LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 8 TO HELP MANKIND IN WAR Possible Use to Which Birds and Brutes May Be Put IN MILITARY OPERATIONS Iwallowi o Be Sarsr Pigeons as Carriers Said Thin How Elephants aiJ Pif Are Emploveif?The Cooie Not So Stupid When It Is Doing Ujuu-j Duty ' Is just about as firmly IQOitod; perhaps indeed mere so. If a man .is unhappy uftei death, his relatives aire constantly rcsninded of the fact by his 'freqivent appoHaanccs to them, and until thoy havo done. t-'iii: very utmost to perform the duty wltich ho left unfulfilled thoy are liabte to be annoyed by his visitations, which, hciwever, cease when it Is u-.ituiiplianed. The transmigration of snirits: kite the bodies of animals is another article a>apeaeantfeoMe4, The writer has known a servant luaid who left a situai lon when sin* was happy nnd comfortable because on her way into town sho was obliged to pass a largo black retriever dog, whioh sihci vowed was possessed of au evil spirit. Tho banshee is boltowd in universally. It is tlio spirit by whir* death is foretold. Its cry, which resemble*; tho howling of a dog* in pain, but froim which it cau be readily distinguished by a true born son of the soil, is repeated thro* nights in succession, ami forebodee centals doaah. It is said that the spirit takes the form of a little white robed woman vtith flaxen hair, which she is busily engaged in combing whilo emitting her disn wl death wail. Should a mortal approach her sho vanishes, but if he attempts to touch her she hurls her comb vindictively at him, and he falls a victim.?Chicago Di spatch. SAVED BY A COLLISION BY TOLD AN ENGINEER it Refused to Do Good Work and Butler Was Mad When Ho Knew of the Operator's Ovcrsijht :i \u25a0 Changed His Mind About the Ponderous Machine giuo wanted constant company day and night in order to give the best ..peed lti her. He told me that he hud loft his elrNO. 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET. gieo alono several times iv tberoußdheuse at night, just to peeve to himself that lie The Oldest Dispensary on t!to ona*t. Eatabl! th id made no mistake in hi< belief, and that be 25 years. In all PttIVATK l',sa',.:; Ok dnotorhad ju.-.; made a remark that nettled me quite a little. I had asked him if lhiiv wero a*yorders at Maricopa. He auswerod, 'Xone, exoept to try to got to Yunui in timo for dinner.' whioh was pure sarcasm, for if wo mads our running timo wo would bo therein time for breakfast. Well, my heart was clean down in my boots, and when I chut off f:io llwatlll going inlo Big Wells I found the wntor so low in the toilet that something had to The Inexplicable Freaks of a Freight Locomotive 1896. DR. LIEBIG & CO.'S WORLD'S DISPENSARY ny. tovariably made peer time and bad much trouble with tho machinery for several days afterward. "The locomotive engineers hero think a heap moro of their efJglnetth.au the eastMany a man out hero will ern engineers. stick to au old engine after it has become so worn and oM as to be dangerous, because ho oak't lbear to give up his old machine, I suppose the memory of the plains und hundreds of miks we travel on the plains without rueinz .villages and cities as the engineers do In the eastern states makes the western men more attached tic their engines. ?Los Angeles Cor. New - ho dnno for the pump before we could leave that, statiou, us there wus then a heat grade 1c ollmh for several miles. I Informed the conductor that wo would bo delayed 18 or so minutes with tho work of taking down one of iho pumps nnd then proceeded with the work. "we)were Jnal about ready to start again when I heard tho sharp whistle of un engine, and looking up I saw a special t curat! excursion train from southern California approßi blag from the very direction tat which we were going. When the train pulled into the station, wo found that the telegraph operator ut. Marloopa had neglected to give us inee, ing order for this train. Had it not been for tho pumps wo would have dashed on to what would probably havo l«»en one of the most terrible collisions in the history of railroads. "Now comes the remarkable part of tho story. Prom the timo we left Big Wells Dot li pumps worked like a charm ?beat in mind that I found nothing whatever tho matter with tha pump that Ihad taken down, and thcro was apparently no reason for its not working?and tho old engine teemed to dart- along With twico her usual speed. Gradually she began to pick up lime again, and in tho next 50 miles We mado up IS minutes, which was lightning speed in thoso days. Thoro were just 19 minutes to make up tho last 20 miles in, and I need not say that wo pulled into our destination ou time. Horowas an instance of a cranky englne'ssaving a collision that would probably have resulted In a great loss of lifeand property. "Railroading isfull of such experiences. As to the peculiarities of ongineors, it is not best for mo to say ranch, for I nni a queer sort of a fellow myself. But there is one engineer running en this road now who thinks his engine can foci, for when she doesn't run fast enough to please him he beats her witli a heavy or.k club that he always has übrv.nl tho locomotive when he takes her. Old Hank Turlcy, who ran on J the Central Pacific from Ogdon to Reno j for 2-> years, would never sleep anywhere but la his engine cab when he was out on | thw road, because, he B.aid. ito knew from I hundreds of experiments t hat his own en- w"^^,^j/^^j^ffiS^^| CATARFTI a ipMitU*. a euro the Bpecial surgeon irom Francisco Dispensary Kiamiiiatlona with ln_ constant attentions wont ease , Tbe poor treated free from 10 to 12 Fridays. Our 'on£ fjpirlcuco < ?f. 1 ; \c tn-f.t of leeretor private liipafthjs wii.i v ij. York Sun. No matter what your Skulls as Medicine. That lieliof Ihe Chinese have In the remedial qualities of substances forming a part of the human body seems to be irrudIcable. Thinking that Europeans still entertained the same silly ideas led as much as anything else ta the Hen-tain massacres of 2f> years ago, Prehistoric nuin drank from a human skull, believing that tiie uncanny goblet had a cortaiu potency. Not so long ago, the skull of a suicide was I used in Caithness us a drinking cup for tho cure of epilepsy. Been cases have been cited when superstitious people within tho last 30 years havo dug up bodies, so as to possess themselves of skulls for the same purpose. As lato as 1878, in tho official pharmacopoaiaef eheLondouCollegeof Physicians, mention ia made "of the skull of a man who had died a violent death." For centuries in the past, for tho manufacture of certain quack nostrums, notably anointment, ground skulls were used. Tho medical books of Nuremberg of 200 years ago always cito utumie?or the embalmed flesh of nuimmies?as v sovereign cure for certain dlsoeees. The Egyptian mummy was a specific for one malady, tho Tonoriffe f mummy for another.?K«w York Times. (Jure guaranteed trn ible in, com© and talk foi watting drains, uada ' ol -iyg^ *33 SOUTIf "ivIAiN STREET. "l will tell you about one of the stranWhen the next European war comes it is gest a freaks of a that ever loooinotlve octnoro than probable .that it will have curred iv my experience on the road," Mtel and jricMiresqiiepolntof military InBaM Harmon TV Butler, tho beet known terest about it in the employment of animals, which Will play unite as important Southern Pacific engineer, in California, the Other day. "'lt happened in tiie sumapart in the campaigns' in their way as t|ni i of a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all tierthe generals and soldiers, Ever since tho mer of ISSI, when I was pulling freight £?? voua or di.it'a.-of ;;1 i< ratrt c urffajia, suet) an tutit Uauhn,>d \u25a0£] \i\ s\ ) Vi*A iv? \\ NEW YORK'S N/IME. from Tucson, A. T., to Lcs Angeles, and I II Insomnia, Pains in tho Buck, Seminal Emissions, Nervous Dpbllity. earliest days ol war? from tho very beginE5 S fawflJ Harry, Kxhaitsdlng Drains, Vurlrtooele and of never 1 '-l' have, have come across anybody who could "Pi I\? jr IV *Wbr* Constipation. l ;i 1 nilito ning ot things, 1 hot is?horses all tosses by day or night Prevents qnMc* Itstops --/ nosof discharge, give an explanation of my experience, nnd course, heon military aids of the greatest Not So Had as It WooM Have Been Had Hi Which If notchi ~ked leads toMporinntnrrho'uaiid \-' !jl thehorrutrtof Impotenrj*. 4IT PI \u25a0>i: Nl2 rluuusuutiieliver, UieYork's Old Names, Snrinved. «.»;-, «r value. Now it is planned?indeed several have never been ablo to ear. through it mymm BCrORC AFTER j-rUHEAND »EH kid nevs ..t.d th" urlnnryorgans of ailimpurities. self. You may draw your own conclusions. Cv of the European powers are actively maki l strengthens and restores small weak organs. Now that New York's, oame is under 4 CUPIISBBI I'hft reason sufferers nrn not cured by Doctors is because ninr>fr prr rent nro troubled with draft other animate discussion, it is wVV.I to be thankful that "The nl£ltr. I had my experience was ing experiments?to Prostatitis. TUPIJIKN fills tlm only known remedy to euro without un op<-ratlon. 6000 leetlmOß> late the service, with tho exportation that tho contraction of1 old Y'orkfs original dark and stormy. It was in tho period of els. A written fTuarant"" pi you and mom-y returned !f pit boxes docs not ejtct a permanent tOJA peculiar storms and cloudbursts down in f l.uOa box, six for *f».00, by mail, (Send for nitcßt in-nt'ir and v atlmunials. they will be of great help. Eurewic took place be/ore the qualifying I Arizona. was ordered from Tucson for Addran DAVOb \u25a0I: *nil\ E CO., r. O. Uox 9079, Ban FraucLico, Cnl, Jbr&tff?>i# France, during the times of? tho Franco- "New" was added, for if YTork is bad OFF A VAUOKN, XX corner Fourth and Spring Streets. the overland express that left there at midGerman conflict, brought tlao science ot New Eurewic would bo unbearable. night. Somehow everything seemed to go carrier pigeons up to a higfe standard of York's still earlier name of Eboraoum wrong that night. The fireman seemed to The New No. 2 efficiency. Then it was thought that no would have gone no better with "New," superior to this lithe little bird oould ho and her Celt ie name of Caer Eliroc would be slower than usual, und he had a great found as a carrier of dispatches. Hut the havo been even worst I thwi afny of tho time getting his coal placed in the tender. The locomotive hostler at the roundhouse French military authorities' are-beginning Others with a third element psetfixed. K.t Ksi'c jr Pain! \u25a0W^?« had forgotten tn fix the oil valves, nnd the Kola) TillfuriMl! to think differently now. Experiments The syllable "win," \yhich has almost swallow, and he disappeared in the contntetion.otf Eurewic boiler never mado Steam so slowly. To have beoa made with tle> Wii.e for fi.l p-iKc V, '''i Ji. .is be) swifter, ;uitl worse, surer iaxon make matteas tbe train :s*4 dispatcher proved York, has to alto- to is rather the wie. mean\'' testimonials of many j gether pore satisfactory. kept us in the station a plump hour past Thoro is the ing an abiding place, tthan u*i Danish litres, tic:.'.!? j rsstwfu ESsi*a regular leaving tithe, and just before wt greatest probability, therefore, that swalwie. meaning a station Sor ships?surely Crockett's l'ievengo. 'f- CHA'tl:: V, M. D. j lows wili be part of the army equipment started tho eunductor came io me ami said an appropriate suffix for,so great»a seaport fl for tire next campaign. rs tho chief commercial oity of tho new j tho general superintendent was on board i Car.E!r Hs-.pl tal, 4>S W.Tcrlli SI Thcro is n story of Crockett, of "Sfickit # VflSlsc,2H W. First St. I f J LOSANRCLCS, the train and would po way through with A now idea has sprung up in Fronch world. Minister" fame, to the effect that whon lie " CAI. us. military circies nevertheless that after all New York is really not worse off, howoffered his first volume to a Scotch firm PLEASE SEND THIS TO SOME ONE it is rather imprudent for a great army to ever, in tho matter of its name than a "I ought, to say here, oven If it den they returned it with a polite noto assurOH TUMOR. WITH CANCER intrust Hs messages, frequently of great pood many other cities aro or have been. Sound egotistical, tha'. I had at that timo ing him that there was no market for that mado the be.=t time known over the Southsort of thing. Tho letter was marked "No. moment, to such small birds, .so subject to York, wilh or without the New, is better ern Pacific and was generally deputed to uttacks from the great birds of prey that than Mudtown, which is no unfair trans898b." In later years when the earns PERRY, fIOTT & CO.'S vio continual!-.- on tho outlook for such us publishers asked him for one of bis manulation of Lutetla, the ancient Roman name I haul the big bags from tho east over tlio Leo. E. Alexander & Bro., Gen'l Agls. they. Ithas bean proposed that storks be for Paris, hestowed upon tho city of the road whenater the- c.ifne in a special car scripts he politely requested them to refej LUMBER YM RD aud wanted extra consideration. Wit H. n. BATWARD, Msr. trained far dispatch sorvice, the theory beto their previous correspondence with him Pnrisii beeauso of its mod houses. LonMILL", AND Pf.ANfNG "Thus was the test time the superinT cl. 794 ing that the "uost inslinot" in these birds, don, by the way, takes its namo from the,, marked "SOcb." 130* Commercial it. Lea Aneeiea. CaL 216 S. Broadway, Los Angclcj swift, train, on and my Bight, their certain their-treroendous fortified hill of tho Britons whore St, tendent bad eve* been of Dublin is a course I was anxious fo sustain my good wing and leg power and their strength to Paul's cathedral now stands. Reputation. But the fates wero against meet any attack whatsoever in tlio air name concealing two unattractive syllables would render them ideal messengers of meaning the Mask pool, and Liverpool 'Is me?an heur luie, the night, dark and stormy. Well, we pßiletl out of the station war. literally tho pool of the Irving creatures, The stork certainly could combat sucso called because wild fowl abounded v pon with my mind made up to reach our deseagle. cessfully any hawk and almost any tho waters of a pool near tho site of tho tination on time if tho wheels would stay Besides, his splendid strength would make city. Brussels is conjectured to racan under her. As soon as wo were out of it- possible for a great bundle of dispatches, either swamp or thicket, and Homo may Tucson 1 put on all tho stoair. and let her CURES an:> rt:i:v] :, < of a weight and size that a dozen carrier 1)6 merely the early Latin equivalent, of go. But ske didn't "seem to move at half Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bronpigeons or swallows would be unable to the oross roads, from the fact that l.i'al her usual speed, and then she didn't make chitis, Pneumonia, Swelling of the convey, to bo sent at onoo under ono cover. Hues of travel met at tho Borura. Berlin steam well oithor. I begun to be impaJoints, Lumbago, Inflammation In Russia a theory a good deal liko this is conjectured to mean tlio short lake. tient and socldod the fireman for not dohas already boon put into practice, and a Other guessers take in ac the.free and open ing good work with his fire. He seemed RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, best, marshy try to his but It was no go. She number of falcons have been put into train- place, tho river island and! the ing for tho Russian army dispatch service spot. would not steam well in spito of his exerFROSTS TES, CHTLLBLAINS, i'h'ADAC E, i 1116 on'y Dootors in Southern Ualifornia Troatinrr ,'] . Names that are commonly accepted as tions. Thoa the pumps began to bo trouaud have proved eminently satisfactory. TOOTHACHE, A>T AH, The falcon himself Is a most warlike bird of but a single word often contain a pAiraso blesome. One of them slopped working DIFFICULT BREATHING Consta ntlnoplie and altogether, and the other became moro inand ardently resists every attack mado of a whole sentence. rri'.ES TH X WORST PAINH in from one to n him. Warsaw and Brost-Litewski, on Valparaiso aro familiar examples. Pereffective every minute. It began to dawn twenty minutes. MOT ON'K HOUk after readfrontier, ach ertisement need any ono SUFFER tho western have been tho scats nambuco sounds well to EngliWh ears, but on mo that making up titoo was out of ing thin II PAIN. Wll of thoso experiments. means the mouth of helh tlalro, whioh the question. A half to a tenspoonfut in halt a tumbler of As to animals pure and simple, tho elehas been mistaken by Europea.o ignorance "You may imagine my feelings, for It Mater wilt In a few minute, euro Crainns. sour stomach. Heartburn. Nervousphant cannon drawers in use In the Britlor tho namo of the city, is rcelly a corseemed to me as fl my whole reputation Bpasm., iiesb, sleeplessness. Sick Headache, Diarrhea*. was staked on this trip. Iprofess to know Dynentry. ish army la India are very familiar, and, ] ruption of its descriptive title, so to spoak, Colic, Flatulency ami all Internal Xl Kabbah, the victorious. WE ARE WILLING TO WAIT FOR OUR FEE UNTIL from tho days of the earliest British posThe true my husiness pretty well and can gel | I sd pains. There is nor a remedial airon' in tho IS r^FECTED " We wiU sent! free, .eciirely sealed, a little boot explaining our method, that will cute Fever-end Ague and all session there, havo done, magnificont servnamo of the city is Misr. Bomt&y is only out of un engine if auy man can, und my world Malarious, without stqmaeb-druEgtae We have the largest practice on the Pacific Coast, trealtag every form of We.kt.e39 and l:uii-, -md other fevers, li Other Use tse. of Men and NO PHINQ HI SP ice. In fact, they wore indispensable in the Portuguese Bona Bahia, go.bd bay, a heart was down below zero when wo beby P'f.LS, quickly aided KADVVAY S >o as Corner Main aud Third Sts., over Wells-Fargo Co. Ofliee Hours uto -1 ami 7to 8.30. Private Bide entrance on Third St. the sepoy campaigns. The oainels of tho modest onough name for an oriental city, gan to drop behind our regular running R.sDWAVS KEADY RELIEP. east arc also valuable adjuncts in the batsince the names of such usually mean a time. But it Was no use. Everything was I-iitv cents per bottle Sold by Druggists tles and forced marches around desert re- great deal that it pretentious or irplendid. ugain6t mo. I was mad clear through. gions because of their tremendous powers "When wo lef: Maricopa, we wero nn Ispahan, for example, is tho hob! of the world; Astrakhan, the city of the star; hour nnd ten minutes late, and the conof endurance. But. it has been reserved for Germany to Bagdad, the garden of justice. Copenhagen bring forward dogs as war animals. An is merely the merchants' harbor. '.Pho conpills are for biliousexhibition of "war dogs" has recently been cealed "news" iv foreign city na:tnes are j held In Dresden and somo splendid specilegion, as Novgorod. Neustadt, Neufchatel, ness, bilious headache, dyspepmens of canine warriors shown. As an atand even Naples.?New York Sun. tacking column dogs will show a sia, torpid liver, diz- The Best Whisky Ever Offered formidable front against the soldiery of SUN COOKING. to the People of the Paany other nation, and as discouragers of ziness, sick headache, bad taste hesitancy during the retreat of an enemy The Chemical Action of the Orb's Itayi cific Coast in the mouth, coated tongue, Rained the Food. thoy willprovo invaluable to the regiment possosslng them. Brigades of dragoons Speaking of primitive methods of heatof appetite, sallow skin.etc, unci hussars will doubtless be superseded ing, it is undoubtedly a fact that man in loss only difficulty hy dog platoons. early ages used bonos to some extent as \u25a0when The that caused by constipation: Hotaling J. H. Cutter Brand-Pure tho Gorman officers foresee Is teaching the fuel, mixing them with pieces of wood. Kentucky dogs to keep ranks until the order Boues contain much fatty matter and and constipation is the most "Charge!" is given. Internal dissensions small ones bum readily, over hones and rations are also to be Ivthe desert, regions of Arizona, w'flere frequent cause of all of them. feured. Yet, a', all events, there willbe no there is no vegetation worth momtioiifing, Ifevidence of Hi purity and tonic quality needed, such expert* as tbe following come in Go by the book. Tills io* and be getting newfangled tho warthe Indians dig up for fuel thociMirmetisly difficulty by writteu certificate to give it: riors to advance upon the enemy in spite developed roots of various plants. Pine 25* a box. Book free at your forward Profs, a. A. Hayes aud Charles T. ARs-ayors, Hoiton, Mass. (lSri7); 0. '-inte D., of shot and shell. cones make a fine kindling antl aro utilM druggist's or write B. F, Allen Co.. A. Mahoney, Fellow ol the chemical aooiety, Even that traditionally stupid animal ized for that purpose all over Europe, parStreet, 77); Canal New London Dr Theodore Deeeke, X. Y. York. lsi the goose?stupid in spite of the fact that ticularly in the Biaek Eorest and other 365 (l»8ft); W. D. Johnston, M. D? late I'rofcstor she is reported to havo saved Homo at one parts of Germany. Oi Chemistry and Tojcicnloiry, Cooper Medical : Annual finles mim Ifmni: (Wl fl f. hn». College, Sr.n*Franciseo (!KVJ and' Charles A. i time?has a possibility of military glory The attention of mauy scientific men Otden, leading Analytical Chemist, of San ; tjieviso under tho new ideas. There ia an authenhas long been engaged in trying to Francisco (1804). 'Ihts testimony covers a period of nearly tic incident of a Bavarian regiment of some sort of apparatus for employing tho foriy years, and the last report bears the same light hussars, stationed at Ingolstadt, Gersun's rays as fuel. Ono of tho more, noted A testimony ?IItiBiIIiJIUUILI Wl?WMEaamßTi as tiie tirst, closing all debate. many, who adopted a young goose during experimenters in this lino is Profeasjor Edror side by their stay thoro and made it, through ward Sylvester Morse. Mirrors ani most tiary tsypbilia permanently cured in to kindness, beoomo so tamo that it was quite commonly used to concentrate thoirays of A. P. HOTALING & CO. Bodayt, You can bo treated at home Jfifcr she pot of tho regiment. It showed its the solar orb for this purpose. tho same price undersame Kiiaranty, i; WINJS AND MERCHANTS, you prefer to come here we wiW contract BFIBIT gratitude by assuming the responsibility In one instance, not long ago, success to pny railroad fare nnd hntol bill?,ami no remaining charge, and sentry duty faithfully you of in was obtained In an attempt to cook a goose if we fall to cure. If have taken mer420 to 437 Jackson St lodide potash, and etiil have ootid and tho vicinity of the sentry box each day by the sun stove. Unfortunately, at tho cury, San Francisco pains, Mucoas Patches In month, fsoreTh rout. from sunrise to sunset. conclusion of tho operation it was found Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcere on aey ofthe body, Hair nrEyfbrown fuXXina Thera was no need whatever for the that the bird was spoiled, bolng rendered nut,part It isthie Syphilitic BLOOD POISON that \u25a0entry to keep careful guard or even to uufit for food by the chemical act ion of the wo g-uarautee to cure. We solicit tha most obstiup down, walk and for tho goose?this ia sun's rays. This, of course, might bo nate caaeß and challenre the world for a we cannot euro. Thts d i -tie hua ftiwaye a historic incident.?kept her eye open, and avoided by shutting up the articles to bo ra*e s»a tiled the sic if 1 of the most eminent physlwlion any ono approached would sot up a cooked in closed ovens. But tho bbjeotion rlana. $500,000 capital bshind our anoondl* aoriel craaranty. Abscdutewoof|eentßea4< ion tremendous squawking. Tho sentry could to tho sun stove thus far found insuperaipplication. Address COOK .ItKMKDY CO*. go to sleep if ho pleased?and indeed many ble is its necessary elaborateness and con- j 107 Majonlo Tomplo. <;HICAUO, lUb 128 MAIN87, of them did?yet, strange to say, no sentry sequent great cost. (luring tho goose's sojourn iv the camp Alcohol is an ideal fuel. It gives great was evor caught napping or found wantheat and its combustion is perfect, without ing. In feet, the soldieri used to say that smuko or other solid residuum, Oldest, most lv.burndid goose duty thu the beet in tho regi- ing it resolves itself into water and car' successful special r Went.?New York World. 'gy gas. bonic Of courso it is too expensive fur common use, but chemistry may yet Doctor for Men discover a way of producing it at a, small IRItH SlfPe ISTI iiONS. /- 1 and Women in fraction of its present cost.?Boston TravFairies and Wltrli<M Auunuii In the Min-ii eller. the city. No fake I - ! i -\u25a0 CANCER M . |C§»l TALCOTT JMtiL 'i/4V 4 a*Jftn fi§ & CO. \ ' I DISEASES OF Tji I lif11 g~l j> > fulfill EXCLUSIVELY IHili IA 10T- Beecham's heartburn, m , , BLOOO PO!SOH I FREE $| To Every Subscriber of THE HERALD. i fj A SPECIALTY«« \u25a0 ° of tile People. All rural communities in the old work', ?re superstitiuiis, and Ireland is noexcep tion to tho rule, writes a foreign cony spondent. Fairies aro suppcsed to wield an awful power over a person's life. Thoj can take P.ue. hosHhy babies from theii mother's anus aud; rjegVe sickly weaklings In their place. They r.::n spirit a child away from its father for a e'enain length of time and restore him when it please.They can steal their fairy highnesses. Wives from husbands and parents from children, besides, working all manner vi mischief In minor matters, such as turning now milk sour, preventingoream from "coming," censing disease and death among poultry and rattle and n host ol other calamities, for the warding off oi which they have numerous charms. In the little town of BeUlaael** lived o man, his wife and an only child. By some unhappy chanro the "good people" cast covetous eyes on the mother nnd bore her away on a gray horse, allowing her to return at midnight for a short time to see her baby. This she did re-rulnrly, the husband taking it all as a matter of course und asking no questions. Her brother, however, chanced to meet her on the threshold one night, and by asking where she was going broko tho enchantment, and she returned to the world once more and lived, perhaps ia living still, to toll her story to the wondering neighbors gathered around the glowing turf Are to atrioke their pipes of peace. [ Site belief in spirit* and spitti walking CLARKE'S PURE Aft RYE Ilia Objections. Ono of tho best men in Stafford county, Va., was running lor supervisor there, and, as usual when a really good man runs for ofliee, thero was vigorous opposition to him. Somo of it waa expected, but when one ignorant but influential old fellow camo out against I ho candidate tho friends of both parties wero surprised, and one of tho candidate's mipporters immediately wont to soe the old man. "Is it actually true that you aro against our man for supervisor?" askod the friend when ho had led up to the point. FOR y*E TRADE SUPPLIED BY f. W. BRAUN & CO. LOS ANGELES. jAjW r« ? =%- }h I -AL:;". if ft FRENCH "In course I am," responded the old man firmly. "But he is ono of the best men in the whole county," argued tho friend. "I ain't douhtiu that at all, only Ican't vote fer him." "Why not?" 'Cuuso I won't vote for no man under These Wafers aro for painful, Scanty, Pro* fine or Irregular Periods, and ladies will And that ho better remedy exist 1! for these dlttoQe* lies. To avoid being impoiec upon by bas* Imitations, buy from our agents and take) KKENCU TANSY WAFERS oaiy. Price by mail, $2. For sale In Los Angoles by " them circumstances." "Under what circumstances?" Inquired the friend in the greatest astonishment, for up to that timo no "oircumstauces" hail appeared in the campaign. "Why, wantin two offices at once, like ho does," explained the kicker. "I'm wlllln to vote fer him fer super, but I'llbe derued cf I'm goiu to vote fer him fer 'visor, and you can tell him so of you want to." Thereupon the friend of tho candidate organized an individual educational cam- delicate dipiomaey brought' the old man up to the tnugh in good shape.?New York fcua. < mAM : " 1 GODFREY & HOORE, Druggist* 10S N* eeasaeweaagMßWßKßßea ' Dr. J , St, v..1 CORDM'Sb''! ;SION CHOCOLATE RMIII paign, and by ;-»?.:imq is pleasant to take nnd never gets rsacid like other Emulsions, It is as Palatable as Milk or Honey, and warreated to ksep sweet until entlrely used in any climate. Send 5c ia postage foriarte sample, 2ZI Darts St. 8. t., Cal. g H M I I H j| WHITE. m. ifspF methods employed. GONOR- RHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, SK!N DISEASES, IMPOTENOY, SEMINAL LOSSES, KIDNEY, BLADDER, STOMACH, LIVER, LUNG, and all PRIVATE and CHRONIC Diseases of MEN and WOMEN cured for I /4 GENEROUS GIFT Life. Consult DR. WHITE first. Dispensary 128 N. Main St. Los Angeles, Cal. Established i3S6. Call or write. .; rtp;"^li^3^t^, -1 Itiar M is a non-poisononi Tajfc"jJ nun.My f.ir Gonorrhoea, Sr>ertnatnrrhipa, ypjßft'cljPlK'-TTOfl OlpHt, t,... 'v. N*} Whit. .', ullllatv r v hM'jf OQ.rontpc'd 1iliala ctargng. or any inmiDiniaHr\j %f not (c aavH tion, itriotare. irritation or ulccia- I re.fDU eonuslon. iion of ni uco ti | mnmM»-^l g7»lr heEvuhs ChlmichCo. branes. Kon-astringent. iI fiold by Drtimsl.t., j a.ESrai ijfiS*CINCINNATI A *<i!r v*l-, "r h ,lt Pl '-'" "r.'ippiT, T ir > > - J \u25a0 " '" ' r 3 Clrculur : ,ottl0". Bent Anita Cream FVj |j| *2.75. on i-ouueet. M 8 Qreat Newspaper what a i£Z Of the many offers made by various newspapers throughout tha country, none have ever made quite se liberal a gift to its subscribers as THE HERALD is now doing. THE HERALD proposes to keep in the front rank among the great papers of the United States. 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