Transistors at Radio Frequency ➤ How to describe transistors at radiofrequency. ➤ Equivalent circuits and S-parameters ➤ Y-parameters and SOLVE ➤ Stability of transistor amplifiers (brief) ➤ The Klapp RF Oscillator ➤ SOLVE Example: The Klapp Oscillator 1 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Transistors at Radio Frequency ➤ Transistors are more complex at high frequencies due to the effects of internal parasitic inductance and capacitance. ➤ Always try first to seek S-parameters from manufacturers. ➤ Or use a simulation package that has them in its database. ➤ Failing all this.. do a model. Here’s how. ➤ We try to glean enough information from datasheets and independent measurements to form a physical model to predict S-parameters. 2 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 BF199 VHF Transistor 3 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Radio Frequency Transistor circuit model 4 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 BF199 Datasheet 5 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Networks: Y-parameters vs S-parameters ➤ Y-parameters and S-parameters are related: (1 + S22)(1 − S11) + S12S21 yi = ∆Z0 −2S12 yr = ∆Z0 yf = −2S21 ∆Z0 (1 + S11)(1 − S22) + S12S21 yo = ∆Z0 where ∆ = (1 + S11)(1 + S22) − S21S12. 6 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Definition of Y-parameters ➤ Need these for employ solve. Ii = yiVeb + yr Vec Io = yf Veb + yoVec 7 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Using Solve For Transistors ➤ Consider the base node Ib = (yi + yr )Veb − yr Vcb ➤ Consider the collector node Ic = (yo + yf )Vec − yf Vbc ➤ Consider the emitter node Ie = (yi + yf )Vbe + (yr + yo)Vce 8 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 BF199 S-parameters ➤ Use Cbe = 100pF (fT = 550M Hz), Cbc = 0.5pF , Ic = 7mA and hf e = 100. |S | 11 1 0.5 0 7 10 8 9 10 10 angle S 11 Degrees 200 100 0 −100 −200 7 10 9 8 10 frequency (Hz) ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 9 10 BF199 S-parameters ➤ Use Cbe = 100pF (fT = 550M Hz), Cbc = 0.5pF , Ic = 7mA and hf e = 100. |S | 21 30 20 10 0 7 10 8 9 10 10 angle S 21 Degrees 200 150 100 50 0 7 10 10 8 10 frequency (Hz) 9 10 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 BF199 S-parameters ➤ Use Cbe = 100pF (fT = 550M Hz), Cbc = 0.5pF , Ic = 7mA and hf e = 100. |S | 12 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 7 10 8 9 10 10 angle S 12 Degrees 150 100 50 0 7 10 11 8 10 frequency (Hz) 9 10 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 BF199 S-parameters ➤ Use Cbe = 100pF (fT = 550M Hz), Cbc = 0.5pF , Ic = 7mA and hf e = 100. |S | 22 1 0.5 0 7 10 8 9 10 10 angle S 22 Degrees 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 7 10 12 8 10 frequency (Hz) 9 10 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Example: A BF199 Common Emitter Amplifier ➤ Use the large signal equivalent (left) to set the bias point. ➤ Use the small signal equivalent (right) to set up SOLVE. 13 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Stability Criteria ➤ Is the transistor stable in isolation? Linville criterion C = |yr yf | 2gigr − real(yr yf ) ➤ Often we need to know if a transistor amplifier is stable. ➤ If a transistor with given y-parameters is loaded by source and load admittances YS = GS + jBS and YL = GL + jBL, then the transistor circuit is unconditionally stable if, 2(gi + GS )(go + GL) K = > 1 |yr yf | + real(yr yf ) ➤ The Stern Stability Criterion ➤ A number of useful related formulae.. see the web brick. 14 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Klapp RF Oscillator ➤ Model the transistor using S and Y parameters in exactly the same way as the transistor amplifier. ➤ In the project the oscillator is a VCO: the MC145170 PLL has to control the frequency of the oscillator by applying a voltage to a varactor diode or voltage variable capacitor (VVC). ➤ We need to prove that the oscillator will oscillator and at what frequency. ➤ In SOLVE we inject a current into the tank circuit of the oscillator and determine the frequency at which the ractance of the input impedance is zero and the resisitance is negative. WHY? 15 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Varactor Diode 16 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Klapp RF Oscillator 17 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Using SOLVE: Compute S-parameters and Y-parameters 18 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Using SOLVE: Set circuit values 19 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 Using SOLVE: Set SOLVE admittances 20 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13 KLAPP oscillator input impedance BF199 local oscillator Real(Z) at node 1 1000 500 0 −500 −1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 x 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 x 10 Imag(Z) at node 1 1000 500 0 −500 −1000 1 21 ENGN4545/ENGN6545: Radiofrequency Engineering L#13
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