How to set up and manage a Project ? Niten Chandra, IAS Joint Secretary Ministry of Rural Development Government of India [email protected] Mob: 9958445904 Five Key Phases of Project Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set up and Contract Plan Project Implement Monitor & Report Progress Complete & Review Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 2 Set up & Contract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Setting up Process Develop Project Brief Write Issue Statement Define Mission & Key Objectives Specify Outputs & Timings Set Scope & Limits Clarify Roles Develop Personal Contracts Develop Project Contract Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 3 Setting up Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Formulate issues, mission, objectives, output and timing Identify and engage with Stakeholders, beneficiaries, clients and customers Ascertain cross-departmental links Assess the feasibility of project Determine the principal means of achieving project mission and primary objectives 6. Work out the resources it will need and who will provide them 7. Recommend how far its scope and authority should extend 8. Formulate the best strategy for executing the project 9. Select and appoint team members 10. Arrange training to ensure common approach and understanding 11. Formulate and sign the contract Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 4 Develop Project Brief Purpose : • To brief project team on its task • Helps in establishment of a project team • Provides preliminary terms of reference from which a project contract can be derived Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 5 Sample Project Brief Project Title: Restructuring of CAPART Issue Statement: Chronic inability of CAPART to meet its goals, poor networking, weak focus on rural community, entrenchment of malpractices and erosion of credibility Mission: To enable CAPART meet its goal of rural prosperity through engagement with government and voluntary agencies Primary Objective: Change organizational structure within 3 months Required Outputs: Implementation plan, MPR, Notes for decision Timing Scope & Limits: Only MoRD & CAPART to be involved, no engagement of professionals Budget: Rs 25 lakhs Authorization procedure: Executive Committee & General Body, MRD Cost Center: CAPART Project termination date: 31/May/12. Members : DG(CAPART), JS (CAPART), Dir/US (CAPART) Signed Date Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Support Team Administrative Department 6 Write issue statement It is a clear description of what the problem is and what needs to be improved Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 7 Define Vision, Mission and Objectives 1. Vision provides the overall goal or purpose of the project. It defines how it will look like when we get there. It clarifies where the project is trying to get to. 2. Mission is what should be achieved in order to get to the vision. 3. Objectives are the means by which mission will be achieved. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Vision Mission Objectives 8 Specify Required Outputs and Timing • Reduces misunderstanding • Output should include: between owner and executant – Plan to achieve mission of project – Milestones with dates – MIS • Provides a basis for assessing – Interim progress report progress • Provides means for establishing – Measures of progress – Audit report, UC, extent to which it has fulfilled Evaluation study, project requirements documentation (video), etc. – Timing : online, monthly, quarterly, annual, etc. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 9 Set scope & limits • • • • These prescribe the DONTs Budget constraint Territorial limits Performance standard / target • Product type • Procedures or process standards • Limit of authority or delegation • It prevents team from straying into areas not allowed or waste effort on low priorities. • Limits have to be carefully judged so that they do not make objectives unrealistic. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 10 Agree project budget • Identify cost heads: – – – – – – Manpower Materials Equipment Premises Expenses Subcontractors: lawyers, auditors, consultants, etc. – Reorganization costs • Quantify project benefits over its life • Clarify authorization level and cost center. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 11 Clarify roles Owner Getting the right players involved in clearly defined roles ensures the necessary experience, skills and personal qualities are available to the project. Without these the project is unlikely to succeed. Team : Leader & Members Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Support: Sponsor & Facilitator 12 Develop personal contracts • Contracts clarify what is expected and who is doing what. • It helps all parties in a project to define their roles and reach agreement with each other on how to work together. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 13 Develop project contract 1. 2. 3. 4. Encourages team to feel a genuine party to the contract Generates ownership of the means or the how Helps to ensure project brief is appropriate It should be signed to demonstrate commitment & understanding Mission Key Measures Milestones By 31.3 Principal Means Measures Objectives By 31.7 Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 14 Plan What To Do 1. Use a Project Management Plan 2. Decide what to do 3. Develop implementation plans a. b. c. d. e. Work breakdown structure Key Activity & Task Plans Responsibility Charts Resource Requirement List Cost Breakdown Structure 4. Produce a schedule a. b. c. Gantt Chart Critical Path Analysis Draft Contingency Plans Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 15 Use a Project Management Plan • This sets out five main phases in the life of a project and their key steps, with scheduled completion dates and assigned responsibilities: – Set up & contract, Plan project, Implement, Monitor & report progress, Complete & Evaluate Project Step Start By Complete By Responsibility Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Status 16 Decide what to do 1. Collect data i. ii. iii. iv. v. Current processes Performance standard Measuring waste, errors Surveying customers/ suppliers, etc. Efficiency & productivity 2. Analyse root causes 3. Find best solutions a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Check sheets Data Display Asking why Brainstorming Cause & effect analysis Paired comparisons Process mapping Time cost analysis Pareto analysis Cost Benefit analysis Decision Chart Priorities Grid Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 17 Develop Implementation Plans Work Breakdown Structure (Goals, Objectives, Actions, Tasks, Sub-Tasks) Identifies and structures different levels of activities Key Activity (Milestones) Planning Sequences key activities & tasks and identifies timescales Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 18 Develop Implementation Plans Responsibility Chart Identifies who is responsible for what task Resource requirement list List Resource needs and availability Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 19 Develop Implementation Plans Cost Breakdown structure Defines cost elements, eg. time, equipment, material, subcontractor costs by key activity and tasks Schedule Brings together task durations, start and finish dates, prime responsibilities Contingency Action Plan Sets out actions for serious setbacks Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 20 Responsibility Chart Task Name Estimated Work Days Duration of Work (No of Weeks) 1 2 Responsibility Types: 1. P: Prime Responsibility 2. W: Does Work 3. A: Advises 4. I: Provides Input 5. D: Takes Decision 6. C: Must be consulted 7. IF: Must be Informed 3 4 5 SRD JS IFD Dir DG DDG 6 Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 21 Resource Requirement List (Materials, manpower, systems, equipment, specialist help, funds, etc.) Task Name Resources Availability Problems Required Options Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Action Taken Comments 22 Cost Breakdown Task Name Resource Required Cost Cost Code Expenditure Authorized Invoice Received Payment • Record the dates for expenditure authorized, invoice received and payment made. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 23 Produce a Schedule • Gantt or Bar Chart • Critical Path Method (CPM) • Programme or Performance Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT) Task Name Months Jan Feb Mar Apr Set goals Set Budget Engage Professionals Draft Plan Approve Plan Release Funds Procure Equipment Operationalise Train users Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 24 Contingency Planning Project: Prepared by: Potential Problem Date: Solution Options Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Action Taken 25 Implement Implementation is about getting things done according to plan and ensuring that a number of things are in place to support the activities and manage the resultant changes. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 26 Checklist for Successful Implementation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Community / Client Focus : Is the focus on community / client and the end users’ views and needs being attended to through regular check and feedback. An Effective Communication System: knowing what should be communicated to whom, by whom, when, how, what outcomes are required, etc. Are goals, means, roles, responsibility, procedures, rules, guidelines and instructions clear to people ? Effective Teamwork: what training, support and review mechanisms are in place. Is the Responsibility Chart working ? Do frictions persist ? Working conditions: are the working conditions of team members adequate ? What incentives and awards are given to performers? Information systems: Have measures been agreed ? How will data be captured, who will do it ? How will it link into the communications system? Is the protocol for sharing information with public in place ? Progress Monitoring: Is the planned frequency and format working ? Are deviations analysed and corrective actions taken? Risks and contingency planning: Have risks been identified and contingency planning done? What are the unforeseen problems and their likely impact ? How will they be dealt with ? Legal, etc: Is full compliance to all legal, health, safety, administrative, audit and financial procedures being achieved ? Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 27 Monitor & Report Progress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Is work being done within the estimates ? Will each activity be completed within schedule ? Is quality of work within specification? Are expected results being achieved ? Are there other changes or special problems ? Corrective Action 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clarifying roles & removing confusion Rearranging the workload Resolving disputes Putting in more resources or effort Moving target completion date(s) Lowering targets Feedback (MIS) Results Chain Resources Activities Outputs Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI MIS should be : i. Focussed on priorities ii. Responsive i.e initiates corrective action iii. Timely – no undue delays iv. User friendly v. Flexible vi. Simple & Clear Outcomes Impact 28 Progress Report 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Current Project Status: Cost, time & quality Future Status: likely deviations Critical Tasks status: Risk Assessment: Information relevant to other projects/States : lessons learnt, best practices Task Name Date: Planned Result Actual Result Deviations Remedial Action Submitted By: Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 29 Project Log Purpose: Monitor project process in a qualitative way to deal with important management issues and to generate useful information for future project improvement Entry Date Issues Numerical Data Opinion Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Action Required Responsibility 30 1. 2. 3. 4. Financial Administrative MIS Monitoring & Evaluation 5. Performance Audit 6. Incentives 7. Training 8. Coordination 9. Discipline 10. Stress Management Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 31 Training & Learning Stages 1. We come to know about something which is new and different 2. We understand the possible applications of the new idea or information 3. We accept the idea as useful, a desirable option and are willing to make the changes 4. We are able to apply the new learning. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 32 Management Competencies Clusters of Personal Competence Dimensions of personal competence 1. Planning to optimize the achievement of results 1.1 Showing concern for excellence 1.2 Setting & prioritizing objectives 1.3 Monitoring & responding to actual against planned activities 2. Managing others to optimize results 2.1 Showing sensitivity to the needs of others 2.2 Relating to others 2.3 Obtaining the commitment of others 2.4 Presenting oneself positively to others 3. Managing oneself to optimize results 3.1 Showing self-confidence and personal drive 3.2 Managing personal emotions and stress 3.3 Managing personal learning & development 4. Using intellect to optimize results 4.1 Collecting & organizing information 4.2 Identifying and applying concepts 4.3 Making decisions Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 33 Job Description with Performance Plan & Behavioural Criteria Key Result Areas Measures & Reports Standards & Targets Timing Direct regional operations to ensure that all planned targets are met within agreed budgets and time scales Monthly Management Reports on : • Expenses • Sales • Staffing • Budget Variance Reports For year ending Mar Reports due one 2012 week after month • Not more than $ X end. million in expenses • Target is $ Y million • < 5 % increase in costs • Not more than +- 5% Behavioural criteria Decisiveness, Planning & Organizing, Problem Analysis, Work Standards, Inter-personal sensitivity, Management control, Initiative, Persuasiveness, Leadership, Judgment Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 34 Planning for Performance Major Areas of Responsibility Results or standards expected to be achieved. Agreed actions and priorities. Due Dates of action initiation and completion. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 35 Reviewing Performance Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Did not meet standard Consistently met standard Sometimes exceeded standard Assessment by Superior Consistently exceeded standard Comments of the Superior Far exceeded standard What actually has been achieved as described by responsible person 36 Aligning Members within an Organization Achievement of Department’s mission & objectives depends on how individuals within an organization are aligned with the mission & objectives. There are essential attributes that may be fostered in individuals to ensure proper alignment of individuals within a Department by building appropriate performance culture. Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 37 Checking for Attributes Sl. No. Attributes 1 Competence: has or seeks knowledge and skills relevant for job, continually learning 2 Effort: tries to complete tasks, does not delay 3 Productivity: stamina, endurance with high volume of work done 4 Creativity: lateral thinking, produces useful & innovative ideas or approaches to problem solving 5 Quality: does work with accuracy, calm & thoroughness , does not offend, not moody has self-control 6 Communication: listens and explains ideas or concepts clearly, pleasantly, persuasively 7 Dependability: is firm & follows up on completion of assignments despite odds, gives no excuses 8 Initiative: has enthusiasm, seeks new assignments or opportunities for contribution, crosses boundaries and reaches out 9 Decision-making: sets priorities and gives options, provides focus & clarity 10 Leadership: fosters team-work, helps team solve problems, tactfully resolves disputes, inspires, is kind, not fault-finding, mentors, coaches and develops others Total Score Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI Score (0-1) 38 Building Performance Culture in an Organization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Set short-term, challenging, motivating and realistic goals Provide support for performance Invite people to workshops and seminars to present success tales and share experience with others at agreed intervals Appreciate & reward performers Investigate problems with non-performers Get together performers and non-performers to share the key success drivers, provide solutions & make the tasks doable for the non-performers. Provide additional support, training to non-performers and lower their targets to make them achievable Let non-performers attain the respect for showing performance, taste the joy of performance, and have the anxiety to avoid non-performance Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 39 How can Leader solve problems of team members Get agreement that there is a problem Discuss possible solutions Agree on action to be taken to solve the problem Follow up on action and assess results Recognize progress and achievements as they occur Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 40 Outline Plan for Performance Discussion 1. 2. Warm up Job Responsibilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Performance goals 1. 2. 4. What disappoints or frustrates you most about your project at the present time? Where do you feel least effective? What can we do to increase your effectiveness What help or support can we give you? Assessment Plans for Improvement 1. 8. How do you feel the job is doing? What has interested you most in your project in the past? What have been the major accomplishments? Where do you think you are being most effective in your project? Areas for Improvement 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Overall, how do you we feel about the targets we set? Have any of them proved to be inappropriate? Why? Job accomplishments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you see as your major responsibilities at present What are the priorities ? Why ? What would you change about your project? How could your time and talents be used better? This should be discussed and agreed and not imposed Conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4. Summarize the discussion Agree on future action Describe what will happen with the results of the review Thank everyone for their time and contribution Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 41 Post-Completion Evaluation : Capitalising on Learning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Lessons Learnt Things which could have been done better Leadership and motivation Enthusiasm and passion of the team members Clarity & focus on goals Coordination among interdependent units/departments Quality of communication- internal & external, flow of information Efficiency, effectiveness, flexibility, freedom, trust Quality of support received Authority, responsibility & delegation Resourcing issues Robustness and value of contract Problems of personal time management Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 42 Thank You Niten Chandra, JS, MoRD, GoI 43
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