Short and Cuts -Making Money Methods HOW of handle to lists in the names accounting, and shipping office ments depart- payroll, general of business. any The actual methods 512 managers in reduced of 239 that have lines of business routine, saved increased money, The vertising, ad- Add aph sales Company u 901-91 1 West Van Chicago Buren Street " Copyright 1910 The Addressograph by Company H CONTENTS PART HOW TO I COMPILE A MAILING LIST Chapter I. Page Possibilities of II. How to Make III. How to Getting Business Lists Up Prospects' Compile Customers' PART IV. How to Make V. How to Correct VI. How to Use Up VIII. and Arrange Lists IX How 35 .... 45 and Prospects' Customers' Lists . IN THE MONEY Regular Statements 61 Statements and 66 . Public 53. III SpecialSystems for Rendering Bills 29 Lists GETTING to Make Lists LISTS PART How 15 II HANDLING VII. by Circular- UtilityCompanies Handle ments State- 74 3 Of 1 "*? ^i Q CONTENTS 4 PART HANDLING THE PAY IV ROLL MISCELLANEOUS AND LISTS X. How to Up Make Handle and a Pay Roll 81 . XI. How to Stockholders' Handle . Lists 86 .... XII. Xin. Making Special Up Factory for Uses the Records 90 Addressograph 96 .... PART SPECIAL XIV. XV. APPLIANCES Operating Special V the Attachments FOR LISTS SPECIAL Addressograph for 107 Special Work 112 . XVI. Addressograph Index Equipment . . 115 122 OFTHE V\ UNIVERSITY OF THE TRAIL BLAZED night ONE pasture woods little calf broke a and scampered through the river bank beyond. all animals, he picked to like he As course. straight path in the leaves. In the of out kicked he ran, earlymorning his mother a the stinctivel Inthe a up missed him. Frantic she broke through the crude fence and followed,widening the path with her flat nose, and marking it with her sharphoofs. When man a horseback on drew path was quite plain. He thought cut through the woods, and turned near, it the short a from the road. And it was short a up with weeds. grew the woods blazed " became " a is the np^HIS cut. The by great a The winding road paththrough straight calf,a a man horse- highway. historyof a America metropolisof and cow diagonalstreet " short a cut in a that has saved millions of steps in the heart of a business city. It is also the historyof the world. We continue some When short to take the shows us they prove to one cut " we long road around how us take it. to cut that the new across way until lots. is a 6 THE You TRAIL BLAZED longer walk a mile to talk to your friend Jones. The telephonehas brought him close to you desk. You as no as longer your three business letters a day with scrawl two or ink. and A girl and a typewriter turn pen out fifty. no ^TPHESE merely are business that have book made " It tells how to " in this bigger you proves to you another. and better work how more short cuts of the two to do and make save money. Chapter by chapter this detail how making and business book in every office records saving build are trade new exactlyhow by saving money and and to line are their statements, pay lists. How customers making handle money lists of rolls, they it is wherever hundreds of names, thousands. or r men business also describes for you men necessary these in you customers. properly handling are line of every how money, hold old This in men shows book I VHIS book money method cut for you, going to because make every and save idea, plan, system which it describes is a short that has been tried and proved by successful business and is men. TO HOW A COMPILE LIST MAILING Chapter I Possibilities FEW A of years southern Getting the ago Illinois Business biggest burned to cularizing Cir- by retail the store in foundations early morning fire. At six o'clock the owner's fire insurance a only tangible asset was policy representing about eighty [percent of his merchandise And the spring season vertising loss. had justopened. His adthe last employee to clasp his limp man was hand, as he stood dejected before the ruins. "This is not a funeral, Mr. Wilson," he said. "Just because burned we're we out are not going to rub the in an ashes in our story in every night,but "In are we that hair. The home will beat in evening the them papers county to printingshop across grinding out our story of will before tell this tomorrow it. the this street, two fire at presses the rate COMPILING 8 thousand of two safe have the lists, and the in be will store if week, twenty-fourhours The made owner telegraphblanks. for the know store for in open Within The county swarmed the hole in the ground " the and to biggest within and barn a it hour at son per- business : an into work at had he end of city to buy of see work request a was cated dupli- the doing crudely,but effectively, was weekx business. charred the the store, game have would mally dis- others enough to bid for trade when acknowledged defeat. The was repeatedeach week, and circularizing the season totaled a fifty was over, the books per increase of business. the cularizing, and crease Your But added setting. This within more for it. Nor will that services will you quality and on not cash the golden sound of his asked and goods but, unless hearing of tance, dis- talks Your business them, you prospect hears some trade money in your drawer. But to hear money. marvels be may lurid not have their get price had he within are in- such no themselves, for cent regained his may individuals oratory, but, unless will not You you. shout interested some if week a cir* Audience needs have not cent this fiftyper Have expansion wheu it. Must would man this fiftyto Talks business your and another Business continuing retained has store since By the as their that ready spring orders, and his clerks day." comment a single a soon night, every tomorrow and open have to we of score will county As hour. an a by LIST MAILING letters cools, we'll on a A you sell and profit. And know this. collect the you know You money that know that your is the foundation this double ability of your transaction " BUSINESS GETTING old as place with as one this is the you Gettingin have get in touch to buy your product or are problem. There with the built up must Among that is and salesmen been yet to to ways go way, but usuallyuse both advertisingmen, The born. and expands when publicity. Of the two business after man's business " the well balanced nourished kinds tution insti- and salesman advertising. it is a proved principle fcannot profitby advertising which commercial should pensive; advertising.The first is exhave inexpensive. Big successes manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer,banker, professionalman the who with in each be sell it. individuals service is every two tell can you sell and house, ware- a Customers Prospective with your second business a with that so to many growth, and business factory,construct a something Touch as take abilityto find and Your salesmen, advertise" hire How build you to with but hundred, a 9 intended is not " limit of your only reason world nor man, is the sell them commerce reach. profitably can you the of the world as CIRCULAR BY of in every person social world and grows est by well planned and hon" advertising direct " and indirect the always the most effective. When auctioneer and flagsyour attention with a red banner a loud bell,he is simply making a direct appeal to everyone and This is direct advertising, passing his store. far more effective than if he had pinned his faith entirely " the direct is advertisement newspaper missed, and few read. on which a And miss you it is the magazine cannot uniformed your desk very with same or well overlook morning. letter. would have you may While display advertisements, newspaper representativeof every a many the letter which the Government It makes a direct a gray lays on appeal. COMPILING A MAILING LIST GETTING CIRCULAR BY BUSINESS n expensive salesman cools his heels in the outer office, your letter slipsthrough the glassdoors and Today, gets as close to your prospect as his desk. have been built of the biggestbusiness some successes supplementary up with a red stamp and the intelligent While your sellingforce, and efforts of the This something is man's days, a he persons kinds tising. of adver- of business having sell. to In the old few kind of every true other business was limited by the personally his representatives could and development of transportation and communication has been wholly responsible for the creation of the mammoth businesses of today. With the letters which bear signs of a personally in come dictated The with. contact manufacturer, communication, retailer and business every and out broaden appliances for making less expensive. With Made Which Invention machines for the business letters, of letters and he send before had facilities for with grow of man them never has man his wholesaler, been able to development easier and circularizing every Practicable Circularizing producing able to turn was to facsimile typewritten out thousands prospectivecustomers known. But while he whom had the of letters, he found writing largequantities hampered by the necessityof expensively in and addressing his letters with typewriters. filling invention and The perfectionof the Addressograph made solved these difficulties and circularizing easy that and the i n so inexpensive, fact, Addressograph easy has been directly for responsible a nation-wide increase in circularizing, and a correspondingincrease in profits he that was " for these A From firms. wanted Chicago manufacturer he compiled a the rating books more list of dealers. the best % retailers in the he A COMPILING 12 showed these with trade four retailers how his local he would had he states the at secured next four in He sixty of cost them the expense spring per of of this manufacturer year other states. son sea- four in dollars one faith his accounts new which samples proved of five their up with matter sent end the daily hotel average The record At build advertising and inspection,and total a would printed them. product for product. his in furnish he six letters With newspaper specialdisplays and his LIST adjoiningstates. the of MAILING dealer his " men. sales- bettered this Ways of Reaching ProspectiveCustomers A largermanufacturer his business campaign follow-up was broadcast his wanted with him handle to lists trade, and began with to lever, the of the listed the current his letter quent subse- created been the jobbers he turn supplied price the that were jobber, and manufacturer manufacturer advertisements manufacturer placing his product The had to product. They in of their ledger customers in the retail complete. As the consumer cycle was the product,the retailer received letters supplies. Orders sent demand his quantitiesand were the publicity,he proofpages from blanks what the demand to national a After success. by spread to field,and second the general magazines his circular the most important factor in his into in wanted in Baltimore in in every holds now and and statingwhen, retailer would sent with six the to order his secure manufacturer this demand as succeeded months localityhe had the almost market at a in selected. solely by regularly furnishingthe jobbers with lists of their retailers who ceased his By jobber article. nearest have not yet put in, or urging this the have retailers manufacturer buy to is of using the constantly GETTING keeping his the of eyes solely by In the BUSINESS product the New and and he secured began mail chief When and the the a he of done almost is took over cleaning he whom their them. had sold retail tomers cus- At the end sold by mail two hundred day compound packages. To- his order danger business clouds the in this booklet at and which the quick tided itself over least inconvenience business panic western a with product one of bank tised adver- twenty-fivedollar certificate, six every with months. bank the depressionwith was were 1907 requests soliciting necessityof saving the of any of letters told of the their end and of the horizon, newspapers was This before unknown lists of had of desirability redeemable funds counters agent circularize to justslippingabove for *3 asset. the in manufacturer's a fifty gross is his this an rights for From jobbers to weeks his dealers' And consumer. York eastern three the on CIRCULAR letters. compound. bags, paper of BY the The sponse re- easilysecured probably the financial house in the secured entirely by try. coun- letter. And now its savings clerks bank a and merely are sell the over with letter transaction selling the this in business circular This the which doesn't get letters, to on basket insurance. stay friend personal does $50,000 letters a to mailed clear, side I to and magic wand that personal to another. Only so and with distinct. waste dress and your from chine ma- this letters graph Addresso- The a one addressing one prints " your from effect. it waste carry the give will " and And must lar circu- the communication because sharp The into have must money. read. is goods. desk, like world make it money. the the to if " your You, men " sells our of a ledger. unopened of reduced transposed your purpose any size and one responds have you licated dupWhen Brown business toss top and of and be can businesses. terms, letter that check, typewritten this style is is Addressograph " which signed They of desired telephone and basket the the for only you appearance thousand a chapter letter is business six facts by profit in dozen lowest its the to are The of result half a to cost men over, added just has a a beaten Jones your as LIST mechanics. and you MAILING Duluth in accounts These to A COMPILING i4 type" printing writer typesurface Chapter II How the FOR his of wants broaden Prospects' markets He and out the his sell few a But his real are names and is most if he households house-to-house and a vass can- addresses natural of of radius zone. as soon wholesaler himself and more the possible prospects within trade the their first names, neighborhood, a morning's will supply him with the names all calls familiarly by the over distribution store, corner Lists groceries his in a the problem. daily customers to Up who man of counter simple Make to from as or a this becomes man manufacturer, personal contact he with big store owner, gradually removes a the consumer, and becomes a big distribution of goods or services who problem. In addition to sellingthe customers already on his books, he must constantly seek the of prospective buyers, and with his salesmen them best serve advertising,show why he can them. first and How one to of secure the the best list of biggest problems prospects is the of selling. A COMPILING 16 MAILING LIST marketing of goods or services there are almost distribution always three steps; production,wholesale the business and is retailing.Occasionally, when small, these steps are performed by the same person, who manufacturer, middleman successivelybecomes In the cycleof trade has divided businesses into four natural classes: (i) the manufacturer, who sells saler, to the wholesaler,or direct to the retailer;(2) the wholeand This retailer. who sells stapleand (3) the retailer,who manufacturer And consumer. so There man just differ their methods Four the sells to the for four general sources of (4) the sells direct the to of Prospects The needs. of for information prospects, and lists of emphasizes the importance they best fit his Rating books and differ, sellingmethods securinglists of prospects. of Names compiling consumer, to their as Sources are retailer; who wholesaler or the generallines the business of these four according as are: general sources Directories Solicitation and records house Specialmethods. The manufacturer or dealers on can select the in draws on first three. the and name salers up his lists of wholeall four of these, but principally making From the address of rating books he responsible every wholesaler,not only in this country, but in all others for which rating books are published. If he does not for so select his territory care large a list he can and .concentrate his efforts on a smaller group of prospects. After the manufacturer of his list from limited the has made up the backbone will find that the necessarily this source, he classification of businesses rating books will not show specifically as grouped certain in firms COMPILING A MAILING LIST "3 ii It Ii H MAKING In order to LISTS PROSPECTS' UP 19 compel salesmen houses date, many oblige their make a daily report, somewhat such secure list and a to keep it up representativesto manufacturer. used These eastern like one by an lists are arranged by towns accordingto the salesman's in the and route by prospects'names alphabetically of his addition to In town. reporting the amount sale to each, he is required to enter any change in to address, and for is reserved The concerns. new stating why he for "remarks" space did not sell particular persons. into Turning Prospects it,it is turned the list. Prospects who in the of address entered proper file. method Another have the clerk on which new tion informa- charge of in sold been file. New customers' are to over the desired is transferred their card and secured has he When manager. from of sales for the sales barometer dailyreport is a This Customers are now tomers cus- to its proper position changes naijaes and cards and put in manufacturers and the salers whole- sell direct to the conthose who sumer especially of prospects is through for securingnames use in trade papers and in the generalmagazines. advertising afford the general publicity, For manufacturers who can of the most this is one for securing methods satisfactory and " " The names. the up advertisement to The the the fact that, the the is advertiser wholesaler consumer and includes his list may he is much be to turn sellingto of his interest. it into In the than more largerthan closer to his first a make to a up step a place, his dozen The nearer list than territory states, and that of the trade. It is then order. an the retailer is finds it easier manufacturer. seldom proof voluntarilyanswers person while manufacturer, rating books, COMPILING 20 A and his directories, about the same inasmuch as directories to using them keep their A with in names his lists from his from wholesale house the person mation personalinfor- letters, and and salesmen retail dealers' the reports of occasional date,the listsstrictly up to correct must the furnish him salesmen But as they do the manufacturer. way it is impossible for the ratingagenciesand secured from LIST MAILING sociations. as- co-operates with its dealers which their consumers' a secures advertising, mailing list by offeringto help the individual dealers with letters with the names to their trade,if they will furnish them of persons who have When purchased at their stores. a new was City, organized in Kansas grain company it had no idea where to secure a list of grain dealers and ters buyers. A plan was finallyhit upon and circular letwere immediately sent to all the station agents of railroads leading into Kansas closed, enCity. Blanks were in and if the agent would these the list on names was prominent local dealers and shippers,he Hide promised a useful novelty for his trouble. and wool of all the most commission the usually paying In built a similar man young him if he in a way, each country bank list. Letters of would When a these lists are business conservative and corrected for the list is sent to to cross mail ever at off names these sent friend the various bank in written each pays they are in each to a of one dred hun- twenty-five returned to these towns, Finally, desirability. postmasters, asking them who of persons "It Pennsylvania were For spellingand offices. in surrounding towns, asking of evening listingnames the spend one prospectivedepositorsin his town. names finally accepted,the cents. this scheme, agent well for his trouble. valuable a up also used have men is the do not best did," says the cashier of this bank. receive their advertisingI MAKING Small lists by bankers town the as have These built also farmers procuringlists of routes. LISTS PROSPECTS' UP postmaster is not allowed to valuable up livery the rural free de- on from secured are 21 carriers the this information. giveout Because how know the average dealer does not circularize his prospects, the manufacturer to saler whole- and and more sellingdirectlyto him realizes more the positivenecessityof stepping in, and with circular to the dealer's store. campaigns drawing the consumer and Blanks forms listed all of would his best like to sell. These prospects he immediately set are can SecuringNames in the by list himself of means such his dealer local through and associations other special by as this ing prepar- advertising, furnished clubs, and commercial methods In applicableto are business. A paint list Various number by cash of secured manufacturer the offered were dealer manufacturer's names country. of persons returns The were paint livest L'st of prospects whose it was uable val- immensely an the advertising in prizes Enormous the either " the "show" to difficulty dealers. his telephone directories,lists by merchants' by where has wholesaler or lists from proper it is advisable the persons booklets by Advertising of Prospects manufacturer securingthe case, the it in his town. secure Often on up from these that time Addressograph. And are continually receivingcircular letters and describingthe article and tellingthe consumer he are turer to the manufac- returned are these on the and customers wholesaler,and or dealer,and the sent are local to with houses secured manufacturer newspapers. nishing the boys fur- the greatest: needed from ing. paint- all secured possibleto get. over the Similar A COMPILING 22 LIST and turers manufacup by wholesalers specializedarticles by appealing to women built been lists have of with children and MAILING kinds various of guessingand ing draw- contests. retailer,which The means business every the consumer, goods or the rating books- for making up his use direct services cityand country own mailing list. The constitute and The rated. not are to lists first are Value names. for on postage sure these of retailers theatre and high be class taken spend to be must you to city and prospects for the retailer. largercities can of The two cents tain Cer- progressive Blue books enough to always valuable are merchant only use course the in reasonably articles and telephones phone tele- their trade. secure make residence maintain of chance from intend persons Name up their lists from registers. Persons prosperous managers social a of Each should care If you have that you for his sources salesmen advertising, compiled directories, great selection of his the others. are Determiningthe When viduals list,for indi- telephone directories local His seldom can sells within other to city and local specialplans look must source. one who man selling in a the urbs sub- list of those in his immediate territory. A Chicago neighborhood bank made residingwithin a radius of ten persons blocks. of the having savings persons names These accounts. and streets each on from persons classified in were Clerks numbers. street, and of all houses 139 if he secured were blank up then cards card a took filled in a list of Some file by the cards the addresses for ters Letthey did not have names. the person then addressed, "To were residingat letter told the reader that Mulberry St." The or she for which would fillout the enclosed blank and pre- MAKING sent it at the bank, a Within them. handsome 23 be would souvenir this bank days ten LISTS PROSPECTS' UP the secured given correct eightyper cent of all the whom from they could naturally expect patronage. persons for securinga list of prosAn easier method pects the precinctregisin the neighborhoodis to copy tration lists. The larger cities print these, and you and names could of addresses secure a copy over from alderman. your Many banks print their deposit and slipsso that every person doing business compelled to A small county heads bank in his a valuable families, livingin villagesin the northeastern An enterprisingbank names birth of the in and name address Hanover, Kansas, records tax of leave them is with the bank. secured from the 2,850 names eight townships part of the in with the list of Kansas From unique way. the records,this bank secures a has withdrawal the names of and county. City secures its daily newspaper and addresses a letter advising proud parents. After dispatching the opening of an account in the child's name, the parents' into fileof which has name a special prospects goes proved one of the most valuable in this institution. A A COMPILING 24 Joseph furniture store presentingeach addition MAILING St. bank better by family with a teething has a monopoly on the the this store It is said that ring. the goes to LIST one baby carriage trade. retail Many have stores A through their deliverymen. secured list of a weeks. four had rural mail Oklahoma, Norman, the rely on to in this way names 10,000 In compiled valuable lists Minneapolis house easily trade country in less that store a hired a which substitute of Norman route out every of the mother of every household. the name and secure have could merchant This more easily secured the men on man to these routes that knew should he letters these to is the as families each revises average that his letters sure are The 7,500. his tripsevery six months carrier makes mail Consequently J. W. Smith, but to appeals to her. He has only 1,500 buyers, but not of the supplies Mrs. this and, them. rural to list. route he rolls,but tax to the merchant to county appeal And names, the buy three-fourths not Smith. Mary of sent are from women the as cover The his Mrs. 1,500 five persons, appealing, substitute and oughly thor- letters and illustrated circulars go out every Saturday morning, receive the best attention on Sunday. that they may Points "The this in Favor fellow merchant, about your weeks tillnext and a you the Circular Advertising everlastingly pegging," writes fellow this week who and wins. tell them Tell every them two fall and share if you don't get results all along in the fall I'll pay the bill. When letters and circulars your competitor slowly,surelyand silently pullinghis trade to your shop, and he does not realize it until it is too late. Newspapers are good, of course, of doing it." but we lean to the circular way is none the out is "is goods double send who of so wiser,but you are COMPILING 26 which businesses and A MAILING LIST constantlychanging,cannot be guaranteed to be so nearlycorrect. The manufacturer or wholesaler, sellingdirect to is constantly the consumer, becoming one of the biggest has become factors in merchandising. He the long And retailer. distance are his entire has success been of a carefully built up through his circularizing prepared list of prospects. There two classes of these merare chants: the first, a manufacturer specialized product or direct service and, second, the manufacturer general products to more The Value These order mail of houses lists of millions of lists has taken gradually build up in trade. The big valuations set dollars,for the making of business potentialbusiness in mail-order The Chicago years represents much to Mailing List their stock are careful their lists almost the most effective work. the in their on of these up Each name past, and greater the future. manufacturers up sells consumer. merchants lists which immense or the who the consumer, sells wholesaler who Accurate of an mail-order wholesaler or and wholesalers build exclusivelyfrom two sources: advertisingand various specialdirectories. Through long years of experience,advertisinghas proved to be When this is considered: done, the means two for securing lists of factors must be medium, advertising carefully very and names. the tising adver- copy. The mail order house which sells mostly to mers, far- advertises exclusively in the farm papers which circularize entirely in the rural districts. Houses for special purposes advertise exsellingspecialties clusively in the magazines and papers which go particularclasses which it is desired to reach. goods and appliances, attractive only to to the hold Housewomen, MAKING LISTS PROSPECTS' UP 27 in women's solely" zines. magacharacter Articles of a more are given general publicityin the generalmagazines. in this way, lies The advantage of securingnames in advertised pictured and are the fact eliminated by and, second, that interested all are them on will answer ments. advertise- your prospects and live must you follow-upcampaign of letters your describingwhat specifically booklets and first are mediums, advertising automaticallyeliminated by the fact are These concentrate prospects the selection of class those only uninterested the that have you to sell. The bulk of the which names amplifiedby advertisingare such directories, secured are compiled from special society,lodge, trade names as grange, directories. Manufacturers professional and of used by specialties and lodge secretaries, valuable,for and a of needs of their is in need of these to names furniture has about are each the to methods buyers are as conjure, but and must securing names ingenious and varied be these make are certain Your of as mind the its selection for your up business List prospective fundamental recognizedin making simple operation. tractive usuallyat- information. for there married. be is name the Highest Efficiency Getting from which secured also be can built up a valuable list clergymen and county clerks,the house by securingthrough of young names couples who A fee of twenty-five for cents out enough to draw The article, by specialplans adapted to suit the particular For business. instance, a Pennsylvania your order mail trades,professions, various prospectiveprospect. Additional means person every salers whole- or find these lists particularly on, so through can principles such a a list, tively compara- A COMPILING 28 If profit, middleman's a another to your you list down and such to than large a worked. the select. matter end as of Assure of cream Make each the filled the each name month to settle that that his each account. your Keep know you small, and your list to of rect cor- more errors your comes A much Weigh on who customer with yourself trade. is appeals needs. it. list with suggestive your from returns one is basis hammered constantly it to working a highest getting are adapt can you want you which unless buyers, to concerned business a sumer, con- limited only be not by of which plan need imate legit- the to are These buyers. you group it purchasers employed methods the a and reach, to of class definite the getting retailing or prospective your LIST something, making are you MAILING as list ductive proferently indif- sents repre- name you personal office at a the III Chapter How a the into GO have them listed this isn't a Nine in It of business the entire must go to copy the name The the he wants refer he to of his of a for and a very them communications tomers cus- customer a of kind, any and records send or he laboriously address. man has found that additional classification,use from "I record. expenditure, he can these names and addresses onto speciallyprinted loose or leaves,and by filingthem in any desired only has will say, kind communication exceptional business small if he collectingelements some awkward and him addresses have to a those manufacturer, ten selling and he number in and demand time Every times names because the ledgers and sales slips." But is simply a cumbersome method my list. the keeping Lists average ask retailer, and or list. Customers' of office wholesaler, customers' of Compile to them for constant inexpensively send which all businesses out easy the for copy cards way reference, periodical demand. COMPILING A MAILING LIST If 11 II 3" i'.l LISTS CUSTOMERS' businesses Many in keeping are ledger cards, customers' ruled 31 their entire and ledger sheet,so that when a customer's to, the history of all dealings between house are the on convenientlyuse one a card. spaced of this like a card is referred and customer that Businesses card record records not can kind, but want a for reference card in4ex of have found their desire customers than more only, purposes realized in the Ad- dressograph card indexes. The printingplate which is used in the Addressograph, and a card slipcontainingthe customer's name, and for address special reference purposes, space contained are desired in in way one the frame. cabinet These, filed which drawers the Addressograph, at once give the user file and printingplatesof customers. The daily,the second stands ready to be used at a in go with reference firsthe a any uses moment's notice. Your Classifying Customers are of two Retail Customers classes : the cash customer who for cash,and the credit customer who buys intermittently and pays his bills at less consistently, or buys more first is typical of the retail regular intervals. The of retailing store. The second is typical and every other line of business. And of according to your method conducting yours, you must keep these two classes of in mind when customers making up your list. If you cash business,you will are doing a strictly have to adopt about the same of compiling your means list of customers in the preparationof a prospect as list. On the other hand, if you are conducting any kind of a credit business,it will be a simple matter to for your ledgerswill giveyou the information. compile a list, and a The credit lists of manufacturers good share of retailers constitute and wholesalers customers' lists. A COMPILING 32 Your When methods index of method of because when should be the to also use is the as same important customers, their address prospects become can card the prospects, This names. accompany transferred of one rectories di- backbone the of names part, you filingcustomers' plates, which graph, adopted filingyour in the next described have you and rating books prospect list,will form the of this list. LIST like the ledger accounts, for MAILING card the index Addressoout file with- customers' alteration. The to with business outside go its and cash a ledgers for its credit trade will have of names customers. Although the banker, real estate and insurance agent, tell that retailer and ordinary laundry man may you he all of knows his customers, he would experience correct mailing considerable in making up a difficulty and His list from ledger accounts, alone. memory seldom street give him personal knowledge would often show would numbers, and old ledger accounts old addresses and no longerlivingin the local persons business man's territory.Consequently, not only the saler wholethe big manufacturer and local retailer,but also should before verifytheir lists of customers making up a final list. The local business can verify its record city and The of customers card index from the latest issue of the local telephone directories. retail store doing a credit,cash business, should up with make these of customers. The the ledger, but and addresses the of the other two three and divisions first will be C. in O. D. their easilymade securing of proper names will requiremore ingenious methods. GettingNames A store of trade in made sellingto these three classes compilation easy by a simple system. Baltimore its Through Employees A COMPILING 34 first side of ticket and alphabetically next season of this and drifted to mail by we mail. the stores, other size of might it for " style has file. The the up send many otherwise have built listed owners retaining purchasers often office here say the the to vertical means fact, when customers who and sent is garment out "This," the in made small a the then letters. department their when is is customers order have all been town other in and "has store, side filed LIST in ticket and catalogs country that he sent are other The buys. customer filled is The stock. in put the MAILING an able envi- realizing in orders II Part LISTS HANDLING IV Chapter How It And work. well are be quality, mechanical observed. Your classified Long and and card that has is by of of means best cards, adapt grows drawer list until vidual indi- your regular at clerk you can itself with to your your card hundred thousands, index, in any particular needs. have loose or classified five and enlargement the be one prospects an and 35 but is indexes card because that the lists is true way nourish there This one must ordinary that index. arranged with shown merely and strictly lists suit an being shrinks there be corrected be classifying its easily start best to vices ser- But customers' direction with It and latter will circulars and must the systems, of the which them details. for method and succeed. will tomers. cus- make merchandise must your these to customers, leaf they and to you letters your you Lists prospects your systematized experience efficient to prospects' Under attend can up features and needs, intervals. of now and up, high two are lists providing gotten of is Arrange and compiled have YOU Up Make to You quirements. re- can cards, and the list mean- occupying only the while a LISTS HANDLING 36 minimum of amount necessary and space requiring attention. principleupon which the Addressobuilt. The Addressograph, with its card graph was address plates,containingthe prospects' index or tomers' cusis the logical cards and printingplates, ment developThis the was of the modern Three The your office card index file. Names Ways of Classifying nature list should will determine how your business however, be classified. Almost invariably, of of arranged according to one methods. These of the most generally used numerical. geographical alphabetical and it will be its individual with variations will be three are: Each described in turn. geographicalclassification is usually used by outside of houses a doing business single locality. The alphabeticalis used by businesses sellingmostly in the city districts. The method numerical is occasionally If the geographicalmethod used by both. is adopted, the card index address platesare grouped by counties or in any particular states, cities, way you may The labeled desire. The states are and index tabs behind arranged customer in the on the front of the drawers, containing town the names of names each are prospect phabetically alor town. their lists alphabetically, usually arrange behind the names being grouped ical alphabetindex tabs arranged in the drawers. sionally Specializedbusinesses, for various reasons, occadesire to arrange their lists in some special with This elastic done file is the so a as easily way. card index Addressograph. Although specialinformation this can be shown must on seme lists, usuallybe card index within the regularfile. shown as a combined Local businesses i i HOW One lists so to of the MAKE for of prospects literature file is manner as a kind any the to that and sent their methods customers' his its proper and these because two handled file,so plate can position be has Chicago be lists adapted are The precisely the when its tained main- of thedifferent classes. in that 37 can Separate customers to in houses business. arranged customer alteration, of LISTS UP wholesale biggest typicallyclassified almost kinds TO a pects' prossame prospect comes be- transferred, without in the customers' file. HANDLING 38 The by plates in and states been have both LISTS indexes and towns, approximate rating of this is a big buyers, or could small lots to case afford take the five geographically of cards colors five classifications individual offer to money into feature,for money-saving of waste by using divided in turn filed are firms. it would broken In a ing show- large list obviously be a lot bargains to merchants smaller who the quantity. Consequently, the advertising manager desiring to offer a particular bargain to certain classes of stores, simply instructs the mail the girl to address the blue red cards, and or for reasons out, appealing to only those buyers who goes not of price,quantity Systems An each Used in much card qualitywill or Filing the feature additional in of to used business. is set a In key interested. be Address by this the number Plates house lower has left which sulted re- corner indi- f OF UNIVtn .JHOW TO MAKE UP LISTS This catling upon him. number printedon the envelopeenables the girlto separate them occasions the house by salesmen,so that on special a give their communications personaltouch by may cates the number having the Where index of the salesman salesmen the sign form letters method alphabetical printing plates is used, the to their tomers. cus- filingthe card platesare simply of vertical behind arranged in alphabeticalsequence desired degree. subdivided to projections, any HANDLING 40 Houses having considerable correspondence, found it more convenient to their needs to give and keep this throughout a number correspondent have each the files. When index is platesare name on LISTS on. the this numerical necessary, as the but the given cross alphabetical method a is used, a cross Addressograph address this method adaptableto list is routine which number index as for Each any. is stamped reference. The HANDLING addressed are machine, the the on LISTS other lines of business being skipped. A an York New attachment wholesaler of the first to one adopt to the come Addressograph, designed to overthe operator's necessityof depending upon the eyesight. He sells to six if they belong in more or tabs was attached to of retailers is to the be classes of retailers. Their class, classes,is indicated by metal top of each plate. If only one class electrical signalling an circularized, placedin position, representedby the proper tab. The entire list is then dumped into the machine, the which are signalled operator addressingonly those names device is to her by electric an bell with Classifying This method with in Gerard, or electric flash. an Colored Cards of is not classifying large mailing lists. Kansas, uses colored alone A used hardware cards to by nesses busi- dealer indicate HOW what MAKE TO particulararticles customers would is of be UP in his LISTS line,town interested in. more 43 and One country prospect implements, another, such as a carpenter, is more apt to buy small sundries. Consequently each which touches his class of buyers receives advertising needs. The merchant depends upon selling them the other thingsafter he gets them into the store. One of the large mail order houses expressing900each year, have a key catalogsto their customers page of left comer "ach Addressograph plate in the lower As a buyer In an ordinary can card Hie, (he address be subdivided to any platesin the card required degree of index ograph Address- closeness such has the When they the keys this and A this out cuts of lists proof its of in and costs cents saves the alog. cat- Addressograph such matter, In the of plates from which the rate velopes, en- as plate, Addressograph three typewritten hour. nection con- chine ma- the parts: card The and ruling is for tions nota- cabinet addresses a nished fur- be can made customers an list, in addressing plate. special 3,000 classifying index of tion indica- an for card a composed your of and This with also index at in printing card printed It sorting methods printing the color, data. complete be plates respective any and address card the fifty-five methods special possible address uses to the mail Addressograph. the with later catalogs arrangement on general the only " frame, three the some mailing means etc. are of by bulk. in regular on catalogs, in this attachment key cards, These and inconvenience cut-off the the thirty-three catalogs, money and offices various customers. companies, them, from these for printed express on the company send by express their to routes been printed at much direct have which indicating F most separated are the and labels delivered to AD AM, as company of LISTS HANDLING 44 is up a on can n Chapter V How bought and MANUFACTURER A totalling 170,000 months. nine before his office. And names. did he When mailing had letters began to when the compiled lists, Then the campaign, Lists Correct to start his not been letter a " yet, the of loss positive correct 140,000 accounts enough new what again,and justify is the post so incorrect deliver the $600.00 in postage. names to completed straggledback, found to be the listswere on 30,000 names that the post office departmentcould not letters order mail from return last held them he pay And his list opened up and over this loss over on order mail today the biggest business in his section of the countrv. example of a useless waste is an indication of rapidchangeswhich can take placein certain,lists This the of names. mistakes and transfers, Removals, deaths,failures, wreck mailinglist unless a regularintervals. undergo a fifteen per at The stable a list change about change cent the manufacturer must retailers, average and it is overhauled list of retailerswill in a year. quently, Conse- wholesaler,addressing as their listsvery carefully. Even so and wholesalers will manufacturers ten per cent watch every twelve months. tain Cer- will have such as barbering, occupations, yearlychange as high as thirtyper cent. of a mailinglistis difficultonlywhen The correcting transient a it is not done. And this is all there is 45 to it: When the HANDLING 46 first mailing goes office returns Across under out stamp, the post two-cent a all letters which the face of the notations LISTS it is unable stamped be envelopeswill deliver. to such tory," "Deceased," "Not found," "Not in direc"Removed dress." address," and "Insufficient adno as " The will take you the address. will of these nature from name The first of the first deficiencies the list or will mailing the in show you whether find the show up If these list. are rect cor- all rected cor- little will be experienced difficulty throughout the year. Every mailing will have a few returned letters,but if the list is kept corrected, the returned letters will be to an kept down nificant insigat once, fraction. How But need the at the end Mailing Lists are of six months a revision,first for a or of names second, for the changes in Revised prospects, and, new and name listswill year, your location of those have already listed. Your clerks can do this,or In employ a reputableaddressing company. you can either case the operation is simple. you The graph names the in indexes. the If it the latest and name that order firms, the in first listed off are is they state a names book of existence in appear national or compared, are rating the on for each the Addresso- list of by town correctness prospect. card the Names tail re- town, of the of rating are written satisfactory in their proper geographicaland alphabeticalposition. After the list has been checked this far, the addressing address check for proper companies, when necessary, from the later citydirectories. So exhaustive an hauling overfirms new as but that persons can and with this is not a only be determined firms you in necessary are by you some and addressing. businesses, the class of HOW The TO CORRECT manufacturer LISTS wholesaler or lists of prospects and customers that his lists are correct he does it himself or has 47 maintaining large should as it done be very ful care- possible,whether by addressing an company. One of the to big Chicago keeping their has lists every list corrected from letters,letters six latest issue of houses daily from and customers effective an wholesale in tion addi- returned reports of men, sales- revisingtheir entire January 1st and July 1st the system months. for This is cut up ratingbook is secured. and rebound into fortyor forty-five books, each representing states. two one or They are then distributed the Addressograph as girlswho compare among many lists in the work Justas an a manner is finished in above a few described. In this way the days. of you slipa card into or out the of out or address plate into your card index, so Addressograph index you slip drawer can HANDLING 48 The of LISTS department has previously where count, blue-penciledtowns they have an exclusive acand the girlsin seeking new names skip these If a name the Addressograph list is not on towns. reportedin the ratingbooks, the card index platesare put in specialdrawers and sent to the credit department manager which the whether determines the will remain name the on girlsselect are listed on cards,and, if OK'd by the credit department, are made at once up into Addressograph plates. This house is daily making new customers. Daily these. the bookkeeping department show slipsfrom it customer's is in the prospects' If the new file, name and slipped into its proper out is taken geographical has positionin the customers' file. If the new customer is immediately one no platein the prospects'file,a new file. The the which names new made. of customers correct correct a This the New York Chicago inquirysent towns. statement "Is appears, keeps sent their this your list very wholesalers' bank their retailers in system cashiers letter they with ask Addresses a circular-letter information if such their line. that list of their entire over handling town bring individual to near supplements 1 manufacturing company to In for Changes in Lists and such (these are filled in in person is stillin business if so, where, and if there he has moved away, new to all times. the Correcting A monthly bank Rochester address?" at the top line of the On is a ink),if are These any letters extremely valuable this firm. Certain businesses "j3paratelists for each in appear Corrections several under it necessary department. Often find lists,and these to a occasionally in conditions are more maintain name will all lists. difficult HANDLING 5"" to make. An LISTS manufacturer,with Indianapolis three his corrections easy with a loose leaf book record of all names his list. This book (Form I) on is indexed by towns In three columns and customers. makes lists, oppositeeach each leaf indicate in crosses name, which lists to this loose By referring order as the arrangedin the same will be found. name book, which is tions AddressographCard Index, the corrections and addiare easilymade. In a Pittsburgadvertisingdepartment, 18,000 of customers names lists. Therefore for the I when in one or all of fourteen it is necessary change occurs Addressographoperator to change all of the platesfor Form appear this customer. form): (front Form a When a new name A page from a manufacturer's book II: A reportmade up for salesmen is added of customers. HOW card shows method card is blank Front to TO the from of card it is a his index How While 5i made The out graph Addresso- the on show figuresbelow Back numbers If the customer 3, 16, 23, and 28. of business or changes his address, drawers, platesfor One LISTS indexing Addressograph drawers. which keeps lists corrected. is plate. dies,goes out simple matter all of his for form card list,a CORRECT to refer to this card and secure corrections. ManufacturerCorrects it is necessary to impress His you Lists with the fact that list correctingis simple if attended to daily,your make be so large but that you business may not can is at the end of each month as your regular corrections Omaha done manufacturer. by an This or four of the man makes After weeks. lists his corrections the taken corrections are every made by means automatic listingattachment, a special device with the Addressograph. These proofs are the hook near on a advertising manager's to his desk, he marks As the changes come them are by about states, three proofs of the used hung desk. on the HANDLING 52 proof. before Just the monthly and made, are LISTS the these mailing, circulars without out go tions correc- a mistake. Keep a at year, the are to up lists your with of arrangement takes motion or your out The shrink. remains office has lists. revolutionized address on puts any in a It of The routine. the keeping card card card index and index A list index index stantly in- to you Your live to easy name. card The same. These enables desired the is The plate. Once day. revised. lists. plates operation the to Addressograph. hands or day thoroughly keeping the the from them for rules them lay have least, two corrected single can grow graph Addressofile tionized revolu- Addressograph using of mailing VI Chapter How and Customers' get, whether you Prospects' Use to Lists best THE business wholesaler manufacturer, which orders each morning. the has If the The orders chances arrival chair of constantly before desk. your the mail. Put to orders a your if they they fold. the efforts of salesmen, the and seated for them securing have in results have with and the the in buy. to business increased Applied bids them were it. worth are bargains, it easy of after going Tell of fundamentals hundred mail-order name your them. Make practice, of not are keep as and wanted, getting, they catalogs goods, just are with and share your worth he get it. you is to These mail will way one new next he into satisfied be to what which goes is bound exactly desk cent per a mail your salesmen your are are on twenty getting not letters,booklets lays customer that customers keeping. to are retailerr is the or or ordered are you your for ten confidence patronage, If The the has he because postman and pocket, your the charged usually is you by direct conjunction been equally surprising. A St. Louis staple product of their was to retailers salesmen, felt making salesmen their manufacturing own a calls of trade between representative. organized. Letters four through loss and A seasonal going the to to a visits competitive quarterly trips mail-order circulars 53 supplying company, of department their customers LISTS HANDLING 54 the advantages of mail-order trading, pounded home and today this department is matching records of a dozen salesmen. was Every customer supplied with specialorder is printed pads to hang on his desk. Inside the cover of the mail order system which guara short description antees the shipment of an order, twelve hours after it is received. The of book also orders contains a filled These merchants so are constantly sample order. plugged for orders with letters addressed on the Addressothe house to look upon as graph that they have come of supply for unexpected business or a quick source unusual The retail demands. Facilitates Quick Service Addressograph A Chicago wholesaler,whose Addressograph card index is classified by populationof towns, is constantly sending out notices of specialbargains which appeal to all his different sized customers. are covering the salesmen personallysigned by ters of these let- Many different territories. Frequentlyin handling more the manufacturer, wholesaler or and less stapleproducts, retailer are sively succes- of obliged to notify their individual customers sudden changes in price. Before the adoption of the Addressograph,highly paid clerks toiled long into the night, laboriouslyaddressing these communications the Addressograph addresses envelopes Now by hand. in typewritertype for few the entire list of customers in a hours. Several weeks was used advised by ago, wire staple article. a of wholesaler a This drop in in the notification Topeka, Kansas, price of was a received o'clock two-thirtyin the afternoon. By seven night 1,200 postal cards, printedand addressed on were Addressograph, in the much post office, quotingthe at that the spe- HOW cial price to the money USE TO LISTS 55 saler days, the Topeka wholehad cleaned his samples. His competitors, out the other hand, were on justbeginning to notifytheir later when the pricewent And a week travelingmen. left flounderingwith costlysurpluses lower, they were in the Topeka man's they could not move territory. His foresightand the Addressograph had snatched But from it is In dealers. ten them. often necessary mission buy right. The commerchant, buying produce from the country the Addressograph his basis for right makes districts, buying as well as right selling.The average farmer will sell his products to the merchant makes it who easiest for him to ship his goods. Consequently, the wise commission not man only solicits prospective shippers,but also furnishes them with shipping tickets and bills of ladingalready addressed the to himself,on run Addressograph. These through the tags are Addressograph list of shippersat the time of addressing the quotations. Several tags are suppliedeach shipper, and as inasmuch and man tag is addressed each as RED RCRPCR ROBERTS, A "T.tOWI". ^ W. S. A. _ * OATf BILLSB MAIL DCPT ONOER CHICK A * rojh^^fl ^4^. Cpjft atonc, is CR CO. SHOE RAND N sion commis- transaction DCRARTMCNT ORDER MAIL JOHNSON to the shipper,the the signed by no.. to CH (W.ITI SNIPPING DON T USC STOCK "TR CMR PACK CM* c"sc NO NUM. "CN or PAIN ///y /A //.i 1%. ///f An TOTAL NUMSCft /** nxj /a cr; c.A DON'T .* con. " out Each Or PN1CC SHOC "IXC* Mt "iuc~CA "" U. "" t. '/ " by tt"* U. i" a " '" " "" PAIP. v" (d*f ^J_ "K "" J) i 3 THIS COLUMN Sb SO iO // Si" C"/'/ "" 3 " customer customer use pen wnn r"?Al^ Y" " "OM /a" PACKC* s. . WIOTM """.""NAMC "or*. 5.hi ilto order, made /r .NAILftOAD. /*. //23 FIAINI POINT is and mailed to with his supplied a own big mail order S~o order book partment. de- LISTS HANDLING 56 and them sets the on carry it further their shippersas indicated of his to tags depot platform. this and than this feature And ties the the farmer complete when fill out shipments Some bills of firms lading for the illustration. in making for the farmer it easy to in product is also the basis for every success mail-order selling.If you expect orders,you must give the prospect something to sign perferablyan order A Philadelphiahouse built up a big trade with blank. nished pads of postalcard order blanks with which they furthe customer's These hung on their customers. he wanted desk. When goods which the Philadelphia house For could furnish him with, they got the order. umns the customer simply wrote his order in the proper colof the postalcard order blank, signed his name, and dropped the card in the mail box. Addressograph are chants' users going this firm one better by signingthe merblank the order which on name accompanies sell his " letter. every Making In the fatal mistake must tone be not of what statement a reference to Buy from made he what have you catalog. run of its business off on Once a the month, same is handed order to a as the the This last list must a circularized be Baltimore large and means list which ward back- given you. of is house expensive entire list of customers Addressograph by feed attachment. the with the week. haven't possible your list should A according to business given you. most in to offer without customers for thinks entire Where draws bidding customer sent the to customers, of that the individual forgottenthe order general letters addressed Your to business have you be a Easy additional seeking trade in such it the is matic auto- arranged in ledgerclassification of customers, bookkeeper who enters oppositeeach HANDLING $8 sheets proof manufacturer them sent has the by built up customers up LISTS trade immense an after year. year His customers trade accordingly. The index cabinet the dealer transfers notifies the with Addressograph constitutes a simply ing followis also system dealer,and another to by Should protection against loss of trade. become the manufacturer dissatisfied, a his list of This manufacturer. its card elastic backbone of this system. Limiting Your The retail store with regular following-upof increased and patronage Field ofAdvertising list of a its trade finds the customers the of biggestsource retaining old By accounts. features of service, new continuallypointing out new departments and specialbargains,the live retailer soon expands the small charge slipinto an almost exclusive The which account. his customers indirect advertising in itselffor addressing give to their friends is justification of the For instance, one buyers at regular intervals. ments big Chicago department stores sent monthly announceto a young man livingwith three young friends. continued He showed to buy his friends and more the of this store. more told them and announcements He of his selves all four clothe themcomplete satisfaction. Now from the several departments of this store. And this is about the historyof every circular letter to customers. The small valuable. knew A that he store make can retailer could in its customers the list just as of suburbs Minneapolis the whole city like appeal to his downtown paper competitors. He put his modest newsgraph, Addressoadvertising appropriation into an completed squeeze out every radius of his trade not a list of customers bit of business zone. and within prepared the to half-mile HOW ON YOU WILL EVER PLANNING Mmd(U" ABOUT OR OFFERED SOME WASH. is the way one The cards He has YOU ON " $ OF THE BEST VALUES GROCERS business house AND his trade CO., TOBACCONISTS to the trade. its customers announces quicklyaddressed built up GRIFFITH AND WHOLESALE are TRULY, VERY BENHAM This CALL YOU. YOURS SPOKANE, 59 TO W(^ , EXAMINING ENJOY LISTS USE IS DUCKWORTH MR. OUR TO the on Addressograph fiftyper cent by a skilful appeal through the children. The parents at the receive letters requesting that opening of each season he have the pleasureof presenting their children with a souvenir, which he will gladly do if they will call with their children at his store. They call in large numbers, and he usually sells the entire family. He allow is holdingtrade that less aggressivedealers would drift downtown to A laundry in all lists which and stores. holds St. Louis have other to up returned been its trade without If, after the second or third week, is received,the bookkeeper addresses a clever drivers. addressed There is house and and a in more man's a bundle form letter the " office. He finds receptiveattitude quicker. no Addressograph to all of these. of followingup direct ways customers. are another method the co-operationbetween salesmen. Salesmen are appreciatingmore the advantage of followinga clever letter into on These by keeping bundles by Houses with the that customer makes interested sellingeasier traveling salesmen and and introduce HANDLING 60 their with visits the on letters and by will An house eastern works and lists price visit. the from have decreased catalogs just been their flooding to sentative repre- such to the and man's sales- educational the that extent an force territory to do to dealers of each previous able sales kinds sixteen to by office given their when business home orders up them. upon have They work hold selling entire its up call addressed quickly merchants advising again cards postal and Addressograph, competitors with LISTS increased they their sales. Your customers much better already on Of to self are paid spread that out and customers already constantly invite your list. of letter The business, a you on trade. their it has can To for do want man, first business The invitation Addressograph the books. your personal and all getting But assure y?v.r- possible from this must you makes Addressograph to built yours. every trade have anything. you business should. had efforts your given yet ambitious every " are not who persons scatter " have and you these than money who you, trade You prospects. " you prospects course their corner best your on person for every your kind III Part IN GETTING VII Chapter How SALE A Make to is follows And You getting render at have in the of the at them the to But which is The the loaded ledgers, is the simple, bookkeeper is are regularly heavy them poring over the books month, their tedious detail is of statements to the up of statements work of this work is mails is the and the deluge of the end ment state- the the addressing this office ployees em- of And monotonous When keep to other at greatly simplified. 61 tremendous. demoralized. is work the after desks envelopes. Addressograph and enough the When their on regular and long home. piled makes increased the duties work keeper book- and money least at The addresses daily gone usually or simple. Their have for method debtors. routine on salesmen. month owing operation kinds all each is customer every the of money. the systematic routine respective while end action trans- the this of of the in in Businesses money. for and regular through statement used be maneuvering regular periods. goes a collection the The selling. step a statements the with equally important clever must Statements done skill must the in as half with much as Regular only and second MONEY THE is turned boy, The the over making adaptation 62 GETTING of the card index to in business. Card index MONEY made platesare order same THE be Addressograph can your the IN and in which the at applied once filed in the drawers of names customers in the graph ledgers. Businesses using the Addressofor both circularizing and statement work have their lists arranged in this way, using the ledger as a index. The to cross are day before the statements be made out, a clerk dumps the drawers of customers' address platesinto the Addressograph which is set to and heads a statement and addresses printin duplicate, date is put in The an envelope for each customer. attachment time by an at the graph. to the Addressosame These with statements, respectiveenvelopes, distributed while being addressed to their proper are places in the ledger. They are then turned over to the bookkeeper, who for all fills in the statements heads The customers statement owing the house. against which there are no chargesare thrown away or appear saved for other purposes. envelopes before proper in enclosure mistakes will be for which assured an their fact that to Statements of there and obviated. Value houses, instead statements it is him, GivingSales Most the statements With destroying headed bills,give them no were the have not to why these persons as by investigating ordered made. was anything since the last statement value A manufacturer He writes not an not to the sales manager. these persons, inquiringas bought, and asking if there The flattered order bought. manager drifts to over letters to they have grievance. with these turns is If there enabled competitors. to is a correct why is any usually replies customer statement a or to why he complaint the as to it before the has sales trade REGULAR A wholesaler of used in them turns the or Mrs. this anything you if you to a up us and have this to girl who like we month. if that Mr. you complaint business had Smith had about approaches "We looking you been the he Now this: were A Why?" away. telephone find statements, large telephone a when inquire some nothing. " something Brown, such all statements clever morning, of does blank customers sorry, account call all over charge very who 63 on account your Chicago throw to this typewrites "Statement retailer STATEMENTS were up bought not asked out your to me of service; town, you A vs. talksr 108 MONEY The Baxter LaundryCo. .. M.Cav'lncsn THE IN GETTING 64 Gross Net Amount Amount Kama TIMC. TOWEL MARKS DEPARTMENT SUPPLY OP Baxter The Laundry 409 TO grand cauinet AatfMeaal outfit and 1 cakci "4 each M II at 131 " J IN - 4 4 iea" I 71 " " 100 Iwnliliai al I cafcw Towui To hich... Hall, B. Arthur par J " " Rapids, rutt.MaiiEo weak " " ST. FOUNTAIN 493 dr. UST PRICE Tamil Company 177 51 Kent St, " NO far " carta Slpply Skrvu-b THE THE Baxter Maia Plant, 409 Office and GRAND to 403 Foontala Laundry ter Co, Laundry at 460 to 49S 3. K. 31 H 113 RAPIDS, MICH. Hewer, *""" Na. St. MICH. RAPIDS. 3RAND *""" Fountain Co. Grand Are. B. R. V. Lull, 1424 JTflBrfi* Greenleaf Ave 178 MARKS: Usfr- 3LLER Inapt9fr- Mmrkar- Insp9cfr- Aisorttr- | TOTAL ".NO $ IONT ICK 10 amiiTaV-opM TOWELS 13ft ASS BAR " TOWELS " TOWELS IS URK 10 m. COLLARS CUFTS-per In the and peJr laundry office receipts. It the Addressograph printsnames and fills in statements, route sheets, neatly and correctly addresses VIII Chapter Special Systems Rendering for Bills and regular intervals, at of nature their the bills, but this purpose. The business is it spreading with of business the the books. the leaves the account in a card statement also the sheet or all are moments' charges will be found ments, state- due, when is but simply graph, Addressoof this line statement, These due the the total between to which filed then Before is filing, adding machine, amount as thus made on posts are date. on proving out. This shown that the requires day. made 66 inserted the each in customer every bookkeeper book, are Addressograph the to correctly time regular the then are the sales readily as care for with agree tually vir- are The month totaled are fied speci- regularly conducted ledger. file under liar pecu- it is done: As posts at work, takes statement ledger. must If additional no the from sales few of bills account more statements he they statements way a the of total the is the up These the as day first dated a which but well removed however, by as heads operator then special systems the These month. entire its This institution. On the of is used of detail extra statements render not statements this over render purchase. does out dodging not because Addressograph which sends but and the make not trade, periods following for do businesses CERTAIN Statements the to the ledger, same but account, by looking STATEMENTS RENDERING date the at date what find to will know bookkeeper the the 67 exactly under he takes which statement from file. the statement placesa few lines below the previousentry, the current not charge,making notations of the amounts his purchases to verify due, thus allowing the customer He to up the time the are then refiled,and was made. should the statement The ments state- count dis- customer his bill instead of writinga receipt,the bookkeeper from the file, andstatement it, receipts the merely removes sends it to the customer, thus it is unnecessary lookingthrough the ledgerfor past A is headed statement to due be tinually con- accounts. for every account the first last of the month, should of each month. there be left in the ledger,they can be any statements the sales manager, givingthe date of the last passed to purchase. and does forms a the with from pull back At This away away the On the follow-up system, of a customer possibility ting get- firm continual until after it is too late to his trade. the time same the statements are headed up, set of Pieces envelopesis addressed and left in a box. of cardboard the envelopes, cut to projecta littleabove are and placed at intervals to form an alphabetical index guide. It is never for the bookkeeper necessary sales manager with this system to address an envelope or for follow-uppurposes. statement or a a Statements With a an a little more has into as Basis of a Follow-upSystem elaborate transformed effective sales system, a Boston facturer manu- rendering of statements follow-up system. Moreover, business can adopt, has saved his this system, which any hundreds of dollars in postage. This company has about ten plain boxes measuring five depth, and twenty-one by eightinches in width and GETTING 68 inches length. in is these salesmen's and salesmen In represented by a by a number. An envelope is kept a are letter of the addressed under the if this customer Now bill is to be is removed him, has and dates the by done At the with the the same attaches The an a envelope and card, which it to address the salesmen's purchase, and a January the 20th, as box the red at a names card 19, his and on he removes. a time red card appears, ing, morn- and filed are a envelope every inserts it in the goes respondingly. cor- he prints pied place occu- This work is skippingdevice and dating attachment. and time, the boy heads a statement the envelope which has been removed letter guides represent salesmen; Addressed made on say Wherever tomer cus- number. morning of the office boy takes one the Addressograph, where On his name, placedin its positionin the index from inserted. to sent the of their salesman alphabet,and with customer's record Each customers. and date for each customer, and index MONEY THE IN envelopes are [he placed iheir customers. numbers, the guides behind RENDERING from the index receive If bills this on and from this customer's the he has not goods, they refer date the on that he date the are to envelope received stamped on a the bill ceived re- to this under the on envelope in file. Keeping a The weed a the number to that others writes, statingthat know day previous the date. bill for his last lot of a index placedwith and customer a STATEMENTS the bill of would dead be If names. on the removed on goods Customers' also used envelopesare out of Record second that to Statements check up lists and to John Smith should buy of January, his envelope date, and a red card serted. in- January the office boy would print the envelope for the next shipment. John Smith does not order any more goods for about three months. About once ninety days the office boy goes every through this file of envelopes. On the first of April,it On the will be noticed third that no of orders have been received from Smith John their list. mailing work becomes A him write of letter a January. They his take or the Thus of routine will off name statement sales factor. a card is used green MONEY second the since either now THE IN GETTING 70 in this system to designatean is in the habit example, if John Brown of orderinggoods four or five times a month, the goods billed when are shipped but the bill held until the made. last shipment of the month In case has been Brown the fifth of the month, receives a shipment on the bill will be made and filed in the envelopeunder out enclosure. For his number inserted,which an green card this person'senvelope contains in the salesman's shows Toward enclosure. they desire for any bill or bills,they the tell at are filed in his his envelopeis removed and the envelope. When and and file, of refer a a month, should the at former Brown's to glance whether Then is handled account end to reason can index the end the bills of the month mailed, a red card inserted, as previouslydescribed. from the files, envelopes are removed rangement, monthly, they are kept in alphabeticalar- these daily or that so if another rendered bill is the after for envelope is removed, it is a simple matter mailing cleVk to locate the envelope and enclose additional bill. "This " saves of the time us and a feature,"says the great deal of postage, elimination to the the Boston pany, com- say nothing of errors." Businesses having only a local trade often experience in finding and difficulty distributingaccounts. The the Addressospecialsystems which accompany graph have usually corrected the faults. A A System forHandling New York semi-monthly,and had considerable wholesale house monthly trouble Statement in Work sending out statements to omitting such local weekly, dealers statements STATEMENTS RENDERING as due, and not were the to these in a and name for follows: as 16, his the customer righthand corner the collector's signifies 18 1, that this customer Number weekly. statements inated. elim- been is set up plate,leavingthe top number; route Ad- adopting an set in the Number 18-16-1. number; receives code number a ments state- proper have of each address index four-line card line blank After troubles address the giving right collectors. dressograph system, The in 7i in 2, the 1 HOME OFFICE, Policy No Due 156 February . " CHICAOO, ILL. Howard Q. Tavenner, V. 12th 7344 $6.85 Chicago, . Ave., Lexington 1 Premium Authorized Collector Home 111. Office AOC 68330 Robert J. 288 MTi E. Thompson, Water AOMITTtD St., Milwaukee, RETURN THIS The United NOTICE States HOME Hereby WITH YOUR Annuity " OFFICE. of Notice Gives Wis Life Insurance Co. CHICAGO. Premium REMITTANCE ILL. Due Stated as Policy No. 156 Due 12th 7344 $6.85 Chicago, February Premium Send . . Draft Balance MY due BANK In the insurance records are Tavenner, Ave. Lexington , 111. Office . Company $_ WILLIAM nCMIT W. t to Home Dividend Howard Q. Below DHAFT. POIT OPPICK ON office, premium "filled in" and CXPRKSS T. MONEY OftOCM. SMITH, TO THC OROKH Secretary. or THI and many notices,receipts addressed by means of the COMPANY of the office Addressograph GETTING 72 THE IN MONEY third would indicate that the customer receives position, his bills semi-monthly, and the letter "M" monthly. the machine, The attachment is put on triplicating and this printsthe name and address and code numbers three different colored statements. The on original is sent to the customer, the duplicateis given to the is kept for the files. and the triplicate collector, The list is divided into three classes,representing the weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly customers. This render to company installment day every they due had to house names similar a themselves month. their the With collectors. they often and old skipped system for the book method This give fallingdue are day to ern way a westof their difficulties. their ledgersor this enable due when In ridded the over for numbers business, collections of go for code collectors. their In the all statements to the proper them on and arrangement satisfactory un- was made and names serious errors. very Now their entire list is made dex up on four-line card inin the lower left plateswith the code number address indicate to corner should on which made. be The day this customer's entire list is then ment pay- divided for the different by days among thirty-onedrawers That is the 15th is,if tomorrow days of the month. of the month, the boy in charge of the Addressograph goes drawer to the heads drawer. the statements headed These These and who and fifteen, for all names statements on graph the Addresso- appearing in are then fills in the proper amount divides the statements among bookkeeper payment, marked sent this to of the the lectors. col- devised have been special systems which and proved successful by Addressograph users an are indication of the elasticity of the Addressograph and its card indexes for filing the address plates. IX Chapter How Handle Companies Utility Public Statements WHEN monthly the writes Collector of Water "it took four Baltimore, do an inferior is time to This is about do to be one of routine comparatively this chapter and water A the The into are order card are one and four has men." the the vast of resignation work of has ceased ograph. Address- the is statements if public utility companies, the of fillingin easy distribution ments state- collectors. to typical Addressograph systematic light, telephone most in travel readers numerical the monthly described lighting company meters to heading The out proper the weeks companies. divided meter for are in used systems for simple their and adoption the sending provides system and In with city public utilitycompany. official. weary the single day, caused has ink," Addressograph a addressing statements bugbear a The the of work than more in story of every the of amount two formerly neglected by work tedious The of Rents men our and pen the work this doing now With job. addressing with statements of man and heading were we index meter or each Under each leaf ledgers which month. in the address arranged their have fifty divisions arranged in Duluth in loose plates precisely 74 makes of the the which routes collector tomers cus- the division his in the calls. graph Addressosame order. PUBLIC That address is,an in the lower that it was labeled UTILITY left hand that this would fifth call of the city the of twentieth the and month read to the readers meter by the thirtieth. boy in charge of the the until the about finish the of In 17. eighteenthor nineteenth,the Addressograph starts to run off the bills for the will first be read, keeping about which two days On it on dred four hun- Route on begin the be collector readers meter number like 17-405 would indicate and fifth platein the drawer corner, 17, and Route 75 the code plate with the four hundred and this COMPANIES bills for each routes ahead route are completed. One How As soon Power bill the over to from the these as in and fast as are in the ledgers of customers the indexes Addressograph 1910 1. KAU, CITY 343 FIFTH BALL 8T., 343 OXHARD, re amount filed in card plates in JAJ. CITY as names address the turned the yearly cards which theycomplete their day's cards the as the computes the meter order same who on Lists its Patrons read, the bills are are clerk turn These readings. in the meters readings readers meter Company VENTURA TO COUNTY IUCTIK CIMMY ST. OXHARD. POWER rOM nrtH CAL. COMPANY, CAL- o. " UOMTMO. " 903 .Incandescent Ufhts *T~ Arc H. UfhU_TT P. Motor ". MRS. _ I8TM DELIA ST. 36 ROTH "5B0 7^ ( ^^"^ BmlauJjLcMdfy"i"RQMt No. Num. CNo. Amp fr??"C "". FactoryH^OjIflj: Styh K 0T .Voftaft-"_Z_fij .Cbo-. I DM* Where before it took same work is now several done days in a to few make hours out on the fc*M ICK in: zrz these statements, the Addressograph GETTING 76 Card Index. file by The the meters the file. At each have read of this out readings. cards these they form year month, wheh When remain record a the in of readers meter city,the bill clerk in the meter has also filled in the proper charge for each headed and have been bills which and the on of the of the every computed them business. end the being read, the end customer's By take month's each enter not are readers meter and routes MONEY THE IN tomer cus- nished fur- charge of the Addressograph. order She then returns these to the boy in the same in which they had been given him and the boy puts them into the proper envelopeswhich the Addressograph order has quickly printed and arranged in the same the the bills. Thus to get out the boy is enabled as entire list of statements in one day, properlyand neatly her by addressed the boy in Addressograph. trouble in Water companies do not have as much do the lightingcompanies, for, as renderingstatements as a rule,their a of statements while But year. out the on rendered are unfamiliar the detail work. and name the eliminates this work they dodge finds three,the third month postal card the on second the detail and four times months two smothered them in ing Addressograph, by print- The address but the statements, and notice the receipt, features of monotonous velopes, en- ment state- work. Making A of water Out in company divided customers flat rate and listed in ledger books numbers for each meter Addressograph the same order. are Rent QuarterlyWater Illinois has southern into two connections. The arranged in its lists classes, representing These according to account. Bills a customers series of address the Card are register platesof the Indexes in UTILITY PUBLIC COMPANIES thc 77 mnn *oi t"i UOHT COKE AND jam. MM" MIU1S, METER AND " BILL NCTM KATU UHMMA COMMNf WATCH St.. ttU 0HIAIA. lit. URBAM, as MIUI". MBua or m ST., WtLII 140* as PERMIT WATCH CMAMPAMN CMS. St.. CO. PERMIT 1M- co. C"*. "t"r NO. DISTRICT GAS, PEOPLES THE com am* Nrur " "i." cu? mmt o"a. tMU Wp" "" "Hit bf Wmi npm s."w " It C" fen alAaiw. *im*t *" n. _w*ma pit fURV " ""y"|i"Mi """ par xjam -Z" i. "s. loe r. ". M-M3. iamus. rtrti s. i" st., f. s. """ . nrn "*., Tint tmt cm* jLk.. 1 111. CNMMMM, /JLooo Tttl 0)bm mm CHAMPAIGN I URBANA WATER CO. M. to " Fat Wmi bill lot by MM*r muwciMjt. Quanar -d"f Rac*tv"d ".I" Qf f. 3 "" RM" m *"" MU^f I pajraaM CHAMPAIGN ~J\ao JmrnrmWrnl 140 URBANA WATER ^3 CO. gg "Ul forms Statement t When of public utilitycompanies of the adaptability of example an " end the of rendered bills are in the quarter is a to both a small city Addressograph near, and meter large and a at which flat rate time customers, charge of the Addressograph heads up the statements, in duplicate,the stub serving for receipt, and notices for all of the addresses the postal card the in boy Both customers. classes of customers are turned then the statements as book-keepers and, inasmuch in order as the names are arranged in the same the itemized the bookkeepers easily enter the ledgers, If it is a privatecorporto each customer. statement ation the to over the statements money it is is a turned paid at municipal to over pay their bills at requiredto Nevertheless send be out paid. warning. water easilybe they are the mailed counter or files them when and customers by check, the company located to etc. statements If are numerically so consumers call to they regular stated intervals,which do by law. most corporations municipal water post card Some then cashier who a that can are bills are to telling when second send a companies even notices such GETTING 78 IN MONEY THE keeping up a list of for public utility customers companies such as these is the frequent changes in residence which necessitate into the office of one changes. As these changes come the change is indicated .on of a specialslip, company, and slipped into a slot in a box. At regular paper periodsa girl transcribes from these slipson to a sheet of paper and this is sent to the person in charge of the the makes indicated, changes. Addressograph, who their changes by copying the Other companies make in what is called the Off and notations as they appear One of the of inconveniences Book. On The is simpler rendering of telephone statements than the work required in the offices of lightingor be records individual must water companies where The phone telecomputed and filled in each statement. companies charge a flat rate, and in settingup address the so that the platesthis statements headed be may beside and the address filled in with impression. one A Classes Two Handling telephone company central into is set up rate operating divided have Wisconsin classifications: two of Statements subscribers. rural kept in two arranged separate loose leaf ledgers,the names and town exchange headings. alphabeticallyunder The address plates are arranged in the card index order. of the drawers Addressograph in the same The of names The both statements month. The to of in eight towns their list of subscribers and town in classes town subscribers customers are receive rural subscribers are mailed each their statements quarterly. the When either ^ +he town time or to sending statements subscribers, the boy in charge arrives rural Addressograph starts for to fill in the statements COMPANIES UTILITY PUBLIC 190 EXCHANGE 79 BY AMOUNT cutmniD NUMBER ACCOUNT REMARKS " Tail Rat* I m 1 \ " "- "* FORM A-20S JAN. ADVISC 31 F. E. EXIST Bax THIS IN isio ERRORS IF ANY ONCE AT ME LIST llebr. Lexington, W, A. "IXLEY AUOITOR 1910 JAN. 32 Fred Benton Rebr. Lexington, Aabrosch Chaa. 33 J. $1.25 Nebr. Lexington, Berryroan Hebr, Lexington, 2 J.M.Anders STATEMENT TELEPHONE FOR SERVICE. TELEPHONECOMPANY CENTRALWISCONSIN RIVER "LACK Black 1909. Wis. T" laliMt at ptrlasttttttarat " Tf Rut mill if . " TCLIPMOWE FOR SCWVICg RENTAL. OF " " " " " " "III* AWE INSTRUMENTS MVA1H AND 1910 DECEMBER Falls, River 1st Jan. Strand, H. 0. Mr. WW. FALLS, IN EXCHANOE Rent ADVANCE SERVICE. S.M.Beck Toll Service PAYMENT - -. AmtuiU RECEIVED FOR Mar. Rural Orient 4 Due THE 1910 $3.75 - 31st $ - COMPANY (8ro. fc AthinBon. fBqr^ This illustration shows four of the put in the offices of Addressograph is telephonecompanies uses to which the 80 subscribers. to the He and receipt, address of first heads prints the automatic the The arranged are ledger and, bookkeeper is the the now the whatever and toll each against of envelopes. The the by the toil is charge appear these, charge service entered be may which took before done easily now They through there Work weary this names the to charges repair An bookkeeper. rapidly add to also charge. allow not as running able Addressograph the order same means receipts. to go by Addressograph. seryice or subscriber. days several the does envelopes in then the attachment statements statement, to quarterly or the the impressions statement, monthly on three attachment cut-off appear MONEY addresses these triplicating a heading in THE lastly makes plate When to IN GETTING the with Addressograph. These descriptions been chosen because themselves may have, not public utility and of a dollars only same. thousand for and statement to of to have of time work. how public saved by Your the easily any Index rendering ments. state- utility companies, hundreds themselves using systems Card the of system three others, indicate have systems merit adapt can their typical particular but these days three of company Addressograph Each of the company Addressograph can do the HANDLING SPECIAL LISTS MAKING This money, ROLLS 83 in addition to the savingin time and company, found that the names and numbers were always absolutelycorrect, and attractive more PAY UP and that the records much were readable. Addressograph can be, and is being, profitably used on names or pay rolls numbering three hundred the preparationof the weekly or monthly over, because and pay forms necessitates the writing of each name number from four to a dozen times. This is the equivalent of writing 1,200 and numbers. or 3,600 names of the detail The Addressograph eliminates this much work of making up and handling the pay roll. It be applied to any business where there are a large can of employees. It does not number interfere with the it present system of handling your pay-roll,because and number where you have been simplyprintsthe name after time time with pen and ink. copying the names The Applying the Addressographto the Roll Pay The applicationof the Addressograph to the payroll of an eastern is typical manufacturing company of the methods adopted in using the Addressograph for this purpose. In this office, the Addressograph prints of employees on five different the names and numbers forms: check sheets, pay pay-roll sheet, foremen's time dissection cards. receiptslips, pay envelopes, and From the employees' time slipsthe book-keepers, each week, make the pay-rollsheets which have up been furnished them Addressograph. represent The the The address plates are by departments in the pay-rollsheets,by they appear boy in listed names various When the by departments arranged in card these means in the index names of the same charge of the in factory. order numerical drawers are automatic order. sheets these on of the listed the on dressograp Ad- the feed attachment, HANDLING "4 SPECIAL LISTS Til TYPEWRITER ROYAL We.- S**et HAHTrOHO. FACTORY Depl CO., RECORD TIME Date OONH ROLL. RAY AND Paid. No. Week Name i'a P. Msthlss Miss K, P. Total Wtd'y Tta'iay Friday tafaiy Swrfay Tu'tay NAME Ending. AMOUNT Logs; Duffy Whslsn Thos. TlMKKCCPtll'S OiviarON CO. TYPEWRITER ROYAL "mcc* 0*m re* * vial ivu, rn Chick Accoaatu.* to SHUT CHICK TIM! Foi Ton Bmvvoysu' Dvunnr n Oept. No. Week H*tne Monday Emfloti No. NAME Tuesday AM P.M P.M Hiss 1.ortaarion Miss PM Saoday A M. P.M P. Uathiss, no. oaoia" no. lAAo 25. Dspt. """" MISS I*- QuH ? 10 No. 1?F. J-0 'Bells Pm" Hathles, " in TNI wanu war FACTORY BpYAL reqaeeted "LMIC SMM MUD MTUHN check to WITH RARK NEW to NO vnwn COMtCCTION CAN M COMPANY AVENUE, HiHTffmn - this receipt wit r.nww WATERTOWN oil the employees. ARSENAL.. 8HOR MX Pom NO. DEPT ncmntcn TYPEWRITER RECEIPT. tnvtktpei before p*?iag pa/ lAAO "FACTORY.- ENVELOPE mrt a" OTMtllWMH DEPARTMENT Focttaea 29, Mnaiaa nae* LCAWINO any MM PAY Dspt. DsSonls PAY. No. MONTH OPERATIONS *"u OF. IS NAMB. NO. No P. MSthlSD _?"?. NAME.-???. J?..-..lll9SSl. RATF by Saturday A.M PM "arc ""* Seven AM CARD DISSECTION TIME 1 PM Dur Thos. 6 AM. Locsn M. P. 5 PM A.M. Ending. Friday Msthlss P. 2 AM Thanday Wednesday ISO. """ all filledin largemanufacturing company, pay roll records of a the Addressograph. How the Addressograph eliminates routine MAKING As PAY UP 85 charge of the Addressograph has the names printed the pay-roll sheets, he runs sized form, a through again and prints on the same soon second is the ROLLS as sheet called practicallya on which time the of in boy the foreman's check of office duplicate foreman of pay-rollsheet department checks the department. the each the employees in his Finally,the pay envelopes and time the these are printed. On appear each which employee is employed. for the or number from purpose cards the This This firms some where in done is the velopes en- department printing plate, and forms of by means In cards departments the first three attachment. mislaid. become in appears dissection identification, should of This sheet. is blotted the there off cuta are of employees in each large number department, the necessity of setting up the same department number for a large number of employees has been eliminated. This is done into by slipping the department number the dating attachment, and printingthis after each name in this department. The adoption of time-saving office appliances has been delayed by many businesses often because its use the meant which entire the reorganizationof machine was to be the department introduced. into The where Addressograph, however, which prints names been they have laboriously and incorrectly written week after office system week, adapts itself to any without in any Used alteringthe routine work way. the has saved on Addressograph pay-roll, the hundreds The of same stockholders' its economies. dollars machine in used lists and this department alone. for circularizing, statements, office records is quadrupling one XI Chapter How Handle to CORPORATION A of stockholders 3,300 work requires three on and knock off write 3,300 limit their days for In of one with forms in 166 an by This " one basis, working and 9,900 that seventy- thirty hours " working the its stockholders' and days 10.3 times the was used. the statistical business on a equivalent modern 86 old labor and of required an of a one of was two fashioned clerk man that quired re- under names where three are figures show time story names signed by number same was as on the the on 19,500 official These eight other, the " with Francisco San names Addressograph method doing corporation double nearly " address is the show records another Nevada, days. approximately hand of total seventy-nine or The or 20.6 to a " working Addressograph. an hours, working hours must out, ninety days each each force, man. fills in " week office five clerks clerks 630 stockholders number the times Goldfield, 6,500 filled three nine equivalent an each The sheet, check clerical and every it takes hours, and two in This stockholder's the duties operations. this work do week mailed be dividend words, list a months. each regular names, monotonous of forms: other has must three writing In the to whom every different envelope. pushed in the Lists Francisco, to checks dividend name San in 3,300 to Stockholders' the dressograp Ad- corporations expensive inexpensive plan. The LISTS STOCKHOLDERS' corporationemploying careless clerks 87 to this work do employ one clerk entire for an mailing of dividend made His sole duty is to rectify the mistakes checks. respondence. by the careless clerks,and direct the subsequent corThe using the Addressograph company made on only 6,500 names nearly twice the number mistake in the last mailing. one on finds it necessary month after each names, 3,300 to " " the Stockholders9 Handling Correspondence Every corporationrequires a list of its members. vals, This list is addressed at regularand unexpectedinterand addressed communication every them to done. This work, however, is usually carefully have thrust upon forgotten the toilingclerks who pated quarterlyissuingof dividends, or who have not anticithe sudden necessityof sending all stockholders a special report or notice. addressed communications Where these are by hand, serious delay is often experiencedbecause of the labor required to do this work. Scores of mistakes the in and make also creep bad a impression upon stockholders. But these objectionable features of doing be must work necessary by the the in old Addressograph,which and name address have way eliminated been holder's always printsthe stockcorrectlyin a clear written type- impression. A stockholders' Addressograph sheets and clerks or a and and fillin the checks desired Index way, same but order are as fill in can address proper the amount the on dividend envelopes. on the The the dividend adding machine address plates are filed in the of the Addressograph in any usually arranged alphabetically the names in the ledger. appear by drawers easily handled so boy a typewriter. The Card in the that checks merely sheets list is means of an HANDLING 88 PROGRESS SPECIAL LISTS MANUFACTURING CHICAGO, COMPANY ILLINOIS No. of Share* SHAREHOLDERS' of NAME AND ADDRESS Quarterly L" Oould 6 Co., Laka 6 Union Sts., 111, Chicago, PROGRESS CHICAGO, PAY THE COMPANY MANUFACTURING L. Dividend fclX'A. dMCk A Oould ILLINOIS CO. , Aug. TO Lake ORDER Sts*. Union A ItW OF Chicago* 1" 111. : CHICAGO, RETURN CO. MFG. PROGRESS IN ILL. FIVE DAYS L. Oould Lake Co. " A , Union Sts., Chicago, 1030-1035 Old Colony Chicago, Jukes With the " 111 Bldg., 111. Shafer, Addressographthe corporationsecretary checks, addresses the envelopesand "fills in" liststhe holders' the stock- names XII Chapter Up Making FORthe on of service. the On played number, twenty-first the and lost and all make the in there was a company more money. of machines were tried on But others. form one the of name incorrectly. telephone On the in shifted clerk the the records. the notations clerks address; the variation careless a in digit office the by one sixteenth, transposed been change form tenth the had are or was of one which there the on havoc next, kinds the forms form On a form On date. point form made installation one another. ninth mistakes every On of companies twenty-six spelled correctly; was all the out second, a with records necessary telephone telephone troubled filling Records department contract city big constantly in the years, Factory the billing decimal a Typewriters in exactly effort an the to on same company continued Their Addressograph to have trouble. Now the name, same comes have none. address and they on form. every the to is number for rate, is then behind the When department, immediately printing reason various plate. change set up address fill in ready to hand duplicating the or and an the exactly notations order in set up A second a exchange and 3-line graph Addresso- plate, containing and installation, billing date placed in the These plate. 90 machine plates two twenty-six forms, attachment. A the notice change or address name, prints by boy directly of means sets then are up the these r j OF ^t-iFonN'"v FACTORY RECORDS 9i METAL. REQ. NO. John Burnhaa PACK Co. 6 159 U , DATE Salle RECD____ St., NO. TAB STYLE. MC 4Llne 111. Chicago, HfUDFR . STYLE SHIP VIA ADDRESS. TRICE. PACKED BY CARDS SHIPPED"" WEIGHT. MACHINE, CASES ADDRESSOGRAPH CO.. CHICAGO. ^_ ILLS. Smbt John Tl"Mt Dati 159 Solo MC Ratimc U Salle 4 Li no No. , St.. 111. Chicago, " 0"T" FMI. John Burnhaa 159 MC Co. 6 Burnhaa 6 Co. " Salle U 4Line Ul. 1MM" Condition Macwitk Cabinet Nam*. STY!* Mil NPA1D Unpaid 'AID 1912 Condition Condition Paid CMMTt \PPROX. 1"I0 Condition UXPAID CI SOLD St., Chicago, IMS Paid B.T1 "."" Paid Condition npaio 'AID NPAID Skpt. Oct. Nov. Pic. John Burnhaa * Co., "iZL. " U 159 """'"""" MC Hl" Sallo St., Chicago, 4 Line "TYL" ,B,u,,Wfcl,WH UU MCNT. John MC Burnhaa * 159 La Co., Salle St., 111. Chicago, 4Lln" s "Aft John Burnhaa 159 Co., La Salle St., JUll **". XC Immediatelyupon the k name and of receipt an 4Lint Chicago! !!!" order,the Addressograph boy address, and heads up all of the necessary sets up records HANDLING 92 SPECIAL LISTS platesand printsthe forms as the orders are handed to him during the day. The plates are then placed in the subscriber's proper positionin the card index files and used for monthly or yearly statement work. While most businesses do not have to keep as many office records does this big telephone company, as the preparationof every sale in any business demands certain records which and name filled in with be must address. should These the be tomer's cus- correct plain that no clerical address. be blamed to an obscure or illegible can error businesses cularizin Many using the Addressograph for cirstatements, pay-rollwork, and so on, also find it profitable for heading the various office and factoryforms which are necessary in the proper filling of an order. This is especially useful for the manufacturer and wholesaler who must frequentlyfillan order of departments. from a largenumber on every form, and Out Making should be so DepartmentalOrder Duplicates Every order for an Addressograph and equipment done When this was requiresthe heading of forms. made mistakes as by a stenographerthere were many lasted in the telephone company's office. This as only a few months, however, for it was readilyseen that with could be done the Addressograph. all this work The result was that the work have time, the forms absolutely correct. of the are The is a neater system dressograph Company can also be using an Addressograph for When an received, the order girl for in a done now machine in one-tenth appearance used used other or charge of the her prospects'or by by the every and Ad1 ness busi- purposes. equipment is Addressograph customers' file immediately refers to of address plates. If she has this address already set heads as up, she slipsit into the Addressograph and FACTORY RECORDS 93 * forms many These required. are beside cabinet a as forms If she the machine. are kept in no address has customer, she immediately sets one plate for this new it in its proper positionin the card index file, up, filing is then on she is through. This customer as soon as the printinglist, and togetherwith all the other users which the will receive the special communications Addressograph Company is sending out. Order Efficient Creatingan The which System the girl quickly addresses by of the repeating attachment means greatly facilitates the quick filling of orders and increases the accuracy of the office records. The ordinary order received by the Addressograph Company calls for the heading of forms fifteen forms 4. Factory order Factory order Factory order Factory order 5. Factory order 6. Office record 1. 2. 3. 7. Customer's card 8. Order as follows for shippingroom for second for third for fourth for fifth floor The record for floor 10. Commission n. Loose-leaf card ledger page Geographical Machine 12. floor tomers* 13. card second record GeographicalCard cus- occupationcard correspondence card. to the foremen go different Index card Customers' Customers' 15. card cus- card 14. floor firstfive forms where floors floor tomers* Manager's 9. Sales : parts of the of the various Addressograph made. Thus while the machine is equipment are the fourth floor, on being built up for the customer the printingplates, supplies,graphotype,cabinets and card index drawers taneously are being prepared for him simulThe order is not the others. filled by on rotatingthe order blank from department to department the shortest sixth The five,is an is distributed factories,but in many as filled in possibletime. form, which office record; by the and seventh is a more form, on a duplicationof accessible which the first record is provided card is shown the HANDLING 94 SPECIAL -MTC -OATE PROMISED- CARD METAL LISTS SMlPPEO- INDEX SMIRTO oroer ft Burnhan John 159 La render Salle I RCCCIVCO. CARD METAL 139 Salle La St., IN received. .OATK PROMISED- -DATE - TO 111. Chicago, 4Lin" MC METAL CARD SNIPPED- INDEX TO SMIP Burnham John " Co., HI La 159 Salle 4Llne MC St., N OCR PROMISED- "OATC METAL CARD INDEX ORDER " Burnham John 159 RECEIVE Salle La St., D- -OATC INVOICf .OATC " CARD INDEX MC La Salle 4Lln" INVOICES 111. .DATE PROMISED. METAL CARD INDEX ORDER TO RCNOCR 159 MC NO Co., " Burnham TO IN- St., Chicago, RECEIVED. John NO. Co., RCNDCR 159 . SMIPPCO. ORDER Burnham IN TO PROMISCO- METAL John " 111. Chicago, 4Line MC NO Co., RENDER SHIP . , TO DATC IN INVOICES TO 111. Chicago, NCCIIVIO. SHIP OATC NO INDEX RENDER DATS ORDER INVOICES RROMIOED- Co., " Burnham . 111. -DATE John date in TO SHIR no invoices TO St., Chicseo, 4Lina MC DAT Co., La Salle St., Chicago, 4Line INVOICES IN TO 111. "yl"1*** In addition to the records shown also makes out on a previouspage, the Addressograph for all departments duplicateblanks FACTORY individual customer's made and up, RECORDS 95 addresses styleof machine, sample other detailed which information enables the orders. to accurately fillfuture company The eighth form is another record card addressed on the made for up address the the back order. the which On also sellingthe supplies during each forms addressed graph are 3x5 a at reference,and a On ing operator readthe company made in filling and the loose-leaf indexed in manila subsequent The year. time same customers' sions agent's commis- the of sheet book. desk his equipment month the way. enables is shown first cards same or slips into customer's customers' for be may is a loose-leaf record form form for their orders that manager tenth setter This given. ninth in the up type errors any sales the made be addresses sample that so of the The shows customer name platesis trace each each plates may this card to which Addressograph, on the ledger three Adresso- page, ways other for three office folder for the vertical correspondence file. These fifteen records operator The office name and as the addressed are orders come in graph by the Addressoduring the day. to the proper boy distributes them persona each morning and evening. If you are using the Addressograph for any other it in this way can profitablyuse purpose, you very also. Simply place all office and factory records in a When cabinet the Addressograph operator. near an has been order OK'd, send it to the Addressograph will She immediately set up the proper operator. address of the new customer, and with this These office records. are plate,head all the necessary pinned to the originalorder, and it is then ready to be with the greatest possible speed. filled accurately and XIII Chapter Uses Special SOME years the using discovered he use could use the the each manufacturer the boy simply the tags with he But this had not he also does not do. mechanical They used to any for a wagon fiftytags. Wagons the railroads and labeled. Now order an fiftyor for a sixty shipping printing plate. learned found new a that his to the mean, however, for of machine that surprise use hundreds using knows Company can shipping for dressogra Ad- the other nesses busi- addressing labels. This it ing send- found his in properly "discovered" for shipping some addresses manufacturer alone He received receives customer's were of be piece this wagon, he was pay-roll, machine. fifty sections, about that his his out Addressograph addressing in when for who circularizing, making order Every shipped insist and new department. are for Addressograph a necessitated manufacturer wagon a statements, out that ago Addressograph the for these Repeatedly, by devised often salesmen indicate kind the selling this of the in have of which uses chapter the been lines. graph Addressoand what suggested adopted. have been And just Addressograph to of the will outline several Addressograph. businesses and have users kindred to adaptability of work, special uses special the its machine which improvements have Large all about that lots having large enough 96 who customers to demand order a quently, frecon- HANDLING 98 if the card small, and graph cards This mailed and and its These Addressograph. the filed under If ahead. and is headed with sender. the is used sheet LISTS is addressed to addressed are advice an SPECIAL A customer's the large, postal card. addressed addressed also are is account of envelope of these supply the instead Addresso- the with in the advance, name. boy in charge of the Addressograph is he fillingin and addressing these communications, also printsin advance a supply of daily and monthly remit sheets are used for banks interest slips. The having no open accounts, but who send out papers While the for collection. These are addressed INSURANCE From one send to needed. as COMPANIES four three times a year, communications and notice, statement insurance to their receipt. Each panies com- holders: policyof these in and requires filling addressing. The companies are also regularly sending out notices to their agents. The in and to addressing of communications filling and agents demands amount a tremendous policyholders the Addressograph has been Where of clerical labor. adopted for this purpose, the most of this work has secured. been dispensed with, and absolute accuracy Inasmuch as are policyholders'payments falling due each day in the year, some be devised system must for using the Addressograph on When this work. a new policyholderis secured, an address plate is made and Index filed in the Card out drawers, according as method That of payment. to the stipulated is,if John Jones takes out a policyon the 16th of December, and make has indicated that he wants to quarterlypayments, his address plate is placed in its proper betical alphapositionin the 16th day the of March Card Index when his payment drawer marked for will fall due. SPECIAL USES 99 4697 NATIONAL HAYDEN-CLINTON BANK OP BANK COLUMBUS, OF OHIO 19. ATHENS , ATHENS, OHIO. Your .received with enclosuresa* stated. favor "f. CREDIT WE DAT! ON EXCH. REMITTANCES PARTICULARS NUMMft PROCEEDS I I Pierce Co. Bank, Pierce " Nebraska BBPOSITKB United States National Bank. Tak cash hams credited only subject to payment. Checks aad ara oolloctiona received from Its customers, whether Bank, in making ba placed to their credit or not, acts only as thalr exeat, and ass rciae toe ia same diugeace It aaao Co. Pierce Vcb*tMM Bank, J90. Pierce, Nebraska WITH States United Natienal Bank, Interest Ace't for OcaiT CacoiT Balanccs Balance* ra LCTTCR BINT TO i Pierce Co. OATK Bank, Pierce, Nebraska, Banks are among Addressograph the is first to doing install modern this kind of work office equipment. in hundreds of banks The LISTS SPECIAL HANDLING ioo are Quarterly,semi-annually and yearly policyholders address tabbed indicated by four, two one or plates. The thirtyday notice, the statement, and the receipt with the Addressograph. all filled in and addressed are address plate,in addition to containingthe name Each the address of the policyholder,also contains and and rate of payment. These, by means policynumber of the cut-off attachment eliminated are the address from when printingenvelopes. Insurance companies, within and by so few a The office. on course and have states in By using the on. lists of off hours agents'address towns agents, specialcommunications month. the Addressograph With the envelopes and fill in the letters, addressed be can off run can of them send to find it necessary several times each they thousands with mailed them platesare that so any in the postfiled alphabetically desired laws regard to licenses,state cut-off and agents in any and feed attachments, automatic desired section states may be run valuable Addressograph. This is an especially Of feature in making up lists of unpaid balances. the Addressograph is also used in making out the all cards and loose leaf office records. PUBLISHERS publishers of monthly magazines and daily newspapers The is have found of one addressing for their publications.Addressing by hand wrappers over, too expensive a process for any publisher. Morefor the mails will it is absolutelyimpracticable, their heaviest of the periodicals,weekly not been wait for expenses slow experimented with, of devices constant Various penmen. printing impressions, lack be to but their machines the of illegibility frequent mistakes, and their lack filingfacilities, for indicatingexpirations,have of have their their automatic proved the SPECIAL The office records rectlykept. ( . of an The USES insurance company Addressograph is a 101 be neatly and in this work factor big must cor. machines for doing the pubof most impracticability lisher's After addressing work. long,thorough tests all over with the Addressograph,publishers the country have will print a that this addressingmachine found of at the rate typewrittenimpressionon each wrapper an 3,000 wrappers platesafford hour, that its Card Index address readilyaccessible index of subscribers, and that its specialattachments automaticallythrow week. out each month all expired subscriptions or national with tion circulaof periodicals Publishers a their address plates in the Card Jndex arrange of the Addressograph alphabetically drawers by states, and behind a metal tabs indicating towns. Thus, when " ' HANDLING 102 Mr. Stevens R. SPECIAL LISTS of Detroit, Michigan, subscribes for publication,an address plate is set up and slipped of the Michigan drawers, and in its proper one your into the behind tab. Detroit town alphabeticalsequence of classifying method list of subscribers This your enables you desired address to refer instantly to any plate,and circularize any particular part of the country. Method A Records of Keeping Subscription of Publishers address plates use monthly periodicals metal tabs arranged in twelve positions perforated with to the indicate subscribes Stevens is set in up months twelve in each February, his frame a of with a year. If Mr. and address in the second name metal tab position. A year later,when the boy in charge of the for February, this Addressograph is printingwrappers metal and tab with in contact boy all other an electric circuit and ring a attachment which in the throws February subscribers dating will bell. come The printson Subscription " February wrappers the words, Your He also throws in the Expires with This Issue." and printsa second impression attachment hand repeating on an envelope which is placed with envelopesaddressed whose all subscribers to subscriptionexpires at this renewal Form letters soliciting time. a are placed in these these envelopes and When sent to the subscribers. all of the addressed, for this month have been wrappers boy in charge of the Addressograph the through all of the perforated metal tabs in the second and, drawer by drawer, position, with extracts a singlemotion, all the address plates of subscribers whose subscriptionhas expired with the February issue. These are placed in separate drawers, in and used and are addressing constantly in filling graph renewal. circular letters soliciting Thus, the Addresso- then inserts with a metal these rod simple attachments, becomes a machine USES SPECIAL for salesman and twenty clerks and automatic an well. as of Publishers for graph of work the doing 103 also newspapers making out A statements. carriers' route in newspaper the use Addresso- sheets, receipts Decatur, Illinois, circulation of 13,000, have their list classified by carriers. The names are arranged in the order of the with a carriers' deliveries. proper sheet. and name Next for it. Once this subscriber's line is drawn route through off. run in weeks two every Collections Newspaper the carriers' boys make their Addressograph operator furnishes them the carriers' report printedin the same the as way sheet,but upon a specialblank so that as the boy his collections,he merely has to enter the proper collections. with route makes of amount He name. books The money collected after is furnished with also arranged in their the collection system office made. The written reports it has only to the a reason and enter receiptand boy correct that newspapers the subscriber's loose-leaf receipt and receipts, dated by the the boy making name the from removes gives the the on each These way. filled in and same respectivestubs, are Addressograph so that simply has to sign his or the on is EliminatingErrors and weekly address, and the word "Stop" written week, these corrections are made and the sheets route the off run in its proper positionon If a subscriber stops, a appears new is If a new scriber subalways correct. the name is inserted in its is added to the list, positionin the Card Index file,and, of course, and Addressograph the This the stub. collection of amount This temptation report to steal, report of the collections carriers have heretofore proved too big a job for the boy bi-monthly collections are made, and made not is where because weekly because he HANDLING 104 could write not SPECIAL LISTS plainly enough the make to report intelligible. LAUNDRIES A laundry it took week, lists which she number and " makes furnished to the the guarantees This classes the these out The to laundry same of customers " second cuffs and includes three into for them. sending customers class hours, and six done work collars and as just twice the Addressograph, its customers the class of embraces Today, list. every divided And omissions. girl with an 2,800 laundry lists in work, such The 2,800 laundry deliverymen. and errors the out same laundry has according to starched shirts. has accuracy first class make days Each customers. 1,400 girltwo one are had Chicago constantlymaking was the in linen or stiff bosom partiallystarched household work, the third as goods, known class includes straighthousehold work, and does not include any starched goods. All of these customers are arranged in drawers accordingto the drivers' routes, with a label on the front of the drawer indicatingthe and soft of the driver number For M. A. Monday P. M. "5" Monday drawer are arranged 5 the drawer instance,one No. and " driver calls his on regular file is list of monthly and route, In customers. another customers drawer to in whom driver in names order the in driver by another The route. it contains. indicated be will " which route which in addition sent the the to is which are each kept a monthly statements. When the address are made, platesfor customers are slippedinto the top of the different colored cards address indicate which plate to sends one to the class of work, a laundry. A pink card kind of work white a second card the tomer cus- indicates class, and a 106 HANDLING blue card, kinds two The heads for work three or these which colored lists point. all drivers' rack drivers for laundry a each deliveries at If the home, the driver intends to face of has charge is set driver's rack, the finds bill, and of the this if be will the out calls on he If and aside the customer drawer of address six a and plates. of rows trips he work, first list every in simply representing customers finds the returned as moved has over and placed office. the to the in girl who address new a or the across to the not person memorandum is turned a compartments to his in instance, five be customer Addressograph, the or different For make they comes pencils for up and driver that he move, of the for the bill is laid two placed are will and reaches according up arranged days arranged. are holes takes card the triplicating or bundled drivers, there drive, morning duplicating five and rack of requires week. a done plate sheets, they there sheets, work color the When his to the address been and week, row. goes his the in a out. have pigeon in compartments day bills has the these different the by route of customer a on makes with three or indicated kind by the If numbers filled is two drivers' the to before throws the the out indicated as printing After this laundry making in just and sends customer a according slips, she LISTS card. customers, attachment if the appears three to If to girl then, the the third. the of SPECIAL the proper V Part FOR APPLIANCES SPECIAL SPECIAL LISTS XIV Chapter Operating morning IFdown tomorrow be in office, your anything before to a have addresses liable are has addressing find the These typewritten and errors would omissions handwork. offices. of And Addressograph the " performs rubber any is delivered address you an every sub-divided In machine, all the set up .in the you persons address and name type, a metal wish. may by of office your work. the of Each metal plates needs side to for ready addresses list. or way be right and your particular drawers, the on on in in 3,000 automatically it will names desire appears your that of speed she thousands Addressograph drawers cabinet frame efficiency morning, tomorrow in her day, careful most proved of hour addressing. that When you the machine of function without cards an 1,000 increase next speed the of would average girl would envelopes, rate the by in been the proves will hour an This it the acquired which and pace, 2,000 she set were old year on the at night, By fifteen a addresses required noon. Addressograph an printing typewritten and Addressograph the and classified are labels inside 107 with on the tabs set front and up for of the colored SPECIAL cards. The address APPLIANCES plates are filed loosely in the ordinary card indexes, so that old names be easilytaken out and new names put in. Lists may in the machine too large for the eighteen drawers cabinet are supplied with extra cabinets of various sizes which are shipped with the machine. drawers The slides like Addressograph is ready out the first drawer and for work. tips the The contents girl into OPERATING the THE ADDRESSOGRAPH 109 graphs (Photomagazine on top of the machine I and II). The drawer is lifted from its position, leavingthe address platesin a stack in their proper order in the leaningmagazine. The magazine is pulled forward into a perpendicularposition(Photograph III) and the magazine door The is automaticallyclosed. drawer the machine is placed beneath graph (Photoempty IV) and the Addressograph is ready for its work. vertical SPECIAL The with the the girl sits an easy APPLIANCES in swing front of of the the foot and lever, performs of bringing the address ward triplefunction plate forto the printing point, making the impressionon matter being addressed, and depositingthe used plate in its originalposition in the Each swing of the foot repeals these speed of abilityto feed The machine the the operator machine is drawer beneath. three operations. only determined by her with her two free hands. OPERATING The ADDRESSOGRAPH in vented Addressograph is nol an office machine, inand perfectedjust far enough to make it a salable device. little THE Scarcely a month improvement is made fact is significant than being written, more more that goes here at 30,000 or the users by what but there. some But time this book are the is turning out the rate of 3,000 matter at an typewritten addressed ment hour, using the Addressograph on the payroll,for statework and all the many special uses to which the Addressographcan be adapted. XV Chapter Attachments Special with has offices its than more it is saving is it does have its 30,000 owners. names of clerks^" twenty various special work, devised been the re-written, take to of^ care situations. new Duplicating and bills,coupons, booklets and either repeat whatever the throws the number of at impressions attachment in of for by the top of the means taken are or the into to is each until being name required makes pressions im- two This drawer. print three, on machine the that point printing address work beneath order such arranged and four succession. Device. Repeating each dial a drops it be can Hand of this to necessary and name ing address- in or often is When into before times each duplicate remains it use, simple turning either plate future mechanism envelopes, on being printed. is done, cards ing address- In " envelopes, shipping tags, statements, for or Attachment. Repeating corner envelopes five and For In conditions, work the work. attachments for money written doing better duties. whatever be must Addressograph special making under and addresses and and graph, Addresso- special attachments, specialized of score function one modern and improvements a Wherever, and The addressing envelopes. " had Addressograph pioneer THE Work Special for name of plate the machine. " are hand If than more desired, these device repeating By 112 pulling a five are sions impresprovided located little lever into on a APPLIANCES SPECIAL H4 lever the left of the at is thrown machine, this dating attachment alignment with the address plate and tachment printsthe date or any specialnotice set up in this atto the rightof the name. As a check on Counting Attachment. stamps and for advertisingrecords, it is often desired to count the number of addressed pieces of mail. This is done by which attachinga little meter automaticallyrecords the Also valuable piecesof mail going through the machine. for counting shippingtags, etc., being addressed. Letter Gauge. In fillingin imitation typewritten the ink and to have letters,it is absolutelynecessary The alignment match. Addressograph uses any shade of typewriterink, and the perfectalignment is secured into " " by of means letter gauge a prints the which and name in the address rightplace on each letter. of all suit the arrangement Special Gauges. To kinds of bills,statements and pamphlets, any kind of and a specialgauge can be secured so that the name address will always be printed in a proper position. the of Automatic Cut-Offs. One advantages of of the Automatic using the Addressograph is that, by mea-ns Cut-offs, any line or portion of a line in which the addresses are set uniformly,can off while be cut machine is in operation. Cut-offs are Plain Cut-Offs. These ments simple attach" " " which be can used both on arid rubber metal platemachines. These which can Where the the are be standard furnished needs of users attachments the with are even built to are special attachments needs. No Addressograph needs Few yours of them will not need need more any. than two and Addressograph. more specialized, suit their all of or devices individual these three. devices. Perhaps XVI Chapter Addressogra?h Equipment Addressograph THE type^ type: metal The metal do not on lists in change from prints printing plates The frequently. which the names lists that on rubber is type addresses or rubber sliding used are of used changed are frequently. more metal The address factory, or lists furnished lists above their is the by wide. The spacing, possible, double the the Advantages On certain and to metal the in the Rubber lists,however, there it is convenience to the sliding This enables system changes Type from to the list discontinued the in to user his a own addresses us are matter Where They so about drawers. changes many of and economy system. type all additions office, is used are System rubber make lines have Index Type that use plates. Card three of three plates, and address address name narrow single spacing. use capacity of the of permits lines rubber storage wide This chapter. in this plates: a make to desired. as later metal in put plate permits The it is advisable than cheaper office own to them enables described four or it advisable narrow single spacing. having Customers which of different from branches, find and graph Addresso- the in customer. styles two made are its names, pictured are the double of one plates in their There lines plates Graphotype metal machine and in 10,000 office small in and printing plates kinds two they as over and and occur. over SPECIAL u6 in nance Thus, the cost of maintesettingup new addresses. is practically nothing. Partial changes of address, such slide slide in the proper As shown slidingrubber out town, of remainder to necessary and number street as disturbingthe of APPLIANCES the the old be can made address. letters and without It is only and figures, ones. the illustration, by the type is an easy settingof operation. With the pair a the type is slid from the settingcase the type holder. A boy or girl, accordingto the into tweezers of letters in each addresses lots of per twenty day. or address,can All more, states are or made from set other up to ioo 500 words, used in Words made facilitating typesetting. called Logotypes. An address can are as set up quickly as written,and once on anything desired. ber num- one up piece,thus in this be set up can in be way nearly printed ADDRESSOGRAPH This is Ihe way the metal otype punches with out EQUIPMENT address addresses largeand plates are a The made. marvelous shiftinglists use the at rate. 117 Office GraphBusinesses Graphotype APPLIANCES SPECIAL 111! 3"|ilt 1141 111 P;M k H m W"l' I! si! fill!SiillfillillSil fM m !l sS llflill ill ADDRESSOGRAPH EQUIPMENT The made slidingtype is capitalsand small both is made of soft pure age, and always givesa from rubber. moulds metal The letters. 119 of the face harden It will not in type with impression. The back of the type is a hard composition, causing it to slide A the the into holder. easily from setting case beveled edge prevents the type setter from settingthe side up. It also prevents it from falling type wrong uniform of the holder. out Where the rubber is furnished and with type system is sold,the type cabinet for a The three of one extra sizes of office Graphotype is an for stamping addresses machine for users It is designed especially Index system, and them electric motor the on of to Plates Address metal the make driven .plates. Card metal printingplates subsequent additions and changes immediately as they occur. The office Graphotype is a small reproductionof make the machines which the metal address platesin the Addressograph factory. It is simply and durably built,and can be operatedby the ordinaryclerk. When less noise than a running it makes typewriter. The boy or girlcan make from sixtyto seventy-five average medium lengthaddresses on the printingpress per hour. The Office Graphotype is run by a J horse-power if the power A motor supply is alternatingcurrent. the supply is direct, is used where J horse-power motor although only $ horse-power is required to drive the from their initial enables settingcases, type. Graphotype Jor Making The customer " machine. lists,and " The use of a direct current motor of this capacity obviates the necessityof startingmechanism. Where the Addressograph is regularlyused a on attachment large list,an electric motor substantially increases the output, and makes the work less tiresome APPLIANCES SPECIAL for the to His operator. entire feedingthe envelopesinto driven it reduces machine. to machine the makes noise It has four attention the machine. vibration The of to the ally electric- foot a speeds,and compels put his entire attention devoted printedaddress, uniform a and is then power the operator before work him. The Addressograph is also equipped with a foot lever that it may be operated in this way when desired. so As the user of the Addressograph finds his returns and more, he graduallyexpands the increasing more the eighteen drawers size of his list till it overflows which fit into the cabinet on the rightside of the Addressograp The Convenience As of he requiresmore Addressograph Company storage cabinets. added unified to from cabinet. These time The to Sectional room, he various are so buy can sizes built that time, and cabinets Storage Cabinets are thus made of from sectional they always to the can form match be a the folio number, metal the main in that business However, kinds for of do purposes for designed their Service devises Company do your fit not Department work. be rable sepaof part discarded leaving needs the all intact special of to of for the use find this In of any the attachments pose. purcertain Addressograph equipment this the kind any that found occasionally purposes. the small equipment Addressograph designed businesses special to is thus standard the it can a plate. not using The change, the does Addressograph used. notations a the of seldom is of case portion It a these subscription, or is plate number, policy amount, an expiration containing replaced the of printing plate and number, month premium, of APPLIANCES SPECIAL 122 exactly the case, tomers' Cus- Addressograph and ment equip- INDEX ALPHABETICAL Page indirect direct and Advertising, 9 Alphabeticalarrangement of plates(Photograph) Alphabeticalfiling Addressograph plates Addressograph,The (Photofraph) Addressograph,analyzed (Photograph) plates Logotype type . . . . . . made addresses, how New . . . . . . Address Automatic cut .116 38, . . . . . . . . . . . 47 42, 115 . . 116, 117 " 117 . 115 . 37, ...... 39, 43, 40, 47, 63, 121 116 ... ...... plateshowing date card (Photograph) platesfor publishers(Photograph) (Photograph) plates subdivided Address 120 . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . (Photograph) . . Sub-dividing tabs Typesetting case Address 121 118 . . . (Photograph) Office graphotype Rubber type . . plates - . . drawers Metal Metal . . . address for extra Cabinets 39 47 EQUIPMENT ADDRESSOGRAPH Address 43 ... 63 ... . . 40 . 42 -off 114 Automatic attachment listing 113 Automatic electric 113 signal of expert information address Cabinets for extra plates(Photograph) 73 Bureau . . . 120 for 35 classifying Change of address, correcting a business-getter as Circularizing made invention practicable Circularizing retail customers Classifying cards with colored Classifying Classifyingnames Counting attachment Correctinglists Chapter Correctinglists Chart index Card .' 48 7 11 31 - 42 36, 39, 45 " 49 " Customers' 69 statements How to compile Chapter lists, auxiliarystamp Departmental order duplicates Duplicating and repeating attachment Electrical signal device of names Employees as sources Customers' Dater 29 " .... 113 or Equipment 91 . . . . . . . of 40 114 112 41 32 Addressograph 114 FORMS For For For For For an insurance company correcting lists post cards . laundry companies power For telephone companies For payroll work a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 71. 101 . - 5". 5i . - 57i 59 . - 75. 64, 105 .......... . . . . . . 77 79 ........ 84 ......... For For For For holders' lists factory records .....*... office records 88 banks 99 stock ........ 94 ......... 94 .......... I23 INDEX ALPHABETICAL i24 Page records Factory (Chapter) 90 36 Geographicalfiling of plates Geographicalarrangement for address Graphotype plates making Hand repeatingdevice . 37 117 112 . . . How manufacturer one ' his lists corrects 51 (Chart) of addressed envelopes (Form) box for routine correspondence system (Form) Indexing Index Index Installment 69 ... collections Letters as Letters and Letter 30 68 names direct the 72 advertising selling plan 11 10 114 gauge field of Limitingyour 58 advertising Lists of prospects and customers, How to use to compile and arrange Lists,How (Chapter) Classifying lists Correcting lists How to use mailing lists of prospects' names Sources . . . . 53 . . 35 HANDLE TO LISTS, HOW MAILING (Chapter) 35 ......... 45 53 .......... Sources Making Metal . . lists of customers' up factory records it easy to buy Making ........ 15 . . . - - 29 ........ (Chapter) 90 56 115 type Nam6s, Employees addresses New Numerical method Numerical filing of sources as 32 made How " (Photograph) indexing(Photograph) of . . . . . . . 116,117 38, 39 . 40. graphotype (Photograph) Office Office records Order duplicates Order sheet Order system III 55 created How " 92 UP MAKE TO pay roll sheets for pay roll work attachment up and handling pay rolls preparing a HANDLE AND 81 ....... check 83 ........ Listing Making Pay envelopes Pay roll forms Pay receiptslips Pay roll sheet Sample pay roll records 82 ...... . . . . . 81, 85 83 . ......... 84. 83 ......... . . . . ...... . . . . . - 83 84 83 .......... Time Plain cut Postal cards Post card cards . . ........ offs 114 46 of addresses corrections Post Power dissection 57, 59 order company 56 blanks forms How Prospects'list, . 91 HOW of no, (Form) PAYROLL, Cost 107 Addressograph (PhotographsI, II,III, IV) 108, 109, of Foremen's 94, 105 (Form) Addressograph (Chapter) Operating the Operation 117 (Form) to make .-, a *....-_*. (Chapter) .'."'. -75,77 . . . "i5 ' ALPHABETICAL PROSPECTS' SOURCES NAMES, Directories Ratingbooks Solicitingand house Special methods INDEX 125 OF Page 16 ..... 16 ..... records 16 16 .... Prospective customers How " them reach to 9 forms (Form) utility Purchase ticket (Form) Quick service with the Addressograph for the Addressograph Real estate uses Retail customers, How to classify Rubber type, Advantages of card (Form) Salesman's announcement Salesman's dailyreport (Form) Public storage cabinets, Convenience tickets, Shipping Furnishing 77 33 54 65 3i 115 59 5o of Sectional 120 55,96 Skipping device of Sources 113 for names mailing lists of prospects (Chart) 18 Specialgauges SPECIAL 114 ATTACHMENTS Automatic Automatic cut-offs electric signal listingattachment 114 . Automatic Dater or "3 ....... "3 ...... auxiliarystamp Duplicating and repeating attachment Hand repeating device "3 ....... 112 ..... 112 ....... Letter gauge 114 ......... Plain cut-offs 114 ......... Skippingdevice "3 ........ Special gauges 114 ........ Specialattachments (Chapter) specialwork for to render Statements,How STATEMENT and bills laundry (Chapter) 66 104 . regular WORK. B"tnk statements 112 . Specialsystems for rendering statements Specialuses for Addressograph in the 61 SHORT CUTS IN 97 .... Electric light statements Following-up statements 67 Gas statements Insurance statements 99 Laundry 75 74 .... statements 105 .... Public utilitycompanies' statements Publishers' statements Recording customers' 74 101, statements 69 Sales value in statements 62 work Special statement work Regular statement Telephone statements 66 61 78 classes of statements, How Two Water statements to handle 75 75 .... Stockholders' How correspondence, Stockholders' lists(Form) records Subscription Specialuses for the Trading stamps Use Water handle to " .... of Sources names for to make 96 17 19 .... out 102 25 .... names into customers bills,How 87 88 How classes of statements, How to handle of Addressograph in telephone office rent (Chapter) kept Addressograph (Chapter) " sources as Traveling salesmen Turning prospects Two 103 .... . (Form) 79 78 76 INDEX The BUSINESSES BY ideas business to this book apply can you your been line For gathered are. they have you the experience and tried-out methods from of S6U businesses of all lines and classes. used And described certain is here just because as a plan in one line of is no why there business, like retailing or banking, reason who be facing a similar cannot you, adopt that very plan even problem, may though you are in a different business. and 80 and work your plans in in whatever in not down this index, remember wiU that you only find running but and methods under division; even suggestions own your do not listed business though here, the methods find your particular you described cuts and will suggest to you short work and to your are adaptable methods. money-making usable many The the some your by any means is now Addressograph condition in peculiar book one to which cannot the special problem like help, simply Street, Chicago, would Buren tried-out on of pages businesses or describe all the business your all and uses So being applied. is if there which 901 West on you Van Service write to the Customers' Bureau, Illinois. of specific suggestions and Help in the way without will be given obligation gladly, absolutely you methods part. CLUBS AND LODGES ASSOCIATIONS, Page Alphabeticalindexing 39 Colored 42 card classifications Geographical indexing Insurance 36 . statements Lists, How Numerical to 99 correct 45 indexing Specialstatement 40 66 systems Special methods of Statements, How indexing * 41 . 61 render to BANKING Addressing envelopes 97 Classifyinglists 36, Correcting lists Heading depositors'statements to correspondent Heading statements in bank Possibilities 39, 40 45 97 . banks 97 .... advertising 14 sheets 97 Printinginterest slips Printingdaily journal sheets 97 Printing trial balance 97 ....... 15, 28 Securing prospects' Special uses of the Addressograph names Stockholders' lists " how 97 86 handled STORES DEPARTMENT- Alphabeticalindexing 39 from Announcements . 36, 39, Classifyinglists Colored card Correcting Installment classifications 40 42 lists 45 collections . Rendering 38 . . statements 126 . . . . . 72 61 BY INDEX BUSINESSES 127 Page 15, 28 Securing prospects'names Trading stamps as INSURANCE of sources 25 names OFFICE Classification Corrections of 36, 39, names 45 Indexing numerically Indexing,alphabetically Office records 40 39 (Form) of the Special uses 71, 101 98 Addressograph 61 Statements Use 40 in lists of colored cards 42 'LAUNDRIES 15, 28 names Securingprospects' rilled in by the Addressograph Forms Holding trade ' Office 64, 105 59 records (Form) Special uses for the Addressograph Uses of the Addressograph in the laundry (Form) LIGHTING" Gas ELECTRICITY AND 105 .104 . .64 . GAS forms 77 Meter bill Meter card Power company's 77 75 Routing meter forms (Form) 75 readers Statements, How System of Duluth 75 handle to 74 LightingCompany 74 MANUFACTURING Correctinglists Example of wasteful 45, 51 list How Factory records the Handling pay roll Mail order department to " 45 handle . . . . for the manufacturer .... Possibilities for the manufacturer . . . 90 81 53 12 Securingprospects'names 15 Special statement system 67 lists of manufacturers 45 of Stability PUBLISHING Address plates for Carriers' Errors routes (Photograph) and in collections collections " How eliminated * 40 103 103 Expirations 100 Geographicalindexing Subscriptionrecords, How to keep Special uses of the Addressograph 102 to solicit Renewals, How Securing prospects'names 36 100 102 15 BUSINESSES BY INDEX 128 RETAILING Page Building up neighborhood trade Revised mailing lists Purchase 58 46 ticket 53 Rebuilding trade after Retail customers Return post card a How " fire 7 classify to (Form) Securing prospects'names Sales value given to statements , 31 . 57 15 . . . . . . 63 . of listsof retailers Stability 45 TELEPHONE Alphabeticalindexing Colored 39 classifications card Correcting lists 42 ; Flat rate Rural subscribers . . 45 78 78 78 . ' . . Simplicityof telephonestatement work work Statement . . lists Stockholders' How " 61, 67, 78 . handle to 86 subscribers Town 78 WATER Alphabeticalindexing Colored Numerical 39 classifications card 42 indexing How lists are How one 40 corrected 45 lists its patrons quarterlyrent bills water company Making out Rendering statements Specialmethods Stockholders' The of lists " . indexing how Addressograph in . . . . . . . . . . . 75 . 76 . . . . . . 61 41 handled 86 the water office 74 WHOLESALING Classifyinglists Correcting lists Mail order 36, 39, 40 45 department for the Pay-rollwork Sales value given to statements Securing prospects'names Shipping tags System for handling statement by 63 a 15 55, work Statements, how to render Stabilityof lists of wholesalers . \ 54 81 UN k\ . . . . . . . 96 70 61 45 BOOK THIS 18 DUE STAMPED INITIAL AN BE THIS BOOK WILL INCREASE DAY FINE AND TO DATE TO DUE. CENTS THE THE ON THE ON CENTS 25 FAILURE DATE SO $1.00 TO OF FOR THE ON LAST BELOW ASSESSED WILL. THE OK RETURN PENALTY FOURTH SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. " "ul- JUN 6 1936 JUN 8 1936 JUH fr 1936 5W49JIS ] RECD DEC =P 19 i061 9 W*" l#"* LD ai-100m-7,'38
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