CASS CITY CHRONICLE—FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1943. Cass City, Michigan. Be Cash Out, When Cash In with Want FOR SALE—Ford truck, IVz ton, ROOMS for rent at Severn's, 50 North Seeger Street. 10-2-tf in good shape with good tires. Rear tires are new, Also stock rack and beet box, ,and '42 DON'T FOOL with the weather ;man. Fill' your bin with "Big Plymouth car. Wm. Brown, SnoFOR SALE—A model T runabout. ver. 8-6-3p (Chief" (Unionville) coal now while this coal is available. Walter LaPeer, 4593 Maple St. Lump, Egg and Stoker. Phone FOR SALE—Sow and 9 little pigs, 8-20-lp 15. Elkland Roller Mills. 7-16-6 $50.00. Also 6 six-week-old pigs. UNTIL THE PRESENT Chevrolet 1944 Kingston Road, 3 miles Garage building is repaired, I north of Kingston or a/4 mile WHEN YOU have livestock for sale, call Reed & Patterson. am conducting a repair shop in south of Wilmot. 8-20-lp Telephone 52, 32 or 228. 8-15-tf the building directly across the street, formerly occupied by the TRY KEN-KEY'S for some of your FARMERS—I will truck your Kelley Garage. Need more auto groceries; good staple goods and livestock to Marlette on Monmechanics with tools. Mechanics priced right Kenney's Grocery days. Call me. Cass City phone without tools need not apply. and Creamery. 10-7-tf 140F2. Ben McAlpine. 6-4-tf Karl Story. 8-20-2p SHERIFF-GOSLIN Roofing Co.— FOR SALE—Windmill, in good Roofing and siding contractors condition, for $25 if taken at since 1906. Estimates furnished. once. Four calves 12 weeks old Terms if desired. C. D. Butler, for sale or trade on cow. Henry sales agent, Fairgrove. 8-13-4p Kruse, 7 north, 2 west, % north of Gass City. 8-20-2p FARM AND STOCK SALES 80 ACRES, 4 south, 1% east Cass City, 4-room house, furnace, BROOD SOW with 7 pigs 2 weeks HANDLED ANYWHERE. shower bath, water system, elecold for sale. Gordon Sowden, tric throughout, good barn, ce8% north, 1 east of Cass City. ment floors, steel stanchions, CASS CITY 8-20-lp water in barn, milk cooling tank, Telephone 145F12. other buildings, fair land, some AUTO PARTS and also mufflers. woods. F. L. Clark, Real Estate, Save 50% at Gamble's. 8-20-1 MOTORISTS—We balance wheels Caro. 8-13-2 FOR SALE—Roan mare 7 years to run without vibration. Means old, weight 1800, or matched safe motoring, longer tire mile- FOR SALE—100 acre farm with good buildings, good soil. Miteam of bay mares, half sisters, age for you. Let us test your chael Smith, 8 miles south and 6 years old, weight 3500. All car soon. Howard Asher, Chrys3 east of Cass City. Deford No. guaranteed to be good workers. ler- Plymouth, Caro. 4-28tf 1. 8-13-2p Kenneth Shuart, 8 miles east, 4% north of Cass City, 8-20-lp RATES—Liner of 25 words or less, 25 cents each insertion. Over 25 words, <me cent a word for eacjh insertion. Arnold Copeland Auctioneer BAY MARE, 9 years old, weight 1500, good all around worker, for sale. Will sell cheap. Rayford Thorpe, 4 miles east, 4 north, % east of Cass City. 8-20-lp FOR SALE—40 acres good farm land, located in Sanilac county, Minden township, 3 miles south of Minden City on county road. Good soil, all under cultivation. Price $1,600.00. Mrs. Lewis Gutschow, Route 7, Box 19, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. 8-20-3p MEN WANTED' FOR ESSENTIAL WAR WORK Our boys need food, guns, ammunition and equipment. Let's help get supplies to them. Good wages; overtime pay. Premium wages on night shift. ELKTON EXPORT BOXING OO. Elkton, Michigan 7-30-t LOST — Auto license plate HAVE THEM Cleaned! Keep your suits, dresses, work clothes ME-2846. Finder please notify Ed Krohn, R. R. 2, Cass City, in active service for the duration by having them cleaned freor leave plate at Chronicle office. quently by Eicher's Cleaners 8-20-2p Pigeon. We pick up and deliver GREETING CARDS—An assort- in Cass City every Monday anc ment of lovely new greeting Thursday. 6-25cards just received, Ic, 5c, lOc, 15c, and 25c. Ella Vance's Vari- POULTRY Wanted —Drop postal ety Store. 8-20-lp card to Stephen Dodge, Cass City. Will call for any amount HORSES WANTED, old or disat any time. Phone 142F12 abled, cash, '$10 and up< Must W-T-if • - . - • • • : be alive for animal feed purposes. No horses sold or traded. EXPERT WHEEL balancing—We Prompt pickup. Phone colled balance wheels to run true anc Caro 937-11 or write Lang Feec without vibration at all speeds Co., Route 3, Caro, Michigan Assures steering ease, saves 8-20tires. Howard Asher, ChryslerPlymouth, Caro. 4-30-tf FOR SALE — Several hundred climated Hereford steers and heifers 300 Ibs. and up, choice quality. Call 209-W-l, Clare, or pay us a visit at the ranch. W. C. Cornwell Ranch, Clare, Michigan. 8-20-3 330 Acres Bloomfield Twp. $14,000 320 Acres Bingham Twp. . 13,500 240 Acres Meade Twp. . 12,000 170 Acres Bloomfield Twp. . 9,000 160 Acres Meade Twp 6,500 130 Acres Caseville Twp ...12,500 100 Acres near Sebewaing... 10,000 80 Acres near Kilmanagh. 15,000 80 Acres near Elkton 6,500 80 Acres Lake Twp 6,000 80 Acres Brookfield" Twp. .. 5,500 80 Acres Meade Twp 5,500 80 Acres Brookfield Twp... 4,200 60 Acres near Kilmanagh.. 8,000 40 Acres near Linkville .... 5,250 PHONE 145 40 Acres Meade Twp 1,600 40 Acres McKinley Twp. .. 1,500 40 Acres near Caseville .... 3,500 POULTRY Highest Market Prices Paid at All Times Caro Poultry Plant FARMERS Am buying poultry and eggs every day. See us for best prices. Sehwei-gert's Poultry 211 E. Frank Street CARO. Phone 291. 8-13-tf Sandusky Poultry Plant PHONE 267 Care of-Blue Water Inn CASEVILLE, MICHIGAN 7-30-tf iHiHHittiiimuHHuiiiuiHutniiMiiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiuttHimiHiiiuinuiuiuiiiiHiiuuiiiHiiimiiuiiiuumiiiiHiiii FOR SALE—Cottage at Rose Island with screened porch at 1862 Grove Street. Inquire of caretaker. .Otis A. Hinton, 493 W. Frank St., Birmingham, Mich. 8-13-2p LIST YOUR FARM- property for sale on a basis of 5% commission. Why not try this service? It costs you nothing to list. If sold the charge is only 5%. Use this service. A penny post card . will reach me. F. L. Clark, Real Estate, Caro. 8-13-4 CASH PAID for cream at Kenney's, Cass City. FOR SALE—Two Jersey cows, 3 and 4 years old. John Banko, 6 miles south, 1 east, 1 south of Cass City. 8-20-lp ABOUT 50 WHITE and Barred Rock pullets, 4 months old, for sale. Take your choice at $1.00 apiece. Clarence Quick, 2688 Warner Road. Phone 150F12. 8-20-1 FOR SALE—2 female birds, hay ropes, 12 separate discs, fuel heater, hand washer, milk separator. Call 206R3 on Third St. Frank E. Hall. 8-20-1 JUST RECEIVED—New living room suites at Gamble's. 8-20-1 AUTO SEAT COVERS—For cool summer driving youll want your car fitted with smart, snug covers. Easy to sponge clean. Caro Auto Parts' Co., opposite telephone office. Phone 305, Caro. 8-20-6 WANTED—Small chicken farm, 5 acres or more. House must be in good condition, four or five rooms. Charles Nottley, 971 Columbia Road, Berkley, Mich. 8-20-lp ONE SOLID MAPLE bedroom suite—chest, vanity, bed, mattress and sprfngs, priced just right. Cass 'City Furniture Store. ' 8-20-1 WANTED Old horses and cows for fox feed. $10 and up at your LOST—Billfold in Cass City Tuesfarm or l%c Ib. live weight de- " day with driver's license and livered to ranch. Phone 3861, or some small change. Finder write Michigan Fur Farm, Peck, please leave at Chronicle office. Mich. 3-26-52p Melvin Southworth. 8-20-1 FOR SALE—Six English Setter FOR SALE—One purebred Oxford pups, 7 weeks old. Jack Kenney, ram. Leslie Muntz, Cass City. Cass City. 8-13-tf 8-20-lp FOR SALE—1937 Ford. Bud FOR SALE—Renown heater, mediSickler, 3 miles south, % east um size. Chauncey Tallman, 2 of Cass City. 7-13-2p miles south of .Cass City. 8-20-lp FOR RENT—3 rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. FOR SALE—Fordson tractor and plow, $50.00. 1944 Kingston Nelson Harrison. Telephone Road, 3 miles north of Kingston 127F12. 7-30-tf or % mile south of Wilmot. 8-20-lp WE HAVE roofing and brick sidings at low prices, Gamble's, 1940 85 DeLUXE Ford must be 8-20-1 sold, Bob Keating, Cass City. 8-20-lp ENTER GUESSING contest at Dupuis' I. G. A. Store—23 bags of flour given away free. Con- WANTED — Canning corn. Enquire at Chronicle office or call test closes Aug. 28, 1943, at 182. 8-20-1 10:00 p. m. 8-20-2 WANT TO BUY about 12 tons of YOUR SPENCER, because it will fit, will be perfectly comfortable. good hay delivered. Simon It will be light, soft and flexible Bekes, 5 miles west, 2 north, % and permit freedom of movement west of Cass City, or 2 miles when you sit, stand or walk. south and 1% west of Gagetown. Lura DeWitt, Cass City. Phone 8-13-2p 63R2. 8-20-1 FOR SALE—"Cottage Cruiser" house trailer. Sleeps four, Cole- HEREFORDS for sale—2 registered yearling bulls sired by man oven stove, Quaker oil heatW. H. R. White Thorn, good er, good tires, nice clean shape. individuals; also a few females A. G. Brooks, 223 E. Sherman, for sale. Jensen Hereford Farms, Caro, Michigan. 8-20-lp Marlette. 8-20-3p POTATOES for sale—Irish cobblers by the peck or bushel. Mrs. John West. 8-20-lp EZRA A. WOOD We are now taking applications for men and women for coming campaign. Boys under 18 years of age must have working permits. " mumimitimnmmiimiiimmmmimit Albert McConnell is painting the Thomas Gillies was a visitor R. E. Johnson Hardware building. last week of friends in Vassar and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Drace spent also of friends near Gagetown. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCaslin of Tuesday to Thursday at Red Oak. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore of Rochester were visitors of Mr. and Hazel Park were Sunday guests Mrs. John McArthur. Bobby Mcof Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sherwood. Caslin returned home with his parents, having spent two weeks at Mr. and Mrs. Louis Locke, the McArthur home. daughter, Velma, and Arnold Rayl Cecil Lester cut the inside of his were at Imlay City on Sunday right hand quite badly and has to to get Miss Shirley Locke, who has milk 14 cows with his left hand, been a guest there of her grand- requiring six hours a day to do parents. to the the milking. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gage have Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Towsley, moved to Lapeer. daughter, Elsie, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Louis Locke is spending Walter Kelley are on vacation this this week with relatives in Cleve- week in a cottage at Caseville. land, Ohio. by Roger B. Whitman Mr. and Mrs. Arleon Retherford Aids 88 Liberty Ships were visitors on Sunday in KingLimiting the quantity of steel used Koger B. Whitman—WNU Features. ston. in bed springs is resulting hi an anYou may not be able to replace worn or nual saving in steel sufficient to meet Mr. and Mrs. William Zemke broken household equipment. This is war. Government priorities come first. So take were visitors .on Saturday in Pon- the steel requirements for 88 Libcare of what you have . . . as well as you erty ships. possibly can. This column by the home- tiac. owner's friend tells you how. Mrs. Charles Spencer entertained Established War Nursing CLEANING ETIGS for several days her sister from Florence Nightingale, British war Munising. nurse and heroine of the Crimea, Soiled carpets, rugs and upholMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Churchill, stery can be cleaned by sham- Mrs. Clarence Cox, and Mrs. Frank established modern nursing and was pooing with soap jelly. Ordinary Benedict visited relatives and the first Woman ever to establish a hospital for the war-wounded dursoiling will come out easily, but ing and at the scene of the war. obstinate and unusual stains should friends in Vassar. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley enhave professional care., Also, shampooing can be used only on fast tertained Sunday Richard Williams fr life >$> colors. Put four cups of pure, mild and Gordon Bennett of Detroit. Mrs. Max Johnson of Jackson soap chips or flakes in a bowl or wide-mouthed jar, and add one cup was a guest of the week of Mr. of water. Soap jelly will form with- and Mrs. R. E. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Palmateer in an hour. Put a portion in a mixing bowl and beat with an egg beat- and family were guests on Sunday er until you raise very stiff suds. of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Spencer Market Aug. 18, 1943— Using a soft brush, work the jelly near Harbor Beach. Carl and on the fabric in a space about 12 Marian remained there for this Good beef steers and heifers ........ 13.00-14.30 inches or so across. After time for week. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Montague four to good .......... 11.50-13.00 loosening the dirt, wipe with a clean, damp cloth. Then,x using a stiffer and family, Mrs. Rene Montague brush, brush the, nap in the right and Mrs. George Roblin were at Common ................ 9.00-10.50 direction. Continue in this way on Elizabeth Lake on Saturday to Good beef cows .... 9.00-10.00 the next space to be cleaned. The visit relatives there. Fair to good suds are so dry that upholstery fab- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McCain of beef cows .......... 8.00- 9.00 ric will not be soaked as would be Pontiac were Sunday guests of Mr. Canners and the case with soapsuds as usually and Mrs. George Spencer. used. cutters ................5.00- 7.50 Mr. and Mrs. George Roblin are After cleaning, the fabric should entertaining for a few days the Dairy cows .......... 75.00-175.00 be dried quickly. A rug should be former's sisters, Mrs. McLeod of supported on boxes and old chairs, Greenleaf and Mrs. Burtis of Good bologna bulls .................... 12.50-13.00 so that air can get at the .back, as Owosso. Sunday guests were Mr. well as the front. and Mrs. Richard Karr and Mr. Light bulls ... ......... 9.00-11.00 Dry Wells and Mrs. Butler of Gagetown. Stock bulls ............ 25.00-80.00 Question: In putting in dry wells Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hicks are for gutters and down&pouts, how far moving to Almont. Good veal calves ..15.50-16.90 should they be from the house? How Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VanBlari- Feeders ................ 20.00-70.00 big should they be? How much be- com, on vacation here nearly two Beacons ..... ...... ..... 1.00-13.00 low the cellar floor level? weeks, returned on, Thursday to Answer: They should be at least their work at the Pontiac State Fair to good .......... 14.00-15.00 15 feet away from- the house, so Hospital. Culls and that water soaking into the ground Mr. and Mrs. James Bruce of commons________....10.00-13.50 from them will not work back into Pontiac were callers on Sunday of the cellar. If the ground is loose Mrs. Samuel Sherk, and Jackie Choice hogs, 180 to 250 Ibs ....... 14.00-14.90 and sandy, the dry well should measure inside three diameter and Bruce returned home with 'them Choice hogs, 250 after being here two weeks. four or more deep; exact size will Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danielewicz •i to 300 Ibs.__________13.00-14.00 depend on the roof areas that are of Detroit have moved to the resi- Heavy ................ ....11.00-12.50 drained. In firmly packed soil, the dence in Deford purchased this Light hogs ..,.,™,.,.13,00-13.60 holes must be bigger. If the water cannot return from the dry well to spring from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roughs .................. 10.00-12.00 Good lambs .......... 13.00-14.00 the cellar, depth relating to the cel- Hegler. Mrs. Caroline Lewis entertained Fair to good ........ 10.00-12.50 lar floor would make no difference, on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sheep .......... . ......... 4.00- 8.00 Storing Books Question: I wish to pack and store Knowles of Caro and Mrs. Peter part of my library. Should the books Dohlder of Kalamazoo, an ac- Sale every Wednesday at 2 p. m. be wrapped individually? How can quaintance whom she had not seen in a period of 38 years. I protect them from insects? Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chapin atAnswer: Store them in wood boxes lined with waterproof paper. Indi- tended on Sunday the Free Methovidual wrapping is not necessary. dist conference which was held in W. H. Turnbull Worthy Tait Include in each box a double hand- Flint. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chadwick of ful of moth crystals (paradi). Keep Auctioneers the boxes in a dry place and away Atlanta were callers on Saturday from dampness. Avofd storage in at the Arthur Bruce home. 3< "I" *•!* "& »l-"£** a basement^ however dry it may appear. _ f? ' *• Mohair Furniture "^"^^ Question: Can furniture upholstered with mohair be safely stored? Answer: Yes, furniture can be satisfactorily stored in a reliable storage warehouse. Make inquiries of the names of the best established firms in the business in your city. Furniture covered with mohair or other wool type fabrics should be mothproofed. Some warehousemen have such a service, or they can advise you of firms who do this type of work. ..-,.. FIRST-AID AILING HOUSE fr >t« >t< >t< K|« ijl >t« % tfr » Wednesday's Market at Sandusky Yards Sandusky Livestock Sales Company How to Write a GOOD Want Ad Unheated House FOR SALE—Money safe, fire Question: We own an unheated proof. Inquire at Townsend's house near the seashore which is lOc Store. 8-20-1 difficult to rent. We would like to put in some kind of an inexpensive No Money No Honey heating plant. What do you suggest? Him-—You used to say there was Answer: A coal-fired, hot air heatsomething about me you loved. ing system will be the least expenHer—Yes, but that's all spent sive to install. If the house is a now! small one, bungalow-type, a pipeless hot air furnace may be satisPopular! factory. Your local heating conJoe—That girl is like the measles. tractor can give you information John—What do you mean, nobody and costs of installation. likes her? Loose Chair Legs Joe—No, she gets around. Question: The glue that holds together the sides of the legs of a maInteresting Temperature hogany chair has loosened. How Mary—If 32 degrees is the freez- can this chair be tightened? ing point, what is the squeezing Answer: Take out the loose chair point? legs and rungs, clean off all glue, Harry—Two in the shade! then spread a generous amount of casein glue on the parts to be glued. Foolish Question Bind all parts until the glue has Barber—Is there any way you dried. Another method is to use want your hair cut? metal slips for tightening loose chair Customer—Yeh! Off! legs. At hardware and dime stores. FOR SALE—-German Shepherd Collie pups, good cow dogs. Wm. O'Malley, 6 miles south, 3 east and 1% south of Cass City. WANTED—150 old horses for fox 8-20-lp feed. Must be alive. Otto Montei, Fairgrove. Caro phone 954-R-5. FOR SALE—4 pigs 6 weeks old; 11-8-tf Jersey bull 6 months, 10 MusMICHIGAN SUGAR CO. covy ducks. Three pups, 2 mos. PERMANENT Wave, 59c! Do your Caro Plant old, part Collie, 50c each. Wm. own Permanent with CharmToner, 2 south, 3 east, 1 south Kurl Kit. Complete .equipment, Cass City. Call evenings. 8-20-lp I WISH TO EXPRESS my thanks including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely BECAUSE of my ill health, I to neighbors and townspeople for harmless. Praised by thousands their assistance during the fire have been obliged to discontinue including Fay McKenzie, glamat my farm on Monday. Henry work. All accounts are now due orous movie star. Money reH. Turner. 8-20-lp and prompt settlement will be funded if not satisfied. L. I. appreciated. The business will WE WISH to thank our many Wood & Company. 6-18-10p be continued by Roy McNeil. I friends and neighbors for the am very grateful to my cusflowers and many acts of kind1941 CHEVROLET 5-passenger tomers for their patronage in coupe, good condition, $880.00. ness during our recent bereavethe past years. Wm. Bentley. Orra Spaid, 2% east and % ment. Rene McConnell and 8-20-2p family. 8-20-1 south of Cass City. Phone 153F13. 8-20-tf MOST BUYERS know what they Art Connoisseurs want before they look for it. IN MEMORY of my husband, TOR SALE—1931 Model A Ford Joseph Mellendorf, who passed Jim.—Alice is as pretty as a picThey use want ads as their truck in good running condition, away on August 22, 1935: ture. directory. dual wheels 10 ply tires on back, Joe—Nice frame, too. The moon and stars are shining 12 ply on front. First $100 takes WHERE DOES the light go when Upon a lonely grave, it. Also 1935 master Chevrolet, Where sleeps our husband and it goes out? We may not be Use liiands for Heaiaag 2 new tires, Motor A 1. Inquire father glands are but one of able to explain that but we do Wm. Waun, 2 east, 2 south of We loved but could not save; .lie many glands obtained, in norknow that want ads placed in Shabbona. 8-20-lp We often sit and think of you mal legitimate meat channels, for this paper go to thousands of And speak of how you died, therapeutic uses by the medical proreaders in this community. TOR SALE—160 acres near Bucks To think you could not say good- fession. Corners, level dark, loam soil, FOR SALE—40 acres near Maybye 20 acres pasture with creek, 5 ville, good soil, 4 acres woods, Before you closed your eyes. Venus Always Beclouded acres woods, 9-room modern new 7-room modern house, large For all of us you did your best; The surface of the planet Venus house, two large barns, other new poultry house, two car garMay God grant you eternal rest. has never been visible to astronobuildings, bargain. See Dan age, bargain. See Dan Hobson, Mrs. Joseph Mellendorf and mers because of dense cloud banks :Hobson, Clifford, Mich. ,8-20-1 Clifford, Mich. 8-20-1 family. 8-20-1* which surround it. . Sandusky, ..Mich. PAGE FIVE. Steel Windows Question: Where can we get storm windows and screens for steel casements? Answer: Your best chance is to get them from the manufacturers 'of the windows. You will probably find the name and address somewhere on them, or can get this from the builder of the house. Salt-Spotted Silver Questksi: How can I clean black salt spots from my silver salt shakers? Answer: This is almost impossible to do at home. Take them to a silversmith. POINTS TO COVER IN A "HOUSEHOLD GOODS" ADVERTISEMENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Article. How many. Size and style. Color and finish. Material and construction. 6. Used how long. 7. Conditions. 8. Special features. 9. Original cost. 10. Price and terms. 11. Reason for selling. 12. When and where it can be seen. 13. Name, address and phone number. EXAMPLE LARGE Overstuffed Davenport. Soundly built, hardwood frame, full-spring-and-web construction. Taupe mohair cover, three loose cushions. Used 8 months, shows no wear. Cost $80. Moving to smaller house. Your opportunity at $35. Call at residence any day but Sunday, 6872 Washington Ave., Cass City. Phone 777.
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