Written by Tara Dipalma © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 1 This is a step by step tutorial on “how to encrypt your affiliate links” links” I wrote this tutorial due to feedback that I had received on my blog. You are allowed to give this report away “AS AS IS” IS for Free. Free If you feel that you have benefited from this tutorial would you please make a comment on my blog @ http://taradipalma.com Thank you in advance. ☺ ☺ Ok let’s get started How to Encrypt your affiliate Links using Profit Protector………………Page .3 How to work out your direct url …………………………...………………Page 12 Clickbank Toolkit Software Download……………………………………Page 13 Using Clickbank to Find an Affiliate Product ……………………………Page 14 How to Encrypt your affiliate Links using Clickbank Toolkit……………Page 19 Inserting your link into a Blog Post……………………………………….Page 34 How to Cloak your affiliate Links………………………………………….Page 36 More Free eBooks written by Me...……………………………………….Page 40 Videos of the Steps using Profit Protector .………………………..coming Soon Videos of the Steps using Clickbank Toolkit ..…………………………..Page 40 © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 2 Profit Protector software will protect your affiliate links by encrypting them using Javascript Follow the exact steps below to secure your affiliate links ☺ Go to Google and type in Profit Protector – this software is completely FREE! Click on the top result or go straight to the download page here www.measuring-up.com Once you click on the download link above you will be taken to this page, download and install the software, just follow the onscreen steps. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 3 Once the software is installed double left mouse click on the desktop icon This is what you will see once the software opens; it asks you to enter your Affiliate link and to Enter a Title. You can enter a Keyword or Name of the product as the Title. Title NB: the reason it asks you for a title is that the title you choose will show up in the tab of the browser once your link is loaded. Enter your affiliate link and Page Title:- in this case I have entered my affiliate link http://taradp.gfaknow.hop.clickbank.net © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 4 In Enter page title: I have entered the exact Page Title of the Affiliate Product I am promoting “Get Fit After Kids”. Kids” Then click Generate HTML pages. A new window will appear asking you to name the file and to locate where you want to store it. Choose a different location using the drop down menu at the top next to Save in: To keep organised you should set up one main folder called “affiliatelinks” inside there you will make a new folder for each HTML generated page ☺ © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 5 I already have 2 affiliate HTML pages set up for other affiliate links. For this product I will set up another folder. Select File: then New: then Folder, a new folder will appear, name it the name of the product you are promoting or a shortened version. For this example I have called the main folder GFAK to remind me that this html page is for the affiliate link “Get Fit After Kids” Kids” © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 6 Now you need to open the GFAK folder by double left mouse clicking on it Once you have opened the main GFAK folder we need to enter the file name: CALL IT index.html for this to work follow the steps exactly. NB:NB:-Each separate affiliate folder will have a file in it called “index.html” index.html” Then Click Save. Once you click the save button the software will close, navigate to your affiliate folder open the affiliate folder you just created. You will see one file in there called index.html, we will check to see what the code looks like, right click on the index.html file, select open with, select Notepad. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 7 When you first open the index.html page you will see only one sting of code unless you have word-wrap selected, to show you a clear picture of what the code looks like I selected word-wrap in this example ☺ ok now you can close the notepad document, we are now ready to upload the folder to your server. Right Lets Get this Uploaded……You Excited??? Open filezilla or the ftp software that you use Navigate to your “affiliatelinks” folder then click on it, it will display the contents in the lower section. We need to upload the whole folder GFAK. affiliatelinks This side of your ftp program is your computer hard drive. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 8 Connect to your server; the files already on your server will appear on the right hand side. Navigate to your public_html folder and double left mouse click on it, to open the folder. The contents will be displayed in the lower right hand side of your ftp program. Right mouse click anywhere inside your public_html folder, then Select “create a directory”. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 9 Name this new directory/folder what ever you like, if its for affiliate programs…here are some suggestions:Recommends Likes Suggests Ok I chose recommends now click save. You will see your folder on the right side “recommends”. Now double left mouse click on the recommends folder. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 10 Now go and right click on your GFAK folder (or what ever you named it) on the left side of the screen then select upload from the dropdown menu. Ok cool its now uploaded to your server lets go check it out…. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 11 1. Your domain is the first part eg mine is http://taradipalma.com my blog is on my main domain. 1a. If your blog is set up as http://domainname.com/blog this would be the first part of the direct url. 2. The file name you set up on your server, in this example I used recommends so below is what we have so far http://taradipalma.com/recommends 3. The next part is the name of the folder that you uploaded, for this example I used GFAK. So the complete link for my affiliate link is http://taradipalma.com/recommends/GFAK Ok now enter the above url into the browser, if you have followed the steps exactly then this is what you would see. (Your Url) You will also notice that what ever Title You chose when you first started the software will appear on the tab in the browser. I hope everything ran smoothly ☺ remember any problems gimme a shout, leave a comment on my blog and I will get back to you ASAP. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 12 Clickbank Toolkit is a program that I received for free as a bonus with a package that I purchased a couple of years ago, It says I have the right to give it away, so I have uploaded it to my server, this program encrypts your links and creates html pages which need to be uploaded to your server. Grab your free copy of the software Clickbank Clickbank Toolkit. Toolkit Ok once it is installed open it. Below is the welcome screen. If you already have an affiliate link to a product that you wish to promote you can use that, or if you have found a product that you wish to promote, scroll down to the bottom of their sales page, there should be a link there for “affiliates”, usually any program running affiliates will provide you with the instructions of setting up your affiliate url along with tools like blog posts, email posts and banners of some kind. Some also offer you a free product to give away with the graphics, sales pages and autoresponder messages ☺ © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 13 I won’t be talking you through how to search for a niche market in this tutorial but I can give you a free tool by Brad Callen PPC Web Spy that will give you an extra advantage. If you haven’t got an affiliate product to promote then you need to go to http://www.clickbank.com http://www.clickbank.com click on Marketplace, Marketplace this is where we will look for an affiliate product to promote. If you don’t have a Clickbank account you can create an account by clicking the link above. I will walk you through an example, Remember… when you are doing your niche research there is a lot more to consider, I am just showing you how to encrypt your affiliate links ☺ © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 14 I have my own product so I will use this for demo purposes, enter the product name into the keywords section “Get Fit After Kids”, or visit the website and click on “affiliates” You can choose categories etc and select how you would like the results to be displayed. Go through the results to find the product that you would like to promote. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 15 Click on “view pitch page” to see what the sales page looks like, it will open in a new window. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 16 Ok now we will create a hop link (affiliate link), to do this you must have a Clickbank account if you haven’t already got one you can sign up for one here http://www.clickbank.com K let’s keep going…. now click on “create hoplink”, a pop up window will open like shown below. In the box “Clickbank Nickname” enter your Clickbank id, this is the username you chose when you signed up with Clickbank. Tracking Id is optional; once you have filled in the details click create. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 17 Here you have both a hyperlink for your webpage and your basic affiliate link; we only need the top affiliate link. The affiliate link is http://taradp taradp.gfaknow.hop.clickbank.net taradp You need to copy the affiliate url, to do this you would left mouse click at the end of the link, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor over to the left, make sure you cover the whole link, then right mouse click and select copy, (or you could hold down the Ctrl key and then press “c” on the keyboard.) Paste your affiliate link into a text document…..like notepad…..Do NOT use a Word document. (word uses extra formatting so the html code would be altered) text documents keep the “html” code clean ☺ © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 18 Open up the total affiliate protection software, I will now walk you through the steps to encrypt your affiliate link ☺ Click on Use Tool Now>>>> Click on Affiliate Link Encrypter © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 19 Copy your affiliate url from the notepad, left click into box number (1) please NOTE:- you have to hold down the “Ctrl” key and press the letter “v” on the keyboard, keyboard for it to paste in your url. Leave the default settings for number 2 as is. It should say “Maintain your domain in browser location bar.” Once you have entered your affiliate URL you need to click on create page © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 20 You will see the html code is already highlighted Right mouse click inside the box and select copy. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 21 Open a new text document Right mouse click on the text document and select paste © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 22 Wow look at that there is your html encrypted code ☺ Ok now lets save it we are nearly there………..stay with me! Select File on the notepad document and a drop down menu will appear. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 23 Select “Save As” A second window will open, navigate to the folder where you store your affiliate links, if you have not created a folder you can create a folder in your documents called “affiliate links” so you can keep all your encrypted links in there. For each “affiliate link” that we encrypt there will be a separate folder. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 24 Let’s go ahead and set up the first affiliate link folder……. Click on Create New Folder along the top toolbar (it looks like a folder with a red star on it) (Or you can right click inside the screen and select make new folder) which ever you prefer. Name this folder something that will make this particular affiliate link Familiar to you, ok I will call this one GFAK for the “Get Fit After Kids” affiliate Link. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 25 Then Click Open © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 26 We need to change the file name Highlight the *txt then press delete on your keyboard. Enter index.html in the file name then click save, leave the default settings as is, once you “click save” the window will close. (MAKE SURE IT IS THE BASIC txt* NOT rtf*) my default on my computer is Text Documents {*txt} double check this before saving ☺ © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 27 Navigate back to the affiliate links folder you should see a file in there called GFAK. Double click on the GFAK file…………WoW there it is your index.html page If you want to check the index.html file for your code you can:Right click on the “index.html” file Select open with Select Notepad © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 28 You will see code similar to this. Now close it Ok nearly there….Don’t leave me, you will be a genius next time round ☺ Now let’s upload the file Open filezilla or the ftp software that you use Navigate to your “affiliateslinks” folder then click on it, it will display the contents in the lower section. We need to upload the whole folder GFAK. affiliatelinks This side of your ftp program is your computer hard drive. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 29 Connect to your server; the files already on your server will appear on the right hand side. Navigate to your public_html folder and double left mouse click on it, to open the folder. The contents will be displayed in the lower right hand side of your ftp program. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 30 Right mouse click anywhere inside your public_html folder, Select create a directory. Name this new directory/folder what ever you like, if its for affiliate programs…here are some suggestions:Recommends Likes Suggests Ok I chose recommends now click save. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 31 You will see your folder on the right side “recommends”. Now double left mouse click on the recommends folder. Now go and right click on your GFAK folder (or what ever you named it) on the left side of the screen then select upload from the dropdown menu. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 32 Ok cool its all uploaded you can now make a post on our blog about your affiliate product. Working out the direct url to your affiliate link is shown below. below. 1. Your domain is the first part eg mine is http://taradipalma.com my blog is on my main domain. 1a. if your blog is set up as http://domainname.com/blog this would be the first part of the direct url. 2. The file name you set up on your server, in this example I used recommends so below is what we have so far http://taradipalma.com/recommends 3. The next part is the name of the folder that you uploaded, for this example I used GFAK. So the complete link for my affiliate link is http://taradipalma.com/recommends/GFAK © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 33 Ok now its time to make a post, you might feel that this book is long, once you learn the steps, it really only takes at the most 10 mins max ☺ Hyperlink This is just a dummy post to show you how to add your encrypted link your blog post...... Write an article about your affiliate product and we will now make a link. We will use the keyword Get Fit After Kids to hyperlink (this will be known as Anchor Text) Text Ok first you need to highlight the text “GET FIT AFTER KIDS” and then click on the hyperlink button (or left click and select hyperlink). A pop up window will appear as shown below. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 34 Enter your direct link in the link url mine would look like http://taradipalma.com/recommends/GFAK http://taradipalma.com/recommends/GFAK Click the drop down menu next to the target box and select “Open link in a new window”, once someone clicks on your affiliate product the link will open in a new tab, this prevents you from losing people to your affiliate products ☺ Then click insert. Once you have finished your post click update so that your post is visible to the world, then go to your blog and click on your affiliate link ☺ Wow Fantastic LOOK at the URL displayed in the browser…..give yourself a pat on the back . The only problem is that if you look at the tab this page is loaded in you will see http://taradipalma.com/recommends/GFAK, with this method we lose the page title on the tab. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 35 Steps to show you how to use the affiliate link cloaker section, really the cloaker is pretty simple but here are a couple of steps for you…. just incase you are a real newbie ☺ At the main screen of the complete affiliate protection software, click on Affiliate Link Cloaker and you will come to this screen. Remember to use the shortcut hold down the Ctrl Key and then click the letter v on the keyboard to past into this program! © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 36 Enter your affiliate link in number 1 Enter your keyword as the Anchor Text in number 2 Click Cloack Link © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 37 You will see that the code is already highlighted Click into the box where the code is then right mouse click then select copy. Then paste the code into your webpage or blog when it is in html View The code will look like this below. <a href="http://taradp.gfaknow.hop.clickbank.net" onmouseover="window.status='Get Fit After Kids';return true;" onmouseout="window.status='';return true;">Get Fit After Kids</a> Once you go to view/design mode you will see this Get Fit After Kids © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 38 Cloaking is very easy but once people click your links they will see the affiliate url in the browser. There you have it ☺ If you haven’t already picked up your encrypting tool then you can get it here Clickbank Toolkit Grab Brad Callen’s Fantastic Free Tool PPC Web Spy get ahead of your competition. I hope this tutorial helped you ☺ again if you have any problems or comments please leave a post at my blog http://taradipalma.com and I will get back to you asap ☺ To Your Success! Tara Dipalma © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 39 written by me ☺ 1. How to make a simple slideshow video using windows movie maker 2. How to add an image to the sidebar of a wordpress blog 3. How to upload images and your ee-books using filezilla 4. How to take a screen shot using a word document or paint program “How to Encrypt your Affiliate Links” Click here to watch video (1) Click here to watch video (2) Click here to watch video (3) These videos were made by Steven De Gracia he is my go to guy for video Thank you Steven ☺ © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 40 Limits of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty: The authors of this information and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this tutorial. The authors make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this tutorial. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The authors shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. This manual contains information protected under International Federal Copyright laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is strictly prohibited. © Tara Dipalma’ Dipalma’s How To’s…? To’s…? http://taradipalma.com 41
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