details
section by clicking on the ’amend/ cancel’ button from either location.
Step 1. Search Order
To start an Amend order journey, click on the Track Orders button from the Customer
Zone page and search for the required order.
Step 2. Select AMEND/CANCEL
Then from the Order Details page, click on the ’AMEND/CANCEL’ button.
Step 3. Select Amend
The My Basket page will now be displayed. Please click on the ’amend’ button on the
line item you wish to amend.
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Step 4. Amend Order
The Quote and Order details page will now be displayed. Please amend your service
as necessary, also providing a reason for the change when requested.
Step 5. Check Availability
Please click the ‘Check Availability’ button. If the check is successful you will receive
as positive response on the Quote and Order Details screen. Once this message has
been received, click the ’NEXT’ button.
Step 6. e-Configurator
The e-Configurator screen is launched. Please amend and complete, where necessary
the configuration information for your product.
Please note where a red * is displayed all fields are mandatory. Please complete the
following pricing options. If you require a quote only, please select done after
completing this section.
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Please click ’DONE’ once complete.
Currently only a limited amount of options are available so only certain choices may be
selected at this time, please also note; the options available in the drop down boxes are
directly affected by the Bandwidth you select.
Step 7. Verify Configuration
The My Basket page will now be displayed for a second time, however the status will
show as a amend request. This indicates that your amend journey is progressing.
Please click on the ’Verify Configuration.’ Once a positive message is received,
please click ’continue’.
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Step 8. Confirm Order Details
You are now taken to Confirm Order Details page. Please check the details on the
page, such as ‘Order Updates/ Contact details,’ and amend where necessary.
Please be aware that depending on the status of the order you have amended, you may
be liable for excess construction charges where appropriate.
If your order contains a provide item with a CRD which is less than BT’s lead times, or a
modify item, you may be required to pay time related charges as set out in the Pricing
Manual for any out of hours working. Whilst this will expedite the process we cannot
guarantee that the CRD will be met.
Amending an order may result in a change to CDD (Contractual Delivery Date). Certain
amendments may be subject to survey.
Please ensure that you have reviewed the pricing of your order in the Summary Box
as this may have changed during the course of your order. Please scroll down to the
bottom of the screen for the summary.
Please put a tick in the box confirming that you have the correct delegated authority to
progress the amended order on behalf of the Communications Provider.
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The reference to the terms and conditions in the screen shot below confirms that there
is a signed contract with BT which authorises you to use and submit orders on eCo
A copy of the Terms and Conditions of this product can be obtained by your Account
Manager if required.
Please click the ’SUBMIT’ button only once, while we progress your order.
The order is then passed through BT’s systems for progression. This should not take
longer than 5 minutes.
The amend order placement journey is now complete and your amended order has
been submitted.
You will now see the Order Confirmation screen.
The order details are displayed showing a BT order reference, as circled on screen shot
below. Note; you can use this reference to view service ID and check milestones on the
Order Tracking page.
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To go back to the main page, click on ‘Customer Zone’.
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Cancel Order
You can ‘Cancel your order from either the Track Orders section or the Order Details
section by clicking on the ’amend/ cancel’ button from either location.
Step 1. Search Order
To start an Cancel order journey, click on the Track Orders button from the Customer
Zone page and search for the required order.
Step 2. Select AMEND/CANCEL
Once you have reached the Order Details page, click on the ’AMEND/CANCEL’
Step 3. Select Amend
The My Basket page will now be displayed. Please click on the ’cancel’ button on the
line item you wish to cancel.
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Step 4. Cancel Order
The Order Details page will now be displayed. Please provide the reason for cancelling
your order using the drop down pick applet and then click the ’save’ button.
Step 5. Verify Configuration
The My Basket page will now be displayed for a second time, however the status will
show as a cancellation request. This indicates that your cancellation journey is
progressing. Please click on the ’Verify Configuration.’ Once a positive message is
received, please click ’continue’.
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Step 6. Confirm Order Details
You are now taken to Confirm Order Details page. Please check the details on the
page, such as ‘Order Updates/ Contact details,’ and amend where necessary.
Please be aware that depending on the status of the order, you may be liable for
cancellation charges.
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Please put a tick in the box confirming that you have the correct delegated authority to
progress the cancelled order on behalf of the Communications Provider.
The reference to the terms and conditions in the screen shot below confirms that there
is a signed contract with BT which authorises you to use and submit orders on eCo
A copy of the Terms and Conditions of this product can be obtained by your Account
Manager if required.
Please click the ’SUBMIT’ button only once, while we progress your order.
The order is then passed through BT’s systems for progression. This should not take
longer than 5 minutes.
The cancel order journey is now complete and your cancelled order has been
You will now see the Order Confirmation screen.
The order details are displayed showing a BT order reference.
To go back to the main page, click on ‘Customer Zone’.
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The Inventory functionality enables you to search for details of a particular asset or a
group of assets.
Step 1. Customer Zone
From the Customer Zone page, click on ’Inventory’ or ’Inventory search’ where you
can search a particular asset or a group of assets you wish to look at.
Step 2. View Inventory
The View Inventory page will then be displayed.
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Step 3. Select Account
Use the radio button to search against the account you wish to search against. Please
wait for the page to refresh with the selected account details and then click on the
’search’ button.
To view a particular service, enter the service ID into the Service Reference Field.
Alternatively, to look at all assets of a particular service, such as MSIL, enter part of the
service ID together with *. E.g. MSIL*, as shown in screen shot below. Then click
Step 4. Inventory Details
A result will come that shows all assets that meet your criteria search and you can drill
down into individual assets by clicking on the asset ID.
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The Inventory details for this service will now be displayed. From this page you can
raise a fault, or cease a service by using the relevant buttons on the right of the screen.
For instructions of how to progress a fault or cease, please refer to the relevant sections
contained in this document.
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Cease Service
The Cease Service functionality enables you to cease your service.
Step 1. Customer Zone
From the Customer Zone page, click on ’Modify or cease.’
Step 2. View Inventory
The View Inventory page will then be displayed.
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Step 3. Select Account
Use the radio button to search against the account you wish to search against. Please
wait for the page to refresh with the selected account details and then click on the
’search’ button.
To view a particular service, enter the service ID into the Service Reference Field.
Alternatively, to look at all assets of a particular service, such as MSIL, enter part of the
service ID together with *. E.g. MSIL*, as shown in screen shot below. Then click
Step 4. Inventory Details
A result will come that shows all assets that meet your criteria search and you can drill
down into individual assets by clicking on the asset ID.
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The Inventory details for this service will now be displayed. From this page you can
raise a fault, or cease a service by using the relevant buttons on the right of the screen.
For instructions of how to progress a fault or cease, please refer to the relevant sections
contained in this document.
To cease your service, click the ’cease’ button.
Step 5. Cease information
The Quote and order details page will be displayed. Please be aware that the
‘Customer Required Date’ (“CRD”) is defaulted to the standard lead time for ceasing the
product. Please click on date field to change CRD of cease if required.
Please then select the reason that best describes why you are ceasing this asset. The
reasons available at this time are listed in the table below.
Change of supplier
Cost reduction/ savings
Ordering alternative BT service
Closure of existing sites
Not required – not replacing
Quality of service issues
Unwilling to supply reason
The nest step is to select the delivery/ site contact. Please click the icon arrow for select
site contact as shown in the screen shot below.
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Once you have clicked the icon arrow for select site contact, a new pop up window will
be displayed. Enter a feature, such as last name and click ’go’.
The search results will now be displayed in a new window. You can either use this
contact by clicking the ’use this contact’, or you can create a new contact by clicking,
’create new contact’ button.
Once you have populated the required information as shown in screen below, to save
the cease request, please click ’save’. Click ’next’ to continue placing the cease.
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Step 6. My Basket
My Basket page will now be displayed, detailing information regarding the cease.
Click the ’verify configuration’ button.
The validation results will be displayed in a new window. Click ’close’ when you are
back on the my basket page, and then click the ’continue’ button.
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Step 7. Confirm Order Details
You are now on the Confirm Order Details page. Fill in the order details page as the
provide order journey.
Please note that if your order contains a cease for a line or service before the end of it’s
contract, then you may incur additional charges.
Please put a tick in the box confirming that you have the correct delegated authority to
progress the cease order on behalf of the Communications Provider.
The reference to the terms and conditions in the screen shot below confirms that there
is a signed contract with BT which authorises you to use and submit orders on eCo
Plus. A copy of the Terms and Conditions of this product can be obtained by your
Account Manager if required.
Please click the ’SUBMIT’ button only once, while we progress your order.
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The order is then passed through BT’s systems for progression. This should not take
longer than 5 minutes.
The cease order placement journey is now complete and your cease order has been
You will now see the Order Confirmation screen.
To go back to the main page, click on ‘Customer Zone’.
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8 Favourites functionality on eCo Plus
If you find yourself placing many orders containing the same products with similar
configurations, you may wish to save the order as a favourite. This will enable you to
quickly create new orders in the future based on this favourite, instead of having to
create a new order and manually pick-in and configure each line item. A favourite can
also be added to a currently open order, i.e. the line items contained within the
favourite will be added to the basket of the open order.
The step by step guide below details how to save an order as a ‘Favourite’ and then
subsequently add it to your order. For all orders that are saved as ‘Favourites’, the
saved order is available by clicking the ‘Open Favourites’ link via the Customer Zone
front page on eCo Plus.
Step 1. Save As Favourite Functionality
For the purposes of this demonstration the steps below follow Step 2. Configure
Ungrouped Orders (9. Ungroup functionality on eCo Plus) as detailed on page 52 of
this guide. At this stage of the ordering process, the 4 EMSIL orders have now been
separated. To save this order as a favourite, click ’SAVE AS FAVOURTE’.
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Step 2. Save As Favourite
The ‘Save as favourite’ screen is now displayed. To enable you to search for this
order at a later date, populate the ‘Favourite name’ field and the mandatory ‘Your
Description’ field as shown below. Please note that both fields are free text boxes. To
save, click ’SAVE’.
Step 3. Saved As Favourite Screen
The ‘Saved as favourite’ screen is now displayed. To accept, click ’OK’.
Step 4. Customer Zone
The ‘My Basket’ screen appears. To find the order you saved as a ‘Favourite’, click
the ’Customer Zone’ link.
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Step 5. Open Favourites
The ‘Customer Zone’ page appears on the front of eCo Plus. To select favourite
orders, click ’Open favourites’.
Step 6. Add Selected Favourite to Order
Select favourite that you want to add to your order by using the radio button and click
’Add selected favourite to order’
The favourite BT Wholesale Ethernet order has now been added to your existing
order. To progress each order to suit your requirements from this stage, click
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Ungroup functionality on eCo Plus
Ungroup functionality can be used to replicate a line item. This is useful if you want to
place an order containing many line items of the same product type and similar
For example if you want to place an order for 4 Ethernet MSIL, all with the same CRD,
you would add a single Ethernet MSIL line item to the order, set the CRD and then
use the ungroup functionality to replicate that line item 4 times.
The steps below follow Step 6. (Configure Product (Ethernet Virtual Private
Network) as detailed on page 10 of this guide.
Step 1. Select Quantity and Ungroup
The Basket screen is now displayed showing your order summary. Note, under Details
Complete a Red Flag is displayed. Once the Product configuration is complete, the flag
will be Green.
Select the number of Ethernet MSIL orders you would like to progress under
’Quantity’. The default is always set at 1; however for the purpose of this
demonstration the ’Quantity’ has been changed to 4.
To save, click ’SAVE QUANTITY’, then to ungroup the separate 4 orders, click
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Step 2. Configure Ungrouped Orders
The 4 Ethernet MSIL orders have now been separated. To progress each order to suit
your requirements from this stage, click ’CONFIGURE’
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10 How to use eCo Plus to report a Fault
BT Wholesale is still in the process of testing the T2R functionality attributed to the
Portal. Therefore we currently advise at this time that you contact BT Wholesale on
0800 0323 888 to raise a fault.
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11 Additional Information
How to access eCo Plus
eCo Plus is accessed via The eCo Plus link is located within
the Customer Zone under the ‘Applications’ heading.
Please note that access to eCo Plus is subject to the user having successfully
registered for access to
The following details the process of how to register on and
achieve access to eCo Plus to enable you to order the products detailed in this
Key Step in Process
Customer Journey
If not already a BT
Customer, you need
to register and be
aligned to a BT Line of
Business (LoB)
(BT Wholesale)
Customer contacts Wholesale Client Reception Team either
by phone or email [email protected] or 0800 671045
The Reception team carries out (credit checks etc) and
assigns an Account Manager
BT creates a Customer Account
Before Products can be Ordered, a Billing Account needs to
be created, containing information on Contacts, Billing
Address etc. This will be done by BT Wholesale Billing on
receipt of the necessary information (this will normally come
via the Account Manager)
This stage of the process may take a week, but is dependant
on the size and complexity of the relationship
BT Wholesale
Registration is the portal to access eCo Plus, and
Users must log in via it first
Customer first registers by going to,
click on the Register link and progress through the straight
forward online registration process
An email will be sent to confirm successful Registration
Help can be obtained via links off the website
This stage of the process is more or less immediate
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eCo Plus Registration
To be able to Order 21CN Products online, Customers must
Register for eCo Plus
There is a link off to do this, however
first Customers must nominate Gold Users(s) who will be
given certain admin rights and will vet additional Users within
the Customer’s Organisation
1. The Gold User(s) names / contact details should be
provided to BT via the BT Product Manager / Account
2. Gold Users can, when advised, apply for eCo Plus
access by following the Instructions shown below
3. Gold User(s) will receive confirmation that they have
access and can now log onto eCo Plus
4. Additional Users should follow the same process
below, however Gold Users will be given admin rights
to authorise Additional Users to see that Customer
5. Additional Users will now be able to log in to eCo Plus
Instructions to apply online for eCo Plus (all Users)
User logs onto and Customer
Zone page will be displayed
Click on ‘Subscribe to other Applications’
On the Enhanced Services page, beneath the
‘Manage Orders’ menu, click on ‘Eco Plus’
Check the request this resource box against ‘Eco
In ‘Additional Information’ give justification for why
access is required which will help Admin validate the
Click Ready
User will receive on-screen confirmation & an
automated email confirming the request has been
submitted & provisioning of access will take up to 24
NOTE ‘Additional Users’ will not get access until
enabled by their Gold Users as mentioned above
User logs into, clicks on Eco
Plus from their Applications menu and can now Order
21CN Products and Services
To register a User typically takes 1-2 days. Several
Users could be registered simultaneously but large
numbers will take longer
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Further Information
For general help with, click on the
‘Help’ link within the green banner of each page of the site or
email [email protected]
For help in placing an Order, or Fault, please contact your
BT Service Team
For technical support with eCo Plus, please contact our
support desk on 0800 7835639 Option 4 (not to be used
until advised operational, until then contact service / product
For admin support, such as changing or deleting Users,
contact [email protected]
eCo Plus Gold User Profile Updates
Click on Administration tab.
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Select the Account which you require the user to have access to & then select Add
Find the user using their Login Name.
Select user from the list and ‘Add Selected User.’
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The user should now appear under the specified account.
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Contact Administration
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PEW and MSO contact Admin (ADD a Role to Existing Contact)
Once you logged into eCo Plus via, click on the contact
Administration tab for adding any PEW/IM role.
Select the CP name for which you want to add contacts.
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Select the Contact name and click on Contact role Administration.
Select Add role in the right down corner.
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Select the role you want to assign and then click on save to assign the role.
Hints & Tips
There is a Hints & Tips link available on eCo Plus for further information.
If a technical warning message appears, please follow the instructions in the
message, alternatively log out and back in again, if an error occurs please contact
your account manager.
If a red flag is displayed under Details Complete, it means that not all details have been
completed via the configurator. Here, please click on configure or move back to the
previous screen to check that site details; service point etc has been fully completed.
Once you have completed all required information in Quote and Order Details screen,
click NEXT. If you click SAVE, you will be taken to the Basket screen and a red flag will
appear under Details Complete.
Any field with a red * is mandatory.
You progress will be stored on eCo Plus for up to 20 minutes if you are timed out of
Please do not double click or go back when page is loading as the page may crash.
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If you require a new or additional account added to your profile, please contact the BT
Wholesale support team on 0800 7835639.
When creating a new Service Point, please do not use the ampersand symbol (&) as
this will corrupt the order. Please use words only.
Fault Placement : Structured Questions section; when you are asked to state which
product type you are using, please note that CSH is not available at this time.
When amending a fault and asked for permission for Intrusive Testing, please select
either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to whether the service can be taken down to allow intrusive testing.
Please note that an intrusive test may interrupt your Service. Click ‘NEXT’ to continue
through questions.
Please do not use the ‘Back’ button at this time as it may affect your order
placement and loose information you have already put in the system.
When selecting an account, please wait for the page to refresh with the new account on
screen. If you click on the screen or while this is happening, the page can crash.
To raise a fault, please contact Bt Wholesale on 0800 0323 888.
The system can crash while raising a fault, and then subsequently raise a fault in the
background. If you attempt to raise the fault again and receive an error message,
please utilise the Fault tracking functionality to determine whether fault was actually
raised (always check associated faults). If you receive an error message, please call
0800 0323 888
Please note that once you accept the resolution of your fault, the status of the fault does
not change until after a period of 72 hours. Please note that if you accept the resolution
of your fault in error and need to re-raise the fault, please contact BT Wholesale on
0800 0323 888
You are responsible for managing your Inbox. If you selected email as a KCI, you will
receive an email advising action is required. There are 3 MCOs on applicable to the
L2C journeys :
1. MCO for accepting or rejecting a CPD that is earlier than the customer CRD.
2. MCO for accepting or rejecting excess charges that are greater than the
customers provided limit
3. MCO for accepting or rejecting Service Handover
You will have 72 hours to either accept or reject.
If the you do nothing on accepting or rejecting a CPD that is earlier than the customer
CRD the system will auto reject.
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If you do nothing on accepting or rejecting excess charges that are greater than the
customers provided limit, the system will automatically send a task to OS user to chase
for a response.
If you do nothing on accepting or rejecting Service Handover, the system will auto
Mini shopping cart
The purpose of the mini shopping cart is to provide users with the price of the line item
they are currently viewing/configuring. The price on the mini shopping cart is updated
dynamically if the user changes a cost-affecting attribute against the line item. This
enables the customer to quickly get a quote for a particular product.
An example of the mini shopping cart is shown in the screen shot below.
The cart provides a breakdown of non-recurring and monthly recurring charges and
relates to the specific line item selected only and not the entire order. It is available via
the Order Line Details page and the eConfigurator page. The price will change
depending on what is being selected (i.e. bandwidth).
eCo Plus is still in development and as a result, there may be functionality or buttons
that do not currently apply when ordering Ethernet MSIL (Ethernet Multi-Service
Interconnect Link (Ethernet MSIL). BT would appreciate your support and
understanding during this time. Please report any problems to your Account Manager.
Any prices shown on the screen shots within this training guide was taken for test
purposes only and do not represent a cost model for this product.
Document History
Issue Number
Issue 1
Issue 2
Reason for update
First Issue
Second Issue
Updated by
BTWholesale – In-Life Systems
BTWholesale – In-Life Systems
Issue 2 : 2009© British Telecommunications plc
This guide is for training purposes only and is subject to change by BT
April 2008
January 2009
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