HOW TO USE COMMITTEE/COMMISSION MINUTES ARCHIVES Click the Bookmarks tab to the left of the screen to view links to view the minutes of each meeting. Click on the meeting date. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, January 10, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, January 10, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:58 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Kennedy, Orth, Green, and LaMacchia. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, December 27, 2010. Motion passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEM: 1. Joint Service Update – Sue Marcinkus, Director, Joint Services gave an update. She is retiring January 25th, and they are in the process of interviewing one candidate. Public Safety Building is on going. A Communication Committee has been formed and a study is being done and should be completed in 6 months. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Kennedy commented on the good job the city does clearing the snow in the downtown area. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:12 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, January 31, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, January 31, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Kennedy, Orth, Green, and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Kevin Risch, Paula Blise, and Matt Knight. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, January 10, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1. Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 15 Related to OffPremises Signs. (Referred back from Common Council meeting of December 6, 2010) (Deferred from the meeting held on December 13, 2010 and December 27, 2010) Public Hearing: Jason Saari, Adams Outdoor Advertising, was present to answer any questions. Mark Rausch, Clear Channel Outdoors, was present to answer any questions. Staff/Alderman: Paula Blise was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Aldermanic request for a 4 Way Stop for 62nd Place and 95th Avenue. (District 17) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve a 90 day trial. Motion passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEM: 1. Application of the zoning ordinance as it relates to businesses and vending machines located on the exterior of the businesses location. Gary Moilanen, Artic Glacier Premium Ice, Menomonee Falls, WI, was present and spoke. Ryan Hendricks, K-Mart Manager, was present and spoke. Alderman Bogdala, 17th District, was present and spoke. Paula Blise and Matt Knight were present to answer any questions. 2. Outdoor Sales - Alderman Ruffolo, 4th District, was present and spoke. Paula Blise and Matt Knight were present to answer any questions. Paula Blise explained that conditional use permits overrides the ordinance and that all sales on the exterior of businesses is against the present ordinance. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Orth would like to see an easy access to conditional use permits. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:56 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, February 28, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, February 28, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Kennedy, Orth, Green, and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Kevin Risch and Ed Antaramian. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, January 31, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Request to Remove Traffic Signals 52nd Street and Chrysler Driveway (2700 Block) and to Remove Flashing Yellow Pedestrian Lights 30th Avenue 5300 and 5800 blocks. (District 7, 10 &11) Staff/Alderman: Alderman Kennedy asked if taking the lights on 52nd Street down would be premature. Kevin explain that taking them down would be in the best interest of the city. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Review of Procedure for Passage of Convenient Cash Regulatory Ordinances. The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may go into closed session under authority of Wisconsin Statutes Section 19.85 (1)(g) to confer with legal counsel concerning strategy with regard to potential litigation. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to go into closed session at 5:50pm. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to go into open session at 6:10pm. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:11 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, March 14, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, March 14, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Kennedy, Orth, Green, and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek and Chief Morrissey. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Orth, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, February 28, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Previous Trial for 4-Way Stop 68th Street & 38th Avenue. (District 11) Staff/Alderman: Alderman Orth asked that 38th Avenue between 67th and 68th Street be looked at, it is in bad shape. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve items C-2 through C-5. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Previous Trial to change East bound Yield to Stop at 68th Avenue and 51st Street. (District 16) C-3. Previous Trial to Remove 2 Hour Parking East Side 23rd Avenue from Roosevelt Road to 65th Street. (District 12) C-4. Previous Trial to Remove No Parking 6pm – 6am both sides 23rd Avenue from 31st Street to 32nd Street. (District 5) C-5. Previous Trial to Remove No Parking 8am – 5pm West Side 10th Avenue 5100 Block and Previous 15 Minute Parking April 1st to October 31st. (District 2) C-6. Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 13.03 Q. (of the Code of General Ordianances) Entitled Peddlers. Staff/Aldermen: Alderman Kennedy asked about the changes. Alderman Orth explained that peddlers can now get within 800 feet of the parade. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 3-2, with Aldermen Kennedy and Green voting nay. DISCUSSION ITEM: Form a sub committee to look into waste in City Government. Chairman Downing explained that he was looking for 3 to 4 Aldermen and 1 employee from every department to discuss ways to help the city save money. Alderman Ruffalo, District 2, suggested that the employees rotate so that there would be more input. Alderman Nudo, District 11, good idea for a temporary committee. Alderman Bogdala, District 17, full support of the concept, need to have a goal, time line and input from enough employees and that this should be a resolution. Alderman Kennedy suggested that if an employee comes up with a cost savings for the city that there should be some kind of monetary reward. Alderman Orth suggested a comment box for employees and citizens. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Chief Morrissey handed out the Kenosha Police Annual report and that it will be on line sometime next week. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Orth congratulated the police department in a job well done. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:54 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, March 28, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, March 28, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Kennedy, Orth, Green, and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Kevin Risch, Paula Blise, Attorney Bill Richardson, Assistant Chief Brydges, Jeff Labahn, and Brian Wilke. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, March 14, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Request from Prairie Side True Value, 3755 80th Street, to install a 864 square foot temporary greenhouse on the multi-tenant parking lot. (District 14) Public Hearing: Gary Dickes, owner, was present to answer any questions. Staff/Aldermen: Attorney Richardson stated that a site plan review was needed. Paula handed out zoning ordinance standards. Jeff and Brian were present to answer any questions. Alderman Orth asked how much a site plan reviews and conditional use permits cost. Chairman Downing asked if electricity was going to running to the tent and what about water. Mr. Dickes said that no electricity would be used and that he would water the plants early morning and the hose would rolled back before the store opened. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Request from K-Mart Express LLC, 4100 52nd Street, to temporarily utilize the parking lot area for the display and sale of merchandise from April 4, 2011 through July 31, 2011. (District 10) Public Hearing: Ryan Hendricks, K-Mart Manager, was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-3. Request from Steinhafel's, 7001 118th Avenue, to temporarily utilize the parking lot area for the display and sale of merchandise from May 12-23, 2011. (District 17) It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4. Request from Moda bella Salon, 7539 39th Avenue, for an awning obstructing the Right-of-Way. (District 14) (Staff recommends approval) Staff/Aldermen: Kevin recommended approval. Chairman Dowing questioned the insurance didn't list the City of Kenosha. Kevin informed the committee that the permit would not be issued until we had a corrected proof of insurance listing the City of Kenosha. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Orth, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5. Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Section 11.025 as 11.053: To Create Section 11.025 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled Social Host. Public Hearing: Steve Frederksson, 5207 86th Place, Pleasant Prairie, Stand Tall Against Alcohol, was present and spoke. Guida Brown, 6201 39th Avenue, Hope Council, was present and spoke. Staff/Aldermen: Assistant Chief Brydges had a concern with C, Prohibited Acts, with the word reasonable. Attorney Richardson commented that this ordinance is more broader than state statute. Chairman Downing asked about the fine if the City could charge that amount. Alderman Orth said that this would include the 22 year that supplies the liquor for the underage. Chairman Downing informed the Alderman that if they wanted to be added as a sponsor to let the City Attorneys office know. Chairman Downing told Attorney Richardson to add his name to the sponsors. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to amend C, Prohibited Acts, by removing the word reasonable. After more discussion Aldermen Kennedy and Green withdrew their motion and second. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. CITIZENS COMMENTS: Alderman Nudo, 11th District, informed with all the retirements in NSI that he had a hard time getting a hold of someone and ended up talking with Paula Blise. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Orth is looking forward to seeing the report on the merging of NSI and City Development. Alderman Orth asked Kevin to look into the intersection at 60th Avenue and 80th Street. Alderman Orth just wanted to remind citizens to look out for your neighbors and if you see something suspicious to call 911. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:47 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, April 11, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, April 11, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Kennedy, Orth, and LaMacchia. Alderman Green arrived during discussion or item C-2. Staff members in attendance were Chief Thomsen. It was moved by Alderman motion, seconded by Alderman seconded, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, March 28, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Subsection 3.05.A. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Duties”. (Also referred to Finance Committee) Public Hearing: Alderman Nudo, 11th District, was present to answer any questions. Alderman Nudo told the committee that he has spoken to City Administration and the City Attorney on the legality of inspection fees. Staff/Alderman: Chief Thomsen was present to answer any questions. Alderman Kennedy asked about other departments inspections and if there is a loss of productivity. Alderman LaMacchia asked how the fees can be illegal if other cities do it. Alderman Orth asked Chief Thomsen if he could give the cost to provide the inspection service as he knows it is done on down time. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Orth, to defer for 120 days to request Chief Thomsen to give the cost of inspections based on categories discussed during budget and have a Fee Schedule resolution. Motion passed 4-0. C-2. Proposed Ordiance To Renumber Section 4.08 Regarding Penalties as Section 4.09 and To Create Section 4.08(of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding Disclosure of Health Care Costs. Public Hearing: Alderman Nudo, 11th District, was present to answer any questions. Staff/Alderman: Chief Thomsen asked for an exemption for ambulance service. Alderman Orth said it would be impossible to list all fees, but thought routine costs could be provided. Alderman LaMacchia thinks that there are too many vaiables to list fees. Chairman Downing said that this is a start. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy to defer for 90 days. Motion failed for lack of a second. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to send ordinance on it's way with no recommendation and to have the item on the next meeting agenda to vote on a recommendation. Motion passed 3-0, with Alderman LaMacchia abstaining. C-3. Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Subsection 11.023 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Regarding Electronic Communication. Public Hearing: Alderman Nudo, 11th District, was present to answer any questions. Alderman Ruffalo, 2nd District, asked to have his name added as a sponsor. Staff/Alderman: Alderman Orth also asked to be a co-sponsor, as a teacher he has seen apps that allow this to happen. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve. Motion passed 4-1. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Green commented that with the nicer weather kids are out and to be aware. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:55 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, April 27, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Aldermen Orth, Green and LaMacchia. Alderman Kennedy was excused. Staff members in attendance were Fire Chief Thomsen. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Orth to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, April 11, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 10.076 in its Entirety as Section 10.077 Regarding Unobstructed View of Interior Premises and to Create Section 10.076 Entitled Outdoor Cafe of a “Class B”, Class “B” and/or “Class C” Licensed Premises in a Public Right-of-Way. (Licensing/Permit-Ayes 4: Noes 0) Staff/Alderman: Alderman Orth has concerns about serving alcohol out of view of the proprietor and suggested a 90 day trial. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 Reschedule May 30, 2011 meeting (Memorial Day). If there are agenda items a meeting will be scheduled for May 23, 2011. C-3 Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Section 4.08 Regarding Penalties as Section 4.09 and To Create Section 4.08 Regarding Disclosure of Health Care Costs. (No recommendation at the April 11, 2011 meeting) Public Hearing: Alderman Anthony Nudo, 11th District, said he has met with many medical professionals and members of Council and has learned there are some deficiencies in the proposed ordinance. He also said that several Alderman have asked to co-sponsor the proposed ordinance. Alderman Nudo asked for a 60 day deferral. Staff/Alderman: Alderman Orth said he was disappointed that there were no medical professionals at the meeting and hoped to have a discussion in a open meeting format. He also said meeting with medical professionals was very informative. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to defer for 60 days. Motion passed 4-0. C-4 Election of Committee Chairman 2011/2012. It was moved by Alderman Green to nominate Alderman Downing, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia. Motion passed 4-0. C-5 Election of Committee Vice Chair 2011/2012. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Orth to defer to next meeting. Motion passed 4-0. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Jeff Weidner, President of Fire Fighters Union, commented on item C-3 saying the definition of medical emergency is a very encompassing issue and is pertinent to the union. He also said regarding section D – Enforcement that the union does not enforce public health code, they do not have the authority and can only do fire inspections. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Downing commented that they Police Department is down five police officers and has heard that Administration is not going to replace them and said it is up to the committee to replace them if Administration will not. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded by and unanimously carried to adjourn at 5:17 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, May 9, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, May 9, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:41 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Kennedy, Orth, Green and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Kevin Risch, Police Chief Morrissey, City Attorner Ed Antaramian and Paula Blise. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, April 27, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1. Election of Vice Chairman. (Deferred from the meeting held on April 27, 2011) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to nominate Alderman Green. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Aldermanic Request for To Remove 2 HR Parking, 6:00am – 4:00pm, Monday – Friday, EX. Holidays both sides of 38th Avenue - 6400 block. (District 11) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve a 90 day trial. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Aldermanic Request to Change South Bound Right Turn Stop on 30th Avenue and 52nd Street to Yield. (District 10) It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve a 90 day trial. Motion passed 5-0. C-3. Alderman Request for Trial for Intersection Yield Control on 74th Street in the EB/WB Direction at 32nd Avenue. (District 13) It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Kennedy to approve a 90 day trial. Motion passed 5-0. C-4. Approval of Agreement for Professional Services Emergency Medical Service User Fee Billing Services By and Between the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin (A Municipal Corporation) and EMS Medical Billing Associates, LLC (A Wisconsin Limited Liability Company). Staff/Alderman: Ed Antaramian was present to answer any questions. Alderman Orth asked if the inspection fees were included in this. Alderman Green asked if this a standard agreement. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5. Proposed Ordinance To Create Section 11.021 Regarding Intimidation of Public Officials. Staff/Alderman: Ed Antaramian and Police Chief Morrissey were present to answer any questions. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to defer for 30 days. Motion passed 5-0. C-6. Proposed Ordinance To Create Chapter XXIX Entitled “Statement of Economic Interest by City Officers, Employees and Candidates for Elective City Office”; To Repeal and Recreate Subsection 30.06L Regarding Not-for-Profit Affiliations and To Create Section 30.07 Entitled “Statement of Economic Interest”. (Also referred to Finance Committee, Public Works Committee, Stormwater Utility Committee, City Plan Commission, & Licensing/Permit Committee) Staff/Alderman: Chairman Downing informed the committee that Licensing/Permit Committee deferred this for 90 days. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to defer for 30 days. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 1. Presentation of new crime mapping software. Chief Morrissey gave a presentation on how the public get now view this information. 2. Presentation of NWPRS automated pawn system. Chief Morrissey gave a presentation on automated pawn system that started in Green Bay. Alderman Orth asked how this has help Green Bay. Alderman Kennedy asked if businesses would like this. Chief Morrissey stated that it would be less work than what the businesses are currently doing. He also stated that this would free up the clerical staff to work on other things. Alderman Nudo, 11th District, informed the committee that Licensing/Permit Committee started an ordinance that the businesses would have to use this system. 3. Discussion on Sign Ordinance. Chairman Downing wanted to know where the current proposed ordinance is at. Ed Antaramian informed that it is 90% done. Chairman Downing asked for update on a meeting that will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2011. He also would like to bring what they have before Public Safety & Welfare Committee. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Alderman Nudo, 11th District, stated that ambulances should post a sign that shows how much the ambulance ride will cost. Chief Morrissey informed the committee that the Law Enforcement Memorial will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2011. ALDERMEN COMMENTS: Alderman Orth spoke on recurring problems with residential properties. Chairman Downing asked how many vacancies the police department has. Chief Morrissey informed that there are 6 vacancies. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:25 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, June 6, 2011 The special meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, June 9, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Green, Orth, Kennedy, and LaMacchia. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, May 9, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Kenosha County Request for one 15 Min Parking space, 7:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday Except Holidays East Side of 11th Avenue 40'-65' North of 55th Street. (District 2) (Staff recommends approval 90 day trial) It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve a 90 day trial. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Proposed Ordinance to Renumber Sections 7.201, 7.21 and 7.23 as 7.23, 7.26, 7.25 and 7.24 Respectively and To Create 7.22 Entitled “Cell Phone use While Driving”. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green, to defer for 30 days. Motion passed 5-0. C-3. Proposed Ordinance To Create Subsection 10.05 K Regarding Limitation of Sale of Individual Containers of Fermented Malt Beverages. (LP no recommendation) Alderman LaMacchia said that it was amended to say 12 fluid ounces or less, at room temperature. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve as amended. Motion passed 5-0. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Green has concerns with construction on 39th Avenue North of 75th Street that a lot of vehicles are speeding. Chairman Downing explained that an item regarding animals didn't make on this agenda and he told legal to just have it go to council with no recommendation from Public Safety & Welfare. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:52 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE - MINUTES Monday, June 13, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, June 13, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Alderman Green, Orth, Kennedy, and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Ron Bursek, Chief Thomsen, Paula Blise, Mark Sanchez and Martha Swartz. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve the minutes of the special meeting held on Monday, June 6, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1. Proposed Ordinance To Create Section 11.021 Regarding Intimidation of Public Officials. (Deferred from the meeting held on May 9, 2011) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve. Motion failed 2-3, with Aldermen Downing, Orth and LaMacchia voting nay. B-2. Proposed Ordinance To Create Chapter XXIX Entitled “Statement of Economic Interest by City Officers, Employees and Candidates for Elective City Office”; To Repeal and Recreate Subsection 30.06L Regarding Not-for-Profit Affiliations and To Create Section 30.07 Entitled “Statement of Economic Interest”. (Also referred to Finance Committee, Public Works Committee, Stormwater Utility Committee, City Plan Commission, & Licensing/Permit Committee) (Deferred from the meeting held on May 9, 2011) It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Orth, to send with no recommendation and to have council refer it back to the committee. Motion passed 5-0. C-1. Aldermanic request for Trial for Intersection Yield Control on 63rd Street Eastbound at 32nd Avenue. (District 11) (Staff recommends approval 90 day trial) Staff/Alderman: Ron was present to answer any questions. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve a 90 day trial. Motion passed 5-0. C-2. Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 8.04 B. Regarding Certificate of Occupancy Prohibitions, To Create Subsection 8.04 B.2 Regarding Owner's Failure to Obtain a Required Certificate of Occupancy and To Create Subsection 8.04 G Entitled Penalties. (Also referred to City Plan) Staff/Alderman: Paula Blise was present to answer any questions. Alderman Kennedy explained why City Plan had deferred this to there next meeting. It was moved by Alderman Green to approve. Motion failed for lack of a second. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green, to defer to the next meeting. Motion passed 5-0. C-3. Approval of Contracts By and Between Sutphen Corporation of Amlin, Ohio, and the City of Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin for the purchase of the following: a. Apparatus and Equipment in the amount of $603,978.92. b. Apparatus and Equipment in the amount of $595,978.92. Staff/Alderman: Chief Thomsen informed the committee that these where both pumpers that would be replacing a 1991 and a 1993. Alderman LaMacchia asked what we do with the old equipment. Chief said that collectors would be interested in purchasing them. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4. 2011 Neighborhood Inspection Program Operating Plan Staff/Alderman: Mark Sanchez and Martha Swartz were present to answer any questions. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-5. Approval of the Access Permission Agreement Between Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, City of Kenosha and Old Carco Liquidation Trust (Former Chrysler Engine Plant). (District 7) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed 5-0. INFORMATIONAL ITEM: Presentation by Adams Outdoor Advertising – Jason Saari, Real Estate Manager, Adams Outdoor Advertising gave a presentation on what the would like to do with the current signs and potential new signs. Chairman Downing asked that there be an action item on the next agenda to have legal draft an ordinance that the changes could be done. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:46 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, June 27, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, June 27, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:19 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Aldermen Green, Orth, Kennedy and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Paula Blise. At 5:20 pm a recess was called. The meeting was called back into session at 5:47 pm. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve minutes of regular meeting held on Monday, June 13, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1 Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Section 4.08 Regarding Penalties as Section 4.09 and To Create Section 4.08 Regarding Disclosure of Health Care Costs. (No recommendation at the April 11, 2011 meeting and deferred from the April 27, 2011 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green, to defer for 30 days. Motion passed 5-0. B-2 Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 8.04 B. Regarding Certificate of Occupancy Prohibitions, To Create Subsection 8.04 B.2 Regarding Owner's Failure to Obtain a Required Certificate of Occupancy and To Create Subsection 8.04 G. Entitled Penalties. (Also referred to City Plan) (Deferred from June 13, 2011 meeting) It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to defer for two weeks. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Proposed Ordinance To Create Section 1.06 T. To Establish a Mayor's Commission on the Arts. (also referred to Public Works Committee, Stormwater Committee, Finance Committee, Licensing/Permit Committee) It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Orth, to defer for 30 days. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Sections 3.03 F., 3.03 G., and 3.03 H as Sections 3.03 G., 3.03 H., and 3.03 I and To Create Section 3.03 F. Entitled Accessory Building Exemptions for Residential Property. Staff Comments: Paula Blise gave an explanation and answered questions. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman Orth, to defer for 30 days. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderman LaMacchia voting nay. C-3 Proposed Ordinance To Create Section 1.03 D.5 Regarding Principal Sponsorship of Ordinances and Resolutions. (Also referred to Public Works Committee, Stormwater Committee, Finance Committee, Licensing/Permit Committee) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green to amend to strike the last sentence. Motion passed 5-0. It was then moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green to amend to add to the sentence ...the Common Council, which changes shall be communicated as soon as practicable by the City Attorney to the named Co-sponsors, except the Common Council may.... Motion passed 5-0. It was then moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green to approve as amended. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderman Kennedy voting nay. C-4 Request the City Attorney to draft an outdoor billboard ordinance. Public Hearing: Jason Saari, Adams Outdoor Advertising, 5732 95th Avenue, spoke. Mr. Saari commented that the pending litigation would be dismissed pending proposed ordinance approval. Mark Rausch, Clear Channel Outdoor, 908 Silvernail, Pewaukee, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by LaMacchia to direct City Attorney to draft ordinance that will retain current billboards faces, allow them to be upgraded, limiting there numbers but remaining constant, inclusive of digital language including the requirement for neighborhood meetings and restrictions based on traffic and residential areas and Alderman of the districts approval. Motion passed 5-0. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Orth reminded everyone that 4th of July weekend is coming up and for everyone to be safe. Chairman Downing commented on problems in certain neighborhoods as before and the Police Department will be looking for grants to have staff to saturate those neighborhoods. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:40 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, July 11, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, July 11, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:56 pm by Vice Chair, Alderman Green. The following members were present: Aldermen Green, Orth, Kennedy and LaMacchia. Alderman Downing was excused. Staff members in attendance were Kevin Risch and Chief Morrissey. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Orth, to approve minutes of regular meeting held on Monday, June 27, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Sections 7.201, 7.21, 7.22 and 7.23 as 7.23,7.26, 7.25, and 7.24 Respectively and To Create 7.22 Entitled “Cell Phone use While Driving”. (Deferred from the meeting held on June 6, 2011.) It was moved by Alderman Orth to approve, failed for lack of a second. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy and seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to allow ordinance to move forward with no recommendations. Motion passed 3-1 with Alderman Orth voting nay. B-2 Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 8.04 B. Regarding Certificate of Occupancy Prohibitions, To Create Subsection 8.04 B.2 Regarding Owner's Failure to Obtain a Required Certificate of Occupancy and To Create Subsection 8.04 G. Entitled Penalties. (Also referred to City Plan.) (Deferred from June 13 & 27, 2011 meetings.) It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to defer to next meeting. Motion passed 3-1 with Alderman Orth voting nay. C-1 Staff Request to Install 4-Way Stop 71st Street and 122nd Avenue. (District 17) (Staff recommends approval 90 day trial) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-2 BJA FY 2011 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the City of Kenosha and the County of Kenosha. Staff Comments: Chief Morrissey was present to give an explanation and answer questions. (Also referred to the Finance and City Council) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed 3-0. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Chief Morrissey spoke about new hires for the police department. Kevin Risch spoke about lengthening the trial time for C-1. ALDERMAN COMMENTS: Alderman Orth discussed the new hires for the police department and the power outage at the safety building due to the recent storms. Alderman Kennedy discussed what were the critical needs for operations during storm situations and B-1. Alderman LaMacchia discussed the electrical priorities during storm operations. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:29 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, July 25, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, July 25, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Aldermen Green, Orth, Kennedy and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Jeff Warnock, Chief Morrisey, Alderman Nudo and Alderman Bogdala. It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve minutes of regular meeting held on July 11, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1. Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Section 4.08 Regarding Penalties as Section 4.09 and To Create Section 4.08 Regarding Disclosure of Health Care Costs. (No recommendation at the April 11, 2011 meeting and Deferred from the April 27, 2011 and June 27, 2011 meetings) Alderman Orth commented that Alderman Nudo is working with local health care providers. Alderman Nudo commented that United Hospital may voluntarily comply. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia to defer for two weeks, seconded by Alderman Kennedy. Motion failed 2-3. When the meeting reconvened at 8:17, it was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green to reconsider. Motion passed 5-0. It was then moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green to send to Council with no recommendation. Motion passed 3-2 with Aldermen LaMacchia and Kennedy voting no. Alderman Kennedy went on record as being opposed to sending to Council with no recommendation. B-2. Proposed Ordinance To Create Section 1.06 T To Establish a Mayor's Commission on the Arts. (Also referred to Public Works Committee, Stormwater Committee, Finance Committee, Licensing/Permit Committee) (Deferred from the June 27, 2011 meeting) It was moved by Alderman Kennedy to consolidate one representative for colleges and businesses. After discussion, Alderman Kennedy withdrew his motion. Alderman Kennedy then moved to add to paragraph 3. Members. ….strive to appoint four members specified as two from the academic arena and two from the business community....representatives, seconded by Alderman Green to approve as amended. Motion passed 5-0. B-3. Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Sections 3.03 F., 3.03 G., and 3.03 H as Sections 3.03 G., 3.03 H., and 3.03 I and To Create Section 3.03 F Entitled Accessory Building Exemptions for Residential Property. (Deferred from the June 27, 2011 meeting)PC deferred: 6AYES;1 NO Kennedy It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green to defer for two meetings. Motion passed 5-0. B-4. Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 8.04 B. Regarding Certificate of Occupancy Prohibitions, To Create Subsection 8.04 B.2 Regarding Owner's Failure to Obtain a Required Certificate of Occupancy and To Create Subsection 8.04 G. Entitled Penalties. (Also referred to City Plan) (Deferred from June 13 & 27, 2011 & July 11, 2011 meetings) PC APPROVED: 7 AYES; 0 NOES It was moved by Alderman Green, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 5-0. Discussion Item 1. Committee may go into closed session to discuss personnel issues. The committee went into closed session at 6:45pm and reconvened at 8:17pm. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Alderman Bogdala and Chief Morrisey spoke. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 8:27pm. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, August 8, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, August 8, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:52 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Aldermen Green, Orth, Kennedy and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Chief Thomsen, Pat Ryan, Matt Knight, Brian Wilke and Mike Lemens. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, seconded by Alderman Orth, to approve minutes of regular meeting held on July 25, 2011. Motion passed 5-0. B-1 Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Subsection 3.05.A. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Duties”. (Deferred from the meeting held on April 11, 2011) (Finance Committee- Ayes 3: Noes 2) It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Green to defer to next meeting to add language to proposed ordinance regarding first inspection and six month inspection having no charge. If a second inspection is needed for noncompliance then an inspection fee would be charged. Motion passed 5-0. C-1 Public Protection Classification Summary (ISO Report) May 13, 2011. Chief Thomsen stated that the City is classified as a 2 which means it is highly rated. Alderman Kennedy asked if there is a plan to improve where the City has some deficiencies. Chief Thomsen pointed out examples of some of the deficiencies. It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Orth to receive and file. Motion passed 5-0. C-2 Citizen Request for Intersection Control at 56 th Street and 38th Avenue. (District 11) (Staff recommends approval 90 day trial) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Green to approve. Motion passed 5-0. DISCUSSION: 1. Discussion and update of ordinance amendments related to various sections of Chapter 15 of the Code of General Ordinances and various sections of the Zoning Ordinance related to Off-premise Commercial Signs – Matt Knight, Assistant City Attorney, and Brian Wilke, City Development, worked on a draft of the proposed ordinance. Jason Saari, Adams Outdoor Advertising, 5732 95 th Avenue, Suite 500, had some preliminary comments. After much discussion, Matt Knight will work on updating the proposed ordinance. 2. Traffic Control by Lance Middle School – Lt. Flahive, Kenosha PD, discussed possibly having a crossing guard at Lance although historically middle schools do not have crossing guards. After more discussion, Alderman Downing will contact the Traffic Engineer to have this item on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved and seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:17 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES Monday, August 29, 2011 The regular meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, August 29, 2011, in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:22 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Downing, Aldermen Orth, Kennedy and LaMacchia. Alderman Green was excused. Alderman Kennedy left the meeting after item C-1. Staff members in attendance were Mike Lemens and Kevin Risch. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 8, 2011. Motion passed 4-0. B-1 Proposed Ordinance To Renumber Sections 3.03 F., 3.03 G., and 3.03 H as Sections 3.03 G., 3.03 H., and 3.03 I and To Create Section 3.03 F Entitled Accessory Building Exemptions for Residential Property. (City Plan Commission approved 8:1) (Deferred from the June 27, 2011 and July 25, 2011 meetings) Paula Blise, Zoning Coordinator, was available to answer questions. It was moved by Alderman LaMacchia, Alderman Downing passed the gavel to second the motion to approve. Vote tied 2:2 No Recommendation. B-2 Proposed Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Subsection 3.05.A of the Code of General Ordinances Entitled “Duties”. (Deferred from the meetings held on April 11, 2011 and August 8, 2011) (Finance Committee approved 3:2) It was moved by Alderman Kennedy, seconded by Alderman Orth to approve. Motion passed 4-0. C-1 Traffic Control at Lance Middle School on 80 th Street. (District 14) (Staff recommends approval) A public hearing was held. Chad Dahlk, Lance Principal, 7928 107 th Avenue, Mike Conforti, 8546 21st Avenue, and Chief Morrisey all spoke. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman Kennedy to approve placing signs for one year. Motion passed 4-0. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to take items out of order and to take item C-2 last. Motion passed 3-0. C-2 Proposed Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 15 of the Code of General Ordinances Related to Off-Premise Signs. A public hearing was held. Jason Saari, Adams Outdoor, 5732 95 th Avenue, Suite 500, and Mark Rausch, Clean Channel Outdoor, spoke and handed out suggested revisions to the ordinance. The committee directed Matt Knight, Assistant City Attorney, to revise the proposed ordinance so it can go on the next council agenda as a first reading. C-3 Previous Trial to Designate No Left Turn or Thru Traffic/Right Turn Only 7AM – 7:30AM on School Days EB 87th Place at 30th Avenue. (District 9) (Staff recommends approval) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-4 Previous Trial to Provide 4-Way Stop at 63 rd Street & 37th Avenue. (District 11) (Staff recommends approval) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-5 Previous Trial to Remove 4-Way Stop 68 th Place & 111th Avenue/69th Street/111th Court. (District 17) (Staff recommends approval) Alderman of the district, David Bogdala, 7101 96 th Avenue, spoke. It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve as corrected to read place 4-way stop not remove. Motion passed 3-0. C-6 Previous Trial to Remove Existing No Parking East Side 5 th Avenue 5700 Block. (District 2) (Staff recommends approval) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-7 Previous Trial to Designate South Side 63 rd Street 2700 Block as No Parking Standing Stopping 7:30AM – 4:30PM on School Days. (District 12) (Staff recommends approval) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 3-0. C-8 Citizen Request for Handicapped Parking Space at 6016 42 nd Avenue. (District 15) (Staff recommends approval 90 day trial) It was moved by Alderman Orth, seconded by Alderman LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 3-0. INFORMATIONAL: 1. Police Department Proposed Organizational Chart Change – Chief Morrisey handed out a proposal and briefly discussed it. CITIZEN COMMENTS: 1. Kier Powell, AFSCME 71 Vice President, 3560 21 st Avenue, spoke about the Police Department Proposed Organizational Chart saying the union is opposed to the elimination of any AFSCME job positions. 2. Reese Kemen, 4405 81st Street, spoke for herself as a current Parking Enforecement Aide and pointed out the revenue she has generated for the City in her position. 3. Bob Danbeck, 7626 27th Avenue, said three years ago he proposed that the City have a seven day service for animal control. He spoke about his experience with the current animal control company. He said something must be done because what the City has now is not working. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:41 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held Monday, September 12, 2011 A meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, September 12, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:16 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Green, Orth, Kennedy, and LaMacchia. Alderperson Orth left during item C-2. Staff members in attendance were Alderperson Eric Haugaard; Matt Knight, Deputy City Attorney; Paula Blise, Zoning Coordinator; Jeff Labahn, Director of City Development; and Brian Wilke, City Development Planner. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, August 29, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. ➢ ➢ Proposed Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 15 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Related to Off-Premise Signs. Public Hearing: Jason Saari, Adams Outdoor, 5732-95th Ave, Ste 500, and Mark Rausch, Clear Channel, 908 Silver Mail Rd, Pewaukee, WI spoke and handed out suggested revision to the Ordinance. Staff: Matt Knight, Paula Blise, and Brian Wilke were present to answer questions. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green to strike the following wording from Section 15.15 A.2: 2. A nonconforming off-premise commercial sign removed as a result of a street Rightof-Way taking or for any other reason may be relocated only if the sign is made to conform to this ordinance. Motion carried unanimously. It was then moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green, to strike the following sentence from Section 15.15 H: An Off-Premise Sign Permit shall be obtained prior to the expiration of subject credits. Motion carried unanimously. ➢ Chairman Downing passed the gavel. It was then moved by Alderperson Downing, seconded by Alderperson Orth to strike the following wording from Section 15.15 H.2: 2. Off-Premise Signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) six hundred seventy-two (672) square feet of Sign Face area per Sign Face, not including any trim, supporting frame work, uprights or decorative fencing/apron, with no more than two (2) sides per Sign structure and only one (1) Sign Face per side,for a total Sign Face area of........ Motion carried unanimously. ➢ It was then moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to strike word “radius” from Section 15.15 H.4. Motion carried unanimously. ➢ Alderman Downing requested that the following information be added to Section 15.15: A: Table 2 of this ordinance identifies off-premise sign review procedure requirements. G.1. The Replacement Sign Credit shall “not expire”. G.4. A Replacement Sign Credit shall be awarded for each sign face removed. Section 9: To create the line pertaining to off-premises in Table 12 of Chapter 15 of the Code of General Ordinances for the City of Kenosha, Wisconsin, “pertaining to off-premise signs” as follows: SIGN DESCRIPTIONS B-1/B-2/B-3/B-4 Off-Premises Sign Replacement (Same location/ Same size) OFF-PREMISE SIGN PERMIT IP NOT PERMITTED M-1/M-2 OFF-PREMISE SIGN PERMIT RG/RS/RD/RR/TRD NOT PERMITTED RM NOT PERMITTED Off-Premises Sign – New location or relocation SITE PLAN REVIEW NOT PERMITTED SITE PLAN REVIEW NOT PERMITTED NOT PERMITTED Off-Premises Sign – Bulletin Size (14' x 48') CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOT PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOT PERMITTED NOT PERMITTED Off-Premises Sign – Not in Compliance with 15.15 H.7. of G.C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOT PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOT PERMITTED NOT PERMITTED Digital Display OffPremises Sign CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOT PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NOT PERMITTED NOT PERMITTED ➢ C-2 It was then moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve as amended. Motion carried unanimously. Proposed Ordinance By Alderpersons Eric Haugaard, Rocco LaMacchia, Tod Ohnstad, Jan Michalski, Anthony Nudo, Steve Bostrom and Jesse Downing - To Renumber Sections 3.03 F., 3.03 G., and 3.03 H. (of the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Kenosha) as Sections 3.03 G., 3.03 H., and 3.03 I. and to Create Section 3.03 F. Entitled Accessory Building Exemptions for Residential Property. (referred back from 9/7/11 Council meeting) (CP-Ayes 8:Noes 1) Public Hearing: Alderperson Eric Haugaard, 3818-5th Ave, spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:04 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held Monday, September 26, 2011 A meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee held on Monday, September 26, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Green, Orth, Kennedy, and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Ed Antaramian, City Attorney; Michael Lemens, Interim Director of Public Works; Kevin Risch, Assistant City Engineer; and Martha Swartz, Property Maintenance Inspector. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, September 12, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Alderman Request for a 4-Way Stop at 31st Street & 14th Avenue. (District 6) (Staff recommends approval 90 day Trial) Public Hearing: Kerry Raymond, 1820-21st Ave, was present and spoke. Staff/Alderman: Kevin Risch spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-2 Staff Request for a Southbound Stop Sign at 68 th Avenue & 56th Street. (District 16) (Staff recommends approval 90 day Trial) Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderman: Kevin Risch spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson Orth, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-3 Proposed Ordinance by Alderperson Patrick Juliana - To Create Section 1.06 A.A. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Ethics Board” and to Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 30 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Code of Ethics”. (Also referred to Finance, Public Works, Licensing/Permit and Stormwater Utility Committees) Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderman: Ed Antaramian spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia, to defer for two weeks. Motion passed unanimously. C-4 Proposed Ordinance by Alderperson Steve Bostrom - To Repeal Chapter 28 (of the Code of General Ordinances) for the City of Kenosha, Entitled “Vacant Building Code” in its Entirety. (Also referred to Finance Committee) Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderman: Ed Antaramian and Martha Swarts spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia, to defer for two weeks. Motion passed unanimously. C-5 Proposed Ordinance Regarding 13.0112 (of the General Code of Ordinances) Entitled "Non-Structural Demolition." Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderman: Ed Antaramian spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-6 Proposed Ordinance Regarding 9.17 B.3 (of the General Code of Ordinances) Entitled "Foundation of Razed Building Relating to Alternate Forms of Security, Operating Requirements, and Exceptions and Exemptions to the Requirements." Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderman: Ed Antaramian spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEM: 1. Parking Lot Lights – Chairman Downing and Alderperson Green commented on the parking lot lights not being on in certain locations after dark and how it's a safety issue. CITIZENS COMMENTS: Sharon Szarbaiko, 4108 45 th St, spoke regarding Ordinance 3.03 F, 3.03 G, and 3.03 H. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:18 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held Monday, October 10, 2011 A meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, October 10, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:25 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Green, Orth, and LaMacchia. Alderperson Kennedy was excused. Staff members in attendance were Mayor Keith Bosman; Ed Antaramian, City Attorney; Paula Blise, Zoning Coordinator; Jeff Labahn, Director of City Development; Steve Stanczak, Director of Human Resources; Chief John Morrissey, Police Chief; Alderperson Juliana; Alderperson Bostrom; and Alderperson Bogdala.. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, September 26, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. B-1. Proposed Ordinance to Create Section 1.06 A.A. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Ethics Board” and to Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 30 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Code of Ethics”. (Also referred to Finance, Public Works, Licensing/Permit and Stormwater Utility Committees) (Deferred from the 9/26/11 meeting) Staff/Alderman: Alderperson Juliana and Ed Antaramian spoke. After discussion, Chairman Downing passed the gavel. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Downing, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. B-2 Proposed Ordinance to Repeal Chapter 28 (of the Code of General Ordinances) for the City Entitled “Vacant Building Code” in its Entirety. (Finance-DEFERRED) (Deferred from the 9/26/11 meeting) Staff/Alderman: Alderperson Bostrom spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia, to defer for thirty (30) days. Motion passed unanimously. C-1 Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 1.05 K. as “Department of Community Development ”; to Repeal Section 1.05 N. Entitled “Department of Neighborhood Services and Inspections”; to Repeal and Recreate Sections 1.15 B. and 1.15 C. Entitled “Annexation Ordinances Preliminary Reports”; to Repeal and Recreate Paragraph 17.11 A.7 Entitled “Enforcement”; to Amend Various Sections (of the Code of General Ordinances) to Reflect a Change in Name by Substituting “Department of Community Development” for the “Department of City Development” and the “Department of Neighborhood Services and Inspections” or Similar Terminology Wherever those Phrases Appear; and to Amend Various Sections (of the Code of General Ordinances) to Reflect a Change in Name by Substituting “Director of Community Development” for “City Planner” or Similar Terminology Wherever that Phrase may Appear. (Finance-DEFERRED) Staff/Alderman: Mayor Keith Bosman spoke. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Orth, to change the name to Community Development and Inspections. Motion passed unanimously. It was then moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve. Motion carried unanimously. C-2 Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 15 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Related to Off-Premise Signs. Public Hearing: Jason Saari, Adams Outdoor, 5732-95th Ave, Ste 500, and Mark Rausch, Clear Channel, 908 Silver Mail Rd, Pewaukee, WI spoke. Staff/Alderman: Ed Antaramian and Alderperson Bogdala spoke. No action was taken. C-3 Evaluation and Consideration of Zoning Coordinator Paula Blise's Qualifications to Oversee the combined Departments of Neighborhood Services and Inspections and City Development Staff/Alderman: Paula Blise spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green, to receive and file. Motion passed unanimously. C-4 Proposed Resolution To Reorganize Certain Operations of the City with Respect to the Departments of City Development and Neighborhood Services and Inspections and to Subsequently Create the Department of Community Development and Inspections. (Also referred to Finance) Staff/Alderman: Mayor Keith Bosman, Jeff Labahn and Steve Stanczak spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green, to defer for two weeks. Motion passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Review of compliance efforts associated with Zoning Ordinance 2.02(B)(8): Certificate of No Past Due Real Estate Taxes or Special Assessments. Staff/Alderman: Paula Blise spoke. 2. Discussion to analyze the concept of amending the City Sign Ordinance to allow temporary sandwich board signs on private property. Staff/Alderman: Paula Blise and Chief Morrissey spoke. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Jim Celano, 5024 Green Bay Rd, (Bay Ridge Center Owner) spoke regarding the temporary sandwich board signs. He asks for flexibility with the signs. Tony Geliche (Community Development Specialist) invited the Committee to come in and see the work and job duties of the staff members in the Community Development Category. Paula Blise asked the Committee if she should work on the Past Due Real Estate Taxes and Special Assessments or enforce the rules on the book. Chairman Downing commented that the rules of the book should be worked on right now and bring back to Committee. OTHER BUSINESS: The October 31, 2011 meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, October 25, 2011. Budget meeting is to follow. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:34 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held Wednesday, October 12, 2011 A special meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 in Room 200 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Green, Kennedy and LaMacchia. Alderperson Orth was excused. Staff members in attendance were City Administrator, Frank Pacetti, Outside Environmental Attorney of Godfrey & Kahn, Art Harrington, Jessica Franklin and Mike Lemens, Interim Director of Public Works. C-1 Approval of Application of Old Carco Liquidation Trust for Non-Structural Demolition Permit for Property Located at 5555-30th Avenue. Staff/Alderman: City Administrator, Frank Pacetti and Art Harrington spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve subject to Common Council approval of Ordinance Chapters 13 and 9 amendments and to accept the Stipulation and Agreed Order at the special Common Council meeting on October 12, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT – There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:20 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday, October 25, 2011 A meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Green, Orth, Kennedy, and LaMacchia. Alderperson Orth left after discussion item #2. Staff members in attendance were Frank Pacetti, City Administrator; Chief Police John Morrissey; Paula Blise, Zoning Coordinator; Rick Hillesland, Commerical Building Inspector; and Pat Ryan, FPB Division Chief.. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia, to approve the minutes from the meetings held on Monday, October 10, 2011 & Wednesday, October 12, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. B-1. Proposed Resolution To Reorganize Certain Operations of the City with Respect to the Departments of City Development and Neighborhood Services and Inspections and to Subsequently Create the Department of Community Development and Inspections. (Deferred from the 10/10/11 meeting) (Also referred to Finance) CLOSED SESSION: The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may go into Closed Session regarding this item, pursuant to §19.85(1)(c), Wisconsin Statutes to discuss qualifications, promotion and/or performance evaluation of specific individuals. The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may or may not reconvene into open session for purposes of holding a hearing and making a final determination. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to defer to the November 14, 2011 meeting. Motion carried 4-1 (with Alderperson Kennedy voting nay) C-1 Proposed Ordinance To Create Section 11.036 E. (of the Code of General Ordinances) Entitled “Trespass”, to Repeal and Recreate Section 11.06 D. Entitled “Carrying Concealed Weapons”, and to Create Section 11.065 Entitled “Carrying Firearm in Public Building”. Staff/Alderman: Frank Pacetti and Chief Morrissey spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson Orth to approve. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEM: 1. Use of Temporary Structures for Exterior Smoking Purposes. Staff/Alderman: Paula Blise, Pat Ryan & Rick Hillesland spoke. Alderperson Orth commented briefly on temporary heat stands and the dangerous situations of them and how to make it a safe environment. Alderperson Downing commented on the abuse of the 180 days permit. Alderperson Kennedy asked if the materials of the structure are fire hazardous and whether or not a structure would be temporary if there is electrical and lighting within the structure. 2. Discussion of Investigation and Subsequent Discipline of Specific Employees in the Department of Neighborhood Services & Inspections. CLOSED SESSION: The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may go into Closed Session regarding this item, pursuant to §19.85(1)(b)(c)(f), Wisconsin Statutes. The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may or may not reconvene into open session for purposes of holding a hearing and making a final determination. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderman Kennedy, to go into closed session at 5:30 pm. Motion passed unanimously. The Committee reconvened at 6:12 pm. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:14 pm. CITY OF KENOSHA – PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE -MINUTESTuesday, October 25, 2011 A meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, at the Kenosha Municipal Building Room 202. The meeting was called to order at 6:16 pm. The following members were present: Chairman Jesse Downing, Alderpersons Anthony Kennedy, Michael Orth, Lawrence Green, and Rocco LaMacchia, Sr. Staff members in attendance were Mayor Bosman, City Administrator Frank Pacetti, Finance Director Carol Stancato, Chief Morrissey, Captain Bartholomew, Chief Thomsen, Battalion Chief Haerter , Division Chief Ryan, City Development Director Jeff LaBahn, Paula Blise, Human Resources Director Steve Stanczak, and Sue Clouthier. C-1 Proposed Resolution to Reorganize Certain Operations of the City with Respect to the Departments of City Development and Neighborhood Services and Inspections and to Subsequently Create the Department of Community Development and Inspections. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to defer until November 14, 2011. Motion passed 4-1, with Alderman Kennedy voting nay. C-2a Department of Community Development and Inspections 2012 Executive Budget Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderpersons: Jeff LaBahn gave an overview. Alderperson Orth commented on the department organizational chart. It was moved by Chairman Downing, seconded by Alderperson Green to eliminate the position of Plumbing Inspector for $90,783 including fringes, add $30,000 to other professional services, and add $10,000 to unemployment. Motion passed 5-0. It was then moved by moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson Green to approve as amended. Motion passed 5-0. C-3a Police Department 2012 Executive Budget Public Hearing: Alderperson David Bogdala spoke about the number of sworn officers in the Police Department for 2012. Therese Kemen – 4405 81st Street, Parking Enforcement Aide, spoke against the elimination of the Parking Enforcement Aides from the Police budget. Kier Powell – 3560 21st Ave, Vice President of AFSCME Local 71, also spoke against the elimination of the Parking Enforcement Aides. Public hearing closed. Staff/Alderpersons: Chief Morrissey gave an overview, including the restructuring of Police Administration. Alderperson Kennedy commented on the changes and public safety. Chief Morrissey explained the work plans for the Community Service Officers. Chairman Downing commented that he would not support this budget until the three additional sworn officers are added back to the budget. Alderperson Kennedy stated that he supports the budget as presented but he understands the concerns. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green to add $75,025 including fringes for three Police Officers who would start September 1, 2012. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderperson Kennedy voting nay. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to add one position of Parking Enforcement Aide and remove one position of Community Service Officer for a net addition of $17,354 including fringes.. Motion passed 4-1 with Alderperson Kennedy voting nay. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green to remove $1,200 from the dry cleaning allowance due to the reorganization of Police Administration. Motion passed 5-0. It was then moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green to approve as amended. Motion passed 4-1, with Alderperson Kennedy voting nay. C-3b Police Department 2012-2016 CIP Budget Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderpersons: Chief Morrissey gave an overview, saying that the Police Department was set in their new building. Alderperson Kennedy commented on Homeland Security compatibility. Chief Morrissey stated that Joint Services was working on the issue. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson Orth to approve. Motion passed 5-0. It was moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson Green to recess at 8:05 pm. Motion passed 5-0. The meeting was reconvened by Chairman Downing at 8:17 pm. C-4a Fire Department & Emergency Medical Services 2012 Executive Budgets Public Hearing: No one spoke. Staff/Alderpersons: Chief Thomsen gave an overview.. Alderperson Orth questioned the holiday buyback amount and how fuel was purchased. Chairman Downing questioned how many ambulance fees were written off. City Administrator Pacetti said that additional collection methods and reasonable fee increases were included in the EMS budget. Alderperson Kennedy commented on health care savings. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve. Motion passed 5-0. C-4b Fire Department 2012-2016 CIP Budget Public Hearing: Alderman Jan Michalski spoke in favor of deferring the parking lot repairs at Stations 3 and 6. Public Hearing closed. Staff/Alderpersons: Alderperson Orth commented if there were additional ways to reduce the cost of engine company purchases. Chief Thomsen explained that options had been explored. Battalion Chief Haerter explained the spec process for equipment including ambulances. Alderperson Kennedy commented on the need for a fire protection district. It was moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson Green to approve. Motion passed 5-0. Chairman Downing requested to discuss the Health Services budget, since it is under jurisdiction of the Public Safety and Welfare Committee. No action was taken, for discussion only. Citizen Comments: No one spoke. Alderperson Comments: No one spoke. There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved by Alderperson Green, , seconded by Alderperson Orth to adjourn at 8:57 pm. Motion passed 5-0. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held Monday, November 14, 2011 A meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, November 14, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:09 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Green, Orth, and LaMacchia. Alderperson Kennedy was excused. Staff members in attendance were Kevin Risch, Assistant City Engineer; Ed Antaramian, City Attorney; Paula Blise, Zoning Coordinator; Martha Swartz, Property Maintenance Inspector; Jeff Labahn, Director of City Development; Pat Ryan, FPB Division Chief; Richard Hillesland, Commerical Building Inspector; Steve Stanczak, Director of Human Resources; and Alderperson Steve Bostrom. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Green, to approve the minutes from the meetings held on Monday, October 25, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. B-1 Aldermanic Request to Remove Northbound/Southbound Stop Signs on 5th Avenue at 57th Street. (District 2) (Staff recommends approval of a 90 day trial) It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson Orth to approve. Motion carried unanimously. B-2 Aldermanic Request to Place Northbound/Southbound Stop Signs on 5th Avenue at 58th Street. (District 2) (Staff recommends approval of a 90 day trial) Staff/Alderperson: Kevin Risch spoke. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Green to approve. Motion carried unanimously. B-3 Aldermanic Requst to Place an Eastbound Stop Sign on 25th Street at 14th Avenue. (District 1) (Staff recommends approval of a 90 day trial) Staff/Alderperson: Kevin Risch spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve. Motion carried unanimously. B-4 Proposed Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 15 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Related to Off-Premise Signs. Public Hearing: Jason Saari, Adams Outdoor, 5732-95th Ave, Ste 500, and Mark Rausch, Clear Channel, 908 Silver Mail Rd, Pewaukee, WI spoke. Staff/Alderperson: Ed Antaramian spoke. No action was taken. C-1 Proposed Ordinance to Repeal Chapter 28 (of the Code of General Ordinances) for the City Entitled “Vacant Building Code” in its Entirety. (Finance-DEFERRED) (Deferred from the 9/26/11 & 10/10/11 meetings) Staff/Alderperson: Paula Blise, Marth Swartz, Jeff Labahn, Pat Ryan, and Alderperson Steve Bostrom spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to send on it's way with no recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. C-2 Proposed Resolution To Reorganize Certain Operations of the City with Respect to the Departments of City Development and Neighborhood Services and Inspections and to Subsequently Create the Department of Community Development and Inspections. (Deferred from the 10/10/11 & 10/25/11 meetings) (Finance-DEFERRED) CLOSED SESSION: The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may go into Closed Session regarding this item, pursuant to §19.85(1)(c), Wisconsin Statutes to discuss qualifications, promotion and/or performance evaluation of specific individuals. The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may or may not reconvene into open session for purposes of holding a hearing and making a final determination. The Committee did not go into closed session. Staff/Alderman: Jeff Labahn, Richard Hillesland and Steve Stanczak spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Green, to amend Exhibit B & Exhibit C by changing the titles under Building Inspection Coordination to Inspector I, Inspector II, and Senior Inspector. As well as strike the names off the chart. Motion passed unanimously. It was then moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to defer to a special meeting held Monday, November 21, 2011. Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:31 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of a Special Meeting held Monday, November 21, 2011 A special meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, November 21, 2011 in Room 301 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Orth and LaMacchia. Alderperson Kennedy arrived before item #2. Alderperson Green was excused. Staff members in attendance were Rich Schroeder, Development Coordinator and Steve Stanczak, Director of Human Resources. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Orth, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, November 14, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Proposed Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Various Sections of Chapter 15 (of the Code of General Ordinances) Related to Off-Premise Signs. Staff/Alderman: Rich Schroeder spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia to approve. Motion carried unanimously. C-2 Proposed Resolution To Reorganize Certain Operations of the City with Respect to the Departments of City Development and Neighborhood Services and Inspections and to Subsequently Create the Department of Community Development and Inspections. (Deferred from the 10/10/11 & 10/25/11 meetings) (Finance-DEFERRED) CLOSED SESSION: The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may go into Closed Session regarding this item, pursuant to §19.85(1)(c), Wisconsin Statutes to discuss qualifications, promotion and/or performance evaluation of specific individuals. The Public Safety & Welfare Committee may or may not reconvene into open session for purposes of holding a hearing and making a final determination. Staff/Alderman: Steve Stanczak spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson to LaMacchia to approve. Motion carried 3-1 (with Chairman Downing voting nay). ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:41 pm. PUBLIC SAFETY & WELFARE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting held Monday, December 12, 2011 A meeting of the Public Safety & Welfare Committee was held on Monday, December 12, 2011 in Room 202 of the Kenosha Municipal Building. The meeting was called to order at 5:54 pm by Chairman Downing. At roll call, the following members were present: Alderpersons Green, Orth, Kennedy, and LaMacchia. Staff members in attendance were Michael Lemens, Interim Director of Public Works; Paula Blise, Zoning Coordinator; and Police Chief John Morrissey. It was moved by Alderperson LaMacchia, seconded by Alderperson Green, to approve the minutes from the meeting held on Monday, November 21, 2011. Motion passed unanimously. C-1. Resident Request to Remove 1 Hour Parking in Front of 6517/6519-5th Ave. (District2) (Staff recommends approval for a 90-Day trial) It was moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-2 Request for 6 Banners in the Public Right-of-Way Located at 6821-39th Ave (Kenosha, Wisconsin). (Chiappetta Shoes Inc) (District 11) Public Hearing: Fred & Anthony Chiappetta spoke. Staff/Alderperson: Michael Lemens & Paula Blise spoke. It was moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson LaMacchia, to approve. It was then moved by Alderperson Green, seconded by Alderperson Orth to amend the motion and approve subject to change in the Sign Ordinance. Motion passed 4-1 (with Alderperson Kennedy voting nay). C-3 Proposed Ordinance To Repeal and Recreate Section 1.05 K. as “Department of Community Development and Inspections”, to Amend Various Sections (of the Code of General Ordinances) to Reflect a Change in Name by Substituting “Department of Community Development and Inspections” for the “Department of City Development and Inspections” and Correct a Reference from “City Development Block Grant Program” to “Community Development Block Grant Program”. (Fin-Ayes 6:Noes 0) It was moved by Alderperson Orth, seconded by Alderperson Kennedy, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-4 Proposed Resolution To Appoint Sergeant David M. Molinaro Humane Officer for the City. (FinRecommendation Pending) It was moved by Alderperson Kennedy, seconded by Alderperson Orth, to approve. Motion passed unanimously. C-5 Reschedule of December 26, 2011 meeting. Chairman Downing canceled the meeting. If there are agenda items a meeting will be scheduled January 4, 2012. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Chief Morrissey spoke. ALDERPERSON COMMENTS: Alderperson Kennedy commented on the Police Department and what a wonderful job they are doing. Chairman Downing thanked the Committee for the work they have done and will be continuing to do. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Public Safety & Welfare Committee, it was moved, seconded and unanimously carried to adjourn at 6:24 pm.
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