* * * * Morning News • Tuesday, March 4,1997 - 3D HAVE A STORY OCA FOR OUR COMMUNITY SECTION? TELL us ABOUT rri OUR COMMUNITY • MARK SWENDRA • PHONE: 652-0330 • FAX: 2344522. • MAN.: P.O. Box 1088, SAVANNAH, QA. 31402-1088 VOLUNTEER CENTER The Volunteer Center, a service of the United Way, recruits and refers volunteers to more than 200 nonprofit organisations 4n the Coastal EmpirerThe Volunteer Center can match volunteer interests with a community need. Call 651-7700, from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, for more information or any volunteer concern. • Walk assistants needed. Brochure distribution to publicize May 17 walk for area nonprofit Other volunteers needed to assist day of walk with registration, SAG Wagon, route marshals selAip, rest stops and lunch. • Maintenance and grounds keeper assistant needed for multiagency service center in Effingham County to perform minor maintenance tasks, set up for meetings and presentations and care for yard. • Special events coordinator: Organized yet creative assistant needed who can plan and implement meetings and events for nonprofit with budget and time guidelines. Time requirements may vary. Training and guid- How to remember how not to forget ance provided. • Business consultant needed to visit classrooms and teach economic and business concepts to students in K-12. Share 'real-world" experiences. Time requirements are M 0 hours per semester (Varies with grade level). W e may complain about memory loss, but what if we never forgot anything? Really, if we remembered every time our children or grandchildren did not take our good advice, every time we did not take our parents' advice, every time a friend did not offer us a ride, or every time no one came to visit us when we 'V were depressed or ill, our hippocampus (memory center) would be so filled with little hurts that no space would be left for any memory at all. If we forget such misfortunes, espe- Senior Scene cially grudges, we Ruth Garrett free our storage capacity for recalling more pleasant memories. Our storage capacity always has space for new memories. It is far greater than any computer with a memory of many gigabytes. Like a computer, the problem with memory is storage, not retrieval or recall. If we don't properly store information in our computers, we cant find it If you've experienced Windows 95 software, you know how difficult it is to locate something you haven't filed and stored properly. What did I name this file? Is the information in a folder? I don't remember, so I waste precious time looking for i t The way in which we store memories determines how easy it is to retrieve information. If we have trouble remembering names, for example, we must concentrate on the person's name when we meet him or her. If we didnt catch the name, we should ask again and repeat the person's name. Instead of "I'm happy to meet you," say, "Rose Smith, I am happy too meet you." At the same time concentrate on one of Rose's features, whether it be her person- • Christmas In April/Savannah is seeking volunteers for its first rehabilitation project on April 12. Volunteers are needed for many different tasks from paperwork to scraping, painting, cleaning, trash removal and yardwork. Home repair and rehabilitation is done for low-income and elderly or disabled homeowners. • Crafts and activities assistants needed for shelter for troubled youth. Afternoons and/or weekends. • Office assistant needed for busy volunteer office. Telephone and general office duties. Downtown area. Thursday and Friday mornings. SUPPORT GROUPS • Alcoholics Anonymous has daily meetings throughout the Coastal Empire. Call 3540993 for information. • Overeaten Anonymous meets at noon every Tuesday at St. James Catholic Church, 8412 Whitfield Ave. Call 232-3383. There are no fees. For a list of other area meetings, call 232-3382. • Gay/bi Narcotics Anonymous meeting is at 8 p.m. every Sunday. Call 234-4595 for toca-f tion. • A support group for stroke survivors meets at 2 p.m. every Tuesday at First Presbyterian Church, 520 Washington Ave. Call 598-1768. • A support group for anyone experiencing grief and loss meets at 6 p.m. every Tuesday at Hospice Savannah, 1352 Eisenhower Drive. A certified bereavement counselor will lead the group. Call 355-2289. • Take Off Pounds Sensibly No. 404, for people trying to lose weight, meets at 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday in the annex to Windsor Forest Baptist Church. 12532 White Bluff Who we are; what brings us together. Road. Call 356-2088 or 920-7480. • The Head Injury Support Group meets at 6 p.m. the second Thursday of each month for a covered dish dinner followed by a meeting at 7 p.m. at Goodwill Industries, 7220 Sallie Mood Drive. • The Depressive-Manic Depressive Support Group meets at 7 p.m. every Tuesday at Coastal Cathedral, DeRenne at Skidaway. Those<unable to attend, can go to the meeting at 6:30 p.m. every Thursday at Charter Hospital. Call 352-2550 or 927-2064. • The Self-Help Cancer Support Group meets from 11-11:45 a.m. every Wednesday in the oncology solarium (sixth floor North) of St. Joseph's Hospital, 11705 Mercy Blvd. Call 9254100 extension 5475 or 4627. • The Ostomy Support Group of Savannah meets every two months. The next meeting is at 7 p.m. on Feb. 20 at Curative Wound Care Center, 4849 Paulsen St Nurses from local hospitals are available to answer questions. For more information, call Ruth Wilson at 353-7730. alaity or her appearance, that you can associate uniquely with her. If she has pinkish skin, visualize a rose while you are talking with her. If she has a pug nose, you may want to associate nose with Rose. If you concentrate on her name while associating and visualizing these features, you will have taken the advice of memory experts such as Daniel Lapp, author of two of the most popular books on memory: "Don't Forget" and "Total Recall." Lapp even gives us a mnemonic aid to help remember this trick: CIA — concentrate, image, associate. Much of the memory advice handed down to us from today's experts is similar to procedures practiced centuries ago. The Roman orators used the popular "loci" method of training memory when they faced their armies of warriors. They planned before their speeches to visualize various "locations" in order to remember what they needed to address. Without overhead projectors, erasable boards and the multimedia devices we use today for presentations, a Roman orator had to use his mind. He mapped out a visual plan in his head. When he talked about weapons, he had a picture in his mind of the armory: when he discussed rations, his mind traveled to the bakery: when he discussed uniforms, he envisioned the tailor or the blacksmith shop. He envisioned the location ("loci") of the subject to prompt his memory. Memory courses apply different techniques, but whatever way is chosen, the results are positive for older adults. The best most recommended way is the easiest of all and is accessible to everyone: Continuing to learn whatever you choose to learn will aid your brain in making new connections between neurons or wilPreinforce old connections. For keeping memory alert one must continue to learn. This process requires active involvement. The synaptic connections (the close junctions between the ends of nerve cells) in our brain will otherwise atrophy. And. the greater number of inactive neurons we have in our braini. the slower the thinking process becomes. Strengthening memory skills is important We can improve retention by the use of external and internal strategies. We are accustomed to external strategies: calendars, lists, times and routinely putting keys and glasses in specific plaees. Internal strategies include making up rhymes, composing pictures or images, listening attentively and concentrating, reading aloud and repeating. Aside from taking a memory-training course, an American Association of Retired Persons brochure suggests ways to improve your memory: • Increase your sensory abilities (if you cant hear information well or cannot read i t you won't remember it). • Keep medications to a minimum (prescriptions, as well as over-the-counter drugs, can affect your memory). • Take care of your health (some illnesses may cause a temporary decline in memory). • Eat a well-balanced diet and get physical exercise (if oxygen in the blood isn't pumped to the brain, it's impossible to function mentally). Following these tips, you will feel like a winner when you recall a person's name or readily access valuable information. Give the plan a try — you will be continuing in your learning. Ruth Garrett completed her doctorate at Ludwig-Maximilians Uuiversitaet Munich. Germany. She teaches gerontology at Armstrong Atlantic State University and counsels nontraditional students re-entering the work force at Savannah lech. COMMUNITYCALENDAR TODAY MAHATlfUQAM>HI AND MARTO LUTHER KMQ ML: Apostles of nonviolence, is the topic of a lecture and dinner at 5:30 p.m. at Savannah ballroom, King Frazter Hall, Savannah State University. The scheduled speakefis R. Jyothiprakash, a scholar from India, currently at Wiley. College in Marshall. Tex. Cost is $5 students and $3 for children under 12. General admission is $10. The event is sponsored by Savannah State University Department of Social Work and India Association of Savannah. For tickets and more information, call any of these phone numbers: 352-0212. 356-2688, 356-2321. 897-1437 or 353-5133. COASTAL QEORQIA H B » SOdETY will meet at 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church on Washington Avenue. A program will be presented by Beth Kinstler. 2324836. MMJHNAHOQBBCHg CANAL SOCgTV will meet at 7:30 p.m. at Barnes Restaurant. 4685 U.S. 80 EasT.~ WMtemarsh Island. The regular canal Mclntire Continued from page 1B of Savannah, Historic Savannah Foundation, the Poetry Society of Savannah, the League of Women Voters, the Junior League of Savannah and many other projects. Mclntire also enjoyed writing .poems. Many of her poems won awards, and she is best remembered for "Three Islands." a poem about Tybee. Ossabaw and Daufuskie. Mclntire's determination to get things done started just after the 19th amendment was passed giving women the right to vote. "Mrs. Mclntire and two other local women — Mrs. Sam Morgan and Stella Akins — were the first females in Chatham County to register." said Hugh Golson. a member of workday Is at 9 a m . on March 8. Meet at the intersection of Fort Argyte Road and Bush Road. 7488068. MMMNt C U M o r M M M A H meets at 1 p.m. at the Pirates' House Restaurant. Scheduled speaker is Brad Hufflnes, chief meteorologist for WSAV-TV. MYERS MttOLE SCHOOL P I * meets at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria. A representative from the County Board of Assessors will speak on. property taxes. CUYLER BROWNSVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD Association will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Most Pure heart of Mary Pastoral Center. 800 block of West 36th St. The boundaries of the neighborhood are Martin Luther King jr. Blvd to Ogeechee Road and West Anderson Street to West Victory Drive. 651-3685. WEDNESDAY SMRNNAH GRUMMAN RETIREE CLUB will hold a joint meetir^ with the Milledgeville Grumman Retiree Club at noon at the Mighty 8th Air Force Heritage Museum. All Interested parties W E WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU The OURCOMMUNITY section welcomes submitted articles about a group's upcoming event or an individual's accomplishment for the Calendar or Noteworthy columns. To ensure that the item appears in the newspaper before the scheduled event, piease send your notice at least one week in advance. Space permftting, the newspaper may run photos with some items, particularly in the Noteworthy column. Group pictures will not be accepted. Our address: P.O. Box 1088, Savannah. Ga. 31402-1088 • Fax: 234-6522 • Phpne: 652-0330. are welcome. PARENT SUPPORT GROUP will hold a workshop from 9 a.m.-noon in the United Way building in Rincon. A light lunch will be provided. Donna Gray will be the speaker. Call Charles Dorsey at (912) 754-3164. BOOK SWUNG: Taylor Schoettle will give a slide presentation on his book, "A Guide To a Georgia Barrier Island," at 6 p.m. in the Sunset room at the Detegal Creek Marina at The Landings. He will sign copies of his book afterward. Schoettle is the author of several local nature guides. The latest of these is "AGuide to A Georgia Barrier Island," and describes the natural history of Jekyll (stand. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, Bonaventure chapter, will meet at 2 p.m. at 1324 Biightwood Drive. Scheduled speaker is Harriet Martin, whose topic is Hospice care. 3538727. Theater. 7 1 1 Matt Blvd. Speakers are house from 8 am-noon. There will be Angela Gallo and Donna McKenna on informal tours. For more information, "Total nutrition technology." The public call 2344255. is invited. 920-8348. CANN PARK NEIGHBORHOOD A R M Association will meet at 4 p.m. at • GUN SAFETY CLASSES: The Chatham County Police will offer gun safety Beach High School. 3001 Hopkins St. classes from 7-9 p.m. March 6 at the room 100. 2364092. county police barracks on Hodgson SMftNNAH AREA REPUBLICAN Memorial Drive, and from 9 a.m.-noon WOMEN will meet at 11:30 a m . at the on March 8 at the gun range. • Savannah Golf Club. Lunch will cost Participants must attend both classes. $10.50. Scheduled speaker is Annie The cost is $15. To sign up, call Cheryl Plummer, known as the Dictionary Lady: Perper at 652-6537 weekdays. For lunch reservations, call Hazel at 7864766 or Marie. 3541377. THURSDAY SOUTHS** OPTIMIST CLUB win meet at 12:30 p.m. at the Comedy House CINEMAS^'-' EISENHOWER SQUARE6 ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN DAY SCHOOL, 31st and Bull streets, will have an open JERRY MAQUIRE ft I 1:00 7:10 SCREAM 4:00 10:00 DONNIEBRASCO SUPER BARGAIN $3-00 \ M I \ \\\ IWUM ) Dl I i ' L.1^0 / / / , / / . ' , / • / / , / / ; 1:25 4:05 7:2S 10:00 !{,">»S SKIDAWAY & VICTORY (HYME AND 1 ^40 5:30 7..4Q VEOAS VACATION UT1CIANANDTHE BEAST VIHAT DARN CAT <**) EVITA |i:00 4:00 7:00 9:00 •OTYCALL 7:30 IS 4:45 L.TTW FOOLS RUSH pjM.J:15 4: IS 7:18 f ijif vlN 8 4!i^ M 7:15 S:1B 7*0 9:30 Li-is liSS .JMJ PbLojj, RALPH LAUREN I t t SYA6C Stttl**, LID. L.tSSS' 4:00 EfSENHOWER 35S-O11Oi THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK i W 4:25 7:00 9:35 HAT DARN CAT m l SCREAM :5fl 3^0 6:10 l 7 K n IQ-flft DANGEROUS GROUND £35 5:20 7:45 10:00 BOOTY CALL 2:15 4:10 7 45 10 06 STAR WARS fl 4:50 7-9 BOOTY CALL 2nd HUNT 1:00 5:15 7:15 9 1 S ABSOLUTE POWER 6 '".I CINIWAS 2.-00 4:25 7:00 fl:3l MHHBJ GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 7:25 10:00 Pre-Season Sale Automatic Lawn Sprinkler System by UfiAZBuffifii EE ESTIMATES MSTAliATWN ft SERVICE • Shallow Weds* Landscaping f ^ iis*Hflf SAVANNAH SPRINKLERS 355-0918 1:504:25 7:00 9:35 1:003:45 7:2510,05 EVERYDAY WEHEAROF: • JVo Service • High Prices • Unsatisfactory Workmanship i *~ ClifCrwfcy,L.D.O. ra 225 4 50 7:20 9.25 4'lfl • H "I ABSOLUTE POWER ft 1:05 4:30 7:15 9:50 VICTORY SQUARE 9 l*BOT1:00 4:00 r T H E ENGLISH PATIENT T-M+40 359-3533 ROSEWOOD " 12:50 3:45 6 45 101)5 T H E EMPIRE STRIKE BACK 1:35 4:15 7:00 9:40 BUNG BLADE 1:15 4:05 7:05 9:56 I'—CW• % EitTt'fl i—MtLi«B DON NIK B RASCO nrroRE 6 PM I :C0 EISENHOWER UstMatliMM the Society for the Preservation of Laurel Grove, where Mclntire is buried. "They were not going to sit around.... The old courthouse boys just let them register." Akins went on to become Georgia's first female lawyer and judge, he said. The Society for the Preservation of Laurel Grove will hold a ceremony at Mclntire's gravesite in April. A poem will be read and a prayer said, Golson said. tCAL 2:20 4:50 7:25 9:45 1:004:00 7:009:30 1:204:15 7:00 9:40
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