How to learn Japanese with GT-5200 GLOBAL TALKER WordPod GT-5200 Oxford/Bonjinsha Basic Japanese-English Dictionary Oxford Japanese-English Dictionary Oxford English-Japanese Dictionary Oxford American Dictionary Obunsya's Comprehensive English-Japanese Dictionary COMET Japanese-Chinese Dictionary COMET Chinese-Japanese Dictionary 12 Language Dictionary (JPN/ENG/CHI/KOR/SPA/POR/RUS/IND/MAL/THA/VIE/TAG) TOKO TRADING Co., Ltd. -1- How to change operation language to English 1. Push “Power switch “, then display Japanese menu ( in default setting ). 2. Select 「設定」→「設定言語」(using “←↑↓→” key) and push Enter (決定) key. 3. Select 「英語」 using “↓” key.. 4. Push Enter (決定) key, then change to English menu. -2- Basic Japanese-English Dictionary You can learn various common Japanese conversations and phrases only by looking up a word among of approx. 3,000 entries. GT-5200 speaks entire Japanese not only the sample phrases, but also explanations, meanings, related words and antonym with native voice. You can record your pronunciation after hearing the native voice. You may confirm and check your pronunciation comparing with GT-5200's native voice. Moreover, all Romanization (Romaji description) will help you to pronounce Japanese. Study of the basic sentence pattern To enter the key word (red ink) lets you find a sample phrases of your required sentence pattern. 名詞文 こ・そ・あ・ど文 動詞文-1 動詞文-2 動詞文-3 形容詞文 : : : : : : 存在文 ~は~が文 比較文 授受文 て型文-1 て型文-2 現 ない型文 た型文 現 禁止・許可文 可能動詞文 自動詞・他動詞 意向型文 条件文 様態文 推量文 行為の授受 理由・変化 使役文 敬語文 : : : : : : です 例文:私は学生です。等 これ・それ・あれ・どれ(どの) ます 例文:彼は工場で働きます。等 ます 例文:私はパンを食べます。等(目的語がある) 行く・来る・帰る 例文:朝9時に会社へ行きます。等(移動動詞) 大きい・小さい・高い等 (い形容詞) きれいな・元気な・親切な(な形容詞) ある・いる 例文:中村さんの家には犬がいます。等 は・が 例文:日本は地震が多いです。等 より・もっとも・ほど・いちばん あげる・もらう・くれる 行って、して等 依頼表現・連続する動作の表現・動作の順序の表現 ~ています。 動作の継続・進行・存続・状態・習慣・経験・完了を表 : ~ない(否定) 本をみないで、もう一度言ってください。 : ~た 過去・動作の前後関係・状態の継続・並列(たり)を表 : ~いい・いけない : れる・できる :自動詞を(動詞-II) 他動詞を(動詞-I)で区別 : つもり・よう : たら・なら・ば・と・のに : よう・そう : よう・らしい : あげる・もらう・くれる・いただく : ので・ため・て : せる : お・あがる・まいる・ございます -3- Let's, for instance, check 「た型文」 with GT-5200. 1. Select “基礎日本語学習辞典 / Bonjinsha Jpn-Eng Dict” at Dictionary Menu. 2. Enter 「た(ta)」 and push “決定(Enter)” key. 3. Select ”た(助詞)”and push ”決定(Enter)” key. 4. Description of the dictionary will be appeared on the screen. 5. Scroll down the screen using “↓” key. -4- You can read the description from the top to the bottom as the followings : a. Romaji description of “た” and part of speech ⇒ -ta (auxil) b. Explanation by English ⇒ a verb ending expressing ……. c. 1st meaning and use of “た” by Japanese and English ⇒ 1.[過去・経験・回想などを表す] 1.[expresses action in the past, an experience, a recollection, etc] d. 1st Japanese sample phrase meeting with the above meaning / use with Romaji ⇒ 「あなたは昨日新宿へ行きましたか。」(Anata wa kino Shinjuku e ikimashita ka?) 「はい、行きました。」(Hai, ikimashita.) e. The English sample phrase of the above ⇒ “Did you go to Shinjuku yesterday?” “Yes, I did.” f. 2nd & 3rd sample phrases of 1st meaning and use will follow. g.The rest 5(five) meanings/uses of “た” and sample phrases will follow as the below: 2.[完了を表す] 2.[expresses completed action] 3.[期待したり予想したりしたことなどが実際に起こっ たことを表す] 3. [used when something one has been expecting or waiting for actually happens] -5- 4.[忘れたことを思い出したり不確かなことを確かめる とき言う] 4.[used when remembering something one has forgotten or when confirming something one is unsure about] 5.[ものごとの性質や状態を表す] 5.[used to express the nature or state of something] 6.[条件を表す] 6.[used to express some stipulation] 6. If there is a special use and/or remarks, the explanation will come out after the mark of *. Ex.:the sample phrase of 4th meaning/use 「上田さんはあしたフランスへ行くんでしたね。」 (Ueda san wa ashitaFuransu e iku n deshita ne.) Wasn’t [Miss] Ueda going to leave for France tomorrow? *動作などを表す動詞の場合は「動詞(連体の形) +の(ん)でした。(no[n] desita)」の形になる。 *In the case of verb expressing an action, etc., the pattern “verb (dictionary form) + no [n] deshita” is used. -6- 7.If there are sample vocabularies, they will be shown after its meang/use. Ex:Just after 5th meaning/use(ものごとの性質や状態/used to express the nature or state of something) ⇒ 太った人(futotta hito)とがった鉛筆(togatta enpitsu) 黒板 にかいた絵(kokuban ni kaita e)砂糖を入れたコー ヒー (sato o ireta kohi) A fat person // a sharpened pencikl // a picture drawn on the blackboard // coffee sweetened with sugar 8.Synonym (→) Anonym (⇒) will be displayed at the end Ex:→たら All of these meaning, use, explanation, sample phrase, synonym and anonym are able to be spoken by GT-5200. And GT-5200 can recorded your own pronunciation and play back. GT-5200 offers you reading, listening and speaking practice! *Speak and record whole words, sentences (blue ink) on the screen. Points of Learning! 1. You can easily review today’s lesson by entering key words, which you had learned. You may find out the teacher’s explanation and his pronunciation in GT-5200. 2. You may listen repeatedly pronunciations for your complete understanding. Moreover, you can change the speaking speed for meeting with your listening ability. 3. 3-way practice- Reading, Listening & Speaking -7- Listening Practice with GT-5200 Ex. It is cool here in summer but warm in winter. ここは夏は涼しくて、冬は暖かいです。 (Koko wa natsu wa suzushikute, fuyu wa atatakai desu) Let’s try to listen the native voice of GT-5200, using the below sentence. 1. This sentence is listed in the 2nd meaning/use (“indicated that items are in opposition to each other/ 前のことがらとあとのことがらが対比の関係にあること を表す。“) of the entry of “て/te”. 2. Make GT-5200 to speak slowly, setting at 2nd speed rate ( using Enter (決定) key ). 3. If you can understand, let try to set the speed rate to 3rd and 4th grade. 4. Try to listen repeatedly in order to be accustomed to hear Japanese. Now, let’s check your own pronunciation. -8- 5. Record your pronunciation just after hearing the native speaking by pushing “Record” key. 6. GT-5200 automatically plays back the native speaking and your voice after finishing recording. Point of Learning! 1. Make GT-5200 to speak the sample phrases repeatedly and try to speak yourself also. 2. Try to think the meaning of the Japanese sample phrase by concealing the English phrase. 3. People who does not know English can study not only Japanese, but also English. -9- Highlight Function (cross searching) Ex. It is cool here in summer but warm in winter. ここは夏は涼しくて、冬は暖かいです。 (Koko wa natsu wa suzushikute, fuyu wa atatakai desu) Highligh(フォーカス) function offers the search in reverse under the paraphrase interface. You may check a word from the present dictionary to the others immediately by using this function. Select “ 暖かい” and push “Enter (決定) ” key. The screen shows : Bonjinsha Jpn-Eng Dict Oxford Jpn-Eng Dict Comet Jpn-Chi dict You choose a dictionary among of the above for checking, and push “Enter” key. Here, we choose Oxford Jpn-Eng Dict . - 10 - The screen shows as ; あたたかい・暖かい・温かい adjective ・=warm ---------------------------------------the first Chinese character is used when referring to the weather and air temperature while the second is used for warm to the touch If you push “Speak (発音)” key, GT-5200 will speak “あたたかい(atatakai)”. *Remark: A word which you intend to cross search must be the dictionary form. Learning Points ! 1. Use this function when you would have a unknown word in a sample phrase and/or you would wish to check synonym and anonym. 2. It is useful for those people whose mother language is Chinese to checking a word by the Comet Jpn-Chi Dictionary. - 11 - Oxford Beginner’s Japanese Dic. (JPN-ENG) This dictionary describes many of conjugation (verb, noun → adjective → adverb) and difference of uses of Japanese. This dictionary is edited for the people who just started to learn Japanese. Study the conjugation of verb Let’s input several verbs. 1. Input “する”(do). 2. The screen shows the conjugation as 「して・しな い・します」. 3. Use the highlight (フォーカス) function and select して・しない・します. 4. Then push the “Speak (発音)” key. 5. GT-5200 will speak this conjugation. 6. Pushing “Record” key allows you to record your pronunciation after listening the native voice. - 12 - 1. Input “くる”(come). 2. The screen shows the conjugation as 「きて・こな い・きます」. 3. Use the highlight(フォーカス) function and select きて・こない・きます. 4. Then push the “Speak (発音)” key. 5. GT-5200 will speak this conjugation. 6. Pushing “Record” key allows you to record your pronunciation after listening the native voice. - 13 - Study the conjugation of noun→adjective→adverb If you input several nouns as 明らか(clear)、安全(safety)、異常(abnormality)、いっぱい(full)、余分 (additional)、突然(sudden)、本当(truth)、的確(accurate)、実際((fact)、完全((complete)、etc, GT5200 will display the conjugations converting to adjective and adverb.Input “明らか”(clear), the screen shows as ; あきらか・明らか 1.adjective あきらか(な) = clear 2.adverb あきらかに = clearly You may understand “adjective = noun+な、 adverb = noun+に”. You can listen the native pronunciation and also can record your voice by GT-5200. Learn the homonym of noun & verb Japanese has so many homonyms like as たつ、いる、おくる、おさめる、 おる、 かく、 かわく、 つく、 つぐ、 ぶん etc. . It is helpful for understanding of homonym to refer the English translations. Ex:Input “たつ(tatsu)” Screen shows four different word with Kanji(Chinese characters) たつ・発つ たつ・経つ たつ・絶つ たつ・立つ Each English meanings are as the follow: たつ・発つ = to depart - 14 - たつ・経つ = to pass たつ・絶つ = to cut off たつ・立つ = to stand, to rise Using the Highlight (フォーカス) function makes you to check English word by Japanese and/or Japanese word by Chinese. Let’s confirm English word by Japanese. Select “depart” of たつ・発つ= to depart by pushing →key and push “Enter(決定)” key. The screen shows the name of dictionaries which can be used for cross search. Obunsha Eng-Jpn Dict Oxford English Dict - 15 - Select Obunsha Eng-Jpn Dict and push “Enter” key. The Japanese meanings of “depart” will appear on the screen. *de-part 1.出発する、発つ、発車 する、(start)(⇔arrive), 去る・・・・・・ Let’s check the Chinese meanings also. As above, select 出発 by pushing → & “Highlight” (フォーカス) keys. The screen will show the name of dictionaries which can be used for cross search. Bonjinsha Jpn-Eng Dict Oxford Jpn-Eng Dict Comet Jpn-Eng Dict Select Comet Jpn-Eng Dict and “Enter (決定)”. GT-5200 will display the Chinese meanings of “出発“ Learning Point ! 1. Use this dictionary for preparation and review. - 16 - Oxford Beginner’s Japanese Dic. (ENG-JPN) The dictionary has aprrox. 1,500 sample phrases You can practice basic Japanese phrases by looking up English entries. Let’s speak Japanese by searching headwords. Ex: with The screen shows the following after input of “With” ; With preposition ・=use particle と To go on holiday with friends = ともだちと りょこう する・友達 と 旅行する I’m living with my parents = りょうしんと すんでいます ・両親と 住んでいます ・(when describing) A girl with black hair = くろい かみのおんなの こ ・黒い髪の 女の 子 The boy with the long legs = あしが ながい おとこの こ ・足が 長い 男の 子 My clothes were covered with mud = ふくは どろ だらけでした ・服は 泥 だらけでした。 She’s married with two children = かのじょは けっこんして こどもが ふたり います。 ・彼女は 結婚して 子供が 二人 います。 - 17 - 1. GT-5200 displays two type of Japanese, one is written by Hiragana only, the other written by Hiragana and Kanji (Chinese characters). There are a space among of words and/or short phrases. You may try to study pronunciation of Kanji (Chinese characters), comparing with Hiragana & Kanji description. 2. Using → key, select Japanese phrases. For instance, select 「友達と 旅行する 」 and push ”Speak” key. GT-5200 will speak this phrase by native voice. 3. Then, push “Record” key. You can record your own voice after listen of native voice. Learning Point ! Put stress on the practice of Japanese pronunciation and reading of Kanji ( Chinese character ). - 18 - Other Dictionaries 1. Comet Chi-Jpn & Jpn-Chi dictionaries Comet Japanese-Chinese Dictionary and ChineseJapanese Dictionary contain each approx. 40,000 entries. GT-5200 speaks all entries by native Japanese and Chinese voice. People who speak Chinese may use these two as auxiliary dictionary. GT-5200 provides several input methods of Chinese in order to be used by only Chinese, but also Taiwanese. 2.Obunsha’s Comprehensive Eng-Jpn Dictionary The dictionary has approx. 135,000 entries. You can listen pronunciations for all of entries. People who speak English may use this dictionary as auxiliary dictionary. - 19 - Use 12 Language Translator Twelve(12) languages translator function consists of two sections as words & conversation. You can translate from any language to any others among of English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Indonesian, Thai, Vietnam, Malay, Tagalog, Japanese. Translate words GT-5200 has approx. 28,000 entries per language. Let’s input your mother language and translate to Japanese. Ex : Indonesian Input word = terima kasih Translate to English ⇒ thank Push function key of ENG ⇒ Speak English Push “Speak (発音)” key ⇒ Speak Indonesian Push function key of Record ⇒ Record your pronunciation The screen display “ 1/21” at bottom line. This means there are 21 meanings and/or phrases in relate with “terima kasih” If you push “→” key, you may check by screen. Learning Point! People whose mother language is not English and Chinese are able to use this translator function as a simple dictionary from his mother language. Please be noted that GT-5200 translate to the basic meaning only. - 20 - Practice listening and pronunciation by Conversation section GT-5200 has approx. 3,300 sample phrases per language. You may practice to read and listen referring with the phrase handbook written by Japanese. All sample phrases are divided in 16 main categories and 170 sub categories. For instance, the main category of “Communication” consists of 14 sub categories, as “phrases”, “Gratitude”, “Apology”, “Asking again” etc. All sample phrases can be translated to any of other languages. Ex: Tagalog Main categories will be displayed as the following: PAKIKIPAGTALASTASAN TULUYAN MGA PAGKAIN > MAMAMASYAL SASAKYAN ALIWAN MAMIMILI GIGLANG PANGANGAILANGA TELEPONO/KOREO USAPANG PANG-KOMERSIYO SALIGAN PANGKALAHATANG KAALAM PAMUMUHAY PAGKAIN TAO LARO Here, we select MAMAMASYAL (Sightseeing) and push “Enter” key. The screen shows the following sub categories ; Aakus bg babsa Sa eroplano > Papasok sa Isang Bansa Impormasyong panturista Pagliliwaliw/Pamamasyal Nagpapalit ng Pera Pagkuha ng larawan Pagkuha ng Bagahe Customs - 21 - Then we select Papasok sa Isang Bansa (Entering a country) and push “Enter” key. The screen displays the first sample phrase. ・Saan ko puwedeng kuhanin ang aking bagahe? ・Where can I pick up my luggage? GT-5200 is set English as 1st translated language. Use the function key of “LANG” and change to Japanese. ・Saan ko puwedeng kuhanin ang aking bagahe? ・どこで荷物を受け取るのですか。 You can listen Japanese pronunciation by pushing the function key of “JPN” And you may record your pronunciation by pushing the function key of “Record” . Moreover, you can change the speed of pronunciation for meeting with ability. - 22 - Let’s use Highlight(フォーカス) Function When you would have a word in sample phrases which you don’t understand well or wish to check more details, the highlight function allows you to check the word by other dictionaries. ・ Saan ko puwedeng kuhanin ang aking bagahe? ・ どこで荷物を受け取るのですか。 Select 荷物 by use of the highlight function and push “Enter(決定)” key. The screen will shows as : Bonjinsha Jpn-Eng Dict Oxford Jpn-Eng Dict Comet Jpn-Chi Dict Select Oxford Jpn-Eng Dict and push “Enter(決定)” key. GT-5200 will display the details of Oxford Jpn-Eng Dictionary. Let’s make your own dictionary using the Favorites & User Dictionary function Let’s register any words, which shall be studied for a examination and/or are used frequently at your daily life. Please study at commuting to school or job. - 23 -
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