PROGRAMME In combination with Courses on Operative Andrology of the European School of Urology (ESU) and 24. Jahrestagung der Deutschen gesellschaft für Andrologie (DgA) 28 november – 1 December 2012 • berlin (De) NEW Journal ANDROLOGY! ANDROLOGY is the new merged Journal of the American Society of Andrology and the European Academy of Andrology, incorporating Journal of Andrology and International Journal of Andrology. EDITORS: Ewa Rajpert-De-Meyts and Douglas T Carrell 12 – 4 2 019 ANDROLOGY publishes basic, translational, clinical, and epidemiological research in all areas of andrology. Table of Contents Organisation and Imprint ............................................................................................................................ 4 Welcome Note of the Conference Chairs . ................................................................................................. 6 of the governing Mayor of Berlin .................................................................................... 7 Programme Overviews • 7th European Congress of Andrology . ......................................................... 8 Programmübersichten • Jahrestagung der DGA . ................................................................................... 11 Scientific Programme • 7th European Congress of Andrology Wednesday, 28 November 2012 . ...................................................................................... 12 Thursday, 29 November 2012 ........................................................................................... 18 Friday, 30 November 2012 . ............................................................................................... 24 Wissenschaftliches Programm • Jahrestagung der DGA Freitag, 30. November 2012 .............................................................................................. 29 Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012 .............................................................................................. 32 Poster Sessions .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Meeting Calendar .......................................................................................................................................... 54 Plan of Exhibition Area ................................................................................................................................ 55 Sponsors and Exhibitors .............................................................................................................................. 56 Media Cooperations ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Lunch Symposia . ........................................................................................................................................... 58 Social and Cultural Programme ................................................................................................................. 60 General Information . ................................................................................................................................... 63 Instructions for Speakers and Poster Presenters . ................................................................................... 69 Index of Authors and Chairs . ...................................................................................................................... 70 General Terms and Conditions ................................................................................................................... 78 City Map Berlin ............................................................................................................................................... 79 3 Organisation and Imprint Venue Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin Science & Conference Center Takustraße 39 • 14195 Berlin (DE) Date 28 November–1 December 2012 Organiser European Academy of Andrology (EAA) EAU Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU) German Society of Andrology (DGA) Conference Chairs Prof. Wolfgang Weidner Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology Gießen (DE) Prof. Andreas Meinhardt Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology Gießen (DE) Programme Organising Committee Prof. Richard M. Sharpe (Chair) University of Edinburgh Medical Research Council Centre for Reproductive Health Edinburgh (GB) Prof. Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital Department of Growth and Reproduction Copenhagen (DK) Prof. Vincenzo Mirone University of Naples Federico II Department of Gynecology, Urology and Reproductive Medicine Naples (IT) Dr. Gert Dohle Erasmus University Medical Centre Department of Urology Rotterdam (NL) Prof. Nikolaos Sofikitis, MD Ioannina University Department of Urology Ioannina (GR) Dr. Serge Nef Department of Genetic Medicine and Development University of Geneva Medical School Geneva (CH) Prof. Sabine Kliesch University of Münster Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology Münster (DE) 4 Organisation and Imprint Prof. Stefan Schlatt University of Münster Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology Münster (DE) Prof. Hermann M. Behre University Hospital Halle (Saale) Clinic for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology Halle a. d. S. (DE) Local organising committee – Justus-Liebig-University Gießen (DE) Dr. Agnieszka Paradowska-Dogan Prof. Hans-Christian Schuppe Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology Andrology Dr. Jörg Klug Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology Prof. Martin Bergmann Department of Veterinarian Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Dr. Monika Fijak Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology Prof. Florian Wagenlehner Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology Conference Organisation Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH Jana Radoi/Marit Herrnberger Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena (DE) Phone +49 (0)3641 311 63 62 • Fax +49 (0)3641 311 62 43 [email protected] • Conference Website Design/Layout Layout Print Circulation Editorial Deadline www.krea.tif– 6.000 15 October 2012 The conference is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the B. Braun-Foundation. 5 Welcome Note of the Conference Chairs Dear Friends and Colleagues It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 7th European Congress of Andrology (ECA) to be held under the auspices of the European Academy of Andrology (EAA), the EAU Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU) and the German Society of Andrology (DGA) in Berlin from 28 November to 1 December, 2012. We are delighted to announce that more than 250 abstracts were submitted, a record in the history of the ECA, and would like to thank all authors for their active contribution allowing us to establish a programme that covers all areas of andrology. The 7th European Congress of Andrology will provide a forum for exchange among basic and clinical research in andrology, andrological urology, male reproductive biology and related fields. Active participation is possible by a high number of short oral presentations and a poster session placed centrally in the programme. The agreement on a joint teaching curriculum between the EAA and the ESAU has resulted in the idea of also jointly organising the 7th European Congress of Andrology in conjunction with the DGA. In addition, courses on andrological surgery co-ordinated by the European School of Urology will be held as part of the congress. Thus, the congress offers an ideal opportunity for all andrological subspecialities to foster broad exchange of ideas and collaborations. The 7th ECA will be held in the Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin, a brand new glass cube, recently voted amongst the best congress settings in Germany. Few cities have experienced as many changes over recent years as Berlin being transformed from two separate entities into one again. The city is not only renowned for its architectural monuments and museums, it also offers green oases and night life galore. Often, only a short walk separates elegant boulevards and Berlin’s more alternative neighbourhoods which altogether add to its reputation as one of Europe’s most exciting cities. We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin! Yours Wolfgang Weidner Andreas Meinhardt Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Department of Urology, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology Pediatric Urology and Andrology 6 Welcome Note of the GOVERNING Mayor of Berlin Dear Participants I would like to welcome all of the participants in the 7th European Congress of Andrology to Berlin. I am delighted that you have chosen Germany’s capital city as the venue for this important congress. Andrology’s significance as a medical specialty has been growing for years now. Many men are banking on scientific research and medical advances that will lead to better diagnostic techniques and new options for treatment. One of the German Society for Andrology’s key goals is to ensure that andrological expertise is better represented in all areas of medicine and the natural sciences and to thereby promote interdisciplinary cooperation. I hope that the European Congress of Andrology will help to sharpen awareness of potential synergies between the various specialties and to pave the way for more cooperation outside the boundaries of one’s own field. It is a great honour for Berlin to be hosting the European Congress of Andrology this year. As a renowned scientific and academic location and a center of cutting-edge life sciences research, as well as one of the world’s most popular conference venues, Germany’s capital offers ideal conditions for a successful congress. In this spirit, I would like to welcome you once again to Berlin and to wish you thought-provoking professional exchange and, for our visitors from outside the city, an enjoyable and inspiring stay. Klaus Wowereit Governing Mayor of Berlin 7 Programme Overviews • 7th European Congress of Andrology Wednesday, 28 November 2012 Variabilis 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 8 Harvard Stanford Princeton Welcome ECA Opening Lecture p. 12 Break Short Oral Presentations: Session 1 Free Communications, New Horizons in Andrology p. 12 Welcome Reception p. 16 Short Oral Presentations: Session 2 Hypogonadism, Metabolic Syndrome and Reproductive Function Short Oral Presentations: Session 3 Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Medicine & Andrological Implications of Genital p. 13 Tract Infections p. 14 Short Oral Presentations: Session 4 Sperm Quality and Selection for ART, Determinants of Male Reproductive Health, Genetics and Epigenetics p. 16 Programme Overviews • 7th European Congress of Andrology Thursday, 29 November 2012 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:15 Variabilis ECA Plenary Lecture 1 Metabolic Syndrome and Reproductive Function Harvard Princeton ESU Course 1 Priapism, Penile Implants & Reconstruction and other Surgical Problems in ED p. 18 Break Poster Sessions p. 18 p. 18 Lunch Break ECA Plenary Lecture 2 Ageing ESU Course 2 Peyronie‘s Disease p. 20 p. 20 Break Break ECA Session 2 Epigenetic Mechanisms and Small RNAs ECA Session 1 Developmental Determinants in Male Reproductive Health p. 21 p. 21 p. 22 Break ECA Session 3 Sexual Dysfunction and Erectile Failure ECA Session 4 Pick One and Inject – Will any Old Sperm do for ART? p. 23 Conference Dinner ESU Course 3 Varicocele p. 23 p. 60 9 Programme Overviews • 7th European Congress of Andrology Friday, 30 November 2012 Variabilis 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 10 Harvard Princeton ECA Plenary Lecture 3 Non-Obstructive Azoospermia p. 24 Break ECA Session 5 Klinefelter‘s Syndrome ECA Session 6 Andrological Implications of Genital Tract Infections ESU Course 4 Obstruction of the Seminal Pathways p. 24 p. 24 p. 25 Lunch Break ECA Session 7 ECA Session 8 Normal and Abnormal Development Testicular Cancer of the Male Reproductive Tract p. 25 ESU Course 5 Sperm Retrieval p. 26 p. 26 Break ECA Session 9 INYR Session: Genetics of Male Infertility ESU Course 6 Vasectomy, Sperm Retrieval and Spermatic Cord Denervation p. 27 Break ECA Plenary Lecture 4 New Horizons in Andrology Farewell p. 28 p. 28 p. 27 Programmübersichten • Jahrestagung der DGA Freitag, 30. November 2012 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 Stanford Forum Junge Andrologie Testosteron und Psyche S. 29 Pause Workshop Ejakulatanalyse nach WHO-Empfehlungen S. 29 Pause Lunchsymposium Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH S. 30 pause Workshop Imaging & Histologie in der Uro-Andrologie: Pflicht oder Kür? S. 30 Pause Seminar des Arbeitskreises Andrologie der DGU Teil 1 S. 30 Pause Seminar des Arbeitskreises Andrologie der DGU Teil 2 S. 31 Mitgliederversammlung DGA S. 31 Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:45 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 18:15 18:30 18:45 19:00 19:15 19:30 19:45 20:00 Stanford Neues in der Andrologie: State of the Art Teil 1 S. 32 Pause Neues in der Andrologie: State of the Art Teil 2 S. 32 Pause Lunchsymposium Jenapharm S. 33 Pause Neues in der Andrologie: State of the Art Teil 3 Verabschiedung S. 33 S. 33 11 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 28 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1600–1615 Room Variabilis Welcome W. Weidner, A. Meinhardt (Gießen/DE), R. M. Sharpe (Edinburgh/GB) 1615–1700 ECA Opening Lecture Room Variabilis Chair R. M. Sharpe (Edinburgh/GB) 1615 ID 1 What makes a normal man? J. Toppari (Turku/FI) 1700–1715Break 1715–1845 Short Oral Presentations – Session 1: Room VariabilisFree Communications, New Horizons in Andrology Chairs S. Schlatt (Münster/DE), K. Kula (Lodz/PL) 1715 Compartmentalization and regulation of iron metabolism proteins protect male germ ID 2 cells from peripheral iron fluctuation E. Meyron-Holtz (Haifa/IL) 1725 ID 20 Epigenetic biomarkers of testis and epididymis existing in extracellular nucleic acids from human semen H. Li (Wuhan/CN) Worsening inhibin B, but not testosterone, secretion after kidney transplantation in 1735 ID 4 male patients under 45 years S. Hamdi (Toulouse/FR) 1745 ID 6 Detection of polysialylated NCAM on mammalian sperms S. P. Galuska (Gießen/DE) 1755 Insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) – a new clinical parameter for andrology ID 7 R. Anand-Ivell (Dummerstorf/DE) 1805 Membrane transporters for sulfated steroids and steroid sulfatase expression in the ID 8 human testis – a functional system? D. Fietz (Gießen/DE) 1815 Combined effects of the variants FSHB-211G/T and FSHR2039A>G on male ID 9 reproductive parameters F. Tüttelmann (Münster/DE) 12 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 28 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1825 ID 10 Accumulation of chymase-positive testicular mast cells in infertility patients and evidence for local angiotensin II effects H. Welter (Munich/DE) 1835 Discussion 1715–1845 Short Oral Presentations – Session 2: Hypogonadism, Metabolic Syndrome and Reproductive Function D. Goulis (Thessaloniki/GR), H. M. Behre (Halle a. d. S./DE) Room Harvard Chairs 1715 Sustained improvement of features of the metabolic syndrome upon normalisation ID 11 of serum testosterone in hypogonadal men – follow-up up to 5 years A. Haider (Bremerhaven/DE) 1725 ID 12 Hypogonadism as a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality in men – a meta-analytic study G. Rastrelli (Florence/IT) 1735 ID 13 Body mass index regulates hypogonadism-associated cardiovascular risk – results froms a cohort of subjects with erectile dysfunction G. Corona (Florence/IT) 1745 ID 14 Obesity, insulin resistance and their correlation with testosterone level in caucasian male patients S. Janjgava (Tbilisi/GE) 1755 ID 15 Insulin resistance is associated with increased seminal plasma insulin concentrations and reduced semen parameters in obese patients K. Leisegang (Bellville/ZA) 1805 ID 16 Impact of metabolic syndrome on male fertility parameters A. Pilatz (Gießen/DE) 1815 Testosterone protects from metabolic syndrome-associated prostate inflammation: ID 17 an experimental study in rabbits L. Vignozzi (Florence/IT) 13 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 28 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1825 ID 18 Negative association between levels of testosterone and inflammatory markers in young men J. Bobjer (Malmö/SE) 1835 Discussion 1715–1845 Short Oral Presentations – Session 3: Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Medicine & Andrological Implications of Genital Tract Infections ChairsF. Ochsendorf (Frankfurt a. M./DE), E. A. Jannini (Florence/IT) Room Stanford 1715 ID 21 Alpha-haemolytic strains of uropathogenic E.coli prematurely activate the acrosome reaction and induce DNA damage in sperm T. Lang (Gießen/DE) 1725 ID 22 The value of prostate biopsy in diagnosis of urotuberculosis E. Kulchavenya (Novosibirsk/RU) 1735 ID 23 Bacteria and leukocytes as inducers of molecular changes in human-ejaculated sperm plasma membranes during in vitro semen infection M. Fraczek (Poznan/PL) 1745 ID 24 The global online sexuality survey – sexual function and dysfunction in USA O. Shaeer (Cairo/EG) 1755 ID 25 Associations between asymptomatic prostatitis and erectile dysfunction in ageing male K. Ausmees (Tartu/EST) 1805 ID 26 Body height and sexual activity – Hungarian data I. Rurik (Debrecen/HU) 1815 ID 27 The SIAMS-ED study – a spontaneous, multicentre, observational study on the efficacy of vardenafil in men with erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular risk factors A. M. Isidori (Rome/IT) 1825 Clinical correlates of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in men with couple ID 28 infertility F. Lotti (Florence/IT) 1835 14 Discussion Zeitschrift für Urologie und Andrologie 10. Jahrgang • 2012 Andrologie • Urologie • Uro-Onkologie Verlag: pro anima medizin medien • Amselstr. 18 • 45472 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr Tel.: 0208 3056-166 • Fax: 0208 3056-167 • [email protected] Anzeige_AI_Juni.indd 53 13.07.2012, 10:03 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 28 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1715–1845 Short Oral Presentations – Session 4: Sperm Quality and Selection for ART, Determinants of Male Reproductive Health, Genetics and Epigenetics Chairs R. Henkel (Bellville/ZA), K. Steger (Gießen/DE) Room Princeton 1715 ID 29 Long-term contraception with risug and its functional reversal by DMSO and NaHCO3 in rats A. S. Ansari (Jaipur/IN) 1725 Deficient testosterone production during the masculinization programming window ID 30 is associated with Sertoli-cell only tubules and focal dysgenesis in adulthood S. van den Driesche (Edinburgh/GB) 1735 ID 31 Impact of the selenoprotein nGPx4 on male fertility and sperm epigenome C. Boitani (Rome/IT) 1745 Correlation between spermatozoal DNA integrity (TUNEL assay) and chromatin ID 32 condensation (GRAM staining) with basic semen analysis in subfertile men and normal controls L. Karamountzos (Athens/GR) 1755 ID 33 The methylation analysis of histone H4K12ac associated promoters in sperm of healthy donors and subfertile patients A. Paradowska-Dogan (Gießen/DE) Even globozoospermic spermatozoa have cephalic vacuoles 1805 ID 34 N. Gatimel (Toulouse/FR) 1815 ID 35 Epimutations in RHOX genes are associated with male infertility M. E. Richardson (San Diego, CA/US) 1825 Reference values of sperm chromatin dispersion test in sperm donors with known ID 36 fecundity S. Camarena (Barcelona/ES) 1835 ID 37 UVB-induced mitochondrial dysfunction does not correlate with sperm DNA fragmentation V. Sanchez (Münster/DE) 1900 Welcome Reception (see page 60) 16 Anzeige Meda EVERY MAN HAS THE RIGHT Erektion auf natürlichem Wege Schnell und zuverlässig in der Wirkung bei ED verschiedenster Ursache1,2 Bessere Verträglichkeit und Akzeptanz im Vergleich zur Injektion2,3 Hohe Ansprechrate in Kombination mit PDE5-Hemmern4 MUSE® 250 / 500 / 1000 Mikrogramm.Wirkstoff: Alprostadil. Zusammensetzung: 1 steriler Einmalapplikator enth. 250 μg/500 μg/1000 μg Alprostadil. Sonst. Bestandteil: Macrogol 1450. Darreichungsform und Inhalt: Stäbchen zur Anwend. in der Harnröhre. MUSE® ist ein steriles transurethrales Einmalsystem zurVerabreichung von Alprostadil in die männliche Harnröhre. Das in der Spitze des Polypropylenapplikators enthaltene Stäbchen zur Anwend. in der Harnröhre (1,4 mm Durchmesser, Länge 3 oder 6 mm) enth. Alprostadil suspendiert in Macrogol. Anwendungsgebiete: Behandl. der primär organisch bedingten Erektilen Dysfunktion; Hilfsmittel für den Test zur Diagnose u. Behandl. der Erektilen Dysfunktion. Gegenanzeigen: Überempfindlichkeit gegen Alprostadil od. einem der sonst. Bestandteile, anormale Penisanatomie (Harnröhrenstriktur, schwere Hypospadie, starke Krümmung), Balanitis, akute/chronische Urethritis, erhöhtes Priapismus-Risiko (Sichelzellenanämie, entsprechende Erbanlage,Thrombozythämie, Polyzythämie, multiples Myelom, Neigung zuVenenthrombosen, Priapismus in der Anamnese), instabiler kardiovaskulärer/zerebrovaskulärer Zustand. Nicht zur Anwendung bei Frauen u. Kindern. Nebenwirkungen: Sehr häufig: Brennen in der Harnröhre, Penisschmerz. Häufig: Hodenschmerz, Brennen/Jucken in der Scheide (b. d. Partnerin), geringe Harnröhrenblutung, Kopfschmerzen, Schwindelgefühl, symptomatische Hypotonie. Gelegentlich: Synkope, geschwollene Beine, Schmerz in den Beinen, Schmerz im Bereich des Perineums, schneller Puls. Selten: Harnwegsinfektionen, verlängerte Erektionen/Priapismus, Erkrankungen des Penis (z.B. fibrotische Komplikationen). Sehr selten: Exantheme, Urtikaria. Hinweis: Bei bestehender/möglicher Schwangerschaft der Partnerin muss ein Kondom benutzt werden. Bei gleichzeitiger Antikoagulanzientherapie od. Gerinnungsstörung Risiko einer Harnröhrenblutung erhöht. Nach Verabreichung sollte der Patient wegen eines möglichen Blutdruckabfalls nicht Auto fahren od. riskante Aufgaben mit Verletzungsgefahr durchführen. Weitere Einzelheiten und Hinweise: s. Fach- und Gebrauchsinformation. Verschreibungspflichtig. Stand: Februar 2010. Pharmazeutischer Unternehmer: MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Benzstraße 1, 61352 Bad Homburg, 1 Fachinformation MUSE® | 2 Padma-Nathan H, et al. Treatment of men with Erectile Dysfunction with transurethral alprostadil; N Engl J Med 1997;336:1-7. | 3 Potempa AJ, Potempa DM, Görlich HD, et al. Intraurethral zu applizierendes Alprostadil zur Behandlung der primär organisch bedingten Erektilen Dysfunktion in der Praxis / Multizentrische klinische Beobachtungsstudie (nicht-interventionelle Untersuchung). Arzneimittelforschung 2007;57(6):299-308. | 4 Nehra A. Oral and Non-Oral Combination Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction. Rev Urol. 2007; 9(3):99-105. Scientific Programme • Thursday, 29 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 0830–1000 ECA Plenary Lecture 1 • Metabolic Syndrome and Reproductive Function Room Variabilis ChairsF. Wu (Manchester/GB), A. Giwercman (Malmö/SE) 0830 ID 38 Special Lecture of the International Journal of Andrology Effects of metabolic syndrome on the male reproductive system M. Maggi (Florence/IT) 0910 ID 39 Testosterone and cardiovascular health K. Channer (Sheffield/GB) 0935 ID 40 Metabolic syndrome and reproductive function A. Salonia (Milan/IT) 1000–1015 Break 1015–1215 Poster Sessions (see page 34) 0830–1045 Chair ESU Course 1 • Priapism, Penile Implants & Reconstruction and other Surgical Problems in ED V. Mirone (Naples/IT) Surgical Andrology – Introductory Remarks W. Weidner (Gießen/DE) 0830 Priapism D. J. Ralph (London/GB) Room Princeton 0845 Penile implants E. J. H. Meuleman (Amsterdam/NL) 0900 Trouble shooting in penile implant surgery C. Bettocchi (Bari/IT) 0915 Phalloplasties M. Sohn (Frankfurt a. M./DE) 0930 ID 41 Supersizing the penis following penile prosthesis implantation O. Shaeer (Cairo/EG) 0940 Assessment of erectile function after surgical treatment of penile fracture ID 42 O. Zhukov (Moscow/RU) 18 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 29 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 0950 ID 43 Sexual dysfunction after surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia M. Alchinbayev (Almaty/KZ) 1000 ID 44 Erectile function after robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with complete excision of the neurovascular bundles – are all patients later on impotent? A. Abdulhak (Gronau/DE) 1010 ID 45 Impact of circumcision on the sexual function of patients with phimosis J. Dias (Vila Nova de Gaia/PT) 1020 ID 46 Erectile function improvement with oral sildenafil versus placebo in posterior urethroplasty – double blind randomized controlled trial A. Moeini (Tehran/IR) 1030 ID 47 The impact of ventral oral graft bulbar urethroplasty on the ejaculatory function, erectile function and sexual life E. Palminteri (Arezzo/IT) 1040 Discussion 1215–1330 Lunch Break 19 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 29 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1330–1500 ECA Plenary Lecture 2 • Ageing Room Variabilis Chairs D. A. Adamopoulos (Athens/GR), I. T. Huhtaniemi (London/GB, Turku/FI) 1330 The ageing testis ID 48B. Robaire (Montreal/CA) 1400Genetic changes in spermatogonia of older man ID 49A. Wilkie (Oxford/GB) 1430 The natural history of late onset hypogonadism – implications for clinical ID 50 management F. Wu (Manchester/GB) 1330–1500 ESU Course 2 • Peyronie’s Disease Room Princeton Chair W. Weidner (Gießen/DE) 1330Guidelines on surgical therapy M. Sohn (Frankfurt a. M./DE) 1345Surgical therapy of Peyronie’s disease A. Kadioglu (Istanbul/TR) Additional ESWT 1400 F. Fusco (Naples/IT) 1415Surgical treatment methods of Peyronie’s disease ID 51 S. Gamidov (Moscow/RU) 1425 ID 52 Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the penis in tumescence before surgical treatment of Peyronie’s disease – preliminary results C. M. Woitzik (Gießen/DE) 1435 ID 53 Surgical treatment of penile curvature with the tunica albuginea underlap technique: description of the technique and clinical results H. Steinfatt (Munich/DE) 1445 ID 54 Radiotherapy is safe, clinically effective and well accepted by patients with Morbus Peyronie J. Gutermuth (Munich/DE) 1455 Discussion 20 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 29 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1500–1530 Break 1530–1700 ECA Session 1 • Developmental Determinants in Male Reproductive Health Room Variabilis ChairsN. E. Skakkebæk (Copenhagen/DK), J. E. Bustos-Obregon (Santiago/CL) 1530 ID 55 Prenatal determinants of adult male reproductive health M. L. Eisenberg (Stanford, CA/US) 1600 ID 56 Modifying effects of prenatal and postnatal lifestyle on semen quality and fertility T. Kold Jensen (Odense/DK) 1630 ID 57 In vivo effects of Eurycoma longifolia (tongkat ali) extract on reproductive functions in the rat R. Henkel (Bellville/ZA) 1645 Why androgen based male hormonal contraception lacks efficacy – evidence from a ID 58 mouse model O. O. Oduwole (London/GB) 1530–1700 ECA Session 2 • Epigenetic Mechanisms and Small RNAs Room Harvard Chairs D. Miller (Leeds/GB), D. T. Carrell (Salt Lake City, UT/US) 1530Roles of small noncoding RNAs in male reproduction ID 59 W. Yan (Reno, NV/US) 1600 Post-meiotic male genome reprogramming ID 60S. Rousseaux (La Tronche, Grenoble/FR) 1630 ID 61 UBE2B messenger RNA mutations are associated with severe oligozoospermia in infertile men A. Yatsenko (Pittsburgh, PA/US) 1645 ID 62 Differential proteomic distribution in the chromatin of human sperm cells J. Castillo (Barcelona/ES) 1700–1715Break 21 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 29 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1530–1715 ESU Course 3 • Varicocele Room Princeton Chair G. Dohle (Rotterdam/NL) 1530 Varicocele in infertility T. Diemer (Gießen/DE) 1545 Microsurgical dissection A. Jungwirth (Salzburg/AT) 1600 Varicocele in adolescent R. Kocvara (Prague/CZ) 1615 Other therapy (e. g. embolisation) C. Bettocchi (Bari/IT) 1630 ID 63 Surgical subinguinal approach to varicocele combined with antegrade intraoperative sclerosis of venous vessels G. Bozzini (Milan/IT) 1640Low ligation with oral treatment improves spermogram in infertile men ID 64 B. Elteer (Tripolis/LY) 1650 Antegrade scrotal sclerotherapy for the treatment of varicocele in adults, childhood ID 65 and adolescence R. Tauber (Hamburg/DE) Color doppler evaluation of spermatic vein reflux predicts sperm quality improvement 1700 ID 66 following varicocelectomy F. Pelliccione (Milan/IT) 1710 22 Discussion Scientific Programme • Thursday, 29 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1715–1845 ECA Session 3 • Sexual Dysfunction and Erectile Failure Room Variabilis ChairsE. Wespes (Brussels/BE), G. Corona (Florence/IT) 1715 Sexual dysfunction and erectile failure – new aspects from the urological ID 67 point of view E. Wespes (Brussels/BE) 1745 ID 68 Sexual dysfunction and erectile failure – new aspects from the andrological point of view A. Isidori (Rome/IT) 1815 ID 69 Efficacy of PSD502 (TEMPE) is similar in lifelong and acquired premature ejaculation on initial dosing and in the long term M. Wyllie (Borden/GB) 1830 ID 70 Sexual dysfunctions induced by stress of timed intercourse and medical treatment C. Bak (Seoul/KR) 1715–1845 ECA Session 4 • Pick One and Inject – Will any Old Sperm do for ART? Room Harvard Chairs S. Francavilla (L’Aquila/IT), H.-C. Schuppe (Gießen/DE) 1715 ID 71 Current status and unresolved issues in ICSI H. Tournaye (Brussels/BE) Sperm biology functions tests in relation to ART (assisted reproduction techniques) 1740 ID 72 E. Baldi (Florence/IT) 1805 ID 73 In vivo monitoring techniques to select the best sperm for ICSI C. Mallidis (Münster/DE) 1830 ID 74 The impact of RNA expression in human spermatozoa on male fertility H. Cappallo-Obermann (Hamburg/DE) 2015 Conference Dinner (see page 60) 23 Scientific Programme • Friday, 30 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 0900–1000 Room Variabilis ECA Plenary Lecture 3 • Non-Obstructive Azoospermia ChairsA. Jungwirth (Salzburg/AT), M. Marconi (Santiago/CL) 0900 Non-obstructive azoospermia ID 75 S. Minhas (London/GB) 0930 ID 76 Exchange Lecture of the European Academy of Andrology and American Society of Andrology Imaging of the male genital tract – from ultrasound to MRI and beyond P. Turek (San Francisco, CA/US) 1000–1030 Break 1030–1145 ECA Session 5 • Klinefelter´s Syndrome Chairs G. Forti (Florence/IT), J. Slowikowska-Hilczer (Lodz/PL) 1030 ID 77 The Münster EXAKT project – the epi-genetic phenotype of XXY J. Gromoll (Münster/DE) 1100 ID 78 Klinefelter´s syndrome – an update A. Juul (Copenhagen/DK) 1130 ID 79 Number and protein expression of Sertoli cells is altered in 41,XXY* mice, an animal model of Klinefelter´s syndrome J. Wistuba (Münster/DE) 1030–1200 ECA Session 6 • Andrological Implications of Genital Tract Infections Chairs F. Francavilla (L’Aquila/IT), M. Kurpisz (Poznan/PL) Room Variabilis Room Harvard 1030Regulatory T cells control post-vasectomy response ID 80 K. Tung (Charlottesville, VA/US) 1100 Prostatitis and andrological implications ID 81F. Wagenlehner (Gießen/DE) 1130 HMGB1 modulates immune responses in a cell-specific manner in the rat autoimmune ID 82 orchitis F. Aslani (Gießen/DE) 1145 Protective effect of probiotic lactobacilli against sperm damage exerted by soluble ID 83 factors from Escherichia coli – focus on lipopolysaccharide A. Barbonetti (L´Aquila/IT) 24 Scientific Programme • Friday, 30 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1030–1215 ESU Course 4 • Obstruction of the Seminal Pathways Room Princeton Chair Z. Kopa (Budapest/HU) 1030General considerations J. U. Schwarzer (Munich/DE) 1045 Vasovasostomy H. Sperling (Mönchengladbach/DE) 1100 Tubulovasostomy G. Dohle (Rotterdam/NL) 1115 TURED, seminal vesicle puncture and wash-out G. M. Colpi (Milan/IT) 1130 Ultrasonographic determination of caput epididymidis diameter is strongly ID 84 predictive of obstruction in the genital tract in azoospermic men with normal serum FSH A. Pezzella (L’Aquila/IT) 1140 ID 85 Vasoscopy – a new diagnostic and therapeutic tool in andrology? M. Trottmann (Munich/DE) 1150 ID 86 Seminal plasma biomarkers and congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens: relationships with the anatomical urogenital phenotypes and place in the diagnostic strategy C. Teston (Toulouse/FR) 1200 Male infertility – a rare complex case of abnormal development of the seminal ID 87 pathways R. Amorim (Vila Nova de Gaia/PT) 1210 Discussion 1215–1330 Lunch Break 1330–1430 ECA Session 7 • Normal and Abnormal Development of the Male Reproductive Tract Room Variabilis Chairs J. Toppari (Turku/FI), M. L. Eisenberg (Stanford, CA/US) 1330 ID 88 Cryptorchidism – clinical perspective O. Söder (Stockholm/SE) 25 Scientific Programme • Friday, 30 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1400 Delayed puberty ID 89N. Pitteloud (Lausanne/CH) 1330–1500 ECA Session 8 • Testicular Cancer Room Harvard ChairsE. Rajpert-De Meyts (Copenhagen/DK), T. B. Haugen (Oslo/NO) 1330 Models of testicular cancer ID 90 L. Looijenga (Rotterdam/NL) 1400 ID 91 Non-invasive diagnosis of testicular carcinoma in situ in ejaculates – perspectives in relation to current routine methods K. Almstrup (Copenhagen/DK) 1430Long-term follow up using testicular sparing surgery for Leydig cell tumor ID 92 G. Bozzini (Milan/IT) 1445 ID 93 Is preservation of dysgenetic gonads until adulthood justified? J. Slowikowska-Hilczer (Lodz/PL) 1330–1500 ESU Course 5 • Sperm Retrieval Room Princeton Chair N. Sofikitis (Ioannina/GR) 1330General considerations ID 94S. Minhas (London/GB) 1345 TESE and M-TESE T. Diemer (Gießen/DE) 1400 MESA and ductus aspiration Z. Kopa (Budapest/HU) 1415Results of a combined trifocal TESE plus M-TESE in a series of 75 “low chance” nonID 95 obstructive azoospermia (NOA) patients – experience from 2 centers M. Marconi (Santiago/CL) 1425 ID 96 Multimodal MRI of the testes for characterisation of intact spermatogenesis in nonobstructive azoospermia – a pilot study for establishing functional MRI of the testes S. Irrle (Gießen/DE) 1435 ID 97 What predicts the success of sperm retrieval in adolescents with Klinefelter´s syndrome? J. Rohayem (Münster/DE) 26 Scientific Programme • Friday, 30 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1445 ID 98 Outcome of microdissection testicular sperm extraction in patients with non-mosaic Klinefelter´s syndrome M. A. Sadighi Gilani (Tehran/IR) 1455 Discussion 1500–1530Break 1530–1700 ECA Session 9 • INYR Session: Genetics of Male Infertility Room Variabilis ChairsF. Tüttelmann (Münster/DE), J. B. Stukenborg (Stockholm/SE) 1530 ID 99 Sex chromosome linked genetic factors in male infertility C. G. Krausz (Florence/IT) 1600 Potential biomarkers of non-obstructive azoospermia indentified in gene expression ID 100 analysis A. Waclawska (Poznan/PL) 1615 Human sperm tail proteomics – new insights on endogenous metabolic pathways ID 101A. Amaral (Barcelona/SP) 1630 A genome-wide DNA methylation study in azoospermia ID 102F. Ferfouri (Versailles/FR) 1645 ID 103 New insights into sperm DNA methylation – intra- and inter individual stability and the methylation status of piRNA genes C. Chianese (Florence/IT) 1530–1700 Chair ESU Course 6 • Vasectomy, Sperm Retrieval and Spermatic Cord Denervation A. Jungwirth (Salzburg/AT) 1530 The new EAU and AUA guidelines G. Dohle (Rotterdam/NL) 1545 Non scalpel-vasectomy W. Aulitzky (Vienna/AT) 1600 ID 104 Microsurgical spermatic cord denervation for chronic testicular pain M. Marconi (Santiago/CL) Room Princeton 27 Scientific Programme • Friday, 30 November 2012 • 7th European Congress of Andrology 1610 ID 105 Micro-TESE option in NOA management D. Palanisamy (Kodungalore/IN) 1620 ID 106 Probe–based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) – a new diagnostic tool in andrology S. Koelle (Munich/DE) 1630 ICSI from “fresh” TESE in absolute asthenozoospermia – an option or the solution? ID 107F. M. Castiglioni (Milan/IT) 1640 Is it worth doing spermatozoa retrieval in azoospermic non-mosaic Klinefelter´s ID 108 syndrome patients? R. Amorim (Vila Nova de Gaia/PT) 1650 Discussion 1700–1715Break 1715–1815 ECA Plenary Lecture 4 • New Horizons in Andrology Room Variabilis Chairs S. Nef (Genf/CH), R. Anand-Ivell (Dummerstorf/DE) 1715Genetic models of the future – making the most of the available technology ID 109L. Smith (Edinburgh/GB) 1745 ID 110 Sperm chemotaxis I. Weyand (Jülich/DE) 1815 Farewell W. Weidner, A. Meinhardt (Gießen/DE) Room Variabilis 28 Wissenschaftliches Programm • Freitag, 30. November 2012 • Jahrestagung der DGA 0830–0930 Forum Junge Andrologie – Testosteron und Psyche Raum Stanford Vorsitz J. Maliske, S. Schlatt (Münster/DE) 0830 Wie beeinflusst Testosteron Mann in seinem Denken und Handeln? – Mythos und Wahrheit A. Meißner (Amsterdam/NL) 0900Einfluss von Sexualsteroiden auf das Kurz- und Langzeitgedächtnis mittels funktioneller MR-Bildgebung (fMRT) Y. Morikawa (Münster/DE) 0930–1000 Pause 1000–1200 Workshop – Ejakulatanalyse nach WHO-Empfehlungen Raum Stanford VorsitzF. Ochsendorf (Frankfurt a. M./DE), G. Haidl (Bonn/DE) 1200–1330 Pause Intensivkurs 2013 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Andrologie Stuttgart 1. und 2. Februar 2013 Steigenberger Graf Zeppelin Hotel Information und Registrierung unter: 29 Wissenschaftliches Programm • freitag, 30. november 2012 • Jahrestagung der DGa 1215–1315 raum Stanford Vorsitz lunchsymposium fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH ANNA C-TrUS – artifizielle neuronale Netzwerk-Analyse J. C. Walz (Marseille/fR) 1215 “anna C-TRUs” stellenwert in der literatur f. Wagenlehner (Gießen/De) 1245 Externe Validierung des “ANNA C-TrUS” Sytems J. C. Walz (Marseille/fR) 1330–1430 Workshop – Imaging & Histologie in der Uro-Andrologie – Pflicht oder Kür? raum Stanford Vorsitz J. C. Walz (Marseille/fR), W. schulze (Hamburg/De) 1330 Sonographie der genitalorgane C. leiber (freiburg i. br./De), a. Pilatz (Gießen/De) 1400 Histologie des Hodens M. bergmann, H.-C. schuppe (Gießen/De) 1430–1500 Pause 1500–1630 Seminar des Arbeitskreises Andrologie der Deutschen gesellschaft für Urologie – Teil 1 (mit freundlicher Unterstützung der lilly Deutschland GmbH) s. Kliesch (Münster/De), G. Popken (berlin/De) raum Stanford Vorsitz 1500 Testosteron und Prostatakarzinom H. Sperling (Mönchengladbach/DE) 1530 Testosteron – Haut und Haare f.-M. Köhn (München/De) 1600 Testosteron und sexualität T. Diemer (gießen/DE) 1630–1645 Pause 30 Wissenschaftliches Programm • Freitag, 30. November 2012 • Jahrestagung der DGA 1645–1815 Vorsitz Seminar des Arbeitskreises Andrologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie – Teil 2 (mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Lilly Deutschland GmbH) I. Schröder-Printzen (Gießen/DE), C. Leiber (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 1645 Testosteron und Herz J. vom Dahl (Mönchengladbach/DE) Raum Stanford 1715 Testosteron und Genetik F. Tüttelmann (Münster/DE) 1745Geschichte des Testosterons D. Schultheiss (Gießen/DE) 1830–1930 Mitgliederversammlung DGA Raum Stanford • Relief and support to organizing/ scientific committees • Professionalism • Dependability and surety (competence) • Increase profits • Public relations management • Attract new participants (attendees) • Acquisition and maintenance (ongoing service) of industry partners • Solicit new members Wissenschaftliches Programm • Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012 • Jahrestagung der DGA 0830–1000 Neues in der Andrologie – State of the Art 2012 – Teil 1 Raum Stanford Vorsitz F. Tüttelmann (Münster/DE), M. Sohn (Frankfurt a. M. /DE) 0830 Kryptorchismus als andrologischer Faktor S. Kliesch (Münster/DE) 0850 Varikozele – andrologische Relevanz in der Praxis W. Weidner (Gießen/DE) 0910Fertilität und Sexualität bei systemischen Erkrankungen M. Zitzmann (Münster/DE) 0930Alte Väter – genetische Risiken? E. Nieschlag (Münster/DE) 0950 Diskussion 1000–1030 Pause 1030–1200 Neues in der Andrologie – State of the Art 2012 – Teil 2 Raum Stanford Vorsitz W. Krause (Marburg/DE), J. W. Jacobeit (Hamburg/DE) 1030 Medikamentöse Therapie der Erektilen Dysfunktion U. Wetterauer (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 1050 ID 111 Ejakulationsstörungen H. Porst (Hamburg/DE) 1110 Pelvic pain in der Andrologie F. Wagenlehner (Gießen/DE) 1130 Wie viel Sexualmedizin benötigt die Andrologie? F.-M. Köhn (München/DE) 1150 Diskussion 1200–1330 Pause 32 Wissenschaftliches Programm • Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012 • Jahrestagung der DGA 1215–1315 Vorsitz Lunchsymposium Jenapharm GmbH & Co. KG Hypogonadismus – aktuelle Aspekte aus Klinik und Forschung W. Weidner (Gießen/DE), H. Sperling (Mönchengladbach/DE) U. Wetterauer (Freiburg i. Br./DE) 1215 EAU Guidelines on male hypogonadism G. Dohle (Rotterdam/NL) 1235 Hypogonadismus und Fettgewebe – Aspekte aus Grundlagenforschung und Klinik H. M. Behre (Halle a. d. S./DE) 1255 Testosteronsubstitution in der Praxis – Tipps und Tricks M. Zitzmann (Münster/DE) 1330–1430 Neues in der Andrologie – State of the Art 2012 – Teil 3 Raum Stanford Raum Stanford Vorsitz W.-B. Schill (Gießen/DE), G. Haidl (Bonn/DE) 1330Neue Vasektomie-Leitlinien T. Diemer (Gießen/DE) 1350 Medikamente und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel bei idiopathischer Infertilität? S. Grunewald (Leipzig/DE) 1410Fertilitätsprotektion und Kryokonservierung M. Trottmann (München/DE) 1430 Verabschiedung W. Weidner, A. Meinhardt (Gießen/DE) 33 Poster Sessions 1015–1215 Chair Poster Session 1 • Andrological Implications of Genital Tract Infections J.-P. Allam (Bonn/DE) P 1 Review of management of cases of acute epididymo- orchitis – how can we improve and are our urological guidelines in need of updating? *B. Hickerton, *D. Ellis, C. Mullooley, R. Gokhale, N. Parr (Merseyside/GB) P 2 Leukocytes are associated with apoptosis in human spermatozoa C. Mupfiga, D. Fisher, T. Kruger, *R. Henkel (Bellville/ZA) P3 Testicular function in HIV-positive patients under stable antiretroviral therapy *A. Pilatz, T. Discher, H.-C. Schuppe, F. Wagenlehner, W. Weidner, J. Lohmeyer T. Diemer (Gießen/DE) P4 Testicular atrophy after acute epididymitis/epididymo-orchitis – fact or fiction? *A. Pilatz, F. Wagenlehner, H.-C. Schuppe, B. Altinkilic, W. Weidner (Gießen/DE) P5 Correlation of seminal inflammatory and sperm quality parameters in patients with CP/CPPS and infertility – is diagnostic value of seminal cytokine Interleukin-8 (sIL-8) superior to elastase or peroxidase positive leukocytes? *A. Rusz, A. Pilatz, R.-H. Bödeker, F. Wagenlehner, T. Diemer, H.-C. Schuppe, K. Steger W. Weidner (Gießen/DE) P6 Alpha-haemolysin differentially modulates innate immune responses in the experimental murine epididymitis model *T. Lang (Gießen/DE), C. Hudemann (Marburg/DE), S. Bhushan, S. Tchatalbachev A. Meinhardt (Gießen/DE) P7 Characteristics of staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, collected from infertile men’s urethra *A. Godovalov, T. Danielyan, L. Bykova, A. Dmitrishin (Perm/RU) P8 Clinical and etiological features of nonspecific male urethritis *A. Godovalov, T. Danielyan, L. Bykova, A. Dmitrishin (Perm/RU) P9 Does HPV impact on male idiopathic infertility? M. Kogan, K. Ibishev, *K. Shiranov (Rostov-on-Don/RU) P 10 Uropathogenic E. coli inactivate host survival AKT signalling pathways in testicular cells *Z. Zhang, S. Bhushan, S. Tchatalbachev, T. Chakraborty, A. Meinhardt (Gießen/DE) 34 Poster Sessions P 12 Lipopolysaccharide inhibits mitochondrial membrane potential in human spermatozoa through the activation of cannabinoid receptor-1 by sperm-generated anandamide *A. Barbonetti, M. R. C. Vassallo, A. De Mutis, A. C. Giornetta, S. Francavilla F. Francavilla (L‘Aquila/IT) P 13 The effects of kerack used in Iran on sperm parameters and testis structure in adult mice *M. Amini, M. Koruji (Tehran/IR) P 14 Involvement of testosterone in the regulation of inflammatory responses in testicular and immune cells *M. Fijak, L.-J. Sauber, M. Walecki, E. Wahle, S. Bhushan, H. Hackstein, G. Schuler A. Meinhardt (Gießen/DE) P 15 Screening urinalyses for diagnosis of prostatitis and urogenital tuberculosis E. Kulchavenya (Novosibirsk/RU) P 16 Clinical features of male genital tuberculosis in Siberia *E. Kulchavenya, D. Kholtobin (Novosibirsk/RU) P 17 Efficiency of uro-vaxom in prophylaxis of relapse of chronic prostatitis *E. Kulchavenya, E. Brizhatyuk (Novosibirsk/RU) P 18 P 19 Male urethral condylomata – our experience *A. Vives Sune, S. Camarena, O. Rajmil, G. Ortiz, E. Ruiz Castane (Barcelona/ES) Testicular inflammation in infertile men *T. Haggeney, A. Pilatz, T. Diemer, W. Weidner, H.-C. Schuppe, M. Bergmann (Gießen/DE) P 167 Necrosis is the dominant cell dead pathway in UPEC induced epididymo-orchitis model and is responsible for structural and functional damage of rat testis *S. Bhushan, Y. Lu, S. Tchatalbachev (Gießen/DE), M. Marconi (Santiago/CL), M. Bergman W. Weidner, T. Chakraborty, A. Meinhardt (Gießen/DE) 1015–1215 Poster Session 2 • Free Communications Chair R. Middendorff (Gießen/DE) P 20 Eurycoma longifolia (tongkat ali) as a potential herbal supplement for physically active male and female seniors *R. Henkel, R. Wang, S. Bassett, T. Chen, N. Liu, Y. Zhu, M. I. Tambi (Bellville/ZA) P 21 Eurycoma longifolia extract at therapeutical concentrations does not negatively affect human sperm functions in vitro N. Erasmus, M. Solomon, K. Fortuin, *R. Henkel (Bellville/ZA) 35 Poster Sessions P 22 Algorithm for the surgical management of obstructive azoospermia *K. Zaki Shaeer, O. Shaeer (Cairo/EG) P 23 Common and hormone-specific inhibitory effects of sex steroids on testes development in the rat *R. Walczak-Jedrzejowska, J. Slowikowska-Hilczer, E. Oszukowska, K. Marchlewska E. Filipiak, K. Kula (Lodz/PL) P 24 FGFR3 as a potential marker for human spermatogonial stem cells *K. von Kopylow, A.-N. Spiess, W. Schulze, H. Staege, H. Will, C. Kirchhoff (Hamburg/DE) P 25 Effects of flutamide on the sperm membrane integrity, mitochondrial diaphorase activity, and sperm morphology in adult boars – in vivo and in vitro approach *M. Lydka (Krakow/PL), M. Piasecka, D. Gaczarzewicz (Szczecin/PL) B. Bilinska (Krakow/PL) P 26 Prenatal and neonatal exposure to flutamide alters androgen receptor expression in the prostate of adult boars *A. Hejmej, M. Kotula-Balak, K. Chojnacka, M. Łydka, B. Bilińska (Krakow/PL) P 27 Effects of a murine germ cell-specific knockout of connexin 43 on connexin expression in testis and fertility *S. Günther, D. Fietz (Gießen/DE), K. Weider (Hanover/DE), M. Bergmann (Gießen/DE) R. Brehm (Hanover/DE) P 28 The effect of treatment with antioxidants/vitamins/aminoacids on semen quality in idiopathic infertile males M. Buividaite, *J. Erenpreiss (Riga/LV) P 29 Androgen signaling disruption during prenatal and neonatal period affects Leydig cell function in adult boar *B. Bilińska, A. Hejmej, M. Kotula-Balak, M. Łydka (Krakow/PL) P 30 Aromatase, androgen and estrogen receptors in bank vole spermatozoa *M. Kotula-Balak, M. Łydka, A. Hejmej, B. Bilińska (Krakow/PL) P 31 Aromatase and estrogen receptors expression at complete spermatogenesis and in Sertoli cell only syndrome *E. Oszukowska, M. Brys, E. Forma, K. Marchlewska, R. Walczak-Jedrzejowska J. Slowikowska-Hilczer, K. Kula (Lodz/PL) 36 Poster Sessions P 32 Transient pubertal administration of FSH together with triiodothyronine produces quantitative reduction of spermatogenesis and endocrine function of the testes in adulthood *K. Marchlewska, K. Kula, R. Walczak-Jedrzejowska, E. Oszukowska, E. Filipiak J. Slowikowska-Hilczer (Lodz/PL) P 33 Three dimensional culture of rat testicular cells in collagen sponges *K. Reuter, J. Wistuba, J. Ehmcke, S. Schlatt (Münster/DE) P 34 Reduced numbers of Sertoli, germ, and spermatogonial stem cells in impaired spermatogenesis *L. Konrad, M. Borgers, M. Wolter, A. Hentrich, A. Stammler, M. Bergmann (Gießen/DE) S. Kliesch (Münster/DE) P 35 Sdf-1 mediated response of germ cell loss in male mouse testis after cytotoxic treatment *B. Westernströer, N. Terwort, S. Schlatt, J. Ehmcke, J. Wistuba, N. Kossack (Münster/DE) P 36 Human Sertoli cells produce high amounts of acetate that is under strict hormonal control *M. Alves, S. Socorro (Covilhã/PT), J. Silva, A. Barros, M. Sousa (Porto/PT), J. E. Cavaco P. F. Oliveira (Covilhã/PT) P 37 Visualization of sildenafil effects in testis *C. Feuerstacke, S. Tasch, I. Schneider-Hüther, J. Volkmann, G. Eichner, D. Müller R. Middendorff (Gießen/DE) P 38 Visualisation of sildenafil effects in the epididymis *A. Mietens, S. Tasch, I. Schneider-Hüther, G. Eichner, D. Müller, C. Feuerstacke R. Middendorff (Gießen/DE) P 39 Spermatogonial stem cells in marmoset monkeys – isolation and characterisation in vitro *D. Langenstroth, N. Kossack, J. Gromoll, S. Schlatt (Münster/DE) P 40 Morphological, immunohistochemical and histochemical study of rat prostate under immunosuppression M. Sokolowska, S. Sluczanowska-Glabowska, M. Piasecka, K. Kedzierska K. Sporniak-Tutak, K. Ciechanowski, *M. Laszczynska (Szczecin/PL) P 41 Hormonal regulation of Na+-H+ exchanger 3 (NHE-3) in Sertoli cells – a possible role for estrogens in spermatogenesis A. D. Martins, V. L. Simões, M. G. Alves, E. B. Cavaco, S. Socorro *P. F. Oliveira (Covilhã/PT) 37 Poster Sessions ID 5Results of a prospective analysis indicating an autoantibody prevalence in patients with Peyronie´s disease *A. Hauptmann, T. Diemer, W. Weidner, G. Bein, H. Hackstein (Gießen/DE) P 11 From priapus to priapism *A. Abdulhak, J. Witt, A. Labanaris, V. Zugor (Gronau/DE) 1015–1215 Poster Session 3 • Sperm Quality and Selection for ART Chair B. Zorn (Ljubljana/SL) P 42 Sperm DNA integrity defect of infertile male patients at IIUM fertility centre *A. Y. Abdul Wahab, M. L. Md. Isa, A. M. Zainuddin, S. Abdul Rahman N. Baharudin (Kuantan/MY) P 43 Body Mass Index has no impact on sperm quality but on reproductive hormones B. Mohamad Al-Ali, T. Gutschi , K. Pummer, R. Zigeuner (Graz/AT) S. Brookman-May (Munich/DE), W. F. Wieland, *A. Aziz (Regensburg/DE) P 44 Zech-selector – the common method for assisted reproduction technology? *K. Dreier, S. Neururer, H. Ulmer, J. Zech (Innsbruck/AT) P 45 Nemaspermic DNA fragmentation in non-leukocytospermic ejaculates is related with the formation of 8-Hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine and it seems to be related to an endogenous sperm defect *A. Micillo, A. D‘Angeli, A. Pezzella, S. D‘Andrea, G. Cordeschi, E. Di Girolamo F. Francavilla, S. Francavilla (L‘Aquila/IT) P 46 Intra-acrosomal protein indicates disturbed acrosome activity and correlates with IgA load on human spermatozoa *K. Cox, I. Oltermann, M. Schlößer, V. Kistler, G. Haidl, J.-P. Allam (Bonn/DE) P 47 Sperm vacuoles are not modified by freezing-thawing procedures *N. Gatimel, R. D. Leandri, J. Parinaud (Toulouse/FR) P 48 Epididymis response partly compensates for spermatozoa oxidative defects in snGPx4 and GPx5 double mutant mice *A. Noblanc, M. Peltier, C. Damon-Soubeyrand, F. Saez, R. Cadet (Aubière/FR) M. Conrad (Neuherberg/DE), J. Drevet, A. Kocer (Aubière/FR) P 49 Seminal plasma microRNAs are differentially expressed in normozoospermia, oligozoospermia and azoospermia *T. Greither, N. Nalazek, M. Giebler, I. Hoffmann, H. M. Behre (Halle a. d. S./DE) 38 Poster Sessions P 50 Piwi gene expression is associated with ejaculate parameters and male infertility *M. Giebler, C. Mösinger, L. Müller, I. Hoffmann, T. Greither, H. M. Behre (Halle a. d. S./DE) P 51 Lysophosphatidylcholine content in human spermatozoa depends on BMI? *S. Pyttel, A. Nimptsch (Leipzig/DE), U. Jakop, K. Müller (Berlin/DE), U. Paasch J. Schiller (Leipzig/DE) P 52 A cross-platform cross-laboratory microarray study as a powerful tool to reveal gene expression signatures of male infertility *H. Cappallo-Obermann, W. Schulze, A.-N. Spiess (Hamburg/DE) P 53 Sperm DNA fragmentation as assessed by tunel/mean values in fertile men and intra individual variability *M. Muratori, L. Tamburrino, M. Cambi, S. Marchiani, I. Natali, I. Noci, M. Maggi, G. Forti E. Baldi (Florence/IT) P 54 Characterisation of sumoylated proteins in human sperm *S. Marchiani, L. Tamburrino, M. Muratori, D. Nosi, G. Forti, E. Baldi (Florence/IT) P 55 Small human sperm vacuoles observed under high-magnification (x10000) – small nuclear concavities linked to failure of chromatin condensation *F. Boitrelle (Versailles/FR), F. Ferfouri, J.-M. Petit, M. Bergere (Poissy, Versailles/FR) R. Wainer, M. Bailly (Versailles/FR), F. Vialard, M. Albert, J. Selva (Poissy, Versailles/FR) P 56 Cryopreservation of human spermatozoa decreases the number of motile normal spermatozoa, induces nuclear vacuolisation and chromatin decondensation – interests of high-magnification for frozen/thawed sperm *F. Boitrelle (Versailles/FR), M. Albert, C. Theillac, F. Ferfouri, M. Bergere F. Vialaro (Poissy, Versailles/FR), R. Wainer, M. Bailly (Versailles/FR) J. Selva (Poissy, Versailles/FR) P 57 Cryptozoospermia negatively affects pre-implantation embryo development – results from a study on 798 ICSI cycles with fresh ejaculated sperm *F. M. Castiglioni, P. Sulpizio, G. Tesoriere, P. Testa, C. Lepadatu, S. Rofena G. M. Colpi (Milan/IT) P 58 Reliability of flow cytometry in quantifying antibody-molecules on sperm surface F. Sciarretta, A. Sperandio, G. Cordeschi, *A. Barbonetti, M. R. C. Vassallo, A. De Mutis S. Francavilla, F. Francavilla (L‘Aquila/IT) 39 Poster Sessions P 59 MMP-12 expression is detectable in human seminal plasma and represents a predictor for inflammatory processes in semen analysis *A. Urbschat, P. Paulus, I. Wiegratz, H. Beschmann, F. Ochsendorf (Frankfurt a. M./DE) P 60 Success predictors in homologous intrauterine insemination H. Kostadinovic, M. Kolbezen, *B. Zorn (Ljubljana/SI) P 61 Human sperm likes sugars – the role of the glycolytic pathway in male gamete functionality *C. Paiva (Coimbra/PT), A. Amaral (Coimbra/PT, Barcelona/ES) J. Ramalho-Santos (Coimbra/PT) ID 3 Asthenozoospermia in spinal cord-injured men – a model for shedding light upon the contribution of glycolysis and mitochondrion in supporting sperm motility *A. Barbonetti, M. R. C. Vassallo, Y. Leombruni, A. Di Rosa, S. Francavilla F. Francavilla (L’Aquila/IT) P 154 Pregnancy rate, semen analysis, varicocele profile in Surabaya 2007–2010 S. Alif, *F. Rizaldi (Surabaya/ID) 1015–1215 Chair Poster Session 4 • Determinants of Male Reproductive Health R. Mitchell (Edinburgh/GB) P 62 Morphometric and immunohistochemical evaluation of the testis of sexually mature mice (Mus domesticus) intoxicated with Boron J. E. Bustos-Obregon (Santiago/CL) P 63 P 64 The impact of vitamin D on semen quality *M. Gudipati, V. Hemingway, L. Nowak, S. Pearce, J. Stewart, K. McEleny (Newcastle/GB) Increased urinary levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in filaggrin gene null mutation carriers – a cross-sectional population-based study *U. Joensen, H. Frederiksen, N. Jørgensen, E. Rajpert-De Meyts, N. E. Skakkebæk A.-M. Andersson, T. Menné, J. Thyssen (Copenhagen/DK) P 65 Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) in serum negatively associated with testosterone levels in healthy men *U. Joensen (Copenhagen/DK), B. Veyrand, J.-P. Antignac (Nantes/FR), N. E. Skakkebæk A.-M. Andersson (Copenhagen/DK), B. Le Bizec (Nantes/FR) N. Jørgensen (Copenhagen/DK) P 66 Psychological impact of fertility treatment among Malaysian men *A. Y. Abdul Wahab, A. M. Zainuddin, R. Musa, A. F. Abdul Rahim, H. Mohd Yatim S. K. Mohd Bustaman, N. Mohd Arifin (Kuantan/MY) 40 aktuell, seriös, praxisnah Die Urologischen Nachrichten informieren Sie über das Wichtigste aus Ihrem Fachgebiet. G 134 57 06. 2012 Z e i t u n g f ü r D i e u r o lo g i e Gießen/Marburg Niere/Harnwege Diagnose/Therapie Im Zuge der Übernahmediskussion werden Stimmen lauter, das Uniklinikum zum Land zurückzuholen. Der Gießener Urologie-Chef Wolfgang Weidner hält nichts davon. ( Seite 6 Von der Niere bis zur Urethra: Aktuelles zu Nierenzysten und Zystennieren, Nierenschädigung, Harnwegsinfektionen, Interstitieller Zystitis, Harnröhren( Seite 9–17 chirurgie und mehr Ein neuer Biomarker kann Blasenkrebs früher anzeigen. Bei der Strahlentherapie fortgeschrittener Stadien erwies sich die Kombination mit Chemothera( Seite 18 pie als erfolgreich. Brauchen Urologen bald eine Hygienefachkraft? Managementgesellschaft warnt vor zu strenger Auslegung des infektionsschutzgesetzes durch die landesregierungen und neun Monate nach Inkrafttreten der Neufassung des Infektionsschutzgesetzes (IfSG) unterbreitete die Landesregierung NRW ihren Entwurf zur Umsetzung des § 23 Abs. 5 und 8. Vor allem die Interpretation des Absatzes 8 kann nach Ansicht der UroGmbH fatale Folgen für jede urologische Praxis haben. Geschäftsführer Dr. Wolfgang Rulf fordert das Ministerium zum Umdenken auf. Eigentlich erwähnen die Absätze 5 und 8 des § 23 IfSG ausdrücklich Einrichtungen zum ambulanten Operieren. Doch die Uro-GmbH befürchtet, dass durch „schwammige Formulie- Streitpunkt personelle ausstattung Brisant ist nach Ansicht der Uro-GmbH die Umsetzung des Absatzes 8, der die Landesregierungen verpflichtet, durch kenhaushygienikern und die Bestellung von hygienebeauftragten Ärzten, einschließlich bis zum 31. Dezember 2016, umzusetzen.“ Im Entwurf der Landesregierung wurde bei der Interpretation der Regeln eine Differenzierung zwischen Praxen und Krankenhäusern vorgenommen – allerdings nicht bei der Verpflichtung für Praxen zu einer Hygienefachkraft. „Es ist müßig darüber nachzudenken, ob der Landesregierung bei der Formulierung ‚Hygienefachkraft‘ bewusst war, dass es sich hier um eine geschützte Berufsbezeichnung handelt“, Händedesinfektion: notwendiges, aber nicht hinreichenmeint Rulf. „Hygienefachdes Kriterium für einen erfolgreichen Infektionsschutz. kräfte müssen eine abgeRechtsverordnung Maßnahmen zur schlossene Berufsausbildung zur Verhütung, Erkennung, Erfassung und Krankenschwester oder zum KrankenBekämpfung von nosokomialen Infek- pfleger, eine mehrjährige Berufstätigkeit und eine sich daran anschließentionen und Krankheitserregern mit Resistenzen zu regeln. Acht Regeln sol- de zweijährige Zusatzweiterbildung len dazu umgesetzt werden, eine heißt: haben. Selbst wenn, was selbstredend nicht der Fall ist, die Praxen derartige „die erforderliche personelle Ausstattung mit Hygienefachkräften und Kran- Fachkräfte finanzieren könnten, Volker Witt - R rungen“ im Gesetz auch nicht operierende, aber endoskopierende Praxen und damit letztendlich alle urologischen Praxen unter die neuen gesetzlichen Vorgaben fallen könnten. Der Hintergrund: Absatz 5 fordert von den Verantwortlichen innerbetriebliche Verfahrensweisen zur Infektionshygiene in Hygieneplänen, um – in Kombination mit § 23 Abs. 3 IfSG – die Weiterverbreitung von Krankheitserregern, insbesondere mit Resistenzen, zu vermeiden. Dies sollte jedoch mittlerweile in den urologischen Praxen problemloser Standard sein. Gemäß § 23 Abs. 4 IfSG ist aber darauf zu achten, dass das Auftreten von Keimen mit Resistenzen und Multiresistenzen sowie deren Management organisiert und dokumentiert wird. Verstöße gegen Absatz 4 können mit 25.000 Euro sanktioniert werden. Uro-GmbH köln [ms] Nach Ansicht der Managementgesellschaft UroGmbH Nordrhein sollten die Bestimmungen der nordrhein-westfälischen Landesregierung zum neuen Infektionsschutzgesetz nicht Schule machen. Den urologischen Praxen würden so zusätzliche Personalkosten durch Hygienefachkräfte aufgebürdet werden, fürchten die UroWolfgang Rulf logen. wären bei Weitem nicht ausreichend Hygienefachkräfte auf dem Markt.“ KV nordrhein interveniert – mit wenig erfolg In der Folge hat die KV Nordrhein eine Stellungnahme an die Landesregierung weitergeleitet. Die Einwände seien im Ministerium aber nicht erhört worden, berichtet die Uro-GmbH. Das Ministerium habe nur auf die Forderung der festen Einstellung verzichtet. Im Februar 2012 forderte die KV Nordrhein alle ambulant operativ tätigen Vertragsärzte auf, die „Anforderungen an die hygienische Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten“ umzusetzen. „Bei genauer Durchsicht fällt auf, dass diese sogar höhere Anforderungen an die Aufbereitung stellen als die gesetzlich legitimierten Normen der Kommission am Robert Koch-Institut“, verdeutlicht Rulf. „Zudem steht im § 23 Absatz 3 des IfSG, dass die Einhaltung des Standes der medizinischen Wissenschaft vermutet wird, wenn die Empfehlungen des RKI eingehalten wurden. Weitgehende Anforderungen können nicht ernsthaft verlangt werden.“ W ( Quelle: Uro-GmbH Nordrhein Trennung in Grund- und Spezialversorgung D ie KBV hatte am 24. April dem Antrag „Begrenzte Leistung für begrenztes Geld – Grundversorgung definieren“ des Bayerischen Facharztverbandes (BFAV) und verschiedener KVen angenommen. Die Leistungen des EBM sollen „auf dem Boden valider Kriterien“ auf das im SGB V geforderte Maß „wirtschaftlich, ausreichend, zweck- ✁ mäßig und notwendig“ (§ 12) angepasst werden. „Ausdrücklich einbezogen und aufgefordert, daran mitzuwirken, sind durch diesen Beschluss die Berufsverbände, denen ein großes Maß an Verantwortung für die Ausgestaltung dieser strategischen Vorgabe zukommt“, betonte Dr. Wolfgang Bärtl, einer der drei BFAV-Vorsitzenden, nach diesem Erfolg. sowohl auf Bundes- als auch auf Landesebene darin, die urologische Basisversorgung zu definieren“, so Dr. Hartwig Kohl, Urologe und ebenfalls Vorsitzender des BFAV, gegenüber den Urologischen Nachrichten, „und zwar so, dass diese Leistungen erstens an das vom SGB geforderte Maß – wirtschaftlich, ausreichend, notwendig und zweckmäßig – angepasst werden und dass zweitens der deutsche Urologe von dieser Basisversorgung leben kann“. Vordringliches Ziel sei es, alle Mechanismen zu meiden, die zur „Fortsetzung des Hamsterradeffektes“ führen können. l ausstieg aus dem Hamsterrad Nun sind also die Berufsverbände am Zug, im Falle der Urologen der BDU. „Die konkreten Aufgaben des BDU – wie aller anderen Berufsverbände auch – bestehen aus unserer Sicht BFAV berlin [ms] Nachdem sich die Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung (KBV) auf ihrer Vertreterversammlung dafür entschieden hat, bei der EBM-Reform in Abstimmung mit den Berufsverbänden eine medizinische Grundversorgung zu definieren, liegt der Ball im Bereich Urologie jetzt beim BDU. Hartwig Kohl eistungen von Ärzten kann es nicht mehr geben, wenn sie nicht bezahlt werden. regionale und fachübergreifende abstimmung Kohl betont, dass hierfür eine Abstimmung aller Berufsverbände erforderlich sei, um zu vermeiden, dass die stringente Leistungsrückführung durch den einen Berufsverband zu einer quasi „kompensatorischen“ Mehrleistung durch den anderen Berufsverband führe. „Dies trifft ebenso auf die Bundesländer insgesamt zu: Auch hier darf die Leistungsbegrenzung im einen Bundesland nicht zu einem Honorarzuwachs in anderen Bundesländern führen“, warnt Kohl. Konkret soll laut Kohl die Basisversorgung von einer weiterführenden Fortsetzung s. Seite 3 ( Biermann Verlag GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Str. 7, 50997 Köln, G 420 41 PVST, DP AG, Entgelt bezahlt ebm-reform: länder-Antrag angenommen – Berufsverbände nach KbV-beschluss am Zug Einfach abonnieren, am schnellsten per Fax: 0201-747281-10 Gewünschte Zahlungsweise Ja, ich möchte die Urologischen Nachrichten abonnieren! ❏ gegen Rechnung ❏ bequem und bargeldlos per Lastschrift Schicken Sie mir bitte die Urologischen Nachrichten für ein Jahr (12 Hefte) zum Preis von jährlich 98 Euro inkl. MwSt. und Versandkosten (Inland). Das Abonnement verlängert sich automatisch um ein weiteres Jahr, wenn es nicht zwölf Wochen vor Ablauf des Bezugsjahres gekündigt wird. Der Einzugsauftrag gilt bis auf Widerruf und endet automatisch bei Beendigung des Abonnements. Name, Vorname Kontoinhaber Kontonummer BLZ Straße, Nr. Institut (Ort) PLZ, Ort Datum, Unterschrift Datum, Unterschrift Diese Bestellung kann innerhalb von 10 Tagen (Datum des Postvermerks) widerrufen werden bei Publikom Z Leserservice Heinrichstraße 73, 40239 Düsseldorf Tel.: 0561-60280-461 Fax: 0561-60280-469 E-Mail: [email protected] Datum, Unterschrift Biermann Verlag GmbH Otto-Hahn-Str. 7 50997 Köln Tel.: 02236-376-0 E-Mail: [email protected] Poster Sessions P 67 Clinical evaluation of the male partners of infertile couples – a waste of time? *M. Walschaerts, R. Mieusset, F. Isus, G. Massat, E. Huyghe, P. Plante L. Bujan (Toulouse/FR), P. Thonneau (Tunis/TN) P 68 Development of semen quality during young adulthood – longitudinal follow-up of two Finnish cohorts A. Perheentupa, *S. Sadov, R. Rönkä, H. E. Virtanen, M. Vierula, J. Matomäki (Turku/FI) N. Jørgensen, N. E. Skakkebæk (Copenhagen/DK), J. Toppari (Turku/FI) P 69 Testis and epididymis morphology in rats treated with soya isoflavones from prenatal life until sexual maturity *M. Marchlewicz, I. Baranowska-Bosiacka, A. Grzegrzółka, D. Szypulska, A. Kolasa A. Kondarewicz, E. Duchnik, B. Wiszniewska (Szczecin/PL) P 70 Perinatal origins of adult Leydig cells and function – role of developmental androgens *K. Kilcoyne (Edinburgh/GB), K. De Gendt (Belgium/BE), N. Atanassova (Sofia/BG) S. Macpherson, A. Dean, S. van den Driesche, L. Smith, R. M. Sharpe (Edinburgh/GB) P 71 Effects of Quercetin on mRNA expression of steroidogenesis genes in primary cultures of Leydig cells treated with Atrazine *S. Abarikwu (Redemption City/NG), A. Pant (Lucknow/IO), E. Farombi (Ibadan/NG) P 72 The identification of pre-diabetes condition with ARIC algorithm, predicts long-term CV events in patients with erectile dysfunction *G. Corona, G. Rastrelli, A. Silveri, M. Monami (Florence/IT), A. Sforza (Bologna/IT) G. Forti, E. Mannucci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 73 Semen parameters in Estonian fertile men *K. Pomm, K. Ehala-Aleksejev, M. Punab (Tartu/EE) P 74 The expression of metalloproteinases 9 and 2, and their tissue inhibitors 1 and 2 as potential markers of asthenozoospermia *E. M. Kratz, A. Kałuża, B. Kowalska-Olejnik, M. Zimmer, R. Fiutek M. Ferens-Sieczkowska (Wrocław/PL) P 75 The impact of paternal and maternal smoking on reproductive parameters of adolescent men *J. Axelsson (Malmö/SE), L. Rylander, A. Rignell-Hydbom (Lund/SE), K. Ågren Silfver A. Stenqvist, A. Giwercman (Malmö/SE) P 76 Spermatogonial expansion in marmoset testes *T. T. K. Tran, N. M. Kossack, J. Ehmcke, S. Schlatt (Münster/DE) 42 Poster Sessions P 77 Oxidative protein damage and oxidative stress markers in the seminal plasma of subfertile men *E. M. Kratz, M. Ferens-Sieczkowska, M. Zimmer, A. Piwowar (Wrocław/PL) P 78 Mixed testicular atrophy related to atherosclerosis – further lessons from the ApoE(-/-)/LDL receptor(-/-) double knockout mouse model *K. Steinfeld, R. Middendorff, M. Kampschulte (Gießen/DE) A. Langheinrich (Frankfurt a. M./DE), G. Krombach, T. Linn (Gießen/DE) C. Mühlfeld (Hanover/DE), A. Pilatz, A. Paradowska-Dogan, B. Altinkilic, M. Bergmann W. Weidner (Gießen/DE) P 79 Effects of in-utero exposure to environmental agents on human fetal testis development and function using a xenograft approach *R. Mitchell, A. Calarrao, S. van den Driesche, C. McKinnell, S. MacPherson, R. Anderson H. Wallace, C. Kelnar, P. Saunders, R. M. Sharpe (Edinburgh/GB) P 80 Non-linear association between androgen receptor CAG repeat length and reproductive parameters in fertile European and Inuit men *L. J. Brokken (Malmö/SE), L. Rylander, B. A. Jönsson (Lund/SE), M. Spano (Rome/IT) H. S. Pedersen (Nuuk/GL), J. K. Ludwicki (Warsaw/PL), V. Zviezdai (Kharkiv/UA) D. Bizzaro (Ancona/IT), G.-C. Manicardi (Reggio Emilia/IT), G. Toft (Aarhus/DK) J. P. Bonde (Copenhagen/DK), A. Giwercman, Y. Lundberg Giwercman (Malmö/SE) P 81 Differentiation of seminal leukocyte subpopulations by flow cytometry *S. Stötzel, A. Pilatz, M. Lohmeyer, T. Diemer, F. Wagenlehner, J. Lohmeyer H.-C. Schuppe, W. Weidner, T. Linn (Gießen/DE) P 82 Comparative analysis of morphological changes in mice testes following nano- and micro-dispersed manganese oxide (III, IV) effect *O. V. Lebedinskaya, N. V. Zaitseva, M. A. Zemluanova, V. N. Zvezdin, S. V. Melekhin E. V. Saenko, A. V. Tarantin, R. R. Makhmudov, T. I. Akaf’eva (Perm/RU) 1015–1215 Chair Poster Session 5 • Genetics and Epigenetics C. Krausz (Florence/IT) P 83 Mutation studies in the CFTR gene in Asian-Indian subjects with congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens – report of two novel mutations and four novel variants K. Sachdeva (Jalandhar/IO) P 84 Molecular analysis of sex chromosomes in 47,XYY men and patients with Klinefelter´s syndrome and/or sex chromosome polysomy *V. Chernykh, L. Kurilo, O. Ryzhkova, E. Bliznetz, A. Chukhrova, A. Polyakov (Moscow/RU) 43 Poster Sessions P 85 Human catalase c-262t polymorphism and male infertility *S. Saboohi, Z. Salehi, M. H. Bahadori (Guilan/IR) P 86 Molecular markers of male infertility – single nucleotide polymorphism of protamine-1 and -2 genes and human sperm protamine deficiency A. Kazienko, A. Rymaszewska, K. Gill, D. Gaczarzewicz, R. Kurzawa M. Laszczyska (Szczecin/PL), M. Fraczek, M. Kurpisz (Poznan/PL) *M. Piasecka (Szczecin/PL) P 87 From sperm to early embryo stages: potential functions of acetylated-histone-bound genes for idiopathic male infertility (a bovine model) *Y. Yang, G. Sarode, B. Samans (Gießen/DE), S. Krebs, H. Blum, E. Wolf (Munich/DE) A. Wehrend, W. Weidner, K. Steger, U. Schagdarsurengin (Gießen/DE) P 88 Mutations in the NR5A1 gene encoding steroidogenic factor 1 cause spermatogenic failure *F. Tüttelmann, A.-C. Tewes, A.-L. Bröcher, S. Kliesch, P. Wieacker, A. Röpke (Münster/DE) P 89 Y-chromosome-linked CNVs in the Spanish population *D. G. Lo Giacco, E. Ars, P. Ruiz, L. Bassas, S. Joaquim, O. Rajmil E. Ruiz Castañé (Barcelona/ES), C. Krausz (Florence/IT) P 90 The PARP2 gene is associated with male subfertility and prostate cancer protection *M. Bentmar Holgersson, Y. Ruhayel, A. Giwercman Y. Lundberg Giwercman (Malmö/SE) P 91 Polymorphisms in the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor affect receptor activity in vitro *I. Lindgren, A. Giwercman, Y. Lundberg Giwercman (Malmö/SE) P 92 Sperm Y.X-chromosome ratio and exposure to persistent organic pollutants in young men from the Faroe Islands *L. Kvist, Y. Lundberg Giwercman (Malmö/SE), P. Weihe (Torshavn/FO) T. Kold Jensen (Odense, Copenhagen/DK), P. Grandjean (Odense/DK, Harvard/GB) A. Giwercman (Malmö/SE) P 93 Decreased transactivating capability due to a deletion in the transactivating domain of the androgen receptor gene is associated with testicular cancer and male infertility *H. Rastkhani, A. Giwercman (Malmö/SE), E. Rajpert-De Meyts (Copenhagen/DK) N. JØrgensen (Copenhagen/DK), Y. Lundberg Giwercman (Malmö/SE) 44 Poster Sessions P 94 Array-CGH studies in male infertility – deletion burden on the X-chromosome and sex chromosomes-linked CNVs *C. Chianese (Florence/IT), D. G. Lo Giacco, (Barcelona/ES), C. Giachini F. Daguin (Florence/IT), E. Rossi (Pavia/IT), E. Ars, E. Ruiz-Castanè (Barcelona/ES) G. Forti, C. Krausz (Florence/IT) P 95 Is abnormal karyotype the essential reason to cancel azoospermic men from testicular biopsy? *J. K. Wolski, J. Brycz-Witkowska, H. Stanczak, E. Budna, B. Biarda, P. Kluge, K. Koziol P. Lewandowski (Warsaw/PL) P 96 Lack of evidence for a direct association of Y-chromosome microdeletions in children with testicular maldescent C. Mamoulakis (Heraklion/GR), *F. Dimitriadis (Thessaloniki/GR), A. Chatzikyriakidou E. Vlachopoulou (Ioannina/GR), F. Sofras, (Heraklion/GR), I. Georgiou N. Sofikitis (Ioannina/GR) P 97 Influence of androgens on the differentiation of human regulatory T cells *M. Walecki, N. Baal, A. Pilatz, A. Meinhardt, M. Fijak (Gießen/DE) P 98 Recurrent X-chromosome-linked deletions – discovery of new genetic factors in male infertility *D. G. Lo Giacco (Barcelona/ES), C. Chianese (Florence/IT), E. Ars E. Ruiz Castañé (Barcelona/ES), G. Forti, C. Krausz (Florence/IT) P 99 The molecular role of Tcd1b in transmission ratio distortion *Y. Charron, H. Bauer, B. G. Herrmann (Berlin/DE) P 100 Treatment of patients with a late diagnosis of Klinefelter´s syndrome with testosterone undecanoate for a duration of up to 5 years *A. Haider (Bremerhaven/DE), F. Saad (Berlin/DE, Ajman/UA) P 101 The Münster EXAKT project – cardiovascular risk factors in Klinefelter´s patients and healthy controls *M. Zitzmann, S. Werler, R. Bongers, S. Kliesch, J. Gromoll, F. Tüttelmann (Münster/DE) P 102 Münster-EXAKT – X-chromosome inactivation in two Klinefelter´s-twin pairs *R. Bongers, S. Werler, J. Gromoll, S. Kliesch, F. Tüttelmann, M. Zitzmann (Münster/DE) P 103 The Münster EXAKT study – microarray gene expression analysis in blood samples of Klinefelter´s patients *S. Werler, R. Bongers (Münster/DE), P. Hüppe (Münster, Essen/DE), J. Seggewiss J. Wistuba, F. Tüttelmann, M. Zitzmann, J. Gromoll (Münster/DE) 45 Poster Sessions 1015–1215 Poster Session 6 • New Horizons in Andrology & Testicular Cancer Chair E. Baldi (Florence/IT) P 104 Fibronectin on the surface of human spermatozoa – a new marker of sperm quality *F. Torabi, H. Heidari-Vala, M. M. Akhondi, N. Lakpour, A. H. Zarnani, J. Mahmoudian A. R. Mahmoudi, M. R. Sadeghi (Tehran/IR) P 105 NAMPT is expressed and released by human spermatozoa depending on maturation stage *S. Thomas, A. Garten, M. Schaab, S. Grunewald, W. Kiess, J. Kratzsch U. Paasch (Leipzig/DE) P 106 Testicular peritubular cells influence spermatogonial stem cells via the extracellular matrix proteoglycan decorin and may contribute to the spermatogonial stem cell niche in man *S. Windschüttl, F. Flenkenthaler, T. Fröhlich (Munich/DE), S. Schlatt (Münster/DE) H. Schorle (Bonn/DE), U. Welsch, G. J. Arnold, A. Mayerhofer (Munich/DE) P 107 Assessment of sperm concentration and viability by automated image cytometry *D. L. Egeberg (Copenhagen/DK), S. Kjærulff (Allerød/DK), C. Hansen J. H. Petersen (Copenhagen/DK), M. Glensbjerg (Allerød/DK), N. E. Skakkebæk N. Jørgensen, K. Almstrup (Copenhagen/DK) P 108 Seminal, ultrasound and psychobiological correlates of metabolic syndrome in male subjects of infertile couples *M. Maggi, F. Lotti, G. Corona, S. Degli Innocenti, E. Filimberti, V. Scognamiglio L. Vignozzi, G. Forti (Florence/IT) P 109 Seminal apoptotic M540 bodies originate from the testis: a study in a cohort of infertile subjects *M. Maggi, F. Lotti, L. Tamburrino, S. Marchiani, M. Muratori, G. Corona, M. G. Fino G. Forti, E. Baldi (Florence/IT) P 110 Sperm oxidative DNA damage increases with age even in highly selected Nellore bulls *J. Torres Carreira (São José do Rio Preto/BR), J. Teramachi Trevisan (Araçatuba/BR) L. H. Rodrigues (Jaboticabal/BR), S. H. Venturoli Perri (Araçatuba/BR) C. Silva (Sertãozinho/BR), I. Resende de Carvalho, P. Barbosa da Costa Gomes B. Kipper, M. Burkhardt de Koivisto (Araçatuba/BR) P 111 Feasibility of the testosterone-inducible CMG2 protein as biomarker for prostate carcinoma *S. Pelka, M. Marcou, T. Greither, P. Fornara, H. M. Behre (Halle a. d. S./DE) 46 Poster Sessions P 112 Molecular influence of androgens on adipogenic differentiation of human SGBS preadipocytes *M. Kraus, T. Greither (Halle a. d. S./DE), M. Wabitsch (Ulm/DE) H. M. Behre (Halle a. d. S./DE) P 113 Androgen receptor expression in stromal and epithelial prostate cancer tissue Specimens *L. Tamburrino, F. Salvianti, S. Marchiani, G. Nesi, M. Lanciotti, M. Carini, G. Forti P. Pinzani, E. Baldi (Florence/IT) P 114 Reproductive function in middle-aged males – healthy men versus male partners of infertile couples *K. Ausmees, R. Mändar, P. Korrovits, G. Timberg, M. Punab (Tartu/EE) P 115 Impact of childhood maltreatment on psychological state and sexual performance of men facing timed intercourse (TI) *C. Bak, J. S. Byun, J. H. Gwak, H. H. Seok, S. W. Lyu, T. K. Yoon (Seoul/KR) P 116 Metachronous bilateral testis tumors with different histology – a case report *J. P. Peralta, C. Rabaça, A. Sismeiro, R. Godinho, P. Conceição (Coimbra/PT) P 117 Pituitary transforming gene 1 (PTTG1) expression in seminoma F. Pierconti, M. Martini, G. Grande, T. Cenci, G. Gulino, G. Schinzari, L. M. Larocca A. Pontecorvi, L. De Marinis, *D. Milardi (Rome/IT) P 118 Early detection of carcinoma in situ of the testis with a new non-invasive method *J. E. Elzinga-Tinke, G. Dohle, L. Looijenga (Rotterdam/NL) P 119 Testicular cancer – awareness and testicular self examination in a Portuguese university setting *I. Braga (Braga/PT), N. Louro, J. LaFuente de Carvalho, A. Fraga (Porto/PT) P 120 Delayed orchidectomy after primary chemotherapy for metastatic testicular cancer *R. Donat, S. Ramsey, G. Kerr, G. Howard (Edinburgh/GB) P 121 Biological hypogonadism and abnormal sperm in males affected by testicular cancer *B. Zorn, Š. Breda, P. Marija, O. Jožko, K. Andreja (Ljubljana/SI) P 122 Prevalence of intratubular germ cell neoplasia in testicular biopsies of infertile Iranian men *H. Soltanghoraee, F. Pourkeramati, M. M. Akhondi, N. Amirjanati (Tehran/IR) 47 Poster Sessions P 123 Variations in testosterone pathway genes and susceptibility to testicular cancer in Norwegian men W. Kristiansen, *E. Aschim, J. Andersen, O. Witczak, S. Fosså, T. B. Haugen (Oslo/NO) P 124 Genetic variations in signal transduction pathways and risk of testicular germ cell tumour in a large Swedish-Norwegian case-parent, case-control study R. Karlsson (Stockholm/SE), *W. Kristiansen, K. E. Andreassen, E. L. Aschim (Oslo/NO) R. M. Bremnes (Tromsø/NO), O. Dahl (Bergen/NO), S. D. Fosså (Oslo/NO) O. Klepp (Ålesund/NO), C. W. Langberg (Oslo/NO), A. Solberg (Trondheim/NO) S. Tretli (Oslo/NO), P. K. Magnusson, H.-O. Adami (Stockholm/SE), T. B. Haugen T. Grotmol (Oslo/NO), F. Wiklund (Stockholm/SE) 1015–1215 Poster Session 7 • Andrology along the Lifeline & Metabolic Syndrome and Reproductive Function & Hypogonadism Chair N. JØrgensen (Copenhagen/DK) P 125 Evaluation of oxidative stress in diabetic patients with erectile dysfunction *F. A. Escórcio de Almeida, M. Almeida, N. Louro, J. LaFuente Carvalho, S. Ribeiro A. Fraga (Porto/PT) P 126 Effect of the metabolic syndrome on male hormonal status and sperm function – a case controlled pilot study *K. Leisegang, R. Henkel (Bellville/ZA), P. Bouic (Tygerberg/ZA) A. Udodong (Bellville/ZA) P 127 Restoring testosterone to normal levels in elderly men is efficacious in weight reduction a follow-up study over 5 years *A. Haider (Bremerhaven/DE), F. Saad (Berlin/DE, Ajman/UA) P 128 Side effect profile of long-term treatment of elderly hypogonadal men with testosterone undecanoate *A. Haider (Bremerhaven/DE), F. Saad (Berlin/DE, Ajman/UA) P 129 “Late onset hypogonadism” is not an isolated condition – comorbidities in elderly hypogonadal men presenting or referred to urological institutions in Germany *A. Haider (Bremerhaven/DE), A. Yassin (Ajman/UA, Dresden, Norderstedt/DE) F. Saad (Berlin/DE, Ajman/UA) P 130 The pharmacodynamics of enclomiphene citrate (Androxal®) in men with secondary hypogonadism indicates that it acts as a restorative therapy rather than as a replacement therapy *R. Wiehle, G. Fontenot, M. Rosner, J. Podolski (The Woodlands, TX/US) 48 Poster Sessions P 131 Testosterone and cardiovascular risk in patients with erectile dysfunction *G. Rastrelli, G. Corona (Florence/IT), G. Balercia (Ancona/IT) A. Sforza (Bologna/IT), G. Forti, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 132 Investigation on psychological symptoms improves ANDROTEST accuracy in predicting hypogonadism in subjects with sexual dysfunction *G. Rastrelli, G. Corona, E. Bandini, C. Strada, E. Maseroli, V. Ricca, C. Faravelli E. Mannucci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 133 Testosterone supplementation improves adipose tissue function in animal model of metabolic syndrome *E. Maneschi, A. Morelli, L. Vignozzi, S. Filippi, I. Cellai, P. Comeglio, T. Mello B. Mazzanti (Florence/IT), A. Calcagno (Padua/IT), G. B. Vannelli (Florence/IT) R. Vettor (Padua/IT), M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 134 Is psychological stress associated with reduced semen quality? A cross-sectional study among 949 healthy young Danish men *L. Nordkap, N. JØrgensen, T. Kold Jensen (Copenhagen/DK) P 135 Comparative efficacy of the anastrasol for the treatment of idiopathic infertility in men with normal BMI and obesity *O. Tazhetdinov, S. Gamidov, R. Ovchinnikov, A. Popova (Moscow/RU) P 136 Anti-inflammatory effect of androgen receptor activation in human BPH cells *L. Vignozzi, I. Cellai, A. Morelli, L. Lombardelli, R. Santi, P. Comeglio, S. Filippi, G. Nesi M. Gacci (Florence/IT), L. Adorini (New York City, NY/US), M.-P. Piccinni M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 137 Is metabolic syndrome a useless category in subjects with high cardiovascular risk? – results from a cohort study in men with erectile dysfunction *G. Corona, M. Monami, G. Rastrelli (Florence/IT), A. Sforza (Bologna/IT), G. Forti E. Mannucci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 138 Fat boosts, while androgen receptor activation counteracts, BPH-associated prostate inflammation *L. Vignozzi, M. Gacci, I. Cellai, R. Santi (Florence/IT), G. Corona (Bologna/IT) A. Morelli, G. Rastrelli, P. Comeglio, G. Nesi (Florence/IT), C. de Nunzio A. Tubaro (Rome/IT), M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 139 Waist circumference and metabolic syndrome in relation to semen quality and serum reproductive hormone levels among Estonian fertile men *K. Ehala-Aleksejev, K. Pomm, M. Punab (Tallinn/EE) 49 Poster Sessions P 140 Mechanism of action of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibition in metabolic-syndromeassociated prostate alterations – an experimental study *L. Vignozzi, A. Morelli, P. Comeglio, S. Filippi, E. Sarchielli, E. Maneschi, I. Cellai M. Gacci, G. B. Vannelli (Florence/IT), A. Lenzi (Rome/IT), M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 141 Sperm characteristics in an animal model of metabolic syndrome *S. Marchiani, A. La Barbera, S. Filippi, L. Vignozzi, G. Forti, M. Maggi E. Baldi (Florence/IT) P 142 Antioxidant treatment with edaravone or taurine ameliorates diabetes-induced testicular dysfunction in the rat *F. Dimitriadis (Thessaloniki/GR), P. Tsounapi, M. Saito (Yonago/JP) S. Koukos (Ioannina/GR), S. Shimizu, K. Satoh, A. Takenaka (Yonago/JP) N. Sofikitis (Ioannina/GR) P 143 Has metabolic syndrome any effect on reproductive characteristics in overweight males? *J. M. Andersen, O. Witczak, E. L. Aschim, H. Herning (Oslo/NO) R. Sandbu (Tønsberg/NO), T. Mala (Oslo/NO), J. Hjelmesæth (Tønsberg/NO) T. B. Haugen (Oslo/NO) ID 19Association between UGT2B17genotype and testosterone substitution dosages? *A. K. Bang, N. Jørgensen, A. Juul (Copenhagen/DK) 1015–1215 Chair Poster Session 8 • Sexual Medicine & Non-Obstructive Azoospermia M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 147 Perceived reduced sleep-related erections in subjects with erectile dysfunction: psychobiological correlates *G. Rastrelli (Florence/IT), G. Corona (Florence, Bologna/IT), G. Balercia (Ancona/IT) A. Sforza (Bologna/IT), G. Forti, E. Mannucci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 161 Poor response to alprostadil ICI test is associated with arteriogenic erectile dysfunction and higher risk of major adverse cardiovascular events *G. Rastrelli, G. Corona, M. Monami, C. Melani, D. Balzi (Florence/IT) A. Sforza (Bologna/IT), G. Forti, E. Mannucci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) 50 Poster Sessions P 162 Inhibitors of 5α-reductase-related side effects in patients seeking medical care for sexual dysfunction *G. Rastrelli, G. Corona, E. Maseroli (Florence/IT), G. Balercia (Ancona/IT) A. Sforza (Bologna/IT), G. Forti, E. Mannucci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 163 Two unconventional risk factors in estimating risk of major adverse cardiovascular events in subjects with erectile dysfunction – low education and reported partner’s hypoactive sexual desire in comparison with conventional risk factors *G. Rastrelli, G. Corona, A. D. Fisher, A. Silverii, E. Mannucci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 164 Testosterone/estradiol ratio regulates NO-induced bladder relaxation an responsiveness to PDE5 inhibitors *L. Vignozzi, S. Filippi, A. Morelli, P. Comeglio, I. Cellai, E. Sarchielli, E. Maneschi R. Mancina, G. B. Vannelli, M. Gacci, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 165 “It takes two to tango” – the relational domain in a cohort of subjects with erectile dysfunction (ED) *V. Boddi, G. Corona, M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 144 Use of ethnicity-specific sequence tag site markers for Y-chromosome microdeletion studies in non obstructive azoopsermic males K. Sachdeva (Jalandhar/IO) P 145 Expression of testosterone in Leydig cells of infertile patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) N. Kneževi, V. Kozina, A. Vukasovi, *D. Jezek (Zagreb/HR) P 148 Our experience of microTESE in men with non-obstructive azoospermia *O. Tazhetdinov, S. Gamidov, A. Popova, R. Ovchinnikov, N. Kamaletdinov A. Schegolev (Moscow/RU) P 150 Proteomic analysis of seminal plasma from normozoospermic and non-obstructive azoospermic (NOA) men to discover new markers *A. Meyfour, N. Lakpour, M. M. Akhondi, M. R. Sadeghi (Tehran/IR) P 152 Gorlin-Goltz syndrome – a rare cause of male infertility *K.-G. Ballauf, C. Protzel, C. Kakies, H. Müller, O. W. Hakenberg (Rostock/DE) 51 Poster Sessions P 153 Ultrastructure of cultured spermatogenic cells in testicular materials of non-obstructive azoospermic patients *E. Yaprak, O. Arda, T. Irez (Istanbul/TR) P 146 Circumcision and male sexual health – a predictive analysis *J. Dias, R. Amorim (Vila Nova de Gaia/PT), R. Freitas (Porto/PT), P. Espiridião L. Xambre, L. Ferraz (Vila Nova de Gaia/PT) P 155 Multifactorial etiology of erectile dysfunction in patients with prostate carcinoma treated by radiotherapy *A. Mancini, L. Tagliaferri, S. Raimondo (Rome/IT), R. Festa (Ancona/IT), G. Mantini G. C. Mattiucci, S. Luzi, A. Pontecorvi, V. Valentini, N. Cellini (Rome/IT) P 156 Inhibition of circulating angiogenic cells from healthy men is associated with a TNF dependent activation of caspase cascade and to mitochondrial depolarization *S. Francavilla, A. D’Angeli, A. Barbonetti, S. D’Andrea, M. Di Padova, S. Filipponi E. Alesse, F. Francavilla (L’Aquila/IT) P 149 SIEDY Scale 3, a new instrument to detect sychological component in subjects with erectile dysfunction *G. Corona, V. Ricca, E. Bandini, G. Rastrelli, H. Casale (Florence/IT) E. A. Jannini (L’Aquila/IT), A. Sforza (Bologna/IT), G. Forti, E. Mannucci M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 151 Thyroid hormones and male sexual function *G. Corona (Florence/IT), F. Wu (Manchester/GB), G. Forti (Florence/IT) D. Lee (Manchester/GB), D. O’Connor (Leeds/GB), T. O’Neill (Manchester/GB) N. Pendleton (Salford/GB), G. Bartfay (Szeged/HU), S. Boonen (Leuven/BE) F. Casanueva (Santiago de Compostela /ES), J. Finn (Manchester/GB) A. Giwercman (Malmo/SE), T. Han (Hampstead/GB), I. Huhtaniemi (London/GB) K. Kula (Lodz/PL), M. Lean (Glasgow/GB), M. Punab (Tartu/EE) D. Vanderschueren (Leuven/BE), E. A. Jannini (L’Aquila/IT) E. Mannucci (L’Aquila, Florence/IT), M. Maggi (Florence/IT) P 157 52 Ejaculatory disorders as a result of antituberculous therapy *E. Kulchavenya, D. Kholtobin (Novosibirsk/RU) Poster Sessions P 158 Sexual health of Siberians *E. Kulchavenya, E. Brizhatyuk, D. Kholtobin (Novosibirsk/RU) P 159 P 160 Women as a cause of male sexual dysfunction *E. Kulchavenya, E. Brizhatyuk, D. Kholtobin, A. Osadchiy (Novosibirsk/RU) Ejaculatory disorders in Southerners and Siberians *E. Kulchavenya, E. Brizhatyuk (Novosibirsk/RU) Order online today and save up to 20% off the regular price on individual print subscriptions for 2013. Free onlin e access w ith your individu al print subscrip tion! Increased Impact Factor 3.796 Seminars in Reproductive Medicine International Subscription Rates Editor-in-Chief: B.R. Carr Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia [email protected] Individuals: €322 €259 Institutional: €890 Please add handling charges: €54 2013 Volume 31 / 6 issues p.a. / ISSN 1526-8004 Seminars in Reproductive Medicine is a topic-specific, indexed review journal that provides in-depth coverage of important advances in the understanding of normal and disordered human reproductive function, as well as new diagnostic and interventional techniques USA and Canada [email protected] Individuals: $299 $239 Institutional: $859 Mexico, Central and South America Contact [email protected] Individuals: $326 $261 Institutional: $886 Customers in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: Contact [email protected] for subscription rates in INR. Special introductory rates are only valid for new subscribers and are limited to the first year of subscription. Only qualified professionals and students are eligible for individual subscriptions. Orders from individuals must include the recipient’s name and private address, and be paid by private funds. 2012 ECA Thieme SRM Ad.indd 1 13.07.2012 16:53:07 Meeting Calendar Tuesday, 27 November 2012 1630–1830 EAA “Clinical Andrologist” written examination Room Berlin Wednesday, 28 November 2012 0900–1200 EAA “Clinical Andrologist” oral examination Room Berlin 2000–2300 EAA Executive Council Meeting Room Potsdam 2100–2230 DGA-Vorstandssitzung Room Berlin Thursday, 29 November 2012 1045–1300 ESAU Board Meeting Room Berlin 1130–1330 EAA Ultrasonography Meeting Room Harvard 1845–1945 EAA General Assembly Room Berlin Friday, 30 November 2012 0915–1215 EAA Education Committee Meeting Room Berlin 1100–1500 Meeting of the Infertility Guideline Group of the EAU Room Potsdam 1245–1445 Treffen des Arbeitskreises Andrologie der DGU Room Berlin 1830–1930 Room Stanford 54 Mitgliederversammlung der DGA Lift Lift Poster Area 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 9 10 11 12 14 13 Industrial Exhibition Check-In Catering Plan of Exhibition Area State at printing 55 Sponsors and Exhibitors We would like to thank the following companies for their kind support: Bronze Sponsor MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG (Bad Homburg/DE) Other Sponsors AMS Deutschland GmbH (Berlin/DE) Farco-Pharma GmbH (Cologne/DE) Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH (Bad Homburg/DE) Jenapharm GmbH & Co. KG (Jena/DE) Lilly Deutschland GmbH (Bad Homburg/DE) Exhibitors AIR LIQUIDE Medical GmbH (Düsseldorf/DE) AMS Deutschland GmbH (Berlin/DE) BIOMED Labordiagnostik GmbH (Oberschleissheim/DE) Deutsche Klinefelter-Syndrom Vereinigung e. V. (Ratingen/DE) Farco-Pharma GmbH (Cologne/DE) Fertikult Gück GmbH (Berlin/DE) Glenwood GmbH (Starnberg/DE) Jenapharm GmbH & Co. KG (Jena/DE) Lilly Deutschland GmbH (Bad Homburg/DE) Merck Serono GmbH (Darmstadt/DE) MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG (Bad Homburg/DE) ORIGIO GmbH (Berlin/DE) tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Dorsten/DE) TransMIT–Fertisure (Gießen/DE) 2 1 4 12 14 3 10 8 9 7 6 5 11 13 Financial Support Travel grants – International Society of Andrology (ISA) and European Academy of Andrology (EAA) B. Braun-Foundation German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) 56 State at printing Media Cooperations Biermann Verlag GmbH (Cologne/DE) Urologische Nachrichten Blackwell Verlag GmbH (Berlin/DE) Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft European Association of Urology (Arnheim/NL) European Urology Today Informa Healthcare (London/GB) Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology • The Aging Male Krause und Pachernegg GmbH (Gablitz/AT) Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie • Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie Nature Publishing Group (Tokyo/JP) Asian Journal of Andrology OmniMed Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (Hamburg/DE) DERM Praktische Dermatologie Pro anima medizin medien OHG (Mülheim a. d. R./DE) – Zeitschrift für Urologie und Andrologie S. Karger AG (Basel/CH) Urologia Internationalis Springer-Verlag France S.A.R.L.(Paris/FR) Andrologie Springer-Verlag GmbH (Heidelberg, Berlin/DE) Hautnah Dermatologie • Uro News • Der Urologe Thieme Publishers (New York, NY/US) Seminars in Reproductive Medicine Wiley-Blackwell (Oxford/GB) Andrology State at printing 57 lunch symposia* friday, 30 november 2012 ANNA C-TRUS – artifizielle neuronale Netzwerk-Analyse fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH (bad Homburg/De) Saturday, 1 December 2012 Hypogonadismus – aktuelle Aspekte aus Klinik und Forschung Jenapharm gmbH & Co. Kg (Jena/DE) * Please note: The symposia will be held in german language. 58 FREE ACCESS to recent articles covering all aspects of male health from ThE Aging MAlE 2011 impact Factor: 1.518* Simply scan the QR code to access your FREE articles or visit *© Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® 2012 Social and Cultural Programme Welcome Reception The welcome reception will take place following the first sessions of the conference on Wednesday, 28 November in the foyer of the conference venue. Everyone is invited to come together for snacks and drinks after the conference’s kick-off to meet and greet with colleagues and exhibitors. Date 28 November 2012 Begin 1900 PlaceFoyer of the conference center FeeFree of charge Conference Dinner The restaurant “Nolle” is located in the heart of Berlin, directly under the historic S train arch (S- and U-Bahnhof Friedrichstraße) and offers an impressive original atmosphere of a typical 1920´s restaurant, giving a perfect ambience for our Berlin dinner. “Nolle” is where the first beer palace, “Der Franziskaner”, was opened a hundred years ago. It is a place of traditional hospitality, showing Berlin as it was in the past and as it continues to be in the present. © Farina3000 • © Restaurant Nolle Berlin Join us for a unique evening, only a few steps away from the most famous sightseeings of Berlin: The “Fernsehturm” (Television Tower) and “Alexanderplatz” to your left, “Brandenburger Tor“ and “Reichstag” (German Parliament) to your right. © Restaurant Nolle Berlin Date 29 November 2012 Begin 2015 PlaceRestaurant Nolle FeeEUR 45 AddressRestaurant Nolle Georgenstraße/S-Bahnbogen 203 10117 Berlin 60 Social and Cultural Programme Berlin at Night Join an individual city tour of a special kind. Enjoy the highlights of Berlin within a two hour guided tour after sunset. A city guide will show famous and maybe less known sights of Berlin, accompanied by humorous moderation. Date 29 November 2012 Begin/duration 1800/approx. 2 hrs FeeEUR 12 Meeting point Potsdamer Platz (green old traffic lights)* © Marcus Klepper• The Historic Center of Berlin – Part I Follow the history of Berlin and experience the past and present of Germany’s capital city. The city tour starts at “Alexanderplatz” and leads to “Museumsinsel”, Berlin Cathedral and “Brandenburger Tor”, just to name a few. Date 29 November 2012 Begin/duration 1100/approx. 2 hrs FeeEUR 12 Meeting point “Weltzeituhr” (World time clock) at Berlin Alexanderplatz* © Sliver • The Historic Center of Berlin – Part II Walking by the relics of the Berlin Wall – this historic guided city tour starts at “Checkpoint Charlie” and follows the former course of the “Wall” until “Potsdamer Platz”. After a stop at the “Holocaust Memorial”, this tour will continue to “Brandenburger Tor” and “Pariser Platz”. Date 30 November 2012 Begin/duration 1300/approx. 2 hrs © fotoman_65 • FeeEUR 12 Meeting point Checkpoint Charlie underneath the sign marking “Sie verlassen den amerikanischen Sektor” (You are leaving the American sector)* * Please note that guided tours will start in the city centre and consider additional time for the subway ride from Dahlem to Berlin Centre (about 30–45 min) 61 Social and Cultural Programme Suggestions for individual sightseeing Berlin-City-Tour with a double-decker bus The city tour with the Berlin double-decker bus starts daily at 1000 every 15 and 20 min on a defined route and takes approximately 2.5 hours. You can hop on and off at any bus stop you prefer. The main bus stops are “Kurfürstendamm”, “Potsdamer Platz”, “Berlin Central Station”, “Unter den Linden” and “Alexanderplatz”. A guide will join you to tell details about the sights in German and English. Time every 15–20 minutes (daily from 1000) Fee approx. EUR 15 © spuno • Berliner Fernsehturm (Television Tower) With 368 m height, the tower is the highest accessible building throughout Europe and an emblem of Berlin. It is a must for every trip to Berlin! Time 1000–2400 AddressAlexanderplatz • 10178 Berlin (Mitte) Fee approx. EUR 12 Jüdisches Museum (Jewish Museum) The Jewish Museum in Berlin is the biggest museum in Europe of its kind and shows the German-Jewish history of two centuries. The zig-zag pattern of the building symbolizes a bursting Star of David. Time 1000–2000 AddressLindenstraße 9–14 • 10969 Berlin (Kreuzberg) Fee approx. EUR 5 Zeughaus It is the oldest maintained building at the Boulevard “Unter den Linden“ and a famous baroque construction at the same time. It was built to be an armory, but since 2006 it belongs to the German Historic Museum (Deutsches Historisches Museum). The permanent display is very popular and is supported by variable special displays. Time 1000–1800 Address Unter den Linden 2 • 10117 Berlin (Mitte) Fee approx. EUR 5 Museumsinsel (Museum Island) On an island in the river “Spree”, directly in the city centre of Berlin, you will find the most impressive museum complex of Europe – the “Museumsinsel” is part of the UNESCO world heritage since 1999, hosting six museums with different kinds of displays and collections. AddressBodestraße 1–3 • 10178 Berlin (Mitte) Time 1000–1800 Fee approx. EUR 14–19 62 © Goecko • © paul prescott• © ProgRock • © Katja Xenikis• General Information Venue Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin Science & Conference Center Takustraße 39 • 14195 Berlin (DE) Date 28 November–1 December 2012 Homepage You will find current information on our website Registration Please register online at For registrations via fax or postal mail, please use the registration form in the middle of this brochure. Conference Fees Non-member Member ESU/EAA/ESAU/DGA* Student/Postgraduate/Medical Assistant* Two-day ticket (30 November + 1 December) Conference Dinner (29 November) EUR 450 EUR 390 EUR 170 EUR 270 EUR 45 * Please provide confirmation. Payment/Confirmation of Payment An invoice or confirmation of registration will be sent to you via postal or electronic mail within 14 days after online or paper registration. This invoice is a valid invoice which may be submitted to the local tax and revenue office. All fees are due upon receipt of invoice/registration confirmation. Payment transfers must include participant’s name and invoice number. Payment is also accepted by credit card (Master-/ Eurocard, American Express, VISA). Should you transfer your invoice amount within 10 days of the start of the event, please present your transfer remittance slip at the check-in desk as proof of payment. Hotel Reservation/Accommodation We have allocated a contingent of rooms at special rates at the hotels listed on the congress homepage Please note: Conventus GmbH acts as an intermediary party and assumes no liability for reservations made. Changes and cancellations have to be addressed to the appropriate hotel directly. 63 General Information Arrival/Parking By car Address for Navigation Systems Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin • Science & Conference Center Takustraße 39 • 14195 Berlin (DE) © Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin Parking Parking is available in the underground car park directly underneath the Seminaris CampusHotel and at the museum just next to it. By Plane The closest airport to the venue is Berlin-Tegel. It is a 20 min cab ride to the venue. You may also take the public transportation. Please take the bus 109 or X9 towards “Zoologischer Garten“ and switch into the underground station into U7 towards „Rudow“. Please change trains at „Fehrbelliner Platz“ into U3 towards „Krumme Lanke“. Please exit at “Dahlem-Dorf”. From here it is only 500 m to the Seminaris CampusHotel. By Train The easiest way is to arrive directly at the main train station in the city center of Berlin. From here, please use the public transportation: Take S 5 to “Spandau” or S 7 to “Potsdam Hauptbahnhof” and switch trains at “Westend” into S 41 or S 42 towards “Ostkreuz”. Switch trains again at “Heidelberger Platz” into U 3 towards “Krumme Lanke”. Please exit at “Dahlem-Dorf”. From here it is only 500 m to the Seminaris CampusHotel. Environmental Badge The environmental badge is obligatory for the green zone in Berlin, also for foreigners! Vehicles with no environmental badge may not pass through the green zone, otherwise there will be a penalty of EUR 40 and a penalty point in penal record Flensburg impend, even if the vehicle would be allowed to pass through the zone based on its emission value. This is also valid for all vehicles registered in foreign countries, like cars, trucks and busses, as well as for business travellers and for tourists. 64 General Information Cooperation with German Railways Good for environment. Convenient for you. Travel by train from Euro 99 to the 7th European Congress of Andrology 2012. With the offer of Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH and German Railways you can save money by visiting the 7th European Congress of Andrology 2012! Get on board and profit from attractive prices and conditions for train travel. Have a good connection to your venue and to the nature! Compared with a car each journey by train spares the environment two-thirds CO2 and compared with a plane even respectable 75 percent. The ticket price to and from Berlin accounts: travelling nationwide, from every train station with the possibility of reservations for a specific train* • National price for ticket with train connection (available daily): − 1st class EUR 159 − 2nd class EUR 99 • National price for open ticket (available Mo–Th only): − 1st class EUR 189 − 2nd class EUR 129 This special offer is valid for all congresses of Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH in 2012. Your ticket is valid from 26 November–3 December 2012. Please call our service number +49 (0)1805 31 11 53** to book your ticket and quote Conventus as reference. Have your credit card ready please. Your price advantages compared to the regular price in the 2nd class***: From ↔ to (and return) Dresden Munich Cologne Hamburg ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ Berlin Berlin Berlin Berlin Regular fair Offer to ECA 2012 Savings EUR 270 EUR 256 EUR 226 EUR 146 EUR 99 EUR 99 EUR 99 EUR 99 EUR 171 EUR 157 EUR 127 EUR 47 We wish you a pleasant journey with German Railways! * Changes and reimbursement before the first day of validity are EUR 15 excluded from the first day of validity onwards. Passengers restrict themselves to a particular train and travel times. For a supplement of EUR 30 in 2nd class resp. EUR 20 in 1st class full flexible tickets are also available. ** The booking line is available from Monday to Saturday 0800–2100 o´clock. Calls will be charged at EUR 0.14 per minute, the expenses from cell phones max. EUR 0.42 per minute. ***Prices are subject to change. 65 General Information Check-in The check-in is located in the entrance area of the conference center. Education Credits and Certification The 7th European Congress of Andrology will be certified by the Berlin Chamber of Physicians (Ärztekammer Berlin) with 21 CME points category B and at the Academy of German Urologists (Akademie der Deutschen Urologen). Scientific Programme 28 November 2012 29 November 2012 30 November 2012 1 December 2012 Category B Category B Category B Category B 3 Points 6 Points 6 Points 6 Points All attendants are required to sign the certification list near the check-in daily for certification. Certificates of attendance may be picked up upon leaving the congress at check-in. ESU Courses Courses on Operative Andrology will be accredited by the European Union of Medical Specialists (Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes – UEMS) with 2 credit points per course. List of Attendants Please remember to sign the list of attendants (with barcode, if required or applicable) which is available at the check-in. Certificate of Attendance Certificates of attendance are available on the last day of the congress at the check-in. Name Tag Attendants will receive a name tag after registration. Admittance to the congress and industrial exhibition is only allowed for those with a name tag. Name tags should be worn at all times. Name tags for exhibitors will be given to the exhibit personnel. Evaluation Please turn in your completed and legible evaluation form to the check-in on the last day. We are always striving to provide high congress quality. This goal can only be reached with your help, your active participation and constructive criticism. 66 General Information Wardrobe The wardrobe is situated in the foyer and is free of charge. Speakers Preview Area The speakers preview area is placed in the foyer. Industrial Exhibition There is an accompanying industrial exhibition. The exhibitors are looking forward to welcoming you and to present their comprehensive range of innovative products. For a detailed layout of the exhibition plan see page 55. Opening Hours Industrial Exhibition Check-In Speakers Preview Area Wednesday 28 November 1530–2030 1500–1930 1500–1930 ThursdayFridaySaturday 29 November 30 November 1 December 0830–1900 0800–1900 0800–1345 0800–1930 0800–1900 0800–1600 0800–1715 0800–1715 0800–1330 Internet WLAN is accessible at the venue. For further information, please ask at the check-in. Furthermore, there are computers with internet access available at the speakers preview area. Language The official congress language is English. Note: The Annual Meeting of the German Society of Andrology (DGA) will be held in German. Abstract Volume Abstracts will be published in the “Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie (JRE)” which will be handed out on site. Catering Catering will be provided during the official programme breaks in the industrial exhibition at the points marked “Catering” (see page 55). Smoking Smoking is prohibited inside the conference center. Restrooms Please follow signs or ask at check-in. 67 General Information Service for Handicapped Persons The premises are suitable for the handicapped. Event and Presentation Types Scientific Lectures In a scientific lecture, empirical work, theoretical or methodological developments, including own scientific position are shown on the subject. Poster Sessions Abstract authors will have the opportunity to present their posters briefly during guided poster sessions. Annual Meeting of the DGA The German Society of Andrology (DGA) represents the interests of everyone involved in andrology and aims to support, strengthen and develop the fields in research and clinical application. Please note that the annual meeting will be held in German language. ESU Courses The European School of Urology (ESU) belongs to the European Association of Urology (EAU), which represents the leading authority within Europe on urological practice, research and education. These courses make sure that participants receive top-quality, clinically-oriented information, which can be used in clinical practice. Please book in advance. A separate fee incurs. © INYR Session The International Network for Young Researchers in Male Fertility (INYR) assists young scientists in testis research in achieving their highest potential as a researcher, and to stimulate high quality. It is committed to establishing global networks between young (early stage) scientists in testicular research and to promote cooperation and mutual exchange of methodologies and expertise. © 68 Instructions for Speakers and Poster Presenters Submitting your Presentation/Technical Information Please prepare your presentation in 4:3 aspect ratio. A presentation notebook with a PDF reader and MS Office PowerPoint 2010/2007 will be provided. The use of personal notebooks is possible upon agreement. However, it may interrupt the flow of the programme in the lecture hall. A notebook, presenter and laserpointer are available at the speaker’s podium in the lecture hall. A technical supervisor can help you. Presentation Times Short oral presentations (Wednesday) Selected free presentations at ECA sessions ESU course short oral presentations 7 + 3 minutes 12 + 3 minutes 7 + 3 minutes Chairs may interrupt should you overrun your time limit. Please note: Certain encodings for video and audio files could lead to problems. Please visit our speakers preview area. Should you wish to use non-digital equipment, please contact us ([email protected]). For further information please visit Speakers Preview Area The speakers preview area is located in the foyer of the conference center. Please follow the signage on-site or ask at the check-in. Please submit your presentation at the speakers preview area on the day before your presentation, but no later than 2 hours before the presentation should begin. You may view and/or edit your presentation. For submission, please use a USB flash drive, CD or DVD disc and do not protect it with software. Speaking Time Please prepare your presentation for the allotted amount of time. Chairs and moderators may interrupt should you overrun your time limit. Poster Sessions Posters should be no larger than DIN A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm). Poster pinboards are 120 cm x 150 cm. They are only to be used with the designated pins. Pinboards will be numbered. You will find your poster number in the programme book on pages 34–53. Posters should be hanging on Wednesday, 28 November, 2012 until 1600 and should be removed by Friday, 30 November, 2012 until 1830. Posters with even numbers will be presented on Thursday, 29 November, 2012 from 1015 to 1115, posters with odd numbers from 1115 to 1215. Poster presenters are asked to be present during the poster sessions. 69 Index of Authors and Chairs A Abarikwu, S. Abdul Rahim, A. F. Abdul Rahman, S. Abdul Wahab, A. Y. Abdulhak, A. Adami, H.-O. Adamopoulos, D. A. Adorini, L. Ågren Silfver, K. Akaf’eva, T. I. Akhondi, M. M. Albert, M. Alchinbayev, M. Alesse, E. Alif, S. Allam, J.-P. Almeida, M. Almstrup, K. Altinkilic, B. Alves, M. Amaral, A. Amini, M. Amirjanati, N. Amorim, R. Anand-Ivell, R. Andersen, J. M. Anderson, R. Andersson, A.-M. Andreassen, K. E. Andreja, K. Ansari, A. S. Antignac, J.-P. Arda, O. Arnold, G. J. Ars, E. Aschim, E. Aslani, F. Atanassova, N. Aulitzky, W. Ausmees, K. Axelsson, J. Aziz, A. 70 42 40 38 38, 40 19, 38 48 20 49 42 43 46, 47, 51 39 19 51 40 34, 38 48 26, 46 34, 43 37 27, 40 35 47 25, 28, 51 12, 28 50 43 40 48 47 16 40 51 46 44, 45 48 24 42 27 14, 47 42 38 B Baal, N. 45 Bahadori, M. H. 44 Baharudin, N. 38 Bailly, M. 39 Bak, C. 23, 47 Baldi, E. 23, 39, 46, 47, 50 Balercia, G. 49, 50, 53 Balla, M. 16 Ballauf, K.-G. 51 Balzi, D. 52 Bandini, E. 49, 52 Bang, A. K. 50 Baranowska-Bosiacka, I. 42 Barbonetti, A. 24, 35, 39, 40, 52 Barbosa da Costa Gomes, P. 46 Barros, A. 37 Bartfay, G. 52 Bassas, L. 44 Bassett, S. 35 Bauer, H. 45 Behre, H. M. 13, 33, 38, 39 46, 47 Bentmar Holgersson, M. 44 Bergere, M. 39 Bergmann, M. 30, 35, 36, 37, 43 Beschmann, H. 40 Bettocchi, C. 18, 22 Bhushan, S. 34, 35 Biarda, B. 45 Bilińska, B. 36 Bizzaro, D. 43 Bliznetz , E. 43 Blum, H. 44 Bobjer, J. 14 Boddi, V. 50 Bödeker, R.-H. 34 Boitani, C. 16 Boitrelle, F. 39 Bongers, R. 45 Bongers, R. 45 Boonen, S. 52 Borgers, M. 37 Bouic, P. 48 Bozzini, G. 22, 26 Braga, I. 47 Breda, Š. 47 Brehm, R. 36 Bremnes, R. M. 48 Brizhatyuk, E. 35, 52 Bröcher, A.-L. 44 Brokken, L. J. 43 Brookman-May, S. 38 Brycz-Witkowska, J. 45 Brys, M. 36 Budna, E. 45 Buividaite, M. 36 Bujan, L. 42 Burkhardt de Koivisto, M. 46 Bustos Obregon, J. E. 21, 40 Bykova, L. 34 Byun, J. S. 47 C Cadet, R. Calarrao, A. Calcagno, A. Camarena, S. Cambi, M. Cappallo-Obermann, H. Carini, M. Carrell, D. T. Casale, H. Casanueva, F. Castiglioni, M. Castiglioni, F. M. Castillo, J. Cavaco, J. E. Cavaco, E. B. Cellai, I. Cellini, N. Cenci, T. Chakraborty, T. Channer, K. Charron, Y. 38 43 49 16, 35 39 23, 39 47 21 52 52 28, 39 28, 39 21 37 37 49, 50 51 47 34, 35 18 45 Index of Authors and Chairs Chatzikyriakidou, A. 45 Chen, T. 35 Chernykh, V. 43 Chianese, C. 27, 45 Chojnacka, K. 36 Chukhrova, A. 43 Ciechanowski, K. 37 Colpi, G. M. 25, 39 Comeglio, P. 49, 50 Conceição, P. 47 Conrad, M. 38 Cordeschi, G. 38, 39 Corona, G. 13, 23, 42, 46 49, 50, 52, 53 Cox, K. 38 D Daguin, F. 45 Dahl, O. 48 vom Dahl, J. 31 Damon-Soubeyrand, C. 38 D’Andrea, S. 38 D’Angeli, A. 38 Danielyan, T. 34 De Gendt, K. 42 Dean, A. 42 Degli Innocenti, S. 46 Dias, J. 19, 51 Diemer, T. 22, 26, 30, 33 34, 35, 38, 43 Dimitriadis, F. 45, 50 Discher, T. 34 Dmitrishin, A. 34 Dohle, G. 22, 25, 27, 33, 47 Donat, R. 47 Dreier, K. 38 Drevet, J. 38 van den Driesche, S. 16, 42, 43 Duchnik, E. 42 E Egeberg, D. L. 46 Francavilla, F. 24, 35, 38, 39 40, 51 Ehala-Aleksejev, K. 42, 49 Francavilla, S. 23, 35, 38, 39 Ehmcke, J. 37, 42 40, 51 Eichner, G. 37 Frederiksen, H. 40 Eisenberg, M. L. 21, 25 Freitas, R. 51 Ellis, D. 34 Fröhlich, T. 46 Elteer, B. 22 Fusco, F. 20 Elzinga-Tinke, J. 47 Erasmus, N. 35 G Erenpreiss, J. 36 Gacci, M. 49, 50 Escórcio de Almeida, F. A. 48 Gaczarzewicz, D. 36, 44 Espiridião, P. 51 Galuska, S. P. 12 Gamidov, S. 20, 49, 51 F Garten, A. 46 Faravelli, C. 49 Gatimel, N. 16, 38 Farombi, E. 42 Georgiou, I. 45 Ferens-Sieczkowska, M. 42, 43 Giachini, C. 45 Ferfouri, F. 27, 39 Giebler, M. 38, 39 Ferraz, L. 51 Gill, K. 44 Festa, R. 51 Giornetta, A. C. 35 Feuerstacke, C. 37 Di Girolamo, E. 38 Fietz, D. 12, 36 Giwercman, A. 18, 42, 43, 44, 52 Fijak, M. 35, 45 Glensbjerg, M. 46 Filimberti, E. 46 Godinho, R. 47 Filippi, S. 49, 50 Godovalov, A. 34 Filipponi, S. 51 Gokhale, R. 34 Finn, J. 52 Goulis, D. 13 Fino, M. G. 46 Grande, G. 47 Fisher, A. D. 53 Grandjean, P. 44 Fisher, D. 34, 53 Greither, T. 38, 39, 46, 47 Fiutek, R. 42 Gromoll, J. 24, 37, 45 Flenkenthaler, F. 46 Grotmol, T. 48 Fontenot, G. 48 Grunewald, S. 33, 46 Forma, E. 36 Grzegrzółka, A. 42 Fornara, P. 46 Gudipati, M. 40 Forti, G. 24, 39, 42, 45 Gulino, G. 47 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53 Günther, S. 36 Fortuin, K. 35 Gutermuth, J. 20 Fosså, S. 48 Gutschi , T. 38 Fraczek, M. 14, 44 Gwak, J. H. 47 Fraga, A. 47, 48 71 Index of Authors and Chairs H Hackstein, H. 35, 38 Haggeney, T. 35 Haider, A. 13, 45, 48 Haidl, G. 29, 33, 38 Hakenberg, O. W. 51 Hamdi, S. 12 Han, T. 52 Hansen, C. 46 Haugen, T. B. 26, 48, 50 Hauptmann, A. 38 Heidari-Vala, H. 46 Hejmej, A. 36 Hemingway, V. 40 Henkel, R. 16, 21, 34, 35, 48 Hentrich, A. 37 Herning, H. 50 Herrmann, B. G. 45 Hickerton, B. 34 Hjelmesæth, J. 50 Hoffmann, I. 38, 39 Howard, G. 47 Hudemann, C. 34 Huhtaniemi, I. T. 20 Hüppe, P. 45 Huyghe, E. 42 I Ibishev, K. Irez, T. Irrle, S. Isidori, A. M. Isus, F. J Jacobeit, J. W. Jakop, U. Janjgava, S. Jannini, E. A. Jensen, T. K. Jezek, D. Joaquim, S. Joensen, U. 72 34 51 26 14 42 32 39 13 14, 52 21 51 44 40 Jönsson, B. A. 43 Jørgensen, N. 40, 42, 46, 48, 50 Jožko, O. 47 Jungwirth, A. 22, 24, 27 Juul, A. 24, 50 K Kadioglu, A. 20 Kakies, C. 51 Kałuża, A. 42 Kamaletdinov, N. 51 Kampschulte, M. 43 Karlsson, R. 48 Kazienko, A. 44 Kedzierska, K. 37 Kelnar, C. 43 Kerr, G. 47 Kholtobin, D. 35, 52 Kiess, W. 46 Kilcoyne, K. 42 Kipper, B. 46 Kirchhoff, C. 36 Kistler, V. 38 Kjærulff, S. 46 Klepp, O. 48 Kliesch, S. 30, 32, 37, 44, 45 Klug, J. 5 Kluge, P. 45 Kocer, A. 38 Kocvara, R. 22 Koelle, S. 28 Kogan, M. 34 Köhn, F.-M. 30, 32 Kolasa, A. 42 Kolbezen, M. 40 Kold Jensen, T. 21, 44, 49 Kondarewicz, A. 42 Konrad, L. 37 Kopa, Z. 25, 26 von Kopylow, K. 36 Korrovits, P. 47 Koruji, M. 35 Kossack, N. M. 42 Kostadinovic, H. 40 Kotula-Balak, M. 36 Koukos, S. 50 Kowalska-Olejnik, B. 42 Kozina, V. 51 Koziol, K. 45 Kratz, E. M. 42, 43 Kratzsch , J. 46 Kraus, M. 47 Krause, W. 32 Krausz, C. G. 27, 43 Kristiansen, W. 48 Krombach, G. 43 Kruger, T. 34 Kula, K. 12, 36, 37, 52 Kulchavenya, E. 14, 35, 52 Kurilo, L. 43 Kurpisz, M. 24, 44 Kurzawa, R. 44 Kvist, L. 44 L La Barbera, A. Labanaris, A. LaFuente Carvalho, J. Lakpour, N. Lanciotto, M. Lang, T. Langberg, C. W. Langenstroth, D. Langheinrich, A. Larocca, L. M. Laszczynska, M. Le Bizec, B. Lean, M. Leandri, R. D. Lebedinskaya, O. V. Lee, D. Leiber, C. Leisegang, K. Lenzi, A. 50 38 48 46, 51 47 14, 34 48 37 43 47 37 40 52 38 43 52 30, 31 13, 48 50 Index of Authors and Chairs Lepadatu, C. Lewandowski, P. Li, H. Lindgren, I. Linn, T. Liu, N. Lo Giacco, D. G. Lohmeyer, M. Lohmeyer, J. Lombardelli, L. Looijenga, L. Lotti, F. Louro, N. Lu, Y. Ludwicki, J. K. Lundberg Giwercman, Y. Luzi, S. Lydka, M. Lyu, S. W. 39 45 12 44 43 35 44, 45 43 34, 43 49 26, 47 14, 46 47, 48 35 43 43, 44 51 36 47 M Macpherson, S. 42 Maggi, M. 18, 39, 42, 46 49, 50, 52, 53 Mahmoudi, A. R. 46 Mahmoudian, J. 46 Makhmudov, R. R. 43 Mala, T. 50 Maliske, J. 29 Mallidis, C. 23 Mamoulakis, C. 45 Mancina, R. 50 Mancini, A. 51 Mändar, R. 47 Maneschi, E. 49, 50 Manicardi, G.-C. 43 Mannucci, E. 42, 49, 50, 52, 53 Mantini, G. 51 Marchiani, S. 39, 46, 47, 50 Marchlewicz, M. 42 Marchlewska, K. 36, 37 Marconi, M. 24, 26, 27, 35 Marcou, M. 46 Marija, P. 47 De Marinis, L. 47 Martini, M. 47 Martins, A. D. 37 Maseroli, E. 49, 53 Massat, G. 42 Mata, A. 16 Matomäki, J. 42 Mattiucci, G. C. 51 Mayerhofer, A. 46 Mazzanti, B. 49 McEleny, K. 40 McKinnell, C. 43 Md Isa, M. L. 38 Meinhardt , A. 12, 28, 33 34, 35, 45 Meißner, A. 29 Melani, C. 52 Mello, T. 49 Menné, T. 40 Meuleman, E. J. H. 18 Meyfour, A. 51 Meyron-Holtz, E. 12 Micillo, A. 38 Middendorff, R. 35, 37, 43 Mietens, A. 37 Mieusset, R. 42 Milardi, D. 47 Miller, D. 21 Minhas, S. 24, 26 Mirone, V. 18 Mitchell, R. 40, 43 Moeini, A. 19 Mohamad Al-Ali, B. 38 Mohd Arifin, N. 40 Mohd Bustaman, S. K. 40 Mohd Yatim, H. 40 Monami, M. 42, 49, 52 Morelli, A. 49, 50 Morikawa, Y. 29 Mösinger, C. 39 Müller, H. Mühlfeld, C. Müller, D. Müller, L. Müller, K. Mullooley, C. Mupfiga, C. Muratori, M. Musa, R. De Mutis, A. 51 43 37 39 39 34 34 39, 46 40 35, 39 N Nalazek, N. Natali, I. Nef, S. Nesi, G. Neururer, S. Nieschlag, E. Nimptsch, A. Noblanc, A. Noci, I. Nordkap, L. Nosi, D. Nowak, L. de Nunzio, C. 38 39 28 47, 49 38 32 39 38 39 49 39 40 49 O Ochsendorf, F. O’Connor, D. Oduwole, O. O. Oliveira, P. F. Oltermann, I. O’Neill, T. Ortiz, G. Osadchiy, A. Oszukowska, E. Ovchinnikov, R. 14, 29, 40 52 21 37 38 52 35 52 36, 37 49, 51 73 Index of Authors and Chairs P Paasch, U. 39, 46 Di Padova, M. 51 Paiva, C. 40 Palanisamy, D. 28 Palminteri, E. 19 Pant, A. 42 Paradowska-Dogan, A. 16, 43 Parinaud, J. 38 Parr, N. 34 Paulus, P. 40 Pearce, S. 40 Pedersen, H. S. 43 Pelka, S. 46 Pelliccione, F. 22 Peltier, M. 38 Pendleton, N. 52 Peralta, J. P. 47 Perheentupa, A. 42 Petersen, J. H. 46 Petit, J.-M. 39 Pezzella, A. 25, 38 Piasecka, M. 36, 37, 44 Piccinni, M.-P. 49 Pierconti, F. 47 Pilatz, A. 13, 30, 34, 35, 43, 45 Pinzani, P. 47 Pitteloud, N. 26 Piwowar, A. 43 Plante, P. 42 Podolski, J. 48 Polyakov, A. 43 Pomm, K. 42, 49 Pontecorvi, A. 47, 51 Popken, G. 30 Popova, A. 49, 51 Porst, H. 32 Pourkeramati, F. 47 Protzel, C. 51 Pummer, K. 38 Punab, M. 42, 47, 49, 52 Pyttel, S. 39 74 R Rabaça, C. 47 Raimondo, S. 51 Rajmil, O. 35, 44 Rajpert-de Meyts, E. 26 Ralph, D. J. 18 Ramalho-Santos, J. 40 Ramsey, S. 47 Rastkhani, H. 44 Rastrelli, G.13, 42, 49, 50, 52, 53 Resende de Carvalho, I. 46 Reuter, K. 37 Ribeiro, S. 48 Ricca, V. 49, 52 Rignell-Hydbom, A. 42 Rizaldi, F. 40 Robaire, B. 20 Rodrigues, L. H. 46 Rofena, S. 39 Rohayem, J. 26 Rönkä, R. 42 Röpke, A. 44 Rosner, M. 48 Rossi, E. 45 Rousseaux, S. 21 Ruhayel, Y. 44 Ruiz, P. 44 Ruiz Castañé, E. 44, 45 Rurik, I. 14 Rusz, A. 34 Rylander, L. 42, 43 Rymaszewska, A. 44 Ryzhkova, O. 43 S Saad, F. Saboohi, S. Sachdeva, K. Sadeghi, M. R. Sadighi Gilani, M. A. Sadov, S. Saenko, E. V. Saez, F. 45, 48 44 43, 51 46, 51 27 42 43 38 Saito, M. 50 Salehi, Z. 44 Salonia, A. 18 Salvianti, F. 47 Sanchez, V. 16 Sandbu, R. 50 Santi, R. 49 Sarchielli, E. 50 Sarode, G. 44 Satoh, K. 50 Sauber, L.-J. 35 Saunders, P. 43 Schaab, M. 46 Schagdarsurengin, U. 44 Schegolev, A. 51 Schill, W.-B. 33 Schiller, J. 39 Schinzari, G. 47 Schlatt, S. 12, 29, 37, 42, 46 Schlößer, M. 38 Schneider-Hüther, I. 37 Schorle, H. 46 Schröder-Printzen, I. 31 Schuler, G. 35 Schultheiss, D. 31 Schulze, W. 30, 36, 39 Schuppe, H.-C. 23, 30, 34, 35, 43 Schwarzer, J. U. 25 Sciarretta, F. 39 Scognamiglio, V. 46 Seggewiss, J. 45 Selva, J. 39 Seok, H. H. 47 Sforza, A. 42, 49, 50, 52, 53 Shaeer, O. 14, 18, 36 Sharpe, R. M. 12, 42, 43 Shimizu, S. 50 Shiranov, K. 34 Silva, J. 37 Silva, C. 46 Silveri, A. 42 Simões, V. L. 37 Index of Authors and Chairs Sismeiro, A. 47 Skakkebaek, N. E. 46, 21, 40, 42 Slowikowska-Hilczer, J. 24, 26, 36, 37 Sluczanowska-Glabowska, S. 37 Smith, L. 28, 42 Socorro, S. 37 Söder, O. 25 Sofikitis, N. 26, 45, 50 Sofras, F. 45 Sohn, M. 18, 20, 32 Sokolowska, M. 37 Solberg, A. 48 Solomon, M. 35 Soltanghoraee, H. 47 Sousa, M. 37 Spano, M. 43 Sperandio, A. 39 Sperling, H. 25, 30, 33 Spiess, A.-N. 36, 39 Sporniak-Tutak, K. 37 Staege, H. 36 Stammler, A. 37 Stanczak, H. 45 Steger, K. 16, 34, 44 Steinfatt, H. 20 Steinfeld, K. 43 Stenqvist, A. 42 Stewart, J. 40 Stötzel, S. 43 Strada, C. 49 Stukenborg, J. B. 27 Sulpizio, P. 39 Szypulska, D. 42 T Tagliaferri, L. Takenaka, A. Tambi, M. I. Tamburrino, L. Tarantin, A. V. Tasch, S. 51 50 35 39, 46, 47 43 37 Tauber, R. 22 Tazhetdinov, O. 49, 51 Tchatalbachev, S. 34, 35 Teramachi Trevisan, J. 46 Terwort, N. 37 Tesoriere, G. 39 Testa, P. 39 Teston , C. 25 Tewes, A.-C. 44 Theillac, C. 39 Thomas, S. 46 Thonneau, P. 42 Thyssen, J. 40 Timberg, G. 47 Toppari, J. 12, 25, 42 Torabi, F. 46 Torres Carreira, J. 46 Tournaye, H. 23 Tran, T. T. K. 42 Trottmann, M. 25, 33 Tsounapi, P. 50 Tubaro, A. 49 Tung, K. 24 Turek, P. 24 Tüttelmann, F. 12, 27, 31 32, 44, 45 U Udodong, A. 48 Ulmer, H. 38 Urbschat, A. 40 V Valentini, V. 51 Vanderschueren, D. 52 Vannelli, B. 49, 50 Vassallo, M. R. C. 35, 39, 40 Venturoli Perri, S. H. 46 Vettor, R. 49 Veyrand, B. 40 Vialard, F. 39 Vierula, M. 42 Vignozzi, L. 13, 46, 49, 50 Virtanen, H. E. Vives Sune, A. Vlachopoulou, E. Volkmann, J. 42 35 45 37 W Wabitsch, M. 47 Waclawska, A. 27 Wagenlehner, F. 24, 30 32, 34, 43 Wahle, E. 35 Wainer, R. 39 Walczak-Jedrzejowska, R. 36, 37 Walecki, M. 35, 45 Wallace, H. 43 Walschaerts, M. 42 Walz, J. C. 30 Wang, R. 35 Wehrend, A. 44 Weider, K. 36 Weidner, W. 12, 18, 20 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 43, 44 Weihe, P. 44 Welsch, U. 46 Welter, H. 13 Werler, S. 45 Wespes, E. 23 Westernströer, B. 37 Wetterauer, U. 32, 33 Weyand, I. 28 Wieacker, P. 44 Wiegratz, I. 40 Wiehle, R. 48 Wieland, W. F. 38 Wiklund, F. 48 Wilkie, A. 20 Will, H. 36 Windschüttl, S. 46 Wistuba, J. 24, 37, 45 Wiszniewska, B. 42 Witczak, O. 48, 50 Witt, J. 38 75 Index of Authors and Chairs Woitzik, C. M. Wolf, E. Wolski, J. K. Wolter, M. Wu, F. Wyllie, M. 20 44 45 37 18, 20, 52 23 X Xambre, L. 51 Y Yan, W. Yang, Y. Yaprak, E. Yassin, A. Yatsenko, A. Yoon, T. K. 21 44 51 48 21 47 Z Zainuddin, A. M. Zaitseva, N. V. Zaki Shaeer, K. Zarnani, A. H. Zech, J. Zemluanova, M. A. Zhang, Z. Zhu, Y. Zhukov, O. Zigeuner, R. Zimmer, M. Zitzmann, M. Zorn, B. Zugor, V. Zvezdin, V. N. Zviezdai, V. 76 38, 40 43 36 46 38 43 34 35 18 38 42, 43 32, 33, 45 38, 40, 47 38 43 43 ABC Andrologie goes international! 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Our online form is also available at 24 February 2012 78 FSS_01_En nEw The Farcosedan®-SET For an almost aseptic and virtually pain-free prostate punch biopsy Farcosedan® and Endosgel® reduce the risk of infections from exogenous and endogenous bacteria1 Farcosedan® as the anaesthetic base contributes to a virtually pain-free biopsy2 The sterile applicator allows Farcosedan® to be placed specifically in the rectum Because of the relatively high viscosity of Farcosedan®, the gel is better able to remain in the rectum during biopsy 1 2 Skriapas K, et al. Urology. 2011 Apr; 77 (4): 905-8 Sperling H, et al. World J Urol 2002; 20:45-7
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