A-1 – AEROSPACE EDUCATION Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (A1 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # Topic/ Detailed Question Has the wing developed an annual AE Plan of Action (POA) IAW CAP regulations? Has the wing developed an annual AE Plan of Action (POA) based on the reports received from subordinate groups/units? a) Were subordinate unit AEO rosters attached to the POA? b) Was the POA approved by the wing and region commander? How to verify compliance Wing will submit copy of the most recent AE Plan of Action (POA). Compliance is determined by reviewing materials submitted by the wing. a) Compliance is determined by review of roster attached to the AE POA. b) Wing will provide documentation of the approval of the POA by wing and region commander for approval. Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to develop an annual AE Plan of Action (POA), IAW CAPR 280-2 para 5a. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing AE Plan of Action did not include a roster of subordinate unit AE Officers, IAW CAPR 280-2 para 5b. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to ensure annual AE Plan of Action was approved by the wing and region commander, IAW CAPR 280-2 para 5c. 2 Did CAP personnel cooperate with schools and other community organizations to promote Aerospace Education efforts? Did CAP personnel cooperate with schools and other community organizations by promoting Aerospace Education efforts? Wing will submit examples of cooperative events with either schools or community organizations (Explorer/Boy/Brownie/Girl Scouts, 4-H, etc..) which resulted in the promotion of Aerospace Education. NOTE: If unable to provide documentation then provide documentation of attempts to establish cooperative events to promote Aerospace Education. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to cooperate with schools and/or other community organizations in promoting Aerospace Education efforts, IAW CAPR 280-2 para 2b (3). 3 Wing will submit a copy of the AE Activity Did the wing complete a consolidated AE Activity Report? Report. Did the wing complete a consolidated AE Activity Report Compliance is determined by reviewing the AE based on the reports received from subordinate Activity Report . groups/units? a) Wing will provide documentation that the a) Was a copy of the consolidated AE Activity Report sent Region Commander has received the submission to the Region Commander? of the consolidated AE Activity report. b) Was a copy of the report sent to NHQ/AE? (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing failed to complete an annual AE Activity Report, IAW CAPR 280-2 para 6a. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing failed to submit a copy of the consolidated AE Activity Report to the Region Commander IAW CAPR 280-2 para 6b. A-1 Aerospace Education "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to submit a copy of the consolidated AE Activity Report to NHQ/AE IAW CAPR 2802 para 6b. 1 CI Knowledgebase Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to ensure all Group/Squadron level Aerospace Education positions were filled IAW CAPR 280-2 para 3. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing did not submit a copy of its AE Plan of Action to NHQ/AE, IAW CAPR 280-2 para 5c(1). (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Aerospace Education failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 12b. CI Knowledgebase Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI B-1 - Cadet Programs CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (B1 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # 1 Topic/ Detailed Question Have Cadet and/or Senior members completed Required Staff Training IAW CAP regulations? Have Cadet and/or Senior members completed Required Staff Training before serving on the staff of an activity lasting 4 nights in duration or longer or at any other cadet activity designated by the wing commander? How to verify compliance Wing will provide copies of Cadet and Senior members' Required Staff Training Certificates (or completed CAPF 11, Senior Member Professional Development Program Director's Report for Cadet and Senior members) involved in the previous year's Wing encampments and cadet activities. Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to ensure Cadet and Senior members completed the Required Staff Training before participation in a Cadet Program activity IAW CAPR 52-16, 2-2b 2 Are Senior members present at all activities involving Wing will provide documentation of Senior members involvement in previous year Wing cadets? encampments and cadet activities. 3 Are fluid replacement and workload limitations enforced during all cadet activities? 4 Are all CAPF 54 Civil Patrol High Adventure Activity Wing will provide copies of all CAPF 54s from (A- Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing did not ensure the last year for High Adventure cadet activities CAPF 54s were completed/approved before cadet High Requests completed and approved before any High either digitally or during on site visit. Adventure activities were accomplished, IAW CAPR 52-16 Adventure cadet activities are accomplished? para 2-7. 5 Has the wing established a Cadet Advisory Council (CAC)? Wing will provide CAC Roster. 6 Do CACs meet at least twice per year (in person or telecon)? Present attendance documentation (sign-in sheet (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing CAC failed to meet or CAC minutes). at least twice a year IAW CAPR 52-16 para7-2d. B-1 Cadet Program "B-Discrepancies" Wing will provide documentation of fluid replacement and work load limitation enforcement from recent cadet activities. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing did not ensure Senior members were present at all activities involving cadets IAW CAPR 52-16 par 2-1(a). (A- Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing did not enforce fluid replacement and workload limitations during all cadet activities IAW CAPR 52-16 para 2-7. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to appoint a CAC IAW CAPR 52-16 para 7-1 (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Minutes and agendas were not forwarded to representatives/advisors/CAC members/echelon commander/next echelon's director of cadet programs IAW CAPR 52-16 para 7-6. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Cadet Programs failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 12b. CI CHECKLIST, FEB 14 Guide dated 15 Jun 13 Edition Will Not Be Used OPR:IGI C-1 Operational Mission Management CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (C1 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # 1 2 Topic/ Detailed Question Has the wing published any supplements or operating instructions IAW CAP regulations? Has the wing published any supplements or operating instructions (OI)s to CAPR 60-3, 60-5, or 60-6? If so were they approved IAW CAPR 60-3, 60-5 or 60-6 prior to implementation? How to verify compliance Wing will submit a copy of approval documentation along with approved supplement. Compliance is determined by comparing the wing's published supplements/OIs with NHQ/DO records. NOTE: When Supplement/OIs are not properly certified see D4 Question 1. NOTE: If supplement is not marked correctly see D4 question 1. Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to obtain approval for its supplement to CAPR 60-3 IAW CAPR para 12. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to obtain approval for its supplement/operating instruction CAPR 60-5 IAW CAPR 60-5 para 2. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to obtain approval for its supplement/operating instruction CAPR 60-6 IAW CAPR 60-5 para 1-3. Does the wing maintain a current wing alert roster and resource report IAW CAP regulations? a) Does the wing maintain a current wing alert roster and resource report in WMIRS? b) Are they updated at least annually, as major changes occur or as directed by the NOC? c) Are all wing alert officers listed on the wing alert roster qualified ICs? Compliance is determined by a review of data in WMIRS beforehand. Lookup WMIRS Alert Roster for the wing and cross check each member against the WMIRS OPS-ES quals lookup using the IC3 filter. NOTE: If for some reason when the roster is checked, WMIRS does not list the IC status for an individual that are not safety current right now, then cross check against ops quals to see if the member may have just lapsed there temporarily. This is WMIRS issue if they are not showing up and should be addressed in future changes to WMIRS. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to ensure alert roster [resources report] was maintained IAW CAPR 603 para 1-5b(1). b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing Alert Roster [Resource Report]is not updated annually, IAW CAPR 60-3 para 1-5b(1). c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to ensure personnel listed on the Wing Alert Roster are qualified incident commanders IAW CAPR 60-3 para 1-5b(1). CI Knowledgebase, FEB 12 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 3 Are all records pertaining to each authorized mission loaded into WMIRS or maintained for at least 4 years at the wing headquarters? a) Are all records pertaining to each authorized mission loaded into WMIRS or maintained for at least 4 years at the wing headquarters? (See the Documentation page on the CAP National website, located at: http://www.capmembers.com/emergency_services/operat ions_support/mission-documentation/) b) 4 Does the wing provide and update standardized IC kits IAW CAP regulations? a) Compliance is determined by a review of records uploaded into WMIRS and hard copy/electronic records maintained at the Wing HQ. NOTE: Inspector will provide the wing a list of missions numbers to be reviewed. The wing will complete the mission records analysis worksheet provided with the 90 day letter. Upload it along with any mission supporting documents NOT in stored in WMIRS to the data storage location identified in the 90 day letter. NOTE: If a record of POV use is noted please forward the mission to the D8 Transportation Inspector to assist with D8 Question 7. A copy of the Wing/CC approval use the POV is required. b) Verify that locally maintained (not WMIRS) records are purged as required. NOTE: When records are not destroyed properly D4 Q ti 7 Compliance is determined by a review of the wing's IC kit on-site. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing Mission records are not maintained IAW CAPR 60-3 para 1-21. NOTE: - An A-Discrepancy should only be used for a trend in mission records. - Missing a few random documents that cannot be recreated should be documented with an AoC. - Give details of the trend including types of missing documents, number of missing documents in how many folders. Specific mission numbers may be included. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing has not developed/does not supply Incident Commander (IC) Kits to its ICs IAW CAPR 60-3 para 1-5b(5). (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing does not developed/does not provide updates to Incident Commander (IC) Kits to its ICs IAW CAPR 60-3 para 1-5b(5). 5 Has the wing developed a comprehensive annual operations training plan IAW CAP regulations? a) Has the wing developed a comprehensive annual operations training plan and submitted the plan to the CAP-USAF Liaison Region via WMIRS by 31 July for the following fiscal year? b) Does the wing commander review the plan to be sure that all staff inputs are reflected in the plan, critical priorities are funded appropriately, and unfunded initiatives are identified should additional funding become available? Compliance is determined by a review of Operations and Training plans uploaded into WMIRS. a) Verify the plan is completed in WMIRS. b) Verify the plan is either signed by the Wing CC or there is other documentation of the Wing CC approval of the plan. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to submit an Operations and Training Plan for FYXX, IAW CAPR 60-3 para 1-7. NOTE: Give dates b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing Commander failed to ensure critical priorities were funded appropriately/unfunded initiatives are identified in the Wing's Operations and Training Plan prior to submission IAW CAPR 60-3 para 1-7. 6 Has the wing assessed the need for a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team to help implement the CAP CISM program? a) Has the wing assessed the need for a Critical Incident Stress Management Team to help implement the CAP CISM program? b) If the wing has established a CISM Team, has the wing commander established a point of contact to coordinate activities of the CISM team? a) Wing will provide documentation (i.e. MFR signed by the Wing CC) that the assessment of the need for a CISM was completed. If the Wing elected to not have a CISM team then a documentation of the assessment is all that is required if a CISM is required continue to step b. b) If Wing elects to have a team, review the wing documentation listing the team POC. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing failed to complete an assessment of the need for a Critical Incident Stress Team (CIST) IAW CAPR 60-5 para 3g. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing Commander has not established a point-of-contact for the Critical Incident Stress Team IAW CAPR 60-5 para 6b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 12 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 7 If the Wing participates in Counterdrug missions, is the program operated IAW CAP regulations? If so: a) Are all personnel supporting law enforcement sensitive missions properly screened and current? b) Is CD mission briefing documentation completely filled out to include specific mission objectives, the mission requester’s name/contact information and a detailed list of mission results? a) Compliance is determined by a review of the CD Achievement Report for participants listed in missions in WMIRS. b) Compliance is determined by reviewing mission records in WMIRS under the 104 tab or by reviewing the paper 104's maintained at the wing. NOTE: If paper copies are maintained verify they are secured if not forward to the issue the D4 inspector for question 4. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Personnel assigned to conduct wing CD missions were not properly screened prior to participating in the assigned mission, IAW CAPR 60-6 para 22c. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing aircrews do not provide sufficient details in the objectives, deliverables and results sections of the mission briefing/debriefing forms to provide the requester with the information needed, IAW CAPR 60-6 para 5-3. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Operations failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 12 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI C-2 Communications CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (C2 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # Topic/ Detailed Question Has the wing published any supplements, operating instructions or waivers IAW CAP regulations? Has the wing published any supplements, operating instructions or waivers to CAPR 100-1? a) Are they approved IAW CAPR 100-1 prior to implementation? How to verify compliance Wing will submit a copy of approval documentation along with approved supplement, operating instruction and waivers. Compliance is determined by comparing the wing's published supplements/OIs with NHQ/DO records. NOTE: If supplement is not marked correctly see D4 question 1. 2 Has the wing submitted an annual communications plan by the 10th of April? The inspector will review wing communications (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing did not submit plans posted on the national Communications annual communication plan IAW CAPR 100-1 para 2-2. website. Access via eServices. NOTE: Requirement started in April 13. 3 Does the wing conduct annual radio communications effectiveness evaluations IAW CAP regulations? Does the wing conduct annual radio communications effectiveness evaluations designed for the participation of all radio stations in the wing? a) Was the exercise pre-coordinated and approved by the region DCS/Comm? b) Was an after action report submitted to the CAPUSAF/LR, region DCS/Comm, and NHQ/DOK within 30 days after completion of the exercise? Wing will submit documentation of the last annual communications effectiveness evaluation. a) Wing will submit a copy of exercise precoordination email or memorandum and a copy of the approved region DCS/Comm email or memorandum. b) Wing will submit a copy of memorandum or email of after action report submitted within 30 days. 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing supplement, operating instruction and waivers to CAPR 100-1 was not approved by NHQ/DOK prior to implementation IAW CAPR 100-1 para 1-8. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing did not complete annual radio communications effectiveness evaluation IAW CAPR 100-1 para 3-3b. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing annual radio communications effectiveness evaluation was not precoordinated and approved by the region DCS/Comm IAW CAPR 100-1 para 3-3b. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing annual radio communication effectiveness evaluation after action report was not submitted to CAP USAF Liaison staff, CAP region DCS/Comm and NHQ/DOC IAW CAPR 100-1 para 3-3b. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 4 Does the wing conduct at least one annual meeting/conference of communicators and communications officers IAW CAP regulations? a) Does the wing conduct at least one annual meeting/conference of communicators and communications officers? b) Does the provide a summary of annual meeting/conference of communicators and communications officers, including a log of the participants? c) Was a summary of the meeting, including a log of the participants, submitted to the next higher echelon within 30 days after the activity? Wing will submit documentation of the last annual Comm meeting. The format of the documentation is not specified but should include the items specified in CAPR 100-1, paragraph 5-5b. 5 Are all CAP corporate radios with over 128 channels programmed using the National Programming Plan (NPP)? Are all CAP corporate radios with over 128 channels programmed IAW the National Programming Plan (NPP)? (The inspection team will check any CAP corporate radios they encounter while on site.) Inspectors will check radios they encounter (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure all during the inspection to verify they are CAP corporate radios were correctly programmed IAW the programmed with the code-plugs (channel National Programming Plan IAW CAPR 100-001 para 6-13. loads) developed IAW the National Programming Plan (NPP) and posted in the Library of the Communications website. The inspector will need a copy of the channel load in the NPP 6 Does the wing have at least one HF/ALE station in continuous service on the region ALE net? Wing will provide wing plans and duty (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing did not maintain at assignments for review to identify which station least one HF/ALE station in continuous service IAW CAPR or stations are assigned responsibility. 100-1 para 7-4b(2). HF/ALE net Inspected on site during inspection. 7 Does the wing conduct HF checks IAW CAP regulations? Does the wing conduct at least one conventional HF voice net check each week? Wing will provide documentation of weekly HF (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing did not conduct at voice net operations check-ins. The form of the least one conventional HF voice net check each week IAW documentation is not specified but should CAPR 100-1 para 7-4b(3). include items such as dates/times, channels used, net control station(s), and participants. 8 Are all wing assigned radios National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) compliant? Are all wing assigned radios NTIA compliant? a) If the wing possesses any radios which are not NTIA compliant, have all DoD Frequencies been removed? Inspectors will compare wing radios with the a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing is using NTIA Compliance list on the Communications noncompliant equipment (e.g.: not meeting current NTIA website. Wing will provide documentation of standards) on DoD-allocated spectrum IAW CAPR 100-1 para NHQ/DOK approval of non-DOD frequencies to 9-14, 10-1a. the inspector. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing did not conduct at least one annual meeting/conference of communicators and communications officers IAW CAPR 100-1 para 5-5b. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing did not provide a summary of annual meeting/conference of communicators and communications officers, including a log of the participants IAW CAPR 100-1 para 5-5b. c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing did not submit annual meeting/conference of communicators and communications officers to the next higher echelon after the activity IAW CAPR 100-1 para 5-5b. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 9 Has the required annual inventory been performed during the annual inspection period? Within the past 12 months, has the required annual inventory been performed during the annual inspection period? The inspector will review inventory status in ORMS under the Reports/Communications Gear/Annual Inventory Status Report. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Wing did not complete annual inventory IAW CAPR 174-1 para 2-16b. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Communications failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 12b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI C-3 - Flight Management CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (C3 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # Topic/ Detailed Question Is the wing operating under any supplements, operating instructions or waivers IAW CAP regulations? Is the wing operating under any supplements, operating instructions or waivers to CAPR 60-1? Were they approved IAW CAPR 60-1 prior to implementation? How to verify compliance Compliance is determined by comparing the wing's published supplements/OIs or waivers with NHQ/DO records. NOTE: If supplement is not marked correctly see D4 question 1. Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to obtain approval for its supplement to CAPR 60-1 IAW CAPR para 12. 2 Are non-CAP passengers flown IAW CAP regulations? a) If yes, were all non-CAP passengers approved IAW CAPR 60-1? b) Was a CAPF 9 completed by each non-CAP passenger other than Military/National Guard, (Title 10 and Title 32)/Federal employees and ROTC/JROTC cadets? Compliance is determined by a review of wing flight and mission records. NOTE: When the CAPF 9 was not retained in mission records see C1 Question 3. See regulation for exception for FAA or MIL individuals. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to ensure non-CAP passengers flew in CAP aircraft without receiving approval from appropriate authority, IAW CAPR 60-1 para 23a. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to ensure non-CAP passengers other than Military/National Guard/Federal employees or ROTC/JROTC cadets, flew in CAP aircraft without completing a CAPF 9, Release, IAW CAPR 60-1 para 2-3b. 3 (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing failed to Does the wing make necessary corrections to aircraft View WMIRS report aircraft utilization reporting status validate/correct the aircraft utilization information in WMIRS flying time totals each month in WMIRS? NOTE: Check the Wing and Month there should for __ months IAW CAPR 60-1 para 2.4d. be a "YES" for each month due by the 20th of each month (look back a current FY year). A blank or a red % means that the validation and/or correction has been accomplished. (request eServices report that provides a 4 year look back) 4 Compliance during on-site inspection. Does the wing have an effective validation and correction process to ensure that all sortie data are entered into WMIRS IAW CAP regulations? Does the Wing have an effective process for validation and correction to ensure that all sortie data including actual costs are entered into WMIRS within 72 hours of completing a sortie? . 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing failed to ensure all sortie data is entered into WMIRS within 72 hours of completing a sortie, IAW CAPR 60-1 para 2-4d. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IG 5 Are all flight releases accomplished using eFlight Release in WMIRS? Compliance is determined by comparing aircraft operational records with WMIRS sortie data and eFlight Release records. NOTE: When internet access is not available, are flights released using the CAPF 99, CAP Flight Release Log, with the required details listed in CAPR 60-1, and are releases then recorded in the WMIRS eFlight Release System within 24 hours. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure all flights were flown with a proper flight release IAW CAPR 601 (16 Apr 12) para 2-5a. NOTE: Use a sub-bullet to list sorties which were not properly released. 6 Are flight privilege suspension procedures followed IAW CAPR regulations? Compliance is determined by reviewing information delivered by the wing prior to the inspection. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing failed to ensure procedures for suspending a member's flight privileges IAW CAPR 60-1 para 2-7. 7 Does the wing ensure all eServices Ops Quals data is IAW CAP regulations? Is the data for all wing pilots entered and documentation uploaded into Ops Quals and validated by the commander or designee? Compliance is determined through a sample based review of mission participants from WMIRS with data in Ops Quals. NOTE: A copy of current Pilot and Medical certificates must be uploaded and maintained in OPS Quals. (Sampled before telephone interview) NOTE: Other Data and documentation may be maintained in OPS Quals or at unit of assignment but shall include all relevant FAA pilot qualifications, CAPFs 5, CAPFs 91, graded aircraft questionnaire(s), commander written designations (including electronic approval in eServices) and other items needed to establish CAP aircraft operating privileges under this regulation. NOTE: May be Sampled before telephone interview if uploaded otherwise sampled on site. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing failed to ensure data for all wing pilots is entered, and documentation uploaded, into Ops Quals and validated by the commander or his/her designee, IAW CAPR 60-1 para 3-9. 8 Does the wing enter pilot evaluation statistics into WMIRS IAW CAP regulations? NOTE: All listed items must be included - Does the wing enter pilot evaluation statistics into WMIRS, on a semiannual basis? - Does it that includes the number of CAPF 5 pilot evaluations administered and failed? - Does it include the number of CAPF 91 pilot evaluations administered and failed - Does it include the areas of the CAPF 91 failed? Compliance is determined as a result of a review (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing failed ensure all of reports entered into WMIRS and information required pilot evaluation statistics into WMIRS at least semifrom the pre-visit and on-site interviews. annually, IAW CAPR 60-1 para 3-10. NOTE: List all missing items - Does the wing enter pilot evaluation statistics into WMIRS, on a semiannual basis? - Does it that includes the number of CAPF 5 pilot evaluations administered and failed? - Does it include the number of CAPF 91 pilot evaluations administered and failed - Does it include the areas of the CAPF 91 failed? CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IG (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Standardization and Evaluation Officer failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 12b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IG C-4 – AIRCRAFT MANAGEMENT CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (C4 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. Question 5. This question is based on the aircraft inspections accomplished on site. All A-Discrepancies found during the aircraft inspections will roll up under this compliance area. For example if three aircraft are inspected and 2 A Discrepancies are found, this area will be listed as not compliant. If the remaining compliance areas are free of discrepancies the overall compliance rating should be successful. # Topic/ Detailed Question Is the wing operating under any supplements, operating instructions or waivers IAW CAP regulations? Has the wing published any supplements to CAPR regulations? a) Published supplement to CAPR 66-1? b) Was the supplement coordinated through the CAPUSAF Liaison Region? c) Was their supplement to CAPR 66-1 updated at least biennially? How to verify compliance a) Wing will provide the supplement b) Proof of coordination from CAP-USAF/LR and documentation of the receipt of submission from NGQ/LGM. c) Verify posted supplement reflects biennial update. NOTE: If supplement is not marked correctly see D4 question 1. 2 Does the Wing AMO or his/her representative inspect each corporate aircraft at least annually? Does the Wing Aircraft Maintenance Officer (AMO) or his/her representative inspect each corporate aircraft annually? Wing will provide a copy of a CAPF 71 for each (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to provide aircraft for each of the prior 4 years or since the evidence of having at least annually completed a CAPF 71 wing took control of the aircraft, whichever is inspection of all wing aircraft IAW CAPR 66-1 para 6f. less. NOTE: If Wing does not retain aircraft records as permanent see D4 question 5. 3 Does the wing utilize the online eAircraft Discrepancy Verification based on a review of aircraft discrepancies in eAircraft Discrepancy System System located in WMIRS IAW CAP regulations? when compared to CAPF 71s. 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to publish supplement to CAPR 66-1 IAW CAPR 66-1 para 4. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to coordinate their supplement to CAPR 66-1 through the CAPUSAF Liaison Region IAW CAPR 66-1 para 4. c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to update their supplement to CAPR 66-1 at least biennially IAW CAPR 66-1 para 4. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing failed to utilize the online eAircraft Discrepancy System located in WMIRS IAW CAPR 66-1 para 7d. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 4 Does the wing have a current certificate of insurance on file identifying the liability insurance coverage for all facilities performing maintenance on wingassigned aircraft? a) Does the Wing have a current certificate of insurance on file identifying the liability insurance coverage for all facilities performing maintenance on wing-assigned aircraft. b) Are proper procedures followed if emergency repairs are made at a facility without adequate liability insurance? 5 Are CAP aircraft inspected during the CI maintained Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. and operated IAW applicable FARs and CAP regulations? a) Is required periodic maintenance on assigned aircraft accomplished? a) (A Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure required periodic maintenance on assigned aircraft was accomplished IAW CAPR 66-1 para 6. (Use one or more of the following statements) NOTE: There was no evidence that N____ received a midcycle oil change following its __/__/__ 100 hour/annual inspection NOTE: Prior to the most current 100 hour/annual inspection, N____ had exceeded 100 hours between inspections. 5 b) Are required logbook entries made for the 100 hour/annual inspection made, ADs and/or Mandatory Service Bulletins on assigned aircraft accomplished? b) (A Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure required logbook entries for the 100 hour/annual inspection done in ___ 20__ on N____ reflected (AD compliance check) (and/or) Mandatory Service Bulletins as listed on CAP website ______ were accomplished during inspection IAW CAPR 661 para 7a (and/or b). CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Certificates of Insurance: Provide the CI Team with copies of current Certificates of Insurance for all maintenance facilities used by the wing and compare with a list of certificates provided by NHQ/LGM. Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing failed to provide current Certificates of Insurance for all of the maintenance facilities performing maintenance on wing aircraft IAW CAPR 66-1 para 12. NOTE: List all of the facilities with missing Certificates of Insurance. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing failed to ensure Certificate(s) of Insurance for the following listed maintenance facilities provided the (minimum limits of liability) (or completed operation coverage) (or both) IAW CAPR 66-1 para 12. NOTE: List each facility and describe the deficiency. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 5 c) Are inspection certification of its pitot-static, transponder, and altimeter systems accomplished as required? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. c) (A Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) N____ exceeded 24 months between inspection for and certification of its pitotstatic, transponder, and altimeter systems IAW CAPR 66-1 para 6d and FAR Part 43. • List the dates between each inspection • This aircraft is grounded for flight under Instrument Flight Rules and flight within controlled airspace until these checks have been completed. • If the aircraft must be flown to another airport to these inspections, the wing must obtain an FAA ferry permit for that flight. 5 d) Are ELT batteries replaced after exceeding the Determined during aircraft inspection using replacement date specified by the battery manufacturer? inspection checklist. d) (A Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) The ELT battery on N____ had not been replaced prior to exceeding the replacement date specified by the battery manufacturer (and the aircraft flew with the expired battery) IAW CAPR 66-1 para 6d. • This aircraft is grounded pending replacement of the ELT battery. • If the aircraft must be flown to another airport to these inspections, the wing must obtain an FAA ferry permit for that flight. 5 e) Are weight and balance forms accurate in the POH, Determined during aircraft inspection using Aircraft Information File (AIF) and Log Book, Log Book inspection checklist and compare with a list of and any Wing pilot aids? certificates provided by NHQ/LGM. e) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure the weight and balance forms were accurate in the POH, Aircraft Information File (AIF), Log Book and any Wing pilot aids IAW CAPR 66-1 para 2 and FAR 23.1583. • List the POH, Log Book and AIF weight and balance dates, weights and moments. 5 f) Was the annual/biennial corrosion control accomplished? f) ) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure the biennial corrosion control accomplished on N____ IAW CAPR 66-1 para 6e. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 5 g) Are FAA Form(s) 337, Major Repair and Alteration (Airframe, Power plant, Propeller, or Appliance) were documented in the maintenance logs? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist and . g) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure that all FAA Form(s) 337, Major Repair and Alteration (Airframe, Power plant, Propeller, or Appliance) were documented in the maintenance logs for N____ for (describe the repair or alteration) IAW FAR part 91-209. 5 h) Are logbook entries accurate and mid-cycle oil change Determined during aircraft inspection using completed? inspection checklist. h) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure that the (airframe) (engine) (propeller) logbooks for N____ had logbook entry for the mid-cycle oil change completed on __/__/____ IAW CAPR 66-1 para 11. 5 i) Are required aircraft placards installed? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. i) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure that Aircraft (N____) placards were installed IAW CAPR 66-1 para 10c as indicated below. • List by aircraft tail number the missing placards. IAW CAPR 66-1 para 11. 5 j) Are required aircraft fire extinguishers serviceable/properly secured.? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. j) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure that Aircraft (N____) fire extinguisher was serviceable/properly secured IAW CAPR 66-1 para 9b. 5 k) Are required CO detectors correctly installed? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. k) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure that Aircraft CO detector in N____ (select a statement from the following bullets) IAW CAPR 66-1 para 9e. NOTE: List the following • does not have an installation date written on the detector • was not properly installed IAW CAPR 66-1 para 9e. The detector was installed in a plastic holder that prevented proper airflow preventing it to perform its designed function. • had a manufacturers expiration date of ____/____and was out of date IAW CAPR 66-1para 9e. • was not replaced in January ____ • Did not have a detector installed CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 5 l) Are survival kits installed? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. l) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure that survival kits were installed in N____ IAW CAPR 66-1 para 9f. (AOC): Wing failed to ensure that contents/expiration dates for wing mandated items were IAW with wing guidance. 5 m) Are aircraft properly secured? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. m) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure properly secured prior the inspected aircraft prior to aircraft inspection IAW CAPR 66-1 para 7e & f. NOTE: List the following • N____ (and) N____ were not properly tied down with the wheels chocked. • The pitot cover was not installed on (N____) (and) (N____). • The gust control lock was not installed on (N____) (and) (N____). 5 n) Are aircraft tires properly inflated? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. NOTE: There are no regulatory tire pressure tolerances. If during the inspection an aircraft tire is found to not be in safe working order then the discrepancy will be listed as an ADiscrepancy. HOWEVER, if the tire is not at manufactures recommended pressure then have the tire pressure corrected on the spot and document as a "B-Discrepancy". n) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure aircraft tires were in safe working order IAW Pilots Operating Handbook (POH) and CAPR 66-1 Attachment 1 para 8. NOTE: List the following • List the aircraft and actual tire pressure verses specified the pressure. • Tire pressures in the Pilot Operating Handbook (POH) for Cessna 172 (N____) do not match the amended STC SA2196CE for the 180 HP engine conversion which raised the maximum gross weight of the aircraft to 2550 pounds. N____ is grounded until the wing corrects the checklist/POH and properly inflates the tires on this aircraft. OR (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to ensure aircraft tire pressure was at recommended manufactures pressure. Discrepancy was corrected on the spot. 5 o) Are aircraft hinge pins correct/serviceable/properly installed? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. o) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure aircraft (top)(bottom)(Right)(left) hinge pin on N____ was (improperly installed)(noncompliant with authorized replacement parts) IAW with FAR 43.13 and CAPF 7 Item 3e. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 5 p) Are aircraft external identification plate correct/serviceable/properly installed? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. p) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure aircraft external identification plate on aircraft (N____) was (missing) (not on a fireproof plate ass applicable) (properly secured to the aircraft fuselage exterior) IAW CAPR 66-1 para 10d and FAR 45.11. 5 q) Are aircraft operations with inoperative instruments and equipment IAW FAR 91.213? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. q) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure aircraft operations with inoperative instruments and equipment were IAW FAR 91.213? 5 r) Are aircraft Information Files (AIF) maintained/serviceable/accurate/current in all corporate aircraft? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. r) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure Aircraft Information Files (AIF) were maintained/serviceable/accurate/current in all corporate aircraft IAW CAPR 60-1 para 2-4 e? 5 s) Are either manufacturer's checklist or NHQ CAP approved checklist(s) used in aircraft? Determined during aircraft inspection using inspection checklist. s) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure either manufacturer's checklist or NHQ CAP coordinated/approved/signed checklist(s) were present in aircraft IAW CAPR 60-1 para 2-1 n? C-4 Aircraft Management "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to avoid real or perceived conflict of interest (decisions regarding contracted maintenance services are based on the most economical and practical considerations) IAW CAPR 66-1 para 5. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure N______ was not flown under instrument flight rules (IFR) with out having a current VOR Operational check noted in the Aircraft Information File (AIF) IAW CAPR 66-1 para 6d(3) and FAR Part 91. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI (B-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure items in the cargo area for N______ were secured IAW CAPR 66-1 para 9d. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure the CAP Decals were installed/serviceable/correct IAW required by CAPR 66-1 para 10a and Attachment 2. NOTE: List the aircraft by registration number and the decals that were not installed/serviceable/correct. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to provide a copy of their supplement to CAPR 66-1 to NHQ/LGM IAW CAPR 66-1 para 4. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Aircraft Maintenance Officer failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 12b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI D-1 - Professional Development CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (D1 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # Topic/ Detailed Question Does the wing ensure members do not work with cadets without first completing Cadet Protection Program Training (CPPT)? How to verify compliance Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes Review the eServices Member reports LV1, (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question1) Wing failed to ensure make a list of non-compliant members. Using members completed Cadet Protection Program Training prior the eServices Member search ensure they are not to working with cadets, IAW CAPR 50-17 para 3-1. receiving any assigned duty position in the unit, directly supervising cadets on their own, being allowed to wear the Air Force-style CAP uniform, becoming eligible for promotion, or enrolling in AU A4/6 Courses 2 Does the wing process CAPFs 11 for SLS IAW CAP regulations? Does the wing SLS Course director forward the CAPF 11 and Course critiques through the wing commander or their designee for signature within 14 days of Course completion? NHQ/DPR will provide a copy of SLSs (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to process processed within the last two years. SLS CAPF 11 IAW CAPR 50-17, para 4-6 (d). Compare DPR records to a list of Wing SLS Courses for the past two years to ensure that all eligible attendees received Course completion certificate. 3 Does the wing process CAPFs 11 for CLC IAW CAP regulations? Does the wing CLC Course director forward the CAPF 11 and Course critiques through the wing commander or their designee for signature within 14 days of Course completion? NHQ/DPR will provide a copy of CLCs (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing failed to process processed within the last two years. SLS CAPF 11 IAW CAPR 50-17, para 5-3 (e) . Compare DPR records to a list of Wing CLS Courses for the past two years to ensure that all eligible attendees received Course completion certificate. 4 Has the Wing Commander appointed a Wing Testing Compliance is determined through an eService Duty Assignment report Officer (TO)? Has the Wing Commander appointed a Wing Testing Officer (TO) for test security and administration? 5 Do Composite and/or Cadet subordinate units have a Using eServices TO duty assignment report for (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Units in the wing failed to Composite and Cadet subordinate units verify appoint a TO IAW CAPR 50-4, para 1-2. Testing Officer appointed? that a TO is appointed. 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 (A-Discrepancy) [xx] (Question 4) The Wing Commander has not appointed a Testing Officer IAW CAPR50-4 para 1-2 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 6 (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing failed to ensure ___ Does the wing ensure commanders are not appointed Compare eServices duty assignment reports (Test Officers and Unit Commanders) to ensure Unit Commander(s) were not listed as Testing Officers or as Testing Officers? no CCs are TOs. Assistant Testing Officers IAW CAPR 50-4, para 1-3. 7 Does the Wing maintain hard copy testing materials IAW CAP regulations? a) Are all hard testing material stored in a lockable (key or combination) metal cabinet? b) Does the TO conduct a test materials inventory at least every 180 days and when ever the TO or Assistant(s) TO changes? 8 If the DP has delegated the maintenance of CAPFs 45 Compliance is determined through on-site inspection. to the DPD, does the DPD ensure professional development training is IAW CAP regulations? If the DP has delegated the maintenance of CAPFs 45 to the DPD, does the DPD ensure professional development training is recorded on the CAPFs 45 for each of the members of the headquarters unit (charter 001)? (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) CAPFs 45 are not maintained IAW CAPR 50-17 para 24a & b D-1 Professional Development "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to ensure member(s) assigned to a primary duty position were immediately enrolled in the appropriate specialty track for their primary duty (see the list below) IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. 200 Personnel 201 Public Affairs 202 Finance 203 Inspector General 204 Professional Development 205 Administration 206 Logistics 211 Operations 212 Standardization-Evaluation 213 Emergency Services 214 Communications 215 Aerospace Education 216 Cadet Programs 217 Safety 219 Legal 220 Health Services 221 Chaplain CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 a) Hard copy storage location will be inspected on site ONLY if testing materials are stored. b) Wing will provide copies of the TO inventory logs for the past 2 years a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing failed to maintain hard copy testing materials in a lockable (key or combination) metal cabinet IAW CAPR 50-4 para 1-5. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to conduct a test materials inventory at least every 180 days and when ever the TO or Assistant(s) TO changed for the last two years since testing materials were stored IAW CAPR 50-4 para 1-6. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 222 Command Specialty Training Track 223 Historian 225 Character Development 226 Recruiting and Retention Officer 227 Information Technology (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Professional Development failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 12b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI D-2 Chaplains CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (D2 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # Topic/ Detailed Question Does the Wing Chaplain meet the minimum criteria to serve as a Wing Chaplain? a) prior experience as a unit chaplain? b) be an active chaplain for at least 2 years? c) achieved Level IV in the Senior Member Professional Development Program? How to verify compliance a) Review the chaplain's previous duty positions listed on his/her member report found in eServices. b) Review the chaplain's member record found in eServices. c) Review the chaplain's member record found in eServices. NOTE: Use eServices Member Reports- Active Member Professional Development Report, look under the Level IV column for dates 2 Does the wing ensure chaplains are only appointed to the HC position IAW CAP regulations? Compliance is determined by reviewing the Duty (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to that ensure Assignment Report from eServices. __ chaplain was not appointed to (unit commander, unit deputy/vice commander, testing officer or investigating officer) while also serving as a Chaplain IAW CAPR 265-1 para 5. 3 If community clergy provide support to any units are they escorted at all times by a senior member in compliance with cadet protection requirement? If applicable, wing will provide documentation of compliance. a) (A-discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Community clergy were not escorted at all times by a senior member, while at CAP activities, IAW CAPR 265-1 para 15h(2). 4 Has the Wing Chaplain completed CAPP 221A The CAP Chaplain ? Compliance is determined by a review of eServices data. NOTE: Do a member search report for the individual. Look under the training tab and review for a completed CAPP 221A. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing Chaplain did not complete the minimum training included in CAPP 221A The CAP Chaplain IAW CAPR 265-1 para 12a. 5 Are Chaplain Corps training conferences provided for Wing will provide documentation of Chaplain Corps training conferences i.e. schedule, email, all chaplains and CDIs assigned to the wing at least etc. once every 2 years? 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Discrepancy Write up (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing Chaplain did not meet the minimum criteria for this position specified IAW CAPR 265-1 para 15f. [Sub-bullet should specify the criteria not met]. a) prior experience as a unit chaplain b) be an active chaplain for at least 2 years c) achieved Level IV in the Senior Member Professional Development Program Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing Chaplain did not provide a training conference for all chaplains and CDIs assigned to the Wing at least once every 2 years, IAW CAPR 265-1 para 14a. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 6 Do wing Chaplains supporting DoD units meet the minimum requirements IAW CAP regulations? a) Does the Chaplain conform to the weight and grooming standards specified in CAPM 39-1 and are otherwise able to wear the Air Force style uniform properly? b) Is all chaplain assistance provided to the military by CAP approved in writing by the Chief of the CAP Chaplain Corps prior to the support being provided? c) Do all chaplains who provide support to DoD units file an "After Action Report" following the activity? D-2 Chaplains "B-Discrepancies" a) Determined on-site inspection b) Wing will provide a copy of approval letters for any support within last two years. c) Wing will provide a copy of "After Action Reports" for any support within last two years. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing Chaplains who provide chaplaincy support to DoD units do not meet the weight [grooming] standards prescribed by CAPM 39-1 IAW CAPR 265-1 para 19c. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] Chaplain support to [name of unit] was not approved in advance by the CAP Chief of Chaplain Corps IAW CAPR 265-1 para 20c. c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing Chaplains who provided chaplaincy support to DoD units did not complete After Action Reports IAW CAPR 265-1 para 20h. (B-Discrepancy: [xx] Wing failed to nominate a subordinate unit chaplain to Region for the annual Squadron Chaplain of the Year Award, IAW CAPR 265-1 para 11b. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Not all Wing Chaplain Corps members are submitting the semi-annual, online Chaplain Corps Statistical Report, IAW CAPR 265-1 para 8. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] The Wing Chaplain did not notify the Wing Commander of those members within the wing who did submit semi-annual, online Chaplain Corps Statistical Reports IAW CAPR 265-1 para 8. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] The Wing Chaplain has served in his/her current position for over 6 years which exceeds the maximum allowed IAW CAPR 265-1 para 15f. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to ensure community clergy support of the Character Development program did not exceed the 6-month maximum IAW CAPR 265-1 para15h(2). (B-Discrepancy): [xx] The Wing Chaplain has not properly maintained CAPFs 48, Religious Interview Guide, for members of the Wing HQ IAW CAPR 265-1 para 9. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Chaplain failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI DRAFT D-3 Finance CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (D3 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that i violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # 1 Topic/ Detailed Question How to verify compliance a) WFA will review CAPF 172s for wing and Are Consolidated Finance Authorizations IAW CAP regulation? units in SmartVault Verification - All three must be yes for current FY a) CAPF 172 must be reissued annually (1 October) and at each change of b) WFA will review CAPF 172s for wing and units in SmartVault for approval command at unit and wing level. b) The Wing F172 will be approved by the Finance Committee in Sertifi. c) WFA will review Travel Financial The Unit F172 must be signed by the Finance Committee members at the Management Procedure in SmartVault. bottom of the form. This form identifies authorized approvers of finance items, credit card holders, recurring expenses and authorization for bank transfers (wing only). c) Travel Financial Management Procedures identify the procedures for the approval of travel and authorized reimbursable expenses. Completed CAPF 172's and the travel Financial Management Procedure must be uploaded to SmartVault. Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes a) (Determined by WFA): (Question 1) Wing Consolidated Finance Authorizations (CAPF 172) were not current for Wing/Units IAW 173-1 para 6g b) (Determined by WFA) Wing Consolidated Finance Authorizations (CAPF 172) were not complete for Wing/Units IAW 173-1 para 6g c) (Determined by WFA) Wing does not have a Financial Management Procedure for travel IAW 173-1 para 24 2 Are all financial transactions completed IAW CAP regulation? a) All expenditures must be approved in writing (or Sertifi) by a designee listed on the CAPF172. If the unit expenditure is over $500, two authorized unit signatures are required. If the wing expenditure is over $1,500, Finance Committee approval is required through Sertifi. b) Expenditures, journal entries and deposits must have supporting documentation identifying the transaction attached in SmartVault. 3 a) (Determined by WFA): (Question 3) Wing CAPF 173, Are Quarterly Internal Financial Reviews IAW with CAP regulation? a) WFA will review the Quarterly Internal Verification - 100% of the Wing's CAPFs 173 since the last WFA review Financial Reviews for each quarter since the last Quarterly Internal Financial Review, were not completed WFA review for completeness and timeliness. within 45 days after the end of each quarter IAW CAPR 173-1 a) CAPF 173, Quarterly Internal Financial Review, must be completed para 9b(7) b) WFA will review the Quarterly Internal within 45 days after the end of each quarter. Financial Reviews for each quarter since the last b) (Determined by WFA): Wing did not include a sufficient b) CAPF 173 must include a sufficient sample. sample for the CAPF 173 IAW CAPR 173-1 para 9b(7) WFA review for proper sample size. c) CAPF 173 must be reviewed by the Finance Committee at their next c) WFA will review Finance Committee meeting c) (Determined by WFA): Wing CAPF 173 were not reviewed meeting. minutes for evidence that the Quarterly Internal by the Finance Committee IAW CAPR 173-1 para 9b(8) d) The Finance Committee review must be documented in the Finance Financial Reviews have been reviewed by the d) (Determined by WFA): Wing Finance Committee did not Committee meeting minutes. document the review of CAPF 173 in Finance Committee Finance Committee each quarter. The CAPF 173 is the wing's first defense against misappropriation. d) WFA will review Finance Committee meeting meeting minutes IAW CAPR 173-1 para 9b(8) Note: The CAPF 173 must be completed by a member of the Finance minutes for evidence that the Quarterly Internal Committee other than the Commander, FM or wing administrator. The wing Finance Committee may designate someone outside the committee, in Financial Reviews have been reviewed by the Finance Committee each quarter. writing, to perform the review as long as the designee provides a report back to the Finance Committee. The sample size for each bank account is identified in CAPR 173-1 para 9b(7) and is determined by the number of checks and/or electronic payments in each bank account for the quarter. This review is due on the 45th day after the end of the quarter and must be reviewed and approved in the next Finance Committee meeting. Review of the CAPF 173 must be documented in the Finance Committee minutes. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 a) WFA will review the approval for a sample of wing and unit expenditures in SmartVault b) WFA will review the supporting documentation for a sample of wing and unit expenditures, journal entries, and deposits in SmartVault a) ((Determined by WFA): (Question 2) Wing financial transactions were not properly approved IAW CAPR173-1 paras 6i, 9b(5), para (11), 9c(4), 18 b) ((Determined by WFA): Wing financial transactions were not properly supported with appropriate documentation IAW CAPR 173-1 paras 6i, 6j, 20c, 24, 25 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI DRAFT a) (Determined by WFA): (Question 4) Wing bank account reconciliations were not completed within 30 days of the statement date IAW CAPR 173-1 para 11p b) Wing bank account reconciliations were not signed by someone other than the preparer IAW CAPR 173-1 para 11p 4 Are bank accounts reconciled IAW CAP regulation? Verification - 100% since last WFA review a) All checking accounts must be reconciled within 30 days after the bank statement closing date. All other accounts must be reconciled when a statement is received. The detailed bank reconciliation report will be filed with the statement. QuickBooks prints the date the reconciliation was performed at the top left-hand corner of the report. b) All reconciliations must be reviewed and signed at least quarterly by a member of the Finance Committee other than the person that prepared the reconciliation. Paid employees cannot perform the reconciliations. a) WFA will review all bank account reconciliations since the last WFA review in SmartVault for completeness and timeliness. b) WFA will review all bank account reconciliations since the last WFA review in SmartVault for signatures of a Finance Committee Member other than the preparer. 5 Does the Finance Committee meet IAW CAP regulation? Verification - 100% since last WFA review a) The Finance Committee must meet at least once per quarter. b) A written record of these minutes must be saved in SmartVault. a & b) WFA will review SmartVault for Finance a) (Question 5) Wing Finance Committee did not have a Committee meeting minutes since the last WFA meeting at least once per quarter IAW CAPR 173-1 para 9b(9) review. WFA will review all minutes found for b) minutes for a Finance Committee meeting IAW CAPR 173meetings since the last WFA review. 1 para 9b(9) 6 WFA will review SmartVault for all required Are all required documents scanned and uploaded to SmartVault documents. WFA will review the documents IAW CAP regulations? Are all required documents scanned and uploaded to SmartVault (minutes, uploaded for correctness and completeness. CAPF 172, CAPF173, bank statements and recons, travel FMP, W-9s, supporting documentation with approvals for deposits, expenses and journal entries)? Verification - Typically Sampled SmartVault is the finance online document storage system. Documents required to be scanned there are: bank statements and bank reconciliations, finance committee minutes, CAPF 172, CAPF 173, CAPF 174, travel financial management procedures, W-9s, supporting documentation with approvals of all expenses, journal entries, and deposits. Other items may also be saved in SmartVault including State MOUs, grant agreements, t t Does the Wing ensure credit card compliance IAW CAP regulation? a) WFA will review a sample of credit card statements and all supporting documentation for Verification - Typically Sampled In instances of non-compliance, the responsible unit's Finance Committee compliance issues. WFA will then review how must send the cardholder a warning letter/e-mail documenting the violation the wing handled any instances of noncompliance. Cards must be deactivated or revoked after three warnings. 7 8 Does the wing complete its budgets IAW CAP regulation? Verification - 100% for current FY a) All budgets (Wing and Unit) must be balanced, meaning income equals expenses. b) The budget is due by 1 October and must be entered in QuickBooks to provide budget to actual reporting for the finance committee to review at each meeting. c) The Finance Committee must review the budget each quarter. d) Finance Committee minutes must notate the review of the budget and any proposed changes. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 (Determined by WFA): (Question 6) Wing does not have required documents uploaded to SmartVault IAW CAPR 1731 paras 6g, 6j, 6k, 9b(7), 9b(9), 9b(11), 11p (Determined by WFA): (Question 7) Wing did not formally notify cardholder of non-compliance or deactivate cards for non-compliance IAW CAPR 173-1 para 20d. a) WFA will review all wing and unit budgets a) (Determined by WFA): (Question 8) Wing or unit does not have a budget which is balanced IAW CAPR 173-1 paras for the current fiscal year to see if they are 9b(4) & 9c(9) balanced b) WFA will review all budgets for the current b) (Determined by WFA): Wing did not enter budgets into QuickBooks by 1 October IAW CAPR 173-1 paras 9b(4) & fiscal year for timeliness and the WFA will review QuickBooks to see if budgets have been 9c(9) c) (Determined by WFA): Wing finance committee did not entered. c WFA will review Finance Committee meeting review the budget quarterly IAW CAPR 173-1 paras 9b(4) & minutes for evidence that the budgets have been 9c(9). d) (Determined by WFA): Wing did not notate the review of reviewed by the Finance Committee d) WFA will review Finance Committee meeting the budget in their Finance Committee meeting minutes IAW minutes for evidence that the budgets have been CAPR 173-1 paras 9b(4) & 9c(9). reviewed by the Finance Committee Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI DRAFT 9 Does the wing provide unit financial reporting IAW CAP regulation? a) WFA will request proof that cash reports have a) (Determined by WFA): (Question 9) Wing Director of Finance did not provide each unit with a monthly cash report been sent the units monthly Verification - Typically sampled a) Unit cash reports are to be sent to the units by the Director of Finance at b) WFA will review budgets received by wing IAW CAPR 173-1 para 7c. b) (Determined by WFA): Wing did not enter all unit budgets for proof of submission date. least monthly. into QuickBooks IAW CAPR 173-1 para 9c(9). b) Unit budgets are to be submitted to wing by 1 October each fiscal year. c) WFA will request proof that unit budget to actual reports have been sent to the units at least c) (Determined by WFA): Wing Director of Finance did not These are to be entered into QuickBooks so the Director of Finance can provide each unit with quarterly budget to actual reports IAW quarterly send budget to actual reporting to units. c) Unit budget to actual reports are to be sent to the units by the Director of NOTE: Please forward documentation for all CAPR 173-1 para 7c. fund raising activities to the E1-CC Inspector to Finance at least quarterly. support fund raising question #9. 10 a) WFA will request documentation of Finance Has the wing appointed all necessary members of the Finance Committee appointment and review for Committee IAW CAP regulation? accuracy. Verification - 100% The Director of Finance and the Finance Committee are a vital part of internal controls; they provide oversight of wing and unit finances, ensure that the wing and units are in compliance with financial, regulatory and reporting requirements, and maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls over all funds. a) (Determined by WFA): (Question 10) Wing does not have a Director of Finance appointed in writing by the wing commander IAW CAPR 173-1 para 7a. b) (Determined by WFA): Wing does not have a Finance Committee appointed in writing by the wing commander IAW CAPR 173-1 para 9b. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Finance failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI D-4 - Administration CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (D4 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. . # Topic/ Detailed Question Are publications managed IAW CAP regulations? a) When publishing supplements, does the wing ensure that the content does not conflict with higher headquarters directives? b) On the anniversary date of each supplement or OI, has the OPR certified (by annotating the record copy with the name of the person making the certification and the date the certification was made) that it is still current and essential? How to verify compliance a) Wing will provide access to on-line publications or copies of wing publications for review. b) Wing will provide access to on-line publications or copies of wing publications for review 2 Are wing OIs published IAW CAP regulations? Do Wing published OIs, only apply to the wing headquarters (charter 001)? . Wing will provide access to on-line publications (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing failed to ensure or copies of wing publications for review. Operating Instructions (OI) only apply to one unit IAW CAPR 5-4 para 1g. NOTE: Use sub-bullets to identify the offending OIs. 3 Wing will provide access to on-line Forms or Are wing forms published IAW CAP regulations? If the wing publishes wing forms, is the use of each form copies of wing forms for review. NOTE: The prescribing publication for a form specified in an official wing directive publication? can be attached to the form, included in a regulation, manual, pamphlets, operating instruction or supplement. However, it must contain the following: - directs organizations and individuals to use the form - states the purpose of the form - states how to complete the form - states when to complete the form - states how to submit the form. 4 Are records filed properly IAW CAP regulations? Compliance is determined through on-site inspection. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) The Wing DA does not manage wing files and record maintenance IAW CAPR 10-2 para 1. 5 Is there a formal file plan established IAW CAP regulations? Wing will provide a copy of formal file plan documentation. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing does not have a formal file plan IAW CAPR 10-2 para 2. 6 Are cut-off instructions followed IAW CAP regulations? Compliance is determined through on-site inspection. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) There was no evidence that Wing follows cut-off instructions IAW CAPR 10-2 para 6 and Attachment 1. 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Discrepancy Write up a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to ensure supplement to CAPR XX-X did not conflict with the parent directive IAW CAPR 5-4 para 3a(1). b)(A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to ensure supplements/OIs were certified by the OPR, on the anniversary date of the supplement IAW CAPR 5-4 para 3b. by annotating the record copy with the name of the person making the certification and the date the certification was made. Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing Forms are not prescribed in an official directive publication IAW CAPR 5-4 para 6a. NOTE: Use sub-bullets to specify the forms in question. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 7 Are records destroyed properly IAW CAP regulations? Compliance is determined through on-site inspection. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) There was no evidence that Wing follows destruction instructions IAW CAPR 10-2 Attachment 1. 8 Are frequent back-ups of electronic files made IAW CAP regulations? Compliance is determined through on-site inspection or provide screen shots of on-line back up system if applicable. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing does not ensure frequent and thorough backups of electronic records to protect against possible loss of information due to fire, disaster, or storage device failure IAW CAPR 10-2 para 7b. 9 Are all administrative communications completed IAW CAP regulations? a) Formats? b) Letterhead? c) Signature block? d) E-mail? Compliance is determined through a review of (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Wing failed to ensure documentation delivered by the wing prior to the written communications meet the standards IAW CAPR 10-1 inspection and during the pre-visit interview. para 2, 3, 7, and 2a(3). NOTE: Use sub-bullets paragraph reference depends on what is done incorrectly a) Formats CAPR 10-1 para 2 b) Letterhead - CAPR 10-1 para 3 c) Signature block CAPR 10-1 para 7 d) E-mail CAPR 10-1 para 2a(3) D-4 Administration "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to forward a copy of its supplement to CAPR XX-X [OI ###] to the XXX Region Headquarters IAW CAPR 5-4 para 3a(1). (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Administration failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 12b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI D-5 - Personnel CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance“ column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. An eServices CI report will be run prior to the on-site inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection. Therefore, please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. NOTE: please provide supporting documents in PDF format (resolution 150dpi) file name format (D5 question##.pdf). Per CAPR 123-3 an "A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also, per CAPR 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each "will, shall and must" has been evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either an A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancy areas therefore, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. For standardization, the Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies and their closure directions. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area not the number of discrepancies. # 1 Topic/ Detailed Question Are wing positions updated in eServices/CAPFs 2A upon appointment by Wing CC? How to verify compliance Compliance is determined by reviewing the Duty Assignment Report from eServices and the personnel records during the on-site interview. Discrepancy Write up (A-Discrepancy): (Question 1) Duty appointments for Headquarters staff are not being accomplished in accordance with CAPR 35-1 para 1-3. NOTE: Add sub-bullets listing who/what positions were not properly appointed. 2 Compliance is determined by comparing the Are all subordinate unit organizational changes of command promptly reported to NHQ on a CAPF 27? CAPFs 27 delivered by the wing prior to the inspection with the eServices Commander listing for the wing. 3 Is NHQ advised no later than 31 March of which units should be continued and which should be discontinued? Wing will provide documentation that NHQ has (A-Discrepancy): (Question 3) NHQ was not advised, by 31 received the submission of the recommendation March, of which Wing units should be continued and which from wing on which of the wing's units should should be discontinued, IAW CAPR 20-3 para 10b. be continued and which should be discontinued. 4 Has a personnel record been established for each member of the headquarters unit (charter 001)? Compliance is determined through on-site inspection. 5 Are inactive personnel records maintained for 5 years Compliance is determined through on-site inspection. unless otherwise directed by NHQ? (A-Discrepancy): (Question 5) Inactive personnel records for Wing HQ personnel are not maintained [disposed of] IAW CAPR 39-1 para 1-8. NOTE: Use sub-bullets to give details. D-5 Administration "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): Wing did not follow the proper procedures for suspending a member(s), IAW CAPR 35-1 para 2-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): (Question 2) Wing did not submit CAPF 27 for xxx squadron change of command IAW CAPR 20-3 para 3. (A-Discrepancy): (Question 4) Personnel records for Wing HQ personnel are not maintained IAW CAPR 39-2 para 1-7. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director of Personnel failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI D-6 - Public Affairs CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance “column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. A eServices CI report will be run prior to the inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection, therefore please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. Note for items requested by the wing please provide the supporting documents in PDF (resolution 150dpi, D6 questionxx.pdf) PER 123-3 an A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also PER 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each will, shall and must was evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either and A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancies areas. Additionally, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. The Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies text and the closure directions for standardization. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area. # 1 Topic/ Detailed Question Has the Wing PAO developed an annual public relations plan to promote CAP, its goals and missions IAW CAP regulations? How to verify compliance Discrepancy Write up Wing will provide a copy of the plan for review. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing had not developed NOTE: See question 3 to ensure that the plan an annual public relations plan IAW CAPR 190-1 para 7a. was reviewed by NHQ/PA. 2 a) Review the plan to ensure all four steps were Was the public relation plan completed IAW CAP included. regulations? b) Review the evaluation. Does the public relation plan include the four step planning process for public affairs including an evaluation of the previous years goals? a) Four Step Step 1) Determine PA needs and opportunities Step 2) Establish objectives designed to fulfill needs and opportunities identified in Step 1 Step 3) Establish goals and action strategies for each objective Step 4) State the desired impact envisioned for each goal provided in Step 3. b) Is an evaluation of the previous years goals included in this step? 3 Has the wing submitted its annual public relations plan to NHQ/PA for review and input? Wing will provide a copy of documentation (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing did not send its (email) sent to Region PAO and NHQ/PA. annual public relations plan to Region/PA NHQ/PA IAW Wing will provide documentation that the CAPR 190-1 para 7a. Region PAO and the NHQ/PA has received the submission of the annual public relations plan. 4 Has the Wing PAO developed a PA Crisis Communications plan? Wing will provide a copy of the PA Crisis Communication Plan. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Inspector's Notes a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing PAO failed to follow the four step process when completing the public relations plan IAW CAPR 190-1 para 7a. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing annual PA plan did not include an evaluation of the previous year’s goals IAW CAPR 190-1 para 7a. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing did not develop a PA Crisis Communication Plan IAW CAPR 190-1 para 7a(3) Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 5 Has the Wing PAO submitted the PA Crisis Communication Plan to the National PAO and NHQ/PA for review? 6 Does the public access wing website comply with CAP Wing shall provide a link to the public access wing website. regulations? a) Did the PAO or the commander's designee(s) create the public access wing website? b) Do the PAO or the commander's designee(s) maintain the public access wing website? c) Does the PAO have authority over the content of all public access wing website pages? d) Is posted information on the public access wing website accurate and current (less than 6 months old) unless timeless in content? a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) The PAO or the commander's designee(s) have not created a public access wing website IAW CAPR 190-1 para 11a. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) The PAO or the commander's designee(s) do not maintain the public access wing website IAW CAPR 190-1 para 11a. c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) The PAO does not have authority over the content of all a public access wing website pages visible to the public IAW CAPR 190-1 para 11a. d) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing public access website has inaccurate or outdated content (6 months old that is not timeless in content) IAW 190-1 para 11a. D-6 Public Affairs "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Public Affairs Officer failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Wing will provide documentation that the Region PA and NHQ/PA have received submission of the PA Crisis Communication Plan. (A-Discrepancy) [xx] (Question 5) Wing did not submit its PA Crisis Communication Plan to the National PAO and NHQ/PA IAW CAPR 190-1 para 7a(3) Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI D-7 - Supply CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance “column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. A eServices CI report will be run prior to the inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection, therefore please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. Note for items requested by the wing please provide the supporting documents in PDF (resolution 150dpi, D7 questionxx.pdf). PER 123-3 an A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also PER 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each will, shall and must was evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either and A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancies areas. Additionally, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. The Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies text and the closure directions for standardization. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area. # Topic/ Detailed Question How to verify compliance Did the wing complete an annual inventory between 1 Verify using onsite and eServices report. October and 31 December? Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing failed to complete its annual inventory between 1 October and 31 December, IAW CAPR 174-1 para 2-16. 2 Compliance is determined through on-site Are all non-expendable items on hand accurately reflected in ORMS and do they have a property tag? inspection. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Not all wing nonexpendable property has been properly entered into the ORMS database IAW CAPR 174-1 para 2-16d(4). 3 Have items that cannot be located been recorded as “missing” in the condition field in ORMS? 4 Is issue and return of non-expendable property completed Compliance is determined through a review of records by the Supply inspector. IAW CAP regulations? Is issue and return of non-expendable property completed IAW CAPR 174-1? 5 Are Reports of Survey (ROS) properly initiated, conducted, and documented in IAW CAP regulations? Are Reports of Survey (ROS) properly initiated, conducted, and documented in IAW CAPR 174-1? 6 Are property storage areas safe, secure, and protected Compliance is determined a review of the property storage area. from the elements? 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Compliance is determined through a review of records by the Supply inspector. Compliance is determined through a review of records by the Supply inspector. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) The missing/damaged item -----------, property number XXXXXXXX, was not properly reported in the ORMS database IAW CAPR 174-1 para 216d(5). NOTE: List each occurance as a separate discrepancy. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) The transfer [issuance/receipt] of non-expendable property within the wing is not being properly documented in the ORMS database IAW CAPR 174-1 para 2-15b. NOTE: List each occurance as a separate discrepancy. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) A Report of Survey to determine the cause of the loss [damage] to a -----------, property number XXXXXXXX, was not initiated and uploaded into ORMS IAW CAPR 174-1 para 2-25 & 2-26. NOTE: List each occurance as a separate discrepancy. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing property storage area is not secure [safe/protected from the elements] IAW CAPR 174-1 para 2-18 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 7 Is the real property inventory conducted concurrently Compliance is determined through a review of with the annual physical inventory between 1 October records by the Supply inspector. and 31 December? (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing failed to include real property in its annual inventory between 1 October and 31 December IAW CAPR 174-1 para 6-10. 8 Compliance is determined through a review of Are all real property requirements accomplished records by the Supply inspector. IAW CAP requirements? a) Has the Wing CC approved all acquisition of real property by purchase, donation, lease, or other no-cost agreements? b) Is all real property documentation maintained in a file? c) Are all real property documents loaded into ORMS? d) Is there liability insurance and is it current on real property? a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing failed ensure proper approve all acquisitions of real property by purchase, donation, lease, or other no-cost agreements IAW CAPR 1741 para 6-2s. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing failed to retain all copies of commander's signed memoranda approving acquisition of real property in a secure location IAW CAPR 174-1 para 6-2b. c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) All real property documents are not loaded into ORMS IAW CAPR 174-1 para 6-9 D-7 Supply "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): [xx] The Wing had a unit(s) on a property freeze and did not notify NHQ/LG IAW CAPR 174-1 para 19e (B-Discrepancy): [xx] The Wing had commercially procured or donated items not properly identified and entered into ORMS IAW CAPR 174-1 para 2-9 and CAPR 173-4. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Director Logistics failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI D-8 - Transportation CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance “column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. A eServices CI report will be run prior to the inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection, therefore please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. Note for items requested by the wing please provide the supporting documents in PDF (resolution 150dpi, D8 questionxx.pdf) PER 123-3 an A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also PER 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each will, shall and must was evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either and A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancies areas. Additionally, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. The Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies text and the closure directions for standardization. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area. # Topic/ Detailed Question Are vehicle folders established for each vehicle? How to verify compliance Compliance is determined through on-site inspection and/or eServices. Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing does not maintain vehicle folders for its assigned vehicles, IAW CAPR 77-1 para 1-3. 2 Do the vehicle folders contain all required documentation? a) original copy of Registration b) completed CAPF 73, CAP Vehicle Inspection Guide and Usage Data, c) records of repair and maintenance expenses d) copy of insurance card unless maintained in the vehicle Compliance is determined through on-site inspection and/or eServices. NOTE: When the CAPF 73 is retained for more than 12 months D4 Question 7. The entire CAPF 73 will either be scanned into ORMS or kept on file as required. Updating only ORMS utilization data does not meet the requirement. NOTE: When the CAPF 73 was not retained see C4 Question 5. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Vehicle folders for vehicle(s) assigned to the wing do not include --------------, IAW CAPR 77-1 para 1-3a,b,c, or d. NOTE: List Vehicle# and items and CAPR reference for each item. 3 Are original vehicle titles kept in a secure location at Compliance is determined through on-site inspection and/or eServices. the region or wing headquarters? 4 Are original vehicle titles uploaded to ORMS? 1 CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Compliance is determined through on-site inspection and/or eServices. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing failed to ensure vehicle titles in a secure location IAW CAPR 77-1 para 1-4 (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing failed to ensure original titles for all vehicles were uploaded into ORMS IAW CAPR 77-1 para 1-4. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 5 Are vehicle driving privileges approved/revalidated and uploaded into Ops Quals as required? 6 Compliance is determined through on-site Prior to first use of the day, do vehicle operators perform a safety check on all corporate vehicles using inspection. CAPF 73? 7 Is POV use IAW CAP regulations? If the wing permits the use of POVs for CAP use is a written commander approval letter filed? 8 Compliance is determined through on-site Are all COVs appearance, identification, and inspection. markings maintained IAW with CAP regulation? Are all COVs appearance, identification, and markings maintained IAW with CAPR 77-1? a) Are vehicle identification numbers affixed properly? b) Are only approved decals properly located on COVs? c) If light bars are installed on COVs has the Wing CC approved in writing? d) Is manufacture recommended tire pressure stenciled on wheel hubs or on the bottom of the fender directly above the tire? 9 Is maintenance on CAP vehicles performed IAW the "- Wing will provide a copy of wing supplement a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Vehicle XXXXX's to CAPR 77-1 and documentation for preventive maintenance is not being accomplished IAW vehicle owner’s manual or CAPR regulations? determination of state law requirements for fire vehicle owner's manual or CAPR 77-1. extinguishers and first aid kits. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Vehicle XXXXx tires - ORMS will be reviewed for compliance were not maintained found not to be in safe working order - On-site inspection using inspection worksheet. IAW manufacturer recommended pressure and IAW CAP 77-1 a) compliance review on-site para 2-1 a. b) NOTE: There are no regulatory tire pressure OR tolerances. If during the inspection a vehicle tire (B-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Vehicle XXXXx tires were is found not to be in safe working order it will not maintained found not to be at proper inflations pressure be listed as an A-Discrepancy. HOWEVER, if IAW CAP 77-1 para 3-1 a. Discrepancy was closed on the the tire is not at manufactures recommended spot. pressure then have the tire pressure corrected on the spot and document as a "B-Discrepancy". CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Compliance is determined through both on-site (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Driving privileges for inspection sampling and a review of data in the vehicle operators assigned to the wing are not properly Ops Quals. approved/revalidated IAW CAPR 77-1 para 1-5b & 5d (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing failed to ensure all operators completed the CAPF 73 on COVs prior to the first use of the day in vehicle(s) xxx,xxx,xxx IAW CAPR 77-1 para 2-1a. Compliance is determined by a search of AFAM (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing members using their missions where POVs were used to determine if POVs do not obtain written unit commander approval of POV unit commander approved their use. use IAW CAPR 77-1 para 1-8a NOTE: Suggest asking C-1 Msn Mgt Inspector to look for any missions with POV usage during their review of Msn records and forward any missions to you inspector. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing COV(s) #xxxxx does not have vehicle identification numbers properly affixed IAW CAPR 77-1 para 3-5a. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Decals on vehicle XXXXX are not properly located IAW CAPR 77-1 para 3-5b. c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Light bars installed on van(s) xxxxx, xxxxx, did not have written approval of the wing CC IAW CAPR 77-2-1b. d) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing COV(s) xxxxx, xxxxx, did not have manufacturer's recommended tire pressure stenciled on wheel hubs or on the bottom of the fender directly above the tire IAW CAPR 77-1para 2-1b. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 9 Is maintenance on CAP vehicles performed IAW the c) Fire Extinguisher. - Units must determine if a fire extinguisher is vehicle owner’s manual or CAPR regulations? required by state law. - If not then it must be removed. If required then: - wing supplement to CAPR 77-1 is required - schedule for fire extinguisher inspections - fire extinguisher must be secured. c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Wing failed to ensure compliance CAP policy for fire extinguishers in vehicle(s) IAW CAPR 77-1 para 2-2j NOTE: List issues - Wing failed to determine if state laws required fire extinguishers. - Wing failed to publish CAPR 77-1 when fire extinguishers are required. - Wing failed to remove fire extinguishers from vehicles XXXXX's. - Wing failed to inspect fire extinguishers - Wing failed to secure fire extinguishers in vehicle# XXXXX's. 9 Is maintenance on CAP vehicles performed IAW the d) First Aid Kit. - Units must determine if a first aid kits is vehicle owner’s manual or CAPR regulations? required by state law. - If not then it must be removed. If required then: - wing supplement to CAPR 77-1 is required - schedule for first aid kits inspections - first aid kits must be secured. d) First Aid Kits. - Units must determine if a first aid kits is required by state law. - If not then it must be removed. If required then: - wing supplement to CAPR 77-1 is required - schedule for first aid kit inspections - first aid kits must be secured d) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Wing failed to ensure compliance CAP policy for first aid kits in vehicle(s) IAW CAPR 77-1 para 2-2k NOTE: List issues - Wing failed to determine if state laws required first aid kits - Wing failed to publish CAPR 77-1 when first aid kits are required. - Wing failed to remove first aid kits from vehicles XXXXX's. - Wing failed to inspect first aid kits - Wing failed to secure first aid kits in vehicle# XXXXX's. 10 When a corporate owned vehicle is involved in a mishap does the wing submit the required items to NHQ/LGT immediately upon completion of the mishap investigation? a) Compliance is determined through on-site inspection. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) A mishap involving vehicle XXXXX was not reported IAW CAPR 77-1 para 4-1b & c and CAPR 62-2 para 4. D-8 Transportation "B-Discrepancies" (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing members using their own POV do not complete a CAPF 73, CAP Vehicle Inspection Guide and Usage Data, prior to the first use of the day IAW CAPR 77-1 para 2-1a. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Transportation officer failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI E-1 - Commander CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance “column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. A eServices CI report will be run prior to the inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection, therefore please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. Note for items requested by the wing please provide the supporting documents in PDF (resolution 150dpi, E1 questionxx.pdf) PER 123-3 an A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also PER 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each will, shall and must was evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either and A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancies areas. Additionally, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. The Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies text and the closure directions for standardization. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area. # 1 Topic/ Detailed Question How to verify compliance Discrepancy Write up Use eServices duty assignment report, verify all (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing positions were not Are Wing positions filled and appointed correctly? filled IAW CAPR 35-1 paras 1-3 & 1-3a Are Wing positions appointed and correct in eServices? Wing director positions filled. a) Are wing director positions filled and entered correctly in eServices? 2 Is the Wing MOU with the state current and approved? Wing will provide a copy of the MOU or a copy of the email receipt from NHQ OR provide a copy of the statement of reasons for not having an MOU. 3 Are members within the Wing briefed annually on the CAP Nondiscrimination Policy? Wing will provide records maintained IAW para (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing did not ensure that 4d(4) to demonstrate compliance. members were briefed annually on the CAP Nondiscrimination Policy IAW CAPR 36-1 para 4d 4 Does the wing ensure compliance with the sexual/physical abuse policy? Has the wing had any allegations of sexual/physical abuse? If yes, a) was the member suspended? b) was wing legal officer & General Counsel or the NOC or the Chief Operating Officer consulted? If no then the unit is assumed to be in compliance Wing will provide (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing failed to follow a) suspension notice procedures regarding sexual/physical abuse reports IAW b) documentation of consultation or narrative of CAPR52-10 IAW CAPR 52-10 para 1 phone conversations 5 Is OPSEC Awareness Training completed for all ES qualified members? Cross check all ES qualified members with OPSEC training using eServices reports CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing does not have a MOU with their State that is current/approved nor a statement of reason on file in lieu of the MOU IAW CAPR 111-2 para 3a(2) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing failed to ensure all ES qualified members had completed OPSEC Awareness Training IAW CAPR 30-3 para 1-35 Previous Editions will Not Be Used PR:IGI 6 Have all active senior members completed the Equal Cross check eServices all members in the wing Sort report for all members in CAP for >6 Opportunity Training? months using eServices report listing 7 Are mishaps handled IAW CAP regulations? Has the wing had any mishaps? If yes a) Did the CC appoint a mishap review officer or chairman of a review board? b) Was the mishap reported within 48 hours of occurring? 8 Has the Wing/CC completed the online Basic, Senior eServices Report and Master safety Courses and associated tests? 9 Does the wing commander approve all fundraising events within the wing? Wing will provide documentation of approval of (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) The Wing CC did not all fundraising. provide written approval of all subordinate unit fundraising NOTE: Contact WFA and request events IAW CAPR 173-4 para 3a. documentation of all fundraising activities. 10 Are SUIs accomplished IAW CAP regulations? In review of the wing's SUIs did you take appropriate action on any subordinate unit that received an overall grade of "Unsatisfactory" or received an Unsatisfactory grade in a specific key area? a) If any subordinate unit received an overall Unsatisfactory grade was it re-inspected within 180 days of the original inspection? b) If a subordinate unit was graded Unsatisfactory in Safety , were the unit flying/vehicle activities suspended and the unit's safety function(s) re-inspected within 30 to 60 days of the original inspection? c) If a subordinate unit was graded Unsatisfactory in Finance, did the wing CC take action in accordance with the guidance in the governing CAP 173 series regulations? d) Were required property recovery/report of survey procedures completed if significant equipment/property accountability issues were identified? a) Review SUIs of subordinate unit receiving an overall UnSat b) Review suspension letter and re-inspection report c) Review actions taken by CC d) Review RoS(s) in ORMS CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 a) Show documentation of appointment letter. b) Review SMS system Management Mishaps (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing failed to have all active senior members complete the Equal Opportunity Training IAW CAPR 36-1 para 5e a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing did not follow procedures for reviewing accidents or incidents IAW CAPR 62-2 para 5c1 b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing did not complete the online notification within 48 hours of the mishap IAW CAPR 62-2 para 4d (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) The CC did not complete the online Basic, Senior and Master safety Courses and associated tests within 180 days of appointment IAW CAPR 62-1 para 3c1. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) Wing did not complete a re-inspection within 180 days of any subordinate unit(s) that received an overall grade of Unsatisfactory IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12n. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) Wing did not complete a re-inspection of the Safety function within 30-60 days of subordinate unit(s) that received an Unsatisfactory rating in Safety IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12n(1). c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) Wing did not follow guidance of the governing CAP 173 series regulations of any subordinate unit receiving an UnSat grade in Finance IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12n(2). d) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) Wing did not follow procedures when significant equipment/property accountability issues were identified IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12n(3). Previous Editions will Not Be Used PR:IGI e) Was a property freeze imposed on any subordinate unit e) Provide documentation of Freeze notice e) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) Wing failed to place a that received a Marginal or Unsatisfactory grade in property freeze on any subordinate unit(s) receiving an UnSat f) NOTE Based on E3, the wing provides a supply or communications, due to property management completed SUI analysis tool. Review the data to grade in Supply or Comm IAW CAPR 174-1 para 1-9d. issues? f) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) Subordinate unit ensure that all units were inspected prior to XXXX exceeded the 27/39 month limit for accomplishing f) If a subordinate unit exceeded either the 27 (pending exceeding 27/39 month limit. If a unit did SUIs without being prohibited from participating in CAP exceed the limit was it prohibited from 123-3 release) or 39 month limit for accomplishing activities IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12b and para 1. participating in any activities or was a waiver SUIs was the unit prohibited from participating in any f) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 10) Subordinate unit CAP activities (including weekly meetings) without the obtained. g) NOTE Based on E3, the wing provides a XXXX exceeded the 27/39 month limit for accomplishing necessary waiver? g) If a subordinate unit inspection was determined to completed SUI analysis tool. Review the data SUIs without being prohibited from participating in CAP activities IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12b and para 1. (Pending be invalid before the time limit expired was the unit to ensure that all SUIs were valid. If a unit prohibited from participating in any CAP activities did exceed the limit without a valid SUI was it 123-3 release) prohibited from participating in any activities (including weekly meetings) without the necessary or was a waiver obtained. waiver? (Pending 123-3 release) Review of eServices for CD qualification and updated personnel alert roster in WMIRS. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 11) Wing has a CD program however the CC is not CD qualified IAW CAPR 60-6 para 1-5e. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 11) Wing has not updated the personnel alert roster IAW CAPR 60-6 para 1-5e(1). 11 Does the wing ensure the CD program is maintained IAW CAP regulations? Does the wing have a CD program? If Yes: a) Is the Wing/CC CD qualified? b) Have you updated the personnel alert roster in WMIRS? 12 Does the CC ensure at least two "approved" Seniors Wing will provide staff rosters for all overnight (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 12) Wing did not ensure at least two "approved" Seniors were present at all overnight members are present at all overnight Cadet activities? activities within the past year. Cadet activities, IAW CAPR 52-10 para 4d 13 Are all CI discrepancies, checklist, unit details, data and other “deliverables,” IAW CAP regulations? a) Are all previous CI discrepancies closed as required? b) Are all checklist, unit details, data, other “deliverables” provided in accordance with requirements? c) Were the Wing Directors and Commander available for CI completion in accordance with requirements? E-1 Commander "B-Discrepancies" a) Review of DTS for wing previous CI discrepancies closed as required. b) Review of all checklist, unit details, data, other “deliverables” provided. c) Determined by the CI team based on CI a) (A- Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 13) Wing did not correct previous CI discrepancies within 14 months IAW CAPR 1233 para 10b(1) b) (A- Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 13) Wing did not provide all checklist, unit details, data, other “deliverables” provided IAW CAPR 123-3 para 7a(6) c) (A- Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 13) Wing Directors/Commander was not available for the CI IAW CAPR 123-3 para 7a(7) (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing failed to ensure that all members, individually and collectively, presented a professional, wellgroomed appearance IAW CAPM 39-1 para 1-2. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing commander failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used PR:IGI E-2 - Safety CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance “column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. A eServices CI report will be run prior to the inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection, therefore please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. Note for items requested by the wing please provide the supporting documents in PDF (resolution 150dpi, E1 questionxx.pdf) PER 123-3 an A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also PER 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each will, shall and must was evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either and A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancies areas. Additionally, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. The Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies text and the closure directions for standardization. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area. # 1 2 Topic/ Detailed Question Did the SE complete/re-complete the on-line Technician Lesson and Exam within 90 days of appointment? How to verify compliance Compare eServices appointment date with completion of on-line Technician Lesson and Exam (Individual Safety Training Record). NOTE: For individuals who completed the Course before it was in electronic format they should reaccomplish the new version or if someone has never completed the training. Discrepancy Write up Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing SE did not complete Technician Lesson and Exam after assignment as Wing SE IAW CAPR 62-1 para 3d(15). Have the Wing Headquarters and all subordinate units completed an on-line annual Safety Survey IAW CAP regulations? a) Have the Wing Headquarters and all subordinate units completed an on-line annual Safety Survey between 1 October and 31 January for the preceding fiscal year? b) Does commander at the next higher echelon, or designee review and comment on the surveys of their subordinate units? a) Check eServices (SMS) for completion date of Safety Survey. b) Check eServices (SMS) for commander's approval of Safety Survey. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Headquarters or subordinate units did not complete an on-line annual Safety Survey as required in the preceding fiscal year IAW CAPR 621 para 6c. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] The commander at the next higher echelon, or designee did not review and comment on the surveys of their subordinate units IAW CAPR 62-1 para 6c. NOTE: List out units CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI Use snapshot evaluation. Before in brief at CI/SAV/SUI team will check SMS currency report for all wing/sui participants. Verify that every individual on the sign-in roster for inspection is safety current. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing commander did not ensure that all wing members only participate in CAP activities when they are compliant with the safety education requirements IAW CAPR 62-1, para 4 3 Does the wing ensure all wing members only participate in CAP activities when they are compliant with the safety education requirements? Does the wing commander ensure all members within their command do not participate in any CAP activities unless they are compliant with the safety education requirements described in CAPR 62-1 paragraph 4, Safety Education Requirements? 4 Verification - 50 day eServices report will Have all wing HQ members completed the introductory safety education module, Introduction to include 'Intro to CAP Safety' Report in SMS 'Reports' section. Verify that all wing and CAP Safety ? subordinate unit members have completed training that were listed in the 50 day report. Don't consider new adds since they are not covered by the requirement. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) ## members of Wing have not completed the introductory safety education module, Introduction to CAP Safety IAW CAPR 62-1 para 4h. 5 Is an annual Safety Day held in all active units during Check eServices (SMS) Safety Day/ORM Report. the months of January, February, or March each year? (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing did not complete annual Safety Day IAW CAPR 62-1 para 4l. 6 Does the SE visit subordinate units to assist them in identifying and solving safety concerns? 7 Check recent hazard reports and the action taken (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing did not use the onIs the on-line CAP Hazard Report, used to suggest line CAP Hazard Report system to suggest ways to reduce ways to reduce operational risk to members and does in the journal notes. If there are no hazard reports, have the SE describe/demonstrate the operational risk or report all hazards IAW CAPR 62-1 para 6b. the Wing close the loop on all reported hazards? methods for hazard reporting. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Provide a copy of safety schedule of events for last year. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing SE did not contact any subordinate units to assist in identifying and solving safety concerns IAW CAPR 62-1 para 3d(9). Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 8 Have internal mishap reporting procedures been established and published in a letter or supplement to CAPR 62-2? a) Have internal mishap reporting procedures been established and published in a letter or supplement to CAPR 62-2? b) Does this procedure provide prompt notification of the wing commander and safety officer of all mishaps within the wing? 9 (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 9) Not all mishaps, arising Are all mishaps, as defined in CAPR 62-2, arising out Compare vehicle and aircraft maintenance records for damage with SE mishap reports for out of CAP activities, were reported online IAW CAPR 62-2 of CAP activities reported IAW CAP regulations? the wing for the last four years and verify that all para 4. mishaps were reported on line. E-2 Safety "B-Discrepancies" a) Verify that the Wing established and published internal reporting procedures. b) Verify that it meets the intent of CAPR 62-2 para 3. a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing did not establish and publish mishap reporting procedures in a letter or supplement to CAPR 62-2 IAW CAPR 62-2 para 3. b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing supplement or letter did not meet the requirements of CAPR 62-2 para 3. (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Wing SE did not complete within 90 days of appointment IAW CAPR 62-1 para 3d(15). NOTE: Usually closed during inspection (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Safety Officer failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI E-3 - Inspector General CAP Knowledgebase General Instructions: Wings will review the table to determine if they are compliant. Based on your answers; complete the Y/N checklist at the bottom of this document. Return the checklist along with required documents listed in the “How to verify compliance “column of the table below and in accordance with directions in Wing CI notification letter. A eServices CI report will be run prior to the inspection and will be the basis for much of the inspection, therefore please ensure the data in eServices is accurate. Note for items requested by the wing please provide the supporting documents in PDF (resolution 150dpi, E3 questionxx.pdf) PER 123-3 an A-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that results or could result in significant MISSION IMPACT or widespread mission impact or failure. Also PER 123-3 a “B-Discrepancy” is any deficiency that is a violation of a CAP directive that is procedurally incorrect, but has less significant mission impact than an A-Discrepancy. These definitions remain unchanged, however, each will, shall and must was evaluated using these definitions in cooperation with NHQ OPRS and labeled either and A or B discrepancy. The CI questions address only "A" discrepancies areas. Additionally, only "A" discrepancies affect compliance ratings. Procedural discrepancies are often uncovered in the Course of a CI but are not the focus of a CI. The Knowledgebase list these "B" discrepancies text and the closure directions for standardization. The overall ratings are driven by both the results of the compliance questions and the rating for each mission area. # 1 Topic/ Detailed Question Has the Wing IG completed IG college? How to verify compliance Discrepancy Write up Provide copy of screen shot of from eServices (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 1) Wing IG has not showing IG College completion or a copy of the completed IG College IAW CAPR 123-1 para 10b waiver. 2 Has the Wing IG completed IG Basic Course prior to Provide copy of screen shot from eServices showing IG Basic Course completion. being assigned as the Wing IG? 3 Has the Wing and Wing Assistant IG completed IG Senior Course IAW CAP regulations? Provide copy of screen shot from eServices showing completion IG Senior Course. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 3) Wing/ Wing Assistant IG has not completed IG Senior Course IAW CAPR 123-1 para 10c 4 Has the Wing Assistant IG completed IG Basic Course? Provide copy of screen shot from eServices showing completion of IG Basic Course. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 4) Wing Assistant IG has not completed IG Basic Course IAW CAPR 123-1 para 10b. 5 Have Wing and Assistant IGs completed annual refresher training? Provide copy of screen shot from eServices (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 5) Wing IG and Wing showing completion of annual refresher training. Assistant IG have not completed annual refresher training IAW CAPR 123-1 para 10e. 6 Is the Wing IG billeted IAW CAP regulations? Is the Wing IG double billeted? Review eServices CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 Inspector's Notes (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 2) Wing IG has not completed IG Basic Course prior to being assigned as Wing IG IAW CAPR 123-1 para 10b (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 6) Wing IG is double billeted IAW CAPR 123-1 para 6g Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 7 Are ECIM case files maintained in accordance with A sample of ECIM cases will be reviewed CAP regulations? ECIM CASE FILE Sample check (based on sampling) for the following documents in ECIM FILE SAMPLED, NOT a check of document quality NOTE: all sub steps required for each file for overall YES a) Does each case contain the original complaint (i.e. CAPF 30 but not a requirement)? (Y/N) b) Was the complaint acknowledgement sent? c) Does the file contain a written complaint analysis? In case note or as attachment(Y/N) d) If an investigation, was the IO qualified? (Y/N) e) If an investigation, was there a proper Appointment Letter?(Y/N) f) If an investigation, was there a signed statement by the Legal Officer?(Y/N) g) Did the file contain a closure letter? (Y/N) h) If an investigation, was there a report of investigation? (Y/N) 8 Is wing SUI program maintained in accordance with CAP regulations? SUI ANALYSIS a) Have all units been inspected within a maximum of 39 months? b) For any subordinate unit exceeding 39 months (or 27 months if unit self inspections are not being accomplished) has a waiver been obtained? c) Were SUI inspections performed with qualified inspectors? d) Were SUI inspections conducted with at least 2 qualified inspectors? e) Were all applicable TAB areas inspected during SUI f) Was any unit graded Unsatisfactory which did not receive a re-inspection? g) If any subordinate Unit received a grade of unsatisfactory in Safety was the assigned or on loan aircraft grounded and or vehicle activities suspended until another SUI for safety was re-accomplished? CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 all) All SUI data will be loaded into SUI analysis worksheet b) For any subordinate unit exceeding 27 / 39 months provide a copy of waiver c&d) Provide listing of qualified SUI team inspectors from eServices Member reports: IG Course Completion as well as a report for mission qualified pilot/CD qualified mission pilot qualifications e) Review sampling of SUIs taken from eServices Review SUIs and commanders dash board for IG f&g) Review SUIs' grounding safety letter if applicable and the reaccomplish SUI Safety report all) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 7) Wing ECIM case files are not maintained IAW CAPR 123-2 para 7 and 8 a) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing subordinate unit exceeded 39 month limit for SUI IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12b b) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Subordinate unit exceeding 27/39 months did not obtain a waiver IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12b (27 PENDING 123-3 release) c) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) SUI were not preformed with qualified inspectors IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12e d) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) SUI inspections were not conducted with at least 2 qualified inspectors IAW CAPR 123-3 paras 8e(2) and 8e(3) e) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) All applicable TAB areas were not inspected during SUI IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12e(1) f) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Subordinate unit graded unsatisfactory did not receive a re-inspection IAW CAPR 1233 para 12n g) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Subordinate unit received a grade of unsatisfactory in Safety but the unit aircraft were not grounded and/or vehicle activities were not suspended IAW CAPR 123-1 para 12n(1) Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI 8 h) Are last two SUIs for each unit loaded in eServices? i) Were The unit’s flying program (if applicable) and ground safety programs inspected? j) Were the unit’s flying records to include the unit’s pilot records inspected if applicable? k) Were the unit’s flight release procedures inspected if applicable? l) Were maintenance records and general condition of CAP aircraft inspected if applicable? E-3 Inspector General "B-Discrepancies" CI Knowledgebase, FEB 14 h) Review eServices IG portal SUIs' for wing, verify each unit has most recent SUIs' loaded i) Review SUI for evidence of inspection of the unit’s flying (if applicable) and ground safety programs inspected? j) Review SUI for evidence of inspection of the unit’s flying records to include the unit’s pilot records inspected if applicable? k) Review SUI for evidence of inspection of the unit’s flight release procedures inspected if applicable? l) Review SUI for evidence of inspection of the maintenance records and general condition of CAP aircraft? h) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) All SUIs were not loaded in eServices IAW CAPR 123-3 para 12 PENDING 123-3 release i) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing failed to ensure SUI inspected unit’s flying/ground safety programs were inspected IAW CAPR 123-3 para 10h(1)? j) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing failed to ensure SUI inspected unit’s flying records to include the unit’s pilot records were inspected IAW CAPR 123-3 para 10h(2)? k) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing failed to ensure SUI inspected flight release procedures inspected (if applicable) were inspected IAW CAPR 123-3 para 10h3)? l) (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (Question 8) Wing failed to ensure SUI inspected flight release procedures inspected (if applicable) were inspected IAW CAPR123-3 para 10h4)? (B-Discrepancy): [xx] Inspector General failed to enroll in the appropriate specialty track of the CAP Professional Development Program IAW CAPR 35-1 para 1-2b. Previous Editions will Not Be Used OPR:IGI
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