How to type in BanglaWord Non-matching characters, are mapped on unused keys. BanglaWord uses a 'Smart Bangla' typing technology to type Bangla. Text is entered using only the vowels (swarabarnas) and the consonant (banjonbarnos). The conjunct shift + q = y shift + v = d shift + x = b shift + f = v characters (juktho okkors) are placed automatically by the system if possible otherwise when indicated by the user. Bengali alphabet is mapped phonetically on to the standard QWERTY keyboard, independent of any Bangla font. This minimizes the initial learning curve and removes the need for physical layout template. ctrl + g = ctrl + h = The Bengali characters are mapped on to the ‘QWERTY’ keyboard under their phonetically (similar sounding) equivalent English characters. For example L is mapped to k and M is mapped to K (shift k). To obtain Rikar press the desired character then press ctrl + r then the F1 key. Example: fG followed by F1 key will give you fª By pressing F12 key users can switch between Bangla and English typing mode. a Caps Lock \ Shift Ctrl r q Tab 2 2 P x w B A o z É \ Winkey 3 3 d t x Alt H I e p n s 4 4 a b 5 5 l G s t V $ W r X Y f c Q R 6 6 g v v g w c d 7 u Y y N O h Ú b h i Space q x n U 7 8 u E F 8 S T k m 9 9 C D i j e Z ) To obtain Ref press the desired character then press R then the F1 key. Example: fs followed by F1 key will give you fÑ Switching between Bangla & English 1 Ë Ñ ª =r =c =a =P =É = z (Dari) =x To obtain Rofola press the desired character then press r then the F1 key. Example: fl followed by F1 key will give you fË To obtain conjunct characters simply press the F1 key after typing two characters. Example: LL followed by F1 key will give you the conjunct character ‚. F2 will reverse the action. 1 w Ú Rofola, Ref and Rikar ( Conjunct (Jukto) Characters ` q v x w z . h k j o L M , 0 0 - J K p f g m l [ [ = Backspace ] ] Return ; ; = @ ' # # @ , . Alt Gr z . / Winkey / ? Shift Menu Ctrl black default blue shift red ctrl
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