The Emergence of a Global Carbon Market: How to foster technology diffusion to realize climate mitigation benefits? Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke President of the Wuppertal Institute JET-SET. International Conference on Linking Schemes. 29-30 May 2006, Bruxelles Overview 1. Where should ET lead us? Citeria and challenges for sustainable energy systems 2. “Solving the carbon and climate problem simply by scaling up what we already know to do“: The target oriented „Wedges“ concept of Princeton (Pacala/Socolow 2004) 3. Identifying a “robust technological corridor” to sustainable energy systems: rational use of energy (RUE), combined heat/cold and power production (CHP) and renewables (REN) 4. The key for climate mitigation policies: Integrating energy efficiency and renewables, fostering the diffusion of climate mitigation technologies and structural change ( e.g. decentralisation) 5. The German case for risk minimisation: A feasible strategy for climate protection and nuclear phase out 6. Learning curve effects: Give energy efficiency highest priority to buy down the costs of renewables 7. Thinking out of the box: A better linking of ET with multi-level policy mixes of global and target group specific instruments is needed 03.07.2006 Climate protection is necessary but not sufficient: Criteria and goals for sustainable energy systems • Access to energy services for all and fair partnerships with developing countries • Conservation of resources and protection of environment, climate and health • Social acceptability now and in accordance with the needs of later generations • Low risks and contribution to mitigate international conflicts • Cost-effectiveness (including external costs) • Industrialized countries (IC) should take the lead: To reduce global CO2emissions by 50% up to 2050 a reduction target of 80% for IC is necessary. 03.07.2006 Sustainable Energy Systems: Common, but differentiated challenges for IC and DC Industrialized Countries (IC) Absolut decoupling of primary energy and GDP growth; reduce per capita energy consumption by 75% (e.g. Swiss model of „2000 W/cap society“) Establish sustainable consumption patterns: Eco-efficiency, service orientation,life style changes, „qualitative“ growth Developing Countries (DC) Relative decoupling: Reduce growth rates of energy consumption by more efficient use; increase living standards, alleviate poverty, foster rural electrification Combine advanced end use efficiency with renewables ("leap frogging) Common challenges: Built sustainable energy systems on „three green pilars“: RUE+CHP+REN Foster Institutional change: decentralisation,liberalisation,democratisation Raise resource productivity by integrating material +energy efficiency 03.07.2006 The Challenge: Absolute decoupling of qualitiy of life from use of nature Quality of life Economic Sustainable Production growth Use of nature 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Sustainable Production and Consumption Relative decoupling of GDP, energy und C02 ias a first step, but not sufficient for sustainable energy systems! 03.07.2006 Relative decoupling in the past 30 years C02 emissions growth : 1.5% p.a. Primary energy growth : 2 % p.a. World GDP growth : 3 % p.a. „Improvements in efficiency and conservation probably offer the greatest potential to provide wedges“ (Pacala/Socolow 2004) 03.07.2006 The Stabilization Triangle (Socolow et al 2004) Billion of Tons of Carbon Emitted per Year 14 h d e ct t pa = “ p” m ra e n tly rre Historical emissions 7 Cu j ro p Stabilization Triangle Flat path Interim Goal O 1.9 0 1955 03.07.2006 2005 2055 2105 The power of technology diffusion - the challenge for implementation policies: How can we make it happen in time? „Humanity can solve the carbon and climate problem in the first half of this century simply by scaling up what we already know to do“. (Pacala/ Socolow 2004) 03.07.2006 Wedges: Target oriented diffusion politics Socolow et al 2004 Billion of Tons of Carbon Emitted per Year 14 14 GtC/y th d e ct pa je ly t n Historical emissions 7 o pr Seven “wedges” re r u C Flat path O 7 GtC/y 1.9 0 1955 03.07.2006 2005 2055 2105 The Flat Path is Consistent with Stabilization below Doubling (Socolow et al 2004) Stabilization below doubling (450-550 ppm) is the centuryscale carbon management goal recommended by many environmental scientists. This century-scale goal is broadly consistent with the Interim (50-year) goal: 7 GtC/y in 2055, as in 2005 Uncertainty of ± 3 GtC/y in land plus ocean sink. Further emissions cuts are required after 2055. 03.07.2006 What is a “Wedge”? (Socolow et al 2004) A “wedge” is a strategy to reduce carbon emissions that grows in 50 years from zero to 1.0 GtC/yr. The strategy has already been commercialized at scale somewhere. 1 GtC/yr Total = 25 Gigatons carbon 50 years Cumulatively, a wedge redirects the flow of 25 GtC in its first 50 years. This is 2.5 trillion dollars at $100/tC. A “solution” to the CO2 problem should provide at least one wedge. 03.07.2006 Wedges (Socolow et al 2004) EFFICIENCY Buildings, appliances, transport, industrial processing, lighting, electric power plants, upstream extraction. DECARBONIZED ELECTRICITY Natural gas for coal Power from coal or gas with carbon capture and storage Nuclear power Power from renewables: wind, photovoltaics, solar concentrators (troughs and dishes), hydropower, geothermal. DECARBONIZED FUELS Synthetic fuel from coal, natural gas, and biomass, with carbon capture and storage Biofuels Hydrogen from coal and natural gas, with carbon capture and storage from nuclear energy from renewable energy (hydro, wind, PV, etc.) FUEL DISPLACEMENT BY LOW-CARBON ELECTRICITY Grid-charged batteries (“plug-in hybrids”) for transport Heat pumps for furnaces and boilers NATURAL SINKS Forestry (reduced deforestation, afforestation, new plantations) Agricultural soils METHANE MANAGEMENT landfill gas, cattle, rice, natural gas 03.07.2006 Italics: Not on list in Science $ 100/tC Carbon emission charges of $100/tC can enable commercialization of most of the wedges (PV is an exception.) (Socolow et al 2004) Form of Energy Equivalent to $100/tC Natural gas $1.50/1000 scf Crude oil $12/barrel Coal $65/U.S. ton Gasoline 25¢/gallon (ethanol subsidy: 50¢/gallon) Electricity from coal 2.2¢/kWh (wind and nuclear subsidies: 1.8 ¢/kWh) Electricity from natural gas 1.0¢/kWh Today’s global energy system $700 billion/year (2% of GWP) $100/tC is approximately the October 2005 EU trading price 03.07.2006 Potential wedges (Socolow et al 2004) Option Economy-wide carbon-intensity reduction (emissions/$GDP) 1. 2. Efficient vehicles Reduced use of vehicles 3. Efficient buildings 4. Efficient baseload coal plants 5. Gas baseload power for coal baseload power 03.07.2006 Effort by 2054 for one wedge, relative to 14 GtC/year BAU Energy effiency and conservation Increase reduction by additional 0.15% per year (e.g., increase U.S. goal of 1,96% reduction per year to 2,11% per year) Increase fuel economy for 2 billion cars from 30 to 60 mpg Decrease car travel for 2 billion 30-mpg cars from 10.000 to 5000 miles per year Cut carbon emissions by one-fourth in buildings and appliances projected for 2054 Producte twice today‘s coal power output at 60% instead of 40% efficiency (compared with 32% today) Fuel shift Replace 1400 GW 50%-efficient coal plants with gas plants (four times the current production of gas-based power) Potential wedges (Socolow et al 2004) Option 6. Wind power for coal power Effort by 2054 for one wedge, relative to 14 GtC/year BAU Renewable electricity and fuels Add 2 million 1-MW-peak windmills (50 times the current capacity) „occupying“ 30 x 106 ha, on land or offshore 7. PV power for coal power Add 2000 GW-peak PV (700 times the current capacity) on 2 X 106 ha 8. Biomass fuel for fossil fuel Add 100 times the current Brazil or U.S. ethanol production, with the use of 250 X 106 ha (one-sixth of world cropland) Strategies available to reduce the carbon emission rate in 2054 by 1 GtC/year or to reduce carbon emissions from 2004 to 2054 by 25 GtC 03.07.2006 Market Trends and Perspectives for Clean Energy (Clean Edge, March 2005) 1.Projected world markets for Clean Energy (2004 to 2014) Wind Power:8 to 48,1 (US $ Billions) Solar PV: 7.2 to 39.2 (US $ Billions) Fuel Cells: 0.9 to 15.1 (US $ Billions) 2. Up coming clean energy markets Biofuels (e.g. biogas, biodiesel, ethanol, long term:BTL (driven by oil prices/ security of oil supply e.g. in countries like Brasil, US, EU, India) Energy Efficiency („Efficiency is back on the spotlight“; driven by private companies like General Electric and countries like China, EU and US states like California) Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) („after a standstill of more than a decade“; 1000MW initiative of US DOE; many plans in the „Solar Belt“ (e.g. Spain, Northern Africa, Middle East; EU-MENA Study) Green Buildings (e.g driven bei US Green Building Council and LEED-Standard „Leadership in Energy and Envionmental Design“; „leap frogging“ in rapidly growing economies like in e.g. China, India) ) 03.07.2006 The contribution of energy efficiency (purple bar; compared to Reference Case), renewables and C02-sequestration (WBGU) in three recent world scenarios of sustainable energy systems (Source: Wuppertal Institute) WBGU Sustainability Scenario: Increased Energy Productivity WBGU: 1,6% p.a. (historically: 1%) Productivity Increase: „Factor 3“ by 2050 Remark: 2% p.a.efficiency increase has been demonstated by the Wuppertal-Scenario 03.07.2006 WBGU/IPCC A1T*-Path: Global Energy Mix 03.07.2006 “Tolerabel Window” and Results of the WBGU-Sustainabilty Scenario •Keeping Climate Change within the „Tolerable Window“ is possible •Reducing C02 by about 50% globally and 80% in ICs (using C02-sequestration) •Phasing out nuclear up to 2050, using C02-sequestration •Raising living standards in all developing countries •Being the „Least Cost Option“ compared to IPCC-SRESScenarios 03.07.2006 „Tolerable Window“: Temperature change 20C and <0.20C/decade The „Top“ Energy Technologies for Climate Mitigation: Screening International R&D Programmes and Scenarios Efficient Coal Technologies Supercritical power plants Carbon capture and storage (CCS) Natural Gas / Gas Combined Cycle Decentralized Cogeneration Technologies Fuel cells Microgasturbine Stirling Block-type thermal power station Solar Appliances Solar heating & cooling Solar thermal power stations Photovoltaic Wind Energy Geothermal Energy 03.07.2006 Biomass Options Efficient stationary use of biomass (cogeneration, gasification) Bio Fuels Energy Efficiency Technologies Efficient household appliances Efficient electrical propulsion LED Information- & communication technologies Industrial efficiency technologies Energy Storage Systems Efficient Vehicles The „Top“ Energy System Solutions for Climate Mitigation: Screening International R&D Programmes and Scenarios Decentralized Intelligent Energy Systems (including net connection, system integration, storage battery, virtual power stations Rural Electrification (including stand alone sytems) Alternative Fuels, Infrastructures & Energy Carriers (including Hydrogen) Efficient Buildings Residential buildings with focus on passive houses Commercial buildings, (including air conditioning engineering, energy management) Sustainable cooling (including passive cooling, solar cooling) 03.07.2006 Assessment of future energy technologies in representative studies Political Action Plan for a Sustainable Development + Interntl. Technol. Assessmt Study + Interntl. Implementing Agreemts Technol. Assessment Study + Future Studies & Technol. Assessmt + Worldwide Report on Sust. Worldwide Technol. Report on Sust. Political Initiative on Sust. + Energy Research Program + independent Initiative by private foundation Political Initiative on Sust. + Technol. Outlook + EU Research Programme + Energy Policy Study Technology Assessment Representative studies due to a) Regional variety b) Coverage of all types of approaches (R&D programs, scenarios ...) 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Energy Efficiency and Co-/Trigeneration: Stepchildren of Multi-Player Initiatives Assessment of Studies shows: Energy efficiency under-represented Co-/Trigeneration under-represented Although Technologies are highly cost-effective after barrriers removal Potentials for application are huge Both are key strategic elements of sustainable energy strategies One reason: International initiatives and drivers are lacking! 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Worldwide electrical output of decentralised low- or no-carbon generators (except large hydro) Source: Lovins/2006; based on MIT 2003). 03.07.2006 Worldwide electrical generating capacity: Decentralized (28 GW) vs. nuclear (4.7 GW) in 2004 (forecast 2010: ca. 70 GW vs. 0.5 GW!) 03.07.2006 Source: Lovins 2006 Centralized power´s competitors on a consistent accounting basis. Levelised cost of delivered electricity or end-use efficiency (at 2,75¢/kWh delivery cost for remote sources, Source: Lovins/2006; based on MIT 2003). 03.07.2006 Facts and projections on wordwide decentralized vs. centralized (nuclear) electricity capacity and efficiency gains In 2004 low- and no-carbon decentralizend sources of electricity (28 GW) added worldwide 5.9 as much capacity p.a. as nuclear (4.7 GW); in 2010 it could be 65-87GW to 0.48 GW Efficiency gains plus decentralized sources add 10x as much capacity p.a. as nuclear power Nuclear is an inherently limited climate protection option: it makes only electricity and it`s too big for small countries, the slowest option to deploy, (without subsidies) the most costly and financially risky technology, least accepted in society and vulnerable to terrorist attacks and proliferation: „Since nuclear power is unnecessary and uneconomic, we needn‘t debate whether it`s safe“ (Lovins 2006, p.18) Comparative costs (MIT 2003; levelized 2004 US$; including 2.75c/kwh delivery costs;$100/t carbon tax): - nuclear: 9.77 c/kWh (decreasing to 7.15 c/kWh?) - coal: 9.66 c/kWh (without tax: 7.15 c/kWh) - combined cycle: 7.78 - 9.77c/kWh (depending on gas prices; without tax: 6.73-8.61 c/kWh) - wind: 7.51 - 8.01 c/kWh (1.0 c/kWh reduction expected in 2012) - end-use efficiency: 1c/kWh up to 5c/kWh (suboptimal business programs); average: 2- 4c/kW Opportunity costs: Instead of spending 10c to displace 1 kWh coal-fired electricity/C02 by nuclear we get: 1.2-1.7 kWh wind, 0.9 -1.7kWh gas fired industrial cogeneration; 10 kWh enduse efficiency Opportunity costs and climate protection: „nuclear power saves half as much carbon per dollar as windpower and traditional cogeneration, half to a ninth as much as innovative cogeneration, and a tenth as much as end-use efficiency“ (Lovins, 2006, p.15) 03.07.2006 European Energy Priorities DG Energy and Transport Piebalgs: „Increase Energy Efficiency. Energy efficiency is a core objective of the European Commissions Energy Policy. It will be a key priority from 2005 onwards It is commonly accepted that the Union could save 20% of the energy use in a costeffective manner. Even if only a proportion of this is achieved, it means a real contribution to Europe`s competitiveness, a boost to Europe`s security of supply, a significant contribution to meet the Union Kyoto objectives and in particular a real gain in employment, given that the majority of the energy efficiency services and products come from the Union“. 03.07.2006 Results of the first European Energy-Delphi-Survey up to 2030 „The 670 experts gave those technologies the highest priority which could reduce the energy consumption“ („increase of energy efficiency“)... A clear trend to a decentralized energy system and to implementing more energy storage capacity was identified... Nuclear energy was controversial among the experts...A number of Delphi comments point to the apparent contradiction between the high share of funding for nuclear research, especially fusion, and the meagre positive impacts anticipated over the next 35 years... The respondents generally rated the anticipated impacts of C02 sequestration as rather low in relation to the uncertainties connected with the technology“.(IZT 2004) 03.07.2006 Target 2020. Results of an integrated EU25-Scenario: Analysis on behalf of WWF (Wuppertal Institute, 10/2005) Policies & measures (P&M) compared to BAU for GHG-reduction up to 2020; CO2 emissions can be reduced by more than 30 % until 2020 (vs. 1990) energy efficiency must be given highest priority; efficiency/renewables integration needed 20 % share of renewable energies is feasible (2020) active climate protection strategy yields further benefits: less oil and gas import dependence reduced risks of energy shortages and energy price peaks reduction of high energy costs; positive net employment effects less environmental burdens. 03.07.2006 A climate friendly path for EU25 is possible: 30% C02 reduction up to 2020 4.000 3.500 – 30 % Milion tons of CO2 3.000 2.500 Transport 2.000 Tertiary Residential 1.500 1.000 Industry ET-Sectors: (~ 55 % of total) 500 Energy Branch Electricity & Steam prod. 60 % of Reduction ~ 2.8 % per year 0 1990 03.07.2006 1995 Source: Wuppertal Institute 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Acceleration of Energy Efficiency in EU 25 Improvements in all Sectors are feasible Improvement of Energy Efficiency by Sector % per Year 0,0% 0,5% 1,0% 1,5% 3,0% 2,7% 1,3% Residential (Energy on Private Income) 2,6% 1,8% Tertiary (Energy on Value added) 2,8% 0,4% 90 - 00 Actual 00 - 20 BAU 00 - 20 P&M 03.07.2006 2,5% 1,9% Industry (Energy on Value added) Transport (Energy on GDP) 2,0% Source: Wuppertal Institute 2,2% Acceleration of efficiency increase p.a. in all sectors (vs. actual and BAU) Residential: doubling Industrial/commercial + 50 % Transport x 5 Total: almost a doubling of efficiency increase p.a. Increasing energy efficiency over 20 years by more than a third Primary Energy Use and Energy Security: P&M vs. BAU Scenario 800 BAU Oil 700 P&M Oil 600 BAU Natural gas Mtoe 500 P&M Natural gas BAU Nuclear 400 P&M Nuclear 300 BAU Solids P&M Solids 200 BAU RES 100 P&M RES 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute 2010 2015 2020 2025 CO2 reduction by strategy: Priority for energy efficiency Emission reductions P&M vs. BAU 4 500 000 4 000 000 Energy Efficiency - 22 % 3 500 000 Fossil fuel switch - 2 % t CO2 3 000 000 2 500 000 Renewables 2 000 000 1 500 000 1 000 000 500 000 BAU 0 P&M 03.07.2006 1990 1995 2000 Source: Wuppertal Institute 2005 2010 2015 2020 - 14 % P&M-Scenario: 580 TWh electricity savings up to 2020 (14% compared to BAU) 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Energy Savings by Appliances in the Commercial Sector, P&M vs. BAU Scenario, 2020 (EU 25) Electricity 15 Mtoe (22%) 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Fuel/Heat 23 Mtoe (24%) Energy Savings by Appliances in the Residential Sector, P&M vs. BAU Scenario, 2020 (EU 25) Electricity Total 48 Mtoe (24%) 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Electricity 33% 23 Mtoe (40%) BAU: Transport Sector Trends Almost Doubling of Emissions 1 800 Vapour/H2O 1 600 CO2 Air CO2 other 1 400 + 117 % mt CO2eq 1 200 1 000 800 + 54 % 600 400 200 0 1990 03.07.2006 2000 2010 Source: Wuppertal Institute 2020 Aviation is responsible for almost 50 % of increase in transport sector emissons (including H2O) Based on: Global Market Forecast 2003 (Airbus Industries) BAU scenario: 195 Mt CO2 (including water emissions 586 Mt CO2eq) Demand growth: + 5.4 %/ year (+119% 2005-2020) Fuel Efficiency: + 0.58 %/ year (+8.3% 2005-2020) P&M scenario: 139 Mt CO2 (including water emissions 416 Mt CO2eq) Demand growth: + 4%/ year (+80% 2005 – 2020) Fuel Efficiency: +1.55%/ year (+20.8% 2005 – 2020) Transport Sector: Emission Reductions P&M compared to BAU Demand measures ( e.g. emission trading, tax incentives, rising energy prices, road pricing): Passenger road transport: - 17 Mt CO2 Demand Air transport: - 34 Mt CO2 measures: Optimisation of logistics: -106 Mt CO2 Trucks: - 55 Mt CO2 Efficiency Improvements: Passenger cars: - 106 Mt CO2 Efficiency: -175 Mt CO2 Aviation: - 21 Mt CO2 Trucks: - 48 Mt CO2 Biofuels: Renewables: Target 2020: 8 % share: - 64 Mt CO2 -64 Mt CO2 03.07.2006 P&M compared to BAU for power production: Significant structural change needed! BAU: + 339.500 MW new fossil condensing power plants + 71.400 MW CHP generation P&M: + 65.200 MW new fossil condensing power plants + 118.400 MW new CHP (45 % biomass) 03.07.2006 Economic rationale of the P&M scenario: Multiple benefits As compared to BAU Reduced energy imports (depending on oil price (24 - 48$/bbl) & $ / Euro ratio by 0.3 to 0.6% of GDP in 2020 (46 to 120*109 Euro in 2020) Cutting of thermal power plant investment by roughly 50% (100 – 200*109 Euro savings) Doubling of investment in renewable energy generation + 50 GW offshore windturbines (roughly +50*109 Euro investments needed) Cost-efficient investments in energy efficiency Reduced costs for energy imports cover 1.6 to 4.1 ct per kWh of energy savings According to LCP-studies this covers for cost-efficient saving potentials of 20 to 30% (on a macro economic level) The P&M strategy substitutes imports by domestic investments Fuel import expenses and investment in fossil power plants By domestic investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy technology and domestic (renewable) energy production The P&M strategy reduces economic risiks Generates higher and more sustainable investment Is largely cost efficient on a macro economic level (on average) Offers higher resilience toward energy price shocks and higher price scenarios 03.07.2006 The growing energy import dependency of Europe Source: European Commission 2004 03.07.2006 Final energy consumption in transport from 1990 to 2003 in the EEA30 (EU25 plus Norway, Iceland, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey) and the cost of the fuel (pretaxes, inflation-corrected, Euro of 2005) Quelle: EEA-fact sheet in the Oil Bulletin, 2005 03.07.2006 How can Germany contribute to climate mitigation? CO2-reduction path in a German sustainable energy system - energy related emissions only - 1.000 800 Governmental declaration 2002: - 40% in 2020 Commitment - 25% in 2005 600 Kyoto-target 2008-2012 400 CO2 emissions 200 0 1990 Recommendations Enquete; IPCC: - 80% in 2050 1990-2003 2000 Reference case 2010 Scenario Nat. conservation 2020 2030 Reduction targets 2040 2050 oeko\co2deu.pre;3.1.04 Sources: DIW-report 10/2004; reduction path: BMU 2004 03.07.2006 Decoupling GDP-growth (1.5% p.a.) from energy: The role of sectoral energy efficiency in a German sustainable energy system 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Structural change in a sustainable German power system: Big power plants are phased out - decentralisation of new power plants would be necessary Stromerzeugung Bestandsund Neukraftwerken bis 2050 Power Generation from von existing and new power stations until 2050 Sustainability Scenario - Szenario NACHHALTIGKEIT - Gross energy generation, [TWh/a] Bruttostromerzeugung, [TWh/a] REG für REN for hydrogen Wasserstoff 500 REG-Inland REN domestic, old & new alt + neu KWK Biomasse CHP biomass, new Neubau KWK fossil, CHP fossil, new Neubau Kond.KW, fossil Cond. CHP, fossil, new Neubau 400 300 Erdgas/Öl Existing gas/oil Bestand REN for hydrogen Steinkohle Existing hard coal Bestand REN import Braunkohle Existing lignite Bestand REN domestic, old & new Kernenergie Nuclear Power CHP biomass, new 200 100 0 2000 REG-Import REN import 2005 2010 2015 Source: Enquete Commission 2002 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 uba-2\zubau01.pre;25.6.02 The increase of renewables in a sustainable German energy system: Low incentives by ET! 360 320 1.400 67,6 Electricity 46,7 1.200 Heat 58,0 280 34,9 1.000 240 46,5 23,8 800 200 30,3 160 REN share (%) 120 80 400 REN share (%) 14,1 200 6,1 U 0 2000 2010 2020 2030 Biomass Wind Onshore Geothermal Photovoltaic Import REN 2050 Wind Offshore 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute l oeko\stromerz; 6.1.04 6,1 2,9 0 2000 t (fi Hydropower 2040 f l h Electricity generation 40 13,7 600 2010 Biomass indiv. heatings Collectors distric heating 2020 2030 Biomass distric heating Geothermal 2040 2050 Collektors indiv. installations CHP with H2 distric heating oeko/regwae-NP2; 14.1.04 Planned power plant capacities 2006 to 2012 in Germany (Sources: BMU Statusbericht Energie-Gipfel 3/2006; VDEW 24.1.2006; LBD Research 6.4.2006) year natural gas 03.07.2006 natural gas gas turbine natural gas hard coal brown coal Long term structural effects of NAP II (Germany): 23 GW (>50% coal) planned - about 70 mio t C02 fixed! CO2-Emissions in Mio. t/a NAP II (Germany): Todays privileges for coal power plants cause too many CO2 emissions in the future Necessary reductions of CO2 to reach the +2o C goal of EU (= 80% CO2-reduction in Germany) 03.07.2006 Source: Literature list of Wuppertal Institute Transportation in a sustainable German energy system: The „efficiency revolution“ can make alternative fuels feasible! 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Fuels for transportation in a long run German Sustainability Scenario 2100 Final energy, PJ/a 3000 2.775 2.623 2500 Strom Power Benzin Gasoline Diesel Diese Kerosene Kerosin Biofuels Biokraftstoffe lNatural gas Erdgas H2 2030) H2(ab (from 2030) 2.274 2000 1.841 1.550 1500 1.117 970 1000 880 E d 810 780 760 2080 2090 2100 500 i 0 [P 03.07.2006 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 Source: DLR/IFEU/WI 2004 Strategic „Implementation Order“ of Renewables towards a Sustainable German Energy System: First electricity (E), then heat (H), then transportation (F) 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute CO2 avoidance costs for electricity generation by renewables – a matter of strong dynamics and learning effects 970 Photovoltaic Wind Onshore Wind Offshore 1) 2000 2030 2050 Geothermal plant Solar thermal power plant 1) with transport Biomass CHP Hydropower > 1 MW 1) initial figure stands for 2005 Hydropower < 1 MW -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 EUR/t CO2 100 120 140 oeko/co2-ver; 18.4.04 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute 160 Electricity production costs (Euro/kWh) Comparison of electricity costs of new powerplants - fossil mix 50% coal, 50% natural gas 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 2000 REG fossiler Mix zusätzl. CO2-Rückhalt. mix Mix of mix of fossil additional CO2-Sequest. Basis Kostenbandbreite 15 EUR/t CO2 CO2 Kostenbandbreite renewables fuels (cost range) 15 EUR/t (cost range) 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 oeko/kost-kw.pre; 15.09.03 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Assessment of cost effective CO2-reduction potentials in Germany: 70 technological options in the heat and electricity sector (WI 9/2005) More than 120 mio t of CO2 (20-25%) can be avoided with zero net costs specific costs of saved energy CO2-avoidance costs 03.07.2006 Marginal costs of advanced technologies compared to reference cases over the life time Net costs of technological CO2 reduction options in Germany until 2015 Net costs of conserved energy=additional costs of advanced technology less long-run avoided system costs 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute Dynamic and static electricity saving potentials (net) in Germany, compared by sectors with the respective total consumption in 2003 electricity saving potentials as part of the 2003 consumption [TWh/year] 250 dynamic potential to 2010 additional dynamic potential to 2015 200 difference to static total potential remaining electricity consumption 150 100 50 0 residential commercial & public Sector 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute industrial Dynamic and static saving potential for heating fuels and district heat (net) in Germany, compared to the respective total consumption in 2003 fuel saving potentials as part of the 2003 consumption [TWh/year] 700 dynamic potential to 2010 600 additional dynamic potential to 2015 difference to static total potential 500 remaining fuel consumption 400 300 200 100 0 residential commercial & public Sector 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute industrial Dynamic and static GHG-reduction potentials from energy end-use efficiency in Germany, to the respective total consumption in 2003 300.000.000 CO2 saving potentials as part of the 2003 emission [t/year] dynamic potential to 2010 additional dynamic potential to 2015 250.000.000 difference to static total potential remaining CO2 consumption 200.000.000 150.000.000 100.000.000 50.000.000 0 residential commercial & public Sector 03.07.2006 Source: Wuppertal Institute industrial Economic and job impacts of a German sustainable energy system (80% C02-reduction; nuclear phase out by 2025) Additional cost (cumulative: 2000 to 2050; compared to reference case) 201 billion Euro 3,8 billion Euro/a Annual additional cost in average Additional costs per capita • significant (net) employment effects (change of jobs): - renewable energies: + 250.000 to 350.000 - building industry: + 85.000 to 200.000 - coal and nuclear industry: - 100.000 03.07.2006 48 Euro/capita Lessons learned from German long term Energy Scenarios 80% C02 reduction up to 2050 is technically and economically feasible with different technological options on the supply side 60-75% of C02-reductions must and can be realized by energy efficiency Risk minimisation - climate protection plus nuclear phase out - can be financed with reasonable additional costs Key challenges for implementation: Growing opposition against higher costs of renewables Strategic initiative for fostering energy efficiency in all sectors needed R&D priorities are not adapted to “Top ten” climate mitigation options No consensus on sector and target group specific policy mixes to support renewables, combined heat and power (CHP) and higly efficient vehicles 03.07.2006 Deficits of NAP/ETS in Germany •Strong bargaining power of industry and utilities against tougher caps: Burden shifted to other sectors (residential, commercial & public, transportation) •,Adressing only the supply side and especially the owners of big power plants: 80% of power capacity owned by 4 companies (RWE, E.ON, EnBW, Vattenfall) •No incentive for utilities to engage in DSM („Efficiency power plants“): Potential for electricity savings 20 - 30% compared to BAU •No incentive for decentralisation (Renewables, CHP): Additional potential for decentralised CHP e.g. about 20 GW •Indirect support for nuclear (debates on life time extension; phase out cancelled?) Linking with supporting framework for Renewables, CHP and End Use Efficiency is needed! 03.07.2006 A Paradigm Shift is Needed: ET must be better linked to a Policy Mix to Overcome Barriers and to Foster Decentralisation and Efficiency Technologies! Energy tax, subsidy reform Emission trading, JI, CDM Price structure, costs oriented prices Incentives and support (financial, organisational) :for investments, R&D, demonstration, pilots Campaigning: Motivation, information, energy audits, training Efficiency standards/labelling: for products and production (mandatory/ voluntary) Foster public procurement, bundling of demands etc. Stimulate ESCOs , Contracting/ Third Party Financing (about 600 in Germany) Establish Energy Efficiency Funds: on the national, regional and local level (e.g.ProKlima/Hanover) EU-directive on energy efficiency (target: 1 % additional increase of energy efficiency p.a.) Integrated market transformation programme Manufacturers 03.07.2006 Planers, Installers, Retailers Source: Wuppertal Institute Building, Equipment owners, Final users Energy- (Service) Companies Possible international cooperation on strategic policies and measures 1. Establish tagets, foster dissemination and use technological leap frogging - Raise the share of co- and trigeneration to 20% in 2020 in OECD-Countries 2. Foster Innovation and R&D on renewables, distributed power systems and energy/ material efficient techniques 3. Create markets for electricity from renewables and realize learning effects - Raise share of renewables to 25% (2020) and 50% (2050) globally - Use guaranteed feed-in tariffs (e.g. German Renewables Resources Act the installed German) 4. Remove barriers to end use energy efficiency by - efficiency targets and standards (like the Japanese “Top Runner Program”) - voluntary agreements in energy intensive industries (like in NL) - internal emissions trading schemes (like BP or Shell) - standards for car fleet efficiency (like in California) - energy efficiency funds and DSM-programs (like in 20 US states and in Europe) - building codes for low energy and passive houses (like in Germany) - founding Energy Service Companies (e.g. more than 600 ESCOs in Germany) 5. Foster resource productivity increase (“eco-efficiency”) by integrated energy and material efficiency projects/programmes - e.g. 5% of German energy consumption can be conserved by efficient material managment (e.g. recycling) 6. Safeguard access to advanced energy for the poor (2.4 billion people) - Integrate rural electrification programs for income generation into ODA/establish micro credit programs - Build a network of decentralized international “Efficiency and Renewables Centers” - Found a “Knowledge Diffusion Network” in cooperation with the “GEF-family” to disseminate lessons learned 03.07.2006 Possible international cooperation on knowledge sharing and diffusion of technologies 1. Establish an „International Knowledge Sharing and Diffusion Network“ and help developing countries to „leap frog“ to advanced technologies Foster dissemination, replication and expansion of good practice. Establish a co-ordinating unit (“International Effciency and Renewable Agency”) and a network in cooperation with the “GEF family”. Identify, systematize and publish relevant information related to lessons learned from successes and failures of projects and for market aggregation (“good policies”) Develop Handbooks for target groups; provide high profile and authorised data on key technologies, costs, financing, standard specifications, typical applications etc. 2. R&D-Initiative to build „2000 W per capita societies“: Identify feasibility and R&D needs: technological foresight of new technologies and potentials Integrate material and energy efficiency into energy systems analysis („lightweight economy“) Identify patterns of „sustainable consumption and production“ 03.07.2006 R&D contributes to close the „efficiency gap“: The Vision of a „2000W per Capita Society“ (The Swiss „White Book for R&D of energy-efficient technologies“,March 2004) Starting point of a R&D initiative of Swiss Research Institutes (e.g. PSI, ETH): 2000W/cap (=65 GJ/cap) corresponds to 1/3 of today`s European per capita energy use; world average in the last two decades (=70 GJ/cap) Assuming GDP/cap growth of 2/3 up to 2050, the „2000W per Capita Society“ requires a factor 4 to 5 increase of energy efficiency (including structural change) A fundamental change of the innovation system and five decades are needed to exploit the opportunities of long re-investmant cycles (e.g.industrial processes,buildings,power plants) 03.07.2006 The „2000 W per capita society“. The Swiss example Reference case: 2/3 of primary energy demand is lost in energy conversion in the world energy system Swizzerland in 2000 and 2050: reducing losses and energy per capita demand by two thirds while increasing energy services by 65% is proven to be technically feasible Source: Novatlantis, 2005 03.07.2006 Source: Literature list of Wuppertal Institute Feasible efficiency potentials to reach a „2000 W per Capita Society“ (according to Swiss White Book 2004) Buildings: 80 % (new types of insulation and windows; efficient low temperature heating and heat recovery; decentralised combined heat, cold and power produc- tion, integrated PV and solar thermal systems) Large equipments and industrial plants: 20-50% (paper machines, petro-chemical plants and industrial kilns; process substitution/ i.g. bioplastics) Transportation: cars: up to 70% (light weight, braking energy recuperation, new materials, downsizing);trains: up to 60% (new propulsion, light construction); buses and light trucks: up to 60% (freight logistics) ; air crafts: up to 45% (improved turbines and aerodynamic efficiency) Systematic use of power electronics and telematics (30-80%) More efficient material use: 30-90% (reduce, recycle, reuse,substitute: “The close relationsship between material use and energy demand opens an entirely new area of energy systems analysis and...offers major entrepreneurial opportunities for a lighter, more efficient and less polluting industrial society“) R&D on „soft issues“ and „implementation research“ is needed as well: Social innovations and new behaviour patterns in decisions making („use instead of own“, life cycle costs including external costs,policy mix to overcome barriers and market failures) 03.07.2006 Perspectives of “Post-Kyoto” climate mitigation policies: Parallel tracks “Kyoto” continues, but modified New targets negotiated for subsequent periods, with additional countries added to Annex B Structure of emissions trading system retained while CDM is streamlined Additional areas of agreement around technology, adaptation and financial assistance to developing countries In the near term, international process may move down parallel tracks: Kyoto and non-Kyoto, Kyoto evolves, although perhaps with limited additional reductions in near term “Non-Kyoto” structure may include US and key developing countries, 03.07.2006 International markets (through CDM) also developing, but only marginal interest in energy efficiency January 2004 – April 2005 $680 million in contracts Source: World Bank, 2005, State and Trends of the Carbon Market 03.07.2006 72 Concluding Comments: ET should be integrated into target oriented technology deployment and diffusion programms To date, international negotiating focus has been on top down “GHG-reduction”approaches Driven by the connotation of “burden sharing”, forgetting societal benefits and “profit sharing” amongst the “winners” of climate mitigation technologies Driven by the theoretical rationale of economic efficiency of ET, forgetting the reluctance of private sector (“loosers”) and policy to adopt globally efficient systems While some industries and countries are moving forward, necessary caps are rejected by key players including US, and developing countries Alternatives (“parallel tracks”) include mechanism and policy mix for “scaling up” markets and encouraging innovation Technology and sectoral approaches Development approaches, and Sub-global target oriented agreements and cooperation Main goal: Fostering the dissemination and deployment of the (e.g. End use Efficiency, Renewables, Trigeneration) 03.07.2006 “three green pillars” Thank you for your attention! 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