HOW TO USE COMMITTEE/COMMISSION MINUTES ARCHIVE Click the “Bookmarks” tab to the left of the screen to view links to view the minutes of each Meeting. Click on the Meeting Date. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, January 7, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Acting Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Aldermen Eric Haugaard and G. John Ruffolo were excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM. Staff member in attendance was Mike Lemens. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on December 17, 2012. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 Acceptance of Performance Contract with Johnson Controls, Inc. (Arlington Heights, IL) for LED Street Lights. (deferred from the November 19, 2012 December 3, 2012 and December 17, 2012 meetings) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to defer to the next meeting. Motion passed 3:1 with Alderman Bostrom voting no. C-1 Approval of a Permanent and Temporary Limited Easement between the City of Kenosha and Kenosha County for Parcel 07-222-24-276-030 (2152 30 th Avenue). (District 5) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:08 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, and Scott N. Gordon. Alderman G. John Ruffolo arrived during discussion of item B-1. Alderman Patrick Juliana was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM. Staff member in attendance was Mike Lemens. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on January 7, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 Acceptance of Performance Contract with Johnson Controls, Inc. (Arlington Heights, IL) for LED Street Lights. (deferred from the November 19, 2012 December 3, 2012, December 17, 2012 and January 7, 2013 meetings) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Approval of Request from Drum Strong for use of Celebration Place on Saturday, May 18, 2013 for a fundraiser. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Chris Schwartz, 402 65 th Street, 2nd District Alderman, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Request from Boathouse Pub & Eatery (4917 7 th Avenue) for new sign installation that encroaches the public right-of-way. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Chris Schwartz, 402 65 th Street, 2nd District Alderman, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve subject to insurance certificate requirements. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Resolution to levy special assessments for hazardous walk and/or driveway approach repair only for Project 12-1012 Resurfacing Phase I (32nd Avenue - 55th Street to 52nd Street, 33rd Avenue - 55th Street to 52nd Street, 27th Avenue - 35th Street to 33rd Street, 60th Avenue - 82nd Street to 80th Street) in the total amount of $25,832.76, to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (Districts 6, 11 & 14) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Resolution to levy special assessments for hazardous walk and/or driveway approach repair only for Project 12-1015 Lincoln Road Resurfacing (Lincoln Road - 22nd Avenue to 80th Street) in the total amount of $22,643.00 to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (District 13 ) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve items C4 through C-6. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Resolution to levy special assessments for hazardous walk and/or driveway approach repair only for Project 12-1024 60 th Street Resurfacing (60th Street 22nd Avenue to 8th Avenue) in the total amount of $25,041.00, to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (Districts 2 & 3) (also referred to Finance Committee) C-6 Resolution to levy special assessments for hazardous walk and/or driveway approach repair only for Project 11-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations) in the total amount of $62,277.31, to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (All Districts) (also referred to Finance Committee) C-7 Resolution – To Direct that all Alderpersons be given a key to the Municipal Office Building. A public hearing was held, no one spoke. After some Aldermanic discussion, it was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to open the public hearing back up. Motion passed 5-0. Kevin Mathewson, 6624 21 st Avenue, 8th District Alderman, sponsor of the resolution spoke. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to send to Council with no recommendation. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderman Gordon voting no. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Ruffolo asked about the turn signals not working at 18 th Street and 30th Avenue Intersection. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, February 4, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon and G. John Ruffolo. Alderman Patrick Juliana arrived during item C2. The meeting was called to order at 5:02pm. Staff members in attendance were Michael Lemens, Shelly Billingsley, John Prijic, Emma Reed, Frank Pacetti, Rich Schroeder, Zohrab Khaligian and Aldermen Chris Schwartz, David Bogdala and Kevin Mathewson. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on January 23, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Approval of request for use of Celebration Place by Wisconsin Marathon, LLC on May 4, 2013. (District 2) (Park Commission approved 5-0) A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Status Report of GPS Vehicle Tracking System for Snow Plow Operations. A public hearing was held. Alderman David Bogdala, 7101 96 th Avenue; Mathew Reddington, TDC Group CEO, 229 Bellewood Avenue, Dayton, OH; Chuck Bridgeman, TDC Group, 4100 Tamoshanter Way, Dayton, OH; City Administrator Frank Pacetti and John Prijic, Street Superintendent, spoke. After much discussion it was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to direct staff to have an update at the next meeting with the committee being updated as soon as staff has information. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Contract to raze buildings, parking lots and restore parcels Former CYC Campus: (1715 52nd Street (Martin Building), Tax Key No. 12-223-31-326-022; 1710 53 rd Street (Johnson Building), Tax Key No. 12-223-31-326-024; 1822 53 rd Street, Tax Key No. 12223-31-326-020; 1801 52nd Street, Tax Key No. 12-223-31-326-021) By and Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin, A Wisconsin Municipal Corporation and Azarian Wrecking, LLC, A Wisconsin Limited Liability Company. (District 7) (Finance Committee approved 4-0) Zohrab Khaligian, Community Development, answered questions. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Proposed Ordinance to Create Section 14.021 of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha Regarding the Prohibition of Feeding Geese, Ducks or Seagulls on Public Property. (Park Commission approved 3:2) Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65th Street, sponsor of the ordinance spoke. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to defer for 45 days. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 Resolution to Authorize the Submittal of an Award Application for the Former C&L Industrial Cleaners property for WAM Contractor Services. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-6 Petition to vacate a portion of an alley located between 21 st and 22nd Avenue from 65th Street to 67th Street. (Sorenson/Mathewson) (District 8) (City Plan Commission approved 7-0-1 Mathewson abstained) A public hearing was held. Michael Lechner, 7321 24 th Avenue; Jesse Vasquez, 6626 21st Avenue; Brian Hervat, 6113 14 th Avenue and Suzanne Lechner, 7321 24 th Avenue spoke. Rich Schroeder, Community Development, answered questions. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. Project 77-1104 Sump Pump Drain Connections into Storm Sewer Update 2. Project Status Report ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Ruffolo would like a review of the snow plow map. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:51pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, February 18, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom and Scott N. Gordon. Alderman Patrick Juliana arrived during discussion of item C-1. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley and Alderman Chris Schwartz. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on February 4, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Approval of request for use of City-Owned Vacant Lot (Harbor Park Parcel A) by Midwest Street Machine Car Club on August 31, 2013 (Rain Date September 7, 2013). (District 2) A public hearing was held. Tony Pontillo, 7749 34 th Avenue; Ray Forgianni, 8731 45 th Avenue; and Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 61st Street, Alderman of the district, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Approval of request for use of Celebration Place by Kiwanis Club of Western Kenosha on July 26, 27 & 28, 2013 for the Taste of Wisconsin event. (District 2) (Park Commission approved 4-0) A public hearing was held. Jeff Hansen, 5314 82 nd Street and Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 61st Street, Alderman of the district, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Approval of request for use of Celebration Place by Kiwanis Club of Western Kenosha on August 28, 2013 for the Harbor Thunder event. (District 2) (Park Commission approved 4-0) A public hearing was held. Jeff Hansen, 5314 82 nd Street and Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 61st Street, Alderman of the district, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Request from Circa 1880 LLC (4902 7 th Avenue) for new sign installation that encroaches the public right-of-way. (District 2) Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 61st Street, Alderman of the district, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to take items C-6, C-7 and C-8 out of order. Motion passed 5-0. C-6 Proposed Ordinance to Renumber, Create, Repeal and Recreate Subsection 2.10 (of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha) entitled “Special Assessments”. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-7 Acceptance of Project 10-1415 Lakefront Water Feature (5501 Ring Road) which has been satisfactorily completed by Camosy Construction (Kenosha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $273,764.39. (Park Funds only) (District 2) (Park Commission approved 4-0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-8 Acceptance of Project 12-1012 Resurfacing (32nd Avenue - 55th Street to 52nd Street, 33rd Avenue - 55th Street to 52nd Street, 27th Avenue - 35th Street to 33rd Street, 60th Avenue 82nd Street to 80th Street) which has been satisfactorily completed by Cicchini Asphalt, LLC (Kenosha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $764,517.35 ($637,534.83 resurfacing funds). (Districts 11, 6 & 14) (also referred to Stormwater Utility Committee) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Status Report of GPS Vehicle Tracking System for Snow Plow Operations. Mike Lemens gave an update to the committee. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to receive and file. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:39 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 4, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, March 4, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon and G. John Ruffolo. Alderman Patrick Juliana was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:02 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Director of Public Works; Shelly Billingsley, Deputy Director of Public Works; Rocky Bednar, Waste Superintendent; John Prijic, Street Superintendent; Jeff Warnock, Park Superintendent; Mayor Bosman, Alderman Bogdala, Alderman Schwartz, Alderman LaMacchia and Alderman Mathewson. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held February 18, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Approval of request for use of Place de Douai by Kenosha Common Markets on Saturdays beginning May 18, 2013 through October 19, 2013 for Kenosha Harbor Market. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Ray Forgianni, 8731 45 th Avenue, spoke. It was moved by Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Approval of request for use of City-Owned Vacant Lot (Harbor Park Parcel A) by Downtown Kiwanis Club on June 21 – 22, 2013 for the Bloomin Bands event. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Ron Bursek, 5111 24 th Place; Ray Forgianni, 8731 45 th Avenue; and Alderman Schwartz, 402 65 th Street, Alderman of the 2nd District, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to approve. Motion passed 5-0. Alderman Ruffolo thanked Ron Bursek and Ray Forgianni for holding community events in the downtown area. C-3 Proposed Ordinance to Repeal Subparagraph 1.03 A.27 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding the Legislative Report as an Item for the Common Council Agenda and to Renumber the Subsequent Subparagraphs; to Repeal and Recreate the Second Paragraph of Section 1.056 (of the Code of General Ordinances) which is Entitled “Eligibility for Appointment to City Boards, Commissions, Authorities and Committees”; and to Repeal Section 1.06 P. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Legislative Commission”. Mayor Bosman gave an explanation of changes to the ordinance. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to deny. Motion failed 2-3. Alderman Haugaard passed the gavel. It was then moved by Alderman Haugaard to defer. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderman Bostrom voting no. C-4 Acceptance of Project 12-1019 Joint, Crack Cleaning and Sealing (Citywide Locations) which has been satisfactorily completed by Behm Pavement Maintenance, Inc (Crystal Lake, Illinois). The final amount of the contract is $229,242.72. (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Acceptance of Project 12-1024 60 th Street Resurfacing (60th Street - 22nd Avenue to 8th Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Cicchini Asphalt, LLC (Kenosha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $997,076.84 ($776,895.27 resurfacing funds). (Districts 2 & 3) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-6 Resolution to Correct Resolution #9-13. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-7 Resolution – Intent to Assess for Project 13-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations) for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approach Repair Only. (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-8 Resolution to approve a two-lot Certified Survey Map for property at 2216 Roosevelt Road. (Kassel) (District 3) (City Plan Commission approved 6:0) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-9 Discussion of Snow Plow Operations. A public hearing was held. • David Bogdala, 7101 96th Avenue, Alderman of the 17th District, said the committee should be looking at snow plow operations as a whole right now and there needs to be several corrections to the operation. Ring Road should not be a priority road. The plow map has huge deficiencies when it comes to newer subdivisions. The grid areas of the city are easier to clear than subdivisions. He doesn't feel that the city is taking care of all citizens the same and plowing is not being done equitably. He showed the committee a screen print of the GPS system showing areas that are being completely neglected. He would like a budget review because the committee needs to know where we are at, he was told that budget information is not available. The public hearing was closed. • Alderman Bostrom said he appreciates staffs efforts. He looked at the GPS system during the 2/26/13 snow event and only saw two trucks east of Hwy 31. He feels that this issue should be tackled now. • Alderman Ruffolo said he has had issues on the north side of town. He has had to call John Prijic in the past after citizen complaints. He said the plow map has not been updated with newer neighborhoods (20 years or less). During last weeks storm he saw the downtown area was cleared with streets in other areas not touched. • Alderman Michalski said there is a hierarchy to the operation and he takes issue with those saying that everything east of Green Bay Road gets done first. It was then moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to open the public hearing back up. Motion passed 5-0. • Alderman Bogdala said full residential plow runs after four inches of snow has fallen is a problem. He feels it should be two inches because cars on snow routes get ticketed after two inches has fallen but the street is not plowed. Smaller snow storms can cause hard pack snow on streets that then cannot be navigated. He would like to see the four inch rule change. When smaller snow storms within a few days accumulate four inches a plow run should be done. Make sure the right equipment is in the right place ie cul-de-sac or curve areas should have loaders in those areas. • Mayor Bosman said safety is job one during plowing operations. The streets are done according to the manual but may not be done to residents expectations. The city is covered equally during plow runs. Since January 1, 2013 the city has had 36 inches of snow fall and we still have November and December to get through. The committee can change the plowing operations but there will be a cost to do so. The public hearing was closed. • Alderman Ruffolo said it seems like cars are not being towed like they used to during snow events. He feels the wrong equipment is being used on main roads that should be used in neighborhoods with narrow streets. • Alderman Haugaard said some routes may have an inequitable balance. He asked John Prijic what can be done now. John said he is willing to do anything the committee would like but with the equipment the city has, it takes 16 hours to plow every street one time. The last plow run took 50 hours straight, the average is 36 hours. John said there is a problem with citizens and contractors blowing snow into the street. The police department cannot do anything about that unless they catch the person in the act. He also said the police department is in charge of towing not plowing staff. He advised the committee that the reason for alternate side parking is with so many stop signs and hills having to be salted, the plows have to be able to get down the street. John also provided the committee with some costs, salt runs cost $22,000/run and plow runs cost $92,000/run. Alderman Haugaard then asked staff how to be more effective. Mike Lemens said staff is bringing forward brine making equipment to help with operations. He said there are some limitations depending on snow type and adjustments are made as necessary. He advised the committee that the plow map was looked at last year for some changes but was not completed. He would like to have the committee look at the plow map at the next meeting taking all comments made tonight into account. Alderman Haugaard asked John if we can make some changes to priority routes. John said some can be changed but the downtown area has always been a priority. It was then moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to open the public hearing back up. Motion passed 5-0. • Alderman Haugaard disagreed with John Prijic over comments made regarding snow route 6. The public hearing was closed. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to receive and file. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, March 18, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Acting Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, and Patrick Juliana. Alderman Eric Haugaaard was excused and Alderman G. John Ruffolo was absent. The meeting was called to order at 5:02 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley, Debbie Salas, City Clerk/Treasurer; Jon Mulligan, Assistant City Attorney; and Alderman Chris Schwartz. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on March 4, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 Proposed Ordinance to Repeal Subparagraph 1.03 A.27 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding the Legislative Report as an Item for the Common Council Agenda and to Renumber the Subsequent Subparagraphs; to Repeal and Recreate the Second Paragraph of Section 1.056 (of the Code of General Ordinances) which is Entitled “Eligibility for Appointment to City Boards, Commissions, Authorities and Committees”; and to Repeal Section 1.06 P. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Legislative Commission”. (deferred at the 3/4/13 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 3-1 with Alderman Bostrom voting no. C-1 Proposed Resolution to Rescind Resolution 140-08 Regarding the Creation of the Technology Committee. (Referred on 3/4/13 Council Agenda) (also referred to Finance Committee, Licensing/Permit Committee deferred for 30 days, Public Safety & Welfare Committee deferred for 30 days) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to defer for 30 days. Motion passed 3-1 with Alderman Bostrom voting no. C-2 Review the location and design of a sculpture to be located at 812 56 th Street. (Visitor's Bureau) (District 2) (Referred on 3/4/13 Council Agenda) (City Plan Commission approved 6:0) A public hearing was held. Natalie Strohm, 3318 86 th Street, spoke; Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65th Street, 2nd District Alderman, spoke. Alderman Michalski passed the gavel and praised audience members, staff and Alderman Schwartz for their efforts. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Resolution – Intent to Assess for Project 13-1024 60 th Street Resurfacing (60th Street – 30th Avenue to 39th Avenue and 39th Avenue – 59th Street to 60th Street) for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approach Repair Only. (Districts 3, 11 & 15) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Resolution to Correct Resolution #16-12. (also referred to Finance Committee) Debbie Salas, City Clerk/Treasurer was available to answer questions and Jon Mulligan, Assistant City Attorney, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Proposed Snow Route Map changes. Two maps were shown, the current map and one with proposed changes. Staff went through proposed changes and will email the committee the maps for their review. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to receive and file. Staff was directed to post proposed changes and maps on the Alderman web page for comments and suggestions and to bring the item back when ready, after all Alderman have reviewed and commented. INFORMATIONAL: 1. Status of Policy for using City Equipment for Events 2. Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:29 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 1, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, April 1, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, and Patrick Juliana. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was absent. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley, Alderman Chris Schwartz and Assistant City Attorney, Jon Mulligan. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on March 18, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Approval of Request from Douglas Beeson (owner of DB's Hot Dog and Sausage Emporium) to obtain permission to sell concessions in City-Owned Vacant Lot (Harbor Park Parcel A). (District 2) (Park Commission approved 3-1) A public hearing was held. Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65 th Street, District 2, spoke and Assistant City Attorney, Jon Mulligan answered questions. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Gordon to defer. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Approval of Plat of Right-of-Way Required for 122 nd Avenue from 71st Street to 74th Street and Resolution of Relocation Order (Temporary Limited Easements and Permanent Limited Easements Only). (District 16) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Award of Contract for Project 11-1025 122 nd Avenue Reconstruction (122nd Avenue - 71st Street to 74th Street) to A.W. Oakes & Son (Racine, Wisconsin) in the amount of $695,700.00 ($631,300.00 resurfacing funds). (District 16) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Award of Professional Service Contract for Project 13-1417 Lawn Park Area Tree Removal to Droprite Tree & Landscape (Somers, Wisconsin) in the amount of $98,250.00. (Park Commission approved 4-0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to defer. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 By the Mayor - Proposed Ordinance to Amend Section 1.03 (of the City of Kenosha Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Order Of Business” to Articulate Responsibility for the Creation of the Common Council Agenda and Provide Procedures Therefor. (referred on the 3/18/13 Common Council agenda) (Public Safety & Welfare Committee deferred for two weeks 3-1, Licensing/Permit Committee approved 4-1, also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Haugaard to defer. Motion passed 3-2 with Aldermen Bostrom and Juliana voting no. C-6 By Alderman Bostrom – Proposed Ordinance To Amend Subsection 1.03 A. (of the City of Kenosha Code of General Ordinances) entitled “Order of Business” to Provide That Items Proposed by Alderpersons be Placed on the Common Council Agenda. (verbally referred at 3/18/13 Common Council meeting) (Public Safety & Welfare Committee deferred for two weeks 4-0, Licensing/Permit Committee denied 4-1, also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Haugaard to defer. Motion passed 3-2 with Aldermen Bostrom and Juliana voting no. C-7 Acceptance of Project 12-1428 Anderson Pool Equipment Room Re-Piping (8730 22nd Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Lee Plumbing Mechanical Contractors (Kenosha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $39,816.00 (Park Funds only). (District 9) (Park Commission approved 4-0) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: questions. Project Status Report – Aldermen Bostrom and Haugaard asked ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, April 15, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, Patrick Juliana, and G. John Ruffolo. The meeting was called to order at 5:54 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Shelly Billingsley. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on April 1, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. B-1 By the Mayor – Proposed Resolution to Rescind Resolution 140-08 Regarding the Creation of the Technology Committee. (Referred on 3/4/13 Council Agenda) (Finance Committee – Recommendation pending, Licensing/Permit Committee deny 3:1, Public Safety & Welfare Committee deny 3:0) (deferred at the 3/18/13 meeting for 30 days) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to move forward with no recommendation. Motion passed 4-2. B-2 Approval of Request from Douglas Beeson (owner of DB's Hot Dog and Sausage Emporium) to obtain permission to sell concessions in City-Owned Vacant Lot (Harbor Park Parcel A). (District 2) (Park Commission approved 3-1) (deferred at the 4/1/13 meeting) A public hearing was held. Doug Beeson, 1207 New Street, Union Grove, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to deny. Motion passed 6-0. B-3 Award of Professional Service Contract for Project 13-1417 Lawn Park Area Tree Removal to Droprite Tree & Landscape (Somers, Wisconsin) in the amount of $98,250.00. (Park Commission approved 4-0) (deferred at the 4/1/13 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 6-0. B-4 By the Mayor - Proposed Ordinance to Amend Section 1.03 (of the City of Kenosha Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Order Of Business” to Articulate Responsibility for the Creation of the Common Council Agenda and Provide Procedures Therefor. (referred on the 3/18/13 Common Council agenda) (Public Safety & Welfare Committee approve 2-1, Licensing/Permit Committee approved 4-1, Finance Committee – Recommendation Pending) (deferred at the 4/1/13 meeting) A public hearing was held. George Clark, 7200 1 st Avenue, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to deny. Motion tied 3-3. B-5 By Alderman Bostrom – Proposed Ordinance To Amend Subsection 1.03 A. (of the City of Kenosha Code of General Ordinances) entitled “Order of Business” to Provide That Items Proposed by Alderpersons be Placed on the Common Council Agenda. (verbally referred at 3/18/13 Common Council meeting) (Public Safety & Welfare Committee approved 2-1, Licensing/Permit Committee denied 4-1, Finance Committee – Recommendation pending) (deferred at the 4/1/13 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to approve. Motion failed 2-4. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project 13-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations). (All Districts) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Request from Larry Keating (1119 60 th Street) to pave lawn park area along 12 th Avenue. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Larry Keating, 4022 83 rd Street, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve staff recommendation. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Approval of Sidewalk Rates for 2013. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-4 Award of Contract for Project 13-1208 Sidewalk& Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations) to A.W. Oakes & Son (Racine, Wisconsin) in the amount of $662,000.00 ($580,000.00 sidewalk funds). (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Town of Somers, a municipal cooperation, and the City of Kenosha, a municipal cooperation, Regarding Reconstruction of 47th Avenue. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve subject to cost. Motion passed 6-0. C-6 By Alderperson Bostrom, Co-Sponsors: Alderperson Bogdala, Alderperson Mathewson – Resolution to Create A Southport Beach House Citizen Committee for the Purpose of Researching and Recommending Additional Uses of the Southport Beach House to Enhance its Use and Increase Revenue. (referred from 4/1/13 Common Council agenda) (Park Commission approved 3-1) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve. Motion passed 4-2. C-7 Approval of Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement between Wisconsin Department of Transportation and City of Kenosha for 74 th Street - 122nd Avenue to 123rd Avenue, 123rd Avenue – STH 50 (75th Street) to 74th Street. (District 16) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-8 Resolution – Intent to Assess for Project 13-1015 Resurfacing Phase II (26 th Avenue - 34th Street to 31st Street, 40th Street – Sheridan Rd to 8th Avenue) for Hazardous Sidewalk & Driveway Approach Repair Only. (Districts 1 & 6) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-9 Award of Offering Prices for Fee Acquisition and Easements for Project 11-1025 122nd Avenue Reconstruction (District 16) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-10 Approval of Request for Conveyance of Rights in Land by Kenosha County CTH “G” (30th Avenue) Reconstruction Project. (District 4) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-11 Resolution – Intent to Assess for State ID 1032-10-71 (STH 50 Interchange and Local Roads) for New Sidewalk. (District 16) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Friday, April 19, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, and Scott N. Gordon. Aldermen Patrick Juliana and G. John Ruffolo were excused.. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. C-1 Approval of Application of Armando De La Rosa for a Peddler Stand License, to be located at the southwest corner of 54 th Street and 6th Avenue, to be effective April 22, 2013, with no adverse recommendations. (Licensing/Permit Committee approved unanimously) (District 2) A public hearing was held, Armando De La Rosa (1806 Washington Rd) was present and available for questions. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. `Motion passed 4-0. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:01 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 6, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, May 6, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, and Patrick Juliana. Vice Chairman Jan Michalski arrived during item C-11. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Cathy Austin. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on April 15, 2013 and special meeting held on April 19, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Approval of Request from the Mahone Foundation for the following on Saturday, August 17, 2013: a. To hold the HarborPark Jazz & Blues Festival at Celebration Place. b. Permission to extend the closing hours to 11:00pm. c. Permission to sell fermented malt beverages. (District 2) (Park Commission approved 3-0) A public hearing was held. Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65 th Street, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Approval of Request from Downtown Kiwanis Club for the following on Friday, June 21 and Saturday, June 22, 2013: a. Use of promenade north of 54 th Street between 3rd and 6th Avenues. b. Permission for musicians to play in front of selected businesses within the BID District. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Ron Bursek, 5111 24 th Place and Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65th Street, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project 13-1015 Resurfacing Phase II (26th Avenue - 34th Street to 31st Street, 40th Street – Sheridan Rd to 8th Avenue). (Districts 1 & 6) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke, It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 By Finance Committee – Resolution to Levy a Special Charge Upon Certain Parcels of Land Within the City of Kenosha Pursuant to §5.11F. (of the Code of General Ordinances), Entitled “Sidewalk and Alleys to be Kept Clean by Responsible Party – Emergency Enforcement” (Snow Removal from Sidewalks) – If Invoices Therefor are not Paid Within Thirty (30) Days of Issuance. (All Districts) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 By Finance Committee – Resolution to Levy Special Assessments for Hazardous Walk and/or Driveway Approach Repair Only for Project 12-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations) in the total amount of $87,763.25, to be levied against the respective parcels of property as shown by a report of the City Engineer and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Kenosha. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-6 By the Public Works Committee – Resolution of Intent to Assess for Project 131016 Resurfacing Phase III (34th Avenue - 86th Place to 88th Place, 44th Avenue Cul-de-Sac south of 87th Place, 87th Place Cul-de-Sac west of 42 nd Avenue) for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approach Only. (Districts 9 & 14) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-7 By the Public Works Committee – Resolution of Intent to Assess for Project 111025 122nd Avenue Reconstruction (122nd Avenue - 71st Street to 74th Street) for New Roadway Construction. (District 16) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-8 Award of Contract for Project 12-1420 Shagbark Park Trail Development Construction (3900 block of 39th Avenue) to Western Contractors Inc. (New Berlin, Wisconsin), in the amount of $273,000.00. (Park Funds Only) (District 10) (Park Commission approved 3-0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-9 Acceptance of Project 12-1014 Concrete Street Repairs (Citywide Locations) which has been satisfactorily completed by Zignego Company (Waukesha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $210,021.89. (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-10 Election of Committee Chairman 2013/2014. It was moved by Alderman Juliana to nominate Chairman Haugaard, seconded by Alderman Gordon. Chairman Haugaard accepted the nomination. Motion passed 4-0. C-11 Election of Committee Vice-Chairman 2013/2014. It was moved by Alderman Juliana to nominate Vice-Chairman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon. Vice-Chairman Michalski accepted the nomination. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, MAY 20, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, May 20, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, Patrick Juliana, and G. John Ruffolo. The meeting was called to order at 5:26 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Shelly Billinglsey. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on May 6, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project 13-1016 Resurfacing Phase III (34th Avenue - 86th Place to 88th Place, 44th Avenue Cul-de-Sac south of 87th Place, 87th Place Cul-de-Sac west of 42 nd Avenue). (Districts 9 & 14) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Approval of Harborpark Sculpture Walk project selections. (District 2) Natalie Strohm, 3318 86th Street and Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65 th Street, Alderman of the district, spoke. Alderman Michalski asked about the fragility of some sculptures. Alderman Ruffolo asked how funding was going for the Arts Fund Committee and if the City would be involved in installing the sculptures. Alderman Gordon asked about liability regarding vandalism or damage. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. Alderman Juliana left the meeting. C-3 By the Public Works Committee – Resolution of Intent to Assess for Project 131025 56th Street Resurfacing (56th Street – Sheridan Rd to 13 th Avenue) for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approach Only. (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. Alderman Gordon made a motion to take items out of order because Alderman Juliana stepped out of the meeting and he is the sponsor for items C-4 and C-5, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo. Motion passed 5-0. C-6 By the Mayor – Resolution Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Apply for Financial Assistance for the Development of Recreational Boating Facilities. (referred on 5/6/13 Council agenda) (Also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. Alderman Juliana returned to the meeting. C-4 By Alderperson Patrick Juliana, Co-Sponsor Scott N. Gordon – Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Subparagraph 1.03 D.5.a., and to Renumber, Amend, Create, or Repeal and Recreate Various Paragraphs of 1.03 E., Relating to Sponsorship and to Procedures to be Utilized for Consideration of New Ordinances and Resolutions. (referred on 5/6/13 Council agenda) (Public Safety & Welfare Committee approved 4-0, Licensing/Permit Committee approved 4-0) (Also referred to Finance Committee) Alderman Bostrom said changing shall to may is rather significant and asked the sponsor for an explanation. Alderman Bostrom made a motion to defer. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to take a five minute recess to see if a City Attorney was available. Motion passed 6-0. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to go back into session. Motion passed 6-0. Assistant City Attorney, Bill Richardson answered questions regarding the proposed change. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to amend the word may to shall. Motion passed 6-0. It was then moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve as amended. Motion passed 6-0. C-5 By Alderperson Patrick Juliana, Co-Sponsors: Alderperson Scott N. Gordon, Alderperson Curt Wilson – Resolution to Establish a Definitive Procedure for Outside Requests to City Employees. (referred on 5/6/13 Council agenda) (Public Safety & Welfare Committee approved 3-1, Licensing/Permit Committee approved 4-0) (Also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-2 with Aldermen Bostrom and Ruffolo voting no. C-7 Resolution by the Mayor – To modify the Table of Organization for the Department of Public Works and to Subsequently Modify the Compensation Plan for Non-Represented Managerial, Supervisory and Professional Employees. (referred on 5/6/13 Council agenda) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-8 Distribution Utility Easement between the City of Kenosha, We Energies, Time Warner Entertainment Company and AT&T for a Permanent Easement at approximately 11600 75th Street (Gateway Center Park/Phil Sander Nature Center) (District 16) (referred on 5/6/13 Council agenda) (Park Commission approved 4-0) (City Plan Commission recommendation pending) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-9 Project 13-1015 Resurfacing Phase II (26 th Avenue - 34th Street to 31st Street, 40th Street – Sheridan Rd to 8th Avenue) recommendation to reject bid and include in Project 13-1016 Resurfacing Phase III. (Districts 1 & 6) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve staff recommendation. Motion passed 6-0. C-10 Approval of Administrative Authority to approve Lawn Park Restoration relating to utility repairs. It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. National Public Works Week May 19 – 25, 2013 2. Project Status Report ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Ruffolo said the Committee needs to look at why only one or two bidders are bidding on some projects. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, June 3, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, and Patrick Juliana. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Shelly Billingsley. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on May 20, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Request from Captain Mike's Kenosha Tavern, LLC (5118 6 th Avenue) to pave the lawn park area on 51st Place. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Michael Cholak, 200 68th St, David Schulte, 8834 42nd Ave, Alderman Chris Schwartz and Michael Lemens spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Land use agreement between the City of Kenosha and Walkin' In My Shoes, Inc., d/b/a Seed To Harvest Community Garden for the purpose of temporarily allowing the use of City owned land to create a community garden. A public hearing was held. Alderman Kennedy and Michael Lemens spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to open up to another public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Alderman Kennedy spoke again. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 By Alderperson Jan Michalski – Proposed Ordinance to Amend Subsection 5.04 of the City of Kenosha Zoning Ordinance regarding Encroaching Structures in the Area Setback from a Major Street. (referred on 5/20/13 Council Agenda) (City Plan Commission approved 7-0) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderman Bostrom voting no. C-4 Award of Contract for Project 13-1016 Resurfacing Phase III (34th Avenue - 86th Place to 88th Place, 44th Avenue Cul-de-Sac south of 87 th Place, 87th Place Culde-Sac west of 42nd Avenue, 26th Avenue - 34th Street to 31st Street, 40th Street – Sheridan Rd to 8th Avenue) to Cicchini Asphalt, LLC (Kenosha, Wisconsin) in the amount of $612,000.00. ($519,500.00 resurfacing funds) (Districts 1, 6, 9 & 14) Michael Lemens and Shelly Billingsley spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report – Shelly Billingsley spoke. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Alderman Kennedy, 10 th District, spoke about the condition of 39th Avenue in his district. There are raised pieces of concrete, potholes and median that he would like fixed. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: • Alderman Juliana called in sidewalk complaints in the 7th District and would like to know what is on the list to get done this year. • Alderman Bostrom also commented that 39th Avenue needs to be fixed. He hopes that 18th Avenue between 75th Street and Lincoln Middle School and 22nd Avenue from 75th Street to 68th Street stay in the CIP to be repaired. He also commented on the condition of 7th Avenue from 75th Street North is in as bad of condition as 39th Avenue is. This location needs to be done as well. • Alderman Michalski agreed with Alderman Bostrom's comments regarding the condition of 7th Avenue. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, June 17, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, Patrick Juliana, and G. John Ruffolo. The meeting was called to order at 5:52 PM. Staff member in attendance was Cathy Austin, Assistant City Engineer. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on June 3, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-1 Approval of Request for use of city owned property (2210 52nd Street – old Bain School) by Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish for festival parking July 12 – 14, 2013. (District 7) A public hearing was held. Alex Savaglio, 3606 23 rd Street, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. C-2 Approval of First Amendment to Lease between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin (a Municipal Corporation), Board of Park Commissioners of the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin (a Municipal Park Commission) and Baseball Like It Oughta Be, LLC (a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company) and Northwoods League, Inc (a Florida Corporation). (Park Commission approved 3-1) Alderman Bostrom left the meeting. A public hearing was held. Vern Stenman, Northwoods League, 2920 N. Sherman Avenue, Madison, WI, answered questions and Cliff Johnson, 7201 27 th Avenue, spoke in favor of the project. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Award of Contract for Project 13-1412 Simmons Field – Stadium Restoration (7817 Sheridan Rd) to Camosy Construction (Kenosha, Wisconsin) in the amount of $731,519.84. (Park Funds) (District 12) (Park Commission approved 3-1) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Acceptance of Project 12-1015 Lincoln Road Resurfacing (Lincoln Rd - 80 th Street to 22nd Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Stark Asphalt (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) in the amount of $996,224.38. ($839,179.18 resurfacing funds) (District 13) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 By the Mayor – Resolution to Approve a Two-Lot Certified Survey Map for property located at 3207 80th Street. (Festival Foods) (District 14) (City Plan Commission approved 7-0) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-6 By Finance Committee – To Correct Resolution #06-13 for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approaches. (Project 12-1012 Resurfacing Phase I) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-7 By Finance Committee – To Amend the City of Kenosha Capital Improvement Program for Various CIP Years by Decreasing IN93-012 “Misc. Right of Way Purchases” for a Total of $153,650 and Increasing IN93-002 “Resurfacing” for a Total of $153,650 for a Net Change of $0. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-8 Concur with Recommendation of Library Board to reject bid for Project 12-1526 Simmons Library Restoration (711 59th Place). (District 2) Doug Baker, Library Director, was available to answer questions. It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to concur with recommendation of Library Board. Motion passed 5-0. At this time Alderman Ruffolo and Alderman Haugaard thanked Doug for his years of service. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report CITIZEN COMMENTS: Cliff Johnson, 7201 27 th Avenue, spoke about the sirens heard during the meeting. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Ruffolo said he has heard from citizens near Lincoln Road that are not happy with the roundabout and the ends of the road. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:12 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 1, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, July 1, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:19 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley and Alderman Chris Schwartz. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on June 17, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project 13-1025 56 th Street Resurfacing (56th Street – Sheridan Rd to 13th Avenue). (District 2) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Resolution Authorizing the Director of Public Works to Apply for Financial Assistance for the Dredging of the Kenosha Southport Marina Entrance. (Park Commission approved 4-0) Mike Lemens explained the City is trying to get as much grant money as possible as they look for a long term fix for the marina. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Resolution by the Mayor – To approve a Two-Lot Certified Survey Map for property at 5500 60th Street. (Kenosha Commons Apartments) (District 11) (City Plan Commission approved 6-0) A public hearing was held, Thomas Piacentine, 5310 S.121 st St, Hales Corners, WI, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Revision of Offering Price for Fee Acquisition and Easement for Parcel 57 for Project 11-1025 122nd Avenue Reconstruction (District 16) (also referred to Finance Committee) Alderman Bostrom commented that he would like the complete appraisal information for these items. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. Website Update – Shelly reported that a presentation will be given at the next meeting. 2. Project Status Report DIRECTORS REPORT: Mike Lemens updated the Committee on closures/changes for July 4th to improve safety and to lessen traffic congestion. some road ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Haugaard asked about SeeClickFix complaints and how the program was working. Staff reported it is being used but they have a phone conference scheduled for late July to look at enhancing its use. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:48 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, JULY 15, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, July 15, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was absent. The meeting was called to order at 5:41 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley and Alderman Chris Schwartz. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on July 1, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project 13-1024 60th Street Resurfacing (60th Street - 30th Avenue to 39th Avenue, 39th Avenue - 60th Street to 59th Street). (Districts 3, 11, 15) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project 11-1025 122nd Avenue Reconstruction (122nd Avenue - 71 st Street to 74th Street). (District 16) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Approval of request for use of HarborPark and Celebration Place by Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation on August 23 & 24, 2013 for their 3 rd Annual Grill Games event. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Lou Molitor (Director of Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce), 600 52nd St, Suite 130, and Alderman Chris Schwartz spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0-1 (with Alderman Bostrom abstaining). C-4 Ordinance by Alderperson Rocco LaMacchia - To Amend Various Sections of 10.076 (of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha) Entitled "Outdoor Cafe of "Class B", "Class B" and/or "Class C" Licensed Premises in a Public Right-of-Way; and to Create Subsection 10.76 C.2.H. (referred on July 1, 2013 Common Council agenda) (L/P Committee approved 4-0 as amended) Alderman Schwartz spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Award of Contract for Project 13-1019 Joint, Crack Cleaning and Sealing (Citywide Locations) to Fahrner Asphalt Sealers (Waunakee, Wisconsin) in the amount of $135,000. (All Districts) Shelly Billingsley spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-6 Award of Contract for Project 13-1024 60th Street Resurfacing (60th Street - 30 th Avenue to 39th Avenue, 39th Avenue - 60th Street to 59th Street) to Cicchini Asphat (Kenosha, Wisconsin) in the amount of $1,255,000. ($1,008,000 resurfacing funds) (Districts 3,11,15) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-7 Award of Contract for Project 13-1527 Northside Library Parking Lot Resurfacing (1500 27th Avenue) to Cicchini Asphalt, LLC (Kenosha, Wisconsin) in the amount of $143,000. (Library Funds Only) (District 4) (Library Board approved 8-0) Lin Swartz-Truesdell (Interim Library Director) answered questions. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-8 Project 13-1551 Fire Station #4 Administration Addition (4810 60th Street) recommendation to reject bid. (District 11) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to concur with the recommendation to reject. Motion passed 5-0. Alderman Bostrom requested the specifications for the project. C-9 By Finance Committee - Resolution To Correct Resolution #7-13 for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approaches. (District 13) (Project 12-1015 Lincoln Road Resurfacing) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-10 By Finance Committee - Resolution To Correct Resolution #56-13 for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approaches. (Project 12-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-11 By Public Works Committee - Resolution of Intent for Project 13-1012 Resurfacing Phase I (Lincoln Road Intersections, 70th Street - 39th Avenue to 40 th Avenue) for Hazardous Sidewalk and/or Driveway Approaches. (Districts 13 & 15) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-12 Acceptance of Project 12-2032 Underground Storage Tank Area Interim Action at Kenosha Engine Plant (5500 30th Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Veit & Company (New Berlin, Wisconsin) in the amount of $215,249.53. (District 11) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. Website Presentation – Shelly Billingsley presented an updated draft version of the new website for Public Works. Alderman Bostrom commented on possibly having an icon link for reporting potholes. Alderman Gordon added traffic signs and grafitti for the icon link. Chairman Haugaard would like the phone number on every page. For example, for compost site, bulk site, yardwaste site or an update on bulk tickets call this number and get the hours. He would still like to have the SeeClickFix link on the website. Shelly commented that she is hoping to have the updated website up and running by the end of the year. 2. Project Status Report – Shelly Billingsley spoke. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:09 PM. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, August 5, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, and Patrick Juliana. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was excused.. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Cathy Austin, Sean Von Bergen, Alderman Chris Schwartz, Alderman Rocco LaMacchia and Rich Schroeder. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on July 15, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Preliminary Report/Final Resolution for Project 13-1012 Resurfacing Phase I (Lincoln Road Intersections, 70 th Street - 39th Avenue to 40th Avenue). (Districts 13 & 15) PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Request from Anthony Perrine (5145 Sheridan Road) to pave lawn park area between the two driveways on Sheridan Road. (District 2) A public hearing was held. Lou Perrine, 1515 16 th Place, and Alderman Schwartz, 402 65th Street, Alderman of the 2nd District, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve as recommended by staff. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Resolution By the Mayor – To approve a three-lot Certified Survey Map to be located at 7701 Green Bay Road. (Meijer) (District 14) (City Plan Commission approved 8-0) (referred on 7/15/13 Common Council agenda) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Ordinance By Alderperson LaMacchia – To Repeal and Recreate Subparagraph 17.05 G (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding the Number of Lots in Final Phase Plat. (City Plan Commission approved 8-0) (referred on 7/15/13 Common Council agenda) Alderman LaMacchia, 2114 25th Avenue, sponsor, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0-1 with Alderman Bostrom abstaining. C-5 Ordinance By Stormwater Utility Committee – To Repeal, Recreate and Renumber Subsections 2.10 A. and B. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding Special Assessments. (also referred to Finance Committee) (referred on 7/15/13 Common Council agenda) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-6 Approval of Request for Conveyance of Easement Rights to Carthage College for Installation of Fiber Network Extension Across Alford Park and Alford Park Drive. (Park Commission approved 5-0) A public hearing was held. David Robinson, 4105 18 th Street, representing Carthage College, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-7 Approval of Revisions to Snow Maps. Mike Lemens presented a map with the proposed changes. The committee was also given a handout listing the proposed changes. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve as presented. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report CITIZEN COMMENTS: • Brian Massie, 4040 18th Street, spoke regarding item C-1. He doesn't feel the sidewalks needs to be repaired. He also said last year when he petitioned to have the lawn park area paved in front of his business, the request was approved just by the bus stop area but nothing has been done. • Ray Cameron, spoke about the sidewalks on 52 nd Street and 60th Street. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: • Alderman Michalski welcomed Sean as the new Assistant City Engineer. • Alderman Juliana asked about the funding for item A-1 on the Common Council agenda. • Alderman Haugaard asked the committee for their feedback about changing the meeting times from 5PM to 5:30PM. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:38 PM. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, August 19, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Alderman G. John Ruffolo arrived during Item C-5. Alderman Steve Bostrom was absent. The meeting was called to order at 5:41 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley, Alderman David Bogdala, Alderman Chris Schwartz and Alderman Kevin Mathewson. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on August 5, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 By Alderperson David F. Bogdala and Alderperson G. John Ruffolo – To Amend the City of Kenosha Capital Improvement Program for 2013 by Decreasing FI-13003 “Fire Administration Office” in the amount of $300,000 and to Increase Capital Improvement Line Item IN-93-002 “Resurfacing” in the amount of $300,000 for a Net Change of $0. (Public Safety & Welfare Committee denied 3-1) (also referred to Finance Committee) (referred on 8/5/13 Common Council agenda) A public hearing was held. Alderman David Bogdala, sponsor, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to deny. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 By Alderperson David F. Bogdala – To Amend the City of Kenosha Capital Improvement Program for 2013 by Decreasing OT-96-001 “Equipment – Mini Van” in the amount of $13,100 and to Create Capital Improvement Line Item OT-13-004 “School Zone – Signage” in the amount of $13,100 for a Net Change of $0. (Public Safety & Welfare approved 4-0) (also referred to Finance Committee) (referred at 8/5/13 Common Council meeting) A public hearing was held. Alderman David Bogdala, sponsor, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 By Alderperson Michael J. Orth – To Repeal and Recreate Section 13.035.B.2 (of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha) Regarding Peddler's Stands Operation. (referred on 8/5/13 Common Council agenda) (Licensing/Permit Committee recommendation pending, Park Commission deferred for two weeks) A public hearing was held. Alderman Kevin Mathewson spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to defer. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 By Alderperson Kevin Mathewson- Establishing Daily Hours for Kennedy Drive. (District 1) (Park Commission – no recommendation) (referred at 8/5/13 Common Council meeting) A public hearing was held. Alderman Kevin Mathewson, sponsor, and Alderman Chris Schwartz, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to deny. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 By Alderperson Kevin Mathewson – Establishing Daily Hours for Simmons Island. (District 2) (Park Commission – no recommendation) (referred at 8/5/13 Common Council meeting) A public hearing was held. Alderman Kevin Mathewson, sponsor, and Alderman Chris Schwartz spoke. After some discussion, it was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to open a second public hearing. Motion passed 4-0. Alderman Kevin Mathewson spoke again. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to deny. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderman Ruffolo voting no. C-6 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Kenosha and WisDOT for the WIS 50 Access Management Vision (I94 to 43 rd Avenue). (referred on 8/5/13 Common Council agenda) (Access Management report posted on Alderman web page) Mike Lemens spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-7 Acceptance of Project 12-1414 Anderson Pool Splashpad Construction (8730 22 nd Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Scherrer Construction Co. Inc. (Burlington, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $270,753.59. (Park Funds Only) (District 9) (Park Commission approved 4-0) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-8 Acceptance of Project 12-1013 CDBG Resurfacing (67 th Street - 22nd Avenue to 18th Avenue, 65th Street - 24th Avenue to 22nd Avenue, 57th Street - 23rd Avenue to 22nd Avenue, 67th Street - 27th Avenue to 22nd Avenue, 68th Street - 24th Avenue to 22nd Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Cicchini Asphalt, LLC (Kenosha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $750,944.22. ($698,942.72 Resurfacing funds) (Districts 2, 8 & 12) (also referred to Stormwater Utility Committee) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report DIRECTOR COMMENTS: Mike Lemens advised the committee that the APWA Congress is being held in Chicago August 25 – 27, 2013 and if any members would like to attend he can get one day passes. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 PM. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Scott N. Gordon and G. John Ruffolo. Alderman Patrick Juliana was excused. Alderman Steve Bostrom arrived during item C-2. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Shelly Billingsley. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on August 19, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 By Alderperson Michael J. Orth – To Repeal and Recreate Section 13.035.B.2 (of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha) Regarding Peddler's Stands Operation. (referred on 8/5/13 Common Council agenda) (Licensing/Permit Committee approved 5-0, Park Commission approved 5-0) (deferred at the August 19, 2013 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to send with no recommendation. After some discussion the motion was withdrawn. It was then moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Michalski to defer. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 By Alderperson Kevin E. Mathewson and Alderperson G. John Ruffolo – To Authorize the City Administrator to Enter the City of Kenosha in the 2013-2014 Earth Hour City Challenge. (Public Safety & Welfare Committee approved 4-0) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Award of Contract for Project 13-1027 Epoxy Pavement Markings (Citywide Locations) to Brickline, Inc. (Madison, Wisconsin) in the amount of $57,000. (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Project 13-1414 Washington Velodrome Resurfacing Construction (1901 Washington Road) recommendation to reject bid and re-advertise contract. (District 6) (Park Commission approved 4-0) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve recommendation by staff to reject the bid. Motion passed 5-0. C-4 Acceptance of Project 12-1423 & 12-1427 Sunrise Park Trail and Phase I Development (2829 50th Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by BCF Construction Corp. (Waukesha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $367,478.19 (Park funds only). (District 5) (Park Commission approved 5-0) It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report – Alderman Bostrom asked several questions. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: • Alderman Haugaard commented on signage and lane markings for county and city bike trail, weed cutting in Petzke Park, Carthage Lacrosse fields, and Corps of Engineers dredging project. • Alderman Ruffolo stated that the County Executive has asked the status of the 56 th Street Resurfacing project. He also complimented Mike Lemens, Director of Public Works, saying the Town of Somers speaks very highly of him. • The Committee has agreed that the meeting time will be change to 5:30pm from 5:00pm. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 5:41 PM. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, September 16, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Acting Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Alderman Eric Haugaard was excused. Alderman G. John Ruffolo was absent. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Cathy Austin and Alderman Chris Schwartz. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on September 4, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 Ordinance By Alderperson Michael J. Orth – To Repeal and Recreate Section 13.035.B.2 (of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha) Regarding Peddler's Stands Operation. (referred on 8/5/13 Common Council agenda) (Licensing/Permit Committee approved 5-0, Park Commission approved 5-0) (deferred at the August 19, 2013 and September 4, 2013 meetings) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Request from Beth Hillel Temple (6050 8th Avenue) to pave the lawn park area. (District 2) A public hearing was held, Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65 th Street, 2nd district, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Resolution By Alderperson David F. Bogdala – To Urge the Mayor to Include in the City of Kenosha Capital Improvement Plan for 2014 the Amount of $300,000 for Resurfacing of a portion of 104th Avenue. (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to deny. Alderman Juliana and Alderman Gordon then retracted their motion and second. Alderman Juliana then made a motion to defer until there is an agreement with the Town of Somers, seconded by Alderman Gordon. Motion passed 3-1 with Alderman Bostrom voting no. C-3 Resolution By Alderperson Scott N. Gordon, Co-Sponsors: Rocco J. LaMacchia Sr., Alderperson Jesse Downing, Alderperson Curt Wilson, Alderperson Daniel Prozanski, Jr., Alderperson Jan Michalski, Alderperson Patrick A. Juliana, Alderperson Chris Schwartz, Alderperson Anthony Kennedy and Alderperson Michael J. Orth – To Urge the Governor to Approve the Casino Proposed for the City of Kenosha. (Public Safety & Welfare Committee approved 5-0, Licensing/Permit Committee approved 5-0, also referred to Stormwater Utility Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Resolution By Alderperson Steve Bostrom and Alderperson Rocco LaMacchia, Sr – To Become a Partner in the Food for Learning Project and Authorize and Instruct the City Administrator or His Designee to Establish Guidelines and Offers of Contribution from the City of Kenosha to the Food for Learning Project. (Public Safety & Welfare Committee approved 5-0, Licensing/Permit Committee approved 5-0, also referred to Stormwater Utility Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Bostrom to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Award of Contract for Project 13-1013 CDBG Resurfacing (CDBG Area: 13 th Ct - 43rd St to 42nd St, 41st St - 22nd Ave to 21st Ave) (Alternate II area: 70th St 39th Ave to 40th Ave, Lincoln Rd Intersections) to Stark Asphalt (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) in the amount of $904,000. ($313,000 CDBG Resurfacing Funds) ($460,000 Alternate II Resurfacing Funds) (Districts 6, 13, & 15) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-6 Award of Contract for Project 13-1213 Waste Division Roof Repair (1001 50 th Street) to Carlson Racine Roofing (Racine, Wisconsin) in the amount of $60,000. (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-7 Award of Contract for Project 13-2002 Overpass Painting Phase III (1200 block Washington Road, 1300 block 50 th Street and 1300 65th Street) to Mill Coating, Inc. (Suamico, Wisconsin) in the amount of $130,000. (Districts 6 & 3) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-8 Change Order for Project 13-1025 56 th Street Resurfacing (56th Street - 13th Avenue to Sheridan Rd). (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-9 Award of Contract for Project 13-1025 56 th Street Resurfacing (56th Street – 13th Avenue to Sheridan Rd) to Cicchini Asphalt, LLC (Kenosha, Wisconsin) in the amount of $562,000. ($490,000 Resurfacing Funds) (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-10 Change Order for Project 13-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations). (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-11 Resolution to Correct Resolution #96-13. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report CITIZEN COMMENTS: Alderman David Bogdala, 7101 96 th Avenue, asked for the vote on item C-2. He apologized for not being at the meeting while the item was being discussed but was in the Finance meeting going over the same item. He explained that if the resolution passes it would help possible negotiations with the Town of Somers. He stated he has never seen an item in the CIP where it wasn't put into planning. He asked the committee to revisit or reconsider the item. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo A special meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, September 30, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Aldermen Steve Bostrom and G. John Ruffolo were excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Ron Iwen, Transit Director, Mayor Keith Bosman and Alderman David Bogdala. C-1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Resolution by the Mayor – To Approve the Route of the Streetcar System Expansion and to Commence Project Design and Engineering. (Transit Commission approved – Ayes 5: Noes 1) (referred from Council on 8/5/13) A public hearing was held. Mayor Bosman presented his proposed streetcar route, he explained the use of the money matching grant and what it covers and also explained additional money in the CIP will be used for street repairs. John Doyle, Western Springs, IL, spoke in favor. Don Olsen, Beach Park, IL, spoke in favor. Robert Faelak, Kenosha, WI, spoke in favor. Kurt Wicklund, Kenosha, WI, spoke in favor. Edward Rosengren, Addison, IL, spoke in favor. Lou Molitor, Kenosha Chamber of Commerce Director, spoke in favor. Virginia Hoekstra, Kenosha, WI, would prefer to see expansion up 52 nd Street to airport and proposed future casino. Lou Rugani, Kenosha, WI, spoke in favor. Paul McDonough, Kenosha, WI, representing BID business, spoke in favor. Violet Richer, Kenosha, WI, Director of Downtown Kenosha, spoke in favor. Shanon Molina, Transit Commissioner, commented on 150 surveys conducted showed there was 50-50 support. Hans Schneider, Kenosha, WI, supports plan to put funding into downtown but questions the dollar amount, he feels money would be better spent on buses to other areas of the city and he doesn't see many people riding the streetcar. Mary Johnson, BID Board member, spoke in favor. Mary Dixon, Kenosha, WI, spoke against. She commented on operating costs and would rather restore buildings and route will only showcase empty buildings. She asked how many trees and how much right-of-way acquisition will be required. Merike Phillips, Kenosha, WI, spoke against. She is an owner of historic property and does not want the streetcar in historic Library Park because she feels it would detract from the historic nature of the area. Scott Page, Kenosha, WI, spoke against. He commented that Kenosha is much smaller than cities used in comparison. Mayor Bosman spoke again explaining that the cost of expansion is $5 million per mile so it would cost $12.5 million to get route to Carthage. The current proposed route would not add operating expenses because there would only be one car in the loop. • Rita Roselli, Kenosha, WI, spoke in favor. Alderman Juliana asked Ron Iwen if the city can put switches in for future use going west. Mr. Iwen replied that will be determined by Engineering. He commented that the opposition he has heard did not come to this meeting. He feels people like to ride the streetcar and believes what the Mayor said about 80% tourism and 20% mode of transportation. Alderman Michalski agrees with the Mayor and likes the streetcar but is not in favor of this proposed route. He would like to see it expand to Roosevelt Road to connect to uptown area as 63rd Street is built to accommodate the streetcar. Alderman Gordon commented that he heard from only one constituent and they were in favor. He feels the expansion has potential as the downtown is the city's crown jewel. He feels downtown businesses need the trolley to bring it back and need the project now. Alderman Haugaard commented that this vote is more about the design and engineering to start working on the project. The grant money must be used on qualifying expenses, the money is limited so it cannot just go anywhere. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 3-1 with Alderman Michalski voting no. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, October 7, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Acting Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Aldermen Eric Haugaard and G. John Ruffolo were excused. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Cathy Austin, Alderman David Bogdala and Alderman Chris Schwartz. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on September 16, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 Resolution By Alderperson David F. Bogdala – To Urge the Mayor to Include in the City of Kenosha Capital Improvement Plan for 2014 the Amount of $300,000 for Resurfacing of a portion of 104th Avenue. (deferred at the September 16, 2013 meeting) A public hearing was held. Alderman David Bogdala, 7101 96 th Avenue, spoke. After some discussion it was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Juliana to open up another public hearing. Motion passed 4-0. Alderman Bogdala spoke again. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom to approve, motion failed due to lack of a second. It was then moved by Alderman Gordon to defer for 30 days, motion failed due to lack of a second. It was then moved by Alderman Bostrom to approve, motion failed due to lack of a second. It was then moved by Alderman Juliana to deny, motion failed due to lack of a second. It was then moved by Alderman Bostrom to approve, motion failed due to lack of a second. It was then moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to offer no recommendation. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Approval of Application of Armando De La Rosa for a Peddler Stand License, to be located at the southwest corner of 54 th Street and 6th Avenue, to be effective for the term of October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014, with no adverse recommendations. (also referred to License/Permit Committee) (District 2) A public hearing was held. Armando De La Rosa, 5147 13 th Avenue, and Alderman Chris Schwartz, 402 65th Street, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Resolution by Alderperson Michael J. Orth – To Subname 39 th Avenue from 60th Street to 68th Street as “Veterans Way”. (District 15) (referred on 9/17/13 Council Agenda) (68th Street should read 67th Street.) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Resolution by the Mayor – To Approve a Two-Lot Certified Survey Map for property at the northeast corner of 38 th Street and 120th Avenue. (Project Onyx) (District 16) (City Plan Commission approved 9-0) (referred on 9/17/13 Council Agenda) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Resolution by the Mayor – To Approve a Two-Lot Certified Survey Map for property at the northeast corner of Green Bay Road and Washington Road. (Kenosha Pointe) (District 5) (City Plan Commission approved 9-0) (referred on 9/17/13 Council Agenda) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Ordinance by the Mayor – To Amend Subsection 17.02 B. (of the Code of General Ordinances) entitled “Specific Words and Phrases”, To Repeal and Recreate Subsection 17.12 C. entitled “Building Permits”, to Renumber Subsections 17.12 D. and E. as 17.12 E. and F. respectively and to Create Subsection 17.12 D. entitled Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. (City Plan Commission approved 9-0) (referred on 9/17/13 Council Agenda) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report – Alderman Bostrom said he received a call from a resident checking to make sure Lincoln Road would open on Friday, October 11 th for St. Joseph's High School homecoming parade. Mike Lemens assured Alderman Bostrom that staff is aware of the parade and the road will be open. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, October 21, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Scott N. Gordon and Patrick Juliana. Alderman Steve Bostrom and G. John Ruffolo were absent. The meeting was called to order at 6:23pm. Staff members in attendance were Shelly Billingsley, Sean Von Bergen, Assistant City Attorney Jon Mulligan and Alderman Chris Schwartz. A-1 Approval of minutes of special meeting held on September 30, 2013 and regular meeting held on October 7, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Award of Contract for Project 13-2032 Kenosha Engine Plant Interim Action Soil Remediation (5555 30th Avenue) to A.W. Oakes & Son (Racine, Wisconsin) in the amount of $364,000.00. (District 7) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Ordinance by the Mayor – To Amend Subsection 30.10 A. Regarding Filing of Complaints and to Repeal and Recreate Subsection 30.15 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding Liability of Complainant for Costs and Expenses. (also referred to Finance Committee and Ethics Board) (PSW approved 3-1, L/P approved 2-1) (referred on 10/7/13 Council Agenda) A public hearing was held. Doug Williams spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Haugaard who had passed the gavel to move forward without recommendation but to have the attorney consider comments by Aldermen Michalski and Haugaard. Motion passed with Aldermen Haugaard and Michalski voting aye and Aldermen Gordon and Juliana abstaining. C-3 Ordinance by Alderperson Chris Schwartz – To Repeal and Recreate Subsection 7.05 C. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding Parking Limits. (PSW approved 4-0) (referred on 10/7/13 Council Agenda) A public hearing was held. Alderman Chris Schwartz spoke. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Acceptance of Project 12-1208 Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Program (Citywide Locations) which has been satisfactorily completed by A.W. Oakes & Son (Racine, Wisconsin) in the amount of $491,835.37. ($440,670.87 Sidewalk Funds) (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Approval of Revised Acceptance of Project 12-1414 Anderson Pool Splashpad Construction (8730 22nd Avenue) in the amount of $274,053.39. (District 9) (Park Commission approved 4-0) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-6 Approval of Request of the Knights of Columbus to erect Flagpoles at the Piazza Cosenza. (District 2) A public hearing was held. John Basel, 6623 43 rd Avenue, and Alderman Chris Schwartz spoke. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-7 Approval of Development Agreement between the City of Kenosha, the Kenosha Water Utility and KTR WIS III LLC and KTR WIS IV, LLC (Project Onyx/Amazon) (District 16) (Also referred to Public Works, City Plan and Board of Water Commissioners) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve agreement conditionally upon concurrence of the Mayor with recommendations from the Director of Public Works, the City Engineer, the Director of Community Development & Inspections, and the City Attorney that the documents are complete, final and satisfactory. Motion passed 4-0. C-8 Set date and time for the 2014 Budget Review. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Juliana to hold the meeting on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 5pm. Motion passed 4-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:41pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE -MINUTESWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 5:00 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo A meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Alderpersons Scott N. Gordon, and Patrick Juliana. Alderpersons Steve Bostrom and G. John Ruffolo were excused. Staff members in attendance were Mayor Bosman, City Administrator Frank Pacetti, Finance Director Carol Stancato, Public Works Director Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley, John Prijic, Mauro Lenci, Cathy Austin, Sean Von Bergen, Dirk Nelson, Director of Human Resources Steve Stanczak, and Sue Clouthier. C-1 Public Works 2014 CIP Budget Review Public Hearing – No one spoke. Director Lemens gave an overview of the Public Works CIP budget. City Administrator Pacetti commented on the budget process. Alderperson Juliana commented on the roadbed of 60th Street. Vice Chairman Michalski questioned the timing of 7th Avenue resurfacing. Alderperson Juliana asked about the fuel island upgrade. It was moved by Alderperson Gordon, seconded by Alderperson Juliana to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Public Works 2014 Executive Budgets Public Hearing – No one spoke. Director Lemens gave an overview of the Public Works Executive budgets. City Administrator Pacetti commented on the management capabilities of the proposed new public interface program. Vice Chairman Michalski asked about temporary and seasonal costs. Director Stancato explained how temporary and seasonal costs are allocated on a historical basis to divisions within the Public Works budget. Vice Chairman Michalski commented on the downtown streetlights. Alderperson Gordon questioned fuel costs. City Administrator Pacetti explained that fuel costs look to be stable. Alderperson Juliana also commented on fuel costs. It was moved by Alderperson Juliana, seconded by Alderperson Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. Citizen Comments: No one spoke. Alderperson Comments: No one spoke. There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:03 PM. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, November 18, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, and G. John Ruffolo. Alderman Patrick Juliana was absent. The meeting was called to order at 5:31 PM. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens, Shelly Billingsley and Alderman David Bogdala. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on October 21, 2013 and special meeting held on October 30, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Request for fence installation at Seed to Harvest Community Garden (42 nd Street & 32nd Avenue) by Walkin In My Shoes. (District 10) (signed copy of the Seed to Harvest Community Garden agreement is posted on the Aldermen webpage) A public hearing was held. Jo Wynn, 7911 60 th Avenue, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to defer for 60 days. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Award of Professional Service Contract for Project 13-1417 Lawn Park Area Tree Removal #2 to Droprite Tree & Landscape (Somers, Wisconsin) in the amount of $50,000.00. (Park Commission approved 3-0) It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to defer. Motion passed 5-0. C-3 Ordinance by Alderperson David F. Bogdala – To Repeal and Recreate Subparagraph 1.03 A. (of the Code of General Ordinances) entitled “Order of Business”, to Amend Subparagraph 1.03 A.9.c. entitled “Speaker Sign-up” and to Repeal and Recreate Subparagraph 1.03 A.9.e entitled “Public Hearings”. (also referred to Finance Committee and Stormwater Utility Committee) (PSW & L/P Committees approved as amended 3-0) (referred on the 11/4/13 Common Council agenda) A public hearing was held. Alderman David Bogdala, sponsor, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to approve amendment by sponsor. It was then moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to defer. After some discussion it was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Michalski to open a public hearing, motion passed 50. Alderman David Bogdala and Virginia Hoekstra spoke. The motion to defer passed 3-2. C-4 Approval of Addendum to Agreement By and Between the City of Kenosha (A Municipal Corporation) and Waste Management of Wisconsin, Inc. (A Wisconsin Corporation). (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5 Change Order for Project 13-1025 56 th Street Resurfacing (56th Street – Sheridan Road to 13th Avenue). (District 2) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. Contractor Performance – Mike Lemens and Shelly Billingsley spoke. 2. Project Status Report – Shelly Billingsley spoke. There will be a launch party for Simmons Ball Field on November 23, 2013 and all are invited. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:33pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, December 2, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Steve Bostrom, Scott N. Gordon, Patrick Juliana, and G. John Ruffolo. The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm. Staff member in attendance was Mike Lemens. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on November 18, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. B-1 Award of Professional Service Contract for Project 13-1417 Lawn Park Area Tree Removal #2 to Droprite Tree & Landscape (Somers, Wisconsin) in the amount of $50,000.00. (Park Commission approved 3-0) (deferred at the November 18, 2013 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 6-0. It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to take item B-2 out of order. Motion passed 6-0. B-2 Ordinance by Alderperson David F. Bogdala – To Repeal and Recreate Subparagraph 1.03 A. (of the Code of General Ordinances) entitled “Order of Business”, to Amend Subparagraph 1.03 A.9.c. entitled “Speaker Sign-up” and to Repeal and Recreate Subparagraph 1.03 A.9.e entitled “Public Hearings”. (also referred to Finance Committee and Stormwater Utility Committee) (PSW & L/P Committees approved as amended 3-0) (referred on the 11/4/13 Common Council agenda) (deferred at the November 18, 2013 meeting) A public hearing was held. Alderman David Bogdala, sponsor, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to approve. During discussion Alderman Michalski made a motion to approve with his amendment (not provided in backup). After more discussion Alderman Gordon made a motion to send to Common Council with no recommendation, seconded by Alderman Juliana. It was then moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to open up another public hearing. Motion passed 6-0. Alderman David Bogdala and Virginia Hoekstra, 6209 75th Street, spoke. At this time the motion made by Alderman Bostrom to approve was voted on. Motion passed 5-1 with Alderman Juliana voting no. C-1 Request from Patrick Zuchowski (6606 32nd Avenue) for variance in parkway. (District 8) A public hearing was held. Patrick Zuchowski, 6606 32 nd Avenue, spoke. Mike Lemens gave an explanation. After some discussion it was moved by Alderman Bostrom, seconded by Alderman Michalski to open another public hearing. Motion passed 6-0. Patrick Zuchowski spoke. It was moved by Alderman Haugaard, seconded by Alderman Juliana to defer until May 1, 2014. Motion passed 5-0 with Alderman Gordon abstaining. C-2 Request from Estella Padilla (3101 60 th Street) to pave the lawn park area along 31st Avenue. (District 3) A public hearing was held, no one spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to deny request. Motion passed 6-0. C-3 Petition to vacate a portion of the alley between 20 th Avenue and 21st Avenue, south of 48th Street. (Clair/Juliana) (District 7) (City Plan Commission approved 8-0) (referred on November 18, 2013 Common Council agenda) It was moved by Alderman Juliana, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 6-0. INFORMATIONAL: Project Status Report ALDERMAN COMMENTS: • Alderman Ruffolo asked Mike Lemens if the department is ready for snow season. • Alderman Michalski reminded everyone that alternate side parking is in effect. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:47pm. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - MINUTES MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013 5:30 P.M. Eric Haugaard, Chairman Jan Michalski, Vice Chairman Steve Bostrom Scott N. Gordon Patrick Juliana G. John Ruffolo The regular meeting of the Public Works Committee was held on Monday, December 16, 2013 in Room 202 of the Municipal Building. The following members were present: Chairman Eric Haugaard, Vice Chairman Jan Michalski, Aldermen Scott N. Gordon and G. John Ruffolo. Alderman Steve Bostrom was attending another meeting. Alderman Patrick Juliana not present. The meeting was called to order at 5:39 pm. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Sean Von Bergen. A-1 Approval of minutes of regular meeting held on December 2, 2013. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Ordinance by Alderperson Kevin Mathewson – To Create Section 1.03 F.18 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding the Procedure for a Presiding Officer to Participate in Debate. (Public Safety & Welfare approved 4-0, License/Permit approved 4-0) (also referred to Finance and Stormwater Utility Committees) (referred on November 18, 2013 Common Council agenda) It was moved by Alderman Michalski to deny. Motion failed due to lack of a second. It was then moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Ruffolo to defer to the next meeting. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Change Order for Project 13-1421 Emerald Ash Borer Phase I (Citywide Locations). (Park Commission approved 4-0) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Michalski, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-3 Change Order for Project 13-1013 CDBG Resurfacing (CDBG Area (13th Ct 43rd St to 42nd St, 41st St - 22nd Ave to 21st Ave) Alternate II Area (70 th St - 39th Ave to 40th Ave, Lincoln Rd Intersections). (Districts 6, 13 & 15) (also referred to Finance Committee) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Development Agreement between the City of Kenosha, Kenosha Water Utility and Meijer Stores Limited Partnership regarding property at 7701 Green Bay Road. (Meijer) (District 14) (City Plan Commission approved 6-0) (also referred to Stormwater Utility Committee and Board of Water Commissioners) (referred on 12/2/13 Common Council agenda) A public hearing was held. Attorney Brian Randle, 2602 88 th Place, Wauwatosa, WI spoke. It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Approve Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed from Meijer Stores Limited Partnership to the City of Kenosha for 76th Street right-of-way, west of 64th Avenue. (Meijer) (District 14) (City Plan Commission approved 6-0) (referred on 12/2/13 Common Council agenda) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-6 Permanent Sidewalk and Multi-Use Path Easement and Agreement By and Between Meijer Stores Limited Partnership and the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Meijer) (District 14) (City Plan Commission approved 6-0) (referred on 12/2/13 Common Council agenda) It was moved by Alderman Gordon, seconded by Alderman Michalski to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-7 Acceptance of Project 13-1019 Joint, Crack Cleaning & Sealing (Citywide Locations) which has been satisfactorily completed by Fahrner Asphalt Sealers (Waunakee, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $123,518.25. (All Districts) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-8 Acceptance of Project 13-1527 Northside Library Parking Lot Resurfacing (1500 27 th Avenue) which has been satisfactorily completed by Cicchini Asphalt, LLC (Kenosha, Wisconsin). The final amount of the contract is $125,132.31. (District 4) It was moved by Alderman Ruffolo, seconded by Alderman Gordon to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. 2014 Resurfacing Road List – Sean passed out a map showing the locations • Alderman Bostrom commented that work on 18 th Avenue should be done in summer due to the school. • Alderman Haugaard commented that the school should be notified when work is done on 39th Avenue. • Alderman Ruffolo asked when 39 th Avenue – Washington Rd to 52 nd St will be done. He also asked for the PASER rating on each street listed. 2. Project Status Report CITIZEN COMMENTS: Diane Konicki, 5700 19th Avenue, Apt 4, commented that 39th Avenue needs resurfacing. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Michalski commented that it is snowing and to be careful driving. He also spoke about the policy on snow removal. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Works Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 6:24 pm.
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