Document 201470

Aug. 6,1»82
Pag* 7
Marketins News
Direct Marketihs Memo Cover industrial buyer behavior and sales
A good mailing iist must be meetings won'tbea waste of tinie, nfipney
deaned and maintained right
Professor of Business Admlnlstrstlon
Un)»s(slty of WyonUng
Direct Response Itarksling Consultsnt
Lake Forsst. IN.
thorough knowledge of comnrunication skills and an understanding of
behavior are necessary for a
sales rep to become effective.
Experience is an excellent training
mechanism, but it appears that large
industrial firms really can't affoi:d the
money and time sales reps waste in
acquiring experience over a period of
many years.
^>SALES MEETINGS provide one
of the best opportunities forj]
to train, motivate, supervise, and eduTH£ IMPORTANCE OF A GOOD LIST has been emphasized before cate iodustrial sales repipaoutives.
in this column, and this week some pointers on selecting, cleaning, and
However, sales meetings can be exmaintaining the inailing list are offered.
pensive when^^igh-cost technical peo^
^ There are nine questions a direct mac:;;^ pie are pulled out of their territories
keter should pose when considering f'or two or three days.
is important. Knowing the how and
In addition to the expenses of runwhether to rent or buy a list:
why of matching the product with a
1. Is the product that Was being sold by ning the meeting, travel, hotel, and buyer's needs, and the ability to com-v^
the list owner compatible to the product meals, the implicit costs incurred by municate this match, can increase a
Ihe marketer wants to sell? Subscriptions not having a company s#sp Q^ in the sales rep's effectiveness immfeasurHeld to answer questions. atrToircusto an engineering magazine would not be tomers, and negotiale orders can be ably.
-Sales meetings are necessary to discompatible with colonial furniture offers, substantial.
this knowledge, improve
but a self-improvement seminar would be
Some industrial firms are reluctant
trainit^, and remind the rep that he
very compatible to a time management to schedule numerous sales meetings
works for the company, not the cusnewsletter.
because of these high costs. Also,
tomer. The only problems with meet2. How old is the customer list? When companies always seem to question ' ings, as mentioned earlier, is that their
were the names acquired? Newer names whether they are getting their money's cost and value are qutf^onable.
Lauren R. Januz
frequently outpull older ones, although . worth out of such meetings.
Therefore, in addition t o product
Therefore, a major dilemma faced
knowledge, customer relations comthere are exceptions.
3. Who else has rented the, list in the previotis 12 months? Were the by industrial sales managers is, "how pany communications, and salesmancan the time spent in sales meetings be
ship techniques, industrial firms
offers made by those renters conipatible with one's own?
used effectively to maximize the sales
4. How were the names origiiially obtained*^ By Hirert maiP If they promotion efforts and justify the^high * should become aware of the complex
^liuman and orgaiuzationaT^eliavior'"
were gathered through a television direct response ad or some other investment cost of those meetings?"
that sales reps face each day.
method, close scrutiny is in order and caution is advised.
A buyer is a human being whose
5. What is the price of the merchandise being sold by the list owne^
A RECENT SJUDY I conducted
needs, wants, and desires ate interreamong 100 large industrial firms
Preferably, it should be compatible with the prospective renter's offer.
lated to his decision to buy or not to
6. How often has the list been rented in the past yeai? A heavily asked about the types of topics in- buy. His buying decisions may be inworked list usually performs better, but at some point it becomes cluded in sales meetings, the topics fluenced by many factors other than
overworked. Judgment is needed to determine if the list has. been that took the most time, the number economics.
of sales meetings held, and the length
polluted with wrong offers being mailed to it.
of the meetings.
t . When was the list last cleaned? How does the list owner Reep Kis list
The five topics considered the most
current by removing nixies and other undeliverable mail?
important were: product knowledge,
8. Is the age and sex of the buyer compatible with the prospective salesmanship techniques, human relaoffer? Obviously a list dominated by women won't do well if woodwork- tions, promotion, and administrative
ing shop tools are to- be <^red.
But a different ranking was report9. What is one's "gut" feeling about the list and the renting marketei?
when the respondents were asked
Is the marketer basically honest and make straightforward, clearcut
the five topics that conoffers, or does he run a schlock-house operation that has fostered ill
sumed the most time in meetings.
feelings about mail order purchasing?
They were product knowledge, sales:
Robert W. Ecides
Psychology, culture, and sociopolitical factors in the business organization may strongly influence many industrial s&ltn. A sales rep should
understalid these factors as well as the
topics already adequately covered insales meetings.
Some industrial firms now insist on
covering consumer behavior or
numan relations in thefr »Ieis meetings. They realize, and recent research
seems to support their belief, that the
gost of lost sales, lost customers, and a
floundering company image justify
the costs of tiftining industrial salespeople in buyer behavior.
How to make
Seminar Selling
the biggest
to make a test mailing of 5,000 names. Some experienced marketers with
big budgets will test 10,000 names, but extreme caution is advised.
Some coding should be worked into the mailing list layout to tell when
the customers made a purchase. A four-digit code (year, year, month,
month) can record everytime a customer buys. EifMaaHy, spoaal promotions caiTbe mailed to only the most recent buyers.
Keeping the mailing list up-to-date is one of the hardest and most
important jobs the marketer is faced with. Unless the list is clean and
up-to-date, it will be as much as 20% undeliverabte within a year. To
keep the list current, an address-correction^requested mailing should be
made at least twice a year.
. r^ i^ L
Salespeople's call reports should be cotnpared to present Ust information as well, and addresses should be c^eciced against new directors of
the industry. Periodic '*help us update our mailing list" mailings are
appropriate, and names should be dropped after a predetermined length
on the list. Continuous keypunching of new names into the list
ith date of acquisition of the name is advised so that it can be cleaned
from the list at periodic intervals.
BUILDING ONE'S OWN MAILING LIST is a long and difficult
job, but over the long haul it can be extremely profitable, both from
one's own use of it and the rental income it will generate. The best lists
are culled from the caU reports turned in by sales personnel.
Each time a sales person calls^m a prospect, a ^^luable contact has
been established with a person who buys the product in question. For
each call, the sales person should file a report detailing, at an absolute
minimum, the name of the individual called on and his job title, company name, address, the type of business, a few remarks about the call,
and when the next call should be made.
-^, It's also a good idea to code the date the name originally went into the
fUe, the date of the most recent order, and the dollar value of both the
most recent order and the past year's cumulative amount. Sales people
are notorious for nfiixing up addresses and zip codes, so a clerical check
of that information is a good idea.
Bqilding the customer list is hard work, but the returns justify the
effort. A 10% increase should represent a similar or greater increase in
cqoipany sales if the list is worked properly and consistently. One's own
list deserves the best treatment possible. It must be continuously and^
frequently maintained, updated, and Cleaned by sending "address correction mailings" to keep it in the cleanest possible condition.
Finally, once a list tliat works has been built or found, it should be
milked to the fullest extent. A list that works will pay for a lot of lists that
don't. Few direct marketers ever mail tfieif bvinn list often enough. To
determine the best mailing frequency, mailings should be made at
increased frequency until they stop paying out. At that point, a sligltt
cutback to where it again pays out will be the right frequency. * '
AdVMiitIng Management;
Crft«ria, Analysis and Decision
By John D. Lsckanby and Nugent Wedding.
Basic tAxttXMk emphasizes management
science approach, but also presents the
consumer behavior methods. Qives the trartltlnnul fh
nine-Step planning and decision-making
process. Approaches are illustrated with 43
case studies of varying lengths and complexity. Grid Publishing Co., 2950 N. High
St.. PO. Box 14466. Columbue, OH 432t4,
672 pp.
. •
- .
PrinciplM and PracNcM •. >
Eievwith Edition
By Frederic A. Russetl, Frank H. Beach, and
Richard H. Buskirk. Formerly titled Ttxtdent or profesaional serious about selea.
duties, promotion, and human relations.
As pointed out in an article by
Robert Evans, president of ETP
Corp. a sales training firm, in the Nov.
13, 1981 issue of Msrfcctins Ncwi,
sales reps need better education and
training during meetings about the
ftidstvdifTicult roadblock in their
path—the buyer.
The perfunctory and traditional
method of salesmanship techniques
now covered by the majority of firms
treats symptoms of the roadblock
problem, not the problem itself. A
Data offered on
sales potential of
sports equipment
U.S. MAKERS OF sporting goods
and recreational equipment who«re
eyeing the export market can get frte
market data on 10 countries and territories from the Recreational Industries Council on Exporting (RICE).
RICE has completed seVen of 10
surveys on Japan, Australia, West
Germany, France, Venezuela, Mexico, Hong Kong, Singapore, Peru, and
Argentina. The surveys, conducted
under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Commerce, are designed
to help manufacturers gain entry to
those markets and thereby reduce
America's foreign trade deficit.
The studies provide an overview of
the markets and their potential over
the next five years, identify goods
which have the most pFonusing sales
potential, and detail conditions such
as trade barriers that favor or impede
importation of U.S. products.
Survey results can be obtained by
contacting the Department of Commerce, Internationa] Trade Administration, Washington, D.C. 2(^30.
Each chapter begins with a list of learning
objectives and a short interview with a sales
professionai. Basic concepts of selling, careers, self-development, product knowledge, consumer behavior, persuasion, approach, presentation, objections, closing
the sale, servicing accounts, retail and industrial selling are covered along with ethicel problems in selling, attitudes and vvork
habit*, sales management and legal elements of selling. McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
1221 Ave. of the Americea. New York, NY
10020. 554 pp., $23.95.
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