Tapan Chandra Mondal A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology Reading excerpt -verlag.com/b6037

Tapan Chandra Mondal
A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
Reading excerpt
A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
of Tapan Chandra Mondal
Publisher: IBPP
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Neisseria Group
Neisseria Group
Neisseria Group
N.Catarrhalis N.
Morphology: Cocci
Arrangement: Arranged in pairs with apposed concave
Staining: Gm (-)
Motility: Non-motile, no flagella, non-capsulated, nonsporing.
Gonococci in urethral discharge
(pus). Inset-enlarged view showing
arrangement in pairs and adjacent
sides concave.
*** A Concise Text Book of Microbiology A
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Dr. Tapan Chandra Mondal: A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
Neisseria Group ________________________________________ 57
I. Primary:
a) In adult male: Ant. Urethritis with pus formation
preceeded by catarrhal inflammation - Gonorrhoea.
b) In adult female: Urethritis & Endocervicitis.
c) In male child: Urethritis.
d) In female child: Vulvovaginitis due to presence of
columnar epithelium in the vaginal part of cervis But
in adults it is replaced by stratified Sq. epithelium.
e) In newborn: Purulent conjunctivitis.
II. Secondary:
a) In adult male: Urethral stricture, chr. Prostatitis.
Epididymitis, (Cystitis, Pyelitis, Pyelonephritis etc.) by
lymphatic spread.
b) In adult female: Bertholinitis, Bertholin abscess,
Endometriosis, Salpingitis (causes sterility), Oophoritis,
Pyosalpin, Tubo-ovarrian absess, Peritonitis, (Cystitis,
Pyelitis, Pyelonehritis etc.
c) Common to both ages: Arthritis, Iritis, Conjunctivitis,
Acute Ulcerative Endocarditis.
Lab. Diagnosis:
A. Collection of Material:
I. Acute:
a) Male: Urethral discharge.
b) Female: Urethral discharge or Cervical swab.
II. Chronic:
a) Male: Discharge from the seminal vesicle after
prosthetic message.
b) Female: Cervical Swab in the Estrogenic period of
menstrual cycle or discharge after milking of the
urethra or purulent discharge from the site of any
other lesion.
*** A Concise Text Book of Microbiology ***
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Tapan Chandra Mondal: A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
58__________________________________________ Neisseria Group
B. Smear & Gm Stain: Gm (-); Bean shaped; Diplococcus
with concave surfaces apposed; intracellular in pus cells
or extra cellular.
C. Culture:
1. Serum Agar: Greyish white, translucent, round &
convex colonies.
2. Serum Broth: Broth becomes little turbid.
3. Chocolate Agar: Small pinhead colonies in Chocolate
agar media. (1 % Tetraemethyl Para Phenylene Diamine
Dihydrochloride is added over the colonies. Gonococci
colonies turn pink immediately. It is called Oxides
Smear & Gm stain: Characteristic but not intracellular.
Motility from serum broth - Non-motile.
D. Subculture for pure form in Chocolate Agar media:
Precaution for culture:
i) Pus or discharge should be cultured immediately
after collection as the organisms are very sensitive.
ii) Culture should be done in 5-10% CO2 tension.)
E. Biochemical: Ferments Glucose but not maltose with
production of acid only.
F. Serological: Type of the organisms can be identified by
agglutination reaction using type specific antisera.
For Indirect Diagnosis: Following tests are done in
addition to above:
Complement Fixation Test: Complement fixing antibodies
appear in blood after 2 wks. of Gonococcal infection. These
are diagnosed by Complement Fixation Test.
Two Glass Tube Test: In Chr. gonorrhoea, the first urine of
the patient collected in a clean glass test tube, if kept
standing for sometime, shows formation of filamentous
structure known as Prostatic threads. These threads are
composed of Fibrin, Leucocyte & epithelial cells.
A A Concise Text Book of Microbiology A
Narayana Verlag; 79400 Kandern Tel: 0049 7626 9749700 Except from Dr.
Tapan Chandra Mondal: A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
Neisseria Group
13.2 Meningococcus
Morphology: Cocci
Arrangement: Arranged in pairs with appeased surfaces
Staining: Gm (-)
Fig. N. meningities in CSF- Inset enlarged view of the organism
(showing adjacent sides flattened.
Motility: Non-motile, no flagella, non-capsulated, nonsporing
i) Respiratory tract: Nasopharungeal catarrh.
ii) General: Bacterium & Septicemia, Miliary abcess.
iii) Bones: Acute Arthritis.
iv) Head: Acute Leptomeningitis, Meningo-cephalitis,
Brain abcess
. v)Heart:
Lab. Diagnoses: Material: Blood, CSF, Nasal discharge.
*** A Concise Text Book of Microbiology ***
Narayana Verlag; 79400 Kandern Tel: 0049 7626 9749700 Except from Dr.
Tapan Chandra Mondal: A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
60 _____________________________________ Neisseria Group
a) Smear & Gm. Stain in case of Nasal discharge: Gm (-)
Cocci arranged in pairs with apposed surfaces flat.
b) Culture: Serum broth - slightly turbid.
Chocolate Agar - Small, transparent, convex glistening
colonies (which are oxidase positive).
Motility from serum broth: Non-motile.
Gm Stain: Characteristic.
Sub-culture to isolate pure from in chocolate Agar.
(Precaution for culture)
i) Incubated under 5-10% COa tension.
ii) If treatment was already started, PABA
Penicllinase to be added to media. Staining for
c) Biochemical: Both glucose & Maltose are fermented
with the production of acid only.
d) Serological Reaction: The organisms can be identified
by agglutination reaction using poly-valent antisera.
(If blood is collected: Culture done as usual followed by
above procedure).
(If CSFis collected: i. Properties of CSF is studied, ii.
Centrifuged deposit is cultured in the same way).
*For CSF Chart See Appendix.
Blood Picture in Meningococcol Infection: Leucocytosis
with relative neutrophilia polymorpho nuclear Leucocytosis.
A A Concise Text Book of Microbiology ***
Narayana Verlag; 79400 Kandern Tel: 0049 7626 9749700 Except from Dr.
Tapan Chandra Mondal: A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
Tapan Chandra Mondal
A Concise Text Book of Micro Biology
160 pages, pb
publication 2005
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