IL-EB Thursday, April 18, 1963 TAGE FOURTEEN The group vgjed to repliee the worn <jutt¥nlform« of ill the major league tetms and Lei Lawon, general manager wat directed to over** their purehaie. 1 — At a meeting of j eoi/>NiA— All teams In the A motion br Karl Lambert Minor. Major and Senior to conduct regulations for the MUt Lriffue division* of the Uttl« 1954 aeaion during the month lfi«fi Oak luncheon for ; , : The Daunhu™ of America. • * f un The League of Colonla iof June 1883 In order to insure Isflin S(» t» held Monday 7:S0 p.m.a t • and M "ndw brownie L j l a w n w m p s n i l council, will t h ! t ^" d r e "; r i A p l ?L 2 6 < P' ' ' ? " J which do not hold Tn I.I « - » m School 18. Indiana^ A^nue. by St. St C o R t mh e r s and th« Executive and son Troops, Ce„ Troops, sponsoredd by C e _ „e , „ m try-out»J»n boyi replaylni the followhave been formed and practice P Ing season **« approved. |Ro»H will pern on the commit St. Vincent De Paul So- u- o r i h ,„ ' t W p d . m K ( t |Ro» (Mrs. Kurt Klein —Mr n:id Mrs. Joseph Manu ti far the season began last week, ou(lh l m n t Hal1 Lln May 6 nai been designated ciety of St. Cecelia'. hu * from 7 to T-M of St Cecelia'. C Ch u rr cc h h™ ™* T PmVfW ' " tw. coin Highway. Metuchen. Tom Donoghue, president re- U "Meet Your Son's Manager were guesU meet Tuesday m men, iucsa»y 8 a Dm p.m in t h In Our i MHr shW f t y n M c Travis, ported. Night," and all fathers and Freldfc OoldbeiR, « t S. &•».»* and children. " " " ' " ' V™; — ' ' " ' " " Lady of Lj.urdM Hall and t h e J j a m i n A v e n u , fflll te hostess j V ^ V wifl" go for the . , . At Monday night's meeting » n i are invited to attend the —On_Easter Sunda-, Janet Robert, Linda, and Bar- - R * v . William B Kirby,, O |rl Scout* In the first and x , , ^ ^ . a t g p.m.. to t h e i ^ a r y , •which will be esuhMrs. Robert Ark.-, or the executive board with the meeting at 8 P.M. at th« Civic C h i l d r e n , Rootbftia Jenn. Union Bench pastor^ of the^ Iselln AsMmblyithird floor classrooms. OPKRT Mah Jong Club. lished when th« new school i» Club. A film of the 1982 of O o d C n u r C h coaches and managers at the Eli7- . . „.* r. ' •nnoonced the . . - _ T h f l M l l n FiJt B n d D r u m James, Raymond [,• i _ T ) w Webelyos of Cub.Pack l.uitt on Benjamin Avenu*. Colonia Civic Improvement World's Series will be shown Marie, Adams 's:•',', schedule of for Corps, spoiuored by the C h e m ^ will meet Wednesday 7:30, Announcement was made that, BbfUi. was an Easter .Sunday d w Club. Inman Avenue plans for refreshment* served dte follows: week as and gue«U of Mrs. Ed»l> d'nner Mif of Mr. and Mrs "-» , " ""'"»'*: Sundayi^'HoS^^udder'o^.'DTsAssistant Cubmas-Kindergarten registration willj Charles Van Blarcum man, Newton. the coming season and the take place on May 18 and 14 ati W m l " G , V h i . Goodrich St " ^ J - • * » « • • : u ^ j W c t 11. will meet Monday and. 1 Umbert, co-chalrgroundwork for improvements!i"n(j —Mrs. Richard • --Our*, on Easter 8u»d» S S ? ^ S S t t c " « ™ I ! W ' * l M - i » " ^ 7:3° PJB-' " ^^ Lady Forester of affecting the future of the U t - ' m e n Avenue has ret»•••«. tie League were outlined. p.m.: after a trip to Atlai , . H . » , . r service, AIT)REY E. A1UTO Teedy Oonzalex w u ap—Mr. and Mrs H,,-,. c'lUdfd: Mi and Mrs,Harold W o d n e i H j a y Bible Study, 7:45 pointed chairman of a raffle. Avenel Principal jlmmons. Serel n-., VFW Post Band -The "Plm and Pan.s" 4-H Maul and children. Glen and clair, where they will • « the • TO WED IN FALL: The en- the first step in the group'! JJiti Registration^^ Easter Club will me«t Monday from,meet Wednesday B p m . at Post •Wonderful World of the Bro-' t>if»nr. Chcesfiiuake: Mr. and gagement of Mls« Audrey fund raUlng effort* on oehalf - T h e Sons and Daughters 3:30 Mrs. Joseph De -; :30 p.m. with their Headquarters, Lincoln Hi(sh-|thers Grimm." Transportation Mrs William Scank. and chilway. The band plans to par-1will b« provided by the Home Elizabeth Alula, daughter of of the proposed field hoiue for AVENEL — Mia* Alice M. children, Joseph. ,i, • dren. William Jackie, and U u ticlpate In the Loyalty Day Pa-land School Association, but the Mrt. D. J. AI11U. 85 We«t the Pennsylvania ball field. load*, principal of 8ch<»ls 4 Jacqueline, West An: Mile Lee. R*ahway: Mr. and Street. with Mr. and Mrs Spencer — A Pre-Cana Conference rade Mar 4, in Perth Amboy. children must provide their own s"tr«t"coionla"and'the"ute F l r s t P riM l n tbt r a f f 1 ' w l U gland's, announces "that children and Mr. and Mrs H pel and «pns. Hcnn T h e P T A of School 24. admission and lunch. Mr. Ainto. to Charlei H. a color television and second jwl]1 gpomored by 8t. Moreen mMr"anrMr'5" M".^ - St. Cecelia's A c t i o n | « \ u ^ C h u ^ M o T ^ e d c^^'Kenn^VaVlc School."'^! noti^^^inary ^ l . n . ^ r . ^ l w VanRaaklrk, son of Mr. and{prize will consist of ten tran- tlme will be registered in School Alan. Oary, Wayne ;, cpri and' children, Rosemary band will meet Wednesday| p i M , n ( j gU who plan to marTyihave 1U general member? 34 and 25. JAdvna Street, and Mrs. H. H. Van Buskirk, 11 liistor radios. TlckeU wlU De 'available from . all totchei. and Edward Mr. and Mrs. from 7 to 8 p.m. in Our LadT[ W | t hi n the next year. The geriesmetlng on its usual date : Stmel Avenue, Iteltn, has Registration hours are • • . K j * * ^ , ^ Ave: The Executive Board for the managers, and«Wembers of the Geo-ge Maxwell and children/of Patlma Hall. |WiU be held for five successive:month April 29 has been set 1962-1963 school ye*r will re- been annonnced. A.M. and 1:15 P . M . ! . . — 1 Ladles Auxiliary. Ruth Ann, Faith, Hope, and —The Executive Board and Fridays at t p.m.. starting Pri-^or the meeting at the tain their positions^ for 196S Mbt Alato it a gra4uat« George and Mrs Harry Evans'ciass Mothers of the Homeiday April 2«. Registration must Junior High School. A Festival 1964 and a regular election will •f Woodbridge Hlfh School ! Walter Cahill w u appointed j and children, Harry ana Doro-'and School Association or be made In advance by calling of Square Dancing, presented take place after occupancy of and attended DoufUts Col- chairman of the opening day^ thy. all of Lselin; Mr. and Mr5.;school C made final plans for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilder-;by the students of the chool. the new school. lege. She is employed In the ceremonies to be held on May; iwill be featured. Election of of-; After th« regular buiiness, onVe of Montfomery Ward 5. Prior to the ceremonies. a| or Robert S. Scank and children, g hot dog sale, to be held fo: sleeve at ME 6-9073. ptlsmal certificate, a recleaving Colonla meeting a Chinese auction * « ; A Co.. Menlo Park. Mr. Van- motorcade Janet, Robert, Linda, and Bar-!jtudent« on April 25, during | —The Junior Department fleers will be held. vacclnatlons, and a recJunior High School at 12 P.M. Keep Her Hull, eld. ! bara Jean, Union Beach; and the lunch hour. jSunday School Teachers of thej —There will be no religious Buskirk if » graduate of ord Jf »t least two polto tn- Mechanic — My a: Mrs. Levy's afttrnoott second | wll| drive through the »re» Mr. and Mrs. Otis R. Dou?her-| — A regular meeting of the^lrst Presbyterian Church are j Instructions for public school Woodbridfe Hich School and keep that car of vn ;• lay ichildren at St. Cecelia's Church grade won the attendance award I Radio Electronic Television ending at the baseball field on Inoculations. ty and children, Keith and Society for the Preservation'scheduled to meet W 1 nd Mrs. George Sabo received Kevin, Menlo Park. School of Newark. He Is em- Pennsylvania Avenue. Dlgnl- Children who have attained Owner — Wry he special award. the age of five years on or be- Mechanic — w<>;; • tariea Including the mayor and plor<4 by Rerlon, Inc.. Edi—Mrs. Joseph P. Sasso. Ken-'] A fail wedding is committeemen'have been in-|fore December | 1 , 19«J art ell-[stop, the cops win Saturday, due to the Xuter va- ton. nedy Street, Wednesday night. vited to attend. .. 'g»le to enter school. laecident. planned. :&tion. was accepted as a memter of; the Italian-American C'tizen'f Club. Her membership was proposed by Mrs. Albeit Bont*mpo. Cornell Avenue, Rahway land Encounuresnent of Barber'evenini!. April 24. B p.m. in, !8hop Quartet Stngtntt in Amer-'Fellowship Hall, bessons for : lca #111 be held Tuesday 9 p.m the coming month fill be dlsat the VFW Hall. Lincoln cuased and curriculum planned Highway. Final preparations1 __Boy Scout Troop 47. will will be made to host the Oar-m f P t tomorrow 7:30 p.m . at 2 ' »>irst Hot Dog Lunch School No. 6 PERSONAL ITS - Little Fellows Practice VISIT - A&P's Most Modem •-Another in the present feries classes on the •'Teachings of the Catholic Church" will! be held tonight at 8 in the] Rectory of St. Cecelia's Church.' Oak Tree Road, Catholics a r t invited. —Mrs. Vincent King, president of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Chemical Hook and Ladder Co.. District, announced a regular meeting will be held tonight at 8 at Auth Avenue Firehouse, —St. Cecelia's CYO will sponsor a dance Saturday at 8 p.m., in Our Lady of Lourrtefi Hall. A general membership meeting of the CYO was held Monday. —A meeting of the Executive Board of the PTA of School 15 will be held Monday 8 p.m at the school, Pershinp Avemie. Plans will be completed lor the general membership meeting, Monday April 29 Planned for the monthly meeting is the election of officers for the 1963-1964 school yeal Featured also will be a "Torn Thumb 'Wedding" presented by students of the second grade. —Mrs. Gustave De Preiter, president ol the Lad'.es Aid S»ciety of the First Presbyterian Church, announced that the regular semi-monthly meeting will be held Monday in Fellowship Hal! — St. Cecelia's Parochial School PTAs 1 and 2 will spon- i sor a cake sale after all masses Sunday. The mothers of Miss| Ruckert's class will supply and sell the cakes. Mrs. Edward Flood is in charge assisted by Mrs. John Zmyewski. j —Membzers of the Women s Missionary Council of the Ise-| lin Assembly of God Church will meet Tuesday 1 p.m., a t ' the church for Prayer Service 1 —There will be a meeting of Boy Scout Troop 49, "Tuesday ' from 7 to 9 p.m. in Columbus Hall. BRAND ISEW REASON TO SUPER MARKET 306 INMAN AVE. G.,-^u!?«U> COLONIA, N. J. Another service from the Shell Oil Company and its Dealers How to reduce wear and tear on your car Easy to Reach! Only minutes away from all points in Woodbridge Township Low, Low Prices 1. Anticipate Kopt and jour brakes will and Plaid Stamps last longer. Except in case of emergency, there's really no need for sudden, brakejlanuning stopt. When you see a stop coming, tale your foot off the accelerator. Your engine will — Large FREE Parking Area— slow you down—and you'll save wear and Open 'Til 9 p.m. - Monday thru Thursday Friday T i l 10 p. m. - Saturday, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. tear on your brakes. NOTE: A braking stop at 60 mph is about four times as tough on brake OPEN SUNDAYS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. linings as a stop at 30 mph. 2. Avoid b m p t i g the curb-and save tires three Wtyt Bumping into the curb can: ( 1 ) Throw wheels out of alignment. 1 his can increase tire wear up to 50 percent. ( 2 ) Break tire cords and shorten tire life. ( 3 ) Flatten tubeless tires by breaking rim seals. So be careful when you're parking. And if you ever should bump the curb hard, ask your Shell dealer to check your front tires and your wheel alignment. / 3. Increase pressure in rear tires when the center of the belt down firmly and Just make sure your engines cold so \ ' hauling heavy loads. An extra four or measure distance l>etwecn stick and belt. don't burn yourself. five pounds of air will help rear tires with- Correct distance should be about M inch stand the extra weight. To make things for most cars. easier on springs, distribute the load 6. Ask y o u Shell dealer to show y w periodic inspection—to catch small trmi the heat control valve on your exbust hies before "they cause big damage. • even!)' throughout your car. NOTH: The heavier the load, the more So, ask your Shell dealer to put \ 11 power your car needs to move it, espe- heat control valve doesn't move freely, a car on his lift soon and take a look. 1 lut k cially uphill. TCP,* one of Super number of bad things can happen — in- the best way to spot leaking brake HuiJ. Shell's 9 working ingredients, helps cluding bumed valves, loss of power and a loose connection, or anything else Super Shell give you power when rough running. needs fixing. 4. Don't park in front of y#nr h o u s e - richett m^rht m the world! OWN A HOME ! 4NI> LOAN ASSOCIATION >lu I'f'lli Ambu>: at b u i t bt In Wuudbiidii': 33] Am buy Av< {'i tiluclii Nunti ol Ureeu til.) lu Cdltttt; AlutHJy Av«. kl Sib » Butoa New Jersey is located on the Main Street of the nation, in the very center of a clearly defined area referred to as "Megalopolis"*. Megalopolis is a continuous stretch of urban and suburban areas from southern New Hampshire to Northern Virginia and from the Atlantic shore to the Appalachian foothills. It contains one of the largest industrial concentrations anywhere, and is the greatest financial and political hub on earth. Right in the middle of it all... New Jersey! The importance of this remarkable geographical location will continue to gruw . . . and New Jersey will grow with i t New Jersey offers the most efficient and economical product distribution to the Megalopolis market and its 40 million people. . Me*t " D V 'Home pfflce yo«r engine heats up. free bumper-to-bumper inspection ing it down with a pencil or screwdriver. time you get a Shellubrication. . But on trips of a few hundred feet, It's a myth that discolored motor QU is worn out—and should always be replaced your engine-uwi't heat up. The moisture stays inside—can leqjd to increased wear and sludge formation. So, if you possibly can, drive right into the garage when you arrive home. 5. Make sere jour fan belt isn't too l o o « Tune mt when dark, 4«co]ored motor oil tdmtyt meant the oil should be changed. Now, it's not necessarily true. Reawn: molt of u^ty's premium motor oils look dark and {iscbloreo1 riKht aw»y. Actually, they're working-holding tiny dirt particles in suspension so they can't build up or too tight Too ho* a belt can lead to you change? The American Petroleum tery. Too lijkt a belt can damage genera- Institute recommends every 60 days in tor and water pump bearings. summer, every 30 days in winter. lay a stick n o w fan belt pulleys, push PUBLIC SERVICE EUECTRIC 4 GAS COMPANY m on critical engine parts. When thould an overheated engine, a run-down bat- For a rou^> check on fan belt tension, GA Taxpaying Servant of a Qmi State Your Shell dealer will give your car a easily check the valve yourself by push- When you start a cold engine, moisture steam and goes out your exhaust once T "Where Firtt In The Name Mean* You!" then drira into the garage later on. Once you know where it is, you can condenses inside. This moisture turns to TKRCKNTENART • A M I ;«•* 7. Treat yonr car to m regular checkup. All cars, even the brand-new ones, iu'ul manifold-and to fix it if it sticks. If the you really need it for heavy jobs. , . . and, your iirbl step tu homr o^vinTshi[) Is i visit to First bdVliiKi to »rr*nge financing to meet >uur r^iu your jmr&f* Do yon ksow why it's bad practice to park in front of your house, let your engine cool then put the cir away later on? For correct uuwer, ite item 4. u»m. Tfcrt'i At nd lowdown. You em count M yaw SJuii itdtf fat itroigkt /«*, ^ ktnmtwotk. $ M him toon. SHELL f
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