How to get the Most out of Your PID Standards Certification Education & Training Publishing Conferences & Exhibits Presenter • Gregory K. McMillan – Greg is a retired Senior Fellow from Solutia/Monsanto and an ISA Fellow. Presently, Greg contracts as a consultant in DeltaV R&D via CDI Process & Industrial. Greg received the ISA “Kermit Fischer Environmental” Award for pH control in 1991, the Control Magazine “Engineer of the Year” Award for the Process Industry in 1994, was inducted into the Control “Process Automation Hall of Fame” in 2001, and received the ISA “Life Achievement Award” in 2010. Greg is the author of numerous books on process control, his most recent being Essentials of Modern Measurements and Final Elements for the Process Industry. Greg’s expertise is available on the web site: 2 Unifying Concept of Delay • • “Without deadtime I would be out of a job” Fundamentals – A more descriptive name would be total loop deadtime. The loop deadtime is the amount of time for the start of a change to completely circle the control loop and end up at the point of origin. For example, an unmeasured disturbance cannot be corrected until the change is seen and the correction arrives in the process at the same point as the disturbance. – Process deadtime offers a continuous train of values whereas digital devices and analyzers offer non continuous data values at discrete intervals, these delays add a phase shift and increase the ultimate period (decrease natural frequency) like process deadtime. • Goals – • Minimize delay (the loop cannot do anything until it sees and enacts change) Sources – Pure delay from process deadtimes and discontinuous updates – Piping, duct, plug flow reactor, conveyor, extruder, spin-line, and sheet transportation delays (process deadtimes set by mechanical design - remaining delays set by automation system design) – Digital device scan, update, reporting, and execution times (0.5∗ΔT) – Analyzer sample processing and analysis cycle time (1.5∗ΔT) – Sensitivity-resolution limits – Backlash-deadband – Equivalent delay from lags – Mixing, column trays, dip tube size and location, heat transfer surfaces, and volumes in series (process lags set by mechanical design - remaining lags set by automation system design) – Thermowells – Electrodes – Transmitter damping – Signal filters 3 Unifying Concept of Speed • • “Speed kills - (high speed processes and disturbances and low speed control systems can kill performance)” Fundamentals – The rate of change in 4 deadtime intervals is most important. By the end of 4 deadtimes, the control loop should have completed most of its correction. Thus, the short cut tuning method (near-integrator) is consistent with performance objectives. • Goals – Make control systems faster and make processes and disturbances slower • Sources – Control system – PID tuning settings (gain, reset, and rate) – Slewing rate of control valves and velocity limits of variable speed drives – Disturbances – Steps - Batch operations, on-off control, manual actions, SIS, startups, and shutdowns – Oscillations - limit cycles, interactions, and excessively fast PID tuning – Ramps - reset action in PID – Process – Degree of mixing in volumes due to agitation, boiling, mass transfer, diffusion, and migration 4 Unifying Concept of Gain • • “All is lost if nothing is gained” Fundamentals – Gain is the change in output for a change in input to any part of the control system. Thus there is a gain for the PID, valve, disturbance, process, and measurement. Knowing the disturbance gain (e.g. change in manipulated flow per change in disturbance) is important for sizing valves and feedforward control. • Goals – Maximize control system gains (maximize control system reaction to change) and minimize process and disturbance gains (minimize process reaction to change). • Sources – PID controller gain – Inferential measurements (e.g. temperature change for composition change in distillation column) – Slope of control valve or variable speed drive installed characteristic (inherent characteristic & system loss curve) – Measurement calibration (100% / span). Important where accuracy is % of span – Process design – Attenuation by upstream volumes (can be estimated) – Attenuation by upstream PID loops (transfer of PV variability to controller output) • For the eight other unifying concepts check out Deminar #9 “Process Control Improvement Primer” Sept 8, 2010 Recording: 5 Self-Regulating Process Open Loop Response Response to change in controller output with controller in manual % Controlled Variable (CV) or % Controller Output (CO) CV Kp = ΔCV / ΔCO Self-regulating process gain (%/%) CO Maximum speed in 4 deadtimes is critical speed ΔCV 0.63∗ΔCV ΔCO observed total loop deadtime θo τp2 or τo Time (seconds) Self-regulating process open loop negative feedback time constant 6 Integrating Process Open Loop Response Response to change in controller output with controller in manual % Controlled Variable (CV) or % Controller Output (CO) CV Ki = { [ CV2 / Δt2 ] − [ CV1 / Δt1 ] } / ΔCO Integrating process gain (%/sec/%) CO Maximum speed in 4 deadtimes is critical speed ΔCO ramp rate is ΔCV2 / Δt2 ramp rate is ΔCV1 / Δt1 observed total loop deadtime θo Time (seconds) 7 Runaway Process Open Loop Response Response to change in controller output with controller in manual % Controlled Variable (CV) or % Controller Output (CO) Kp = ΔCV / ΔCO Runaway process gain (%/%) Acceleration For safety reasons, tests are terminated after 4 deadtimes Maximum speed in 4 deadtimes is critical speed 1.72∗ΔCV ΔCV ΔCO Noise Band observed total loop deadtime θo τ’p2 or τ’o runaway process open loop positive feedback time constant Time (seconds) 8 Loop Block Diagram (First Order Approximation) Delay Lag Gain θL τL KL Delay <=> Dead Time Lag <=>Time Constant ΔDV Load Upset Delay Lag Gain Delay Lag Delay Lag Gain θv τv Kmv θp1 τp1 θp2 τp2 Kpv Valve ΔMV Process Hopefully τp2 is the largest lag in the loop ΔPV For integrating processes: Ki = Kmv ∗ (Kpv / τp2 ) ∗ Kcv 100% / span ΔCO % PID Kc Ti % Td ΔCV Local Set Point % Delay Lag Gain Lag Delay Lag τc2 θc τc1 Kcv τm2 θm2 τm1 Lag Controller Measurement θm1 Delay First Order Approximation: θo ≅ θv + θp1 + θp2 + θm1 + θm2 + θc + τv + τp1 + τm1 + τm2 + τc1 + τc2 (set by automation system design for flow, pressure, level, speed, surge, and static mixer pH control) 9 Nomenclature ΔCV ΔCO Kc Ki Kp DV MV PV Δt Δtx θo Ti Td to τf τm τp2 τ’p2 τp1 λ λf = change in controlled variable (%) = change in controller output (%) = controller gain (dimensionless) = integrating process gain (%/sec/% or 1/sec) = process gain (dimensionless) also known as open loop gain = disturbance variable (engineering units) = manipulated variable (engineering units) = process variable (engineering units) = change in time (sec) = execution or update time (sec) = total loop dead time (sec) = filter time constant or well mixed volume residence time (sec) = measurement time constant (sec) = primary (large) self-regulating process time constant (sec) = primary (large) runaway process time constant (sec) = secondary (small) process time constant (sec) = integral (reset) time setting (sec/repeat) = derivative (rate) time setting (sec) = oscillation period (sec) = Lambda (closed loop time constant or arrest time) (sec) = Lambda factor (ratio of closed to open loop time constant or arrest time) 10 Practical Limit to Loop Performance Peak error decreases as the controller gain increases but is essentially the open loop error for systems when total deadtime >> process time constant 1 Ex = ∗ Eo (1 + K p ∗ K c ) Open loop error for fastest and largest load disturbance Integrated error decreases as the controller gain increases and reset time decreases but is essentially the open loop error multiplied by the reset time plus signal delays and lags for systems when total deadtime >> process time constant Ei = Ti + Δt x + τ f K p ∗ Kc ∗ Eo Peak and integrated errors cannot be better than ultimate limit - The errors predicted by these equations for the PIDPlus and deadtime compensators cannot be better than the ultimate limit set by the loop deadtime and process time constant 11 Ultimate Limit to Loop Performance Peak error is proportional to the ratio of loop deadtime to 63% response time (Important to prevent SIS trips, relief device activation, surge prevention, and RCRA pH violations) Total loop deadtime that is often set by automation design Ex = θo (θ o + τ p ) ∗ Eo Largest lag in loop that is ideally set by large process volume Integrated error is proportional to the ratio of loop deadtime squared to 63% response time (Important to minimize quantity of product off-spec and total energy and raw material use) θ o2 Ei = ∗ Eo (θ o + τ p ) For a sensor lag (e.g. electrode or thermowell lag) or signal filter that is much larger than the process time constant, the unfiltered actual process variable error can be found from the equation for attenuation 12 Disturbance Speed and Attenuation Effect of load disturbance lag (τL) on peak error can be estimated by replacing the open loop error with the exponential response of the disturbance during the loop deadtime For Ei (integrated error), use closed loop time constant instead of deadtime E L = (1 − e −θo /τ L ) ∗ Eo The attenuation of oscillations can be estimated from the expression of the Bode plot equation for the attenuation of oscillations slower than the break frequency where (τf) is the filter time constant, electrode or thermowell lag, or a mixed volume residence time to Af = Ao * 2π ∗τ f Equation is also useful for estimating original process oscillation amplitude from filtered oscillation amplitude to better know actual process variability (measurement lags and filters provide a attenuated view of real world) 13 Effect of Disturbance Time Constant on Integrating Process Periodic load disturbance time constant increased by factor of 10 Adaptive loop Baseline loop Adaptive loop Baseline loop Primary reason why bioreactor control loop tuning and performance for load upsets is a non issue! 14 Implied Deadtime from Slow Tuning Slow tuning (large Lambda) creates an implied deadtime where the loop performs about the same as a loop with fast tuning and an actual deadtime equal to the implied deadtime (θi) θ i = 0.5 ∗ (λ + θo ) For most aggressive tuning Lambda is set equal to observed deadtime (implied deadtime is equal to observed deadtime) Money spent on improving measurement and process dynamics (e.g. reducing measurement delays and process deadtimes) will be wasted if the controller is not tuned faster to take advantage of the faster dynamics You can prove most any point you want to make in a comparison of control system performance, by how you tune the PID. Inventors of special algorithms as alternatives to the PID naturally tend to tune the PID to prove their case. “Advanced Control Algorithms; Beware of False Prophecies” 15 Effect of Implied Deadtime on Allowable Digital or Analyzer Delay Effect depends on tuning, which leads to miss-guided generalities based on process dynamics sample time = 0 sec sample time = 10 sec sample time = 30 sec sample time = 5 sec sample time = 20 sec sample time = 80 sec In this self-regulating process the original process delay (dead time) was 10 sec. Lambda was 20 sec and the sample time was set at 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 80 sec (Loops 1 - 6) The loop integrated error increased slightly by 1%*sec for a sample time of 10 sec which corresponded to a total deadtime (original process deadtime + 1/2 sample time) equal to the implied deadtime of 15 seconds. 16 Fastest Practical PID Tuning Settings (For Maximum Load Disturbance Rejection) For self-regulating processes: K c = 0.4 ∗ τ p2 K p ∗ θo Near integrator (τp2 >> θo): 1 K c = 0.4 ∗ Ki ∗ θo Td = τ p1 Ti = 2 ∗ θ o Deadtime dominant (τp2 << θo): K c = 0.4 ∗ For integrating processes: 1 K c = 0.5 ∗ Ti = 4 ∗ θo Ki ∗ θo For runaway processes: τ ' p2 Ti = 40 ∗ θ o K c = 0.6 ∗ K p ∗ θo 1 Kp Ti = 0.5 ∗ θ o Td = 0 Td = τ p1 Td = 2 ∗τ p1 Near integrator (τ’p2 >> θo): K c = 0.6 ∗ 1 Ki ∗ θo 17 Performance Checklist • Use smart transmitters with the best sensor technology and integration of process and ambient conditions compensation – – • Avoid older technologies particularly ones with mechanical elements Seek sensor and transmitter with the best sensitivity and repeatability Pick sensor location and installation method to provide the most representative measurement with no stagnation, best velocity, fastest response, and least noise – – – – For DP and pressure transmitters, avoid impulse lines (sensing lines) by direct mounting transmitters For DP and vortex flow meters insure uniform velocity profile For thermowells and electrodes increase velocity to reduce response time and coatings but not so high to cause abrasion, static charge, or vibration For thermowells and electrodes pick locations with good mixing, minimal transportation delay, and least bubbles, slime, and solids 18 Performance Checklist • Use real throttle valves with smart positioners – – – • • Avoid on-off and isolation valves posing as throttling valves. Go to a control valve manufacturer instead of a piping valve manufacturer Seek actuator, positioner, and valve type with best sensitivity of installed flow characteristic and signal response with best sensitivity-resolution and least backlash-deadband Verify positioner feedback measurement is representative of internal closure member (e.g. ball, disk, or plug) and not just actuator position Add DCS signal filter or damping adjustment to keep loop output fluctuations from noise less than the valve deadband to prevent excessive valve packing wear and inflicting disturbances on loop. For wireless transmitters use damping adjustment to reduce keep transmitter output fluctuations from noise less than wireless update “trigger level” to eliminate unnecessary communication and extend battery life. Tune loops to meet loop objectives (e.g. tune level loops on surge tanks to provide a smooth slow transition in feed rate and tune level loops on distillation column overhead receivers that manipulate reflux for incredibly tight control to enforce column material balance and provide internal reflux control) 19 Performance Checklist • Eliminate on-off actions – – – • • • Add cascade control to compensate for nonlinearities and pressure disturbances (e.g. secondary flow loop and secondary coolant temperature loop) For measurable fast disturbances add feedforward control not compensated by secondary loops For fast setpoint response with minimal overshoot consider – – • Replace on-off control by switches with loops Eliminate manual actions by adding loops, keeping loops in highest design mode, adding feedforward, and automating and tuning loops to handle startup and abnormal operating conditions Replace pure batch with fed-batch automation by replacing discrete sequential actions (e.g. stepping feeds) with loops (e.g. throttling feeds) smart bang-bang control setpoint feedforward with proportional action on PV instead of error Optimize setpoints by operating closer to constraints for production rate or product quality spec. Plot process constraint and loop PV in units of process metrics and display lost profit. 20
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