EECE360 Lecture 3 Topics Laplace Transform, Transfer Functions ! Review ! ! Today ! Dr. Oishi Linearization through Taylor’s Series approximation Physical systems: ! Electrical and Computer Engineering ! ! University of British Columbia, BC ! ! Chapter 2.3-2.5 [email protected] EECE 360 1 How to Linearize ! ! "y = #f (x) "x #x x = x 0 EECE 360 F = ma "f (x) "x x = x f0 " 1st law or the junction rule (KCL): For a given junction or node in a circuit, the sum of the currents entering equals the sum of the currents leaving. " 2nd law or the loop rule (KVL): Around any closed loop in a circuit, the sum of the potential differences across all elements is zero. 0 x !x 0 3 ! Newton's second law of motion: the relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F " For electrical systems: Kirchhoff’s laws ! ! For mechanical systems: Newton’s laws ! f (x) = x 2 ! 2 Physical Laws of Process ! f (x) ! Laplace transform Transfer functions EECE 360 Identify an operating point ! Perform Taylor series expansion and keep only st constant and 1 derivative terms x Spring-mass-damper system RLC circuits DC motor ! EECE 360 4 Spring-Mass-Damper System** ! ! Two-Mass System** F(t) : equivalent force on mass m The signs of -kx and -cx are negative because these forces oppose the motion of f(t) #m!x! = f (t ) $ Kx + K 1( x1 $ x) + C1( x!1 $ x! ) " !m1!x!1 = $ K 1( x1 $ x) $ C1( x!1 $ x! ) Assume the motion directions: x>0; x1-x>0 EECE 360 5 EECE 360 Series RLC Circuit** 6 Parallel RLC Circuit ** Applying Kirchhoff’s current law: dv(t) 1 1 C + v(t) + dt R L Input: v(t); EECE 360 Output: i(t) Input: r(t); 7 EECE 360 ! t " v(t) = r(t) 0 Output: v(t) 8 The Laplace Transform ! ! The Laplace Transform The method of Laplace transforms converts a calculus problem (the linear differential equation) into an algebra problem. The solution of the algebra problem is then fed backwards through a the Inverse Laplace Transform and the solution to the differential equation is obtained. ! ! ! ! EECE 360 9 The Laplace Transform ! ! EECE 360 10 Laplace Transform Properties Like the Fourier transform, the Laplace transform is an integral transform Alternately the Laplace variable s can be considered to be the differential operator: ! Linearity: ! Differentiation: ! ! EECE 360 Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827) Laplace proved the stability of the solar system. He also put the theory of mathematical probability on a sound footing “All the effects of Nature are only the mathematical consequences of a small number of immutable laws.” Studied, but did not fully developed the Laplace transform 11 Final value theorem: Initial value theorem: EECE 360 12 Important Laplace Tr. Pairs Important Laplace Tr. Pairs ! ! ! ! ! Impulse function Step function Exponential decay Sine and cosine See Dorf and Bishop, Table 2.3, p. 47 and Table D.1 (App. D) online. EECE 360 See Dorf and Bishop, Table 2.3, p. 47 and Table D.1 (App. D) online. EECE 360 13 Laplace Transforms ! Region of convergence: ! ! ! f(t) F(s) 14 Example R.o.C. Where the transform integral converges The Laplace transform exists only when the integral converges! ! ! If for all positive t, then Consider the spring-mass-damper system Assuming the system is initially at rest (all initial conditions at zero), then output will converge for s > a. input EECE 360 Damped oscillations 15 EECE 360 Transfer function 16 Transfer Function ! ! Transfer Function Defined as the ratio of the Laplace transform of the output to that of the input Describes dynamics of a LTI system ! Time domain y(t) = r(t) " g(t) r(t) g(t) Laplace transform ! Frequency domain ! ! R(s) G(s) ! Y (s) ! EECE 360 17 Transfer Function ! ! ! ! EECE 360 ! Y (s) = R(s)G(s) ! EECE 360 ! 18 Transfer Function Differential equation replaced by algebraic relation Y(s)=G(s)R(s) Note that if R(s)=1 then Y(s)=G(s) is the impulse response of the system Note that if R(s)=1/s, the unit step function, then Y(s)=G(s)/s is the step response The magnitude and phase shift of the response to a sinusoid at frequency ! is given by the magnitude and phase of the complex number G(j!) (see Chapter 8) 19 ! ! Using the Final Value Theorem, the static or D.C. gain of a transfer function G(s) is given by G(0): Let G(s) = N(s)/D(s), then ! ! EECE 360 Zeros of G(s) are the roots of N(s)=0 Poles of G(s) are the roots of D(s)=0 20 Second Order System Poles ** Second Order System Poles ** Damping ratio Damping ratio Natural frequency Natural frequency In the underdamped case (complex roots due to the quadratic): In the underdamped case (complex roots due to the quadratic): s1, 2 = !"#n ± j#n 1 ! " 2 s1, 2 = !"#n ± j#n 1 ! " 2 with " < 1 with " < 1 Critical damping EECE 360 21 Natural Response (no input) EECE 360 22 Transfer Functions ! A transfer function is ! ! ! ! EECE 360 23 EECE 360 strictly proper when the degree of the denominator is greater than that of numerator proper if those degrees are equal improper if the degree of the numerator is greater than than of the denominator Physical systems are proper or strictly proper 24 RLC Network Example: Spring-mass-damper ! ! Find transfer function G(s) between the position x1(t) and the forcing function r(t) Key assumption: IC are zero ! ! ! Voltage divider EECE 360 25 Example: DC Motor ! ! ! Note that x2(t) does not appear explicitly. (Why?) Dorf and Bishop, Example 2.4, p. 56 EECE 360 26 Example: DC Motor Power actuator Robotic manipulators, disk drives, machine tools, etc. Armature-controlled ! ! ! EECE 360 x1(t)=x2(t)=0 dx1/dx=dx2/dt=0 Input: voltage applied to armature Va (=Ea) Output: angle of rotation "# Control variable: current ia 27 EECE 360 28 Example: DC Motor ! ! ! Armature circuit: Motor relations: ea (t ) ! eb(t ) = Raia + La Example: DC Motor dia dt Armature circuit: ! Ea ( s ) ! Eb( s ) = ( Ra + sLa ) Ia ( s ) Tm(t ) = Kiia (t ) eb(t ) = Kb!m(t ) Motor relations: ! Mechanical Response: Jm"˙ m (t) = Tm(t) # Td (t) # Bm"m (t) Mechanical Response: ! #Tm( s ) = KiIa ( s ) " ! Eb( s ) = Kb$m( s ) Jms"m (s) = Tm(s) # Td (s) # Bm"m (s) ! EECE 360 EECE 360 29 30 ! Example: DC Motor Summary Using Laplace transform, we can represent this DC motor by the block diagram below Td(s) ! Today ! ! ! ! Next ! Notice inherent feedback in the model Transfer function : H(s) = EECE 360 ! Laplace transform Final Value Theorem Transfer functions ! Operational Amplifiers Block diagram models " m (s) E a (s) 31 EECE 360 32
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