, FEBRUARY id, TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON ?AGE THREE Rahway Girl Weds United' Cktitthwoni&m PlanFathers9 Night In Rornatiiic Operetta Role Woodbridge Man F&r World Day of Prayer Observed by PTA Hostess Aid Scjifad Mrs.AtKovacs Wedding Shower Installs Officers AVBNEL — Mrs. Stephen K6- vacs, Rajiway and Mrs. Harold can Indians, migrant workers and ISELIN — Tentative plans to Moffit, were hostesses a t a shower ISELIN — At a meeting of Iselin low - income farm communities enlarge its headquarters on the held last Thursday evening in will benefit. Christian universities School 15, P.T.A., February 18, a Moffit's home, 411 Alden throughout the world will also be combined program was held for Lincoln Highway were made a t a Mrs. Road, in honor of the former Miss Founders Day and Fathers Night. aided. meeting of t h e Iselin First Aid Laura Lee Lane, 407 Alderi Road, After a short business session Squad. wfao became the bride of Sgt. Richpresided over by the president, Mrs. Lloyd Harayda, the p r o I t was reported that during the ard Neltoone, February 21 in. the 'Presbyterian Church, Aveg r a m was presented under the dipast month 21 calls were made, First nel. rection of Mrs. R. Finn. 294 miles were covered and 112 Games were played and refreshThe honored guest and speakman hours given. T/here were four ments served. Guests were Mrs. er was Mrs. John Paulus, vice accident calls, five transportation Frank Kish, Mrs. Helen Bush, president of the New Jersey Congcases, 10' emergencies, two oxygen Mrs. Joseph Torris,. Mrs. Angelo ISELIN — Mrs. George Sedlak . ress of Parents and Teachers and calls requiring 10,30'0 pounds of Manger, Mrs. J. Masculine, Miss was named chairman of - money- . County chairman of Founders oxygen. Dolores Bush, Mrs. E. Toth, Mrs. raising projects at a meeting cf Day. Her topic was "History and The new officers of the squad Robert Clark, Miss Nicholas FinI Accomplishments of the National the Woman's Auxiliary of the Ise- Congress of Parents and Teachwere recently installed. They in- des, Mrs. Vicky Stone, Mrs. Thomlin Lions Club held at the home ers." :luded:.. Mathe,w Hratko, presi- as Lane, Mrs. A. Griffiths, Avenel, dent; Bernard Lustig, vice presi- Mrs. Evelyn Nalbone, Plainfleld; of Mrs. Stanley Czado, 15 Fiat Other guests were Mrs. Joseph dent; 'Samuel Blodgett, treasurer; Miss Mary Franch and MarguerAvenue. Till, p a s t state membership Harry Van Buskirk, financial sec- ite. Thompkins, Newark; Mrs. J o chairman; Mrs. Russel Hamer, It was announced that Mrs. past president of Middlesex Counretary; George Birgsma, recording seph Pelican, Mrs. Joseph Orsage, secretary; J o s e p h Communale, Mrs. Edward Peterson, Mrs. J. William Dangell is making a ty Council; Patrick Boy Ian, prinJohn Barby. a n d . George Hill, Zwawosto^ki, and Mrs. Julius Pepatchwork apron to toe filled with cipal of School No. 1; Mr. Boylan trustees; John Burger, captain; trozi, Perth Amboy. Also present money for the Iselin Public t i - was principal of School No. 15 at William Thomas, assistant caro- was Laura's fiancee, Richard Nelthe organization, of the present brarytain; Tony Poreda, first lieuten- bone. Mrs. John Barby, Mrs. Charles P.T.A., Mr. T. J. Henderson who ant, Martin Carick, second lieuhelped organize .the association, Corthell and Mrs. Charles Christenant, John Bobak, sergeant at MOST WELCOME! tensen were named chaperones for Mrs. Martin Hoffman, life memarms; Pete Dougherty and Tony FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Charles ber and present parliamentarian 'tie teen-age recreation programs Poreda, publicity committee; Bill Niclas, 427 Crows Mill Road, are of School 15 P.T.A. at School 15 on Friday nights. Reedy and Tony Poreda, fund the parents of a daughter born in Mrs. Russell Furze also was honT-he next meeting will be March the Perth Amboy General Hospital. drive committee. ored as one of t h e original or16 at 8 P. M. at the home of Mrs. ganizers. However, she was not Dangell, 70 Pershing Avenue. ARRIVAL ANNOUNCED present due to illness. Mrs. Demurest Honored HOPELAWN — Mr. and Mrs. The 'history of the association Auxiliary Conducts Sarge, 16 Richard Avenue, was read toy Mrs, George HoagAt '95th Birthday Party John are the parents of a son born in Membership Campaign son, a first grade teacher a t the Perth Amboy General Hospital: School 15. Aiitnony Cuiffrecia, Colonia baritone, will sing the romantic role WOODBRIDGE — A steady WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. Meinert At a candlelight ceremony, the of Robert when Sigmund Romberg's "New Moon" is presented a t stream of callers visited the PAPER DRIVE Hunt and (Mrs. William Gerity Westfield High School on March 5th and 6th under auspices of following past presidents-were inhome of Mrs. Belle Demarest, FORDS—The Fords Lions Club were hostesses a t a meeting of the 1 the Musical Club of Westfield. Mr. Ciuffreda, a native of Port troduced and honored : Mrs. RayWOODBRIDGE — Jerry Fertig, 102 Grove Avenue, Saturday, to will hold1 its paper drive Sunday Ladles' Auxiliary of the WoodReading, was educated in Woodbridge Township schools. He has mond McCrory, Mrs, Harry Kline, congratulate her on her 95th at noon. bridge Fire Company, Friday. producer of the Adath Israel Playappeared extensively in concert, opera, and musical comedy both Mrs. Richard Dickenson, Mrs. birthday. Mrs. Joseph Romond was winner ers' forthcoming comedy-meloin New Jersey and in New York City. Township residents wifl r e Robert Perillard, 'Mrs. Norman drama, "Stalag 17," which will .be of the dark horse prize. The nonogenarian received SOCIETY TO MEET member Mr. Ciuffreda for his concert several seasons ago a t the Jensen, a n d Mrs. Carl Goldstein, FORDS—The Altar Rosary SoWoodbridge High School: He also appeared in this area with the many gifts, cards, messages and A membership drive is now be- presented April 10 and 11 a t the who was unable t o attend. Operetta Guild in productions of "New Moon" and "Sweethearts." telegrams, including a telegram ciety of Our Lady of Peace Church ing conducted and: wives, 'mothers Woodbridge Jewish Community The past presidents and honHis latest operatic appearance was in "Rigoletto" a t the Brooklyn from Mayor Hugh B. Quigley. will meet March 1. and sisters of firemen are invited Center, has announced committee ored guests were presented with Academy of Music. chairmen for the production. to join. AVENEL — The infant daugh- corsakes. They a r e : Mrs. Irving Hutt, ter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mc"Mother Singers," a mothADVERTISEMENT ! I properties; Mrs. Leonard Cutler, Carthy, 104 Remsen Avenue,- was ers'The chorus organized and directed "Who's Who"; Miss Joan Klein, christened Bemadette at a cere- by Mrs. Jack Roberts, sang a nummakeup; Mrs. David Oherensky, mony in St. Andrew's Chur<iJi, ber of selections. The group inMrs. Emanuel Goldfarb, Mrs. Sunday morning. Rev. John Egaon cluded: Mrs. Lloyd Harayda, Maurice Ohodosh, wardrobe; Ar- was the officiating clergyman. Mrs. Henry Weiman, Mrs.-nSdthur Sinnett, costumes; Ronald Mrs. Lillian. Miller, Avenel and warS Modavis, Mrs. Fred Reight, ECOMMENDS AVENEL — Miss Laura Lee, After an extended honeymoon Hoffman, set electrician; Edward S t a n l e y Goleszewski, Carteret Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Norman Slotkin and John Edli, technical were sponsors. Jensen, Mrs. Lester Jentis, Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas the couple will reside in New York A Leading Interior Decorator advisors; Alfred Kaplan, Leonard City. T h e McCarthys entertained Joseph Paiwluoh, Mrs. Vernie Gives His Views on Furniture CuiFer, Reuben Stern, set crew; quests' at open 'house in their Cummings, Mrs. David Weissman, G. Lane, 407 Alden Road, became H@t i@§ A reception for over 100 guests the toride of Sgt. Richard W. Neland Home Decorating Problems Arthur Memick, Victor Ostrower, home, following the ceremony. Mrs. Joseph Neupauer. was held in the Fraternal Order of e® us bohe, son of Mrs. Evely H. Nel- Eagles reception 'hall, Hotoant «*»«*> By RALPH STEIN • » Edgar Greenfield, stage hands. Mrs. Harayda, president, an- bone, tPlainfleld, Sunday in the Street, Perth Amtooy. Also, Mr. a n d Mrs. • Joseph f©us* nounced that t h e organization has I vei'y seldom use my column Schlesinger, tickets; Alexander The .bridegroom's ' m a t e r n a 1 gone on record in favor of in- Avenel First Presbyterian Church. •great-grandmother, S p r i n g @ii for commercial purposes, but to- Cohen, Community Voice publicMrs. E. DickRev. William Wager, Highland creased state aid for education. day is going to be an exception. I ity, a n d Mrs. Sidney Le Bow, ens, Plainfield, who is 90 years of Emsi®w ©istflt. Mew y@ii emta She urged • that all members and Park, supply minister for the age, attended and danced at the am making this rare exception newspaper publicity. others interested in education Avenel church, performed the wedding reception. Henry Glass, Perth Amboy, has because I be®it@@ie ir@m ©nr i^erf best s@* write to their legislators supportlieve it is my announced t h a t rehearsals are double-ring ceremony. 1 ing the stand. leefi@ns>m®nfif. .©i time to l i t d u t y t o a c - now underway for "Stalag IT," WOODBRIDGE — In preparaThe fathers were hosts and1 i n - The bride, given in marriage by quaint as many which will toe t h e 13th production tion for the opening of the new her father, was attired in an homemakers as of this amateur .theatrical group Inman Avenue School around cluded Lloyd Harayda, F r e d ankle-length gown of embroidered Reight, Henry Weiman, Michael possible w i t h in its nine years of existence. March 15, five new teachers, a Leeavis, Ray Smith. nylon tulle over satin, with a hoop ESTASLIStiSD WB0\the wonderful, janitor, a janitor's assistant and skint, the plain nylon bodice had a The attendance award was won vee neckline. Her fingertip veil money - saving a clerk were named at a meeting opportunities of the Board of Education Tues- by Mrs. Gus Lauer's first grade was attached to a crown of seed pupils mothers. . . .. that await them •\ •••-•»•• 7ai7afS~C/t!thlcn-Jfabtrdashas i*mm**.i day. AVENEL — Mrs. Arthur Moore, pearls. She- carried a bouquet of The ways and means committee if they see us .SMITH AT KING STS. — PERTH AMBOY. M. J . Donald C. Whitaker, a former reported that a family movie night t h r e e , orchids surrounded by director of the Avenel Community NOW at our Ralph Stein FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE teacher, who was on military is scheduled for March 24 a t baby's breath and stephanotis over Cancer Dressing group is making Mo d e r n a g e an urgent plea (for clean white m a leave, was reappointed a t $3,700 a School. 16. The committee in- a prayer book. Decorator's Studio about their Dolores Bush, Avenel, the maid terials totoeused for making dresWOODBRIDGE — Three dis- year, his place on the salary guide. charge of .the affair is composed home decorating chores. sings. Arrangements for having Others appointed were Miss Sophie You see, the home decorating tinguished rabbis, all former Weiss, Mrs. Florence Minsky and of Mrs. Norman Jensen, Mrs. of honor, wore a n ankle-length material picked up may toe made gown of royal blue velvet over nychaplains in the armed forces, Henry Weiman, Mrs. . Michael profession is like many other Miss Helaine Baum, all at $2,800 Pegos and Mrs. Lester Jentis.. lon, with a hoop skirt, and car- by calling Mrs. Moore, Wo. 8-1495. businesses in that itjtias its "peak each representing one of the view- a year,. The group meets every Wednesried a colonial toouquet of mixed points of the Jewish religion, R e periods" and "slow seasons." Dur1954 Andrew Ellis, Port Reading, was flowers with royal blue ribbons at- day from 1 t o 3 P. M. in the social ing our "peak periods" we are ex- form, Orthodox and Conservative, named janitor of the Inman Ave- SUNDAY SERVICES room of the First Presbyterian tached. tremely hard pressed to fill all of will speak tonight a t the Wood- nue school.at $3,200 a year, his du"THE FRIENDLY STORE" WOODBRIDGE — Rev. Earl H. Russell E. Nel'bone, East Or- Church. Anyone interested, is welthe homemakers' requests that bridge Jewish Community Center ties ito start one week prior to the come to attend. Those present at Devanny, pastor of the First Presat a joint meeting of the Congreange, brother of the groom, a t pour in. opening of the new school. At t h e byterian Church, will begin Sun- tended as toest man. the last meeting were: Mrs. Frank gation and Sisterhood. During an "off-season" just the same -time, Mrs. Lillian Ross will day a t the 11 o'clock service .. For travelling, the bride wore a Brecka; Mrs. George K. Young, Rabbi Dav.id M. Eichhorn, a r e opposite occurs. We have .to strive begin her duties as janitor's as- the first of six sermons on. "Thelight green suit with red acces- Mrs. Otis Sears, Mrs. Otto J e n mightily to find enough chores to form rabbi, is director of Field sistant at $1.30 an hour. Lord's Prayer." As an offeratqry, sories. Laura attended Wood- sen, Mrs. Alex Johnson, Mrs. DonOperation, Division of Religious keep each member of our large Mrs. Howard Kramer was ap- Howard Hagen, choir director, will bridge High School and was em- ald Campbell, M r s . Herman Activities of the National Jewish staff busy. Welfare Board. He served in Eu- pointed to the clerical position a t sing "The Lord's Prayer" by Ma- ployed a t Boyt's Drug Store, in Lampe, Mrs. Charles Havell, Mrs. And, as any successful decora- rope as a combat chaplain and the school a t a salary rate of $d,- lotte. Metuchen. The bridegroom attend- Daniel Howell, Mrs. Alsreda Brix, tor— with a large, competent, guided the Army's efforts to care 670 on a 10-month basis. ed Newark High School and en- Mrs. Thomas Mill, Mrs. John highly paid staff—will tell you, for the many thousands of Jewlisted in the U. S. Armed Forces in Sherman and Mrs. Moore. WEDDINGS IN RENO that is not an easy thing to do! ish concentration camp victims in The value of New York City's, RENO, Nev.—Believe is or riot, 1948. He is now serving in the Here at our Modernage Dec- France, Germany and Austria. taxable real estate has been put but 4,741 couples were, married to Armed Force Administration DiviTho Soviet Army is said to have orators I successfully overcome at a new rocerd total of $20,369,- this town, better known for its di- sion Building, Church Street, New tested atomic guns of various Rabbi Samuel Rackman, is r a b this difficult problem by sacriflc- bi of .Congregation -Sharray R e - 499,758. vorces, during 1953. York City. sizes during recent maneuvers. fflaAFar HpckaiW'ay, §?:"%.> -an ,Qr-; ~T~r fihodbx* gldup;; He $fr$i& litt E u iippeJas Miljta<ryjAide-|t(>-the Theatre commander's Special Advisor am offering homemakers the op- on Jewish Affairs. He has lectured portunity of purchasing lovely cus- to several thousand, chaplains at tom-made slipcovers . . . the Air Force and Service Forces chance of having their cherished Chaplain Schools. Rabbi Rackman furniture pieces reupholstered, etc. is lecturer at Yeshiva University, SHIRTS ® DIAPERS . . . a t cost! a member of the Executive ComThat's correct! Now is the time mittee of the Mizrachi OrganizaQUILTED PADS to take advantage of our unsur- tion of America and is author of RECEIVING BLANKETS passed Modernage workmanship many articles in both English and and finest quality Modernage ma- Jewish publications. KIMONAS © SWEATEES terials which we are offering a t Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow is never before low, low prices! -k First, decide to live within your income. BOOTIE SETS © DRESSES For complete details phone us head of Temple Beth El, Cedarhurst, Long Island, and is a conThen, stick to that decision. , | SUITS • DIAPER BAGS at WO 8-1069. We shall be very i happy to provide you with all of servative rabbi. He is a graduate BIBS ©NOVELTIES of Jewish Theological Seminary the complete, wonderful details a t W Second, set yourself a definite goal, no cost or obligation to you. Youand a member of the Rabbinical Assembly of America. He served listen . . . you decide! so you'll have something worth aiming for. If you prefer, we would be most as Chaplain in the.Army for alSATIN_ happy to speak with you in person most four years, being stationed at our Modernage studio located a t in the Aleutian Islands and Alas-k Third, save a definite amount each pay day, ka. He is a Teaching Fellow a t 94 Main Street, Woodbridge. NYLON_ * * * New York University, member of so you'll get what you want when you want it. (Details on new slipcovers, the executive committee of the COTTON drapes^ upholstering, cornices and Synagogue Council of America and <k Fourth, whenever you receive extra money, Ivrith and chairman custom-built furniture, designed Histadruth by Modernage Decorators, avail- of the Hebrew Arts Foundation. save as much of it as you possibly can. able on request by a phone call to WO 8-1069 or a visit to my studio The sale "of surplus American "k Fifth, don't try to save too much — located a t 94 Main Street, Wood- food to t h e Soviet Union or its bridge)*.—adv. satellites has been banned.__ Woodibridge — Three separate WOODBRIDGE — St. E 1 i a s ' services have been planned by the Church, Carteret, was the setting United Churchwomen of Wood-' of the frnarriage of Miss Rosemarie bridge in observance of World Day De Simone, daughter of Mrs. Bart of Prayer on March 5. Lapsley, 1715 Lawrence Street, The first service win toe held a t Ttahway, and Prank De Simone, the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, to E>vt. Michael Serdin- Woodbridge, a t 2 p . M., where sky, J i v son of Mi*, and Mrs. Mi- John Havea, a native of Tonga chael Serdinsky, 52 Claire Avenue, Islands, near the Fiji Islands, will be t h e guest speaker. He is now Saturday morning. Rev. C. A. studying a t t h e Drew Theological Roskovics, -officiated a t the dou- Seminary, Madison. ble-ring ceremony. Rev. William Kinzie, assistant The bride wore a baby blue ny- pastor of the local Methodist . Ion dress with matching a'ccesories. Church, will be, the guest speaker She carried a nosegay of sweet- of the second service to 'be sponsored 'by t h e youth of t h e local heart roses and baby's breath. The attendants were Miss Anne churches a t the First Presbyterian Serdinsjiy, the bridegroom's sister Ohureh a t 7:30 P . M. and Joseph Duff, Rahway. Mr. and At 8 P . M. the service will inMrs, Serdinsky will "make their clude_ a drama, "These Others,'' home in Rahway on returning to .be presented at the Avenel from a wedding trip to Washing- Presbyterian Church. ton, D. C, .There will be special music at The bride attended Woodbridge all three services, according to Vocational and Technical High Miss Louise A. Huber, general % School and is employed a t Lee's chairman, Sweet Shop, Rahway. Her husband The World Day of Prayer will attended Woodbridge High School be observed this year in 113 counand was graduated from Fort Mon- tries (beginning in tohe Tonga mouth Signal .Schspl...He. will be Islands ..and continuing i o r 24 stationed at Port Bliss, Texas, on hours. Offerings will be given t o his-return from duty. United States and foreign, -missions. In this country the Ameri- Lions Auxiliary To Aid Library 'Stalag 17' to Be Offered By Adath Israel Players McCarthy Infant Baptized Sunday Laura Lee Lane of Avenel Bride of Planfield Man' ALPH leman Ave* School Staff Assembled 3 Rabbies to Speak At Center Tonight Material Sought By Cancer Group CHRISTENSEiT Complete Items Including How to save successfully... save a reasonable amount regularly. START NOW'dnTdSAVE HERE % We'll welcome you as a depositor. Regular elimination requires muscular exercise of the infesHnal muscles. Tod frec)u"ent use of laxatives sometimes weakens tfiise muscles. We can supply fresh, dependable laxatives in many forms, but for prolonged constipation,——see ^your Doctor. Monday-Thursday « A . M . - 3 P.M. Friday 9 A.M. - 6 P.JM. Safety for Savings Since 1869 The P£ETHAMBO¥ Savings Institution PERTH AMBOr, NEW JE85ET MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION GRIB COMFORTER SETS CRIB QUILTS CARRIAGE COVER SETS 2.981. BAB? BLANKETS 2.98 »5. Full Line of PLAYTEX NEEDS FREE! One Pair PLAYTEX BABY PANTS with each 1 Plirclia^e ili our Infants' Dept STORE HOURS: Daily 9 A. M. to 6 P. M, Friday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. id WEDNESDAY NOON
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