How to Prepare NSP/NBDSF Proposals [email protected] 921-5502 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF NSP? The primary purpose of NSP is to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods through increased citizen participation and to strengthen neighborhood councils through organization development activities, such as: » Membership recruitment and community organizing activities » Research and/or planning tied to a public project or available city-wide programs, or to the elimination of blight » Resource development, volunteer recruitment, grant writing and training » Neighborhood communication such as newsletters, brochures and flyers » Inter-agency planning and cooperation » Leadership and organizational development assistance A neighborhood newsletter is an eligible organizational development tool. No more than $3,000 of the available annual grant may be allocated to an all-inclusive communication project such as a newsletter. However, if one issue per year is distributed to every residence, the neighborhood is eligible for $4,000 in NSP funds. ✓ NSP funding for membership recruitment activities is limited to $1,000. ✓ A council may offer reimbursement for mileage for volunteers working on NSP projects, but may not exceed the rate of 55 cents per mile. ✓ Councils may allocate up to $500 for the preparation of reports to the Ohio Attorney General's office and/or the IRS. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF NBDSF? The purpose of the program is to fund neighborhood business district projects that will enhance the vitality of the districts, enhance the leadership capacity of business associations and community councils, and support efforts to recruit, train, and increase the productivity of volunteers. Eligibility for projects: » Projects are limited to the business districts currently recognized in 34 neighborhoods » Projects to strengthen, improve, and develop the NBD through organizational development activities aimed at increasing membership » Promotional activities intended to increase community awareness of the NBD and its businesses » Physical improvements such as streetscape improvements or other amenities or activities in the NBD public right-of-way that are designed to improve safety, clean-up, beautify, enhance signage or lighting, and/or landscaping (including planters). » Collaboration between the Neighborhood Business Associations and Community Councils ✓ NBDSF funding for membership recruitment activities is limited to $1,000. ✓ Equipment purchased with program funds shall be used primarily in the implementation of program allowable projects. ✓ Up to $500 may be allocated for the preparation of reports to the Ohio Attorney General's office and/or the IRS. Ineligible Activities/Expenses Cash awards to individuals or groups; direct social services Routine operating expenses (rent, utilities, office supplies, building maintenance, etc.) Food, except for fund raising ($1500 limit per year) Entertainment except for public events Endorsing/promoting political candidates Hiring NSP manager (can hire project manager) Duplicate government services already available TO APPLY FOR FUNDS, COMMUNITY COUNCILS AND BUSINESS DISTRICTS MUST: Encourage and review all ideas from residents, members AND non-members Make decisions in regular, open, well-publicized council meetings. Document a democratic process for the review committee. Before a project can be presented to the review committee, it must be submitted to Invest In Neighborhoods by the established deadline(s) and include copies of: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Minutes and sign-in sheets from the decision-making meeting Current By-Laws and Statements of Non-Discrimination Proof of Non-Profit Corporation Status and Articles of Incorporation Job Descriptions and Organizational Plans for employees Proposal cover sheet, budget page, and project descriptions Final Performance Reports for previous year's projects Community councils must also be in compliance with the following as detailed in Guidelines: Resolution(s) stating non-discrimination based on race, sex, age, religion, handicap, or national origin; adoption of City Ordinance# 200-1989; and abiding by City Council's Ordinance regarding non-discrimination based on housing quarters. Invest staff members are available to explain the requirements and program guidelines. Step 1: You must be a legitimate neighborhood organization recognized by the City of Cincinnati as representing a particular geographical neighborhood area (See NSP Guidelines). Presently there are 51 neighborhoods: Avondale Community Council Bond Hill Community Council California Community Council Camp Washington Comm. Council Carthage Civic League Clifton Town Meeting CUF Neighborhood Association College Hill Forum Columbia-Tusculum Comm. Council Corryville Community Council Downtown Residents Council East End Area Council East Price Hill Improvement Assn. East Walnut Hills Assembly East Westwood Improvement Assn. English Woods Civic Association Evanston Community Council Fay Community Council Hartwell Improvement Association The Heights Community Council Hyde Park Neighborhood Council Kennedy Heights Comm. Council Linwood Community Council Madisonville Community Council Millvale Residents & Comm. Council Mt. Adams Civic Association Mt. Airy Town Council Mt. Auburn Community Council Mt. Lookout Civic Club Mt. Washington Comm. Council North Avondale Neighborhood Assn. North Fairmount Comm. Council Northside Community Council Oakley Community Council Over-the-Rhine Comm. Council Paddock Hills Assembly Pendleton Community Council Pleasant Ridge Comm. Council Riverside Civic & Welfare Club Roselawn Community Council Sayler Park Village Council Sedamsville Community Council South Cumminsville Comm. Council South Fairmount Comm. Council Spring Grove Village Comm. Council Walnut Hills Area Council West End Community Council West Price Hill Comm. Council Westwood Civic Association Winton Hills Community Council STEP 5: The Council or Business District should appoint a committee to develop project descriptions, job descriptions, and an organizational plan for each project. (See Sample Proposal). It is also recommended that one individual be designated as the NSP or NBDSF Manager to oversee the implementation of the proposed projects. The Four Questions ALL Proposals Must Address: 1. What is to be accomplished or what is the problem/need? 2. How will the project be accomplished? a. Number of volunteers b. Number of paid workers and rate of pay c. Product to be generated (l.e., newsletter, feasibility study, etc.) 3. What are the intended results and how will they be evaluated for success? 4. What is the itemized budget? An Organizational Plan Should… Identify all personnel positions by project (both paid and volunteer) Divide project tasks between paid and volunteer personnel Describe the interaction between paid and volunteer staff Refer to the Sample Proposal for more hints on creating your own proposal. STEP 6: Confer with Invest staff when necessary on the eligibility and/or possible modifications needed to submit your proposal. It is recommended that communities submit rough drafts of proposals to Invest whenever you have any questions about your ideas. Invest staff can provide comments and suggest revisions for improvement in time to modify the proposal and resubmit by the subsequent Final Deadline. STEP 7: The Community's NSP Committee must complete the full proposal form and submit to Invest In Neigh bor hoods by the published deadline. NSP PROPOSAL completing p roposal , c>1I1921-55Ul) SEND OSAL TO: I nvest .In ,'i eig b b orh oods , In c. .'--_ Sta te th e total amount of NSP funds requested. 3!:> We s t Court Street, Cincinnati, Oil 45202 P LEASE PRl NT IN fNK OR TYPE C hec k One: ew Cu n frdl 't for Year ill A m ou n t Req uested: _ Amend ment rOI" Co ntrac t o. - + - Indicate wh ether the proposal is for a new contract or an am endment. If it is an am endment, indicate current contract number. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - Pr esident's Signaturc: iz: Have yo u incl uded th e follnwing'! Check th ose which are enclosed 01" ma r k 4'N /A II • app ly. Proposals "' ill not be conside red with ou t this doc um . .' I , for th ose t hat do not If d or.umen tat iOtl ls OD file, ind icat e h)' wl'ilion "OII'F' 1 sr : wh ich mus t be ou file a t In vest, to. I C In spec) rc a rea. _ ,_ I'roof of NOll-Profit S ta tus _._ _ Current Articl es of Inl'orp orati on _ "... (-.===-.. C lllTeot _ ._ Council Miuures & Sign-In Sheets . -i I'CVIOUS Yenrts Final Report s __. _ , ob DeseriptiollS for E lOplo>'ccs _ _ Ol'ga niza tiona l Plan for Emplo}'ecs What was Ihe " ote 0/1, this NSP Proposa l:i t the dceisioll - Ulllki,H' CHlIOCii meeting? - _ NUlII lu:r of Yeus _ ..- - N ll ' In be ' fN I0 TOf<\ J Attendance Quorum '! Yes - - R ene wa l Y cslN o Vnlu nt eerH.-s, Est . Sta rt .. End Oat es - ----'-".- ---+-- - i'- - -Jr-- 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. - --_ __.._ - ----- 01' amendment as taken at the open public mee tin g. No -_ . Lis t all p rojects using the most descr iptive na me possible. Is th e project a continuation of a previou s yea r's project'! B udget I. 2. Check all item s which are required fOJ' your particular submission. Many of the items ma y already be on file with Invest ; but if there ha ve been any changes to any of the documents since your last su bmission, you mu st r efile. J ndicate the final vote on the proposed contract Ltst th e projects you " ill undertake in till, contraor (I n tbe : .... ...... ...... com pleteJ)', ir'lduding wha t vou wish to accomplish 'tt o,r services , eac h pr uject must be descr ibed evalu a te SUCCC!S Also be su·r , to com nlete II. '1' " °tWbYo,U WI acc omp llsh Itl a nd how yo u will measu re and . , re I CIIl Iu:< Ul get s heet' d ' ti ' .. sr G uideli nes!' or " Huw-Te' booklet for details.) . JIl lea mg speci fic expenses for eac h project. See PROJ .Eel'S The C om munity Council President MUS T sign here, -- -+-_ Li st the estimated number of volun teer hours to be utilized for each project, L ist th e month and ye ar of th e anticipated star t of each project. Remember NSP fundin g will not comm enc e until th e effecti ve start date of your contract (see NSP M eetings a nd Deadlines) and cannot be carried over into a new calendar yea r. ... If the project is bein g amended, indicate the change in the original dollar amount (plus or minus) in the far right column. If the project is being amended without changing the dollar amount, put nothing in thi s column, STEP 8: The Community's NSP Committee, along with the treasurer, should prepare an itemized budget for each project. Budgets should include your best estimate of all goods, services, materials, and equipment needed to achieve the stated goal of each project. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR CONTRACT PERIOD Project Direct Personnel Services Specialty Contracts Printing Fixed Imprvmts or Equipt. Postage Consummable Supplies Mileage or Misc. GRAND TOTAL Direct Personnel Services - Record total dollars to be paid any hourly workers. Specialty Contracts - List other professional services here. Usually these will be lump sum payment contracts such as landscapers, attorney fees,consultants,etc. Be sure to explain such contracts at the bottom of the page (**) 1 2 3 Printing - List all printing costs for each project. 4 8 Fixed Improvements or Equipment - Specify all equipment purchases,as well as any fixed improvements,such as park benches, signage, etc. Explain these costs at the bottom of the page, including cost per item (##) It is also strongly recommended that a bid for such items be part of the proposal. 9 Postage - List all postage costs. 5 6 7 10 TOTALS SUPPORTING EXPLANATIONS List specific items included in "Specialty Contracts" column. Include dollar amount. (Example: Photo Developing=$50) ** List specific items included in "Fixed Improvements or Equipment" column. Include dollar amount (Example: Park Benches=$200/ea.) ## List specific items included in "Mileage or Miscellaneous." Include dollar amounts. (Example: Gas for Lawn Mowers=$20) ++ Mileage or Miscellaneous - Record mileage to be paid to volunteers for use of vehicles for project purposes. Mileage is reimbursed at 55 cents per mile. Also record miscellaneous expenses that do not fit into any other category. Explain the miscellaneous items at the bottom, including the cost per item. (++) Total columns both vertically and horizontally. ys P a w Al d e ZI u ncl I A S M E L P Forms Necessary for Proposal (as found on Invest web site) NSP PROPOSAL FORM.pdf (NBD Proposal.pdf) ProposedBudget.pdf 5questions.pdf EEO Form.pdf AuthorizedSignatures.pdf As soon as possible NSP Amendment form.pdf or NBD Amendment form.pdf Community profile or Business District profile (early in year or whenever leaders change) Online Community Profile Form
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