Tuesday, May 8: Fame Windows 8:45 – 9:30am Session 1 How to Have a NanoDay Nano-Link, an NSF regional center for nanotechnology education, Lansing Community College and Impression 5 Science Center have collaborated for the past 6 years on NanoDay, a one-day hands-on event that features nanotechnology concepts as core elements. NanoDay is now a national event, promoted and supported by NiseNet, an NSF National Center for Informal Science Education. In this presentation I will talk about how we got started developing NanoDay and how others may be able to use what we learned to start NanoDay's of their own, whether for an individual classroom or school, or a larger event such as ours, which attracts almost 1,000 attendees annually. Presenter: Tom Deits, Nano-Link Nanotechnology Program at Ivy Tech, A Tri-Institution Collaboration: Ivy Tech CC, PSU, and the University of Notre Dame This presentation will discuss how curriculum and educational materials developed by the National Center for Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK), helped Ivy Tech Community College in South Bend, IN implement a nanotechnology degree program. The role of the University of Notre Dame in providing access to its nanofabrication facility for Ivy Tech students, and collaboration between the faculties of these two institutions will be discussed. Presenter: Sam Aghdasi, Ivy Tech Community College Give ‘Em What They Want and They’ll Leave Happy It is well recognized that the pipeline for college students starts in middle and high school and that the teachers are one of the best avenues to the students. We will present the results of surveys and focus group responses from high school and college educators regarding what they need to introduce new content into their curriculum. Based on this information Nano-Link modified our professional development approach with significant increase on module implementation. Presenter: Deb Newberry, Nano-Link Vacuum Equipment Simulation Lab Taken from our Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology (NMT) program, this lab demonstrates the unique learning opportunities of nanotechnology. Students are introduced to vacuum technology in general and are trained in appropriate pump down protocol. A main advantage of this simulator is that students can experiment with different vacuum systems both in and out of safe operational norms without damaging actual vacuum components. This allows them to naturally learn by trial and error a fundamental skill set for nanofabrication. Presenter: Daniel Cavanaugh, Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Center (NACK) Tuesday, May 8: Fame Windows 8:45 – 9:30am Session 2 A Bumpy Ride with Buckyballs! Nanotechnology (although very small) is a very BIG concept for most middle and high school faculty. Join this session to learn "what worked" and "what didn't" on our journey to integrate nanotechnology into career and technology occupational training programs. And how we came to the realization, that we have only just begun. Presenter: Sheryl Hale, Oklahoma Career and Technology Education The SCME Pressure Sensor Workshop - Tech Transfer of An Innovative 4 Day Cleanroom Workshop The SCME has successfully transferred a 4-day Pressure Sensor Cleanroom workshop from the University of New Mexico to two other sites: North Dakota State College of Science and the University of South Florida. This short presentation will feature highlights from these workshops, and provide information on attending and acquiring curriculum included. Presenter: Matt Pleil, Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) Ion Implantation Simulation Lab Taken from our Nanofabrication Manufacturing Technology (NMT) program, this lab demonstrates the unique learning opportunities of nanotechnology. Students are introduced to high energy ion implantation in a virtual environment. Material damage (e.g. crystal defects, contamination/ion straggle) is covered in this simulated experience. The key advantage of this simulation is that students do not need to operate a potentially hazardous tool, nor is the high cost of the tools operation placed on the facilities. Presenter: Suxing Pan, Penn State University and Daniel Cavanaugh, Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge Center (NACK) Tuesday, May 8: Fame Windows 9:45 – 10:55am Session 3 Micro and Nanotechnology Without Walls Rio Salado College is a large urban insitution originally chartered as the "College Without Walls". Serving a nontraditional student popoulation within the Maricopa Community College District, the College has begun a journey to incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to Micro and Nanotechnology. This presentation will describe the early steps used to idenitify community partners, generate internal buy-in, and align certificate and degree programs with local education and workforce demands. Presenter: Rick Vaughn, Rio Salado Community College Incorporating Social and Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology in Science, Technology and Society (STS) Course at DeVry University, Addison The presentation highlights the approaches used to teach social and ethical implications of nanotechnology in a STS course. The course exposes students to the challenges of new and emerging technologies, and provides a foundation to guide and direct their technological knowledge into responsible awareness and choices for solving local/global issues. Presenter: Ahmed Khan, Devry University NanoSafety Training: Being Proactive to Train Workers to Handle Nanomaterials This presentation will discuss the country’s first federally funded grant by OSHA to train workers on how to properly handle nanomaterials. This grant is a major step to address the training needs and to act as a catalyst to empower businesses who manufacture nanomaterials to begin to establish reliable safety procedures. Furthermore, the grant will disseminate data to how effective was the training and the participants’ perception of the program. Presenter: Dominick Fazarro, University of Texas at Tyler Tuesday, May 8: Fame Windows 9:45 – 10:55am Session 4 Aligning Nano Technology to Regional Industry Clusters with Common First Year Curriculum This presentation will overview the process of developing a set of three integrated Engineering Technology associate degree programs at Chippewa Valley Technical College with a common first year curriculum derived from a single Nanoscience program. The programs developed include Industrial Engineering Technician to support the food processing industry; Nano Engineering Technology to support electronics, thin film, and biotechnology; and Manufacturing Engineering Technologist to support design fundamentals for metals, plastics, and general consumer products. Presenter: Mark Hendrickson, Chippewa Valley Technical College Creating a NanoFabrication Program at Your College Learn about Central Arizona College’s approach to creating a nanofabrication program. This involves understanding local industry workforce and training needs and identifying model educational programs. To actually develop the program we are identifying outcomes and relevant standards and forming local partnerships. Industry will play a big part in the form of an advisory council as well as a potential source of funding to offset lab fees for students. We have tips on gaining support from the administration and reaching out to feeder schools for enrollment building. Presenter: Pete Lomeli, Central Arizona College They Don't Know What They Don't Know Industry Summit Interacting with industry is critical for the success of every technician program but it is often a difficult relationship to initiate and maintain. These 15 minutes will discuss the "Nano Summit" approach that has been offered by educational institutions in partnership with city councils or economic development to get the word out to industry about nanotechnology. The nano summits have proven successful in educating companies, increasing advisory board members and providing jobs for graduates. Presenter: Deb Newberry, Nano-Link Tuesday, May 8: Fame Windows 9:45 – 10:55am Session 5 Improving Undergraduate Research Skills in an Introductory Nanotechnology Course Research on a variable nanotechnology topic were performed by the students in an introductory nanotechnology course. Themes such as hydrophobicity in plants, how to reverse humidity in walls, etc. were studied. The conclusions were presented in a poster section. It was considered the most appealing activity during the semester. Presenter: Estevao Rosim-Fachini, University of Puerto Rico – Piedras Campus Challenges and Opportunities with Integrating Nanotechnology Education into a Biotechnology Curriculum The Lone Star College Biotechnology Institute (LSCBI) has established a research lab with electron microscopy capabilities and has plans to introduce life science applications of nanotechnology to students. We will discuss the interactions between NACK and the LSCBI, share our challenges and successes and our plans for the future. Presenter: Daniel Kainer, Lone Star College – Montgomery Super Simple Superhydrophobic Surfaces I will show you how your students can produce superhydrophobic surfaces in the classroom in a matter of minutes using simple, cheap and safe materials. These surfaces meet both the roll off angle and contact angle definitions of superhydrophobic surface, and illustrate self cleaning behavior as well. Presenter: Tom Deits, Nano-Link
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