WASHINGTON THE TIMES supposed chase the balls up to the plate with re- ¬ j head of Poster so eerybody but the Senatorial left Heidi r ran back newed ilgor halfway around slioied up The second game Introduced one of j and turning Manager Mannings new players Plrst his right paw and pulled down the hit his Baseman Jordan who was secured from It was the best catch of Its kind th1t long the Holioken Is J club He reached th ¬ been setn on the local grounds for a The Local rinjcrs Surprise Spec- ¬ city while and was Inudlv cheered Just In time to be pushed Into a wait ing cab and drlen hurriedly to the ball I Iaie Cross cornea pretty near to being tators by Capturing a Game grounds partaking of a dainty lunch en the best third bagman the American route He made his appearance a moment I eague has disclosed this car He stops before the second game was called and seemingly safe drles with an ease and walked pist the bleachcry along grace as are nulte remarkable and at IMtener Jlrrppr HeiponNillr- for the the he right field he was glien a reception the batthat he usually manages to ban out Good Luck of the Jnriil Irani 1 he that would excite vthc eny of a public- a couple of hits eicrj- - game fspcoml Znine n Deuljilxe A Ictory Idol before he has reached the houseHONORS EAST AT BOSTON ieiir lilt lrcrl for Athletic SENATORS WIN AND LOSE Es SI 50 49 41 Chicago I a 41 43 3 37 50 SI 31 CO NATIONAL LEiCUE Pittsburg Philadelphia St Louis lirooklju Boston JCeii York Cincinnati 31 SS Won 53 54 53 47 41 37 37 37 W 57S 652 527 431 423 420 362 Lost PCt 31 37 41 44 43 47 52 602 593 561 CO 301 GIG 4SS 410 416 The Senators mav thank their lucky Win Mercers business wing was reeling like a three j ear old csterdaj- afternoon for lnd the txiirlcr pitched anything like an ordinary came stars that Pitcher Colonel Lajoie expostulates with the umpire ejcsight Mr HaskclL regarding the Utter and for a mild pleasantry id this connection lu la rudely ejected from the first contort the Athletics under the chaperonage of Con McGillicuddy would have Jumped the town with four games to their credit As it was Mercer was in great shape for work and pushed all sorts of shoots and curves anJ benders over the plate in such lightning like rapidity that the isiting ball totscrs were In a comatose condition during the period that he appeared In the box It was a really refreshing sight to see a Washington team take a commanding lead at the pest and keep it until under the wire It was a somewhat novel ex ¬ perience and when the crowd had fully realized that here at last was a game chalked up to the credit of our fellows they broke forth In the wildoot sort of enthusiasm and gaie Mercer a royal re- ¬ ception The popular pitcher gracefully ackrowledged the cheering and cries to the effect that he was the real thing and the similar guff that a ball crowd hands out to its favorites but as he walked over to the clubhouse at the con- ¬ clusion of the first game he could not help but thinking of what the reception would have been had he lost the game Mercer philosophically sizes up the base ball business like this Youre a hero today and a duh tomorrow Well Mer- ¬ cer ought to know if experience counts for aught but he was mest assuredly a hrj ytstrtcaj Clirurman finds tliat the drhes of Colonel Lajoie are a trine too swift for lum to handle and he if exceedingly unhappj presentation stage of popularity Jordan doffed his cap in a graceful fashion that bespoke long and arduous practice and then proceeded to limber up He at once caught the fancy of the multitudo by making a one hand stop a la Tenney During the game he fielded all right al- ¬ though when at the bat he showed a tend- ¬ ency to back away from the plate in- ¬ stead of meeting the ball squarely In tho most approved slugging manner It was something of a consolation that he did not strike out eien If he did not get a safe hit Still that was not so much of a wonder as his associates were able to secure only four blngles off Pitcher Wiltse a jouth who continually chews gum during working hours This Wiltse by the w ay pro ed to be- something of a hitter as well as a twlrler as out of lvo Chinees he knocked out two doubles and a brace of triples not so bad for a joung chap who looked as If he would prove a tapioca before he got settled down to earning his salary Gear was the xery thing the Philadel- ¬ phia gentlemen had been looking for He permitted them to hit him safelv twenty two times and there is no telling how many more bases might have been secured if the weather had not been so warm ana around the bases the exertion of tagging too much for the- - McGilllcuddyites to stand In extenuation of Mr Gears per- ¬ formance it should be explained that ho imagined he was plalng one old cat and that instead of a ball he was forced to throw a bean bag His work had no force behind It throughout the exercises and nfter the fifth act the entertainment was listless so far as the Gear contribution was concerned In the first game tne Washirgtons made their first runs in tne initial inning when¬ Waldron Farrell and Dungan were en abled to cross the home plate on Mike Gradys triple Cllngman and Mercer scored in the fourth and in the following inning Foster got around on a single and Coughlins and Mercers hits Coughlln Mercer and Waldron tallied before the side was retired In the seventh The Phlladelphlas were unable to get a man across the rublier until the fourth when Lajoie lined the ball over the¬ fence The colonel repeated this performance In the sixth and was fortu- ¬ nate enough to hive Dnvls on first base when he secured the second homer Davis catnH home In the eighth on a vlngle Cross hit to left and Mclntyres fly out to Waldron in deep centre Cross scored the first run for his side in the fourth Inning of the second game This lead was increased by another tally In the following Inning the reult of Wiltses efforts Powers ard Wiltse got around the bags In the se ienth on the for rners single Wiltses triple and Fultzs one bagger Jt was In the eighth that the fireworks approached a true pyrotechnlcal display Fixe runs were scored in this Inning on singles by Cross Lajoie and Ily Mrlntjres two base drlie three baggersjij Wiltse and DaIs and Powers home run This exhibition came xery near being duplicated In the List Inning wjien four more runs were acquired b the Motors on singles ty cross Aicintre and Powers a triple by Wiltse and Fultzs drive over the left field fence At no stage of the game did a Washington player get within hailing distance of the home plate It was considered mighty good when a local fellow corralled first base and when one got to the second rest- ¬ ing spot the crowd almost got the monej throwlng feier Third base did not exist so far as Washington war concerned This is what jarred Mr Gear and tickled Mr Mercer WASHINGTON Waldron cf Farrell 2b Dungan lb Grady c I ee rf Foster - If Coughlln 3b Cllngman ss Mercer p Totals PHILMJELPIIIA H 2 II A 4 TO 3 1 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 E 0 0 0 o 1 0 0 0 12 15 1 r l 113 110 10 2 2 9 11 H IL 0 0 27 TO 4 1 0 0 12 2 E 0 0 A cr 1 o 0 0 The game landed by the followers of the Fultz 2 0 Dals lb Manning banner was a well played con- ¬ Cross 3b u 1 1 0 2 2 2 0 test The only trouble with the xisitors IaJoIe 2b Dolan 2b 0 0 was that Mercers box work was too Sejbold 0 0 2 0 0 much for their heaviest hitters Winnie Mclntjre rfIf 0 3 0 0 has a eal cute way of propelling the Kly ss 0 0 3 1 5 1 0 sphere up to the home plate and causing Powers c 5 0 3 0 It to take an cusive course when it gets Fraser p to within a few feet of the batter He S 4 21 10 Totals 2 used a change of pace and relied xery Washington x 9 although upon curves would he little Philadelphia 0 04 vary the monotony of his performance l eft on bases Washington 10 eiery once in a while by firing In a fast delphia 6 First base on balls OffPhiH 2 off Fraser 5 in shoot Just for the fun of watching Struck out By JIr pome Philadelphia man side step the ball cer 0 by Fraser 3 Home runs Lajoie Three base hit Grady Two base lilts end puncture the beautiful outdoors 2 Fraser Farrell Sacrifice hit Dungan Lajoie was the only Athletic batsman who StolenJiases Dungan Foster Coughlln had any great amount of sport with Me- ¬ Mercer 3 Grady Double play Kly rcers delivery The colonel slammed the Dolan and Davis Hit by pitcher Uy Fraser 3 Passed Powers ball oi er the fence on two separate oc- ¬ Umpires Haskell and Connolly Time of casions greatly to the discomliture of game 1 hour and 0 minutes becund Game 18 10 110 10 10 30021030 0010201 er WASIIINCTOV It i Ill 14 000000000 110 Iotea of the Initio Farrell continues to plav second In themost approied stjle Ho fields splendldljand wlUe hlSithrpwlng arm is not in good shape at present it will soon be all right and Ihei little fellow will not ask odds from anj one so far as fielding Is concern e d The Athletics are plajlng about the fastest game of any of tho American League teams at present Anywaj- - this is the report of the Senators The Baltimore club will come oxer to the Capital Monday and see what thej can do with Mr Mannings joung men Major Muggsy McGraw has promised to be good Manager Manning returned from New York jesterdaj- - afternoon He reports that Campbell the fielder who accepted terms to play In Washington contracted either a sudden attack of cold feet cr will not heart failure and consequent wear a local uniform Farrell and Jordan mado a prettj double play in the ninth Inning of the last game and in the seventh Ily La ¬ joie and Davis doubled up Gradj and Foster on a fast play In the last inning of the second game Cross hit what appeared to be a home run The ball sailed out hlKh over the r4 10 12 114 1210 12 12 10 112000000 400202010 1 1 1 i Ill 112 1110 12110 110 10 13 00000200 00100110 1 score iiekundcf Pickering McCarthj- - lr Connor rf It OBrien rf Beck 2b La Chance lb Bradley 3b Wood c Shlebeck ss McNeal p Totals CHICAGO Hoy cf Jones rf Mertes 2b McFarland If Isbell lb Hartman 2b Shugart ss Sulllian c Katoll p p McAUrse 2 il2 ro3 a0 1 2 n 0 1012 112 0 2 0 2 4 8 Fortune Kuor the Ililludclnhla Team Amiinxt the Giants 0 0 0 4 1 113 114 1410 5 11 13 27 2 TO 2 0 0 0 IL 2 2 3 0 1 1 1 15 2 0 2 0 1 1 3 12 110 10 0 0 12 A 0 0 7 0 E Dclehantj- 1 1 0 13 NEW lOItK 0 cr Malonev Uriel 21 c Brujettc cf Hustlng p It IO u 1 14 0 Up 0 1 1 1 3 0 5 0 1 1 0 0 Totala 4 8 27 23 DETROIT 3 II TO A Birrett cf Holmes rf Casey 3b 2b Gleason Klberfcld ss Nance lr Crockett lb Shaw c Yeagcr p 1 0 0 0 0 5 IL 0 9 IL 0 27 C 21 11 A 0 TO 3 x H TAIL ENDERS WIN rifiliwtiikcc nnd Detroit ITnve an and Doein Gum v MILWAUKEE 4 1 Van Haltren Selbach If Strang 3b 7 Chicago Hickman rf Two base hits OBrien Bradley Wood Bails ss Three G inzcl lb Shlebeck Hartman 2 Sulllian base hit I t Chance Sacrifice hits Beek- Smith c Shlebeck Stolen bases Pickering 2 HojNelson 2b First Taylor p Mertes 2 McFarland Hartman base on balL Off Katoll 2 off McNeal McBrido 5 Hit by pitcher McCarthy Mertes Powerman Struck out By Katoll 1 by McNeal 3 Passid ball Wood Umpire Mannassau Totals Time of same 2 hours and 15 minutes Batted for Nelson Batted for Taylor 21131102 00001312D PO 0 0 0 Jennings lb Ilallman 2 Cross ss Donahue p Totals 4 IL 1 1 1 If c Jaiklitsch 3 0 It 0 2 PHILIDELPIIH Thomas cf Wolierton 3b riick rf - 1 1 T 0 0 0 Callahan 7 12 21 Totals Batted for McAlltse in ninth Cleveland Aug 10 The Phil ¬ PHIIADELPHIA lies won todays game from New York more through good luck than any good playing on their part Their Inside work was execrable two of the vlstors double plajs being the result of poor In the field they were outclassed by the New Ycrkers but eierjthlng broke faiorablc for them and they won easily at the finish The score base-run-J- 1 2 2 0 10 01 PO 13 12 12 1010 03010200 Hogrieier if Couroy ss Anderson lb Gilbert 2b Ilallman rf f Oil ¬ 5 E Five ImnreMions AVliilo Opponents Count Two -- pital did not turn white with fright afternoon it was no fault ot the eight or nine hundred baseball rooters who trudged out to the National ball park to witness the game betneen the Census team and the nine from the Bureau of En- ¬ graving and Printing Armed ulth mega-¬ phones and tin horns and feeling as though thej would Hko to test their lung power the small armj took their seats and awaiteel the umpires signal to plaj From the timo that slgnnl was ball given until the end of the game there was no let up of the howling jellihg and stamping bj the spectators and had a thlrteen lncher gone off in tho locality of Scienth and Tlorlda Avenue at least nine hundred baseball cranks would hare been none the wiser for tho report if heard at all would haie been barely audible A light haired lad falr complexioned surnamed Fulcher occupied the twirlers portion of the Infleld for the men who op-¬ erate the tabulating machines and his curies drops and shoots proved to bo too illusiie for seven men with green inlc stalns on their Angers Tho business end In charge of of the ensraiers battery Shags Thorpcwhoalso had a few strike- ¬ outs Jotted dotin on the score card The contest was tho best that has been seen so far in the Department League and had it not been for several costlj- - errors made on loth sides it would havo been a fair dem- ¬ onstration of how the national game should be plajed Even as It was the fans had no kick to make for it was closo and exciting and kept ail who iiere not standing constantly on the anxious seat Some of the spectators were eien seen to gasp for breath when theyjjaw the field- ¬ ing of tho Census fellows At the con- ¬ clusion of the game the Bureaultes score column footed up to 5 while the statistical report of the First Street clerks run alley was tno Mr Merriams men were glien the first turn at the bat but they did not make an Impression on the second sack first corner being the limit of their base run- ¬ ners The Southwest tribe were the first to mar the whitewash on the counting block in the initial round The population takers got dangcrouslj- - near the fourth base in the secpnd They had succeeded in getting three men on the erushlois aitd ii ere thinking that they had a walkover when the man who guards third for the Fourteenth Street men closed his grap- ¬ pling irons on a pop fly and tossed it oier to one of his mates who put out for a little while at least the man who had been occupjing third completing a double play at that station Things seemed to be com liieT the third bagmans waj- - for In another moment he had raked in another of the pop up varietj- - This retired the side and the Census men had not scored Tho legal number of batters camo up to the plate In the next two Innings but no more scoring was Indulged In until the last of the fifth uhen the certificate makers moied up another notch making two for them The Census men did their first business in the scoring line in the sixth when White hit to left and got to the premier hassock stole second a moment later and landed on third when Kunkel hit to sec ¬ ond Runkel lias not thrown out at first for the second bagman had his optics on White nhose evident Intention it was to score if giien a little leewaj- - Dai Is was next up and as he made connections with the leather White waddled across the finishing line Barrows name appeared next on the score card and he lambasted a hot one to third A wild throw to first lost the sphere long enough for Runkle ii ho had been on first to score and to allow Barrows to get to third Several other First Street men Dlunked the pellet but that was alL They did notj onitib 1411 truuuB lu anll lll Jiviciuug into the outfield The side was retired without a score for Barrows who proved to be the luckiest man on his team owing to the fact that he conjured the third baseman until that worthy threw the leather to the bleachers where it plaj ed hide and seek with the greenback makers The score was tied by this performance but It did not remain so verj long for the Bureaultes got a jnan around the cir- ¬ cuit In their half of the sixth setting them one ahead of thwir opponents Neither side got a man past second in the seventh but in the eighth the men from Southwest got two across the rub- ¬ ber on long hits to left and centre field The men nho took the Twelfth Census were now three behind their opponents and they hoped to tie or better the Southwest mens score when thej- - came in to take their ninth knock at the ball Thej made a failure of It howeier for the first man up could do no more than chop three times at the sphere and retire to the bench The next man hit a slow one to second baseman and was put out The third m in up popped up a fly to third and¬ it nas all oier for the Census aggregation The score jes-terd- ns It BUREtU 1C IL PO A E 1112 12 115 12 1213110 1 Hughes ss 1 0 6 Quill lb S 1 0 0 r 0 Dunn c 4 3 3b New York 03 Bielaski 1 0 1 3 0 Philadelphia Iay lf 10 1 x 5 Cropley 10 0 York 4 Bsach cfrf and 2b First base on errors New Philadelphia 2 Ieft on bases New 0 0 0 0 0 2b and If York S Philadelphia 3 First base on3 Shanahan 1 0 0 i0 Thorpe - p oft - Donahue balls Off Taylor 3 0 0 0 0 0 Moonejrf Struck out By Taylor 3 bj- Donahue Jennings Two Three base hltx Daiis 8 12 27 5 8 Totals Elj Delehanty 2 Sac- ¬ base hits Davis It H PO CENSUS rifice hits Elj- - Donahue Stolen bases 1 3 0 Ellis b Smith Wolierton Cross Doube plays 1 1 3 Strang White ss HIckmHii Smith and Nelson o 3 Nelson nnd Ganzel Davis Nelson and Kunkel 70 1 7 0 Ganzel Hit by pitcher Taylor 1 Um- ¬ Dails c 7 0 0 pire Dwjer Time of game 1 hour and Barrows lb x u 0 50 minutes Sheldon n 0 0 1 Sly lf 1 0 1 p Fulcher TWELVE LISTLESS INNINGS S 21 12 2 Totals The Cardinal Ieise- - to the lteils In Bureau 0 0 1 x 5 10 a Iuiik Contest 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Census Aug 10 The Beds de¬ ST LOUIS base on balls OK- Fulcher 2 off First feated the Cardinals today by a score of Thorpe 1 Struck out Bj- Fulcher 7 bj base hits Sheldon Bie 8 to 5 It was a twelve Inning contest Thorpe 5 Two Stolen bases Lay iVhlte Beach 2 and the most listless eier put up on the laskl tn Hughes Passed plaj Blelaskl Double GtoO score The grounds Attendance bill Davis Umpire Proctor Time of 10 2 II E II PO A minutes hours ard gime CINCINNATI 4i 3 0 3 0 Dobbs cf 2 3 Harlej - lf RACING CALENDAR THE 3 2 Becklej- lb 2 2 Crawford rf HcMiiItrt nt fetirittoirn i0 Magoon ss 1 10 Auj Iloulla of todays SIRtTOGV q 0 Steinfeldt 3b 0 2 races track heavy Fox 2b 0 2 Bergen c ages seven fur- ¬ Handicap all for I irst race 1 0 Stlmmel p 0 to 5 won Belle Coehran longs Bellario 6 to 5 second nt tTinirlrn fj T Womla 20 3 Totals r Time 5 to 1 third Ills Iminence Odom nyi ii ro a e ST LOUIS 29 3 3 o 4 o 3 upward olds and Burke tt lf year For three Second i1 21 G o o r3ce Dr Riddle Felling one mile and seienty jards Heldrick cf 3 5 0 II 1 OConnor 5 to 2 won Hammock Iadden 2b 10udrl 12 1 1 3 to a 2 McGann lb 0 to 5 w cond Alfrrd Vargraic I indry 1 3 0 third Time 111 15 II Douoian rf C 4 0 0 0 AVallaee ss Third race Nirtogj pecial for tuo j ear olds 1 0 five and one half furlo gs 1 0 3 Kruger 2b Goldsmith Turner 0 IV1J 0 0 4 to 1 won Blue Girl 2 second haw 5 to Nichols c 1 1 o ff 3 10 to 1 Bullman Time third Schriier c Jlasterman 10000002 110 G -- 8 27 20 Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 4 Milwaukee 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 C Detroit Two base hit Conroj Sacrifice hits Crockett 2 Gleason Stolen bases Glea- ¬ son 2 Barrett Casey Bases on balls 3 4 Ycager Hustings off Off Milwaukee 1 First base on errors 2 Left on bists Milwau- ¬ Detroit 9 Struck out By Detroit kee 8 Hustings 3 by Yeager 3 Double plajs 0 2 0 0 Powell p Yeager Elberfeld and Crockett Conroj a Sheridan 17 Gilbert and Anderson Umpire 2 0 H13I U Totals Time of game 1 hour and 45 minutes 3 8 Cincinnati St ImuIs 05 Amnfetir IltiHeliall Two base hits Burkett Becklej- - Three The Eudgce baseball team has organ- ¬ base run Craw Homer rorii hit Iox ized for the season nnd would like to meet Double plajs Fox Magoon and Becklany team whose aierage age Is twentj one ej- Donoian and McGann Walltce and McGann Iadden Wallace and McGann line up is as follows jears The pBudgee A Tomon c F Fernard Sacrifice hits Harley Heldrick Magoon M Flnley J Mc Stolen base Fox Left on bases St Lmils lb G Coon 2b R Smith ss McCrys G Cincinnati 6 Struck out By Powell 3 Gune 3b B Williams If J T should by Stlmmel 5 Bases on bulls Off Stlm- ¬ tal rf A Warner cf Challenges 3292 M mel 2 lilt by Passed ball Bergen be addressed to Milton Flnley pitcheT Stlmmel 2 Umpire Tom Brown Street northwest Time of game 2 hours and 55 minutes Tho M A C defeated the Happy Nine by the score of 16 to C The features of sinmin iiiisouts the game were tho all round playing of of E Her- ¬ the IL A C and the pitching up os follows lined winners The bert THE DE WITT COTTAGE p G Lang F Harmel c E Herbert - 21i L Oscrmajer 21 South Tenneee Aienue beln lb J DowncjB 3b D Tunnej- - ss G Herbert rf Frawley cf F Goldstein If C Merten Atlantic City N J C lb and rf J lllcbards ss and cf Hot and Beautiful room Neor lwinKvalk Rudd sub The M A C would like to Oas bath and all eonvenicnee get games with all teams averaging six ¬ cold waier teen years Address G Herbert 46 G Srlendid fainilj table Write for trrina 11 J Street southwest lel ITT 0000 0040010 00400010000 1 1 1V1 1 Results nt Hamilton IHSHLTON Aug 10 Results of todays races track fast and npward First race For Mc Euclaire selling six and one half furlongs Blake 0 to 3 Books Ocie Quade 6 to 5 won Time 5 to 1 third lolent Jackson second 1 Second rare For and one lulf furlong 3 won Waiilnta mi J Patrick 0 51 1 i Lri Kntrtrx nt Fort Krle FOItT races Aug KI11E Entries for Slondars 10 Kirt race For all aires aix fprlors Jiarble head The Tory 109 Foneda lftl Lithrura St Sprj 02 87 Merriment 8S Halmett lhile ejiicen PI Second race For two year old wlllna fire furlonirx Taxman Moderator 112 Quixada 109 Itmirbon Kins Concertina 101 Mowich Eliza- ¬ beth Jane K Third race For and upward one and one vxteenth miles Orontas 110 Fili ¬ buster 101 Uledi S7 Dolly uajtner S3 U Fourth race For and upward selling six furlonjrs Tuvulum 107 llenckart 100 Bean 103 Ida Penzance 101 Cornlallo Lit ¬ tle Salhe Exit 59 Checkmate Ziegtfld Mr Lrlia IUrr Di Fifth race For three- - ear olda and upward selling six furlongs Scorpio 110 lharaoh 110 llieaway 101 Trrla 101 Frances Hew S3 d Sixth race For and upward selling one and Free one sixteenth miles Lance 109 Dell Court 107 All SainU Water House W Gray Dally 91 llesalts at llelmar DELMAR Auj track slow First race For 10 Rciulta of todaya races and upward selling seven furlongs Empyreal Oauntlcroy 4 to 1 second 10 to 1 won Two Annies Dale Diaz Hell 3 to 1 third Time 131 1 1 nva lurlorgs second race for n i Okla i6 OBrien 5 to to 1 third Time 103 3 4 and upward Third race For R selling furlongs Nellie Helmuth ftcven Murphy 11am 3 to 1 won Miss Theresa Syncopated Sandy wnght 30 to 1 second Ollnen 5 to 1 third Time 130 3 1 and Fourth race Handicap for upward six and one half furlongs Verify ilell 10 to 1 won Jim Clark even second Dale 5 to 1 third Fauntleroy Time Charles C rrMri tMiuTv rntH 122 1 iffh and race Handicap for epward one and one sixteenth xnilrM Lunar 2 to 1 Bell Dale 6 to 5 won Meddlesome second Lord Neville OBrien 3 to 1 third Time 149 1 2 and upward Sixth race For 3 to 2 selling seven furlongs Jones Nearest won buect Dream Lndey 13 to 1 second Dugan Time Sehncll Laufcr 9 to 5 third ISO Rntrlea at Delmnr DFLMMl PAPK Aug 10 Entries for Mon ¬ days races four and one First race For Mu Royal Ruby half furlongs Florrie S 100 Faustus Ben Hempstead Attille 103 Broodier 110 Me JuLie Miller 1 Jollify 103 Staocles 113 Mada Belle losuta 110 Second raee For and upward Mrs Grannan Lilly Pant selling six furlongs Mag ¬ land Miss- Colightly 110 Thalia Black 107 Tenny Belle 110 gie Ilasbrouck Third race For and upward 101 100 one mile Rochester Dick Hobson Little Henry 101 Belle Simpson 102 Ida Led ford 107 Fourth race For four year olds and upnard six and one half furlongH Four Leaf Clover 102 Lord Neville Hi Survive 100 Verify 101 Jim Clark 102 Hennoso 107 and uoward Fifth race For Kls one and one sixteenth miles Barnes 101 108 Duryr 103 Hardly Meddlesome Tcter Swordsman J0 and upward Sixth race For selling six furlongs Gratia Irene Kiss1 tuick Jennie 103 DebUlse 107 Bnghtie B Pauline J Invocation Celia 103 Tickful 107 Results at Harlexn HARLEM track fast Aug 10 ReauIU of todays races and upward Andes Otis 9 to 5 won Rosa Diah 3 to 1 second Likeness Hicks 3 Time- 20 to 1 third Narvaez four and one 2econd race For Magi Mmkfleld 6 tcV 5 won half furlongs S to 2 second Hood ¬ Knight Mabel Minn 3 to 1 third Time 03 wink Mitchell and upward Third race For 2 to Miss Bennett Domlnick five furlongs Random 3 to 1 second 5 won Bumie Runton Time 15 to 1 thud Rausch Sam lullen 112 3 5 Fourth race The Austin Stakes for and upward selling one and one sxteenth 5 to 2 won Domlnick The Pride miles Gonnely 6 to I second Lady Strathmore Time 113 2 S even third Hau Silurian Fifth race For three-- ear olds and upaard knight 1 to 3 won one nvle Six Shooter Hmry Bert Doss 10 to 1 second Cliarley 10 to 1 third Time Mexander Moore First race For selling six furlongs ll4 MAKOARET DOE CAPTTJBED Tilt Mixer bet llrloiiKlnar Cm Tetrr sen Ae nrceiTrrcl The police were Informed last night of arrest yesterday in New York Clt of Margaret Osborne alias Doe aged twenty six years nho is wanted in- this city on a charge of grand larceny The woman is said to have robbed Charles Petersen a traveling salesman of 150 In ensh and a silver toilet set worth about 60 whllo the couple were registered seieral days ago at an Avwue hotrL Detective Baur will go to New York this morning and bring the prisoner here According to his own story Petersen came to Washington late Tuesday after- ¬ noon from New York accompanied by two strange nomen who he says he met the Hoffman House New York early ft the sanie day Petersen states that he paid the railroad faro of the women here anel that he registered with Margaret Osborne also known as Doe at tho local hotel as man nnd wife The other woman also spent the night at tho hotel and occtipleel nn adjoining room to that of Petersen and hi companion Early Wednesday morning the woman whose Identity Is yet unknown hurried ¬ ly left the hotel and returned ta New York Petersen and the Osborne woman After the womans departure Petersen claims to have fallen asleep and savs he did not awaken until after 10 oclock Then he discovered two things that his companion had also disappeared and that he had been robbed lie lost no time In going to Headquarters and re ¬ ported the case to Captain Boardman and others on duty A description of the two women was sent to various cities and Petersen shortly returned to New York With news of the arrest of the Osborne woman came tidings that Petersons sil- ¬ i ver toilet set iiau been recovered A war-nt which swom out by Petersen prior to his departure for New York was placeel In the hands of Detectiie Baur Petersen is expected to come here within thenext few days to appear against the prisoner tho Il2s NOT EASY TO ARREST CHONCr A Lanndryxnnn Illen nn Iron Poker AgninHt a Policemans Head AH was excitement near Ninth and II Streets northwest last night when 3o liceman Murphy undertook to arrest Lee Chong a Chinese laundryman in his shop Chong objected strenuouslj and he used an iron poker on the head of the policeman with telling effect- - So unruly did the Celestial become that Murphy used his club and struck the Chinaman over the head inflicting an uglj scalp wound Then Cheng went to the Emergency Hos- ¬ pital In the First precinct patrol wagon After his wounds were dressed the China- ¬ man was locked up charged with assault on the policeman The trouble came about shortly before 9 oclock whtn Murphy was told that Chong had enticed several young girls into the rear room of his laundry at 727 Ninth Street northwest Murphy went to the laundry and sought out the China- ¬ man who claimed that the girls had called for their laundry It appears that Choug answered questions with bad grace and when Murphy started to enter the 5 laundry to Investigate for himself the Chinaman grabbed an iron poker and struck the policeman a blow on the head Murphy then brought bis club into play and felled the Chinaman after a brief struggle Meanxt hlle the girls disappeared from the rar of the laundry and their identity was not learned by the police The yells of the Chinaman were heard for blocks and quite a crowd gathered about the place Somebody spread a re- ¬ port that a man had been killed and Murphy and the Chinaman were sur- ¬ rounded in the laundry and followed to the patrol box by a curious throng Mur- phy sent In a call for the wagon and Chong was soon under treatment by the physicians at the hospital Murphy was but slightly hurt and did not seek medical attention At the station Chong gave his age as twenty nine years and said he had lived In this city thirteen jears He lived two years In Chicago he said and more than a year he spent in California when he¬ first landed in this country The Chinaman will be arraigned tomorrow morning in the Police Court A RAILROAD COMPANY SUED Damages or 0000 Asked for Per ¬ sonal Injuries Suit was filed in the Supreme Court of the District yesterday by Catherine C Hoache a minor through Catherine 1 Roache against the Metropolitan Hall 139 4 5 road Company to recoir CO000 claimed and upward Sixth race For fouryear old damages for personal injuries alleged CMnstellator as selling one mile and 100 yards to haie been sustained by the minor 3 Oti 3 to 2 won Evelyn Byrd Rausch 5 Knight 2 to third Hcrmencia It is alleged by the plaintiff that second to 2 Time 116 en July 15 last he was a passen ¬ and upward seventh race For ger aboard one of the cars of the Chorus Boj selling one mile and 1jo yards defendant going north on Fourteenth Domlnick 3 to 1 won Haviland Otis When near H Street 3 to 1 third Street it Is to 5 second Kunja Knight alleged that part of the machinerj of the Time 144 car got beyond the control of the motor man and as a result sparks and flames Entries nt llnrlcm came into the car at the front window 10 Aug Entries for Mondays near which she was sitting HniEM The motorman it is declared deserted races his post and left the car leaving the pas- ¬ fillies First race For maiden sengers Including the plaintiff in great Luc- - Lock 112 Martin Bell Baby five furlongs peril Because of her fear Miss Roache Hall Clara Wig Whippt Mollie T Mary Pin attempted to leaie the- car states she lira Oaker Pnie Pronta Ada S C 1iis Midi and In so doing was thrown with great Cruel Azarine The Stewarde M violence son Ermaek to the asphalt paiement As Blessed Damzel Argath 10S the result of her fall she was seriously and upward Second race For injured permanently and Theory 110 St Cuthbcrt Money six furlongs Miss Roache states that she was hart Mu a Introductor 105 Henry of Franstrjar about her back spine -- nd stomach She Hop Scoteh Heuron 105 Oscar Burnie Bunton is represented by Richard P Elans as Poourt Mountebank 111 Andes 102 Tcmpt counsel 1Iaggie Dans 37 re Conundrum -- G -- claimed for handicap race Steeplechase Crest 112 short course and upward Flacctn 120 Grey John 123 Bone Setter 1J3 Fourth race For two year olds five and one half furlongs Bnrd Quex 117 McCht ner 107 102 Marque 104 Tom Wallaie Hose War Miracle II 03 upward year olds and Fifth race For three 114 xlaska miles one and three sixteenth Haviland ConteI Frangible 104 Hermencia lator Loies Labor 102 Knight Banneret 101 97 Fox Harry Preston Tammxny Chief 09 Bard 03 Apprentice allowance claimed and upward txth race For selling one mile Chorus Bov 107 W B Gita St Impromptu MacGjle 10 105 Mondoro Refugee C9 102 Esq Sam Laiarus Wood SO Carlovigran 03 Ilylo 04 Nettie Regent Apprentice allowance claimed Mpprentice allowance Third A RIVAL ORGANIZATIONS Iaperlmngers Affiliate- - With the Cen ¬ tral Labor Union Local paperhangers last night perfected an orgi7atlon to be affiliated with the Central Labor Union at a meeting held at Harris Hall Eighth and D Streets northwest Thirty eight persons became members of the new organization At the headquarters of the Central that Labor Union List night it was stuteii upon the paperhangers new association into admitted its organization would bebodjmembership in the larger the Paperhangers It is understood that Assembly of the Knights of Labor ob jecteel to the formation of the new or- ¬ ganization In this craft and that the objection has taieen a somewhat serlout last turn In some quirteni It was stated night that the Knights of Labor paper hangers would seriously object 11 hen the¬ association of paperhangers to be affiliated with the Central Labor Union was formed but no dltticultj was ex ¬ perienced The officers elected lat night were Mr Willis President Mr Hickman Secre tarj nnd Mr Cook Treasurer ¬ A VICTIMIZED A CASHIER tnme Successfully Worked In GeorxretoTt ii Kllm Flnm A fllra fiam worker operated in George- ¬ town last night and succeeded in obtain- ¬ ing 45 from the cashier at James ODon nells drug store at Thirty second and M Streets The man entered the place and purchased a toilet article the price o 11 hlch was 10 cents He tendered the cash ¬ ier a 10 Treasury note In making the change she cave him five 1 and two ii bills The man requested a 3 note for the file ones and this was given Again he changed his mind as to the sort of currency he desired and pretending to re- ¬ turn the entire amount he requested the return of his original 510 note and said he in change with which he had 10 cents would paj-- for his purchases In making these exchanges he failed tc return the 5 note and the fact was not discovered un- ¬ til he left The police were furnished with his description but have been unable to locate him NO EXPLANATION YET The Identity of HartxvcIIs Assail- ¬ ants Still a Mystery Despite their energetic work the police of the Eighth precinct have not as j et gained a clue toward establishing the Identity of the two hlghwaj men who It is alleged made an assault upon De Witt Hartwell a clerk In the Census Office seieral nights ago In Mount Pleasant s who were arrest ¬ The two- Parker boj night bj- - order of Lieutenant ed FridajKennej- - on suspicion of being the guilty parties were later released Bicycle Po¬ licemen Kvans and Barrett were still en ¬ gaged Inst night in making a search for the alleged assailants but nothing of any importance has yet developed in the mat- ¬ ter 2 Fourth race The Truvirs for three j ear oils 20 to 1 Blues C haw one and one eighth miles 5 to 1 second The won- - Dublin Mounce 4 to I third Time 1 50 3 5 Iarader MeCue Filth race For maiden two year olds flic fur 8 to 1 won IUns Wagner J Woods lone OConnur to 5 second Emma Honolulu S to 1 third Time 110 Cochran A M Sixth rate Handicap for four j ear olds anl upward one and one eighth milen King Bramble Cajwood 4 to 5 won Cumbrian Jlcdie Time 153 4 3 Only two starters even second Note Entries at Saratoga for Mondaj- - delayed 120 Erenu Jackson 2 to S third TimelH 12 ld Fourth race For and upward one mile 5- - to 2 Kdmborongh won Troxler Dick Warren niake 5 to 1 second Tamarin UcQiude to 2 third Time 1113 1 Mfth rjee For selling neven and one half furloncH All SamU Thonipoti fi to 5 wnn llaronet Jaekson 3 to J second Macentic Allaire 5 to third- - Tune 1S3 S- sixth rate For tw four se4hrse and one half furlongs Parxr JUker J Jbl C to 5 won Halmetta Troxler 3 to S second Lac II 6 to 2 third Time 0S3 l L t Hie Ilewt Rnme So Far In the De pnrtinent If nKiie V Whlrlxrlmi of lleirtiplionlu InHtructlons nntl In niie nilurn From the SrpvctntorM If tho duskj- - patients at Frcedmans Hos- ¬ -- 112 10 10 JInkc Thc3 en 10 14 10 12110 14 Waldron cf 0 Farrell 2b 0 4 0 Dungan rf 0 0 2 Grady c 0 2 0 0 Jordan lb 7 0 0 Foster If 0 3 Coughlln 3b 0 Cllngman ss 0 Gear p 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 27 R IL IO rillLlDELllllA Tultz cf 7 1 Davis lb 2 10 Cross 3b 0 5 0 3 Lajolcb Sejbold rf 2 2 Mclntjre 2 If Elj- - ss 3 4 1 Powers c 0 Wiltse p 13 22 13 27 1 Totals Washington 0 0 0 0 2 5 413 Philadelphia Left on bases Washington 2 Philadel- ¬ phia C Struck out By Oear 1 by Wiltse 1 Home runs Powers Dai Is Three baso hits Powers Wiltse 2 Fultz Two baso hits Wilts Lajoie Dai is Stolen bases Lajoie Cross Kly Double plays Farrell and Jordan lly Lajoie and Ba ¬ Haskell and Connolly Time ils Umpires of game 1 hemr aml 45 minutes 12 Mr Mercer Colonel Lajoie advanced an- ¬ other pe g In his effort to have the honor cf demanding a couit of enquiry by get ¬ ting in a ralx up with Mr Haskell who will bo recalled by local patrons of the rport as the gentlemanly umpire who was an object of great interest to a small sized mob at the ball park one afternoon not so many moons ago Mr Haskell is in our midst once more but his behavior Is much improved and he now has a new set of lamps which work ever so much better thin tho old on he displayed dur ¬ ing his earlier career In Washington Mr Haskell failed to see several plays during the first game from the same viewpoint as did Colonel Lajoie and the latter uttered some little pleasantry about smoking up Mr Haskell won a place in the affections of the crowd for the moment by ordering the colonel out of tho game Ah the captain of the Ath letics meandered over to the bench the world suddenly appeared brighter to Pitcher Mercer and ho commenced to 1901 1 TiiUe One A pleVe NUW TOI1K Aug M The Drookljns on a double and Bostons broke header at Washington Park this after- ¬ noon In the presence ot llOVO spectators In the first game Dlnien was too much for the Brookljns wtlrie both Hughes and Kennedy were comprutiely easy for Boston In the sjrconA the batting An lxen Itrenk With Ilnlflmore In A was light until the latter innings A liner Doublelender from Dalys bit in the eighth struck Pit tlnger In the head and he had to givo way BOSTON Aug 10 Baltimore and Bosgame to Dineen The Bostons hit Newton freely ton split eien today In the first Lewis pitched gilt edged ball and kept In thfuenth and as he was weakening the hits scattered The second game was percLptlcly In the eighth Hanlon took him closely contested neither side making an out and put In Donoin who held the When Bostons In hind Immediately error The score Dineen supplantcel Pltllnger the ChamBOSTON R II PO A E 1 score ictory 0 The pions batted out a Doild If 0 0 0 Stihl cf n H TO A E BHOOhL kX 2 0 Collins 3b 0 0 Keeler rf 1 0 9 0 0 Freeman lb 1 0 3 0 0 Shcckurd If 2 0 0 Hemphill rf 0 Dolan rf 3 0 Kellcy Parent ss 1 0 10 0 0 b 4 3 0 3 2 Ferris 2b 4 0 2 3 0 Daly 2b 1 2 3 2 2 Schreck c 3 0 2 3 0 ss 0 Lewis p lj 0 3 0 Dahlen 0 Irwin 3b 0 2 3 0 0 c Farrell 4 C 10 27 12 Totals 0 McGulre c - 00 00 0 IJAITWOTtE It H TO A E Hughes p 0 2 0 0 0 Kennedy p 1 0 1 0 v0 McGriw 3b 1 0 0 Donlln lb 1 13 2 11 27 10 0 2 0 Seymour rf 0 0 Totals 4 0 2 0 0 Williams 2b BOSTON It II TO A E 1 Keister ss 0 2 2 rt 0 Slagle 0 3 3 2 Brodie cf 0 1 2 14 1 Tenney lb 1 0 0 0 2 Jackson If 2 0 2 2b DcMontreville 0 0 Howell p 0 0 Coolty cf 0 Bresnahan c 0 0 0 Murphy If 0 3b Lowe 2 15 4 7 21 Totals C 0 1 1 1 Long ss 0 Boston x C Moran c C 1 0 1 2 0 2 11 00 0 0 01 Dineen p Baltimore Two base hits Collins Schreck Dowd 15 0 27 15 9 Totals Stahl Threo btse hits Schreck Brodie 4 Brooklyn Home run Brodie hits Sairince 9 Schreck Lewis Stolen bases Do A d Boston Stahl Double plajs Ieiiis Parent and Two base hit Irwin Stolen bases Dalj Freeman Schreck and Parent First base Dahlen Lowe 2 Tirst base on errors 1 em balls Oft Lewis 2 oft Howell First base on balls Off Hughes Struck out Bv Lewis 4 bv Howell 1 Boston 3 Struck 2 otf Kennedy 2 off Dineen r Passed balls Schreck 3 UmplreCantil 9 it uj iue jnjuvuj liy JlUlies n ie llon Time of game 1 hour and 47 min- ¬ Dineen n 7 Brooklj 1 on bases Left utes Long 9 Ten and Double plajs Boston Se colid Game-nc DeMontrei ille and Tenney Sacrifice B Hit bj k ii ro a r hits Cooley Tenney Dlne en sr UTIVORE 9i pitcher Sheckard Passed ball rarrell Umpires Kmslle nnd Nash 0 Donlln lb Time ot game 2 hours and 5 minutes 0 Semour rf 0 Williams 2b The Ise cond Game 0 ss Keister K II TO BnoOhLI 2 Brodie cf 1 0 Keeler rf Jackson If 2 1 Sheckard If J Bresnahan c 2 2 Dolan cf 0 Foreman p 1 1 McCrccrj lb 1 2 Dalj-- 2b 1 11 27 10 Totals 2 2 Dahlen ss BOSTON It IL TO 2 1 3b Irwin Dowd If 0 0 McGulre c 1 1 3 Stahl cf 1 0 p Iscwton 0 0 0 Collins 3b 0 9 Donoanp 0 0 Freeman lb 0 Hemphill rf 4 11 8 13 24 Totals Parent ss II II 10 A E BOSTON FerrK 2b 0 0 Slagle rf Crlger c 0 Tcnntj- - lb Young p 1 9 0 0 0 Moran lb Schreck DeMontreillle 2b 1 0 Lf 0 Cooley 7 27 12 3 Totals 1 0 2 0 0 Murphj- - lf Batted for Parent In ninth U0 2 6 30 10 Love 3b 1 3 Boston 1 Long ss 2 0 0 Baltimore 14 Kittridge pc 0 0 1 0 5 Two base hit McGraw Three base Pittlnger C 1 0 0 0 p hits Bresnahan Stahl Brodie Sacrifice Dineen Sejmour Dowd Double hit Stolen bise 12 4 5 9 21 Totals plajs Parent Ferris and Freeman Wil ¬ ft 1 n n 0 s R liams and Donlin Hit by pitched ball Brooklyn Hemphill Struck out B Young 2 by Boston 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 5 Foreman 3 Wild pitch Foreman Um- ¬ T r n Tnn t rn wv wo ela una Tv1n iii udau pire Cantllllon Time of game 1 hour inu Three base hits Dolan DeMontrevIlIe and 40 minutes McCreery Sacrifice hit McCreerj Stolen base Sheckard First oase on errors LEADERS MEET DEFEAT Brookljn 3 Boston 2 First base on balls Off Newton 2 off Pittlnger 1 Cleveland Taken the- - Gnmc Krone Clil Struck out By Newton 4 by Donovan¬ 4 by Pitting r 2 Left on iases Brookcniro hjr 11 to 7 lj n 4 Boston 8 Umpires Emslle nnd CLEVELAND Ohio Aug 10 The home Nash Time of game 1 hour and 55 min- ¬ team scored in eierj- - Inning but one In to ¬ utes Attendance 11009 days game with Chicago and won handf WON THROUGH GOOD LUCK lj Katoll wai batted out pfthe box bat IcAllete did not faro much better The Aug 10 Milwaukee MILWAUKEE handed todajs game to Detroit in the third inning when a wild throw by Ma loney let In three runs Not to bo out- ¬ done in courtesj the lisltors gaie it back in the eighth when two hits and as many errors put Milwaukee one ahead The fielding of Frlel Gleason and Elber feld and the bitting of Case1 were features The score 13 Jordan the new Senator goes after a fly lull with as much eiident pleasure us lie signs the pay rolL The joung nun promise to deitlop into gomelhl cf a first lueman AU EVEN BREAK AT BROOKLYN The Ileimenter mid the ClininiiloiiK 112 12111 114 Won LosL ICC - 11 ENGRAVERS BEAT CENSUS ¬ AMERICAN LEAGUE - LEArifAMKS ¬ Ilovr the Clnbs Stand Chicago AUGUST J Giuncx YeHlerdnr American League Washington D Philadelphia 4 Philadelphia 13 Washington 0 Boston 10 Baltimore 63 Baltimore 4 11Boston Chicago 7 Clei eland 4 Detroit 3 Milwaukee National League Philadelphia 5 New York4 3 Boston 9 Uiookljn Cincinnati S St Louis 5 Pittsbuig Chicago rain Boston luiumorDetroit Philadelphia CReland Washington Milwaukee NATIONAL SlifiAY 2 lostcl selling four Street Thompson 2 to 3 second Time to 1 third I STRICTURE VARICOCELE LOST MANHOOD aricocele Fvery sufferer from Stricture and iu oSipring Prostatitis and Scminil Weakness should write to the St Ohio Cincinnati James xssociatioti 41 St James Building for their illustrated work showing the parts of the human sjs ¬ tem Involved in Urethral Ailments whlili the plicants securely wrapped in plaai package send to male apprepaid FREE Cut out thu coupon mail to the hL Jamej As plainly WKiatlon with jour name and rilLX treatise accurately illustrated in nalf a copy exhaustive of their written they will send tone showing the parts of the male system involved m Crethral Ailments TQEATKE IntAIIOL PflllDfllJ bUUrUrl ST JAMES ASSOCIATION 44StJamos BldgClnclnnatiO Please send me a copy of your Illustrated Work upon the Male sexual pvstem securely sealed PKEIAID FREE of all CHARGES Address ray JackiOn 15 and upward Third race For May hpringwells 3 to 1 won six furlongs 5 to 2 second Thompson Young Henry Don Borrow Troub SA POLIO 4 it 1
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